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a guest
Jul 29th, 2013
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  1. id: "Sample Spell"
  2. type: ItemType_Spell
  3. uirep {
  4. icon: "icon_balllightning1"
  5. name: "Sample Spell"
  6. description: "Sample Spell"
  7. }
  8. anim_type: AnimType_Spell
  9. coreAttribute: Attribute_Willpower
  10. coreSkill: Skill_Spellcasting
  11. forceRating: 6
  12. apCost: 3
  13. prereqStrings: "Player.SKILL.Skill_Spellcasting >= 4"
  14. baseHPDamage: 15
  15. baseAPDamage: 1
  16. rangeModTable: 10
  17. rangeModTable: 9
  18. rangeModTable: 8
  19. rangeModTable: 7
  20. rangeModTable: 6
  21. rangeModTable: 5
  22. rangeModTable: 4
  23. rangeModTable: 3
  24. rangeModTable: 2
  25. rangeModTable: 1
  26. rangeModTable: 0
  27. rangeModTable: 0
  28. rangeModTable: -1
  29. rangeModTable: -2
  30. rangeModTable: -3
  31. rangeModTable: -4
  32. rangeModTable: -5
  33. rangeModTable: -6
  34. rangeModTable: -7
  35. rangeModTable: -8
  36. effectModTable: 0.75
  37. effectModTable: 0.5
  38. noiseLevel: 5
  39. noiseRounds: 1
  40. modelessAbilities: "Ball Lightning"
  41. affectsFriendly: true
  42. affectsEnemy: true
  43. canTargetOccupiedGridPoint: true
  44. canTargetUnoccupiedGridPoint: true
  45. cooldown: 4
  46. isMagic: false
  47. effectDuration: 1
  48. fxrep {
  49. preActionFxName: "lightningSpellPrepare"
  50. actionFxName: "BallLightningThrowAction"
  51. postActionFxName: ""
  52. hitReactionFxName: "LightningHitReaction"
  53. missReactionFxName: "GenericSpellMissReaction"
  54. }
  55. isDebuff: true
  56. activationStatusEffects {
  57. uirep {
  58. icon: "icon_balllightning1"
  59. name: "Lightning: HP -5, AP -1 per RND"
  60. }
  61. stackingCategory: "Lightning"
  62. statMods {
  63. attribute: Attribute_HP
  64. intModValue: -5
  65. }
  66. statMods {
  67. attribute: Attribute_AP
  68. intModValue: -1
  69. }
  70. fxScript: "LightningStatus"
  71. }
  72. store_cost: 600
  73. sorting_group: "Spellcasting (Mage)"
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