
Spar PetrosxDutch 12/05/15

Dec 6th, 2015
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  1. ContraMundi: I am assuming everyone here is for this sparring?
  2. ContraMundi: Thank you, I made the room. It was a bitch.
  3. RaduBarvon: >BI YOU'RE a Bitch
  4. LilicaWolfKnight: Your skills at putting it together show that you put long hours into it
  5. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You did very well.
  6. ContraMundi: Oh hush.
  7. RaduBarvon: >B3
  8. LilicaWolfKnight: and i am here to view the spar -she would bow- M'lord I am Lilica A guard under Lord cain
  9. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Radu...
  10. ContraMundi: Wait.
  11. ContraMundi: Lord Cain?
  12. LilicaWolfKnight: Isaak i have duck tape if you wish to use it -
  13. LilicaWolfKnight: hehe
  14. RaduBarvon: o 3 o I'm behaving
  15. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (Do you have a set terrain or shall it be in here?)
  16. RaduBarvon: Up to Isaak or Contra I vote
  17. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: (Seeing as this room is not mine...)
  18. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (Fair *he dusted off his Screamer*)
  19. ContraMundi: In here. See how well they handle a fight in close proximity.
  20. LilicaWolfKnight: Is there a safe place to viw?
  21. LilicaWolfKnight: view*
  22. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (Understood. Contra, if you have a coin, can you flip it to see who goes first?)
  23. RaduBarvon: Up at the tabel. :D
  24. RaduBarvon: ow o
  25. ContraMundi: Ladies first.
  26. RaduBarvon: omg.... what the hell is up with the bakery on the table? O -O -steals them-
  27. LilicaWolfKnight: -she would bow to Lord Contra- thank you
  28. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (*he bowed* Good luck to you, Dutch.)
  29. Guest_DutchflowerQ: o.O Awe... Does that mean me?)
  30. Guest_DutchflowerQ: (Okay, game face)
  31. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (I am not a lady. *he laughed*)
  32. ContraMundi: It's my husband...he insisted we have them. Wouldn't shut up until he did.
  33. RaduBarvon: o 3o oooh
  34. RaduBarvon: Makes sense since Abel is a sugarmonger.
  35. ContraMundi: And no need to bow Lilica, you are fine as you are.
  36. LilicaWolfKnight: i do that alot sorry -she smile shyly-
  37. RaduBarvon: o w o it's ok. They're SUPER relaxed in here.
  38. ContraMundi: It merely shows you have courtesy, I don't mind.
  39. ContraMundi: And what's that supposed to mean Radu?
  40. RaduBarvon: -steals all the cupcakes- D: Abel said it was. ; _ ; I'm just telling you what got told to me.
  41. ContraMundi: Alright, carry on then.
  42. LilicaWolfKnight: ^_^
  43. RaduBarvon: QwQ -sneaks Lilica a cupcake-
  44. LilicaWolfKnight: o..o
  45. LilicaWolfKnight: umm XD
  46. RaduBarvon: <u< >u> Abel says they're magical
  47. ContraMundi: Of course he would say that. That man.
  48. RaduBarvon: D: he's super awesome. ; w ;
  49. LilicaWolfKnight: it wouldn't be right eating other peoples cupcakes o..o
  50. LilicaWolfKnight: feel*
  51. RaduBarvon: o 3o fair enough. -devours one-
  52. LilicaWolfKnight: -giggles- radu XD
  53. ContraMundi: He can make more.
  54. RaduBarvon: =w= -nodnod-
  55. ContraMundi: The room is open for your use, we RP the same thing, just differently.
  56. RaduBarvon: O wO yes. They get REALLY into it in here.
  57. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Petros, Dutch are you ready?
  58. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (*he nodded* Dutch is working on her post)
  59. RaduBarvon: =w=
  60. LilicaWolfKnight: that is good to know thank you ^_^
  61. RaduBarvon: Q wQ They're good paranovella peeps. Dx I had trouble keepin' up
  62. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (Indeed. I feel like a man among gods when I am with them
  63. ContraMundi: I am going to be honest, I am surprised you are here of all places to spar.
  64. RaduBarvon: o .o -tilts head- eh?
  65. ContraMundi: You said you are of Lord Cain's correct or did I misread that?
  66. RaduBarvon: o 3o we are
  67. LilicaWolfKnight: mhm
  68. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: We are, yes. -Pauses- Now I recognize your name.
  69. RaduBarvon: o 3o -nommin' on food- eh? -clueless-
  70. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Akasha would size up her opponent, he seemed to be well built and strong. He was at least two feet taller then she had been. Her intense eyes looked him over then her surroundings. The high pillars of the fortress and the fires burning on each one, she smirked as her eyes flashed and the fires doubled in size. Looking across the room, seeing the chairs and tables the others in the room had been watching from, taking in the rest of the room, stairs, shelves, books and a gate. Her hair became visible as she took down the hood of her cape and looked up into the eyes of her opponent, she then drew the twin blades that were slung across her lower back and slid them across eachother and took in a deep breath, with swift and agile movements she took off in the mans direction in the speed of a hummingbirds wings. Her intent was to see how quick he was, and how well he was able to move in his armor, she lashed out, targeting the chest plate, her strikes wouldn't cause much damage depending on what his armor was made of.
  71. Guest_DutchflowerQ: (Sorry, slow typer)
  72. RaduBarvon: (No need to fuss over typing speed. ^w^)
  73. Guest_DutchflowerQ: (Some get ll mad. :P)
  74. Guest_DutchflowerQ: (Gonna get a drink brb)
  75. ContraMundi: (tyt)
  76. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: (tyt)
  77. Guest_DutchflowerQ: (back)
  78. ContraMundi: (Wb)
  79. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: It was odd that he had to fight within the confines of his natural enemy's quarters. His long thin face wore a jutting forwn as his strong brow furrowed above cerulean eyes. Brother Petros gripped two metal rods with odd shapped blades on the end of each. Almost like acorns, they had ridges following the curve all the way down to a point. It was what was known as a Screamer by the Inquisition Department. Although he barely looked it, he was a priest and member of the Vatican elite warriors known as the Inquisitors. He had joined the department at such a young age and had already ranked up to having his own division. As he stood there and shifted his weight the armor groaned and creaked under the weight of his muscles. Even though he was 30, he was one of the oldest members (perhaps because he had survived for so long in the battlefield) but managed to be one of the most muscular and strong. Behind his back, Petros was even called "The Raging Bull" by the other vatican members. But this was certainly going to be a new experience. "So YOU ARE WHO I AM TO FIGHT!" his voice was deep and only had one setting; extra loud. The red cassok fluttered a bit as he sweapt a leg back and behind him. Quickly there was a loud hiss, the exhaust on his back exhaled as two large vents opened up and machnes could be heard whirring on the inside. After the many years of technology advancement, the department he worked within had finally perfected armor he could fight evenly against at lest a vampire. Reaching up he pulled a long visor down over his face as there was another clicking noise to be hard as two holes for eyes slid open. "SO BE IT!" he roared as the to blunt ends of the poles snapped together and the two acorn-shaped blades whirred to life spinning loudly letting off a high-pitched noise clearly showing where the weapon got its name.
  80. Guest_DutchflowerQ: (ty ^.^)
  81. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: (wb)
  82. RaduBarvon: (O-O damn petros!)
  83. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (*he tilted his head* did I not do well?)
  84. RaduBarvon: (>BI shush and let us read)
  85. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: (I am pleased with what I am seeing.)
  86. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Akasha had quickly moved out of the way, now not sure what or whom she was dealing with, she had heard the machinery ticking inside the man's armor before the vents had opened. She hated machines. Slightly wincing at the man's loud voice but paying no heed to it, she narrowed her eyes and advanced on him as he spoke, speeding up her pace. She was beside him in an instant, and attempted to shove him with both hands with the force to send a bus flying. Hearing and feeling the sound waves of his weapon she would wince and grip her ears as the high pitched noise came from the mans weapons. Quickly getting out of range, she looked into the man's eyes and pulled strings to her long cape, she tossed it to the side and it hit the floor with a clash. She placed earbuds into her ears and cocked her neck to each side, her neck popping as she did. "You ready for this Big Boy?" She taunted. Another deep breath was taken as she advanced on the man once again, this time she was attempting to land a blow. Her moves were as graceful a ballerina's but as deadly as a sirens. Her eyes watching his movements as well as listening to the things around her, even with the earbuds her ears were still as keen as a werewolves. Leaping into the air and twisting her body so that her skirt would fluff out around her petite form, making it hart to tell where her body really was. Coming down with a blade above her head and the other ready to parry or strike out at him as well, coming down over the top of him, she was aiming for his shoulder, hot wanting to hurt him too bad if the strike had landed. If she didn't land the strike she had her other arm to slash out at his chest, her Valyrian steel blades could just about slash threw anything therefore all her force wasn't put into her blows. If her was to block both blows she would attempt to knee hin in the face, at least disorienting him for a moment if it landed.
  87. ContraMundi: The practicing was what for what again?
  88. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (A T1 tournament for the position of head guard)
  89. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: (Yes)
  90. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Alright, let's stop there.
  91. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: (Yessir *he bowed*)
  92. RaduBarvon: (I think Issy saw that too)
  93. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: One cannot disarm and attack ones opponent in the same post. And you are only permitted to attack one time per post.
  94. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It is considered god moding.
  95. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You also need to give your opponent the opportunity to respond.
  96. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Otherwise you are doing just fine. I can tell thought is being put into it, and that's a good thing.
  97. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay, my bad. I have been told you can attack more than once, and I didn't disarm... At least I don't think I did.
  98. RaduBarvon: "Hearing and feeling the sound waves of his weapon she would wince and grip her ears as the high pitched noise came from the mans weapons. Quickly getting out of range, she looked into the man's eyes and pulled strings to her long cape, she tossed it to the side and it hit the floor with a clash."
  99. RaduBarvon: was that disarming him or tossing the cape to the side? -titls head-
  100. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Tossing my cape
  101. RaduBarvon: Alright. o -o That was unclear to me.
  102. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Should have said it was an extremely heavy
  103. Guest_DutchflowerQ: cape*
  104. RaduBarvon: -nods- Okay.
  105. RaduBarvon: But no, in T1 you cannot attack multiple times in a post. Ah well basically it's turn based. Attack, defend and attack, Defend and attack, etc. o 3 o
  106. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay.
  107. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Sorry Petros
  108. ContraMundi: The fact that you can see what you have made mistaskes on is very good.
  109. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  110. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: It is quite alright.
  111. LilicaWolfKnight: i must get off i am sleepy and have work, good luck with the spar dutch and petros
  112. LilicaWolfKnight: have a wonderful night ^_^
  113. ContraMundi: Nice meeting you.
  114. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Please do take care!
  115. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Nini Sweet dreams.
  116. RaduBarvon: =w= sleep well deary!
  117. LilicaWolfKnight: nice meeting you as well Contra ^_^
  118. LilicaWolfKnight: nii nii :D
  119. ContraMundi: I must go as well, however you may use the room at your discretion. It was nice meeting you, maybe we shall meet again.
  120. RaduBarvon: o -o
  121. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: That was most interesting.
  122. RaduBarvon: seriously
  123. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That it was...
  124. RaduBarvon: =w= -lays on the table-
  125. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -body slams the table-
  126. RaduBarvon: DX
  127. RaduBarvon: hey
  128. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Hey!
  129. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -didn't break it-
  130. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Was only playing
  131. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  132. RaduBarvon: Q _Q I'm not a fighter
  133. RaduBarvon: I've said that many times.
  134. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I'm thinking that perhaps lessons in ettiqite are needed.
  135. Guest_DutchflowerQ: That was wrestling. xD
  136. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: This is not our room.
  137. RaduBarvon: I'm not a wrestler! Dx
  138. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Sorry... -looks down and chews on her bottom lip-
  139. Guest_DutchflowerQ: But it was lightly. :P
  140. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Still isn't our room. It's disrespectful towards those that put the time and effort into such things.
  141. Guest_DutchflowerQ: But I wasn't trying to be... <.> Was just playing.
  142. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: -Sighs-
  143. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I see. I think what it was that it was not defined that your actions were play? *he tilted his head*
  144. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -shrugs- Maybe. Seems I need to explain more more often.
  145. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: That sometimes happens. Although usually rough-housing is reserved for the room you own. I can see why people were suprised by it.
  146. Guest_DutchflowerQ: >.<
  147. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: It is alright! It happens! Especially if somebody gets excited.
  148. RaduBarvon: o -o poof
  149. RaduBarvon: @ - @ double poof
  150. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yeppers. :P
  151. RaduBarvon: o 3o oh wells
  152. RaduBarvon: -steals all the cupcakes-
  153. Guest_DutchflowerQ: You gonna poof? -giggles-
  154. RaduBarvon: o .o we can stay if you want.
  155. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay.
  156. RaduBarvon: lol the lighting in this room is so odd
  157. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Right? I am an umpalumpa
  158. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  159. RaduBarvon: lol yeah... It does give an ominous glow though. o -o
  160. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Mmhmm
  161. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I feel like I did something wrong...
  162. RaduBarvon: o .o hunh? no. ^^
  163. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  164. RaduBarvon: :3 -shrugs-
  165. Guest_DutchflowerQ: So, do you know if another position is open, other then guard or maiden?
  166. RaduBarvon: Ah well, I'm sure that you coul do a persoal guard for the queen? -tilts head-
  167. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yeah, that is an idea.
  168. RaduBarvon: I mean, I don't really know what all is going through Cain's head when he's thinking up these sort of things.
  169. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  170. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yeah, maybe I should ask her.
  171. RaduBarvon: -nods- You could ask
  172. RaduBarvon: o 3o she's pretty cool
  173. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I know. :P
  174. RaduBarvon: o 3o -eats more cupcakes-
  175. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -noms the strawberries-
  176. RaduBarvon: o 3o ugh. Jackson PCed me and now he's talking about his kinks. >BI
  177. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Kinks?
  178. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Like?
  179. RaduBarvon: xD oh he's a sado
  180. Guest_DutchflowerQ: A what?
  181. RaduBarvon: Sadist
  182. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ohhh
  183. RaduBarvon: Yeah lol
  184. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Wait, do you mean like devil warshiper or sad...?
  185. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  186. RaduBarvon: o -o; s-sort of
  187. Guest_DutchflowerQ: ?
  188. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Witch one?
  189. RaduBarvon: Ah well... a sexual sadist.
  190. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ohh
  191. RaduBarvon: yeah xD
  192. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ummm
  193. RaduBarvon: o. o hm?
  194. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Idk what to say
  195. RaduBarvon: -shrugs- I mean... Idk what to tell you. If you don't even know what you want yourself, we can't exactly cut out the clippings exactly tailored to every person we meet
  196. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I know that, I meant about the other thing. I was about to answer you. :P
  197. RaduBarvon: oooh the sado shit that Jackson's pulling?
  198. RaduBarvon: -sighs- he's a manwhore. Ignore him
  199. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I want a place where I fit in
  200. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yes, that
  201. Guest_DutchflowerQ: And to be part of something, not be discriminated all the time
  202. RaduBarvon: Well how about we talk in here. What do you want out of your position?
  203. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I guess you could say respect.
  204. RaduBarvon: Ah well that's a given for any position.
  205. RaduBarvon: What do you want to be doing? I mean... your dream job?
  206. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I guess protecting people would be cool... But I'm not sure that's the only thing, and I would want my back covered as well.
  207. RaduBarvon: -nods- All the guards have to work together
  208. Guest_DutchflowerQ: But then again, I don't take orders well...
  209. RaduBarvon: Then that might be a problem.
  210. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -nods-
  211. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I know..
  212. Guest_DutchflowerQ: And I can be rebellious. I mean my chara is only 16.
  213. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  214. RaduBarvon: Now please be flat out honest with me. How old are you irl?
  215. Guest_DutchflowerQ: 23
  216. RaduBarvon: ok.
  217. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I have babies. :P
  218. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I guess I like rping younger because when I was 14 I was raising children already, and not my own...
  219. RaduBarvon: Alright. Well I can tell you that the whole taking orders and rebelious thing might not work well if you're in an empire.
  220. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -nods again- I know.... >.<
  221. RaduBarvon: So I'm surprised you came into the empire asking to be a part of it.
  222. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Maybe I will just suck it up
  223. Guest_DutchflowerQ: And fallow orders...
  224. RaduBarvon: -nods a bit- You're welcome to request additional training.
  225. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I mean, I totally need another chara again though.
  226. RaduBarvon: We're here to help. All you have to do is simply say "I need a bit of help on this" or "I need to train. Is somebody willing to help me?"
  227. RaduBarvon: Alright.
  228. Guest_DutchflowerQ: No like healers or witches are needed?
  229. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  230. RaduBarvon: Well even then the witches would be put on the guards. As for healers, Kate right now is the only one.
  231. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay. I will be Kikimora!
  232. RaduBarvon: kikimora?
  233. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yes. :P
  234. RaduBarvon: Alright. Tell me more
  235. Guest_DutchflowerQ: She is a very powerful witch, she can be a total bitch, she has a big blck wolf and a small black kitty that are connected to her spirit.
  236. Guest_DutchflowerQ: And she is skilled with blades as well
  237. RaduBarvon: Alright. Why does she have to be a total bitch?
  238. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Sorry, meant can be
  239. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I mean she is nicely
  240. RaduBarvon: alright.
  241. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yippie. Now I have a place to rp her
  242. RaduBarvon: I mean, if you always want help with a character, I used to run a character clinic
  243. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ohh?
  244. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Do you think I should just make a new?
  245. RaduBarvon: Yes. :3 I helped many people develop well-rounded OCs
  246. RaduBarvon: That's up to you
  247. RaduBarvon: I can't make people create new characters
  248. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I do need to work on her storie a bit more. I do like her and have been wanting to rp with her.
  249. RaduBarvon: -nods- Alright. :3 If you ever want to develop a Trinity Blood based character in particular I'm always available.
  250. Guest_DutchflowerQ: What exactly is that?
  251. RaduBarvon: Trinity Blood?
  252. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yes.
  253. RaduBarvon: o _ o oh
  254. RaduBarvon: well
  255. RaduBarvon: it's an anime
  256. Guest_DutchflowerQ: That's why it rang a bell
  257. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  258. RaduBarvon: mhm
  259. RaduBarvon: That's what we're sort of basing the RP off of
  260. Guest_DutchflowerQ: So, it's like the Crusnik? Or diffrent?
  261. RaduBarvon: -nods- Sort of.
  262. RaduBarvon: We are trying to keep it true to the story on how crusniks are created. Although there aren't many methusela
  263. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I'm intrested. So, how would one be born with this, what powers and all that?
  264. RaduBarvon: Nobody is born a crusnik.
  265. RaduBarvon: They are created.
  266. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay
  267. RaduBarvon: What the crusnik trait really is... is a nano machine that is symbiotic with the host's body.
  268. Guest_DutchflowerQ: So, the Trinity Blood has to be injected too?
  269. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Omg, so like Generator Rex? :D
  270. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  271. RaduBarvon: Trinity Blood is just the name of the series
  272. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ohh
  273. RaduBarvon: It's called crusnik blood
  274. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  275. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I know, but you would have the same powers as Rex, right? Or do you have no clue as to what I am talking about?
  276. RaduBarvon: No. I have no clue what you're talking about
  277. RaduBarvon: but no
  278. RaduBarvon: this has nothing to do with whatever the rex thing is
  279. Guest_DutchflowerQ: He has nano mites
  280. Guest_DutchflowerQ: They take over his blood, he is like a machine, his arms can turn into guns and he can be his own bike and
  281. RaduBarvon: uh... no... it's not like that at all
  282. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I need to watch Trinity Blood. :P
  283. RaduBarvon: Yes. xD I really recommend it
  284. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  285. RaduBarvon: There's the manga too if you want.
  286. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I did read the thingie on Cain's profile
  287. RaduBarvon: -nods- did you click the links?
  288. Guest_DutchflowerQ: So I'm not as clueless as I seem. Yes
  289. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Only one though.
  290. Guest_DutchflowerQ: So far that is
  291. RaduBarvon: -nods- Explore that website and do a lot of reading up
  292. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Fuckimg evil bastard
  293. Guest_DutchflowerQ: xD
  294. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  295. RaduBarvon: me?
  296. Guest_DutchflowerQ: No
  297. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Cain
  298. RaduBarvon: oooh. yeah
  299. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Like
  300. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yeah
  301. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I was like wow
  302. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Evil
  303. Guest_DutchflowerQ: But, what happened to Seth?
  304. RaduBarvon: oh. She gets her head cut off
  305. RaduBarvon: One of the Orden members kill her
  306. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ohh
  307. RaduBarvon: -shrugs- That's okay. My character dies
  308. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Awe
  309. RaduBarvon: xD it's okay. He's a traitorous bastard
  310. Guest_DutchflowerQ: tisk tisk
  311. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  312. RaduBarvon: -shrugs- It's a beautiful story. I highly recomend reading the manga as well
  313. Guest_DutchflowerQ: So, I should just make a new one, huh?
  314. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay
  315. RaduBarvon: It's my recommendation. But I can link you to where to read the manga if you want to start in on it tonight.
  316. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yes. That would be awesome.
  317. Guest_DutchflowerQ: brb
  318. RaduBarvon: tyt
  319. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Back
  320. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Now, who should I be? lol
  321. RaduBarvon: wb
  322. RaduBarvon: lol if you want to be a cannonical character there's one I think you MIGHT like
  323. Guest_DutchflowerQ: What is cannonical?
  324. RaduBarvon: Cannonical means 'of and from the series'
  325. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ohh
  326. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  327. RaduBarvon: Like cain is "cannonical"
  328. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -nods-
  329. Guest_DutchflowerQ: As well as Isaak
  330. RaduBarvon: Radu
  331. RaduBarvon: My username is cannonical
  332. RaduBarvon: Petros and Kate
  333. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ester
  334. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Or was it another E name?
  335. RaduBarvon: Esther
  336. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  337. RaduBarvon: And then there's an Astharoshe
  338. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Who is that?
  339. RaduBarvon: She's a vampire dutchess. :3
  340. RaduBarvon: She's an ass-kicker
  341. RaduBarvon: She's on the wiki if you are looking at that
  342. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay. I wanna be her, is she claimed?
  343. RaduBarvon: if she is, she's never around
  344. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Terrans are what again? lol
  345. RaduBarvon: Terrans are the humans who stayed on earth when the people went to mars
  346. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Oh
  347. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Got it.
  348. RaduBarvon: mhm
  349. RaduBarvon: Hence.. Terra... earth... Terran
  350. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  351. RaduBarvon: lol mhm
  352. RaduBarvon:
  353. RaduBarvon: there's the manga
  354. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Thank you. :)
  355. RaduBarvon: but ooomg... the owner of this room is like... the perfect abel ever.
  356. RaduBarvon: ofc
  357. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I wanna be here
  358. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  359. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  360. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I need her blade
  361. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  362. Guest_DutchflowerQ: And outfir similar
  363. RaduBarvon: She actually doesn't use a blade. She uses a spear.
  364. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I know
  365. RaduBarvon: >B[ boom! impale them otherfuckers lol
  366. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Yes!
  367. Guest_DutchflowerQ: And I wanna be talked to like that when I come into a room...:P Who is that who just came in?
  368. RaduBarvon: oh her?
  369. RaduBarvon: She's higher up than cain
  370. Guest_DutchflowerQ: ?
  371. Guest_DutchflowerQ: -is still cluless-
  372. RaduBarvon: Cain is simply an emperor. She's a High Grand Empress.
  373. RaduBarvon: Basically even Cain has to bow down to her.
  374. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ahh
  375. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay
  376. Guest_DutchflowerQ: But who is she? lol
  377. RaduBarvon: She's not any character
  378. RaduBarvon: she's an OC
  379. RaduBarvon: >A>; kind of... ah... tightly wound at times
  380. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Hmmm
  381. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay then
  382. RaduBarvon: yeah
  383. RaduBarvon: But hey, she hasn't caused us problems yet so no need to say something in our opinoin.
  384. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Maybe I shouldn't say anything in there.
  385. RaduBarvon: You are welcome to introduce yourself
  386. RaduBarvon: She's nice. :3
  387. Guest_DutchflowerQ: I don't even have a chara yet
  388. RaduBarvon: There was this girl who basically forced me into dating her. And I kept saying "I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay!" and she actually stopped an understood
  389. RaduBarvon: Then you're allowed to say that! "I'm Dutch, I'm still developing a character or researching which cannon character works for me"
  390. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  391. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  392. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Maybe
  393. Guest_DutchflowerQ: But I say stupid shit at times.
  394. Guest_DutchflowerQ: :P
  395. RaduBarvon: -shrugs- It happens
  396. RaduBarvon: I do to
  397. RaduBarvon: I just roll with it
  398. Guest_DutchflowerQ: lol
  399. RaduBarvon: ugh... my scholiosis is like... "LAY DOWN, ASSHOLE" 8'I
  400. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Awe...
  401. Guest_DutchflowerQ: You okay?
  402. RaduBarvon: oh yeah! xD I just need to wear a back brace at night.
  403. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Ohh
  404. Guest_DutchflowerQ: Okay. :P
  405. RaduBarvon: yeah xD It's just a bad back
  406. RaduBarvon: :3
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