
Paichan Q&A

Aug 25th, 2015
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  1. Opener (discard if unnecessary):
  2. Could you please introduce yourself to the audience?
  4. Local:
  5. This is your first time in the Philippines, right? What do you think?
  6. Have you tried any of the local foods? Which was your favorite?
  7. Good work (お疲れ様です) on your August fan meetings. Is this your first time doing something similar at a convention abroad?
  8. You often travel to Hawaii and Guam, but is there anywhere else you'd like to go to on holiday?
  10. Music:
  11. Your album, Jewel Vox, is currently on sale right now.
  12. Which of the songs is your favorite, and why?
  14. Your third single was recently announced, congratulations!
  15. Can you tell us a little about it?
  16. What is the title/theme?
  17. Are you challenging yourself in some way with the new single?
  19. Congratulations as well on your 2nd solo live tour in November!
  20. As a performer, what kind of things do you do in preparation for these lives?
  22. LoveLive:
  23. Apart from your career as a singer, I'm sure many people here are also familiar with your vocal and singing role as LoveLive's Nishikino Maki, which was also your voice actress debut. Do you intend to continue doing more voice work, or will you be concentrating on your singing career?
  25. The LoveLive movie is about to premier in a few days here. Do you have any memorable experiences doing the recording?
  27. Could we have your comments on the movie? Are there any scenes we should keep an eye out for?
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