
Whitelight Visits Hoof before Sanctuary Departure 1/9/15

Jan 10th, 2015
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  1. [12:48] * WhiteLight , a lonely, cloaked and hooded figure rather difficult to recognize from a distance as she walked up the long dirt path that meandered slightly next to the large farm fields of the farm, even tho her cloak color and the slightly grayed out scarf that she was almost always wearing would probably, to those that knew her at least, give her away, the morning shift at the clinic was mostly boring as usual, with the few ponies co
  2. [12:49] <14WhiteLight> drunk fights in shanty town... Though at the very least she was starting to learn how to treat those rather well, the path was covered in snow and the only sound that she could hear were the birds chirping, it would still take her a few minutes to get close to her home as the path was rather long.... The time was pretty nice today, and somewhat warm as well which was not very common as it was almost always windy and cold, with temperatures usually pretty below the zero, but today was pretty mild, it was still cloudy with the few small holes of clear blue sky every now and then but not as cold for sure, Soon, the lone mare silently makes her way across the path humming her tune, listening to the quiet silence of the place as she approached GreenHoof's house, as she... Still needed to ask something before she would forget again.
  4. [12:58] * WhiteLight was always scatterbrained, sometimes she would even forget what she was thinking about as she was thinking about it, kinda silly... But strangely common to her, White hurried her pace into a quick trot as she spotted the large with the tin sign on the porch a bit further up and tried to keep in mind what she had to say while she approach its front porch and idly dusting off her cloak a few steps back first.
  6. [13:03] <WhiteLight> After cleaning her hooves on the proch and dusting off the cloak for a minute, a-and perhaps fix her hair a bit as well to make herself not look like someone who had just gotten off the bed, she steps up to the door and puts up her obligatory wide, polite smile that she gave almost anyone she spoke to that she didn't really know all that well, or that she thoroughly respected, and steps in front of the door and quickly lifted her foreleg up.
  7. [13:04] <WhiteLight> *Knock Knock knock* And she lowered her hoof off the door, letting fall back beneath her as she gazed at the door expectantly...
  9. [13:08] * WhiteLight quickly noticed several tufts of tangled up air over her mace, Oh boy, she wouldn't want to make a bad impression or anything! So she quickly started messing around with her long mane, untangling some of the tuft and pushing them back over to the left partially covering the side of the face, thats how she liked to keep them... As White patiently waited she took a look at her tail as well... Shoot.
  11. [13:11] * @GreenHoof scurries about his home, gathering various things for his and Glacial's trip to Mist Veil. He leans Phoenix's sword against his saddlebags on the kitchen table, running through a mental checklist to make sure he had everything he needed to leave. The stallion's heart raced in anticipation and anxiety, the events last night making his stomach twist in worry over what could possibly have happened to Rain Drop. In a way though, he felt better with the action he'd chosen: even if there was nothing he could do, at least he was trying instead of sitting at the farm waiting. He darts out of the kitchen to peek into his bedroom, spotting Glacial Shroud still asleep on his bed. The stallion arches his back with a pop, relieving a slight aching sensation from sleeping curled up on the floor last night. His ears turn and flicker when he hears knocking at the door, makin him tense up. He hurriedly makes his way to the door, opening it. Contrary to White's polite smile, Hoof's expression was just tired, with dark circles under his eyes and a disheveled mane. The short green pony wore leather armor with a dagger strapped to his foreleg, his various scars visible on his chest. The lines of stress (or maybe aging?) on his face creased when he saw the white mare, not returning the smile, his face plastered with a pre-occupied expression. "Whitelight?" The stallion says quietly, his timid voice contrasting with his appearance. Hoof steps aside, gesturing for her to enter.
  13. [13:15] <14WhiteLight> When Hoof opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of White sitting down, with her tail coiled up around her flank with her forehooves desperatly fighting the tangled up hairs of her tail, "Oh!" she quickly stops what she was doing with her tail and swivels her head around to look to the very... Tired looking stallion, "... I-i'm not bothering or... D-did i wake you up sir?" she asks with her smile slowly faltering.
  15. [13:17] * WhiteLight 's eyes shift around for a moment with a bit of anxiety in her expression, as she quickly stood up on her hooves again and trotted inside the home with a caution in her step, "S-sorry... I-i just needed to ask something thats all!"
  17. [13:19] * @GreenHoof just shakes his head. "Been up. Fixin' to leave, though," he says as she trots in, closing the door behind her. Whitelight can spot the kitchen from the living room, seeing various gear, food, and weapons lining the kitchen table. Hoof walks past Whitelight into the kitchen, assuming she'd follow. He begins shuffling around the pile of gear, triple-checking to make sure he had everything he and Glacial would need. "What's up?" He asks distractedly, not taking his eyes off the items on the table as he shifts through them with his hooves.
  19. [13:24] * WhiteLight stops and looks over her shoulder to look at him and hastily follows him to the kitchen, Perhaps she was... W-Were did her manners go what happened to saying hi!? Though her panicky thoughts of hoping to not possibly offend the stallion are quickly silenced as Hoof speaks and explains and she notcies the large amount of gear and supplies on the table, She stops at the doorway seeming a bit distant as she looked all of that and then back to him... After a one second delay she finally replied, "Were--- Uhh, n-nothing i was just coming back f-from work and i wanted to ask you something before i went... Back home..."
  20. [13:26] * WhiteLight paused for another second, were could he possibly be going to need all of that? And after another second of hesitation she asks... "... Mr. Hoof... Uhh... M-may i ask were you're planning on going with... All of that?"
  21. "Thats not the question i wanted to ask by the way!" she quickly added, "Just curious..."
  23. [13:29] * WhiteLight gulped and started to nervously rub the back of her ear as she noticed her rather fast babbling as she talked, White gingerly stepped into the kitchen finally away from the doorway before stopping a few steps behind him as shw waited for a response.
  25. [13:33] * @GreenHoof flips through crossbow bolts on the table, silently counting them to himself. He picks up a hoof and stands up a full waterskin that had fallen over, nodding to himself in thought. Though he appears lost in thought, the mare's question causes him to stop. As if the green one had just switched gears mentally, he turns around and sits on his haunches and takes a deep breath, looking to White with his bright green eyes. Whitelight could probably notice a look of fear and anxiety in them. He glances back at the table, then back up to Whitelight. "Going to The Sanctuary above Mist Veil," he explains, "Rain Drop and some others have been missing there for over a week. Gotta climb that mountain and find some answers." Any concern of offending him with lack of pleasantries seems to be totally lost on the stallion; his tired face only showed contained-worry and preoccupation.
  27. [13:40] * WhiteLight immediately lost her smile after hearing those words... She had no idea people had gone missing especially Rain Drop, she had always assumed she was around but she was just not meeting her as usual... Whte's glance switched between the gear on the table and him a couple times, until her saddened gaze fixed on him again, seeing him like that gave her a lump in her stomach... She purses her lip "I-i... I see, Sanctuary above
  28. [13:41] * WhiteLight 's eyes shifted for a second, "W-why... Do you need any help? You're not going alone are you?"
  30. [13:47] * @GreenHoof shakes his head. His eyes dart around the room before returning to Whitelight. "I'm going with a vault pony named Glacial Shroud. Her... husband has dissapeared there too. Looks like the other vault officials aren't interested in support from what she was sayin', though... so we're on our own." Hoof takes a breath through his nose and reaches down for a waterskin on the table behind him, opening it and checking to see if it was full (for probably the fifth time). He hastily puts it back down and returns his attention to White.
  32. [13:51] * WhiteLight looked at him in silence as she slowly back up towards the doorway and leaned on it, her expression reamined anxious and she frowned a bit at the thought of only two of them going somewhere were they could possibly... Disappear as well, White opened her mouth and slowly lifts a hoof up off the ground as well, thought the words take a second to come out, leaving her looking abit silly with her mouth open like that, "A-again... Do you need help with this?... I could... You know, come if you need me to, and I'm sure that even Light would as well! Though i... Understand if you don't want us to..."
  34. [13:53] * WhiteLight 's hoof dropped down on the floor again with a soft *Clop* after uttering her reply, looking down at the small green pony with a sympathetic smile forming on her lips.
  36. [13:56] * @GreenHoof stands up, blinking at Whitelight. He doesn't respond for a few seconds, his expression going neutral. After a few moments of thinking what to say, the stallion gives a warm, though somewhat wistful, smile, his voice going quiet and soft. "I think..." He starts, pausing for a moment, "This is something we gotta do ourselves."
  38. [14:01] * WhiteLight 's obviously looked a bit dispirited after that, she truly wanted to help GreenHoof if she could, but she understood why he wouldn't want anyone else to follow... slowly, Her head lowered a bit closer towards the floor with her sweet looking smile faltering for a moment, after a short delay of thinking that maybe she should insist on this, she gives him a quick sharp nod, "Alright... But if there's anything i can do to help... J-just let me know..." she said in a very quiet tone, almost trying to sound soothing for him just to see him smile.
  40. [14:09] * @GreenHoof 's smile drops immediately back to a business-like expression, not because of anything the mare said, but the reminder of his duty. White's discomfort and concern was not lost on Hoof. Truth be told, the green earth pony was scared and unsure, but after nearly two years of dealing with similar situations on a relatively frequent basis, he'd learned to force the doubt down and believe in the mission till it was over. He turns back around to the table, sighing as he realizes he'd gone through his checklist far more times than were necessary. "Actually... if you could pass the message to GreenLight, tell him I'm leaving for The Sanctuary and that I don't know when I'll be back... that'd be a big help."
  42. [14:14] <WhiteLight> "W-well..." White gulps and breathes out a deep sigh before continuing, giving another nod in response to his request, although a bit slower and with a somber looking expression on the mare's face, the moment she saw his smile drop so quickly, her's slowly faltered and disappeared as well, "Of course, I'll make sure to let him know for you... I guess... That brings me to the actuall question i wanted to ask, you remember when that pony, Err... Sling swivel said that Titus could offers us some wood and perhaps some furniture as well?"
  44. [14:15] <WhiteLight> "I... Realized i don't know were Titus lives anymore..."
  46. [14:18] * @GreenHoof flickers his ears with his back to the mare, looking down at the table blankly. Finally registering her question, he perks up and turns around, gazing past her and out the kitchen window facing north. "Oh... of course. Uhm, Titus and Sling live in a little farmhouse about... hrm, a kilometer northwest of here. Basically on the edge of the east woods. Shouldn't be too hard to spot."
  48. [14:24] * WhiteLight 's glance instinctively moved from him towards the window he was looking at right behind her... And as she replied, she didn't look back to him "East woods... Northwest, Right, got it." after that, she quickly turns to him again only managing a tiny little smile to politely give him, as the tense mood was kind of getting to her as well, "Thank you, Mr Hoof... I wish you th ebest of luck with your journey to the 'sanctuary'... And of course, i hope you find RainDrop again, along with the ponie with her, for all thats worth."
  50. [14:29] * WhiteLight offered Hoof a rather big smile, mostly a forced one as she couldn't get herself to feel cheery enough to make it look genuine, but it still was, White stepped off the side of the doorway and took a few steps back, though she stops for a second longer to look at the green pony for just a second longer, "Heh... My good wishes h-have ever done anything good...!" she added. "Though surely... Someone like you is bound to get through a spooky sanctuary without having too much trouble."
  52. [14:31] * @GreenHoof gives a polite, small smile and nod. He was tempted to tell her not to call him 'mister' or 'sir' anymore, but decided against it. Something about the mare actually reminded the green one about a friend long gone that he used to have conversations with at this very kitchen table. He stands still in the kitchen, opting to let White see herself out. "They're appreciated, White. Thank you," watching her step away. At her last comment, he does crack a genuine smirk, shaking his head. "It's not over yet."
  54. [14:38] * WhiteLight gladly returns the smirk that was a touch self assured, she knew he would be back with Rain again, But still couldn't help but feel worried for him, "Indeed it isn't." she added with a little bow of the head as a form of goodbye, before she walked away out of sight of the doorway and back to the exit.
  55. [14:39] * @GreenHoof nods to Whitelight in goodbye and goes back to assembling his equipment and getting ready for departure, groaning internally as he'd have to wake up Glacial soon.
  57. [14:42] * WhiteLight idly began to hum another one to her near endless tunes as she quickly opened the door, and closed it behind her as she stepped back out into the outside were she stops a few steps away infront of the front porch of the house, pondering about what she should... Maybe Tali was still around at the inn.
  59. [14:46] * WhiteLight let out a pensive "Hm" as she simply stared stared forward at the pine forest growing nearby, and then, after a minute she pulls her hood over her head, and starts down the path to get back to town, her mood slightly ruined by the conversation she had moments ago with GreenHoof, though she drowns out the thought with a avalanche of others.
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