_Jynxx suck up

Dec 18th, 2017
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. 17 December 2017
  3. floral: why is that ur name
  4. shadow615: so server owners and other minges on gmod don't reconize me
  5. shadow615: making it funnier when they get anrgry when i propkill em
  6. floral: LOL
  7. floral: you wont get recognised
  8. shadow615: what
  9. shadow615: yeah i mean. i only bhop in circles in a propkill server and call other people bad, FOR REALS I WON'T GET RENCONIZED
  10. floral: rq
  11. shadow615: no i just dident have time to sit and wait for your 10wpm typing
  12. shadow615: me and dark are going to minge
  13. shadow615: join if you want
  14. floral: cute
  15. floral: lol
  16. shadow615: will be funny to propskilleur you
  17. shadow615: and make you jealous
  18. floral: stop flexing that u can pk
  19. floral: LOL
  20. shadow615: of how wonderful my ropes are
  21. floral: says the one who cant hvh for shit
  22. shadow615: nuthing to do with hvh
  23. shadow615: top kek
  24. floral: nothing to do with pk
  25. floral: nerd
  26. shadow615: *holy shit your 14*
  27. floral: yes
  28. floral: ?
  29. floral: ur 13 or something
  30. shadow615: WRONG
  31. floral: idc to be honest
  32. shadow615: WRONG
  33. floral: OH
  34. floral: 14!?!?!?!
  35. floral: wow
  36. shadow615: WRONG
  37. floral: you are a big boy
  38. shadow615: WRONG
  39. floral: na
  40. floral: bro i hope u dont get recognised on the server ur minging on
  41. floral: cuz
  42. floral: ofc ur too
  43. floral: popular
  44. shadow615: not even on one
  45. shadow615: KEK
  46. floral: bet you get recognised by the backgrounds
  47. floral: ur
  48. floral: that
  49. floral: popular!!?!?!
  50. shadow615: what
  51. shadow615: god almighty
  52. shadow615: you make no sense
  53. shadow615: stop hurting your ego further
  54. floral: i thnk ido lad
  55. shadow615: really?
  56. shadow615: floral: i thnk ido lad
  57. shadow615: kinda hard to understand that
  58. shadow615: thnk
  59. shadow615: ido?
  60. floral: not if u got common sense
  61. floral: and u understand a typo
  62. shadow615: if you had common sense to type properly
  63. floral: kinda multitasking?
  64. floral: hmm
  65. shadow615: so am i
  66. floral: judging by how quickly you reply im sure ur hooked to this convorsation
  67. shadow615: no i just don't type 2 wpm
  68. shadow615: L2 alt tab
  69. shadow615: floral is typing
  70. shadow615: then stops
  71. shadow615: please entertain me more
  72. floral: ur a funny guy jynxx
  73. floral: i bet u find joy by joining my game
  74. floral: saying to dark ur gonna fuck with me
  75. floral: then what did u do
  76. floral: type in chat and call my ropes shit
  77. shadow615: not even talking to dark
  78. shadow615: he's in a different game
  79. floral: u literally messaged him
  80. floral: saying uu was gonna fuck me up
  81. floral: then joined my game
  82. floral: u spanner
  83. shadow615: --: can you see my IP
  84. shadow615: sent that twice
  85. shadow615: were
  86. shadow615: in ts?
  87. --: in view game infp
  88. --: info
  89. shadow615: you arent playing any games
  90. shadow615: / no i can't
  91. shadow615: almost got a server
  92. --: no point
  93. shadow615: you not coming on?
  94. shadow615: ah ok
  95. --: nah soz
  96. --: gonna play a game with a friend
  97. shadow615: it's fime
  98. shadow615: yeah im totally saying im going to fuck with you
  99. floral: why did u join the sesh then huh
  100. shadow615: to propkill everyone
  101. shadow615: never said that to dark
  102. floral: u could see there was 3 people on
  103. shadow615: he joined off me
  104. floral: LOOOOL
  105. shadow615: yes, dev servers with low people are typically shit
  106. floral: no
  107. floral: lies
  108. floral: he didnt join off u
  109. floral: cuz i joined this server then invited hm
  110. shadow615: WRONG
  111. shadow615: because he was in civs 3
  112. floral: hahahah
  113. floral: bs
  114. floral: not when we was playing
  115. floral: cuz i was just in a call with im
  116. floral: him
  117. floral: idiot
  118. shadow615: WRONG
  119. floral: ur such a shit liar
  120. shadow615: because i was speaking to him the whole time
  121. shadow615: i was in the server
  122. shadow615: before he joined
  123. floral: i saw u joined tho idiot
  124. floral: lmfao
  125. shadow615: yes i joined first
  126. floral: u said u was gonna fuck me over idiot
  127. floral: and joined me
  128. shadow615: WRONG
  129. shadow615: i said im going to propkill everyone
  130. shadow615: including floral
  131. shadow615: because lets be honest
  132. floral:
  133. shadow615: it wouldent be a challemge
  134. floral: cmoonnnn
  135. floral: ur a shit liar mane
  136. shadow615: TOP KEK
  137. shadow615: read the first 4 lines
  138. shadow615: join if u want
  139. shadow615: gonna fuck over floral
  140. shadow615: if theres propkill
  141. floral: ok
  142. shadow615: retard
  143. floral: so
  144. floral: idiot
  145. floral: you wasnt on before me
  146. floral: second of all
  147. floral: dark was joining anyway
  148. floral: as we was in a call
  149. floral: and u decided to be like
  150. floral: WOW
  151. floral: fLORAL IS ON GMOD
  153. shadow615: what
  154. shadow615: said this before
  155. shadow615: you make no sense
  156. shadow615: i said i was gonna fuck you over
  157. floral: get off my dick
  158. shadow615: if theres propkill
  159. floral: bs
  160. floral: cuz if u was on the server before me
  161. floral: how would u kow
  162. floral: know*
  163. floral: there was pk
  164. shadow615: how did you get from fucking
  165. shadow615: me being in the server before u
  166. shadow615: i was waiting for you to join a server
  167. shadow615: join of you
  168. shadow615: then dark joined of me
  169. floral: LISTEN
  170. floral: you dont
  171. floral: have
  172. floral: fucking hair mate
  173. floral: so
  174. floral: you say you was in the server before me but clearly if you was you would know there was propkill already
  175. shadow615: never said i was in a server before you
  176. shadow615: read all chat
  177. floral: you are a fucking liar
  178. shadow615: your a buthurt egotysical sucking garbage man
  179. floral: shadow615: your a buthurt egotysical sucking garbage man
  180. floral: shadow615: your a buthurt egotysical sucking garbage man
  181. floral: shadow615: your a buthurt egotysical sucking garbage man
  182. floral: shadow615: your a buthurt egotysical sucking garbage man
  183. shadow615: your dyslesic?
  184. shadow615: can you not read?
  185. floral: hahaa
  186. floral: dyslesic
  187. floral: and mate
  188. floral: get off whale tits dick
  189. shadow615: what are you on about
  190. shadow615: me and him minge together
  191. shadow615: like %90
  192. shadow615: of other decent minges
  193. shadow615: makes it 10x funner
  194. floral: LOL
  195. floral: bs
  196. floral: ur on his dick
  197. shadow615: you don't even talk to him
  198. shadow615: pretty funny
  199. shadow615: gonna send this to him
  200. shadow615: see how he laughs
  201. floral: u need to stop flexing ur little rope too
  202. floral: its not hard
  203. shadow615: heh
  204. shadow615: i flex?. it's calling shaming your little noob ropes
  205. floral:
  206. floral: mad
  207. shadow615: noob ropes
  208. floral: hahaha
  209. shadow615: i don't know what that was supposed to prove
  210. shadow615: it's a noob rope
  211. shadow615: unless you tried stealing my con comamnd
  212. floral: it proves that
  213. shadow615: which was
  214. shadow615: _GAYEST_,
  215. floral: hah no
  216. floral: it proves that ur calling my ropes in a game bad
  217. floral: fucking ropes mate
  218. shadow615: if you care so little about it
  219. shadow615: why are you putting your ego through the roof of your shitty little bmx
  220. shadow615: IT'S A FUCKEN ROPE
  221. floral: a picture of a bike
  222. floral: yes
  223. shadow615: WOWOWOW
  224. shadow615: stop getting so ass mad over something you have no interest in
  225. shadow615: retard
  226. shadow615: get over it
  227. floral: im getting mad now?
  228. floral: ok
  229. shadow615: afaik
  230. shadow615: maybe
  231. shadow615: but im not a emotion reader like all other hvhers
  232. floral: emotion read
  233. floral: reader*
  234. floral: huh?
  235. shadow615: *COMMON SENSE*
  236. shadow615: *PLEASE KICK IN*
  237. floral: i bet ur sitting there smashing ur desk in like "o yeah im really fuckin floral up right now!!"
  238. shadow615: WRONG
  239. shadow615: im watching this
  240. shadow615:
  241. shadow615: whilst laughing
  242. shadow615: but if your mind resorted to "JYNXX IS LAUGHING AT US" "BETTER POINT OUT THAT HE'S *REALLY FUCKING ME UP RIGHT NOW*"
  243. shadow615: gotta open advent calander
  244. shadow615: sec
  245. floral: i dont think so
  246. shadow615: ok i got M,M's
  247. shadow615: time to FLEX THEM
  248. floral: KK
  249. shadow615: ok what were you saying
  250. floral: dont remember
  251. floral: but i think waht ur doing here right
  252. floral: is trying soooo hard to be funny
  253. shadow615: just trying to prove how little i care
  254. shadow615: about this
  255. floral: are u implying that i care
  256. floral: cuz ur right
  257. floral: i think im in love with you
  258. floral: if you dont care
  259. floral: then why are u still replying?
  260. shadow615: seeing if theres any more ego for you shed
  261. floral: scroll up
  262. floral: and
  263. floral: give me proof
  264. floral: that im being egotistical
  265. shadow615: i can't copy the whole steam chat
  266. shadow615: top kek
  267. floral: im sure you dont know what ego means
  268. shadow615: i forgot to mention
  269. shadow615: i also got a Twix
  270. shadow615: bet your jealous
  271. floral: nah i got a maccys milkshake
  272. shadow615: dunno what that is
  273. shadow615: sounds like a mauds milk shake
  274. floral: have you ever heard of mcdonalds?
  275. floral: oh wait
  276. floral: they dont have them in 3rd world countries
  277. shadow615: well
  278. shadow615: any were that has chavs
  279. shadow615: theres a mcdonlds
  280. shadow615: pretty close by
  281. shadow615: so
  282. shadow615: WRONG
  283. shadow615: we do have them
  284. floral: i assumed
  285. floral: assume*
  286. floral: u have got checked out for being braindead by now
  287. floral: right
  288. shadow615: i thought you would resort to that
  289. shadow615: and my answer is
  290. shadow615: WRONG
  291. floral: go now
  292. floral: b4 2 late
  293. shadow615: they said i should sign you in
  294. shadow615: name?
  295. shadow615: email?
  296. shadow615: pn?
  297. shadow615: mum name?
  298. floral: pn?
  299. floral: phone number?
  300. floral: oooo
  301. shadow615: i said i'll sign you in for later
  302. floral: you mean the one that senator got from u bc u failed to order pizza to his house
  303. shadow615: RIGHT
  304. shadow615: but
  305. shadow615: not even my phone
  306. shadow615: it's dead
  307. floral: hahaha
  308. shadow615: no one in my house uses it
  309. shadow615: and
  310. floral: senator made u buy a new sim
  311. shadow615: i don't use phones
  312. shadow615: because there annoying
  313. shadow615: when you try to do shit
  314. floral: haha
  315. shadow615: they will fall out of your pocket
  316. shadow615: mp3 players
  317. shadow615: are way better
  318. shadow615:
  319. floral: mp3 players?
  320. floral: what one u got
  321. shadow615: skull candy one
  322. shadow615: or some shit
  323. shadow615: idk
  324. shadow615: they all do the same thing
  325. shadow615: beats are over priced and the same
  326. shadow615: and do the same*
  327. shadow615: darks removed everyone
  328. shadow615: rofl
  329. floral: cuz of me
  330. shadow615: idk
  331. floral: i called him a liar
  332. shadow615: why
  333. shadow615: what for
  334. floral: cuz he said he was getting off put played more gmod and ended the call
  335. floral: idc about playing with him
  336. floral: i just hate being lied to
  337. shadow615: dark dident play with me either, he kist went into a co op game and then came off gmod
  338. shadow615: and then went into another game
  339. shadow615: and then he got pissed off at me and then left
  340. floral: kekekekekk
  341. shadow615: do you know what kek means
  342. floral: Fuck no
  343. shadow615: time to not know how to rea
  344. shadow615: read and do
  345. shadow615: floral: kekekekekk
  346. shadow615: floral: kekekekekk
  347. shadow615: floral: kekekekekk
  348. shadow615: floral: kekekekekk
  349. shadow615: floral: kekekekekk
  350. floral: idk
  351. shadow615: why did you think i was playing with dark
  352. floral: cuz u literally said
  353. shadow615: said.....?
  354. floral: read up
  355. shadow615: up?
  356. shadow615: ok i read up
  357. shadow615: up
  358. shadow615: up
  359. shadow615: up
  360. shadow615: rofl
  361. shadow615: i was trying to piss you off and see how high your ego would go
  362. shadow615: i joined you not dark
  363. floral: exatly
  364. floral: retard
  367. TOP KEK
  369. LOLING
  371. --1st
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