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Sep 13th, 2019
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  1. ==========================================================================================
  2. SeaChest_SMART - Seagate drive utilities - NVMe Enabled
  3. Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Seagate Technology LLC and/or its Affiliates, All Rights Reserved
  4. SeaChest_SMART Version: 1.11.0-1_18_3 X86_64
  5. Build Date: Oct 18 2018
  6. Today: Fri Sep 13 15:36:24 2019
  7. ==========================================================================================
  9. /dev/sg3 - Expansion - NAA7BWQM - SCSI
  10. Vendor ID: Seagate
  11. Model Number: Expansion
  12. Serial Number: NAA7BWQM
  13. Firmware Revision: 9300
  14. World Wide Name: 5000000000000001
  15. Drive Capacity (TB/TiB): 2.00/1.82
  16. Temperature Data:
  17. Current Temperature (C): Not Reported
  18. Highest Temperature (C): Not Reported
  19. Lowest Temperature (C): Not Reported
  20. Power On Time: Not Reported
  21. Power On Hours: Not Reported
  22. MaxLBA: 3907029166
  23. Native MaxLBA: Not Reported
  24. Logical Sector Size (B): 512
  25. Physical Sector Size (B): 4096
  26. Sector Alignment: 0
  27. Rotation Rate (RPM): Not Reported
  28. Form Factor (inch): Not Reported
  29. Last DST information:
  30. Not supported
  31. Long Drive Self Test Time: Not Supported
  32. Interface speed:
  33. Not Reported
  34. Annualized Workload Rate (TB/yr): Not Reported
  35. Total Bytes Read (B): Not Reported
  36. Total Bytes Written (B): Not Reported
  37. Encryption Support: Not Supported
  38. Cache Size (MiB): Not Reported
  39. Read Look-Ahead: Enabled
  40. Write Cache: Enabled
  41. SMART Status: Unknown or Not Supported
  42. ATA Security Information: Not Supported
  43. Firmware Download Support: Full, Segmented
  44. Specifications Supported:
  45. SPC-4
  46. SBC-3
  47. UAS
  48. SPC-4
  49. Features Supported:
  50. Power Conditions
  51. Informational Exceptions [Mode 0]
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