

May 14th, 2011
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  2. A lot of it isn't particularly complex, just fiddly and/or repetitive.
  4. > mind-numbing documentation stuff
  5. -keeping a list of variables and another one of functions would be amazing, means I can do system maintenance/troubleshoot a WHOLE lot easier.
  7. > sipper
  8. -can set priority health/mana
  9. -can set percentage to sip at
  10. -uses moss in a pinch
  12. > curing
  13. -I guess it'd make sense to have triggers for specific bashing area affliction attacks, so it could add those to the cure priority list, but I was also thinking making it catch game-error-messages (eg 'you can't do that, your arm is broken') might be a good catch-all in case the initial logic missed something.
  14. -I usually have some manual buttons floating around for stupidity, sip health, and stand up, in case the system breaks and I find myself in trouble.
  15. -echoes for herb and salve balance.
  16. -I don't know how system curing should work, but it seems to me like making a to-do list of curing which prioritises for dangerous stuff and keeps curing on various balance regains until you're clean again would be the way to do it.
  18. > bashing
  19. -autotarget, potentially by area. I was thinking a dictionary of all the mob kinds in an area, trigger the 'area' variable to switch on the entrance room name, then target all those mob kinds. When you hit the 'attack' macro it'd try each mob kind in order of priority (aggros first etc) until it successfully attacks something.
  20. -if I've got 'vermin' set to on, I'd like it to target pinchers by default. Possibly with a toggle for other vermin kinds, but I don't see myself desperately needing that part.
  21. -autoattack on balance/eq regain. It'd be nice to be able to set the attack type, but it could also be set by character gmcp I guess.
  23. > balance
  24. -Having a function which stacks a list of things to do on balance/eq regain would be nice.
  25. -also an alias to manually add things to this list would be great.
  27. > repetitions
  28. -Lofn made me a thing so that I can "#90 msg lofn lol" just like in zmud, having that alias back would be great.
  30. > crafting
  31. okay, this is where it gets complicated.
  32. I want to make a system that keeps all crafting designs catalogued with name, tradeskill, item type, and (multiple) tags. It may need a few tables. From that catalog, I'd like to be able to
  33. -set tags manually with a nice, ergonomic alias. I'm okay with entering all the data for all the designs manually too, long as it only needs to be done once.
  34. -search by tradeskill, item type, or tags (ingredients, etc)
  35. -create a 'crafting list' from a search (plug all the design numbers into a list)
  36. -print a 'shopping list' from the crafting list (a big old chunk of text listing all the components I'll need to buy)
  37. -autocraft everything I have on the list. This means making a queue of things to do each time I regain balance. It also means changing the crafting verb depending on which tradeskill a given design number belongs to. For cooking, there will have to be a cookware variable so that it does "COOK 12345 IN <cookware> OVER OVEN" correctly.
  39. > shopkeeping
  40. -using a similar list-tracking function to above, it'd be awesome if I could do a one-command thing to price all the item numbers in my list the same, ie 'pr 300 5' would do 'price 12345 300 shelf 5' for all items in that list.
  41. -I do realise that all this list-searching would be pretty laggy, but let's be realistic here I don't need a combat crafting system.
  43. > brewing/concoctions
  44. -streamlining both brewing and concoctions would be great. Small aliases for making salves and whatnot, but I can probably make these myself if you can't be arsed.
  46. > building
  47. -Aliases to streamline the building process. Lofn wrote me a thing that shortens the enter-verbose and enter-briefdesc syntax to two-letter aliases, so that's cool. He also made a thing which keeps track of what room you're in so creating links between rooms is shortened to, like, 'ex n 27' where it creates an exit to the north that links to room 27 from your current one. If that makes sense.
  48. -also streamlining setting room types. Building syntax is so clunky!
  50. > Chat
  51. -One of those tabbed chat capture things would be neat, I broke my current one.
  53. > Sounds
  54. -I don't know if mudlet can actually do this, but it'd sure be nice to have my Unreal Tournament critical sounds back. If you can write one of those, I can probably clone it up myself to add all the sounds I want.
  55. -It'd also be great if I could make a thing that I can toggle on when I'm going AFK/looking at other windows that, like, spits out a navi HEY LISTEN sound when someone is talking to me. I'm so bad at keeping track of that.
  57. > toggles
  58. -I'd like to be able to toggle each of these sections on and off independantly of each other. Especially autostanding because lol rp killer.
  60. > info window
  61. -I don't know if this is possible or particularly useful, but I thought it could be neat to have a thing that tracks lists of various things, such as what comms I've got in my inventory, a tallied elixlist (counting sips), a memo/to do list sort of thing. You could give it tabs like the chat window has! Or something.
  63. > subs
  64. -A thought for the day thing like what lofn has would be great- table of quotes that can be accessed at random. I'm sick of that NEW DIGG ARTICLE bull, and also the YOUR VOTING REMINDER IS OFF.
  66. > cosmetic
  67. -pretty echoes would be nice, like lofn's system I guess
  68. -things like an EXP progress bar and maybe upgraded 'ab' list view could be cool. Not hugely necessary though.
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