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Dec 28th, 2017
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text 15.05 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ---Format
  2. Name: aa
  3. Long Name: Audible AA format files
  4. ---Format
  5. Name: aac
  6. Long Name: raw ADTS AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
  7. ---Format
  8. Name: ac3
  9. Long Name: raw AC-3
  10. ---Format
  11. Name: acm
  12. Long Name: Interplay ACM
  13. ---Format
  14. Name: act
  15. Long Name: ACT Voice file format
  16. ---Format
  17. Name: adf
  18. Long Name: Artworx Data Format
  19. ---Format
  20. Name: adp
  21. Long Name: ADP
  22. ---Format
  23. Name: ads
  24. Long Name: Sony PS2 ADS
  25. ---Format
  26. Name: adx
  27. Long Name: CRI ADX
  28. ---Format
  29. Name: aea
  30. Long Name: MD STUDIO audio
  31. ---Format
  32. Name: afc
  33. Long Name: AFC
  34. ---Format
  35. Name: aiff
  36. Long Name: Audio IFF
  37. ---Format
  38. Name: aix
  39. Long Name: CRI AIX
  40. ---Format
  41. Name: amr
  42. Long Name: 3GPP AMR
  43. ---Format
  44. Name: anm
  45. Long Name: Deluxe Paint Animation
  46. ---Format
  47. Name: apc
  48. Long Name: CRYO APC
  49. ---Format
  50. Name: ape
  51. Long Name: Monkey's Audio
  52. ---Format
  53. Name: apng
  54. Long Name: Animated Portable Network Graphics
  55. ---Format
  56. Name: aqtitle
  57. Long Name: AQTitle subtitles
  58. ---Format
  59. Name: asf
  60. Long Name: ASF (Advanced / Active Streaming Format)
  61. ---Format
  62. Name: asf_o
  63. Long Name: ASF (Advanced / Active Streaming Format)
  64. ---Format
  65. Name: ass
  66. Long Name: SSA (SubStation Alpha) subtitle
  67. ---Format
  68. Name: ast
  69. Long Name: AST (Audio Stream)
  70. ---Format
  71. Name: au
  72. Long Name: Sun AU
  73. ---Format
  74. Name: avi
  75. Long Name: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved)
  76. ---Format
  77. Name: avr
  78. Long Name: AVR (Audio Visual Research)
  79. ---Format
  80. Name: avs
  81. Long Name: AVS
  82. ---Format
  83. Name: bethsoftvid
  84. Long Name: Bethesda Softworks VID
  85. ---Format
  86. Name: bfi
  87. Long Name: Brute Force & Ignorance
  88. ---Format
  89. Name: bin
  90. Long Name: Binary text
  91. ---Format
  92. Name: bink
  93. Long Name: Bink
  94. ---Format
  95. Name: bit
  96. Long Name: G.729 BIT file format
  97. ---Format
  98. Name: bmv
  99. Long Name: Discworld II BMV
  100. ---Format
  101. Name: bfstm
  102. Long Name: BFSTM (Binary Cafe Stream)
  103. ---Format
  104. Name: brstm
  105. Long Name: BRSTM (Binary Revolution Stream)
  106. ---Format
  107. Name: boa
  108. Long Name: Black Ops Audio
  109. ---Format
  110. Name: c93
  111. Long Name: Interplay C93
  112. ---Format
  113. Name: caf
  114. Long Name: Apple CAF (Core Audio Format)
  115. ---Format
  116. Name: cavsvideo
  117. Long Name: raw Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard)
  118. ---Format
  119. Name: cdg
  120. Long Name: CD Graphics
  121. ---Format
  122. Name: cdxl
  123. Long Name: Commodore CDXL video
  124. ---Format
  125. Name: cine
  126. Long Name: Phantom Cine
  127. ---Format
  128. Name: concat
  129. Long Name: Virtual concatenation script
  130. ---Format
  131. Name: data
  132. Long Name: raw data
  133. ---Format
  134. Name: daud
  135. Long Name: D-Cinema audio
  136. ---Format
  137. Name: dcstr
  138. Long Name: Sega DC STR
  139. ---Format
  140. Name: dfa
  141. Long Name: Chronomaster DFA
  142. ---Format
  143. Name: dirac
  144. Long Name: raw Dirac
  145. ---Format
  146. Name: dnxhd
  147. Long Name: raw DNxHD (SMPTE VC-3)
  148. ---Format
  149. Name: dsf
  150. Long Name: DSD Stream File (DSF)
  151. ---Format
  152. Name: dsicin
  153. Long Name: Delphine Software International CIN
  154. ---Format
  155. Name: dss
  156. Long Name: Digital Speech Standard (DSS)
  157. ---Format
  158. Name: dts
  159. Long Name: raw DTS
  160. ---Format
  161. Name: dtshd
  162. Long Name: raw DTS-HD
  163. ---Format
  164. Name: dv
  165. Long Name: DV (Digital Video)
  166. ---Format
  167. Name: dvbsub
  168. Long Name: raw dvbsub
  169. ---Format
  170. Name: dvbtxt
  171. Long Name: dvbtxt
  172. ---Format
  173. Name: dxa
  174. Long Name: DXA
  175. ---Format
  176. Name: ea
  177. Long Name: Electronic Arts Multimedia
  178. ---Format
  179. Name: ea_cdata
  180. Long Name: Electronic Arts cdata
  181. ---Format
  182. Name: eac3
  183. Long Name: raw E-AC-3
  184. ---Format
  185. Name: epaf
  186. Long Name: Ensoniq Paris Audio File
  187. ---Format
  188. Name: ffm
  189. Long Name: FFM (FFserver live feed)
  190. ---Format
  191. Name: ffmetadata
  192. Long Name: FFmpeg metadata in text
  193. ---Format
  194. Name: filmstrip
  195. Long Name: Adobe Filmstrip
  196. ---Format
  197. Name: flac
  198. Long Name: raw FLAC
  199. ---Format
  200. Name: flic
  201. Long Name: FLI/FLC/FLX animation
  202. ---Format
  203. Name: flv
  204. Long Name: FLV (Flash Video)
  205. ---Format
  206. Name: live_flv
  207. Long Name: live RTMP FLV (Flash Video)
  208. ---Format
  209. Name: 4xm
  210. Long Name: 4X Technologies
  211. ---Format
  212. Name: frm
  213. Long Name: Megalux Frame
  214. ---Format
  215. Name: fsb
  216. Long Name: FMOD Sample Bank
  217. ---Format
  218. Name: g722
  219. Long Name: raw G.722
  220. ---Format
  221. Name: g723_1
  222. Long Name: G.723.1
  223. ---Format
  224. Name: g729
  225. Long Name: G.729 raw format demuxer
  226. ---Format
  227. Name: genh
  228. Long Name: GENeric Header
  229. ---Format
  230. Name: gif
  231. Long Name: CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
  232. ---Format
  233. Name: gsm
  234. Long Name: raw GSM
  235. ---Format
  236. Name: gxf
  237. Long Name: GXF (General eXchange Format)
  238. ---Format
  239. Name: h261
  240. Long Name: raw H.261
  241. ---Format
  242. Name: h263
  243. Long Name: raw H.263
  244. ---Format
  245. Name: h264
  246. Long Name: raw H.264 video
  247. ---Format
  248. Name: hevc
  249. Long Name: raw HEVC video
  250. ---Format
  251. Name: hls,applehttp
  252. Long Name: Apple HTTP Live Streaming
  253. ---Format
  254. Name: hnm
  255. Long Name: Cryo HNM v4
  256. ---Format
  257. Name: ico
  258. Long Name: Microsoft Windows ICO
  259. ---Format
  260. Name: idcin
  261. Long Name: id Cinematic
  262. ---Format
  263. Name: idf
  264. Long Name: iCE Draw File
  265. ---Format
  266. Name: iff
  267. Long Name: IFF (Interchange File Format)
  268. ---Format
  269. Name: ilbc
  270. Long Name: iLBC storage
  271. ---Format
  272. Name: image2
  273. Long Name: image2 sequence
  274. ---Format
  275. Name: image2pipe
  276. Long Name: piped image2 sequence
  277. ---Format
  278. Name: alias_pix
  279. Long Name: Alias/Wavefront PIX image
  280. ---Format
  281. Name: brender_pix
  282. Long Name: BRender PIX image
  283. ---Format
  284. Name: ingenient
  285. Long Name: raw Ingenient MJPEG
  286. ---Format
  287. Name: ipmovie
  288. Long Name: Interplay MVE
  289. ---Format
  290. Name: ircam
  291. Long Name: Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL Sound Format
  292. ---Format
  293. Name: iss
  294. Long Name: Funcom ISS
  295. ---Format
  296. Name: iv8
  297. Long Name: IndigoVision 8000 video
  298. ---Format
  299. Name: ivf
  300. Long Name: On2 IVF
  301. ---Format
  302. Name: ivr
  303. Long Name: IVR (Internet Video Recording)
  304. ---Format
  305. Name: jacosub
  306. Long Name: JACOsub subtitle format
  307. ---Format
  308. Name: jv
  309. Long Name: Bitmap Brothers JV
  310. ---Format
  311. Name: lmlm4
  312. Long Name: raw lmlm4
  313. ---Format
  314. Name: loas
  315. Long Name: LOAS AudioSyncStream
  316. ---Format
  317. Name: lrc
  318. Long Name: LRC lyrics
  319. ---Format
  320. Name: lvf
  321. Long Name: LVF
  322. ---Format
  323. Name: lxf
  324. Long Name: VR native stream (LXF)
  325. ---Format
  326. Name: m4v
  327. Long Name: raw MPEG-4 video
  328. ---Format
  329. Name: matroska,webm
  330. Long Name: Matroska / WebM
  331. ---Format
  332. Name: mgsts
  333. Long Name: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
  334. ---Format
  335. Name: microdvd
  336. Long Name: MicroDVD subtitle format
  337. ---Format
  338. Name: mjpeg
  339. Long Name: raw MJPEG video
  340. ---Format
  341. Name: mlp
  342. Long Name: raw MLP
  343. ---Format
  344. Name: mlv
  345. Long Name: Magic Lantern Video (MLV)
  346. ---Format
  347. Name: mm
  348. Long Name: American Laser Games MM
  349. ---Format
  350. Name: mmf
  351. Long Name: Yamaha SMAF
  352. ---Format
  353. Name: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2
  354. Long Name: QuickTime / MOV
  355. ---Format
  356. Name: mp3
  357. Long Name: MP2/3 (MPEG audio layer 2/3)
  358. ---Format
  359. Name: mpc
  360. Long Name: Musepack
  361. ---Format
  362. Name: mpc8
  363. Long Name: Musepack SV8
  364. ---Format
  365. Name: mpeg
  366. Long Name: MPEG-PS (MPEG-2 Program Stream)
  367. ---Format
  368. Name: mpegts
  369. Long Name: MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)
  370. ---Format
  371. Name: mpegtsraw
  372. Long Name: raw MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)
  373. ---Format
  374. Name: mpegvideo
  375. Long Name: raw MPEG video
  376. ---Format
  377. Name: mpjpeg
  378. Long Name: MIME multipart JPEG
  379. ---Format
  380. Name: mpl2
  381. Long Name: MPL2 subtitles
  382. ---Format
  383. Name: mpsub
  384. Long Name: MPlayer subtitles
  385. ---Format
  386. Name: msf
  387. Long Name: Sony PS3 MSF
  388. ---Format
  389. Name: msnwctcp
  390. Long Name: MSN TCP Webcam stream
  391. ---Format
  392. Name: mtaf
  393. Long Name: Konami PS2 MTAF
  394. ---Format
  395. Name: mtv
  396. Long Name: MTV
  397. ---Format
  398. Name: musx
  399. Long Name: Eurocom MUSX
  400. ---Format
  401. Name: mv
  402. Long Name: Silicon Graphics Movie
  403. ---Format
  404. Name: mvi
  405. Long Name: Motion Pixels MVI
  406. ---Format
  407. Name: mxf
  408. Long Name: MXF (Material eXchange Format)
  409. ---Format
  410. Name: mxg
  411. Long Name: MxPEG clip
  412. ---Format
  413. Name: nc
  414. Long Name: NC camera feed
  415. ---Format
  416. Name: nistsphere
  417. Long Name: NIST SPeech HEader REsources
  418. ---Format
  419. Name: nsv
  420. Long Name: Nullsoft Streaming Video
  421. ---Format
  422. Name: nut
  423. Long Name: NUT
  424. ---Format
  425. Name: nuv
  426. Long Name: NuppelVideo
  427. ---Format
  428. Name: ogg
  429. Long Name: Ogg
  430. ---Format
  431. Name: oma
  432. Long Name: Sony OpenMG audio
  433. ---Format
  434. Name: paf
  435. Long Name: Amazing Studio Packed Animation File
  436. ---Format
  437. Name: alaw
  438. Long Name: PCM A-law
  439. ---Format
  440. Name: mulaw
  441. Long Name: PCM mu-law
  442. ---Format
  443. Name: f64be
  444. Long Name: PCM 64-bit floating-point big-endian
  445. ---Format
  446. Name: f64le
  447. Long Name: PCM 64-bit floating-point little-endian
  448. ---Format
  449. Name: f32be
  450. Long Name: PCM 32-bit floating-point big-endian
  451. ---Format
  452. Name: f32le
  453. Long Name: PCM 32-bit floating-point little-endian
  454. ---Format
  455. Name: s32be
  456. Long Name: PCM signed 32-bit big-endian
  457. ---Format
  458. Name: s32le
  459. Long Name: PCM signed 32-bit little-endian
  460. ---Format
  461. Name: s24be
  462. Long Name: PCM signed 24-bit big-endian
  463. ---Format
  464. Name: s24le
  465. Long Name: PCM signed 24-bit little-endian
  466. ---Format
  467. Name: s16be
  468. Long Name: PCM signed 16-bit big-endian
  469. ---Format
  470. Name: s16le
  471. Long Name: PCM signed 16-bit little-endian
  472. ---Format
  473. Name: s8
  474. Long Name: PCM signed 8-bit
  475. ---Format
  476. Name: u32be
  477. Long Name: PCM unsigned 32-bit big-endian
  478. ---Format
  479. Name: u32le
  480. Long Name: PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian
  481. ---Format
  482. Name: u24be
  483. Long Name: PCM unsigned 24-bit big-endian
  484. ---Format
  485. Name: u24le
  486. Long Name: PCM unsigned 24-bit little-endian
  487. ---Format
  488. Name: u16be
  489. Long Name: PCM unsigned 16-bit big-endian
  490. ---Format
  491. Name: u16le
  492. Long Name: PCM unsigned 16-bit little-endian
  493. ---Format
  494. Name: u8
  495. Long Name: PCM unsigned 8-bit
  496. ---Format
  497. Name: pjs
  498. Long Name: PJS (Phoenix Japanimation Society) subtitles
  499. ---Format
  500. Name: pmp
  501. Long Name: Playstation Portable PMP
  502. ---Format
  503. Name: pva
  504. Long Name: TechnoTrend PVA
  505. ---Format
  506. Name: pvf
  507. Long Name: PVF (Portable Voice Format)
  508. ---Format
  509. Name: qcp
  510. Long Name: QCP
  511. ---Format
  512. Name: r3d
  513. Long Name: REDCODE R3D
  514. ---Format
  515. Name: rawvideo
  516. Long Name: raw video
  517. ---Format
  518. Name: realtext
  519. Long Name: RealText subtitle format
  520. ---Format
  521. Name: redspark
  522. Long Name: RedSpark
  523. ---Format
  524. Name: rl2
  525. Long Name: RL2
  526. ---Format
  527. Name: rm
  528. Long Name: RealMedia
  529. ---Format
  530. Name: roq
  531. Long Name: id RoQ
  532. ---Format
  533. Name: rpl
  534. Long Name: RPL / ARMovie
  535. ---Format
  536. Name: rsd
  537. Long Name: GameCube RSD
  538. ---Format
  539. Name: rso
  540. Long Name: Lego Mindstorms RSO
  541. ---Format
  542. Name: rtp
  543. Long Name: RTP input
  544. ---Format
  545. Name: rtsp
  546. Long Name: RTSP input
  547. ---Format
  548. Name: sami
  549. Long Name: SAMI subtitle format
  550. ---Format
  551. Name: sap
  552. Long Name: SAP input
  553. ---Format
  554. Name: sbg
  555. Long Name: SBaGen binaural beats script
  556. ---Format
  557. Name: sdp
  558. Long Name: SDP
  559. ---Format
  560. Name: sdr2
  561. Long Name: SDR2
  562. ---Format
  563. Name: film_cpk
  564. Long Name: Sega FILM / CPK
  565. ---Format
  566. Name: shn
  567. Long Name: raw Shorten
  568. ---Format
  569. Name: siff
  570. Long Name: Beam Software SIFF
  571. ---Format
  572. Name: sln
  573. Long Name: Asterisk raw pcm
  574. ---Format
  575. Name: smk
  576. Long Name: Smacker
  577. ---Format
  578. Name: smjpeg
  579. Long Name: Loki SDL MJPEG
  580. ---Format
  581. Name: smush
  582. Long Name: LucasArts Smush
  583. ---Format
  584. Name: sol
  585. Long Name: Sierra SOL
  586. ---Format
  587. Name: sox
  588. Long Name: SoX native
  589. ---Format
  590. Name: spdif
  591. Long Name: IEC 61937 (compressed data in S/PDIF)
  592. ---Format
  593. Name: srt
  594. Long Name: SubRip subtitle
  595. ---Format
  596. Name: psxstr
  597. Long Name: Sony Playstation STR
  598. ---Format
  599. Name: stl
  600. Long Name: Spruce subtitle format
  601. ---Format
  602. Name: subviewer1
  603. Long Name: SubViewer v1 subtitle format
  604. ---Format
  605. Name: subviewer
  606. Long Name: SubViewer subtitle format
  607. ---Format
  608. Name: sup
  609. Long Name: raw HDMV Presentation Graphic Stream subtitles
  610. ---Format
  611. Name: svag
  612. Long Name: Konami PS2 SVAG
  613. ---Format
  614. Name: swf
  615. Long Name: SWF (ShockWave Flash)
  616. ---Format
  617. Name: tak
  618. Long Name: raw TAK
  619. ---Format
  620. Name: tedcaptions
  621. Long Name: TED Talks captions
  622. ---Format
  623. Name: thp
  624. Long Name: THP
  625. ---Format
  626. Name: 3dostr
  627. Long Name: 3DO STR
  628. ---Format
  629. Name: tiertexseq
  630. Long Name: Tiertex Limited SEQ
  631. ---Format
  632. Name: tmv
  633. Long Name: 8088flex TMV
  634. ---Format
  635. Name: truehd
  636. Long Name: raw TrueHD
  637. ---Format
  638. Name: tta
  639. Long Name: TTA (True Audio)
  640. ---Format
  641. Name: txd
  642. Long Name: Renderware TeXture Dictionary
  643. ---Format
  644. Name: tty
  645. Long Name: Tele-typewriter
  646. ---Format
  647. Name: v210
  648. Long Name: Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
  649. ---Format
  650. Name: v210x
  651. Long Name: Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
  652. ---Format
  653. Name: vag
  654. Long Name: Sony PS2 VAG
  655. ---Format
  656. Name: vc1
  657. Long Name: raw VC-1
  658. ---Format
  659. Name: vc1test
  660. Long Name: VC-1 test bitstream
  661. ---Format
  662. Name: vivo
  663. Long Name: Vivo
  664. ---Format
  665. Name: vmd
  666. Long Name: Sierra VMD
  667. ---Format
  668. Name: vobsub
  669. Long Name: VobSub subtitle format
  670. ---Format
  671. Name: voc
  672. Long Name: Creative Voice
  673. ---Format
  674. Name: vpk
  675. Long Name: Sony PS2 VPK
  676. ---Format
  677. Name: vplayer
  678. Long Name: VPlayer subtitles
  679. ---Format
  680. Name: vqf
  681. Long Name: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) TwinVQ
  682. ---Format
  683. Name: w64
  684. Long Name: Sony Wave64
  685. ---Format
  686. Name: wav
  687. Long Name: WAV / WAVE (Waveform Audio)
  688. ---Format
  689. Name: wc3movie
  690. Long Name: Wing Commander III movie
  691. ---Format
  692. Name: webm_dash_manifest
  693. Long Name: WebM DASH Manifest
  694. ---Format
  695. Name: webvtt
  696. Long Name: WebVTT subtitle
  697. ---Format
  698. Name: wsaud
  699. Long Name: Westwood Studios audio
  700. ---Format
  701. Name: wsd
  702. Long Name: Wideband Single-bit Data (WSD)
  703. ---Format
  704. Name: wsvqa
  705. Long Name: Westwood Studios VQA
  706. ---Format
  707. Name: wtv
  708. Long Name: Windows Television (WTV)
  709. ---Format
  710. Name: wve
  711. Long Name: Psion 3 audio
  712. ---Format
  713. Name: wv
  714. Long Name: WavPack
  715. ---Format
  716. Name: xa
  717. Long Name: Maxis XA
  718. ---Format
  719. Name: xbin
  720. Long Name: eXtended BINary text (XBIN)
  721. ---Format
  722. Name: xmv
  723. Long Name: Microsoft XMV
  724. ---Format
  725. Name: xvag
  726. Long Name: Sony PS3 XVAG
  727. ---Format
  728. Name: xwma
  729. Long Name: Microsoft xWMA
  730. ---Format
  731. Name: yop
  732. Long Name: Psygnosis YOP
  733. ---Format
  734. Name: yuv4mpegpipe
  735. Long Name: YUV4MPEG pipe
  736. ---Format
  737. Name: bmp_pipe
  738. Long Name: piped bmp sequence
  739. ---Format
  740. Name: dds_pipe
  741. Long Name: piped dds sequence
  742. ---Format
  743. Name: dpx_pipe
  744. Long Name: piped dpx sequence
  745. ---Format
  746. Name: exr_pipe
  747. Long Name: piped exr sequence
  748. ---Format
  749. Name: j2k_pipe
  750. Long Name: piped j2k sequence
  751. ---Format
  752. Name: jpeg_pipe
  753. Long Name: piped jpeg sequence
  754. ---Format
  755. Name: jpegls_pipe
  756. Long Name: piped jpegls sequence
  757. ---Format
  758. Name: pcx_pipe
  759. Long Name: piped pcx sequence
  760. ---Format
  761. Name: pictor_pipe
  762. Long Name: piped pictor sequence
  763. ---Format
  764. Name: png_pipe
  765. Long Name: piped png sequence
  766. ---Format
  767. Name: qdraw_pipe
  768. Long Name: piped qdraw sequence
  769. ---Format
  770. Name: sgi_pipe
  771. Long Name: piped sgi sequence
  772. ---Format
  773. Name: sunrast_pipe
  774. Long Name: piped sunrast sequence
  775. ---Format
  776. Name: tiff_pipe
  777. Long Name: piped tiff sequence
  778. ---Format
  779. Name: webp_pipe
  780. Long Name: piped webp sequence
  781. ---Format
  782. Name: lavfi
  783. Long Name: Libavfilter virtual input device
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