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pvp mooka

a guest
Aug 19th, 2017
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text 35.66 KB | None | 0 0
  1. //|==================================================================================|
  2. //| ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
  3. //| /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /| | /\ \ |
  4. //| |::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ |:| | /::\ \ |
  5. //| |:|:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ |:| | /:/\:\ \ |
  6. //| __|:|\:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ __|:| | /:/ /::\ \ |
  7. //| /::::|_\:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /\ |:|__|____ /:/_/:/\:\__\ |
  8. //| \:\--\ \/__/ \:\ \ /:/ / \:\ \ /:/ / \:\/:::::/__/ \:\/:/ \/__/ |
  9. //| \:\ \ \:\ /:/ / \:\ /:/ / \::/__/ \::/__/ |
  10. //| \:\ \ \:\/:/ / \:\/:/ / \:\ \ \:\ \ |
  11. //| \:\__\ \::/ / \::/ / \:\__\ \:\__\ |
  12. //| \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ |
  13. //| ================================================================================ |
  14. //| Script Desenvolvido Por Mooka | eAthena | Por Favor, Não Retire Os Créditos. |
  15. //| ================================================================================ |
  16. //| Observação! O MapFlag Está No Final Do Script ! |
  17. //| ================================================================================ |
  18. //|[v1.3.0]: Nova Função de Múltiplas linguagens. (Mooka) |
  19. //| ------ |
  20. //| v1.2.9 : Nova Tabela! (PM_Lang) (Mooka) |
  21. //| v1.2.8 : Alteração na função !exit. (Mooka) |
  22. //| v1.2.7 : Adicionado balão de Chat no npc. (Mooka) |
  23. //| v1.2.6 : Nova opção! Ganhando experiência no PvP! (Mooka) |
  24. //| v1.2.5 : Adicionado !map#list. (Mooka) |
  25. //| v1.2.4 : Mapflags são definidos automaticamente. (Mooka) |
  26. //| v1.2.3 : Novo campo na tabela 'pvpm_map'. (noguild) (Mooka) |
  27. //| v1.2.2 : Alteração na função "Changeleader". (Mooka) |
  28. //| v1.2.1 : Implementada opção para WoE. (Contagem de pontos na WoE) (Mooka) |
  29. //| v1.2.0 : Novo comando remoto. (!map) (Mooka) |
  30. //| ------ |
  31. //| v1.1.9 : Comandos !pvp\!gvg\!baby mergidos no novo comando !warp. (Mooka) |
  32. //| v1.1.8 : Reformulado Sistema das Arenas. (Mooka) |
  33. //| v1.1.7 : Nova tabela no PvP Master. (pvpm_map) (Mooka) |
  34. //| v1.1.6 : Ranking não mostra mais valores com 0. (Mooka) |
  35. //| v1.1.5 : Novos comandos remotos. (!ban;!truncate) (Mooka) |
  36. //| v1.1.4 : Adicionado opção de Ranking Ratio aos Menus e CMD Remotos. (Mooka) |
  37. //| v1.1.3 : Otimizado IF's dos comandos remotos. (Mooka) |
  38. //| v1.1.2 : Desenvolvida nova opção de Ranking. (Ratio) (Mooka) |
  39. //| v1.1.1 : Alteração na tabela pvpm_data. (Adicionado campo 'ratio') (Mooka) |
  40. //| v1.1.0 : Novo comando remoto. (!help) (Mooka) |
  41. //| ------ |
  42. //| v1.0.9 : Adicionado duplicações do npc em todas as cidades. (Mooka) |
  43. //| v1.0.8 : Adicionada opção para retirar buffs. (Mooka) |
  44. //| v1.0.7 : Correção na função Ranking2. (Mooka) |
  45. //| v1.0.6 : Correção no comando !exit. (Mooka) |
  46. //| v1.0.5 : Correção no bug de enviar o som "end" causando erro. (Mooka) |
  47. //| v1.0.4 : Implementado Sons do Unreal Tournament. (Mooka) |
  48. //| v1.0.3 : Adicionado novo tipo de contagem de Pontos com announce. (Mooka) |
  49. //| v1.0.2 : Adicionada opção para servidores PK. (Mooka) |
  50. //| v1.0.1 : Adicionado PvP Baby. (Mooka) |
  51. //| v1.0.0 : Desenvolvida Versão. (Mooka) |
  52. //| ================================================================================ |
  53. //| Table update (v1.3.0+): |
  54. //| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pvpm_lang`; |
  55. //| CREATE TABLE `pvpm_lang` ( |
  56. //| `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  57. //| `lang` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  58. //| `str` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', |
  59. //| KEY `id` (`id`) |
  60. //| ) TYPE=MyISAM; |
  61. //| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  62. //| Table update (v1.2.3+): |
  63. //| alter table pvpm_map add noguild int(11) not null default '0'; |
  64. //| update pvpm_map set noguild=1 where map='guild_vs1'; |
  65. //| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  66. //| Table update (v1.1.7+): |
  67. //| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pvpm_map`; |
  68. //| CREATE TABLE `pvpm_map` ( |
  69. //| `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  70. //| `map` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'NULL', |
  71. //| `type` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  72. //| KEY `id` (`id`) |
  73. //| ) TYPE=MyISAM; |
  74. //| insert into pvpm_map (id,map,type) values (0,'pvp_y_1-1',0); |
  75. //| insert into pvpm_map (id,map,type) values (1,'pvp_n_1-5',0); |
  76. //| insert into pvpm_map (id,map,type) values (2,'guild_vs1',2); |
  77. //| insert into pvpm_map (id,map,type) values (3,'prt_are01',2); |
  78. //| insert into pvpm_map (id,map,type) values (4,'guild_vs2',1); |
  79. //| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  80. //| Table update (v1.1.1+): |
  81. //| alter table pvpm_data add ratio int(11) not null default '0' after dies |
  82. //| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  83. //| Table update (v1.0.0+): |
  84. //| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pvpm_data`; |
  85. //| CREATE TABLE `pvpm_data` ( |
  86. //| `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  87. //| `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', |
  88. //| `kills` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  89. //| `dies` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  90. //| `leader` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  91. //| `annc` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  92. //| `ban` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  93. //| `type` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', |
  94. //| KEY `id` (`id`), |
  95. //| KEY `kills` (`kills`), |
  96. //| KEY `dies` (`dies`) |
  97. //| ) TYPE=MyISAM; |
  98. //| |
  99. //| ================================================================================ |
  100. - script init_PM -1,{ // |
  101. //| |
  102. //| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  103. //| |!Aviso importante sobre as configurações! | |
  104. //| |O Sistema de Arena terá problemas caso passe de 10 mapas na lista. | |
  105. //| |É possível alterar este limite editando o script, caso queira fale comigo. | |
  106. //| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
  107. //| |
  108. OnInit: // |
  109. //| Configurações: |
  110. //| |
  111. //|=> Nome do npc na janela. |
  112. set $@pvpm_name$,"[ ^FF0000 Arena ^000000 ]"; // |
  113. //| |
  114. //|=> Deseja usar o Ranking Ratio como principal? [ 1 = Sim ] |
  115. //|---> Nota: Ranking Ratio: Pontuação = Kills - Mortes |
  116. set $@mainRanking,1; // |
  117. //| |
  118. //|=> Até onde o Ranking irá mostrar. [ Máximo 127 ] |
  119. set $@showsRankUntil,25; // |
  120. //| |
  121. //|=> Modo PK. Está configurado para alterar automaticamente, mude se necessário. |
  122. set $@PK_Mode,getbattleflag("pk_mode"); // |
  123. //| |
  124. //|=> Deseja que ao player entrar no pvp perca os buff? [ 1 = Sim] |
  125. set $@breakBuffs,1; // |
  126. //| |
  127. //|=> Quando o player matar o outro, deve ganhar experiência? |
  128. //|---> Nota 1: Servidores de rates alta, configure o "quest_exp_rate". (exp.conf) |
  129. //|---> Nota 2: $@lostEXP: Quantidade de EXP perdida ao morrer. ( 0 = Desativado ) |
  130. //|---> Nota 3: Configuração do comando: |
  131. //|--> 0 : Desativado. |
  132. //|--> 1 : Ativado usando fórmula de EXP. ($@getEXP*KilledLVL/KillerLVL) |
  133. //|--> 2 : Ativado, o player sempre irá ganhar a quantia definida no $@getEXP. |
  134. set $@getEXPoption,0; // |
  135. set $@getEXP,115; // 0,1% no level 50. |
  136. set $@lostEXP,0; // |
  137. //| |
  138. //|=> Deseja ativar a contagem de pontos nos mapas da WoE? |
  139. //|---> Nota 1: Não são enviandos sons/broadcast nos mapas da WoE. |
  140. //|---> Nota 2: Opções de contagem. |
  141. //|--> 0: Desativado. |
  142. //|--> 1: Ativar contagem somente do PvP. |
  143. //|--> 2: Ativar contagem somente do GvG. |
  144. //|--> 3: Ativar ambos. |
  145. set $@CountPointsInWoE,0; // |
  146. //| |
  147. //|=> Configuração do Som e announce! |
  148. //|---> Nota 1: Os sons devem ser colocados na pasta data/wav em formato .wav |
  149. //|---> Nota 2: Se desativar o som do UT, desativará o broadcast dele também.(2) |
  150. //|--> 0 : Desativar Todas Opções. |
  151. //|--> 1 : Ativar somente broadcast Global. |
  152. //|--> 2 : Ativar somente sons/broadcast do Unreal Tournament. |
  153. //|--> 3 : Ativar Ambos. |
  154. set $@sound,3; // |
  155. //| |
  156. //|=> Lista com o nomes dos Sons Unreal Tournament. |
  157. //|---> Nota 1: $@SoundList$[Pontos em que irá tocar o som(Max. 127)],"Nome do Som"; |
  158. //|---> Nota 2: A partir do ultimo, será somado 10 e repetirá o som, o set |
  159. //|---> com "end" indica que o ultimo som será repetido dali em diante. |
  160. //|---> Nota 3: O nome do arquivo é o mesmo que será exibido no announce. |
  161. set $@SoundList$[1],"First Blood"; // |
  162. set $@SoundList$[2],"Double Kill"; // |
  163. set $@SoundList$[3],"Triple Kill"; // |
  164. set $@SoundList$[5],"Mega Kill"; // |
  165. set $@SoundList$[10],"Ultra Kill"; // |
  166. set $@SoundList$[15],"Killing Spree"; // |
  167. set $@SoundList$[20],"Ownage"; // |
  168. set $@SoundList$[25],"Holy Shit"; // |
  169. set $@SoundList$[30],"God Like"; // |
  170. set $@SoundList$[35],"Dominating"; // |
  171. set $@SoundList$[40],"Unstoppable"; // |
  172. set $@SoundList$[50],"Monster Kill"; // |
  173. set $@SoundList$[51],"end"; // |
  174. //|==================================================================================|
  176. query_sql("select name from pvpm_data where leader=1 and type=0 limit 1",$@Player_Lider$);
  177. query_sql("select name from pvpm_data where leader=1 and type=2 limit 1",$@Guild_Lider$);
  179. query_sql("select lang from pvpm_lang where lang=0 and lang=1",.@checkDefaultLang);
  180. if(!.@checkDefaultLang && .@checkDefaultLang[1])
  181. {
  182. debugmes "[PvP Master Ultimate] NO DEFAULT LANGUAGE(LANG0)! LANG1 WAS SET AS DEFAULT!";
  183. query_sql("update pvpm_lang set lang=lang-1");
  184. }
  186. query_sql("select count(lang) from pvpm_lang where id=0",.@c);
  187. if(!.@c) debugmes "[PvP Master Ultimate] NO LANGUAGE DATA!";
  188. for(set .@i,0;.@i<.@c;set .@i,.@i+1)
  189. {
  190. deletearray .@str$,82;
  191. query_sql("select str from pvpm_lang where lang="+.@i,.@str$);
  192. for(set .@y,0;.@y<82;set .@y,.@y+1) setd "$@PM_Lang"+.@i+"$["+.@y+"]",.@str$[.@y];
  193. }
  195. OnReloadListMap:
  196. deletearray $@IDPM,10;
  197. deletearray $@mapPM$,10;
  198. deletearray $@MapTypePM,10;
  199. deletearray $@menu$,10;
  200. query_sql("select * from pvpm_map order by id asc limit 10",$@IDPM,$@mapPM$,$@MapTypePM,$@mfPM);
  201. setarray $@TypeArena$[0],"^CD5C5C<PvP>","^FF4500<PvP Baby>","^8B5742<GvG>","^0047AB<Evento>";
  202. for(set .@j,0;.@j<=(getarraysize($@mapPM$)-1);set .@j,.@j+1)
  203. {
  204. set $@menu$[.@j],"^000000- Arena "+(.@j+1)+" "+$@TypeArena$[$@MapTypePM[.@j]];
  205. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_noreturn;
  206. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_nosave;
  207. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_noteleport;
  208. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_nowarpto;
  209. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_nowarp;
  210. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_nomemo;
  211. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_nopenalty;
  212. setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_nobranch;
  213. if(!$@MapTypePM[.@j] && !$@mfPM[.@j]) setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_pvp; else
  214. if(!$@MapTypePM[.@j]) setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_pvp_noguild;
  215. if($@MapTypePM[.@j]==2) setmapflag $@mapPM$[.@j],mf_gvg;
  216. }
  217. }
  219. - script PM_source -1,{
  221. while(1)
  222. {
  223. mes $@pvpm_name$;
  224. mes callfunc("getMesPM",1);
  225. mes callfunc("getMesPM",2);
  226. mes callfunc("getMesPM",3);
  227. mes "^008B8B< PvP "+callfunc("getMesPM",4)+" - ^FFA500"+$@Player_Lider$+"^008B8B >";
  228. mes "^008B8B< GvG "+callfunc("getMesPM",4)+" - ^FFA500"+$@Guild_Lider$+"^008B8B >";
  229. switch(select("^FFA500- "+callfunc("getMesPM",5)+"^000000:- Ranking:- "+callfunc("getMesPM",6)+":- "+callfunc("getMesPM",7)+":- "+callfunc("getMesPM",79)))
  230. {
  231. case 1:
  232. for(set @i,0;@i<=(getarraysize($@IDPM)-1);set @i,@i+1) set @m$[@i]," ^0000FF["+getmapusers($@mapPM$[@i])+"]";
  233. switch(getarraysize($@IDPM))
  234. {
  235. case 1: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0]));
  236. case 2: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1]));
  237. case 3: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2]));
  238. case 4: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2],$@menu$[3]+@m$[3]));
  239. case 5: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2],$@menu$[3]+@m$[3],$@menu$[4]+@m$[4]));
  240. case 6: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2],$@menu$[3]+@m$[3],$@menu$[4]+@m$[4],$@menu$[5]+@m$[5]));
  241. case 7: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2],$@menu$[3]+@m$[3],$@menu$[4]+@m$[4],$@menu$[5]+@m$[5],$@menu$[6]+@m$[6]));
  242. case 8: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2],$@menu$[3]+@m$[3],$@menu$[4]+@m$[4],$@menu$[5]+@m$[5],$@menu$[6]+@m$[6],$@menu$[7]+@m$[7]));
  243. case 9: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2],$@menu$[3]+@m$[3],$@menu$[4]+@m$[4],$@menu$[5]+@m$[5],$@menu$[6]+@m$[6],$@menu$[7]+@m$[7],$@menu$[8]+@m$[8]));
  244. case 10: callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",1,select($@menu$[0]+@m$[0],$@menu$[1]+@m$[1],$@menu$[2]+@m$[2],$@menu$[3]+@m$[3],$@menu$[4]+@m$[4],$@menu$[5]+@m$[5],$@menu$[6]+@m$[6],$@menu$[7]+@m$[7],$@menu$[8]+@m$[8],$@menu$[9]+@m$[9]));
  245. } mes "** ERROR ** CHECK THE pm_map TABLE"; close;
  247. case 2:
  248. switch(select("- PvP:- PvP "+callfunc("getMesPM",8)+":- PvP (Ratio):- GvG:- GvG "+callfunc("getMesPM",8)+":- GvG (Ratio):- "+callfunc("getMesPM",9)))
  249. {
  250. case 1: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","kills",0,"PvP"; next; continue;
  251. case 2: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","dies",0,"PvP (Mortes)"; next; continue;
  252. case 3: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","ratio",0,"PvP (Ratio)"; next; continue;
  253. case 4: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","kills",2,"GvG"; next; continue;
  254. case 5: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","dies",2,"GvG (Mortes)"; next; continue;
  255. case 6: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","ratio",2,"GvG (Ratio)"; next; continue;
  256. case 7:
  257. switch(select("- "+callfunc("getMesPM",9)+" PvP:- "+callfunc("getMesPM",9)+" PvP "+callfunc("getMesPM",8)+":- "+callfunc("getMesPM",9)+" PvP (Ratio):- "+callfunc("getMesPM",9)+" GvG:- "+callfunc("getMesPM",9)+" GvG "+callfunc("getMesPM",8)+":- "+callfunc("getMesPM",9)+" GvG (Ratio)"))
  258. {
  259. case 1: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","kills",0; next; continue;
  260. case 2: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","dies",0; next; continue;
  261. case 3: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","ratio",0; next; continue;
  262. case 4: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","kills",2; next; continue;
  263. case 5: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","dies",2; next; continue;
  264. case 6: callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","ratio",2; next; continue;
  265. }
  266. }
  267. case 3:
  268. next;
  269. mes $@pvpm_name$;
  270. mes callfunc("getMesPM",10);
  271. mes callfunc("getMesPM",11);
  272. mes callfunc("getMesPM",12);
  273. next; continue;
  274. case 4:
  275. close;
  277. case 5:
  278. next;
  279. mes $@pvpm_name$;
  280. mes callfunc("getMesPM",80);
  281. query_sql("select str from pvpm_lang where id=0",@lang$);
  282. for(set @a,0;@a<getarraysize(@lang$);set @a,@a+1) mes @a+" = "+@lang$[@a];
  283. input @inp;
  284. if(@inp < 0 || @inp > (getarraysize(@lang$)-1))
  285. {
  286. mes callfunc("getMesPM",81);
  287. next; continue;
  288. } set PM_Lang,@inp;
  289. next; continue;
  290. }
  291. }
  293. OnInit:
  294. waitingroom "",0;
  295. OnTimer5000:
  296. setarray .@RoomDisplay$,"[PvP] Arena","PvP "+$@PM_Lang0$[4]+" ["+$@Player_Lider$+"]","GvG "+$@PM_Lang0$[4]+" ["+$@Guild_Lider$+"]";
  297. delwaitingroom;
  298. waitingroom .@RoomDisplay$[rand(0,2)],0;
  299. initnpctimer;
  300. }
  302. - script cmd -1,{
  304. OnWhisperGlobal:
  306. if(compare(@whispervar0$,"!warp"))
  307. {
  308. set @ArenaID,@whispervar1$;
  309. if(!@ArenaID)
  310. {
  311. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",13);
  312. end;
  313. } callfunc("pvpm_func","Warp",0,@ArenaID);
  314. }
  316. if(compare(@whispervar0$,"!ranking"))
  317. { if(compare(@whispervar0$,"2"))
  318. {
  319. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"pvp"))
  320. { if(compare(@whispervar2$,"ratio")) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","ratio",0,"Ratio"; end; }
  321. if(!compare(@whispervar2$,"die")) callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","kills",0; else
  322. callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","dies",0;
  323. end;
  324. }
  326. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"gvg"))
  327. { if(compare(@whispervar2$,"ratio")) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","ratio",2,"Ratio"; end; }
  328. if(!compare(@whispervar2$,"die")) callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","kills",2; else
  329. callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking2","dies",2;
  330. end;
  331. }
  332. }
  334. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"pvp"))
  335. { if(compare(@whispervar2$,"ratio")) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","ratio",0,"Ratio"; end; }
  336. if(!compare(@whispervar2$,"die")) callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","kills",0,"PvP"; else
  337. callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","dies",0,"PvP ( Mortes )";
  338. end;
  339. }
  341. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"gvg"))
  342. { if(compare(@whispervar2$,"ratio")) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","ratio",2,"Ratio"; end; }
  343. if(!compare(@whispervar2$,"die")) callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","kills",2,"GvG"; else
  344. callfunc "pvpm_func","Ranking1","dies",2,"GvG";
  345. end;
  346. }
  347. }
  349. if ( compare(@whispervar0$,"!exit") )
  350. {
  351. getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,0);
  352. for(set @i,0;@i!=getarraysize($@mapPM$);set @i,@i+1)
  353. {
  354. if (@map$ != $@mapPM$[@i]) continue;
  355. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",14);
  356. sleep2 5000;
  357. warp getsavepoint(0),getsavepoint(1),getsavepoint(2);
  358. end;
  359. }
  360. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",15);
  361. end;
  362. }
  364. if (compare(@whispervar0$,"lider"))
  365. {
  366. if(compare(@whispervar0$,"pvp")) dispbottom "PvP "+callfunc("getMesPM",4)+": "+$@Player_Lider$; else
  367. dispbottom "GvG "+callfunc("getMesPM",4)+": "+$@Guild_Lider$;
  368. end;
  369. }
  371. if(compare(@whispervar0$,"!truncate") && getgmlevel()>=70)
  372. {
  373. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"pvp"))
  374. {
  375. query_sql("delete from pvpm_data where type=0");
  376. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",16);
  377. end;
  378. }
  379. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"gvg"))
  380. {
  381. query_sql("delete from pvpm_data where type=2");
  382. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",16);
  383. end;
  384. } dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",17);
  385. }
  387. if (compare(@whispervar0$,"!ban"))
  388. {
  389. if(@whispervar1$=="") { dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",18); end; }
  390. if(@whispervar2$=="") { dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",19); end; }
  391. if(@whispervar3$=="") { dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",20); end; }
  392. if(@whispervar2$=="showtime")
  393. { query_sql("select ban from pvpm_data where name='"+@whispervar1$+"' limit 1",@showtime);
  394. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",21)+" ["+@whispervar1$+"] ["+@showtime+" "+callfunc("getMesPM",27)+"]";
  395. end;
  396. } if(@whispervar2$=="unban")
  397. { query_sql("update pvpm_data set ban=0 where name='"+@whispervar1$+"' limit 1");
  398. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",22)+@whispervar1$;
  399. message @whispervar1$,callfunc("getMesPM",23);
  400. end;
  401. } set @time,@whispervar2$;
  402. if(@time==0 && @whispervar2$!="unban" || @time==0 && @whispervar2$!="showtime") { dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",24); end; }
  403. set @id,0;
  404. query_sql("select id from pvpm_data where name='"+@whispervar1$+"' and type="+@whispervar3$,@id);
  405. if(!@id && @whispervar3$=="0" || !@id && @whispervar3$=="2") { dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",25); end; }
  406. set @bantime,0;
  407. if(compare(@whispervar2$,"-")) query_sql("update pvpm_data set ban=ban"+@time+" where id="+@id+" limit 1"); else
  408. query_sql("update pvpm_data set ban=ban+"+@time+" where id="+@id+" limit 1");
  409. query_sql("select ban from pvpm_data where id="+@id+" limit 1",@bantime);
  410. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",26)+" ("+@bantime+" "+callfunc("getMesPM",27)+")";
  411. message @whispervar1$,callfunc("getMesPM",28)+" "+@bantime+" "+callfunc("getMesPM",27)+".";
  412. warpchar "prontera",150,150,getcharid(0,@whispervar1$);
  413. end;
  414. }
  416. if (compare(@whispervar0$,"!map") && getgmlevel()>=70)
  417. {
  418. if (compare(@whispervar1$,"add"))
  419. {
  420. if(getarraysize($@IDPM)>=10)
  421. {
  422. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",29);
  423. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",30);
  424. end;
  425. } set @type,@whispervar3$;
  426. if(!@type && @whispervar3$==""||@type>2)
  427. {
  428. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",31);
  429. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",32);
  430. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",33);
  431. end;
  432. } set @mapcheck$,"";
  433. query_sql("select map from pvpm_map where map='"+@whispervar2$+"' limit 1",@mapcheck$);
  434. if(@mapcheck$!="")
  435. {
  436. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",34);
  437. end;
  438. } query_sql("insert into `pvpm_map` (id,map,type) values ("+(getarraysize($@IDPM)-1)+",'"+@whispervar2$+"',"+@type+")");
  439. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",35)+" ("+@whispervar2$+")";
  440. doevent "init_PM::OnReloadListMap";
  441. }
  443. if (compare(@whispervar1$,"del"))
  444. {
  445. if(getarraysize($@IDPM)<=1)
  446. {
  447. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",36);
  448. end;
  449. } query_sql("select map from pvpm_map where map='"+@whispervar2$+"'",@mapcheck$);
  450. if(@mapcheck$=="")
  451. {
  452. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",37);
  453. end;
  454. } query_sql("delete from pvpm_map where map='"+@whispervar2$+"'");
  455. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",38)+" ("+@whispervar2$+")";
  456. doevent "init_PM::OnReloadListMap";
  457. }
  459. if (compare(@whispervar1$,"list"))
  460. {
  461. for(set @i,0;@i<=(getarraysize($@IDPM)-1);set @i,@i+1) dispbottom "["+(@i+1)+"] "+$@mapPM$[@i];
  462. end;
  463. }
  464. end;
  465. }
  467. if (compare(@whispervar0$,"!help"))
  468. {
  469. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"!warp")) {
  470. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",39);
  471. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",40);
  472. dispbottom "- !warp#1;!warp#2;...!warp#5 ..";
  473. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",41);
  474. end;
  475. }
  477. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"!ranking")) {
  478. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",39);
  479. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",42);
  480. dispbottom "- !ranking#pvp;!ranking#pvp#die;!ranking#gvg;!ranking#gvg#die;!ranking#ratio";
  481. dispbottom "- !ranking2#pvp;!ranking2#pvp#die;!ranking2#gvg;!ranking2#gvg#die;!ranking2#ratio; (Mostra somente sua posição)";
  482. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",43);;
  483. end;
  484. }
  486. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"!pvplider") || compare(@whispervar1$,"!gvglider")) {
  487. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",39);
  488. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",44);;
  489. end;
  490. }
  492. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"!exit")) {
  493. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",39);
  494. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",45);
  495. end;
  496. }
  498. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"!ban") && getgmlevel()>=70) {
  499. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",39);
  500. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",46);
  501. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",47);
  502. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",48);
  503. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",49);
  504. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",50);
  505. end;
  506. }
  508. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"!map") && getgmlevel()>=70) {
  509. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",39);
  510. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",51);
  511. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",52);
  512. dispbottom "- Type: 0 = Arena PvP; 1 = Arena PvP Baby; 2 Arena GvG;";
  513. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",53);
  514. end;
  515. }
  517. if(compare(@whispervar1$,"!truncate") && getgmlevel()>=70) {
  518. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",39);
  519. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",54);
  520. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",55);
  521. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",56);
  522. end;
  523. } dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",57);
  524. end;
  525. }
  527. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",58);
  528. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",59);
  529. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",60);
  530. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",61);
  531. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",62);
  532. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",63);
  533. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",64);
  534. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",65);
  535. if(getgmlevel()>=70)
  536. {
  537. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",66);
  538. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",67);
  539. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",68);
  540. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",69);
  541. }
  543. }
  545. - script event#pvpm -1,{
  546. OnInit:
  547. OnTimer60000:
  548. query_sql("update pvpm_data set ban=ban-1 where ban>0");
  549. initnpctimer;
  550. end;
  552. OnPCKillEvent:
  553. callfunc("pvpm_func","PCKillEvent");
  555. OnPCDieEvent:
  556. callfunc("pvpm_func","PCDieEvent");
  558. OnPCLoadMapEvent:
  559. callfunc("pvpm_func","PCLoadEvent");
  560. }
  562. function script pvpm_func {
  564. if (getarg(0) == "Ranking1")
  565. {
  566. deletearray @name$[0],getarraysize(@name$);
  567. deletearray @points[0],getarraysize(@points);
  568. query_sql "select name,"+getarg(1)+" from pvpm_data where type="+getarg(2)+" and "+getarg(1)+"!=0 order by "+getarg(1)+" desc limit 125",@name$,@points;
  569. dispbottom "======= Ranking - "+getarg(3)+" =======";
  570. for(set @i,0;@i != $@showsRankUntil;set @i,@i+1)
  571. {
  572. if(@name$[@i]=="") return;
  573. dispbottom (@i+1)+"º | "+@name$[@i]+" | "+@points[@i];
  574. } return;
  575. }
  577. if (getarg(0) == "Ranking2")
  578. {
  579. deletearray @name$[0],getarraysize(@name$);
  580. deletearray @points[0],getarraysize(@points);
  581. query_sql "select id,"+getarg(1)+" from pvpm_data where type="+getarg(2)+" order by "+getarg(1)+" desc limit 125",@id,@points;
  582. for(set @i,0;@i <= 125;set @i,@i+1)
  583. {
  584. if (@id[@i] == getcharid(getarg(2)))
  585. {
  586. dispbottom "- "+strcharinfo(getarg(2))+" | "+(@i+1)+"º | "+@points[@i];
  587. return;
  588. }
  589. }
  590. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",70);
  591. return;
  592. }
  594. if(getarg(0)=="Warp")
  595. {
  596. if(getarg(1))
  597. {
  598. if($@MapTypePM[(getarg(2)-1)]==2 && !getcharid(2))
  599. {
  600. mes $@pvpm_name$;
  601. mes callfunc("getMesPM",71);
  602. close;
  603. } if($@MapTypePM[(getarg(2)-1)]==1 && Upper!=2)
  604. {
  605. mes $@pvpm_name$;
  606. mes callfunc("getMesPM",72);
  607. close;
  608. } if($@MapTypePM==0||$@MapTypePM==1) callfunc("pvpm_func","ban",0,1); else callfunc("pvpm_func","ban",2,1);
  609. } else {
  610. getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,0);
  611. if($@mapPM$[(getarg(2)-1)]==@map$)
  612. {
  613. dispbottom "<!!!> "+callfunc("getMesPM",73);
  614. end;
  615. } if($@MapTypePM[(getarg(2)-1)]==2)
  616. {
  617. dispbottom "<!!!> "+callfunc("getMesPM",71);
  618. end;
  619. } if($@MapTypePM[(getarg(2)-1)]==1 && Upper!=2)
  620. {
  621. dispbottom "<!!!> "+callfunc("getMesPM",72);
  622. end;
  623. } if($@MapTypePM==0||$@MapTypePM==1) callfunc("pvpm_func","ban",0); else callfunc("pvpm_func","ban",2);
  624. } set @MapIDx,(getarg(2)-1);
  625. if($@breakBuffs) sc_end -1;
  626. warp $@mapPM$[(getarg(2)-1)],0,0;
  627. end;
  628. }
  630. if (getarg(0) == "ban")
  631. {
  632. set @bantime,0;
  633. query_sql("select ban from pvpm_data where id="+getcharid(getarg(1))+" limit 1",@bantime);
  634. if(!@bantime) return;
  635. if(!getarg(2,0)) { dispbottom "<!!!> "+callfunc("getMesPM",74)+" "+@bantime+" "+callfunc("getMesPM",27)+"!"; end; } else
  636. { mes "^FF7F50<!!!> ^FFA500"+callfunc("getMesPM",74)+" ^FF7F50"+@bantime+"^FFA500 "+callfunc("getMesPM",27)+"!"; close; }
  637. }
  639. if (getarg(0) == "Up")
  640. {
  641. if($@getEXPoption) callfunc("pvpm_func","getexp");
  642. set @name$,"";
  643. set @points,0;
  644. query_sql("select name,"+getarg(1)+" from pvpm_data where id="+getcharid(getarg(2))+" and type="+getarg(2)+" limit 1",@name$,@points);
  645. if (@name$=="")
  646. {
  647. query_sql("INSERT INTO pvpm_data (id,"+getarg(1)+",name,annc,type) values ("+getcharid(getarg(2))+",1,'"+strcharinfo(getarg(2))+"',"+getarg(3)+","+getarg(2)+")");
  648. dispbottom "Score: 1";
  649. end;
  650. } query_sql("update pvpm_data set "+getarg(1)+"="+getarg(1)+"+1 where id="+getcharid(getarg(2)));
  651. set @points,@points+1;
  652. if($@mainRanking)
  653. {
  654. set @kills,0;
  655. set @dies,0;
  656. query_sql("select kills,dies from pvpm_data where id="+getcharid(getarg(2))+" and type="+getarg(2)+" limit 1",@kills,@dies);
  657. query_sql("update pvpm_data set ratio="+(@kills-@dies)+" where id="+getcharid(getarg(2))+" and type="+getarg(2)+" limit 1");
  658. set @points,@kills-@dies;
  659. return;
  660. } return;
  661. }
  663. if (getarg(0) == "ChangeLeader")
  664. {
  665. set @L_name$,"";
  666. set @L_points,0;
  667. if(!$@mainRanking) query_sql("select name,kills from pvpm_data where leader=1 and type="+getarg(1)+" limit 1",@L_name$,@L_points); else
  668. query_sql("select name,ratio from pvpm_data where leader=1 and type="+getarg(1)+" limit 1",@L_name$,@L_points);
  669. if (@points > @L_points && @L_name$ != strcharinfo(getarg(1)))
  670. {
  671. query_sql("update pvpm_data set leader=0 where type="+getarg(1));
  672. query_sql("update pvpm_data set leader=1 where id="+getcharid(getarg(1))+" and type="+getarg(1));
  673. mapannounce @map$,strcharinfo(getarg(1))+" | "+callfunc("getMesPM",75)+" !",bc_map,0xFF7F50;
  674. set $@Player_Lider$,"";
  675. set $@Guild_Lider$,"";
  676. query_sql("select name from pvpm_data where leader=1 and type=0 limit 1",$@Player_Lider$);
  677. query_sql("select name from pvpm_data where leader=1 and type=2 limit 1",$@Guild_Lider$);
  678. } return;
  679. }
  681. if (getarg(0) == "Annc")
  682. {
  683. set @points,0;
  684. set @annc,0;
  685. query_sql "select kills,annc from pvpm_data where id="+getcharid(getarg(1))+" and type="+getarg(1),@points,@annc;
  686. if(!@annc) query_sql "update pvpm_data set annc=annc+"+getarg(2)+" where id="+getcharid(getarg(1))+" and type="+getarg(1);
  687. if (@points >= @annc)
  688. {
  689. announce strcharinfo(getarg(1))+" | "+@points+" "+callfunc("getMesPM",76)+"! ["+getarg(3)+"]",bc_all,0xFF7F50;
  690. query_sql "update pvpm_data set annc=annc+"+getarg(2)+" where id="+getcharid(getarg(1))+" and type="+getarg(1);
  691. if($@sound==1||$@sound==3) soundeffectall "Monster Kill.wav",0;
  692. } if(!$@sound||$@sound==1) return;
  693. if(getarg(3)=="PvP")
  694. {
  695. if(@noMoreSounds&&@withoutDying==@withoutDyingAnnc)
  696. {
  697. mapannounce @map$,strcharinfo(0)+" | "+$@SoundList$[@noMoreSounds]+"! [ "+@withoutDying+" "+callfunc("getMesPM",76)+" ]",bc_map,0xFF7F50;
  698. soundeffectall $@SoundList$[@noMoreSounds]+".wav",0,@map$;
  699. set @withoutDyingAnnc,@withoutDyingAnnc+5;
  700. return;
  701. }
  702. if($@SoundList$[@withoutDying]=="end")
  703. {
  704. set @withoutDyingAnnc,@withoutDyingAnnc+5;
  705. set @noMoreSounds,@withoutDying-1;
  706. }
  707. if($@SoundList$[@withoutDying]!=""&&!@noMoreSounds)
  708. {
  709. mapannounce @map$,strcharinfo(0)+" | "+$@SoundList$[@withoutDying]+" ! [ "+@withoutDying+" "+callfunc("getMesPM",76)+" ]",bc_map,0xFF7F50;
  710. soundeffectall $@SoundList$[@withoutDying]+".wav",0,@map$;
  711. }
  712. } return;
  713. }
  715. if(getarg(0) == "PCKillEvent")
  716. {
  717. set @Live,1;
  718. if(@RightWoEMap)
  719. {
  720. if($@CountPointsInWoE==1 || $@CountPointsInWoE==3) callfunc "pvpm_func","Up","kills",0,100;
  721. dispbottom "Player Score: "+@points;
  722. if($@CountPointsInWoE==2 || $@CountPointsInWoE==3) callfunc "pvpm_func","Up","kills",2,1000;
  723. dispbottom "Guild Score: "+@points;
  724. end;
  725. } getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,0);
  726. if(@map$==$@mapPM$[@MapIDx] && $@MapTypePM[@MapIDx]>=0 && $@MapTypePM[@MapIDx]<=1 || $@PK_Mode)
  727. {
  728. set @withoutDying,@withoutDying+1;
  729. callfunc("pvpm_func","Up","kills",0,100);
  730. dispbottom "Player Score: "+@points;
  731. callfunc("pvpm_func","ChangeLeader",0);
  732. callfunc("pvpm_func","Annc",0,100,"PvP");
  733. }
  734. if(@map$==$@mapPM$[@MapIDx] && $@MapTypePM[@MapIDx]==2 && getcharid(2) || $@PK_Mode && getcharid(2))
  735. {
  736. callfunc("pvpm_func","Up","kills",2,1000);
  737. dispbottom "Guild Score: "+@points;
  738. callfunc("pvpm_func","ChangeLeader",2);
  739. callfunc("pvpm_func","Annc",2,1000,"GvG");
  740. } end;
  741. }
  743. if(getarg(0) == "PCDieEvent")
  744. {
  745. set @Live,0;
  746. if(@RightWoEMap)
  747. {
  748. if($@CountPointsInWoE==1 || $@CountPointsInWoE==3) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Up","dies",0,100; if($@mainRanking) dispbottom "Player Score: "+@points; }
  749. if($@CountPointsInWoE==2 || $@CountPointsInWoE==3) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Up","dies",2,1000; if($@mainRanking) dispbottom "Guild Score: "+@points; }
  750. }
  751. set @withoutDying,0;
  752. set @noMoreSounds,0;
  753. set @withoutDyingAnnc,0;
  754. set @MapIDx,0;
  755. set @RightWoEMap,0;
  756. getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,0);
  757. if(@map$==$@mapPM$[@MapIDx] && $@MapTypePM[@MapIDx]>=0 && $@MapTypePM[@MapIDx]<=1 || $@PK_Mode) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Up","dies",0,100; if($@mainRanking) dispbottom "Player Score: "+@points; }
  758. if(@map$==$@mapPM$[@MapIDx] && $@MapTypePM[@MapIDx]==2 && getcharid(2) || $@PK_Mode && getcharid(2)) { callfunc "pvpm_func","Up","dies",2,1000; if($@mainRanking) dispbottom "Guild Score: "+@points; }
  759. end;
  760. }
  762. if(getarg(0) == "PCLoadEvent")
  763. {
  764. getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,0);
  765. if(getcastlename(@map$)=="") { set @RightWoEMap,0; end; }
  766. if(agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) set @RightWoEMap,1;
  767. end;
  768. }
  770. if(getarg(0) == "getexp")
  771. {
  772. if(@Live)
  773. {
  774. attachrid(killedrid);
  775. set .@BaseLevel,BaseLevel;
  776. attachrid(killerrid);
  777. if($@getEXPoption==1) set @EXP,(($@getEXP*.@BaseLevel)/BaseLevel); else set @EXP,$@getEXP;
  778. getexp @EXP,@EXP;
  779. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",77)+" "+@EXP+" EXP.";
  780. } else {
  781. if(BaseExp) set BaseExp,BaseExp-$@lostEXP;
  782. if(JobExp) set JobExp,JobExp-$@lostEXP;
  783. dispbottom callfunc("getMesPM",78)+" "+$@lostEXP+" EXP.";;
  784. } return;
  785. }
  786. }
  788. function script getMesPM { return getd("$@PM_Lang"+PM_Lang+"$["+getarg(0)+"]"); }
  790. //================== DUPLICATE =====================
  791. prontera,164,175,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#1 4_M_HUMAN_02
  792. morocc,152,97,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#2 4_M_HUMAN_02
  793. geffen,127,65,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#3 4_M_HUMAN_02
  794. alberta,26,240,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#4 4_M_HUMAN_02
  795. izlude,122,119,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#5 4_M_HUMAN_02
  796. aldebaran,147,119,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#6 4_M_HUMAN_02
  797. xmas,145,136,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#7 4_M_HUMAN_02
  798. comodo,184,158,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#8 4_M_HUMAN_02
  799. gonryun,161,126,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#9 4_M_HUMAN_02
  800. louyang,226,106,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#10 4_M_HUMAN_02
  801. ayothaya,155,121,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#11 4_M_HUMAN_02
  802. hugel,87,164,4 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#12 4_M_HUMAN_02
  803. moscovia,209,190,5 duplicate(PM_source) [PvP] Arena#13 4_M_HUMAN_02
  804. //================== WOE =====================
  806. //Necessário para ativar o sistema de contagem dos pontos na woe.
  807. //caso queira desativar algum mapa, retire-o daqui.
  809. aldeg_cas01 mapflag loadevent
  810. aldeg_cas02 mapflag loadevent
  811. aldeg_cas03 mapflag loadevent
  812. aldeg_cas04 mapflag loadevent
  813. gefg_cas01 mapflag loadevent
  814. gefg_cas02 mapflag loadevent
  815. gefg_cas03 mapflag loadevent
  816. gefg_cas04 mapflag loadevent
  817. gefg_cas05 mapflag loadevent
  818. payg_cas01 mapflag loadevent
  819. payg_cas02 mapflag loadevent
  820. payg_cas03 mapflag loadevent
  821. payg_cas04 mapflag loadevent
  822. payg_cas05 mapflag loadevent
  823. prtg_cas01 mapflag loadevent
  824. prtg_cas02 mapflag loadevent
  825. prtg_cas03 mapflag loadevent
  826. prtg_cas04 mapflag loadevent
  827. prtg_cas05 mapflag loadevent
  828. schg_cas01 mapflag loadevent
  829. schg_cas02 mapflag loadevent
  830. schg_cas03 mapflag loadevent
  831. schg_cas04 mapflag loadevent
  832. schg_cas05 mapflag loadevent
  833. arug_cas01 mapflag loadevent
  834. arug_cas02 mapflag loadevent
  835. arug_cas03 mapflag loadevent
  836. arug_cas04 mapflag loadevent
  837. arug_cas05 mapflag loadevent
  840. pay_gld mapflag loadevent
  841. prt_gld mapflag loadevent
  842. sch_gld mapflag loadevent
  843. aru_gld mapflag loadevent
  844. gef_fild13 mapflag loadevent
  845. alde_gld mapflag loadevent
  846. n_castle mapflag loadevent
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