
Anonfilly At War [War/Dark/Happy ending]

Feb 23rd, 2016
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  1. >"Attention! Form a colum, you mud-rats!" yells a tall and slightly-tubby stallion.
  2. >He's wearing a jacket with several stripes of green and a shade of tan, he's been in the service for years as a Sergeant.
  3. >A wide hat to make him slightly more intimidating, but his voice is enough to move mountains!
  4. >Anonfilly and the other fillies rush around in slight panic, it's a sight to behold for the Sergeant.
  5. "Colum.. colum.. uugh.. think, you silly filly!"
  6. >Scolding yourself made things worse as you halted your position causing another recruit to bump into you.
  7. >both of you fall down to the slippery sticky mud
  8. >oh damnit, you were probably going to get a scolding for that too..
  9. >"What the hell are you doing?!" the drill Sergeant almost head-butts you as his face gets eerily close to yours.
  10. >wincing at your personal space being invaded and imtidated, you find the words not coming out of your vocal cords.
  11. >great, now he's going to think you're mentally challenged too.
  12. "W-well.. I--"
  13. >"Do you have permission to take a rest? Well? DO YOU?!"
  14. >as you opened your mouth he cuts you off again,
  15. >"NO! YOU DON'T! YOU FAILURE! GET UP, get up, get up!" literally screaming as much as his lungs allow him to in your face
  16. >hair frazzled
  17. >you and the other recruit quickly shoot up like a pair of stiffies and stand in correct formation.
  18. >"psst!"
  19. >oh hey, she's trying to get your attention
  20. >turning to look at her with a sheepish smile, hopefully she'll forgive you for standing in her way.
  21. >"You're retarded or what? Why did you stop?!" she's whispering but you can tell how much hate is in her voice.
  22. "I-I it wasn't my fault! H-he--"
  23. >"Blaming other ponies, huh?! Jackass, I wonder why you're even here anyway!"
  24. >geez, your heart felt like it was pinched. Deciding to leave the conversation as it weren't worth continuing..
  25. >just like you might not be worth it..
  26. >but she's right you even forgot how you were put into... ugh.. what's it called again?
  27. >they just refer to it as 'The service'. You can't exactly place the memory together to remember how you got here but perhaps
  28. you were sent here by your parents? There is several villages in close proximity which means you come from one of them
  29. >but so far you've been stationed in the barracks
  31. >SZZZZT!
  32. >CLASH!
  33. >you look up and instantly see lightening!
  34. >It's damp, cold and wet..
  35. >the winds are getting more harsh out here, hopefully it'll be time to go inside soon!
  36. >"You're all failures! None of you can get this done right and the fight is next week! We'll have to move on.."
  37. >finally, he was keeping you and the other fillies at the formation for a month now
  38. >"Tomorrow we'll be learning combat with eachother. I expect to see some good fighting! Dismissed you fragile
  39. sheep!" he waves his hoof dismissively and by nothing more than instinct and training you all begin marching while
  40. chanting the anthem, referencing two princesses from a far away land, how they're evil and holding ponies in a
  41. unruly captialist town.
  43. >"We. We are coming for you!" the front row of marching little soldiers with their hooves placed out toward the sky.
  44. >"To defect Warmongers! To restore fair-trade!" the second line of marching band chant.
  45. >now it's your row's turn.
  46. >"We will not wave the white flag! The flag of tomorrow is held. Half-mast!" and your marching band repeats the last
  47. line throughout the journey back to the barracks.
  48. >ah.. in truth, it's been nice to always sing it. You're pretty good at singing, wouldn't ya say?
  49. >hell, it's so good even the meanie instructor is shedding a tear
  50. >heh!
  51. >Hopefully you will sleep good tonight. And.. maybe.. maybe you'll get to meet Mom again in your dream?
  52. >hopefully.. the room is still cold and your heart almost sinks when you think of her.
  54. >Be Celestia
  55. >'Cause you know.. reasons..
  56. >You're sitting on the throne in the "War room" as multiple military ponies who are wearing armour and carrying spears.
  57. >You've given them around an hour to come to a conclusion about a defensive plan.
  58. >It seems you've somehow ticked off some small towns. And one town in particular is built as a self-policing state. It was only
  59. recent their Mayor has formed their own military.
  60. >It all started with a letter from the town Mayor asking for multiple supplies, the usual. Food and luxurious items in a trade.
  61. >And as much as you would like to trade with them, you just couldn't. There is woods very close to the town which is
  62. notorious for robberies. Any carriages you would send will end up being forcefully let go of their goods.
  63. >You're sure of it!
  64. >Eventually the ponies all turn to you and nod in agreement with eachother in unison.
  65. >Ah, good!
  66. "I trust you have come to a conclusion?"
  67. >"Indeed, my heighness!" one stallion begins.
  68. >"There are two ways we can go about this, Princess Celestia."
  69. "Do go on, I am listening, Commander."
  70. >"We can take the first route; ambush the army when they least expect it and attack them from there."
  71. >a violent approach? Hm.. you didn't exactly like the idea of maiming ponies or even killing them.
  72. >Feeling slightly pity, their army will never compete and yet they're trying to declare war on you.
  73. >"And the second route.. we could attempt a peaceful negoation when their army arrives on the battlefield."
  74. >Ah, a much more pleasent solution!
  75. >A smile of geninue relief and happiness spreads across your face.
  76. "That sounds like the better option."
  77. >The ponies all smile and nod at eachother. Yup. It's done.
  78. "My only suggestion is this; we capture. No killing unless it is very much warranted."
  79. >They understand, or you hope so. You didn't pay too much attention to the Commander and his two friends, but..
  80. >you could see a slight glimpse of three of them nodding and whispering.
  81. >"..Fuse...Under.."
  82. >Hm.. ah, hell. It's probably nothing.
  84. >Be Anonfilly
  85. >You're lying on your stomach on the muddy and slippery earth, holding your hooves up to your head deflecting punches.
  86. >"Get up! Get up! Hit her back, Anon!" the Sergeant yells obscenties.
  87. >You know he always said these things to help you get stronger, to help mold you into a strong pony who will defend
  88. her town even to her death. But..
  89. >the words still stung.. and you couldn't fight your friend! It would be terrible!
  90. "Nrr-N-no!" you call out to the Sergeant.
  91. >"That's fine with me, I can kick your ass!" your opponent, who you thought was your friend--
  92. >NO! She is your friend! She's just.. what do they call it.. fighting? She's just helping you!
  93. >Trying to get on your hooves your opponent immediately kicks you back to the floor!
  94. >"Alright, stop! Stop!" the Sergeant calls out and points to the sideline. Hanging your head in shame you begin trotting to
  95. the sidelines with a bloody nose and a bruised eye.
  96. >The fight is only 4 days away now..
  97. >B-but it'll be alright! We're doing this for a good cause!
  98. >Our Mayor said so! Our Sergeant keeps telling us that this weird place, 'Ponyville' is a capitalist state and should be
  99. purged.
  100. >W-were doing good!
  101. >R-right.. ri-right?
  102. >suddenly you weren't so sure and you can feel the myrid of emotions running through you, anxiety being the most powerful one.
  103. >What if the war loses?
  104. >What if you die?
  105. >What if... you never... get to see Mommy..
  106. >just from these thoughts alone tears were flowing freely down your green-fluffed cheeks.
  108. >The four days were gone in a blink of an eye.
  109. >Thought, you felt proud in the clothing you wore.
  110. >Armour under-belly plate and a perfectly circle shaped helmet.
  111. >You even got to hold the flag of your town's flag and wave it.
  113. >Upon approaching the battlefield you saw it; the sight of the two Princesses standing up afar on a tower.
  114. >Multiple soldiers are forming a huge line!
  115. >W-what.. they're even bigger than your own army!
  116. >How could you ever hope to win this?
  117. >Your army is by the hundreds. Theirs is by the thousands!
  118. >Suddenly, one of the caped militants speaks through a megaphone.
  119. >"Halt! 'fore any of us make irriational decisions, allow us to negotiate a simple solution!"
  120. >you were too busy waving the flag, being mesmoried by it's free flow to be bothered about what they're talking about
  121. >heh, it looks funny when it sways to one side!
  122. >as always you get side-tracked from important stuff, just like any other filly would.
  123. >"No! Your town made the irraitional decision by conforming to Capitalist solutions! CHAAARRGE!"
  127. >Immediately your marching band began the anthem once more as the entire batch of soldiers run past you.
  128. >You feel like the marching band is helping their morale, empowering them and motivating them to win this fight!
  129. >But immediately, a major explosion occured and half of the army was already wiped out.
  131. >Be Celestia
  132. >What the fuck just happened?
  133. >There was no warning and no speaking of explosives being used in battle!
  134. >You were pretty sure you outlawed the usage of explosives, even in this fight!
  135. >Immediately turning to the Commander who has a sick grin plastered across his face, you stare at him.
  136. >Shit.. you couldn't exactly just zap him.. eugh! You'll have to deal with it later.
  137. >By the time the battle finished the field was covered in a spray of crimson and limp, souless bodies.
  138. >Except for one
  139. >Waving their town's flag.
  140. >"Get e--"
  141. "Capture. It."
  142. >The Commander turns to you and tilts his head questionably, "My heighnes--"
  143. "I. Said. Capture. It."
  145. >So it took you weeks to recover from the blast. You were originally going to be held in a dungeon cell but the so-called-evil
  146. princess decided it wasn't right. She promised you could stay and not return back in fear that you might be executed.
  147. >But in exchange, you have to tell her everything about the town you're from.
  148. >And you did.
  149. >Especially the part about your mom.
  150. >And it was then she realized who you were.
  151. >"A-anon?" Celestia asked before staring in disbelief. Her wing wrapped around your body.
  152. >The good news? Well, you were reunited with your mother, Twilight.
  154. >Galloping into Twilight's hug you tightly squeeze her. You never want to let go.
  155. >Never.
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