
Troll: 1.7

Mar 9th, 2016
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  1. [20:27] <@Xale> roll 1d10 Training
  2. [20:27] <+qqbot> Xale rolled 1d10: 5 = [5]
  3. *SMACK*
  5. “Dam ya sthupid boy... De bindin gotta be wrapped around de middle exact, ya wun like wah’d come if ya wrap de dam ting wrong.” Oh’Kalis instructed as your fingers tried once more at the textile you’d been put to make. “It’ll tek dem fingers right off if ya don getit right. De Loa fer deez wards be a generous one, but she also vicious an voracious. She gotta smell de mojo ah de ward, blood and spirit entined. If it ain looking right she be tinkin dat it not be one ah her people doing de work... or dat one ah her people been pointing out othas fer de slaughta. Eida way, do it wrong and ya pay in blood.”
  7. You’d woken up this morning energized to work with her again, mind still consumed with the concept of the Voodoo Healing which now burned inside of you.
  9. It would take a few hours out of your morning as you gleefully allowed yourself to partake of her instruction. Each one of them a gruelingly intricate session which taxed you to your limit. Idly you wondered if being smarter might make this chore move a bit faster. You weren’t quite sure how it worked, though you didn’t really mind having to work though the knowledge which Oh’Kalis imparted as you listened to her instructive voice.
  11. And admired her seemingly ageless form.
  13. Apparently, as you learned more about healing, and the fact that she’d perfected her healing spirit so early on in her career, that combined with usual troll longevity of near three hundred years or so of life, she’d managed to keep her looks for far longer than should have been possible. Her body was as fit and tight as if she’d been a youth, or so she said.
  15. Well… so her bouncy round ass said as well.
  17. She only laughed when you finally broke down and asked for her age.
  19. “Som tings an ummon shouna tell too easy.” She smiled as you asked, the light purple of a troll blush colouring your cheeks.
  21. It was only after the lesson that she broke out a few things and handed you a few more coins to add to what you’d earned for the pigs.
  23. “Ya’s a big boy Xu, don’ tink ah ain ketch ya eyein me nice backside. Ah ole enough ta be ya gran motha.” She ruffled your stiff white bristly hair affectionately and grinned. “Get out on de town, live a lil, get some ummon drunk an’ go have a good time, or a fella, wah eva ya inta ain ma bizness. But fer goodness sake go Fuck somebaddy so ya could stop mekkin dem Moon Calf eyes at me.”
  25. You couldn’t help but blink a few times, wondering if you’d heard right.
  27. “Ain no shame in passing a lil coin fer wah ya wan boy. Especially wen it reach yah han as ah gift.” She grinned even wider, slapping her hand against your back. “Noaw don com bak till ya show somebaddy ah good time.”
  29. You were still quite confused as she almost literally kicked you out of the house at that moment. Especially confused because of a box which came up infront of you as you rose up from the ground, dusting yourself off.
  32. Quest!
  33. Just Stick it In – Mother Oh’Kalis has given you a quest to find and mate with someone before you next see her, you may choose any mate whom you please so long as when you go back to her you still smell of sex. You’ve received 5 Gold to help along having some fun.
  34. Reward: +75 Xp, Mother’s affection grows
  35. Accept? YES__|__NO
  38. [00:06] <@Chibi-AFK> roll 1d100
  39. [00:06] <+qqbot> Chibi-AFK rolled 1d100: 94 = [94]
  41. Still a little surprised by your Troll mentor, whom now you realized had clearly known of your attraction and had been leading you on a bit for her own entertainment, you began to wonder the streets of Sen’jin while thinking mostly of finding other quests to carry out. Though she had gotten you to thinking, you couldn’t exactly say how sexual mores would fit back in the Warcraft world.
  43. Clearly though Oh’Kalis was expecting you to go out and buy yourself a prostitute.
  45. It kind of made sense actually, since the Cataclysm and Sen’jin’s subsequent rebuilding the place had grown significantly, and had become an intermediary hub between the troll capital of Darkspear Island and overland trade routes which the goblins and others had begun to exploit.
  47. As such you realized quite quickly just how many more non-Troll faces you were seeing within the village that might have been before. And if there was one trade which grew up quickly where there was a stop off point for traders, it would be a place to relax and possibly go spend some money on a one night stand.
  49. This realization alone made everything feel just a bit more real, if the sensations of heat on your skin, and the general scent of seaside breeze, fish, and troll which seemed to permeate the area didn’t already.
  51. You worked your way around, only to notice message board which you hadn’t before, and a post which held a single picture pinned to it’s surface. A familiar tingle and a box appeared beneath as your eyes focused upon the image of what seemed to be a particularly thin and dour looking centaur.
  54. Quest!
  55. Wanted: Dead or Alive [Korlash the Swift] – This centaur chief has managed to sustain his people deep in what has become hostile lands, his dedication to keeping control of them has resulted in one of the most surprising mobile forces. While he and his herd are not actually a threat to the horde, they do prey on our supply lines and stray fighters as often as they can get away with. Killing or otherwise removing Korlash will likely cause the group to migrate to safer pastures.
  56. However you do it, solve this problem for the Horde and be rewarded.
  57. Reward: +400 XP, +Horde Faction rep, +100 Gold
  58. Accept? YES__|__NO
  61. Another quest...
  63. Hmm… this one seems quite a bit more difficult, might be outside of your current capabilities. But it was pretty attractive. If you could figure out how to get it done you’d be pretty well off you guessed. Centaurs were powerful foes, and often a menace when it came down to dealing with anyone who was not one of them. But you imagined it would be pretty nice if you could tame the bastards, they were a natural cavalry force, whose success was linked to the fact that they could perform feats of maneuverability and ranged combat on the move like no other.
  65. It was that very fact that had kept them from becoming extinct with the advent of the horde.
  67. You saved that one for later as you continued your search.
  69. Eventually you managed to end right back over at the hunter whom you’d gone to before, only to meet a particularly surprising sight.
  71. “Ow! Watchit mon! Ow!” You heard echoing out from the building where she resided, it was the only stables area in town which apparently the hunters shared with the Bat-handlers and the Raptor trainers. “Oh… FUCK… dat hurt like a bitch.”
  73. You walked in to see the one whom you’d come to learn from yesterday bent over in a rather embarrassing position, her angry scowl matched only by the number of arrow shafts which were sticking out of her backside and currently being tended to by the apprentice hunter whom you'd spoken to yesterday.
  75. “Hol still nuh, Jamai. Or we gonna sen ya ova ta Motha Oh’Kalis.” Her apprentice spoke as he held her rump over his knee, thick fingers slowly working their way around the wounded flesh as clawed nails dug in hard and deep. “It’d be easier dan doin it dis way ya know. Ah don’t know why a big hunta like you be fraid ah de Heala ummon.”
  77. “De last time ah did something like dis she made sure ah had a Loa folla me fer a week and alarm eva time ah tried to hunt. De ole bitch be evil ah tell ya.” Jamai spoke though the occasional wincing and muffled lip biting cries.
  79. “Was ya own fault. You de one who start off insulting her skill and insisting dat no real troll would wanna go with ‘soft arts like healin’.” The apprentice spoke as he continued to painfully work the arrows out of her ass.
  81. “Am I interrupting something?” You asked from at the door causing Jamai to look up from her prone position then begin to groan, her face purpling at the cheeks with her completely exposed ass still squirming about.
  83. “Oh, is you.” The apprentice looked up with a wave, his bloodied claws in the air as he grinned. “As ya can see our teacha here be a bit indisposed at da moment, and probably won’ be up fer lessons till the morrow.”
  85. “Ah bloody centaur bitches...” she cried out and squirmed again as he pulled another shorter arrow shaft from her ass. A closer inspection would reveal the bolts looked more like something that might come out of a cross bow than a typical centaur re-curve or hunting bow. “Dem bin ambushing bloody Goblin weapon’s shipments... dem dammed bolts hurt.”
  87. “Well, ya be lucky ya get out alive at all.” The girl apprentice spoke from the corner of the room, her fingers running through the fur of a fairly large Durotaur Tiger, oh… she was a cutie. “Poor Zjuba almost got skewered saving ya ass.”
  89. “Ah tell ya playin ded propaly is a dam good technique. Ya tink dem woulda gone off chasin she if dey din tink ah did done fa?” The senior huntress pouted, then winced as yet another arrow was pulled from her flesh. “Fuck... ya know wah, fuck em. Ah got some good gold from de lass hunt, gonna droppa bounty fer de bloody bastards. Ten gold a head… we be seein who get de las laugh… centaur bitches.”
  91. “Ah wun mine getting some alive, ah always wanned ta train centaur foals.” The younger trollina spoke up as she continued grooming her fingers though the tiger’s fur.
  93. You weren’t even surprised as the familiar blue screen showed up once more.
  97. Quest!
  98. Running Gag – Huntress Jamai wants dead centaurs, as many as anyone can manage, and she’s willing to pay for the lot of them. Centaur blood on your hands, and their hooves in your pouch. Bring her proof of their demise and get paid.
  99. Reward: +20 XP and +10 Gold per head. [Repeatable]
  100. Accept? YES__|__NO
  105. Quest!
  106. Into the Foal’d – Apprentice Kia has requested live centaurs with which she can experiment in taming, you’re a bit doubtful at the prospect but you figure it harmless enough. Right?
  107. Reward: Live Male and Female pairs +50 Gold and +80 XP. Foals +25 Gold and 45 XP.
  108. Accept? YES__|__NO
  112. Then almost as if you’d just been remembered… which you were pretty sure you only just were, the huntress looked back up at you. “Oh, right… ya can get som lessons tomorrow, Ay be up fer teachin some ah de basics den maybe. Fer some coin of course. 3 Gold ah lesson until ya advance then its 10 gold or become an apprentice.”
  114. You nodded then made a not so hasty but none the less deliberate retreat.
  116. It was starting to get dark, as you continued to roam the village before looking about to the beach where people had set up a night party. Already people were starting to gather, including some clearly unfamiliar faces. You were
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