
Sam Venom Fapfic By Deadanon & M19

Aug 15th, 2014
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  3. An unnatural scream echoed in the distance, jenny shuddered then turned to Sam, “did you hear that?” she asked “Hear what?” Sam replied as she continued to text on her phone, not even dignifying Jenny’s question with a genuine response. Jenny let out a sigh and said “Nothing, just…” trailing off as the sound came back once more, closer this time. Jenny pulled herself away from the window and turned to face her friend, who had stopped texting finally. Sam looked back at her “You going?” she asked as Jenny pulled on her track jacket. “Yeah, I’ve got to open up the store tomorrow” she said meekly, clearly these late nights and early mornings were taking their toll on her friend.
  5. Sam saw Jenny to the door and made sure to keep an eye on her as she walked down the darkened street. Street crime in NYC had dropped quite a bit since some guy in a skull getup had been taking names near her neighbourhood. Still Jenny was a young, attractive blonde college student, and even if it was out of habit Sam supposed it was better to be safe than sorry. She closed the door and locked it, shivering a little as the cold November air flooded her hallway. Panties and an oversized shirt weren’t exactly winter-wear she thought as she climbed up the stairs to her room.
  7. Sam turned on the shower and began to strip, then realized she had left her phone in her room. She wrapped a towel around herself and headed across the landing to her room, the phone was laying on her bed. She picked it up and started back the bathroom when she head a soft thud behind her, like a cat jumping of a banister onto flooring. She spun around and felt cold, her window was open slightly more than usual. Goosebumps spread across her from like a virus, her nipples hardened under the towel she was wearing. Slowly she approached the window, expecting one of her ex’s to clamber through like in a horror movie. Somewhere a cat let out a horrible cry; at least Sam hoped it was a cat. She stood with her head out the window waiting for something. Nothing; she closed the window and returned to the shower.
  9. Sam had been on the shower for nearly 15 minutes, and hadn’t even begun to wash her hair yet. She leant against the tiled wall of her shower and pondered the curiousness of the last half an hour. Firstly her friend had heard some sort of strange noise, the same one that she had head most likely. Then something had slipped in through her window but was too fast to get a look at. “No” she said out loud “You’re being irrational, it was just the wind and you forgot to close your window you were so worried about Jenny”.
  10. Sam knew all about the crazy stuff that happened in NYC before she moved here a few months back. She didn’t want to think about it now, she just wanted to relax and get a good night’s sleep. As if in retaliation, the bathroom light dimmed, surged and finally died. Sam let out a cry of frustration and fear and got out of the shower to go grab a spare light bulb. She fumbled around at the door trying to find the knob in the darkness; she clutched it and felt something drip onto her head with an audible splat.
  12. Instinctively she looked up and was greeted by something with the consistency of treacle slopping onto her face. She screamed and pushed the door open starting a run towards her bedroom. She couldn’t see, the substance was covering her eyes. She tripped over the laundry basked haphazardly placed only a few feet from the bathroom door and fell over onto her hands and knees. The stuff had now covered her whole face and was fast moving down her body, past her shoulders. Sam lent back on her knees and began clawing at the stuff on her face trying to get it off, she screamed and cried out but her voice was muffled by the stuff.
  14. The stuff was over her chest now, its cold touch making her nipples stand tall. The momentary pleasure was overwhelming, it clouded Sam’s mind and almost made her forget her situation. She snapped back to reality and began to pull vigorously at the mask once again, she felt it give slightly around the area where her mouth was then stretch out as she tried to pull it off. Sam let out a cry of fear and triumph. In retaliation the stuff pulled against her hands and snapped back into place only now it began to enter Sam’s mouth from her face. Sam heard herself gagging as the substance filled her mouth and moved down her throat. The stuff felt like it was burning her mouth it was so cold, she felt it move further down her throat into her chest. At the same time her vision returned slowly hazy at first, everything was out of focus.
  16. She looked at her hands and saw that they were coated in the stuff (which she could now see was black) it was like a second skin. Sam then realized that she had stopped gagging and could breathe normally, and then slowly, shakily she rose to her feet, like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time. She looked down at her body; it mimicked the black paint-like form of her arms. Sam stretched out one leg, feeling a chill run down it and saw that the black ooze was running down her ankle and had almost enveloped her foot.
  18. No sooner had the ooze covered her completely the substance covering her body tightened, slightly at first then painfully so. Sam let out a cry as she felt her abdomen being crushed slightly. The shock knocked Sam backwards and she grabbed the landing banister for support. She looked down at her stomach to see definition forming that hadn’t been there before; inflections of muscle were appearing underneath the black surface. Sam winced a little and let out a yelp of pain “Ow-a-aagh!” her voice was different, it was lower somehow, with an almost screeching kink to it.
  20. Finally the pain subsided. Sam looked at her body again and found the definition from her stomach had spread to her chest. Her breasts were just as firm and perky as if she was wearing a bra. Sam noticed her nipples were visible, and no sooner did she do that the suit around them shifted and kneaded them sending sparks of pleasure through her body. Sam let out a moan of pleasure and bit her lower lip “Mmmm yeah!” she moaned. Without thinking Sam placed her hand on her inner thigh and moved up slowly, positively purring with anticipation. The suit reacted accordingly and Sam felt her lips part slightly and Sam felt her thighs grow wet. The suits thighs. Their thighs.
  22. The jolts of pleasure and accompanying rush of hormones seemed to act as a catalyst to the suit, if a suit it truly was. The same tightening sensation gripped her hands and feet, then a sharp pain as each of her fingers and toes began lengthening and tapering out to a cruel point, looking like dark, organic scalpel blades.
  24. The now familiar tightening sensation then spread up to her neck and head, causing her vision to blur and darken once again. She managed to stagger in front of a mirror and grip the counter in front of it for support. She had to see what was happening to her, but all she could make out before her vision departed entirely was a blurry black figure.
  26. She felt the warm, sticky interior of the suit pressing harder and harder against her face and head, it didn’t at all feel like the smooth black skin coating the outside of her body, but rather soft, wet and puffy. It pulsed, pushing into all the contours of her face, tighter and tighter the intense pressure against her delicate features becoming painful. She instinctively tried to yelp in pain but found that she could not open her mouth. She closed her grip hard on the counter, leaning forward, her claw-like fingers gouging furrows in the surface. Finally a strange tingling sensation overcame the feeling of pressure; it felt as if her nose and eyes, as well as the bones in her face were melting away. It would have been pleasurable if it weren’t so strange. Then slowly, swimming into focus as if she were underwater her vision began to return.
  28. What greeted her in the mirror was almost unrecognizable, a smooth, black mask-like face absent of any recognizable features stared back at her. Two empty white teardrop shaped markings were where her eyes once were, totally flat and without any trace of eyeballs or sockets. She opened her mouth to take a breath and was shocked to see a tear in the surface of her black skin open in a straight line running from just beneath the white ‘eyes’ curving up and terminating where her ears once were. It opened wide, revealing row after row of razor sharp fangs erupting from pink gum tissue and a wide gullet that occupied much of the space where her face had been only moments before. Unconsciously she began salivating and translucent greenish ooze began dripping from her jaws.
  30. Somehow, the sight of what she had become did not perturb Sam. It seemed natural and familiar, like this had always been her face. It struck her as elegant even beautiful. Then seemingly with a mind of its own, a long prehensile tongue shaped like a writhing worm slithered out of her gaping maw. Impossibly long and covered in the same green mucus it wrapped itself several times around Sam’s unnaturally firm breast and squeezed before slowly uncoiling, letting her feel a previously unimaginable sensation and leaving her breast wet with slime. She let out a gurgling hiss of pleasure.
  32. She looked down at the rest of her body, now midnight black with a slightly reflective sheen as if it had just been polished. The alien suit had re-sculpted her, Sam had always had a desirable body but now from the neck down she resembled an idealised statue of a Greek goddess. Everything tight and flawlessly smooth, every curve perfect in symmetry and proportion. She had never been attracted to women, but Sam now found herself becoming aroused at the sight of her own physique. She felt her body temperature rising, even more drool began dripping from her mouth and her tongue thrashed excitedly.
  34. Suddenly from the front door there was a loud banging. Someone was outside.
  36. “Sam!” A man’s voice shouted
  38. It was Matt, her twenty-something neighbour. Her *hot* neighbour.
  40. “Sam are you ok? Your window’s open and I heard a noise.”
  42. “Jussst what the doctor ordered.” Sam hissed in a voice that sounded more like a choir of snakes than a human being.
  44. She bounded towards the door and flung it open, seizing Matt and flinging him to the landing floor before he had a chance to react. She slammed the door shut and turned the lock. Then she dropped to all fours and slowly crawled on top of Matt.
  45. *****
  46. Matt didn’t know what had just happened, one minute he was hammering on the door with his fist and the next something had burst through the door, pulled him inside and thrown him to the floor like a ragdoll. He was still trying to clear his head when he noticed the inky black creature crawling on top of him, pinning him to the floor.
  48. It was like nothing he had ever imagined, though its skin was smooth and shiny like rubber it had the best body he had ever seen. As if a mad psychologist had created a composite sculpture combining the best attributes of the most alluring porn-stars, athletes and actresses, its body was sex given shape. If the body was something out of a wet dream however its head was something out of a nightmare. Like some horrific deep sea predator it had a huge slobbering maw filled with rows of vicious teeth which seemed to take up more than half of its skull. The rest of its head was noteworthy only in how ‘blank’ it was, bald with no identifiable eyes, ears or nose, no recognizable features or expressions of any kind. His mind was torn, consciously he was terrified of this monster but unconsciously he lusted for it desperately. His member had already responded, becoming painfully hard and pressing against the inside of his jeans.
  50. The creature seized his shirt in its clawed hands and tore it away, leaving him bare chested.
  52. “What the hell are you? What do you want with me?” he demanded
  54. The creature responded in an inhuman hissing voice that was oddly feminine and even familiar.
  56. “All thossse times you watched me undressing through the windowss, ssunning myssself in my bikini in the garden and you don’t recognissse me?”
  58. He was momentarily stunned in disbelief.
  60. “Sam? Is that you?”
  62. “W-what, how? I don’t….mpph”
  64. He was cut off as the creature that was once Sam leaned forward, her serpentine tongue squirming out of her mouth and into his. The slimy appendage wrapped and unwrapped around his own tongue, before exploring every corner of his mouth, then sliding greasily down his throat, throbbing all the while. It stopped and withdrew just short of blocking his airway, leaving strings of drool trailing between his mouth and hers.
  66. “Husssh” She hissed
  68. She quickly ripped off his jeans and boxers, his manhood springing to attention and brushing against the smooth moist skin of her inner thigh as she straddled him. He was so hard now that he couldn’t think properly; his cock pulsed painfully with every beat of his heart. Sam raised herself up slightly, a black tendril from her leg slithering out and holding his manhood in place as her groin hovered centimetres above the tip. It was then Matt noticed that her crotch was totally smooth like a dolls, without any genitalia. Then how…?
  69. As if in response, a smooth black slit slowly formed in the sweet spot between her legs. Familiar green slime began oozing from it and the lips widened ever so slightly, revealing a hint of pink flesh the same hue as the inside of her mouth.
  71. “Yes, yes, yes” Matt begged, scarcely aware of what he was saying
  73. The Sam-creature got up onto one knee as if to make sure he had a good view, then slowly lowered herself onto him. The tip of his erect member pressed against the black slit between her legs. It was unbelievably tight, even with the warm slime now coating his member acting as lubricant, the resistance was sufficient that his shaft began to bend slightly before the lips finally parted and the head of his cock slid inside of her.
  75. Her walls were so warm, so wet and clung tightly to his member like nothing he had ever experienced and he let out a groan of ecstasy as the lips her alien pussy slid all the way down to the base of his shaft. She let out a gurgling purr followed by a high pitched shriek, a few gobbets of drool landing on his chest and face as her tongue thrashed in the air.
  77. Instinctively Matt began to thrust upwards into the creature, even with lubrication it was a slow start. Sam began to buck her hips in rhythm with Matt, pumping herself up and down on his cock. Moans of pleasure began to ring out, colliding with the wet slapping sound of their act. Matt was totally running on autopilot by now, the adrenaline from both his fear and subconscious lust had completely overwritten his common sense. Sam’s breathing grew more haggard as she reached climax, she could feel that Matt was close also, somehow the suit knew. She could feel his dick beginning to tremble inside her, with great effort she pried herself off his pulsating member and crawled further up Matt till they were face to face.
  79. Matt looked into the vacant eyes of the creature, suddenly realizing the bizarreness of the situation. Panic began to set in as the creature let out a laugh, or a lovecraftian approximation of one which made Matt flinch a little. Again the creature unsheathed its tongue and licked his cheek, slowly dragging the appendage up and down like a demonic dog. The sensation was familiar yet foreign; the tongue was coarse and slimy and it flicked around the lobe of his ear which made him jerk away. The tongue retracted back into Sam’s grinning mouth, she sat up and placed her hands on his face, the tips of her claws were like needles pressed against his skin.
  81. Sam tilted her head slightly and said in her new voice, “You’ll only cum when we tell you to”. The creature slowly drew her hands over Matt’s face, over his chest, dragging a single finger across his navel, just deep enough to leave a mark. Matt let out a faint yelp of pain and the creature laughed once again, turning so her ass was right in his face, he noticed that her pussy was still exposed. Matt knew that the creature wouldn’t like it if her gestures went unrequited, he gripped the sides of her butt and placed his face in-between her thighs. Sam licked her lips and cooed “Ah now you get it, we knew you would.” Sam extended her tongue out and licked his throbbing rod up and down in an exaggerated way. Matt let out a stifled moan as the coarse tongue rubbed slowly against the head of his cock. After a while the creature ceased its licking and wrapped its tongue firmly around his member.
  83. The creatures tongue jerked Matt’s cock up and down slowly at first, with a slight rolling motion, in return Matts own tongue explored the insides of the creature’s pussy, the walls of which were contracting and relaxing excitedly. Sam let out a moan of ecstasy as her tongue jerked Matt’s cock more vigorously, she could feel herself getting close to climax, Matt’s cock throbbed in her grip and she said “We’re close! You’ll cum soon!” With more than half of her tongue free top move, Sam positioned the tip of her appendage on to the top of Matt’s urethra. Matt continued to gorge himself on the creature’s pussy but could feel himself nearing release, his mind was blurred and his ears were ringing, adrenaline rushing through him like a virus.
  85. “Now” Sam said in a commanding tone, “Cum for us!” and she flicked the tip of his cock with the tip of her serpentine tongue. Matt’s cock shot off like a rocket, blasting cum all over the creatures face and mouth. Matt let out a sound that was like a combination of someone who had just won the lottery and someone who had just been stabbed, and fell backwards onto the carpet, panting as if he had just ran a marathon. As his vision began to fade Matt saw the creature turn to him, the thick globs of his jizz slowly running down its face, standing out defiantly against her hue. The creature’s massive tongue untangled itself from his twitching dick and, in one fell swoop; licked his seed from her face in a cat-like motion. The creature shot Matt a toothy grin and said, “Good boy, we knew we would like you.”
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