

Feb 16th, 2020
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  1. mysql:
  2. host: localhost
  3. user: mysql
  4. database: tsbot
  5. password: *ZENSIERT*
  6. query:
  7. host:
  8. user: serveradmin
  9. password: **
  10. port: *ZENSIERT*
  11. teamSpeak:
  12. port: 9987
  13. botName: TeamSpeakBot
  14. module:
  15. verify:
  16. enable: true
  17. heads:
  18. enable: true
  19. rank: 20
  20. ranks:
  21. - teamSpeak.admin, 6
  22. -, 12
  23. - teamSpeak.mod, 13
  24. - teamSpeak.sup, 11
  25. - teamSpeak.default, 7
  26. support:
  27. enable: false
  28. channels:
  29. - '34'
  30. - '35'
  31. lobby: 2
  32. perms: teamSpeak.notify
  33. message: Poke
  34. ranks:
  35. - '51'
  36. - '52'
  37. vpn:
  38. enable: false
  39. enableRanks:
  40. - '10'
  41. apiKey: create Account
  42. message:
  43. teamSpeak:
  44. alreadyVerify: You or the player is verificated
  45. clientDescription: 'Name: %name% | UUID: %uuid% | Date: %date%'
  46. syntax: 'Usage: !verify <Name>'
  47. notOnline: The player is not online
  48. load: You are verified now
  49. supportNotify: '%clients% waits on %channel% '
  50. supportJoin: There are %amount% team member online
  51. kickReason: You were kicked because of the usage of VPN from the server
  52. info: You are not verified! To verify write me !verify <name>
  53. request: A request has been sent to Ingame to client %client%
  54. moveToLobby: There are no team members online
  55. inGame:
  56. prefix: '&8 •&7● &bTS3&3BOT &8»'
  57. kickReason: '&cYou were kicked because of the usage of VPN from the server'
  58. supportNotify: '%prefix% &6&l%client% &7waits on channel &e&l%channel%'
  59. hoverAccept: '&a&lAkzeptieren'
  60. notVerify: '%prefix% &7Du bist &cnicht &7verifiziert!'
  61. synchronize: '%prefix% &7Dein Account wird synchronisiert...'
  62. load: '%prefix% &7Dein Account wurde erflgreich synchronisiert!'
  63. notOnline: '%prefix% &7Dieser Spieler is &cnicht &7online!'
  64. message: '%prefix% &7To verify yourself you must write to me on &6&lTeamSpeak'
  65. noRequest: '%prefix% &cYou do not have any requests'
  66. hoverDeny: '&c&lAblehnen'
  67. deny: '%prefix% &7Du hast die anfrage &cabgelehnt&7!'
  68. request: '%prefix% &7Der TS Client &6&l%client% &7wants to connect with you'
  69. delete: '%prefix% &7You have &c&ldeleted &7your account'
  70. requestTest: '%prefix% &6Accept with: '
  71. syntax: '%prefix% &7Use&8: /&bverify update&8/&baccept&8/&bdeny&8/&bdelete'
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