
Training Montage (Ekheim)

Apr 8th, 2020
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  1. [11:07] Domino would tilt her head curiously walking up to the bench, analyzing and watching the various fights happening
  2. "Hmm..."
  4. She taps her chin rather curiously before yawning extremely loudly and...rudely
  5. "*yawwwwn...Isn't it kinda rude to cause this much noise in the middle of the night? Woke me up from my beauty sleep. Well, no matter."
  7. It seems the girl was wearing a new outfit and seemed a bit taller as well. Where did she get these clothes? Probably stole them. Who knows?
  8. "Didn't think i'd see you around here, Luneth. Echida, are you babysitting him? Hehe..."
  13. (Domino)
  14. (Domino)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [11:08] Elred drew his blade with a smile forming across his face -training- was something he became fond of. He enjoyed learning about others styles of fighting compared to his own which help them both improve.
  19. "Mistseer Elred Yindove. I handle affairs when it comes to the Grey-cloaks and training them to sharpen their skills.
  21. I'd be elated to train with you and we'll both improve in the process, are you ready?"
  22. (Elred Yindove)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [11:09] "Nice to meet you Faelyn."
  27. He plays a song on his lyre, one that is equivalent to Counting Stars by One Republic.
  29. At Domino's words, he arches an eyebrow. "Why would someone babysit me?" This he says tilting his head with curiosity as the music is, sustained, as he speaks with Domino.
  30. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [11:10] The man lets out a yawn, as he had only been up for a bit himself. Red hues shift over to Domino. "Morning, Kitten. I hope ya slept well." A smile crossed his lips before he answered her question.
  35. "Oh... No I haven't... yet. --He was just check'n up on ya. That's all." He played into her jest. He isn't Cayden after all.
  36. (Ekheim Theseus)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [11:11] After a while sharpening her Sword, she examins it and resheaths it.
  41. "Watching all these Fights shows me how little I have leared in the meantime."
  42. (Mala Encarnie)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [11:13] She would give a solemn nod to luneth and upon hearing ekhiem calling a felinae kitten she would raise a brow.. Mainly because she didn't know if that was considered racist to a felinae or not.
  47. But alas she would let out a shrug at his words and just looked around pondering to herself for a moment before sighing out, Just seeming to enjoy the nature around her for the brief time.
  48. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [11:15] Luneth Veracrucis asks, "Sooo what's a Greycloak?"
  52. [11:16] Elred enjoyed himself in the spar from his experience fighting Tonka. If he recalled it was energy magic and it was quite tricky at times, but he managed to pull though in the end.
  54. "Now that was pretty good if I'm being honest with you and I can tell your use to trading blows. I've had battles like that and jsut some advise I follow myself when I come into situations like this.
  56. Make the person think you coming into trade with them and dash away which makes them use all their burst. They'll be wide open or an attack and you'll sustain less damage that way.
  58. It was a good match nevertheless."
  59. (Elred Yindove)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [11:16] Taking their spot on the bench, Flotsam was cautiously touching their hair and messing with the clothes they had on. Were...They 'that' bad looking? Did his hair really look like a babline ate it? The insults still rang in his mind and loudly Sam sighed.
  64. Maybe it was time to actually think about a makeover, "Hey Fae! Does my hair look like it got mauled by a bunch of rabid animals?" Loudly they spoke, waving to the Teraphim seated all the way on the other side of the benches.
  67. (Flotsam)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [11:16] Domino furrows her brow rather angrily at Ekheim at his comment
  71. "Hey! What did I say about calling me such foolish words!? Hmph...and especially in public!, people are going to think i'm your pet or something!"
  73. Rolling her eyes, she turns her attention toward Ekheim as she playfully paces around him
  74. "Oh, learn how to take a joke, Luneth. I'm sure that's Cayden's job to babysit y-....checking up on me?"
  76. Her blue hues darting toward Ekheim, she chuckles nervously before focusing it back on Luneth
  77. "Well aint that sweet of you. Well, have no worry, i'm doing quite fine. I think. If being bored out of mind counts as...well, fine."
  79. The girl shrugs her shoulders in a nonchalant manner before focusing her attention back on the fight
  80. "'s the pointy eared demon again. Interesting...."
  81. (Domino)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [11:18] Cyran quietly scratched away at his side as he silently observed the constant sparring taking place in the midst of the forested city's clearing. The ongoing clash between the unarmed martial artist Izak and the blade-wielding Elred was a pleasant but brief spectacle for the eyes, a spectacle that the young druid would simply enjoy whilst he could.
  86. "...Hey, Sam. One of these days, I'm going to need to get my hands on an amulet, now that I've reminded myself. It took me plenty of time to get my hands on a modest set of armor, so it might be best if I can finish off my repertoire at some point." he butted in, clearly intent on having something to say, even if there was naught of worth for him to discuss.
  87. (Cyran Faeris)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [11:19] The energy coming from his palms were directed at Elred time and time again, some connecting, others whirling into the distance dissipating before coming in contact with the structures in the area. Every defeat came with experience and Elred made sure to give him the run down on what he should be doing differently.
  92. He smiled taking the advice and then pointed to the Vale.
  94. "Thank you for the advice, If you care to practice anymore there is more space inside. This is a bit too cramped for me."
  96. He needed space to think about what was going on around him, how to react, and how to best utilize his limited magical abilities in unison with his unarmed style.
  98. "Good match to you as well."
  100. He began to head toward the Vale regardless, it was either training or foraging.
  101. (Izak)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [11:19] She would Briefly look at luneth again before signing out. "it is a member of the clergy of myllenoris we handle the guard duty as well as maintaining the faith," She began to explain,
  106. Then looking past him to flotsam she would raise a brow. "The fuck cut your hair sam?. You should get that checked out like... Right now." She had stated looking rather horrified at how it turned out,
  108. But before she could say anything else..... Domino had to say the word demon her eyes fixing on the felinae she would glare at her, The intensity of hatred clearly visible in her eyes for a brief moment,
  110. "I sure hope that was just a metaphor." She simply said not trying to make her words sound forceful nor any malice toward her behind them, But merely just stating that the word was not really acceptable around the town.
  111. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [11:20] "Hmmm I feel like it's the opposite way and I babysit the majority of people."
  116. He was after all one of the strongest warriors in Esshar, having reached the semifinals. He could have beaten Penelope with his music, but he had not fought her, or her style.
  118. "Checking up on how your training goes, but seems like you haven't really started."
  120. He shrugs as another joint is placed on his lips. He lights it up and takes a long drag, while he grins and says, "Didn't know you had a nickname, Domino!"
  121. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [11:22] A nod was given to Cy, "You should get an amulet they are rather us-..." Then suddenly, Fae hit him like a truck with their words. Nothing had been changed with his looks, nothing in the last year. But only now he was being told that it looked horrid. Not even that, but now even Fae was calling it bad.
  126. Head falling into palms, just ever so silently he began resting the now depressed mind.
  128. "...Guess I should...change it, huh..."
  129. (Flotsam)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [11:23] "Oh so like a cleric slash priest slash combatant."
  134. Weird. He shakes his head while telling Domino, "Pointy eared demon? Huh?"
  136. He looks around but sees no demon. A shame. Perhaps he could kill it and fashion something out of it. But seeing none, he figured Domino was just using some sort of title-ish nickname.
  138. Which makes him look amused when Faelyn glares at Domino.
  141. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [11:24] Cyran Faeris says, "...Your hair looks fine, Sam."
  145. [11:24] Cyran Faeris says, "Don't pay them any mind."
  146. [11:25] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Cyran stop being gay for sam."
  147. [11:25] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "Ironically, I would suggest a moisturization routine if anything."
  148. [11:26] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "Dreadful chapping."
  149. [11:26] Flotsam says, "..."
  150. [11:27] He looks at Mala. "Don't be so hard on ya self. I can try and train more a bit later. If your that down in the dumps about it." Though the man did have to question. Had she done any training since the last time they had sparred? He didn't bother to question it now.
  152. A chuckle leap from his lips. "Fine~... I won't call you that in public... For now. --Also you said that not me. It could be one of the other two we spoke about." He couldn't help but let a grin show up on his face while speaking to Domino. One that didn't last long.
  154. His eyes looked to the missing spar. Oh looks like he missed it. "Well she has trained on her own, I'm sure. Though I have administered it yet. That was gunna start today." He nodded in no one's direction.
  155. (Ekheim Theseus)
  156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. [11:27] Flotsam asks, "How could I not be moisturized?"
  159. [11:27] Flotsam spews a bit of water.
  160. (Flotsam)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [11:27] Flotsam exclaims, "I'm a water magi!"
  164. [11:28] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "-Mm. Try starting with a cleanser. Exfoliate sparingly."
  165. [11:28] Cyran twists one of his bright seafoam green locks from beneath his hood, pulling a few strands of his luscious unseen hair into view for a split second, before he let go, hiding them from view once more.
  167. "I would recommend using a mixture of Poppylus, Alessa, Clover and Honey, Sam. It does wonders for adding a nice sheen to the hair, and allowing it to retain a healthy moisture." the young druid added in cheerfully, nodding his head ever so slightly.
  169. "Or, you could just simply not care, and instead just enjoy your own style. Opinions be damned."
  170. (Cyran Faeris)
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. [11:29] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Anyhow came over to see Cass. No luck it seems."
  174. [11:32] Luneth Veracrucis asks, "Anyone up for a spar?"
  175. [11:32] Flotsam says, "...I'll take it."
  176. [11:33] Luneth Veracrucis exclaims, "Sure!"
  177. [11:33] Garm yoinks the seat that had opened up.
  178. (Garm)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. [11:33] Ekheim Theseus says, "Best of luck Luneth... Sam is a tough one~"
  182. [11:33] Head lifting up from their hands, they plainly sighed before getting up from the bench. It was rough, being told they really just looked rather off overall. But with that thought shelfed away, they just started to make their way to the center of the training field.
  184. "You're right Cy, opinions be damned. But I will remember that mixture." Maybe they would get their hair done.
  185. (Flotsam)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. [11:34] Domino tilts her head curiously at Luneth.
  189. "T-training? Well, it certainly would be useful if Echidna here taught me...w-well...something."
  191. Pulling out her sword, she begins flipping it around her hand
  192. "I've been fighting on my own for...too long. If I want to become an expert swordswoman, it's going to take a lot of time and effort on my par-...hey! What's this about a nickname! I-it's not a nickname! J-just...something he calls me for...s-some reason..."
  194. Obviously flustered, she scratches the back of her head nervously before turning her attention to Luneth
  195. "Ugh, you guys are the worst. And yeah...the pointy eared people. Whatever they are called. They seem nice....for demons."
  197. It seemed Domino was not used to being around the people of Myllenoris..
  198. Turning her ocean blue hues to Ekheim, she rolls her eyes in an annoyed manner
  199. " other two? O-oh! You mean...h-hey! I told you to shut up about that! Do you want me to stab you!? Because I will!"
  201. Domino shrugs her shoulders, focusing her attention on the conversation that interested her more.
  202. "Wait a minute, wait a starts today? A-are you sure? is all so sudden!"
  204. The girl's face would suddenly turn red as she placed her palms on her cheeks. She...seemed to be embarrassed for some reason? Was she joking? It was hard to tell
  205. "I've been training on my own for...quite a while now. Though, slashing at trees can only do me so much. I'm ready to begin when you are, Ekheim. J-just...p-please be gentle..."
  206. (Domino)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [11:34] Cyran Faeris says, "It's true. Afterall, Sam killed the mad prophet."
  210. [11:34] Garm exclaims, "Ten coins on the smoothtail!"
  211. [11:34] Cyran Faeris says, "So he is quite skilled."
  212. [11:34] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "Hm. Perhaps a nialcare routine as well."
  213. [11:36] Flotsam asks, "...Why aren't you moving?"
  214. [11:36] Flotsam exclaims, "Come on, get into the fight!"
  215. [11:36] Flotsam says, "..."
  216. [11:37] Mala Encarnie says, "I myself would need to Train aswell."
  217. [11:37] Flotsam says, "..."
  218. [11:37] Flotsam says, "Wait."
  219. [11:37] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Uh... that illusion is phasing out."
  220. [11:37] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "Oh dear."
  221. [11:37] Flotsam asks, "Three?"
  222. [11:37] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "I appear to have killed him."
  223. [11:37] Flotsam says, "Oh wow."
  224. [11:37] Flotsam says, "That's some impressive magic."
  225. [11:42] Faelyn would continue her glare. Clapping her hands on her knees she would get up off of the bench and walking infront of domino she would cross her arms,
  227. Staring down the felinae her glare filled with nothing but contempt to the word demon and she would speak her tongue filled with venom almost as she spoke. "You would be careful using the word demon here.... We are not demons and we absolutely hate them and would kill them in a instant should one be found... They disrupt the balance of nature." She simply said Her voice sounded to become quite firm.
  229. As a mother would scold a child almost before she sighs out. "We are teraphim beings of spiritual energy, To mistake us with demons that once roamed this place is quite a insult to us." She said not moving, Not even seeming to care if she would be imposing a rather threatening look to the felinae.
  230. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [11:43] Urlen Krismenor says, "Hi again."
  234. [11:46] He didn't continue to joke about her nickname. He let it go for now. Focusing on the battle before him. Since he knows quite well that she wouldn't stab him for his teasing. The man lets out a sigh.
  236. "They're called Teraphim. Stop with the name calling. You remember how pissed Weiss got when you talked shit to him? --I don't want a repeat... okay?" He didn't want her to get into a fight until he had trained her well. Speaking of which he should drag her off to train now. Can't let her start slacking now.
  238. However before he could do anything she had just pissed off, one. He hopped up. "Lets not make this get violent. --She was ill-informed. Forgive her... I'll make sure she won't usher those words again, Fae." He walked over stood between the two.
  240. "Let go train."
  241. (Ekheim Theseus)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [11:47] Urlen Krismenor says, "Sold msot of what I had before, but I got a few crimson reeds, an alessa, poppylus,a goddamn sinka, Sugarcaps, and uh. three Pieces of Amber. I feel like I chimed in at a bad moment."
  245. [11:47] The fight started, as usual, Sam setting himself up with multiple tendrils that flowed out of his back. Stretches were taken, to get him onto their a-game, before it all began. Crimson and blue tendrils wrapped around his arms, while more formed upon his back.
  247. "Let's do this!" Excitedly they spoke, much different to the depression they showed moments before. Then with mere movements...An attack! Fists clashed while his vision vanished. It was their first time suddenly having their sights taken, but through haphazard attacks...He was thankfully able to actually defend their self.
  249. With little more surprises, other then the constant noise that resounded, they went against one another all the way until the spar ended. Loudly Sam had broken away, huffing and getting their breathing back together.
  251. "Okay...Now you're a real strange one to fight against, for sure."
  252. (Flotsam)
  253. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  255. [11:47] Urlen Krismenor says, "If er. anyone's willing to buy.."
  256. [11:48] Urlen Krismenor says, "No? alright, keep the tension going."
  257. [11:49] That was a good match. He had fun. Water was an interesting magic. Not that he was going all out. Sparring is much easier to just have fun: nothing on the line.
  259. But when something is on the line that is when Luneth switches to his more psychotic and aggressive personality. Although, right now, he just had his cheerful and 'normal' persona.
  261. The fight was not something he was used too, but he did plenty of damage with his magics, if only to test new combinations of his spells. Which was all he needed as he strumming his lyre-bow.
  263. "Good match!" Which is when he realizes Domino got into some fierce issue with Faelyn. Oof. Not good. He just watches for the moment. Seeing what Ekheim would say first.
  265. Then crimson hues starring at Domino, to see what she would say now, after Ekheim's words. Which seemed wise. In a sort of way. Yet also bothered him that Ekheim was more pacifist than he imagined. But that's good. Different is good.
  266. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  267. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  269. [11:51] Domino crosses her arms, rolling her eyes as Faelyn stares her down quite heavily.
  270. "...Oh..s-so you're not demons?"
  272. It was hard to tell whether or not the girl was being playful or actually did not know any better. Though, it was probably a mixture of the two.
  273. "Hmm...but you're ears are so pointy. May...I?"
  275. She extends her hand outward to tap Faelyn's ear. Almost unfazed by her threatening glare and tone of voice as she sways her tail in the wind
  276. "Hmmm..wierd. Wait, was that, madamoissele? You are a....terafish you said? N-no...Teraphim? So..that's what you are called. Hmm...quite pointy noses you have too. I admit, I've never seen anyone who looks quite like your race before."
  278. Domino would now be realizing the intensity of her comment. Just now noticing how angry Faelyn seemed to be
  279. "My, something wrong? I did not realize y-"
  281. She would beinterrupted by Ekheim's words. It was true, the girl definetly did not have the skill to match her insults
  282. "Oh, fine, fine. Excuse me if I insulted you. It was not my intention. I am to these sorts of things."
  284. Grumbling and rolling her eyes, she follows Ekheim
  285. "*grumble. Fine! Jeez....stop babying me around, i'm coming."
  286. (Domino)
  287. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289. [11:55] Faelyn would be royally pissed off at the teasing from the felinae but she would take a deep breath keeping herself calmed down, Unlike Weiss the not so teraphim, Teraphim Faelyn was use to having to keep her cool, Even when bastiel had clearly almost dislocated her jaw with a slap she had remained still and calm,
  291. So alas before she had time to explain more ekheim stepped up. And Faelyn would cast a glance over to him and he could see that if he did not attempt to stop the felinae there would have been quite the issue that would have resulted in the teraphim having to discipline the kid.
  293. Thankefully that wasn't the case. "Just choose your words carefully next time.." She simply said biting at her tongue as she tried to hold herself back before going back to sit on the bench where she had her spot.
  294. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  295. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  297. [11:56] Domino says, " she's a fiesty one isn't sh-"
  298. [11:56] Domino says, "Okay....i'll shut up"
  299. [11:56] Ekheim Theseus says, "Domino..."
  300. [11:56] Domino says, "..*grumble"
  301. [11:57] Faelyn Inavyre says, "..."
  302. [11:57] Luneth blinks. Was Domino joking? Or was she serious? Was she trying to get in trouble?
  304. "The Teraphim are not demons. They are, if anything, their antithesis. They are known for having fae like ears, monochrome colors of blue, being experts at wielding crystal magic, and have a crystal heart."
  306. That was the gist of it.
  308. "While some believe they are outsiders, they are no more outsiders then other beings who have come to Eternia."
  310. The whole they come to invade, was kind of dumb. They would have done that at the height of their powers. Instead they focused on cleansing and maintaining the balance.
  312. A shame Asta was not like most Teraphim. And he had have several Teraphim confirm that for him.
  314. "Anyhow, they are really more like spiritual beings in crystal form."
  316. Then he accesses his wild nature with his illusions to appear beside Ekheim. Then he yawns a bit, "Domino, just chill with them words."
  317. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  318. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  320. [11:58] Domino says, "...Hm...i guess i understand..."
  321. [11:58] Domino exclaims, "Oh! So they are elves!"
  322. [11:58] Domino asks, "Why didn't you just say so!?"
  323. [12:00] Luneth chuckles. "Oh now she realizes it..."
  324. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. [12:08] The man led the two of them off into the forest before Myllenoris. Once he found a good spot to train he stopped and turned to Domino. Letting out a sigh. "You need to watch your words around those you are unfamiliar with. No need to start a conflict with them. Well more so than, what is already present."
  329. He takes his hands out from his robe. "Oh... since your using a weapon I suppose I might as well move this. Can't have you ruining my robe." The man slid his arms out of the sleeves letting it drop to his sides. His horribly scarred body was clearly visible to the two of them. --Large gashes and slash scars, as well as scorch marks that line his sides and cover his back.
  331. His fists get covered in a thin aura of mana. Clearly hardening it. Not long afterwards a light blue shroud of raw mana covered his body too.
  333. "Alright so lets see what you can do." As he ushered those words the mana around his hands started to glow brighter as if mana was gathering their.
  335. "Go when your ready. I'll let you have the first strike."
  336. (Ekheim Theseus)
  337. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  339. [12:09] Hmmm... Luneth puts a joint to his lips. He figured Domino was way safer with Ekheim than with the other more aggressive Kalvore. Not that it mattered much. He really had not set his eyes on anyone in particular. Instead the highly functioning psychopath, believed that Ekheim had his own Way, and while it mght not be as pure combat as a Kalvore, he gathered Ekheim was not dumb.
  341. Though he kind of didn't understand /why/ was he exiled. He flicks the last of the joint and considers that perhaps, Ekheim was not completely happy with the actions of the Kalvore, at which point he asks in a low voice,
  343. "So why are you exiled again? I know your belief of the Way is different, but it makes no sense, unless you are from Essharr and met us after?"
  345. It was something that sort of made him wonder. Was it because he decided that he didn't want to war? Was it cowardice? Luneth didn't know as he removes his breastplate. This exposes his very muscular body but also all the scarifications that cover his torso as if his body was a canvas.
  347. The Phoenix on his chest. The vines and thorns wrapping around his upper arm. But the strangest one was the two black pyramids: joined together by the base so they point up and down. And in the middle three skulls.
  349. He takes out a bottle of blue liquid that glows slightly. Night Blossom. A nice drink that wasn't too strong nor too light. He takes a swig from it.
  350. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. [12:18] Following Ekheim off into the forest, she listens closely to Ekheim's lectures as she rolls her eyes
  354. "Yeah, yeah...whatever. Running my mouth was how I got my collarbone broken anyway..."
  356. Ekheim was certainly going to have his hands full. Now that Domino was showing less and less of her façade, she would act more like an antsy teenage girl. But perhaps there was a lot of room for growth in that heart of hers
  357. "I'm ready when you a-"
  359. Halting her words, she notices Ekheim's horribly scarred and disfigured body. Seeing such a site made her ponder just what could have happened to him. Such a kind and humble man that went through so much. It...made her feel somewhat sorry for what he must have went through
  360. "Y-yeah..."
  362. Snapping back to reality, she takes off her own snow white jacket to reveal her petite frame. A brand new somewhat outfit fit for a warrior that matched her already flashy fighting style
  363. "I'll make sure to try my best. Let's go..."
  365. Nodding her head in a determined manner, the girl unsheathes her blade and points it upwards in front of her face, bowing downward in respect before slashing it to the side and getting into her fighting stance. It was quite an odd stance to the say the least. A one handed blade stance that was more akin to fencing than any other sword style that could be found in Esshar. A cold, icy aura would burst from her body as she locked eyes with Ekheim, crossing her feet as she anchors herself to the ground
  366. "...."
  368. The wind would be cold as it blew between the two warriors. Domino herself had a bubble of fear swelling up in her stomach as she locked eyes with him. Taking a deep breath, she nods her head and charges directly toward Ekheim!
  369. (Domino)
  370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. [12:20] His eyes look over to Luneth. One of the few people that he didn't know well within the Kalvore. While he was his brother still he never got to fully understand him. --The red hues didn't rest on the man for long, as he was about to spar. Though he answered while Domino readied herself.
  374. "I'm a pure-blooded Kalvore. I'm not from Esshar in the slightest. --While I grew up learning the way from birth my life experiences has caused me to change my view. As I didn't see war as an act of honor. I--" He paused. "I might as well just recite my way rather than just explain it. You can draw the lines yourself." He lets out a sigh.
  376. "Order is life, for those with discipline shall endure.
  378. Endurance is life, one without the power to endure for others is one that must be protected.
  380. Perception is key, as one without an open mind can't keep the peace.
  382. Peace is life, we choose peace over death, for those who shall be born tomorrow may live a life we cannot."
  384. The man speaks it much like he had written it down. However he hadn't. "Also I left myself. Cayden didn't force me to leave. --I wanted to fight for what I firmly believed in like you all do. --I hope you understand."
  386. After he finished speaking Domino rushed him. Combat has begun.
  387. (Ekheim Theseus)
  388. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  390. [12:25] Luneth would wait for Ekheim to end the spar. That was a bit confusing, what he explained.
  391. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  392. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  394. [12:26] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  395. [12:26] Luneth Veracrucis exclaims, "There you go!"
  396. [12:26] Luneth Veracrucis exclaims, "Not the best finish though!"
  397. [12:41] "Ekheim, Domino this is Cassandra."
  399. He gestures at Ekheim first, then at Domino.
  401. "Ekheim is training Domino. Making her fighting better."
  402. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [12:41] Cassandra exclaims, "Hello!"
  406. [12:43] Once the battle started he let the first strike land on his chest. Once it went to pierce his skin. It barely moved. His skin was as hard as steel. So much so it was like she couldn't just fight him like any other unarmored man.
  408. He grabbed her blade and pushed it aside letting her fall back. "You need to aim to kill. I'm more durable than most. --No need to hold back." He said calmly. Almost like he wasn't even in combat right now. He held no concern for his wellbeing. He just gave her a smile.
  410. A swift dash was made to get behind her. Striking into her back, and slamming his leg into her back. Throwing her forward. A blast of mana followed pushing her forward more. Once she turned around he just stood there. "Go again."
  412. She pursued him and attacked him much more focused than the last one. Her strikes held more power behind them. She was able to land more of them due to his sluggish movement. His mana all being poured into his fists. Creating small orbs. --While he was preparing for his attack he let her attack him. It seemed like all the pain that he should be feeling was going unnoticed. Like he didn't feel it. "Good..." He said.
  414. Once he was ready a swift dash was made towards her. Shoving his right hand against her heart. The orb entering her body. As she felt a light blow to her heart. All the mana in her body stopped moving for a moment. Causing her to blackout only for a bit. Then his left hand struck her stomach throwing her back again. Causing her to fall to the ground.
  416. The man let out a gasp of air, and walked over. "I think... I sorta understand this." She would be coming to now. "Good job. Now I will start to watch what your doing. Helping you learn. --That was just for me to see what you were capable of." He extends a hand to help her up.
  417. (Ekheim Theseus)
  418. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. [12:43] Ekheim Theseus says, "I've met her before... briefly."
  421. [12:43] Ekheim Theseus says, "In Theria."
  422. [12:51] Putting a joint to his lips, lighting it up and taking a long drag, Luneth informs Cassandra, "I'm interested. Mainly because as soon as I finish mastering my magics, I'm starting work on being an alchemist."
  424. That an it fit him better then artificer. He liked more the whole alchemy thing. Not to mention lots of useful potions to be made. While he did not require the empowering ones, for being born with strong magic, he could still make use of elixirs and lax essence for expeditions.
  426. Meanwhile his crimson eyes seem to study how Domino and Ekhei fight.
  428. "Domino, the ice magic that homes should be used as a means to start your setup. Also have you been using your aura's special magic? I didn't see it."
  429. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  430. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  432. [12:54] Cassandra says, "I am welcome to have more Alchemists under my tutelage."
  433. [12:55] Luneth blinks for a moment, Oh true. Cassandra could teach him better, "Will keep in touch then."
  434. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  435. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  437. [12:59] Dashing toward her opponent with grace, Domino inflicts the first blow on her opponent, anticipating him to strike back, she would suddenly turn to be surprised by her blade clinking off of Ekheims skin
  438. "!!!"
  440. Widening her eyes, she notices just how hard it would be to pierce this defense. Getting flashbacks of Tennhaim, her brow furrows as she is pushed back by Ekheim onto the ground
  441. "Ugh...not this shit again!"
  443. Picking herself up, she dusts herself off and picks up her blade from the ground. Taking a deep sigh of relief
  444. "Hmph...what a tease you are..."
  446. Slashing her rapier toward the ground, she get's ready for her next strike before her instincts get the better of her. Before she can even counterattack, Ekheim was already behind her
  447. "!!!"
  449. The Felinae would attempt to block Ekheim's attack swiftly, but it was no use, he was on a whole other level of speed compared to her. Domino herself was already fast to begin with...but it didn't seem fast enough.
  450. Getting pushed back toward the ground once again. She picks herself up and glares at Ekheim. Taking a deep breath, she calms herself down. Using her emotions to fuel her spirit
  451. "..."
  453. Domino takes on a stoic and quiet nature as she locks eyes with her opponent. Pacing around him for a moment before she gets ready to strike once again. Her fighting style was odd an unique. Consisting of presice and swift one handed sword blows. She would almost never use her other hand as she fought, opting to instead completely dedicate herself to mastering her fighting style
  454. "..."
  456. Without saying a word, Domino continues pelting Ekheim with one handed sword blows, occasionally using her mana slow him down and freeze his body. Giving her more opportunities to strike. With each and every blow, the girl was more focused and more confident in her attacks. Though, it would not last for long as Ekheim picked up the pace
  457. "Ah!"
  459. Feeling a light blow to her heart, she is suddenly frozen in place. Paralyzed from the sudden discharge of mana stopping her movements, she tumbles to the ground as her world goes black for a few moments
  460. "...."
  462. Finally waking up, she darts upwards on her and begins to pant heavily. Seemingly being on high alert as her tail points upwards
  463. "Y-yeah...o-okay..."
  465. Nodding her head and regaining her senses, she uses Ekheim to pick herself up. Turning her head toward the one named Cassandra
  466. "...Who are you?"
  468. The girl would obviously be quite exhausted, not really having much energy to speak. It seems all her focus was put onto fighting at the moment
  469. "Cassandra. Hm..okay. Yeah...of course I've been using it. I need to freeze them before I attack. Even a child knows something like that..."
  471. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Focusing her attention on Ekheim asshe picks up her sword from the ground.
  472. "I...need to hone my bladestyle. J-just a bit more. I...I can feel it. Let's keep going..."
  474. Nodding her head with a determined and fiery look in her eye. She gets ready to strike once again
  476. (Domino)
  477. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  479. [13:04] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  480. [13:09] "Well if even a child can do it... You are doing a terrible job at it!" Luneth exclaims cheerfully.
  482. "See the thing is, you should use your ice to keep him close. It's not that hard.
  484. First you throw the ice spike which makes him cold, dash and fatal at the same time if possible which would cause you to attack with greater speed for that movement.
  486. Use Phantom as an engage or disengage. It is also great to dodge attacks in between.
  488. Whenever you bait him, immediately hit him with the frost nova thing and … you really need mist form!"
  490. Those were the main tips he could give the felinae girl.
  491. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  492. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  494. [13:18] After he regained his strength, she didn't waste much time. A strike was instantly thrown his way. --He tried to dance around it. However the blow still struck his abdomen. It didn't seem to cause him to slow down as he rallied the mana in his being and shot it as a beam into her side. "Damn... not gunna let me rest huh?" He chuckled.
  496. He waved his hand, before he stepped towards her. His movements blurred. As the man moved around her, landing at her blind spot with each blow. While they were strong they didn't seemed to be as harsh as before. They seemed like he is just trying to weaken her rather than beat her in the spar now.
  498. That changed once he fully gained back his mana. As small orbs from the ground seem to be entering his body. Like there was something giving him his power back. --Once he felt ready, he rushed in with a heavier set of blows. His fist gathering mana with each one. Until a orb appeared in each hand again. Doing the same as the last time but he lessened the power and he wasn't out of breath this time. Moderate progress.
  500. While she got ready to go again, he spoke. "Try and react to what I'm doing. Don't just try and injury me. Watch for things I repeat and work to counter it... --Also you need to not let your emotions get the better of you. While it does enhance your power. It weakens your ability to think properly. --Their is balance in all things. Learn to use both... not lean all on one."
  502. He gave a nod to Luneth. "You watch what she does for me then. Since your around and seem to wanna make yourself useful." He smiled to him.
  503. (Ekheim Theseus)
  504. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  506. [13:23] "Hm... I'm more seeing that she has the tools to fight you properly. But seemingly has trouble mixing them together. Also, being melee I'd have that Blizzard out as soon as possible."
  508. He puts a new joint on his lips and lighting it up takes long drags while saying, "She will get the hang of it, I'm sure."
  510. Though that as much as he says about it.
  511. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  512. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  514. [13:27] Dashing toward her opponent, the young Felinae strikes her opponent with grace, only to look back to see a beam coming straight at her
  515. "...Sh-"
  517. Choosing to block the beam with her sword, she reels back and takes the time to engage with her surroundings before noticing Ekheim coming right at her. Readying her sword, she gets into a defensive stance and attempts to block his attacks.
  518. "...Mgh…"
  520. Domino seemed to be good at being on the defensive, blocking most of the man's attacks and parrying his blows as she attempts to guard her weak spots. Though, she would find herself overwhelmed by the amount of blows coming her way
  521. "..."
  523. Taking the time to catch her breath, she notices Ekheim suddenly infusing himself with orbs of mana. Anticipating another attack, she allows him to come at her once again as she hones her defenses
  524. "..."
  526. Once again, Domino blocks and parries most of Ekheim's attacks. Seemingly working on her defenses this round instead of her offense. She seemed to be proficient at dodging the massive array of blows. Though, the heavy exhaustion would get to her easily the more she defended herself
  527. "Aaagh!"
  529. Reeling backwards, she pants heavily. Her small frame almost seemed like it wanted to give out
  530. "...Balance..."
  532. She utters these words as she listens to Ekheim's words. Before suddenly screaming in rage as she throws her sword at a tree near Luneth. It seemed she didn't enjoy that child comment...
  535. Still panting heavily, she pulls her sword from the tree and slashes it again toward her sword. As rude and angry as she seemed to be, she decides to listen to some of Luneth's advice
  536. "Control my emotions...balance them. Fine..."
  538. With a furrowed brow she gets into a graceful and elegant stance, beckoning Ekheim to come at her once again.
  539. "I'mnot giving up until I win!"
  540. (Domino)
  541. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  543. [13:30] Luneth seems not to worry about the sword as he gestures at Ekheim, "Use it on him. And learn to tap into the cold of winter with a calm mind."
  544. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  545. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  547. [13:30] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  548. [13:30] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Closer..."
  549. [13:30] Luneth Veracrucis exclaims, "Welcome back Cass!"
  550. [13:31] Cassandra says, "Thanks! I have to go to the merchants quickly. I'll be bacl."
  551. [13:32] Luneth Veracrucis says, "There you go. Better."
  552. [13:34] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  553. [13:35] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Wait hold on. Let me spar against Ekheim a second."
  554. [13:36] Ekheim Theseus says, "Sure after this you can... Lune"
  555. [13:36] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  556. [13:41] {Won Restrained RPB against Luneth Veracrucis}
  557. [13:45] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  558. [13:49] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  559. [13:52] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  560. [13:57] Luneth Veracrucis says, "I'm a go and check out the shops."
  561. [13:57] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  562. [14:00] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  563. [14:01] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Hmmm... "
  564. [14:01] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Asta... Wonder why she is the way she is...."
  565. [14:02] Ekheim Theseus says, "I've heard its the crown."
  566. [14:04] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Domino, you are being too aggressive. And while that is fine and dandy, ice is more of a counter attack magic."
  567. [14:05] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  568. [14:05] Luneth Veracrucis exclaims, "Well you are getting better!"
  569. [14:05] Ekheim Theseus says, "That she is."
  570. [14:05] Domino exclaims, "....*pant....*pant...I...wont...give...until...I WINNN!!!!!!"
  571. [14:05] Luneth Veracrucis says, "But you still should learn to kite even as a melee."
  572. [14:06] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Yeah no. Take a break."
  573. [14:08] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  574. [14:09] Luneth Veracrucis says, "I'm surprised Silvain isn't here..."
  575. [14:11] {Won Restrained RPB against Domino}
  576. [14:14] Luneth Veracrucis exclaims, "TAKE A BREAK!"
  577. [14:15] Domino says, "......"
  578. [14:15] Domino is too focused on fighting to listen
  579. (Domino)
  580. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  582. [14:15] Luneth Veracrucis says, "You aren't going to win today. Ekheim has been fighting for longer."
  583. [14:15] Ekheim Theseus says, "I'll make her stop after this one... don't worry. I need to take a break too."
  584. [14:16] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Oh I don't mind if she wants to keep going but that's not the best way to get better."
  585. [14:17] {Lost Restrained RPB against Domino}
  586. [14:22] Luneth Veracrucis says, "Fifty days later..."
  587. [14:22] Luneth Veracrucis exclaims, "I jest. You did fine!"
  588. [14:33] The stars would shine upon the two fighters at they gave their all on the battlefield. Domino's emotions would fuel her soul as she fought. The girl would be quiet almost the entire time. Even while getting pelted with large waves of energy mana and blows to all sorts of places on her body...she would never falter as she stood back up every single time
  589. "...."
  591. It would almost be ominous how quiet and stoic the girl would be. Locking eyes onto her opponent like she was prey, she would fight gracefully and elegantly as she parried and dodged Ekheim's blows and learned how to adapt to his fighting style. Further improving her battle stance and swordsmanship
  592. "..."
  594. The girl would focus almost entirely on the battle. Analyzing and keeping track of everything in her surroundings. With each and every bout, her speed and agility would increase, her blows more powerful and precise, and the use of her mana being more precise and strategic. If one thing was for sure....she was not going to let up until she knocked her opponent to the ground
  596. Hours would seemingly pass as the young Felinae was tossed around like a ragdoll back and forth between the trees. She begins learning from her mistakes, adapting to her opponent and retreating to defensive and offensive tactics on the fly. If anything was for sure, Domino would be slowly but surely perfecting the fighting style of her past ancestors. Using her elegant nature and style to pierce her opponents defenses with Ice and pelt them with sword strikes and blows.
  598. Giving into exhaustion, Domino tries her hardest to continue fighting Ekheim. Even when she felt as if she was going to pass out, she would keep on going until she knocked her opponent down. Using her final tactic as a last resort, she begins covering the entire field and ice. Sending a powerful blizzard in Ekheim's direction as she attempts to fake him out
  599. "...!!!"
  601. Anticipating a counterattack, she locks her feet onto the ground as Ekheim dashes forth. The cold chill of the ice would prove helpful in slowing him down as she prepares to parry his attack
  602. "Got you."
  604. Nodding her head, in one fell swoop, she slashes her sword upward as it clashes with Ekheim's fist! Parrying the attack, she kicks Ekheim forward as she leaves her opponent daze. Rushing forward at him and finishing the fight with one final sword blow!
  605. "...."
  607. Dashing backward...she takes a few steps back as she smirks to herself. Closing her eyes and falling to the ground. She did it....she had won
  608. It only took a 5 hours...
  609. "...Mgh.."
  611. With the adrenaline in her body wearing off, she closes her eyes and tumbles to the ground. Not even having the time to sheathe her sword
  612. "....."
  613. (Domino)
  614. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  616. [14:42] Silvain Conquïc says, "9that"
  617. [14:42] Silvain Conquïc says, "nya"
  618. [14:43] Yuki Botcher says, "Lets go."
  619. [14:43] "Well... At least she is not lacking in spirit. Eh?"
  621. Luneth seemed completely unpreoccupied. She would be fine. No one dies from severe exhaustion. Though pushing oneself like that, is usually not good. But he gathered the female clearly wanted to get better at her tactics. And she does seem to get better. Though it could be more the fact that she started countering Ekheim better, but... would she be able to fight like that against any opponent?
  623. It was similar to how he made the semi finals by knowing how he would move, fight and use his magic to his advantage. And he got quite far. But he understands how best to use his magic. When it makes sense to utilize music and phantoms to fight. His illusory double, alone, was a force to be reckoned with. And he had plenty of tricks up his sleeves, including blinding his target as well as becoming faster by accessing his wild nature.
  625. So from what he observed, Domino could probably get better with training. "Hm... I guess she could use a bit more spacing though." He shrugs as he tells Ekheim, "Anyhow, what made you see things the way you do now?"
  627. He was still curious about Ekheim's perception of the Way.
  628. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  629. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  631. [14:44] Silvain would be uber'd to Domino's position, as he sits down on the stump and watches. He also gives Domino a subtle wave.
  632. (Silvain Conquïc)
  633. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  635. [14:45] Domino was literally unconscious on the ground
  636. (Domino)
  637. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. [14:45] Silvain Conquïc says, "...........Oh."
  640. [14:45] Domino says, "...zzz...zz....zzz"
  641. [14:46] Luneth waves to Silvain. "Might want to let her rest. They been at it for several hours, days maybe...." That was no exageration either.
  642. (Luneth Veracrucis)
  643. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  645. [14:46] Silvain Conquïc asks, "I'm going to take her home so she can fucking rest HOLY SHIT DAYS?"
  646. [14:47] Domino says, "....mgh...."
  647. [14:47] Domino says, ""
  648. [14:47] Domino says, ""
  649. [14:47] Silvain Conquïc says, "go back to sleep"
  650. [14:47] Domino says, "mgh......."
  651. [14:47] Silvain Conquïc says, "Sleep."
  652. [14:47] Time after time each of the fight were close to the same. However she tried her best to adapt to her opponent. Slowly changing up her attack patterns. The man didn't really seem to change how he found much at all. As for her to learn.
  654. As for the last match where he finally gave into his ever waning stamina. While he has quite the durable and held the over all stamina of an animal. He never was allowed to rest. Something that he always let himself do. Even while doing the harshest of training regimes. The young felinae didn't have that same issue. Her will to overcome Ekheim was far too great. Eventually causing him to slip up and let her win.
  656. It ended with a ice covered field with, making his movement unique. He energy pooled at his feet as to melt the ice. Letting him move, that ended up making his attacks weaker. Though he was able to land more. She rushed at him after surrounding him with a blizzard. Making his vision extremely obstructed. --Since he hadn't a clue where she was he shifted all his mana to his fists. Closing his eyes just listening in. Aiming to do a coup de grace. Once she made a sound he turned and stuck towards her. She shifted aside and it grazed her, as she struck him ending the spar.
  658. He lets out a gasp of air. "Seems like she over did it again." He walks over and picks her up. "I gotta get her to bed." He said looking to Lune.
  660. "If ya wanna talk about it more, your more than welcome to join me in my residence."
  661. (Ekheim Theseus)
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