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trolling visual

a guest
Apr 5th, 2017
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  1. <visual> sampletext: im gonna make fun of you from now on on every occasion i have
  2. <Mikoolo>
  3. <Mikoolo>
  4. <Outlaw> missanthropy: he can I be temp given the level to kick RTFT for a moment? <3
  5. <Mikoolo>
  6. <sampletext> you can try
  7. * Guest63890 (~d9upfassv@82D735BE.8CF4508C.8E1EA4E7.IP) has joined
  8. <visual> for example
  9. <Mikoolo> ok
  10. <sampletext> but youll just keep making a clown of yourself
  11. <Mikoolo> I am bored.
  12. <sampletext> thats all youve done thus far
  13. <missanthropy> .k RTFT (for Outlaw)
  14. * Rizon has kicked RTFT from #friendlytimes ((for Outlaw) (missanthropy))
  15. <visual> sampletext: you claimed to lift 7 years
  16. <visual> post a pic mate
  17. * RTFT (~RTFT@is.a.pretty.princess) has joined
  18. * Rizon sets mode +a on #friendlytimes RTFT
  19. * Rizon gives channel operator status to RTFT
  20. <visual> prove you're not just spitting lies
  21. <Outlaw> missanthropy: <3
  22. <xinnie>
  23. <xinnie>
  24. <xinnie>
  25. <sampletext> i can prove it by explaining whats involved
  26. <xinnie>
  27. <xinnie>
  28. <xinnie>
  29. <xinnie>
  30. <xinnie>
  31. <visual> sampletext: hey faggot boy, you said school is stupid, what do you do, you hooker?
  32. <xinnie>
  33. <xinnie>
  34. <xinnie>
  35. * Rizon has kicked xinnie from #friendlytimes (Stop flooding!)
  36. <sampletext> but im not going to do that or post a picture because no one knows what i look like and that is how it will stay
  37. * xinnie (uid204008@Your.Sweetest.Nightmare) has joined
  38. * Rizon gives voice to xinnie
  39. <normiebot> xinnie is the boss
  40. <visual> no you cant, you can read that on wikipedia
  41. <visual> stop being retarded
  42. <visual> sampletext: then cut the face off you weak minded retardd
  43. <sampletext> no thats your ignorant assumption
  44. <sampletext> because you dont actually lift :^)
  45. <visual> sampletext: i posted pics of me, people who seen can tell you otherwise
  46. <sampletext> i havent seen them
  47. <visual> you're too much of a bitch to post one *without* a face
  48. <visual> well cry me a rive,r should've been there
  49. <sampletext> and i know damn well you dont know what youre doing ether
  50. <visual> on the other hand, *nobody* here has seen your pics
  51. <sampletext> make me cry
  52. <sampletext> yea
  53. <xinnie> visual: lemme see pls
  54. <xinnie> XD
  55. <sampletext> cuz im not a fucktard that doxes themself
  56. <visual> so what you're saying is based on nothing
  57. <visual> how are you gonna dox yourself if you hide the face?
  58. <sampletext> i havent said anything
  59. <sampletext> nor will i
  60. <visual> explain that
  61. <sampletext> cuz you dont deserve my knowledge
  62. <visual> a pic is not knowledge you fucking retard
  63. <sampletext> i said youll get neither
  64. <sampletext> now get over it
  65. <visual> and by the way, the weakest way you could've pulled out of it
  66. <sampletext> and cry to someone else
  67. <visual> "im not gonna tell you :P"
  68. <sampletext> yea cuz ur a complete faggot
  69. <visual> like a child lying about a big toy
  70. <sampletext> why would i help you
  71. <visual> "im not gonna show you :P"
  72. <sampletext> there are better people more deserving of it than you
  73. <Moudi> visual: post pics bby
  74. <sampletext> get over it
  75. <visual> deseerving what? your pic?
  76. <ThinkBot> miepgirl: face pic?
  77. <visual> kek
  78. <visual> what do you think you are mate? people would pay not to see your shit body
  79. <sampletext> so are you gonna contradict yourself and not post YOUR pic
  80. <visual> admit it, that's why you dont show it
  81. <sampletext> or what
  82. <sampletext> do i set up a patreon or something
  83. <visual> sampletext: i posted it, even yesterday evening posted like 5
  84. <visual> im at work now, how can i post
  85. <sampletext> i wasnt here
  86. <sampletext> nice excuse
  87. <sampletext> xD
  88. <brobot> xDDDDdDdDdd
  89. <visual> you however are cowaring behind "b-but im g-gona dox myself"
  90. <sampletext> welp thats that
  91. <visual> it's not an excuse, im at work retard
  92. <visual> you fucking coward
  93. <sampletext> fucktard has to lie now
  94. <sampletext> prove it
  95. <sampletext> post a pic of you at work
  96. <sampletext> > cant im at work :P
  97. <visual> go bitch to your whore of a mother that you got shitted on on irc
  98. <sampletext> umad
  99. <sampletext> called your bluff
  100. <visual> what bluff nigger
  101. <sampletext> liar liar pants on fire visual
  102. <sampletext> you dont even have a job
  103. <visual> ask missanthropy, EvaBraun, who else was here Moudi
  104. <visual> Monroe:
  105. <visual> they saw it
  106. <sampletext> im asking you
  107. <sampletext> drop your pic
  108. <sampletext> or youre a liar
  109. <ThinkBot> snek: you liar
  110. <sampletext> ^
  111. <normiebot> ^
  112. <brobot> ^
  113. <visual> sampletext: easy
  114. <Moudi> no visual i just want to see it, not calling you a liar
  115. <sampletext> where is it
  116. <xinnie> @ustats
  117. <ChanStat> (UserStats): (xinnie) Lines: 3,112 Words: 10,001 Letters: 44,635. Most active at 05:00 AM UTC. Ranked 41 out of 3336 users with 235 lines today. Quote: That's not how my slaves address their boss
  118. <visual> sampletext: uploading it right now
  119. <xinnie> @ustats
  120. <ChanStat> (UserStats): (xinnie) Lines: 3,113 Words: 10,002 Letters: 44,642. Most active at 05:00 AM UTC. Ranked 41 out of 3337 users with 236 lines today. Quote: I caught you with someone
  121. <sampletext> sure you are
  122. <xinnie> SP3 ^
  123. <xinnie> @ustats
  124. * #friendlytimes :End of Channel Ban List
  125. <sampletext> nice visual afk'd
  126. <sampletext> typical bitch move
  127. <visual> >this impatient cunt
  128. <visual> kek
  129. <sampletext> yayo visual why you lyin
  130. <HaKiM> g
  131. <visual> i told you im uploading it
  132. <sampletext> prove it
  133. <visual> your balls shrinekd to the point of raisins havent they
  134. <visual> bithc ass faggot
  135. <sampletext> screenshot you uploading it
  136. <sampletext> unless youre lying about uploading it right now
  137. <sampletext> youre probably googling i
  138. <sampletext> it
  139. <sampletext> right
  140. <sampletext> doesnt take this long tp upload visual
  141. <sampletext> so where is it
  142. <visual> sampletext:
  143. <normiebot> [URL]
  144. <visual> you fucking weakling
  145. <visual> your turn
  146. <sampletext> kk where's a timestamp or something
  147. <visual> you can see irc in it you retard
  148. <visual> first pic
  149. <visual> literally too stupid to think arent you sampletext
  150. <sampletext> idk
  151. <sampletext> whats irc
  152. <visual> now post your pic, prove you're not just a bunch of words and air
  153. <visual> that's it, got you motherfucker
  154. <sampletext> i already told you im not posting any pics
  155. <visual> 13:28 <@sampletext> whats irc
  156. <sampletext> but thanks for sharing yours
  157. <sampletext> cuz i was able to coerce you into it
  158. <sampletext> wasnt it
  159. <visual> no faggot, you claimed you're not posting because im not posting, i did
  160. <visual> your turn
  161. <visual> or you gonna go back on your words?
  162. <sampletext> no i said i dont self-dox
  163. <visual> you wont dox if you hide face
  164. <sampletext> you will get nothing and deal with it
  165. <visual> or say in front of everybody here
  166. <visual> "im a bitch and i go back on my words"
  167. <visual> say it bitch
  168. <sampletext> i didnt go back on anything, i already told you
  169. <visual> no bitch, you did go back
  170. <sampletext> if you werent so angry you would remember that
  171. <visual> you fucking retard, hide the face if you're worrying about dox
  172. <sampletext> i literally made you mad enough to go through all of that didnt i visual
  173. <visual> how many excuse are you gonna shit out
  174. <sampletext> ahahahaha
  175. <sampletext> 69 excuses
  176. <visual> dont change the topic you pathetic weak loser
  177. <sampletext> what topic
  178. <sampletext> shouldnt you be working
  179. <visual> i want you to realise how weak you look right now
  180. <sampletext> not raging on irc
  181. <sampletext> loser :D:
  182. <visual> going back on words on irc
  183. <sampletext> i hope you dont get in trouble
  184. <visual> that shows what kind of a IRL bitch you are
  185. <sampletext> for being distracted
  186. <sampletext> yea cuz non-tards dont self-dox
  187. <sampletext> cbf
  188. <visual> if you cant back up your words on IRC, im willing to bet you're a prostitute irl
  189. <sampletext> intriguing correlation
  191. <sampletext> idk you tell me
  192. <visual> for the 5th time god damn it
  193. <visual> you dont
  194. <sampletext> u sure?
  195. <visual> you're jsut shitting up excuses, after going back on your words for the 5th time today
  196. <visual> yeah im sure you fucking faggot, im in charge of my words
  197. <sampletext> how sure are you visual
  198. <visual> not like you, a bitch taht lies than backpedals
  199. <sampletext> then*
  200. <sampletext> tell us how sure you are
  201. <visual> dismissed
  202. <sampletext> disabled midget
  203. <HaKiM> i wonder what shit eating faggot is ganna do
  204. <sampletext> LOL
  205. <visual> you're a bithc and you proved it yourself in front of everybody
  206. <sampletext> nah i said well before your sperging that i dont post pics
  207. <sampletext> and youre just mad over nothing
  208. <sampletext> you must have a stressful job
  209. <visual> wait hang on
  210. <visual> are you yigd
  211. * sampletext has changed the topic to: yayo midget faggots tell us again how ur all mere home users
  212. <sampletext> yea
  213. <sampletext> hi
  214. <visual> FUCK SAKE MAN
  215. <visual> GOD DAMN IT
  216. <sampletext> umad?
  217. <visual> yeah man, fucking red all over the face, not even joking
  218. <sampletext> yea i know you are
  219. <sampletext> tomato kid
  220. <visual> jesus christ yigd, with your memes
  221. <sampletext> ikr
  222. <sampletext> you got memed
  223. <visual> fucking christ, well you tought me a valuable lesson
  224. <sampletext> what lesson was that?
  225. <visual> dont get in arguments on irc unless you'r 100% it's not yigd
  226. <sampletext> :^)
  227. <brobot> :^)
  228. <visual> sampletext: i take it back, you're not a bitch, i got memed
  229. <sampletext> damn right son
  230. <visual> im gonna wash my face, brb
  231. * sampletext has changed the topic to: <visual> sampletext: i take it back, you're not a bitch, i got memed
  232. <sampletext> same
  233. <visual> that's the second time man
  234. <visual> second time i got into a thing with you
  235. <visual> and you've even seen my pics, REEEEEEEE
  236. <visual> well not because coleagues, but i was typing fast and constantly like a sperg, probably made some stupid face gestures too
  237. <visual> if anybody saw it, he thought im autistic 100%
  238. <owo> i wasn't watching
  239. <visual> so thanks for that
  240. <owo> sounds like sampletext was being mean
  241. <sampletext> lol wow
  242. <owo> i'll remember that
  243. <sampletext> nah i wasnt mean
  244. <sampletext> he was
  245. <sampletext> :^)
  246. <brobot> :^)
  247. <sampletext> that was funny tho
  248. <ThinkBot> funny
  249. <Mikoolo> Oh, sorry, I got out of touch, what did I miss?
  250. <Mikoolo> Are they still bitching?
  251. <sampletext> scroll up
  252. <visual> >funny
  253. <missanthropy> ehhh, I stopped looking, too
  254. <visual> nigga i nearly had a stroke over here
  255. <visual> irc is the tool of the devil
  256. <visual> turns good men triggered
  257. <visual> sampletext: how have you been lad
  258. <sampletext> been alright, just busy
  259. <sampletext> working on a project atm
  260. <visual> :O!
  261. <visual> are you at liberty to discuss
  262. <sampletext> stayed up all night to fix my sleep schedule and figured id ham it up
  263. <visual> or NDA's and shit up the wazoo
  264. <sampletext> nah sry ;x
  265. <visual> well good luck with the thing, i know you can do it if you apply yourself
  266. <xinnie> Kek
  267. <sampletext> thanks bro
  268. <sampletext> :^)
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