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Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. So, the banlist hit and zoo's are nekroz. (Thoughts and prayers) so now the dragon and machines are rising, Blue-Eyes and ABCs respectively, so I wanted to make a deck to try and stop them, and have some fun too cause I dont find any tier 1 decks fun atm :P So here's the pendulum buster blader deck, it bricks like monarchs, but when it works it can lockdown beautifully.
  3. Main Deck (40):
  5. Monsters (20):
  7. ⁃ 3 Buster Blader (The deck patriarch and everything revolves around him, 3 has worked best so far)
  9. ⁃ 1 Buster Blader, The destruction swordmaster (Would be 3 but unfortunately is only buster blader on field or GY, so 1 not to draw and will dump him with archetypal traps to be able to used)
  11. ⁃ 2 Descend Dragon Magician (A pendulum monster with some incredible synergy with the archetype, once per turn make one monster a dragon, straightforward support, allows negation and atk boosts for problem monsters)
  13. ⁃ 2 Dragonpit Magician (Scale 8, not as useful just to allow pendulum call to resolve and pendulum summon any monster in the deck)
  15. ⁃ 2 Blackwing Gofu the Vague Shadow (Link monster for free, useful to get both a buster dragon and fusion blader out)
  17. ⁃ 1 Robot Buster Destruction Sword (1st equip to buster in the deck, stops field and continuous spells from doing anything, useful against ABC's so union hanger is dead. Busts robots for sure. 1 only to be a search target, should be dumped with the traps and equipped using buster dragon
  18. )
  19. ⁃ 1 Wizard Buster Destruction Sword (Same as Robot except a permanent abyss dweller GY negate effect, kills dino's harder, also hurts pretty much a lot if not all of the meta)
  21. ⁃ 1 Dragon Buster Destruction Sword (Same as Robot and Wizard, but stops extra deck access, very powerful)
  23. ⁃ 3 Buster Whelp of the Destruction Sword (Level 1 tuner for buster dragon, but more importantly searches any Destruction Sword Card, and on top of that, can tribute itself for a special summon of a buster blader in grave. 3 of staple.)
  25. ⁃ 1 Glow Up Bulb (Level 1 Tuner, discard fodder to be then special summoned from grave for free tuner. Hard once per duel means this ratio is not changing)
  27. Spells (11):
  29. ⁃ 1 One for One (One one for one to get one level one Buster Whelp to do that)
  31. ⁃ 1 Upstart Goblin (Look up at that upstart)
  33. ⁃ 2 Emblem of Dragon Destroyer (Adds one Buster Blader from deck or GY to hand, pretty good)
  35. ⁃ 1 Cards of Consonance (Discard a buster whelp to draw 2, helpful in bricks, not as useful as it was. Buster Whelp has a revive effect so not all is lost)
  37. ⁃ 2 Pendulum Call (Adds both pendulum magicians to hand, Free set up pendulum scale. good card my dude)
  39. ⁃ 1 Foolish Burial (Dumps a Buster Blader or Buster whelp, what more do you want)
  41. ⁃ 2 Destruction Swordsman Fusion (Good card, Fuses your buster blader (or theirs in a wild mirror match) with one of their or your dragons which you make with descend dragon magician or buster dragon if they have no dragons. can be recycled and searched by deck)
  43. ⁃ 1 Twin Twister (Its 2017 yugioh)
  45. Traps (5):
  46. ⁃ 1 Destruction Sword Flash (Not used for it's main effect, but better dumped for a negate)
  48. ⁃ 2 Destruction Sword Memories (Fusion summon with only graveyard materials and special summon of a BB, fun)
  50. ⁃ 3 Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman (Dump 2 from deck summon Buster dragon, then you can banish from grave to protect monsters, unfortunately it only keeps buster dragon alive for a turn before killing it, so use if you have set up the graveyard to equip a Blader with some Destruction sword cards)
  52. ⁃ 2 Strike and 1 Solemn Warning (The solemn brigade)
  54. Extra Deck (15):
  56. Fusion (2):
  57. ⁃ 2 Buster Blader, the dragon destroyer swordsman (the fusion mentioned, inflicts piercing, negates all dragons effects and switches them to defense, strong when combine with buster dragon but needs a link setup)
  59. Synchros (8):
  60. ⁃ 2 Buster Dragon (Makes everything Dragons and can equip buster dwords to buster blader from GY, strong, but harder now with links)
  62. ⁃ 6 Level 8- 10 Synchros (Can be anything really, but the better ones are Hot red Dragon Archfiend abyss and bane, beelze, king of dark dragons, void ogre, scarlight red dragon archfiend and crimson blader)
  64. Xyz
  65. - Number 38 Hope harbinger dragon titanic galaxy (long name, spell negation, big body, equipping removal. good)
  66. - Red Flare Metal Dragon (burn for game, not used much)
  67. - Number 11 Big Eye (Steal monster, game.)
  69. Links
  71. - 1 Decode Talker (beater, negation, blah)
  72. - 1 Proxy dragon (Less space than link spiders, just used to link to decode)
  74. The deck has been good so far. In matches I side deck Karma of destruction swordsman to banish graveyard material and stay in archetype if an ABC is giving me trouble. Obviously this absolutely roflstomps blue eyes decks and they'd have to side deck a big chunk to beat it.
  75. Before this I was working on ZooTrains but now they're dead and I just cant bring trains back from the dead, so I switched and found this neat archetype and then crammed in a pendulum thing for fun and it works like a treat. Thanks for your time everyone, hope you can help me iron out any problems you see, especially the bricking problem
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