
Weekdays pt. 1 - Tuesday

Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. >It is another fine Tuesday in Equestria
  2. >Currently you are on your way to visit Fluttershy like you do every Tuesday
  3. >You had worked out a deal with Celestia after you arrived
  4. >She pays you a stipend and you spend 1 day a week helping each of the elements
  5. >You get paid to do what you would already have done for free
  6. >Mondays were RD, Tuesdays were Flutters, Wednesdays were Rarity, Thursdays where Twi, Friday was Pinkie, and Saturday was AJ
  7. >Sundays were your day off as well as any day that the element decided they didn't need your help
  8. >All in all a great deal
  9. >You are drawn out of your thoughts by the trickling of the stream that runs through Butterbutt's front yard
  10. >As you approach her quiet cottage something feels off
  11. >Like there is something missing
  12. >You stop and look around before you realize that Yellowquiet is what's missing
  13. >Usually she is out tending to her animals at this time of day
  14. >Maybe something came up?
  15. >Only one way to find out
  16. >Striding up to the door you loudly knock
  17. >A few moments later the door opens a crack
  18. >"O-oh Anon it's you. Sorry to keep you waiting."
  19. >The door opens the rest of the way revealing a disheveled Bananahush
  20. "Its fine I was just making sure you were home. We still on for today"
  21. >"Yes, I mean, if you are OK with it that is."
  22. >She walks out beside you with a bit of a wobble in her step
  23. "Are you OK Shy? You look...a bit out of it."
  24. >"Oh I am fine. Its just *mumble mumble*"
  25. "What was that? I didn't hear the last part."
  26. >"I am in Estrus" she says barely above a whisper
  27. >Well that explains it
  28. >Oh boy that was an interesting chat with Twilight
  29. >Pinkie had gone it to estrus and spent all day making passes at you
  30. >You politely declined and barely managed to get through the day before you went to talk to Twilight about it
  31. >She explained the Estrus thing and that for a week every every month or so (outside of winter) mares enter a state of strong arousal
  32. >They don't become rapists or anything but they do get a bit...jumpy around males.
  33. >Many mares spend this time at home and go out into public only when they absolutely have to
  34. >Its not nearly as bad for a mare with a significant other because a little sex severely lessens the effects of estrus on a them.
  35. >It took a couple of hours to get that out of Twilight as she spent more time asking about human sexuality than talking about mares
  36. >Well you have seen AJ and Pinkie during estrus but never Flutters.
  37. >AJ was quiet and pensive unlike her usual talkative self. Pinkie was just as talkative but had quite a bit of innuendo thrown into everything she said.
  38. >Shy seems to be acting fairly normally however
  39. "I see. So do you think you will up to keeping the chickens calm while I repair the roost?"
  40. >She looks relieved that you didn't press her about what she said
  41. >"That shouldn't be a problem."
  42. >You nod at her and head to the chicken coop.
  43. >It seems termites had gotten to it and one side of the coop was starting to crumble
  44. >You were going to remove the rotted boards and replace them with fresh ones
  45. >As you began to survey the damage Flutters was quietly coaxing the hens, and a few chicks, out of the coop
  46. >Once they were out she led them to a small pen
  47. >As she secured the latch on the pen her wings faltered a bit and she ended up collapsing in the grass by the pen
  48. >You give her a concerned look.
  49. "Are you sure you are alright? When AJ and Pinkie had there's they didn't look like they were about to fall over."
  50. >She looks away from you and says "I-its a lot worse than usual."
  51. "Should I go get Twilight or Rarity?"
  52. >Her eyes go wide "N-no I will be fine. I will just lay here in the grass while you work, if that's ok with you that is."
  53. "That's perfect. Don't push yourself too far."
  54. >Turning back to your job you begin to pull the boards off the side of the coop
  55. >Some were so bad that they crumbled in your grip
  56. >After about ten minutes of work, sparing glances at Fluttershy occasionally, you began to build up a sweat
  57. >Deciding to keep your shirt relatively clean you pull it off and lay it across a nearby fence post
  58. >Getting back to work you start cutting the new boards to length when you hear a voice say
  59. >"Anon"
  60. >Looking over at Fluttershy you see she is laying in the grass with her eyes closed
  61. >Asleep you assume
  62. >Deciding that it was all in your head you get back to work
  63. >After a few minutes you hear-
  64. >"A-anon!"
  65. >This time you know it was Fluttershy's voice
  66. >Quickly you turn and what you see you cant believe
  67. >Fluttershy is laying with her haunches propped in the air facing you as she vigorously rubs her crotch
  68. >She begins to moan as you stand there watching dumbfounded
  69. >"Please help me Anon. It hurts." she says in a pleading tone that both tugs at your heartstrings and the little fellow in your pants
  70. >You couldn't believe it. Fluttershy! The quietest most reserved pony ever asking you to...
  71. >A sudden breeze across your crotch gets your attention
  72. >While you were thinking your hands were working without your input
  73. >Unzipping your fly and now fighting with your belt
  74. >You momentarily try to fight it but it has just been so long since you have gotten off
  75. >Its even harder to masturbate since you got here since you don't even have porn anymore
  76. >Taking a few unsteady steps towards her you throw out your last chance at stopping this
  77. "A-are you really sure about this Flutters?"
  78. >"YES!" she gasps followed by a long sultry moan
  79. >Throwing the last of your restraint out the window you drop to your knees right behind her
  80. >Reaching forward you place one hand on each of her flanks
  81. >You feel her tense for a moment at your touch before she relaxes with a shudder
  82. >Gently you slide your hand back caressing her supple ass
  83. >Her unbelievably soft fur tickles your palm as it makes its way slowly to her "treasure"
  84. >You can feel the heat coming off her before you hand even reaches her slit
  85. >She pulls her hoof back and moans as you finally make contact
  86. >The heat and dampness were insane. Almost like holding your hand up to a steaming kettle.
  87. >As one hand plays with her cunt your other makes its way upwards towards her back
  88. >Your hand finally reaches the base of her wings and you start rubbing them gently causing her to jump and moan at your touch
  89. >"A-noooooon!" your name drivin from her lips in an almost incoherent moan
  90. >In mere moments her body begins to shudder as she violently orgasms, soaking your hand even more than it already was
  91. >You manage to catch her before she fully collapses to the ground
  92. >Waves of tremors vibrate through her body as she lays limply in your grip
  93. >You marvel at how how light she is that you can support her easily with one hand
  94. >The thought is short lived as your lower functions take over
  95. >Sliding the hand that supports her back you raise her amazing flanks up to line up with your proudly erect member
  96. >You jerk as your dick lightly touches her nethers sending shock waves of nigh forgotten pleasure through your body
  97. >Pleasure driving you forward you slowly press into her tight slit
  98. >You dont know what you expected from a pony vagina. This however? This is incredible.
  99. >It feels like its actively pulling you in while resisting at the same time. Every so often she will tighten
  100. >Never have you felt anything like this around your dick
  101. >No hand, mouth, or vagina you have felt could compare to this sensation
  102. >Already you are close to your edge and you just put it in
  103. >You halt your thrusting to try to contain yourself and last a bit longer
  104. >You have no idea how long you waited there enjoying the feel of her when she suddenly shifts under you and thrusts back slamming you the rest of the way in
  105. >She had gotten her footing back without you noticing.
  106. >Using her new found leverage she grinds back against you muttering something utterly unintelligible
  107. >Following both your primal lust and desire for momentary relief of the intense pleasure washing over you, you pull back out of her most of the way
  108. >Then you thrust forward deeply causing her to release a small shriek
  109. >The sound causes the hair on the back of your neck to stand and your body to react out of your control
  110. >Quickly you pull back and thrust back in almost mechanically causing her to let out another shriek
  111. >Rational thought is long gone as you give in
  112. >The slap of your body against hers, the sound of her shrieks and moans, and the feel of her tightness around you fill your mind completely
  113. >You feel your edge coming near again as you vigorously slam your rod into your oh so willing partner
  114. >Just before you go past your limit you feel her grip your cock like velcro sending you over that precipice
  115. >Your screams mingle with hers as you have the most powerful orgasm of your life
  116. >Flooding her with your built up seed you wallow in the feeling hoping to imprint it on every corner of your mind
  117. >Minutes later the pleasure finally seems to fade to the point of rationality
  118. >Surveying the scene before you, you notice that Yellowquiet seems to be asleep
  119. >The last orgasm being so strong that she actually passed out
  120. >Pulling yourself out of the unconscious mare you tuck your, now limp, junk back in your pants
  121. >Slowly and carefully you slide your hands under Bananahush and lift her
  122. >As you turn to take her to her house you are met with the sight of a pristine white mare with a perfectly groomed purple mane staring at you with a blush evident on her face
  123. >"O-Oh Hello Anonymous. I really didn't mean to interrupt anything. I was just coming to...Well Twilight said that Fluttershy was having a hard time..."
  124. >Her gaze drops down to your crotch as she says that
  125. >"When I heard the screaming I thought maybe something was wrong..."
  126. "Uhh Flut-"
  127. >She interrupts you quickly
  128. >"Don't worry about it Anon. I will talk to you tomorrow about this. Now you better t-take care of her."
  129. >She turns away and starts to leave at a quick trot.
  130. >Suddenly she stops however "Oh and Anon? I will not need you in-I mean at my shop until tomorrow afternoon. So feel free to take your time today."
  131. >Well the biggest gossip in Ponyville just caught you fucking her best friend
  132. >Looking down at the mare in your arms you decide its something you will have to worry about tomorrow.
  133. >Walking as quickly as your unsteady legs would carry you, you head into her house.
  134. >Perhaps you should wash her off before you put her in her bed.
  135. >Lord knows you could use a bath too at this point.
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