

Jul 6th, 2019
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  1. Azure shouts "It's Christmas in July! Who will save us? Is it you? If so, type 'park' or 'mjoin me' or 'tport #30467' or something. (+read 22 if you have no idea what I'm talking about.)" (Public-shout)
  2. pa rose
  3. .Patashu flies into the Rose Garden, a half-chewed sputnik in their jaws.
  4. .Patashu has arrived.
  5. mjoin azure
  6. MEETME: Request sent.
  7. Quodlibet Supreme Postal Fortress
  8. The Postal Fortress is a shining beacon of strength and efficiency somewhere above, below, or alongside our world into which the mail flows and whence it flies once again to the world. It is the home to a hundreds of sapients intertwined with thousands of lesser algorithms in a machine-like concert of efficiency and joy.
  10. Or it was. Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night nor alien invasion nor plasma storms had stopped these couriers from their appointed rounds, but thisxwas too much for them. In the center a strange contraption looking like a tabulator made of hourglasses and calendars stands shattered, a cold and inhumanly merry light radiating from the cracks. Great pines seem to have erupted from the floor, bringing the shadow of a dark forest with them, with nameless stars from another sky burning in the darkness above them. Heaps of presents in bright colors lie beneath them, tied in moebius ribbons that stirr without wind.
  12. The floor is heaped with snow, and a wind blows from nowhere to nowhere, carrying fractured tunes along with it.
  13. Contents: Azure
  14. Mako steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  15. Mako has arrived.
  16. Mako peeks
  17. Azure salutes Mako and Patashu.
  18. Crimson has teleported in.
  19. Crimson has arrived.
  20. Azure may or may not be the Postmaster General depending on whether you believe Quantum :)
  21. Patashu grins
  22. NovaSquirrel steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  23. NovaSquirrel has arrived.
  24. Azure says, "We'll start on the hour, I think."
  25. Azure says, "Unless someone Objects."
  26. Jaxie has teleported in.
  27. Jaxie has arrived.
  28. Azure waves
  29. ws
  30. Room: Quodlibet Supreme Postal Fortress
  31. -Stat-Name----------------Sex---------Species---------------------------------
  32. ODD >Jaxie Female Anthro Fox-otter |Jaxen
  33. IIC NovaSquirrel female anthropomorphic squirrel
  34. IC Crimson Male Wolf
  35. Doing: Engineering!
  36. IC Mako Female Nekomata
  37. Doing: Free!
  38. EXC Patashu male Feral Pillow Dragon
  39. Doing: Your mechanically excessive mayor dragon!
  40. e^- Azure Chromalopex Eruditovenator Caeruleus
  41. ---[ Found 6 characters. ( 5 Awake / 1 Zombie ) ]-----------------------------
  42. l jaxie
  43. Jaxie yerfs.
  44. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  46. You see Jax Neurocyon, a female, Fox-otter...
  48. Her body is something of a blend between otter and fox. She bears a slender, streamlined build, with narrow proportions and a long, thick tail. Her ears are large, rounded triangles, resting atop her head. Her face is slender, like a fox, but with a bit more smooth, roundness to it, akin to an otter. Her paw's digits loosely hide a thin webbing between them, which are only clearly reveal when she opens up her paws.
  50. Her dense, soft fur is a tropical turquoise that turns pale at her underside. Caustic refraction patterns wave over her back, like on a shallow seafloor, and a few grey spots are sprinkled around her lower back and thighs, then over her shoulders and uppers arms. A couple of dots also strayed onto on her cheeks and muzzle as little freckles. The tips of her tail and ears are a bright white, and her eyes are a soft, pale lavender.
  52. She normally doesn't wear much, letting her curious fur do its work. About her chest is a short tank top, and around her hips she wears a shorts like bathing suit. Her feet are adorned with swiming sandals, and she often carries a light backpack over her shoulder.
  54. She often looks around her, with a gleaming smile, and her tail sways behind her, swishing back and forth to it's own beat.
  56. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  58. Jaxen is carrying:
  59. Vice Mayoral Propeller Beanie, TempPup, Prize Rat Plush, Gold Mecha-Construction Medal for 2016, Fox Hole, Fox Hole, Backpack and Exitbox.
  61. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  62. Monika pops up out of a hole in the ground.
  63. Monika has arrived.
  64. Azure says, "Any questions or concerns before we begin, fantastic folks?"
  65. Patashu headshakes!
  66. Azure says, "If I happen to not respond to something you did or said, it isn't because I dislike you or anything, just make lots of noise or page or whisper to me. Or if you think I'm a bit too fearsome to whisper to directly, ask someone else to whisper to me on your behalf."
  67. Azure points at Mako, "She's not scary, right?"
  68. Amy steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  69. Amy has arrived.
  70. Amy read the message and still has no idea what it's about, but what the heck.
  71. Azure bows to Amy and Monika and Jaxie and NovaSquirrel and Crimson.
  72. Azure shrugs, "Stuff and nonsense, mail. Christmas. You know. The Usual."
  73. Mako is more "Raver girl" than scary, she hopes.
  74. Azure . o O ( Why do they call reading tea-leaves tassiology when it's one of the few cases when sticking '-mancy' on a stem would actually be appropriate? )
  75. Azure says, "Alll, right! Are you sitting comfortably?"
  76. Monika flops about in a boneless loop. "Yep yep!"
  77. Crimson nods!
  78. Mako sits in the air. :3
  79. Patashu mhm!
  80. Azure decides to go with something happy but fractured and decrees that the wind is carrying or something like it.
  81. ( As you all enter the Great Fotress of the Post Unconquerable a chameleon, using all her willpower to keep from assuming the colors of red, green, white, and silver that surround her, opens the door for you, dressed in a torn and tattered uniform. "You're here!" Then calls out to everyone else, "WE have reinforcements!" The cold and darkness inside the post office is a sharp contrast to the warmth outside. You've heard of people going overboard with the air conditioning, but this is ridiculous! )
  82. Zxarr has teleported in.
  83. Zxarr has arrived.
  84. Isabelle steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  85. Isabelle has arrived.
  86. [OOC] NovaSquirrel says, "I might have typed something by mistake"
  87. ( When you tep inside the doors, rhimed with frost forming patterns of holly and mistletoe, slam behind you with a sound like a glacier cracking. Before you all is chaos. Employees run here and there, giving up on deliveries and trying to shove the arriving parcels and letters back into the darkess. Somewhere below, in the Mail Dungeon..err...Sorting Room, you can hear the sorting machines clicking away, shuddering and gallopping under the load )
  88. [OOC] Azure says, "Oh, no trouble! If you need any help let me know."
  89. [OOC] Azure welcomes Isabelle and Zxarr.
  90. Monika slinks into the impressively chilly post office. "Sure sure, at first it seems like a cool place to work, THEN you find out about all the drawbacks..."
  91. [OOC] Isabelle greets!
  92. Vahno steps off of the floating disk that carried him up.
  93. Vahno has arrived.
  94. [OOC] Zxarr waves. :)
  95. [OOC] NovaSquirrel says, "oh there's two puppets with the same name, not my doing, okay :p"
  96. Vahno wavewave
  97. [OOC] Isabelle says, "There is?"
  98. Patashu grins! "Dragons make for optimal enforcements. We just burn any problems you have!" He bows!
  99. Zxarr glances around, "What the..."
  100. [OOC] NovaSquirrel says, "yeah I have an Isabelle too"
  101. Crimson blinks, looking all around.
  102. [OOC] Isabelle never saw it... might have to change this one's name then, sorry
  103. ws
  104. Room: Quodlibet Supreme Postal Fortress
  105. -Stat-Name----------------Sex---------Species---------------------------------
  106. Vahno Male Gaerian
  107. >Isabelle female weasel 'morph |Myril
  108. Zxarr male Black Panther (Winged)
  109. IC Amy[11m idle] female Lynx?
  110. Monika female cartoon mongoose
  111. Doing: Being an impish inked ichneumon
  112. ODD >Jaxie Female Anthro Fox-otter |Jaxen
  113. IIC NovaSquirrel female anthropomorphic squirrel
  114. IC Crimson Male Wolf
  115. Doing: Engineering!
  116. IC Mako Female Nekomata
  117. Doing: Free!
  118. EXC Patashu male Feral Pillow Dragon
  119. Doing: Your mechanically excessive mayor dragon!
  120. e^- Azure[2m idle] Chromalopex Eruditovenator Caeruleus
  121. ---[ Found 11 characters. ( 9 Awake / 2 Zombies ) ]---------------------------
  122. l isabelle
  124. She tends to dress pragmatically, the legs of her black cargo pants draping over matching boots, a blue tee above it under a dark brown coat. Depending on the weather she might be wearing a light coat or a full jacket, though she's always wearing something over her shirt. There aren't any eye-catching highlights; if anything the most conspicuous thing about her is how there's nothing eye-catching on her.
  125. Vahno says, "So, what's going on?"
  126. NovaSquirrel says, "I'll be glad to help with whatever the issue is!"
  127. Monika skips over to the nearest frantic delivery person. "Well well, looks like you have some problems that need to be sorted! Mail sorting, that is!"
  128. Mako says, "I think it would be gauche for me to say "Your prayers are answered". But I'm here to lend a hand. Whatever that is.""
  129. Zxarr looks over at Vanho, "Chaos... Nothing some large explosives can't solve." He hmms, "Or improve."
  130. Isabelle looks around, avoids making puns at 'going postal' on seeing the workers, though does blink at the decor. "Christmas's getting an early start this year isn't it?"
  131. Amy notes the sorting machine glowing with eldritch christmas colors. "Possibly something is wrong with that thing."
  132. Amy picks up a pair of tongs to poke it with, just in case it's existentially fraught, to see if they turn into nutcrackers or something.
  133. NovaSquirrel says, "It's bound to happen with how Christmas music keeps playing earlier and earlier in the year"
  134. ( An ermine, practically invisible against the snow giggles madly and gestures around, "Burn? BURN? You want to set off a fire in a building full of PAPER?" Seemingly from nowhere, in a burst of snowflakes and the scent of gingery spice cookies a stack of letters addressed to 'Sinterklass' 'Mr. K. Kringle', 'Father Nicholas of Myra, Wonder Worker' and others, written in scrawls of pencil and crayon, appears, falling to an already filled desk. The dates are all listed in december of various years with points of origin as far away as Timbuktu, Minas Ithil, and C.T.A. 102. )
  135. Vahno says, "Oh jeez... I... Don't think we should burn these..."
  136. Isabelle surveys the machine, "Hi there! ... Man, santa claus really needs to get an email server set up."
  137. Patashu recoils a bit. "Oh, I might have picked the wrong venue for this particular opener, eheh..." Sweatdropping. Peers over the stack of letters, curious. "Anyway, inappropriate greetings aside! What appears to be the problem?"
  138. ( AMY: The tongs cover in frost and bright green holly with red berries twine around it. They don't change otherwise, but one of the cracks in the machine gapes a bit wider, the silver light of good will toward men and peace on earth shines brighter, off in the darkness steps can be heard, like beasts padding inward, attracted by something. )
  139. Crimson looks at Patashu, "...Look around you."
  140. Mako says, "....Well, this worries me in all sorts of new ways. o.o""
  141. ( The chameleon grabs PATASHU, nearly on the brink of tears, "Christmas! We thought...we thought we'd have another one! Just something fun! Fun, for the kids! Drum up some business during a slow time! And NOW IT WON'T GO AWAY!" )
  142. Vahno says, "Did you try writing to Santa and wishing for Christmas in July to be over?"
  143. Amy again points out the sorting machine glowing with eldritch christmas colors, and tosses aside the mutating tongs. "The center may be over here!"
  144. Mako... makes a mental note. No singing carols. Or humming. No sense setting them off....
  145. Vahno . o O ( It worked for the kid in the pink hat! )
  146. ( The machine in the center of the floor IS the center. THough it's not the sorting machine, apparently their homebrew time machine for folding the calendar someone knocked up over the weekend. It isn't working very It's working VERY well. A bit too well. )
  147. [OOC] Amy says, "what is time, indeed, but sorting? And unsorting"
  148. Patashu ohgods. "It's Christmas *all the time* now? How could this be? It was bad enough dedicating the entire of winter as buildup! We have to leave the rest of the year alone!"
  149. NovaSquirrel giggles
  150. Crimson hrms. He goes to look at the machine. "This is... concerning."
  151. Monika says, "So we're on the front line of the War on Xmas, then! How does this time machine work? ... More importantly, how do you turn it off?"
  152. ( They glance from side to side, looking at Vahno, "We...we've been afraid to summon...Him. The whispers...getting closer all the time..." )
  153. [OOC] Isabel fixes the name dupe issue, hopefully that fixes any script problems
  154. Mako says, "So you messed with the flow of causality? Oh dear."
  155. Isabel says, "What's powering it?"
  156. Crimson looks to Patashu, "...Where's Beth when you actually need her?"
  157. Cypher> Moriar has connected.
  158. Patashu sweatdrops. "Right?"
  159. Amy quips, "Or when?"
  160. ( Someone in a major's uniform, with a rank insignia that looks like a mailbox surrounded by stars points at a bit of metal broken off and fallen on the ground, " broke off when we tried to turn it off." It looks like the handle of a mad scientist style knife switch, but it's grown blown-glass ornaments all over like holly, jolly tumors in silver and gold. )
  161. Isabel says, "Or is it powered by christmas cheer?"
  162. In a page-pose to you, Moriar wonders if it's too late for them to join the Postal rp?
  163. ( Someone says, "It's out...out there!" They point past the trees into the darkness beyond, "in the outskirts of the office with the physical plant and the plumbing. There's a reactor. Nobody who's gone there has come back, though." )
  164. You page, "I don't think so!" to Moriar.
  165. msummon moriar
  166. MEETME: Request sent.
  167. Cypher> Moriar has left.
  168. Moriar has arrived.
  169. Patashu blinks. "So we just have to shut the reactor down, right...?" Looking when indicated.
  170. Amy looks for the wires the switch leads to, and tries to hunt up a fire extinguisher.
  171. Isabel looks to Moriar, Patashu. "Remote connections?"
  172. ( The wind changes: )
  173. You page, " Log" to Moriar.
  174. ( AMY: The machine sprouts wires, though at some point they stop being wires and turn into braided tinsel that blooms into a full blown garland that blows festively in the icy wind. )
  175. Vahno says, "Hm. So, shall we go then?"
  176. Moriar blinks awake, presumably amongst Patashu's fluff. There's a flurry of rf communications, as Patashu silently catches them up on the happenings.
  177. Crimson says, "Uh... I think we have no choice, Vahno."
  178. ( A delivery person, ironically a reindeer, (Yes, they were a reindeer before all this. REINDEER EXIST ALL YEAR LONG YO KNOW) picks up a package, steeling themself. They load it and a few others into their bag, trying not to look as they display more sides than a cube ought to have when rotated. Then they make a run for the entrance as fast as they can as a hillock of snow moves along after and seems to follow them. )
  179. Isabel says, "If nobody comes back..." She looks to Patashu. "Could you send a drone ahead? Foreward, forearmed and all that."
  180. ( At least one part of the architecture is still remaining and relatively stable. A gleaming steel stairway that slowly turns into wood with a nice patina along its descent leads downward into the Sorting Dungeon. )
  181. [OOC] Isabel says, "Er, forewarned*"
  182. Vahno hrms... He pokes at one of the presents.
  183. Monika notices the wires Amy's inspecting, pats herself down, reaches into her considerable fuzz and pulls out a pair of wirecutters in her rubber-gloved paws, and tries cutting wires! Surely this won't cause a hydra situation, right?
  184. Crimson blinks. "Well, that's not something you see happen everyday with mail delivery."
  185. Moriar's ears perk, "Oh! I'm made out of a drone! Shall I go?" They fan their wings.
  186. You rumble, "Go for it, Moriar. Link your video feed to me, I'll holographically project it for everyone to see."
  187. NovaSquirrel says, "Oh I'm sure the danger's probably overblown. But I rarely have to think about danger anyhow"
  188. ( The wires cut neatly. They spark, they writhe and hiss and spit like angry serpents, recoiling from the blades. before splitting apart, unravelling, with each substrand growing into a cheery string of blinking Christmas lights, knitting back together. )
  189. Moriar launches off of Patashu's shoulder, flapping towards and down the stairwell if allowed, maintaining an RF link to Patashu. The feed is black and white, with spotty chunks turning into grey for moments.
  190. Amy blinks at Monika, but decides to let her do the cutting, she's probably best-equipped to survive that. @_@ The best insulator she can find is christmas cake, however, which ... might work? Maybe.
  191. Mako thinks it makes a better emergency bludgeon, really...
  192. Amy tries to jam the christmas cake into the winding wires, trying to prevent them from knitting!@
  193. Zxarr blinks quietly and watches Amy use Christmas cake for something it was never intended for... but is probably quite suited for...
  194. [OOC] Zxarr had a mess to clcean up, is catching up! :D
  195. You rumble, "...Did Moriar forget how to see in colour at some point? *befuddled*"
  196. Monika says, "My my, Amy, have you *finally* found a use for fruitcake?"
  197. Crimson peers at Patashu. "Yes. Don't you remember...?"
  198. Vahno says, "...He's not been doing regular maintenance, has he..."
  199. Vahno is shaking one of the presents, to hear what's inside.
  200. Crimson says, "They couldn't identify Tyler due to color vision acting up."
  201. ( AMY: You manage to block the wires for a moment. Apparently even Christmas doesn't like fruitcake. The wires bash against it, sputtering, barking...the silvery light of cheer and love fades, flickering. Not completely out but weaker than it was. Another pile of letters to someone Pere Noel fails to appear. Well, starts to appear then collapses in on itself as the force giving it life falters, sucking some of the snow away with it. )
  202. [OOC] Moriar coughs politely, "'They', please."
  203. Isabel looks to Amy... "I think you've found a plan B."
  204. Moriar's current body is the test frame; the optics are optimized for robust rather than feature-rich.
  205. [OOC] Vahno says, "Gah! I keep... Sorry, sorry!"
  206. Patashu ohs, good point!
  207. Isabel chuckles, "Anyone got the Grinch on speed dial?"
  208. ( MORIAR! You tread down the stairs and you see what was once a gleaming mail sorting room. Except all the sacks and bins of mail have mutated into huge grey stockings hung on the walls. The names are written on the sides, either in alien script or perhaps just just some lines of glitter intended to look vaguely name-like if you glance at them out of the corner of your eyes. A roaring fire of crackling grey flames sits in a hearth that a few employees are desparately trying to put out with a pair of fire extinguishers. The clack and whoosh of sorting machines only grows louder as the Gryphon approaches, hungrily devouring letter after letter, but each has such a high miss-rate, getting 'undeliverable' after 'undeliverable' and spitting out a diagnostic ribbon with each one that they're nearly shaking themselves apart from unaccustomed use. )
  209. Crimson hms. He blinks. "I guess this will do. Black and white still works just fine mostly."
  210. Monika grins at Amy, "Leave it to the stone-omancer to stonewall things! But it won't hold forever..."
  211. [OOC] Azure says, "If I missed anything/didn't respond, make some noise, is you'd please."
  212. ( The wind shifts again, growing a bit more calm: )
  213. Amy airpunches! "Doesn't need do! Now we can attack the wires of christmas where they're weak! And the busier we keep it up here, the less trouble they should have at the reactor... I think..."
  214. Amy rounds up more fruitcake. Not a problem. There's always loads of the vile stuff.
  215. Zxarr's katana forms from his paw, "You need some more wires cut?" He grins quietly, "Or just more fruitcake?"
  216. Isabel looks to Vahno. "Say... try opening it?"
  217. Vahno is shaking one of the presents, to hear what's inside.
  218. Moriar calls up to Patashu, over the rf link, "Shall I investigate the sorting machines, stockings, or the alure of those flames?" They flap in a circle around the room, anxious about setting down without guidance.
  219. Mako will aid Amy in her noble endeavour. A practical use for fruitcake... she may deserve a medal for this.
  220. Crimson hms... He looks at the video feed. "So... The sorting machines need some help."
  221. Patashu sweatdrops. "Try figuring out why the sorting machines are malfunctioning, Moriar."
  222. Moriar makes a direct path for the diagnostic ribbon, seeking to land next to the source of one and read it.
  223. Amy earperks. "Zxarr! You're probably safe from this stuff too. Yes please! You guys cut and I'll insulate...
  224. Monika pulls her tailtuft tight and taut into a metal file, and works on filing off the globular growth from the time machine's sullied switch...
  225. Amy expects the switch is fused solid by this point, but is prepared to be pleasantly surprised. She can't just rip this machine apart herself, being no more immune to it than the staff...
  226. ( VAHNO! The wrapping is in colors not of this world, for which no names are known. They twist and repel the eye, even as the shape, interlocking snowflakes of symmetries blasphemous and complex yet whose group theory is completely described in the Kakotopologica, written by the nineteenth century savant George Singer before he went mad. Hanging on to the package makes your subjective notion of the color mauve itch, but you can hear something banging around inside, like a hard object packed carefully in tissue paper. )
  227. Vahno hrms... to do the stupid thing or no...
  228. Zxarr nods to Amy, then nods to Monika, before giving a few of the wires an experimental slash with his Katana...
  229. Crimson blinks. He looks at Patashu. "I could probably go down there also. Fire doesn't injure me, actually." He shrugs and watches the feed still.
  230. You rumble, "It seems relatively safe to go in, at least..."
  231. ( ZXARR AND AMY! You manage to cut and block wires. Slowly waging a slow war of attrition against Christmas. Managing to cut back the Holiday Cheer enough that a few of the snowflakes on Vahno's package shift from being represented by the group D_NaN to D_-INF. Which is probably an improvement. Maybe? Still the snow stops falling, and while Monika manages to shatter and scrape away some of the christmas ornaments, the switch seems rather badly scarred and melted for even mundane electrical reasons. )
  232. Moriar's ears can almost be heard perking over the shared visual link, "Well, I should try to escape, before either of you follow? So that if there's something trapping me in here, it won't have both of you, as well?"
  233. You rumble, "Don't worry, there's plenty of people outside who can rescue us, Moriar."
  234. Isabel looks to Patashu, "That'll just get us all stuck down there if there's a one-way door."
  235. Vahno gives into temptation and tries to tear the package open!
  236. Amy glances between Patashu and Moriar, "Weren't you two calling us 'replaceable body have-nots'? What exactly are you afraid of?
  237. Moriar's attentions return to examination of the diagnostic ribbon, then. They do occasionally glance at the hearth-fire.
  238. Mako ums... "Would help sorting maybe help with the workload too?"
  239. You rumble, "Hey, -I'M- not afraid of anything."
  240. Patashu demonstrates, promptly marching in to where Moriar is with the sorting machines.
  241. Zxarr blinks, "Replacable what now?"
  242. Crimson tilts his head and follows Patashu.
  244. Moriar wasn't accusing anyone of not having replaceable bodies; the gryphon can't actually replace the core of this body if it's damaged beyond use.
  245. Crimson peeks at it over the visual link. "Well. That makes sense for once."
  246. Monika wavewaves her paws frantically at Vahno. "Don't do it! ... It's not addressed to you!"
  247. Isabel ponders... their feed just went down there with Patashu. She puts her hand to the side of her head briefly before looking to see what Vahno finds.
  248. Patashu checks the diagnostic logs with a gasp. "All of these are undeliverable?! How did this even happen?"
  249. ( VAHNO: You have made a terrible decision. As you tear the box open, the dread and terrible light of holiday cheer pours out of it with the force of a geyser, leaving a hole in space from which falls a mug wrapped in tissue paper. The mug is rather lumpy and difficult to hold, showing a jolly looking man in relief carrying a bag past a log cabin, with a pine tree behind him. )
  250. Amy says, "But maybe Vahno ruining christmas would be a good thing!"
  251. Amy says, "...or not."
  252. Mako says, "... ohhh, someone's getting coal this year."
  253. Vahno says, "...Bah Humbug."
  254. Crimson chuckles at Patashu, "Tine is kinda messed up, Patashu."
  255. ( The Ceramic Santa turns its head to look straight at Vahno, moving its cold, porcelain lips as it says in a voice like the grinding of mortars in pestles. "I'll be thre to see you soon!" It gives a wink of its glassy blue eye. )
  256. Zxarr looks out into the darkness, "Wait... didn't someone mention a reactor out there... in the place no one has returned from?" He guestures with his Katana, "That sounds like fun, right?"
  257. Patashu scratches head. "Wouldn't it be a strict improvement to not even try to sort this stuff, if it's all currently meaningless? Just put it in a silo for the actual Christmas later."
  258. Amy says, "Everyone's afraid to look at it, but I'm about ready to check it out. Running out of options here."
  259. Moriar scoots closer to the sorting machine, the gryphon possessed of a powerful temptation to be sorted.
  260. Crimson says, "Wr're working on it, Amy."
  261. NovaSquirrel says, "I'm fine with going wherever"
  262. Crimson says, "We're, rather."
  263. Monika can't help giggling at Zxarr's katana technique. "'While you were at a Christmas party, I studied the blade...'"
  264. Crimson tries to quickly grab Moriar!
  265. Patashu decides to try it. He uses the bulk of his body and claws to just... block the flow of the incoming mail, preventing as much as he can from entering the sorting machines!
  266. Mako huhs, gettinga thought. She tries to cast a light out into the darkness...
  267. Vahno shoves the mug into the opened present and tries to shut it up again. Possibly with much tape.
  268. Isabel looks to Vahno, grinning briefly, hopping once. "... Did that come out of a portal to a dimension full of free goodies by any chance?"
  269. Isabel tries to get a look into that box.
  270. Monika shakes her head at Vahno, "Could be worse, could be a tacky necktie!" Since 'toons appreciate getting reactions, she bounds off toward that dreadfully reactive reactor.
  271. Vahno says, "I..."
  272. Moriar squeaks in protest, as they are now held by Crimson rather than being fed into the sorting machine. "Umm.. Hello!", before looking to Patashu, "Could we just power down the sorting machines, for now, instead? It sounds like the reactor problem is probably giving rise to what's happening here; just a symptom."
  273. Vahno tries to peek into the hole, if it still exists.
  274. Zxarr looks over to Monika, grinning, "Ohhh. I like that." ...then catches the light from Mako and peers out, "Now why didn't I think of that? I have a flashlight right here..."
  275. ( PATASHU! You are swamped with a river of mail pouring from the bags, but the sorting eventually runs empty. While you're being buried you notice that many of the letters are addressed to Santa under one name or another...but others are plainly addressed to destinations not of this world or any other, sometimes to or from characters from movies or books, other times in mathematical notations for destinations well outside our cosmic horizon. )
  276. Crimson says, "I'd like to go to the reactor, actually."
  277. Crimson says, "Would you like to come, Moriar?"
  278. NovaSquirrel says, "I'll come"
  279. Amy says, "I'll come."
  280. Moriar looks to the sorting machine, then to the exit, then to Crimson, "...Yes. I can come back here for recreational sorting, later."
  281. Patashu picks up one of the mail envelopes and blinks. "Well, here's the problem - a lot of these letters are clearly nonsensical to send in the physical realm!" As his dragon body gets piled up in white, papery snow. Blinking.
  282. You rumble, "But, yes, sounds like the reactor needs checking."
  283. Crimson uhs... He nods, and takes Moriar back up with him, and heads towards the reactor.
  284. ( VAHNO AND ISABEL: You stare into the light of Christmas and undergo a wondrous, but likely temporary, transformation. Both of you retain your features, mostly, but are suddenly made of carved wood and full of clockwork with big, brass keys coming from your backs, dressed up in the regalia of an imagined military, with coats of scarlet and buttons of gold painted on. )
  285. Mako has no flashlight, just little wisp-lights. But they work quite well. And non flammable!
  286. ( All right! People venturing into the Dark Wood? )
  287. Zxarr scraches the top of his head with the back of his blade, then nodnods, "Turn the power off at the source. ANyone bring any C4?"
  288. Amy earperks. "In fact? I did!
  289. Vahno flaails and falls back. "Augh! Too Jolly!"
  290. Crimson blinks. "Let's hold off on C4, for now."
  291. Patashu will make a temporary intervention to keep the sorting machines dry, whether that's re-arranging the conveyor belts or cutting the power, before following Crimson.
  292. Amy digs in her bag of stuff (which, worryingly, has turned red). But the red in the objects she finds in it are nothing to do with christmas cheer and everything to do with warning labels. "TNT, technically."
  293. NovaSquirrel walks towards the reactor herself to go have a look herself, completely casually
  294. Isabel hops back! Flump. Clatter. She squeaks, flailing around briefly before getting up. Can she still talk like that? She offers Vahno a hand up.
  295. ( The sorting machines, their power cut, shudder to a halt. The mail keeps piling up, but at least now it's not damaging anything, so long as the employees can keep it out of the fireplace. )
  296. Zxarr ahhhs and nods, "There." He calls out to Crimson, "It's TNT, is that better?"
  297. Patashu would have offered to put the fire out if he was an ICE dragon, perhaps ;> Oh well!
  298. ( You can talk so long as your key stays wound, which it should for the next half hour. Unless you run or exert yourself particularly hard. )
  299. ( Nothing brings the Christmas Cheer like Trinitrotoluene! )
  300. Monika giggles at Isabel and Vahno. "Hey hey, you remind me of this raccoon I know!" With that, she sets off for the reactor! For real this time!
  301. Amy is getting more and more confused as to locations, but if dark forest is where the reactor is supposed to be, yes.
  302. ( NOVA! And anyone else walking into the Dark Forest, the wind blows toward you, carrying )
  303. Crimson blinks at Zxarr, "Uh, it's a power reactor. Explosions aren't recommended with power reactors." He's following them into the dark forest with Moriar.
  304. Vahno huffs and stands up. And decides the best course of action is to shout into the hole. "Hey! Turn us back!"
  305. Amy says, "But we can probably blow up a conduit or something. And if we manage to make a short, it'll blow the breakers and shut it down."
  306. ( As you head into the woods, you start leaving aside anything that even looks remotely like a post office. It seems to fade into the distance faster than the distance you travel should suggest. And above you is a black sky too full of stars in turning pinwheels of burning diamonds, as if someone had only heard about a galaxy but tried to make one anyway. )
  307. Crimson says, "Let's wait until we see it, first."
  308. Isabel looks to Vahno. "I don't think that's going to help... maybe since we're already transformed, we could go through it? Maybe get at the -real- source of the issue."
  309. Mako follows after Amy and Zxarr, providing light and peanut gallery grade commentary. >.>
  310. Isabel asides, "So long as the rest don't manage to stop it while we're there and trap us there..."
  311. Zxarr trots along into the forest too, in tow of the others, watching as things seem to move along at the incorrect rate.
  312. Patashu looks up at the sky, remarking it with wonder.
  313. Monika can't help singing along, o/~ "Deck us all with Boston Charlie! Walla Walla, Wash., an' Kalamazoo..." o/~
  314. ( The only thing to come out of the hole is a piece of paper like a scrap of adding machine tape. It reads 'Naughty List Addendum #186931. Add Vahno for Damaging the Fabric of Spacetime. Add Isabel for Turning Into a Toy Soldier.' )
  315. NovaSquirrel says, "Well this is certainly different"
  316. Crimson does the same as Patashu. "Huh, kinda nice."
  317. Zxarr quietly hopes 'the hole' doesn't learn how many times he's messed up spacetime...
  318. Vahno shoves the paper back through the hole and stomps off after the others.
  319. Moriar tries to climb up onto Crimson's shoulder, once there's no longer sorting machines on hand to launch into. "I think my inertial reckoning is off; we've traveled further than we've walked."
  320. ( As the first in line move further the light and sound of the post-office almost seem to disappear. It's uncertain whether you could find your way back unaided if you went too much further. )
  321. You rumble, "If you're going to deliver letters all across reality, space bending geometry is a must, I imagine."
  322. Crimson imagines that's not the only reason to add Vahno to the naughty list. He nods to Moriar. "It's actually correct, Moriar."
  323. Patashu ...s and looks around, nervous. "That was quick... It's like we're out in the middle of nowhere."
  324. Amy tries to sense the material of the ground beneath them, whether the place is solid at all or onl metaphysical.
  325. Isabel hesitates, ponders a moment at that for some reason or another, before shrugging and stepping off alongside Vahno. Clack, clack. Being a wooden clockwork is probably a bit odd.
  326. Monika skips along busily on her little legs. "Forced perspective! Sometimes, you just have to force people to have perspective!"
  327. Crimson tries to see if he can get some light by burning off a little magical energy. His palm should glow at least.
  328. ( AMY! The ground is solid, but enchanted. Not ringing with the good vibrations of your own universe but with a clearer, painfully over-real note. At least the top layer is with the earth and trees and snow and all, and even down far enough to dig a respectable mine. But there's no planetary interior or anything, reality just cutting off below a certain depth as if out of scope or beneath the concern of the realm. )
  329. Crimson says, "I guess we might as well just keep going? We can't simply turn back and give up. They need help here."
  330. ( As you pass onward, at the point where you can just barely see a glimmer from the post office, you pass a dilapidated cottage made of gingerbread. Vandals have smashed the boiled sweet windows and wildlife has been gnawing the lintels and snacking on the beams so that the roof has caved in, but there's quite a lot of...stuff here. )
  331. Mako looks about, throwing little lights about in an attempt to locate this generator... or anything of the ominous forshadowing previoulsy ominoused.
  332. You rumble, "Did we take a wrong turn? I feel like we're in a fairytale right now..."
  333. Vahno pets Isabel as she gets close. "Well, this is odd, huh? Sorry."
  334. ( CRIMSON: Magic seems to work BETTER here. Your hand does more than glow but, with the amount of magic to conjure a light to read by, you make something that could pass for a spotlight and pick up planes in the sky. Same for Mako's attempt. )
  335. Monika looks over the gingerbread hovel. "My my! Looks like Hansel and Gretel came back for revenge!"
  336. Amy says, "We're not in our own universe anymore, toto. The ground feels hollow. I wonder if the 'reactor' is in the center - but it's probably too far to dig, unless we find a hole."
  337. Isabel presumably is able to catch up to the group?
  338. Zxarr huhs as he peers behind him, "So that's why no one has gone back... The post office is gone."
  339. ( MAKO! How is your thaumaception? )
  340. Zxarr huhs at Amy, "We found a hole. No one liked it."
  341. Crimson blimks. "Woah. That's... bright."
  342. Mako is magical by nature, so pretty damn good. She pricks her ears and peers...
  343. [OOC] Azure giggles at Zxarr's phrasing.
  344. ( MAKO: Everything around you is /brilliantly/ magical, shining with the light fantastic, almost drowning in wonder...but off in the distance you feel something...incredibly mundane by comparison. )
  345. Monika grins brightly at Amy and says not-too-helpfully, "It doesn't seem too unusual to me! ... Then again I live in a matte painting!"
  346. Crimson looks to Mako, "Something wrong?"
  347. Isabel does jump a little on being pet, but quickly smiles at Vahno a moment. "Yeah... quality timber I'll admit, but these footsteps..."
  348. Amy has to shade her eyes. Her mage vision isn't so good, not without Hackrey.
  349. Mako ghaaa. "This place is like looking at black thing in a total snowstorm. There's magic EVERYWHERE.... which I suppose I should expect out of christmas. But there's something... NOT magic... over there?"
  350. Patashu perks, and looks in the direction Mako is pointing. "That's going to be our reactor, then... Nothing magical about good ol' nuclear power, after all!"
  351. Vahno says, "Loud as banging on a door."
  352. ( As you move out form the post office the trees close in on either side, but leave a narrow path. You hear something like marching off off in the distance, hard-shod feet tramping through the snow, silver bells tinkling with every step. )
  353. Moriar leans and peers, to verify if Mako is indicating them or Patashu as the appreciably non-magical thing. Seems somewhat relieved when neither dragon nor gryphon are so noted.
  354. Crimson perks and works on figuring it out also. He blinks. "Huh... That explains why our magic works too well now.
  355. Patashu would be quite impressed if his mere presence in a realm was enough to make magic flee ;> #LifeGoals
  356. Amy marches in the direction of the notmagic.
  357. Patashu follows in tow!
  358. Crimson makes a mental note about Patashu's goals. Follows along quickly!
  359. Mako says, "... not liking that noise any, either..."
  360. ( The wind shifts: )
  361. NovaSquirrel follows along with the others going after the reactor
  362. Patashu ahs, there's Carol of the Bells! Now it's a REAL Christmas adventure.
  363. Isabel nods to Vahno, and is going to try to track the footsteps through the snow to meet the crowd if she can get there and the footsteps remain.
  364. Crimson grins and nods to Patashu. He looks around. "Finding notmagic in all this magic can't be *that* hard, can it?" He looks around as they walk.
  365. ( You start to come across a fortification. Actually it's the spot corresponding to the edge of the Fortress of the Supreme Postal Authority. Except since you're moving from inside to outside, it just looks like a wall with a great gate in it marked 'MAINTENANCE EXIT" with a series of clockwork soldiers much like Vahno and Isabel (except with higher rank insignias) marching back and forth, chanting "No-O-ell. NOOOO-elll." over and over. )
  366. Monika marches toward the marching sounds... and can't help whistling 'Parade of the Wooden Soldiers'.
  367. Featherwing has teleported in.
  368. Featherwing has arrived.
  369. Mako orbits the wisps around her and the group like a wide-area lightring and early warning system. this stops when she sees the soldiers...
  370. [OOC] Mako says, "I can picture that in my head and I both love and hate that mental image. XD"
  371. Moriar barks friendily over to the soldiers, "Hello! Hello! I am glad to meet you! Hello!"
  372. You rumble, "Doesn't seem like we can sneak past th- oh, especially not now. *laughs*"
  373. Zxarr pauses and stares at the guards, "Huh. Why does this remind me of something?" He shrugs, then watches quietly as Moriar speaks.
  374. ( They carry candy canes over their shoulders like rifles...or perhaps red-and-white striped bazookas. And have smaller candycanes in their scabbards where a cavalry sabre might be. )
  375. Crimson blinks at the clockwork soldiers. He almosy jumps at Moriar's sudden outburst.
  376. Amy rubs her head, and asks Patashu, who she considers most qualified to answer, of the soldiers: "...Are they people or not?"
  377. Monika points toward the clockwork soldiers, "That must be what happened to everyone else who came this way!"
  378. Patashu looks thoughtfully towards Amy. "Hard for me to tell without a conversation or reference manual, first; I think you'd agree that it's rude to trash something whether people or property, though, so let's try to be nonlethal about it! Though we DO know that our friends here can be transformed to look like this, so that leans 'people'..."
  379. Amy tchs, and nods at Monika, "Damn it, you're probably right."
  380. Vahno hrmms... He'll attempt to fall in line to see where they go. He... looks the part.
  381. Moriar launches off of Crimson's shoulder, flapping over towards the soldiers. The gryphon intends to land about a yard or so shy of them, still yelling greetings at them.
  382. ( The soldiers turn in unison to face you, bringing their candycanes up to the ready, not in position to fire (fire? can they fire?) but demonstrating a willingness to get in said position. Their feet stamp the ground in unison, and they all call out as one, "We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy" they falter at the last bit, seeming confused for a moment at something being not quite right, then proclaim anew, "Halt. Who goes there. Identify yourselves." )
  383. Patashu oh nos. That phrase REALLY doesn't work in July.
  384. Amy, to Patashu, "We might not have time to be polite. Let's see if Vahno can sneak us in..."
  385. ( VAHNO: You successfully infiltrate the Toy Soldiers. Your comrades in arms at your sides. Though your lack of a candycane sticks out a little. )
  386. Isabel takes place right alongside Vahno! Except... does she have the candy-cane weapon set?
  387. Moriar wirelessly transmits to Patashu, "Want to try and sneak in, while I try to hold their attentions?"
  388. Isabel apparantly doesn't!
  389. Monika grins brightly. "Monika's my moniker, Monika Mongoose! I'm full of cheer all through the year and conquer fear, O soldiers dear!"
  390. Patashu looks thoughtful - but shakes his head. "I'm not exactly sneaking material. Let's see if Vahno can figure something out, first."
  391. Zxarr shgurs to Amy, "Why not just state we're maintenance crew here to inspect the reactor? THe door did say maintenance..."
  392. Moriar sits down infront of the soldiers, calling up to them with vigrous tailwagging, "Hello! I'm Moriar! Who are you?"
  393. ( The Sergeant at Vahno's side salutes him. And the corporal flanking Isabel salutes her. The sergeant shouts, "Private! Present arms! Or explain their absence!" )
  394. Patashu uh ohs. That's not a good sign.
  395. Vahno returns the salute. "Ravenous and Over-eager Children Sir!"
  396. Zxarr puts his Katana away, letting it melt and merge back into his paw...
  397. Amy tugs a ruff, "...Heck, we kind of are. And I like the direct method. But --" Peering at Vahno's inspection. They may have a good distraction in a moment...
  398. Isabel is surprised the higher officer is saluting -first-... but does return it. "Confirmed. Arms were eaten by ravenous kids, sir!"
  399. ( The soldiers all pivot to face Moriar. Except for the Sergeant expecting an explanation from Vahno: )
  400. Mako conjures up a suitably festive red bobble hat. Hopefully it is sufficiently jolly. o.o "BEst move now while we can."
  401. ( They speak in unison once more, "We are the toy soldiers. We are the guardians of the border. All those who oppose us will be added to our ranks." )
  402. Patashu ohs! Perfect! Everyone's distracted. He can just slip around behind the toy soldiers and get through...
  403. Crimson will follow after!
  404. Isabel . o O ( We were transformed... Why do we still have our own thoughts then? )
  405. Moriar nods excitedly to the soldiers, "And who opposes you? Where does the border border? I'm Moriar, and I'm glad to meet all of you! Which of you is my friend?"
  406. ( The sergeant calls out, "Quartermaster! Two candycanes for our scouts returning from enemy territory!" As the quartermaster, flanked by guards, heads off to the storehouse, a lieutenant comes and asks Vahno and Isabel, "What did you find on the morale and disposition of our enemies? Are they ready to surrender?" )
  407. ( MAKO: Are you trying to sneak around behind them? )
  408. ( PATASHU: I assume that as a floating cat Mako is fairly stealthy. As a giant dragon made of upholstery, how sneaky would you say you are? )
  409. Vahno goes for the lie again. "They are ready for a massive attack sir! Surrender is very unlikely sir! I fear they may even be planning an attack!"
  410. Patashu basically fails stealth checks by default.
  411. Amy scrambles in front of the group, screeching like a velociraptor, because something has to distract them from the giant dragon behind them.
  412. Isabel confirms, "They could be entering our domain at any moment!"
  413. Moriar tries to drown out Patashu's failed stealth check by employing the speaking volume that avians are known for. "Hello! Hello!"
  414. Crimson will stick close to Patashu, in an attempt to get through.
  415. Monika attempts to tiptoe past the soldi-- wait, that makes xylophone-plinky noises. She tries to slink past the soldiers as quietly as possible. Slinky noises are relatively quieter!
  416. Zxarr yerks and blinks to Amy, watching as she screeches, "What the...?"
  417. ( MORIAR: With various leading officers off busy with Vahno and Isabelle the lower ranks seem unsure of what to say. Their unison breaks and falters, staggering and stuttering as they say, "We are all your friends! Friends to all children. We are charged to enter the world and bring Christmas forever to every good boy and girl, and to those who are naughty....we shall make their birthday be ON Christmas. That is our mission." )
  418. Patashu gasps! The horror!
  419. Crimson winces at the thought of that.
  420. Moriar looks at themselves, then up to the soldiers, "Do I qualify as a good child? I've never had a Christmas, before! Hello! I am glad to have met you! I would rather not be naughty to begin with, given the choice."
  421. ( AMY! You have made a spectacle of your self. People were about to look at the Noisy Dragon Completely Failing to be Stealthy, but suddenly everyone's candycanes are aiming at you. Even the lieutenant looks up, though quickly returns its attention to Vahno and Isabel, "Grinch's Blood! I thought we had them!" And says, "Company, be ready to march out and press the attack! The post office is our entry into their world and we must not let it fall!" )
  422. ( Monika and Patashu and Mako manage to sneak behind the soldiers in all the confusion, with everyone unsure of whether they're supposed to be capturing Amy or preparing to make War. )
  423. Patashu ahas! Let's try to get through the maintenance exit door, while we still can!
  424. ( Yes. In Spindizzy, Christmas has War on YOU....okay, okay, sorry. )
  425. Zxarr walks quietly towards the door, just making a straight bee line towards the maintenance door.
  426. [OOC] Crimson was following Patashu, also.
  427. ( Crimson manages to get through! Zxarr has a bit more trouble with the straight-on, unsneaky approach and two soldiers try to bar his way with crossed candycanes, as if they were polearms )
  428. Amy's claws are scraping and scrambling as she tries a vertical climb straight up that wall, skittering left and right occasionally to befuddle those who might be above. Got to keep distracting.
  429. Isabel looks to her 'officer', "The enemy prepares, but they gather about the post office. I will be ready to return to the front once I am armed!"
  430. Vahno adds to the panic. "They're already here! Get to defensive positions! Brace for attack!"
  431. Mako has one benefit for stealth... she doesn' make footprints! Or footprint noises. She sneaks along trying to get to... well, she's looking for that normal thing.
  432. Isabel . o O ( Maybe if they think it's time to rush the office, they'll leave less soldiers here for our -real- friends to worry about. )
  433. Monika tries to get the maintenance gate open! Maybe we'll be lucky and it doesn't have anything more secure than gift-wrapping.
  434. Patashu will helpfully lend dragon claws to the effort!
  435. Crimson will help, too!
  436. ( The officer taps Isabel and Patashu, "Get your arms and stand guard here. The rest of us are fresh and will press the attack." The lieutenant draws his candycane sabre and yells, "Leave our two scouts to deal with these folk, we must be off before it's too late!" Someone about to try and fire a candycane at Amy immediately about-faces and starts running into the woods. The rest of the soldiers start to fall in line and behave in a more organized way once the officers join the formation. )
  437. tb Isabel and Vahno, rather?
  438. Patashu . o O ( Isabel and Vahno, rather? )
  439. ( Yes! )
  440. ( Sorry. )
  441. Moriar scrambles, to try and rejoin Patashu and Crimson's company, in the chaos.
  442. ( The Maintenance Gate is a huge affair of wood flanked by guard towers...some hint of its mundane function remains: the bar has a keyboard and small display that flashes red when Monika tries to open it. AMY on the other hand, manages to climb over the wall just fine. As does patashu, one presumes. Anyone else trying to climb? )
  443. Vahno salutes and runs off to get his arms. Cause... why not?
  444. Patashu sees climbing is working quite well, so will give other people lifts!
  445. Isabel salutes, accepting her weapon once offered, then rushes to whatever looks like a defensive position by the maintenence gate. Puts on a show of it. "Halt! Stop at once!"
  446. Zxarr scratches his head, looks at everyone climing the wall, then shrugs and leaps into the air, attempting to fly over.
  447. Isabel of course, isn't actually pointing it (directly) at anyone.
  448. Moriar is trying to fly after Patashu.
  449. ( Flying over works too, Moriar and Zxarr! In fact everyone can get to the other side. Kind of annoying when your security system in the real world involves having /a roof/ and the fantasy world only has open sky. )
  450. Amy presumably ends up on the inside of the wooden gate. Her rock powers do jack-all against a gate made of wood, but on the inside, maybe she can just open the thing.
  451. Mako will just float, she thinks. .... after a moment, she suggests, "Balloon time?" to Monika, and goes fast. >.>
  452. Crimson flies up after them also!
  453. ( Vahno and Isabelle find candycanes easily. Along with pouches of shortbread bullets. )
  454. Vahno stands with Isabel. "Think these taste good?"
  455. Monika tries the keyboard at least once! She tries keying in 1225, since these clockwork soldiers don't seem the brightest.
  456. ( The other side of the gate doesn't have a keycard. Just a red lever reading 'ALARM WILL SOUND'. Do you push the lever? )
  457. Isabel, once everyone is inside, shouts after them, "I said halt!" She looks to Vahno. "Maybe they'll tell us once we shoot them. Let's get them!" And makes after the group! ... Once everyone's out of sight of the outside, she slinks up alongside the group and gives them a thumbs up.
  458. ( The display beeps and flashes red at the date! It seems to have room for a much longer passphrase. )
  459. Amy, maybe , doesn't - especially since everyone's getting in anyway. :x She nods to those arriving and hurries deeper into the complex.
  460. Patashu nods! No need to open the gate as it turns out. Checks to see what our next obstacle might be?
  461. ( ISABEL your plan is achieved! The other soldiers march away and leave you to it. )
  462. Moriar peers to Patashu, "Should one of us try connecting to that computer?"
  463. Crimson follows after Patashu quickly.
  464. Monika shrugs! "Fifteen minutes left, heck with it!" She pulls a ladder out of her fur... and keeps on pulling and pulling, it's much longer than she is... and scales the wall with it. How to get out is left as an exercise for the reader.
  465. ( Outside the gate the forest is darker, a bit more somber. More clearly marked with the Longest Night. The crescent moon gleams against the sky, like a sickle poised to swing down and slice the guilty world in two. )
  466. ( )
  467. You rumble, "Huh, where are we now...? Do we just keep going ahead?"
  468. You rumble, "I was expecting to be in a building by now, honestly! *nervous chuckle*"
  469. ( But the Mundanity is close at hand. Hard to see by sight as the treeds close in thicker, but it can be felt not too far off. )
  470. Vahno follows after Isabel.
  471. ( You just left the building. )
  472. Patashu ohs... this way!
  473. Vahno says, "So, what are we looking for?"
  474. ( The wall you passed was the inside-wall of the post office. )
  475. You rumble, "Still the reactor."
  476. Amy clicks on a flashlight. Some mundane things stil work better than their magical equivalents.
  477. ( The flashlight gleams into the night, showing up the trail. You see tracks in the snow. As if something passed thsi way not long ago. Pawprints and runners. )
  478. Patashu eyes the tracks, curious, as we move on. "Looks like we're not the only one having to deal with this, of course."
  479. Zxarr shrugs, "Maybe these are the tracks of all those that went missing..."
  480. [OOC] Amy says, "runners? as in sleigh?"
  481. ( You hear the noise of an animal in the distance. It sounds like )
  482. ( YES! )
  483. Isabel eyes to Zxarr, "I think the others going missing ended up like me... only more mind controlled."
  484. Mako says, "Oh dear. You don't suppose the old fellow's also been kinda overworked by this?"
  485. ( Along with what may be a's hard to tell, but it sounds like laughter. Maniacal, unbalanced, furious and raving. )
  486. Amy hurries faster. Ten minutes left.
  487. Patashu uh ohs. Yeah, let's hurry before something bad happens. owo;
  488. Crimson quickly follows after them.
  489. Moriar clings to Crimson's shoulder for the ride, noting, "I'm.. not sure if I would be judged naughty or nice; should we be concerned about the matter of the question?"
  490. Isabel hurries along! Sort of. Starts lagging behind. She waves over to Patashu. "Um... mind giving me a couple of turns?"
  491. Patashu ohs! and grabs at Isabel's key, giving it an exerted wind, wind, wind with a huff. "There we go."
  492. Zxarr dashes along behind, keeping up withe the group, "So exciting. Running off into the unknown... again!"
  493. ( You run through the forest. A sound like hoofbeats is carried on the wind...through the woods you start to see mundane, healthy sodium vapor lamps bathing a big, steely toroid in an orange glow. It hums and thrums contentedly, thinning the magic field around it by its presence. Or perhasp the magic field has to thin a bit to keep it operational enough to prop open their 'opening'. )
  494. You rumble, "Ah! I recognize a good reactor when I see one. So, we just need to power this down, if I'm interpreting it right...?"
  495. Crimson says, "I thunk so!"
  496. Vahno says, "Can... Can I get a few turns too?"
  497. Amy ahs! "Fusion! This is good news! Much less messy.
  498. Patashu helpfully winds Vahno up as well. Huff, huff, huff!
  499. Mako says, "I don't think I can get closer to that without my barriers going off."
  500. ( The hoofbeats draw nearer. The laughter grows louder. Or it could be a scream of incoherent rage. Or both. You hear in the distance a sound like a howl mixed with the handshake of a 56K moden. )
  501. Patashu perks up, listening cautiously, keeping his distance.
  502. ( Err. Modem. )
  503. Zxarr stares at it, then moves in closer to see if there are any obvious ways to shut it down... "If it's fusion, we can just poke a hole in it, or jam something inside. That'll kill the reaction."
  504. Isabel grins a moment, figuring Patashu's energy reserves are better than hers. "Thanks!" And off she goes, gradually catching up. Just in time it seems!
  505. Crimson blinks. "Interesting sound..."
  506. Moriar's ears perk, crying out with the reply handshake of a 56k modem.
  507. Moriar sings, o/~ WWrreerreerrooowwweeerooooowwwrrr. o/~
  508. Monika cups a paw to her ear and listens to the far off laughter/screaming. "Sounds like the mad god's madder than usual!"
  509. Vahno says, "T-take cover!"
  510. [OOC] Amy says, "ceiling lamps or lamp posts?"
  511. ( Lamp posts! )
  512. Isabel decides to just -rush the reactor- full tilt sprint!
  513. Amy rips up one of the lampposts in a wrenching of metal, and braces herself to strew it in the path of an oncoming sleigh.
  514. ( At Moriar's howl the course suddenly changes. Dopplering in on you. The first thing you see are flashes of lightning from eight hooves pounding the ground...from an eight legged reindeer. Each flash lights up the reindeer next to it, each footfall sounding like a crash of thunder. The pair is flanked on either side by a glimmering, glowing shape, like beasts painted in TV static. )
  515. ( OHO! Interesting idea. ANY. Do you...HURL the lamp post at the reindeer? )
  516. Mako oooh boy, the old guy's lost it. She hits the deck.
  517. Crimson uh ohs and follows Mako's example.
  518. ( The Fusion Reactor looks to have an emergency kill switch at least, that appears to be in working order. Or you could blow it up with TNT. I have some hymns to dynamite if you think it might help! )
  519. Crimson will actually follow after to get to the reactor, then!
  520. Moriar launches off of Crimson's shoulder and towards the approach of the newly friend raindeer, keeping up their attempt at friendly tones of fax machine screeches.
  521. Amy left her bag of tricks over there shile she's hurling lampposts at mutant reindeer if anyone REALLY wants to blow it up. But the emergency stop sounds good too.
  522. Zxarr stops to peer towards the noise, before continuing on to the reactor, "Oh hey. There's a button."
  523. ( The static forms resolve themselves into wolves, man-high at the shoulder, their fur flickering with complex patterns of information, linking them together into a single Pack Mind that just happens to be distributed among multiple canines. They flank a sleigh where a figure with a long, grey bears and a patch over one eye drives, an ermine coat dyed red with blood, as two obviously mechanical ravens fly above his head, feathers sharp as knives and painted in vantablack to make them light-drinking shadows against the night. )
  524. Crimson says, "Handy!"
  525. ( i take that as a throw! )
  526. [OOC] Amy says, "Yes."
  527. Featherwing has disconnected.
  528. Mako . o O ( Sudden flashacks to Megas XLR and the Five Minutes To End of Episode button.... )
  529. ( The lamp post hurls into the reindeer. They manage to jump over it and remain uninjured, but the sleigh ploughs right into it, the one runner snapping, the whole thing tipping over and spilling its occupant onto the ground. The reindeer stand stock still as their reigns go slack, pawing at the gorund and blowing steam. )
  530. Vahno says, "Nnnnnoooo ain't gonna touch that."
  531. Isabel hits the killswitch, presumably a well marked emergency stop sort of deal!
  532. Moriar is going to attempt to circle the All-Jolly-Father at a radius about double that of the ravens, "Hello! I am Moriar, are you friendly?"
  533. ( The man pulls himself up from the spill and picks up a spear, answering Moriar, "They /say/ that a demon is simply a god acting outside of its appointed time...what do you think?" )
  534. Patashu ahahas. Seems like Mr. Claus is as fed up with the scenario as we are. Keeps a careful eye on the scenario, while side-eying Isabel. "Already on it? Okay, good."
  535. ( Isabel! The hum abruptly stops, the coolant system fires into overdrive with an audible rush of fluid...though as the power dies the 'wall' you pased through starts to look a bit less...real than it did a mont ago. )
  536. Mako says, "This might be a bad time to point out that some iterations of Grandfather Winter was as a hunting god. I would not get in the way of that spear!" And so she skitters backwards. >.>"
  537. Moriar keeps up their flapping in orbit around the man, "The only demons I have met were friends who acted in my defense,and the only gods I have met were friends offering kindness. Are you claiming to be both?", before flapping directly towards the man, as though expecting to be offered an arm to perch on.
  538. Patashu is ready to pounce should Moriar be endangered, at least!
  539. Crimson grins at the sound, grinning.
  540. Crimson err, clapping.
  541. Zxarr huhs to Isabel, "Well... that worked. I thought it'd have exploded or something, the way the rest of thie place seems to be run."
  542. ( Father Christmas smiles, the teeth of a wolf glinting through his beard, "Once the rip closes your world will be disconnected from mine...and I know just what to do with anyone who stays here...I haven't hunted robots in years..." )
  543. Crimson says, "Well, the reactor is still working, or was."
  544. ( The nuclear reactor is the only sensible, mundane thing still operating by the rules! )
  545. Featherwing has connected.
  546. ( Not any more. The reactor is turned off. )
  547. Featherwing is carried away when a runaway sputnik rams into him.
  548. Featherwing has left.
  549. Crimson eeps, making sure he's not on that side.
  550. Patashu owos; and grabs Moriar. "Time to leave."
  551. tb Not that I don't enjoy a good hunt, but think of the Moriars!
  552. Patashu . o O ( Not that I don't enjoy a good hunt, but think of the Moriars! )
  553. ( As that Jolly Old Elf smiles, the Synchronized Wolves start looking to circle in on you. They might bar the way back if you aren't careful. )
  554. ( You may wish to run back the way you came before...much later. )
  555. Monika says, "I read once about a guy who said, 'We made gods and jailers because we felt small and alone... We let them try and judge us and, like lambs to the slaughter, we allowed ourselves to be... *sentenced*...'"
  556. [OOC] Moriar's character is probably naive enough to perch on the Father's arm, if one is offered. "I suppose that I'm getting snatched, then?"
  557. Isabel looks around, "Yeah, let's get out of here!" She regards Father Christmas. "Sorry for the intrusion man." She gestures for the rest to follow, making for the fading exit if it's still visible.
  558. Patashu may not be able to snatch Moriar in time, indeed, depending on how others react.
  559. Crimson watches Patashu anxiously.
  560. Moriar's core is, at least, encased in an A-10 style titanium box, about an inch thick. It should be fairly difficult to mortally wound the gryphon?
  561. Monika points at the closing rip. "'See! Now! Our sentence is up!'" She sniffs at the air, "Though if you'd like to go hunting cobras some time... well well, you know my address!" And she bounds off toward relative safety.
  562. Vahno says, "Time now to be running! Let's go!"
  563. ( Oh, well. Father Christmas didn't offer an arm so much as grasp a spear, so unless Moriar puts up a fight he could be snatched easily. )
  564. Patashu yeps! Time to grab the gryphon and make a run for it before it's too late!
  565. ( As you begin to run the Pack made of wolves starts to move after you, like mercury and flickering static coarsing through the woods. Father Christmas walks along with a smile, seeing if any stragglers remain behind to merit his personal attention. )
  566. Zxarr kind of half heartedly follows in the general direction that everyone else is fleeing, glancing between Moriar and the fading exit...
  567. You rumble, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"
  568. Amy meeps, glancing around trying to do a headcount. Seems to be all of us. She tries to run for it. She's full of terror and adrenalin right now, if one of the wolves tries to tangle, she'll do her best.
  569. Moriar is presumably plucked out of the air, rather straightforwardly. Awkward squawk, but no particular protest; the gryphon is used to being wrong.
  570. Crimson follows after, quickly running!
  571. Patashu lopes forward on three claws briefly, before carefully glomping Moriar in his jaws and sprinting at full speed.
  572. ( As you move, the wall starts fading further...there's still a door in the way with an 'ALARM WILL SOUND' lever on it, though. Do you bash through it or scale it? )
  573. Patashu is in a hurry - votes for bashing!
  574. Crimson thinks it's tike to bash through, yes!
  575. Vahno will bash through it!
  576. Amy is heading for the reactor, not the wall.
  577. ( THE DOOR BASHES OPEN, a 'Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!' starts playing in the background... )
  578. Isabel will barge right through! Seems she wasn't even looking back for Moriar, she's outta there!
  579. Monika votes for... pushing the 'ALARM WILL SOUND' lever to get it open, because at this point, who really cares that the ALARM WILL SOUND?
  580. ( AMY: The reactor...just sits there. )
  581. ( Are you going to try and restart it or something else? )
  582. Isabel isn't even looking back for Amy either!
  583. Amy figures the reactor is the easy obvious safe spot - three freaking feet away. It's not going to stop existing... right? c.c
  584. Patashu keeps charging ahead! Will even let people ride if desired!
  585. Zxarr stops and peers back at Amy, "Uh... This way maybe?" He points towards the exit as it's bashed down, "Where are you going?"
  586. Mako thinks NOw is Leaving Time!. "Amy! Plan "Run Screaming and Flailing"! >.>"
  587. ( This IS a good point, now that you mention it! Everything up to the edge of the reactor is Obviously magical, but if you climb up onto it, there's a spot in the middle that's completely mundane. You can even see the cement of the lot outside the Postal Fortress down through the donut hole. )
  588. Amy grouses, "I dunno what you're all running from, I can see the freaking parking lot! The reactor's a way out!
  589. ( As everyone else spills through the gateway t )
  590. Crimson charges ahead with Patashu!
  591. Moriar is entirely compliant with the rescue from Patashu, tucking into their mouth for the ride.
  592. ( As everyone else spills through the gateway they head into a blend of the outskirts of the post office, rolling bins and counters with trees seeming to 'blur' in and out of focus, one moment real enough to smack you in the face with a branch, the next just a shadow thrown against the wall and across the floor. )
  593. Patashu ahas! "There's mundanity over this way too, Amy! I think we're fine over here too!"
  594. Amy will latch onto Zxarr if he argues a moment longer though.
  595. Patashu was tempted for a moment to turn back, but seems we're good!
  596. Crimson huhs. "This is good!"
  597. ( Reality seems to destabilize a bit. From AMy's hiding patch on the reactor the Forest seems to fade out into a lot with a few cigarette butts on it. Unless Zxarr carries her past the wall. Then she sees what everyone else sees. )
  598. Zxarr glancces between AMy and the gateway, about half way between them both. He shrugs and turns to zip back to the reactor.
  599. Zxarr purrs, "Well, at least if I get stuck here, I'll have someone to talk to!""
  600. Amy is cursing a blue streak as she sees reality disintegrating all around him, extending two paws to grab and yank him parking lot ward.
  601. ( ZXARR AND AMY: The wall is fading. Take your chances running back to it or hide at Camp Tokamak? )
  602. Amy is climbing the reactor, and offering paws for Zxxarr to grab onto for as logn as she can.
  603. ( AMY! You pull the shadow of Zxarr into your reality, he suddenly solidifes in your arms as you haul him out into the mundane! )
  604. Patashu checks something else - do Vahno and Isabel's TFs end when we mundanify?
  605. ( One lone wolf follows the rest back into the post office, suddenly seeming less substantial as soon as it crosses the border but still Real. An impossible creature flickering, trying to hold itself together by will, its fur boiling with light. )
  606. ( MEANWHILE Vahno and Isabel start looking a lot less wooden. )
  607. Zxarr scrambles up and over the reactor with Amy, falling into the center donut hole with the lynx!
  608. Crimson looks around now. "Think the postal workers learned their lesson from this?
  609. Monika appreciates two-dimensional images of creatures more than most. She gives the wolf a few pets and scratches, "Nice doggy!"
  610. Moriar perks up, flapping over to try and assist the wolf. The gryphon doesn't have much mana, or any magical skill, to offer, however.
  611. ( The wind carries a last gust of through the door, before reality abruptly reasserts itself. The formerly Synchronized Wolf gets cut off mid-howl as it collapses in a bright spark and the glow of a cooling CRT lingering in the air, like a TV abruptly turned off. )
  612. Isabel non-huffs once reaching safety, then looks around, then at her own hand... eep! She shifts around a bit. "Aaaaugh that feels weird! Ugh, glad we're outta that though-" She then eeps again at seeing the wolf!
  613. You rumble, "Yeah... Make sure you don't summon more Christmas than you can possibly hope to contain."
  614. ( AMY AND ZXARR: You see a perfectly normal Fortress of the Post Supreme not far away. It seems to be experiencing a power outage. )
  615. Amy curls up on the parking lot beneath Zxarr, adrenalin high suddenly dying. She seems content to stay there. z.x
  616. Isabel looks around, "Let's make sure that machine's unplugged properly, before backups kick in or someone turns the thing back on."
  617. Monika looks thoughtful. "Well well..."
  618. ( AMY: The World suddenly feels a lot more mundane. With a properly constructed continental shelf full of engines beneath you. )
  619. You rumble, "Well, the actual problem was that we couldn't revert the time manipulation with the power on, right? So why don't we just dismantle it real quick?"
  620. Mako says, "And now you know why putting up decorations before it's december leads to violence."
  621. Crimson has a feeling his adrenaline high will last a while longer after all that.
  622. Zxarr sits up and looks around, "Huh." He glances down to Amy, then climbs up to the top of the reactor, "Did we all make it?"
  623. Isabel looks to Patashu, "Whatever it takes to stop it from starting up again."
  624. Monika says, "I used to think 'Happy Holidays' was a pointless dodge, but now I realize it's necessary to have all the different holidays fighting it out in order to keep any one from dominating! So that's a valuable life lesson!"
  625. Patashu does a headcount... "Yep! We're all here. Good!"
  626. ( The Time Machine looks much more mundane now. A rather cracked and damaged assemblage of hourglasses and calendars and circuitry arranged in a complex pattern. )
  627. Crimson nods to Mako, and Patashu.
  628. Patashu grins at the sorry state of the time machine. "That's a good start. But let's take a vote - make sure it's taken out for good?"
  629. ( FOR GOOD? What are you going to do, drop it into a black hole? )
  630. Amy eartwitches, hearing shouting, pushes upright, and wobbles over to the group, pausing to hug Zxarr midway.
  631. Crimson says, "I say we smash it."
  632. You rumble, "Smashing is good."
  633. Crimson says, "And fun."
  634. Monika tears up calendars and pour out the sand from hourglasses. "Also also, now I understand why Indigo is crazy like a fox!"
  635. ( There are a few Postal Grade sledge hammers. For...uh...applying stamps. Yessss. )
  636. Zxarr scritches Amy ears a moment with a smile and a nod, "Hulk smash."
  637. Crimson grabs one!
  638. ( Perhaps they were here to smash the machine before but just opened more Cracks in Reality. )
  639. Patashu is already holding a sledge hammer and gapegrinning. "And a one, and a two, and a... huuup!"
  640. Crimson says, "This will do nicely."
  641. Moriar keeps a distance from the destruction, meekly noting, "...I vote against harming the machine.."
  642. Crimson hup! He likes smashing it too much, sorry Moriar.
  643. Patashu nods, in likewise agreement. Down the hammer drops!
  644. Isabel looks to Moriar, then Patashu, then shrugs. "I'm not paying for it."
  645. Zxarr glances to Moriar, "Why is that?"
  646. Isabel will however watch!
  647. ( CRIMSON: You get a Sledgehammer. It holds Great Seal of the post. An figure with the face of an Ibis, a Ram, and a Tortoise, wearing three crowns and winged shoes. )
  648. Crimson oohs. Kinda fancy for a sledge hammer.
  649. You rumble, "I approve!"
  650. Moriar does take this opportunity to slip down to the Sorting Dungeon.
  651. Patashu thinks Moriar is going to be disappointed on arrival, if there's still a power outage. <w<
  652. ( CRIMSON AND PATASHU: Monika has already dumped the sand all overthe floor. It LOOKS like regular old sand and not magic sand. Maybe. And it's quickly joined by powdered glass. And...well, smashing calendars with hammers doesn't do much, so you end up with twisted metal and smashed microchips and shattered glass and brightly colored, glossy calendars of various sorts. The Farm Supply calendar, the Fractal Art calendar. A color-your-own-calendar that came with a pack of now broken crayons. )
  653. Crimson imagines the sorting dungeon is powered down.
  654. You rumble, "Hah! And that sorts that. *dusting claws off*"
  655. ( The Sorting Dungeon has mail sacks and bins again. With only mail from this universe. The sorting machines stand quiet, powered down. )
  656. You rumble, "I was going to do something far more direct, like breathe on it, but I can't deny the satisfaction of a hammer thwack when it's staring in my face, now can I? ;>"
  657. Vahno says, "Ya sure this will work?"
  658. Zxarr thumbs towards the reactor, "Should we... turn that back on now?"
  659. Crimson grins! "That was satisfying."
  660. Isabel grins briefly. "Nice!" She wiggles her fingers. "Being a toy soldier was kinda cool though."
  661. ( The postal workers lie around, dazed. Some show the aftereffects of getting used to their bodies again after having been wooden, clockwork soldiers. Others show the unmistakable bruising of being smacked with a candycane. )
  662. You rumble, "If we can turn the power back on now, then yeah, it's safe."
  663. Moriar patiently sits in one of the input slots of a sorting machine, patiently waiting to be recreationally sorted.
  664. Crimson says, "You could breathe on the calenders, Patashu."
  665. Amy pulls the big knife switch now that it's uselessly disconnected. (And tries to sneak one of the hammers.)
  666. You rumble, "Nah, I'm good now."
  667. Crimson says, "Though, let's... not light the building on fire actually?"
  668. ( You can, in fact, turn the power back on. It'll take a moment to bootstrap and cycle on, but you can go outside and do so. A Captain-Inspector of the mail pulls herself up groggily, rubbing her eyes and flattening her ears at the alarm. Shambling off to the door to turn the alarm off with a key. )
  669. Isabel is, like the others, still taking a bit to get cozy on her now-squishy feet again. "Yeah. I think 'doesn't work anymore' is good enough to check the box on."
  670. Crimson says, "I mean, there might be important stuff now. Hm."
  671. ( AMY: The knife switch on the floor that used to belong to The Machine? )
  672. Patashu goes over to supervise the reactor. Should be good, though.
  673. [OOC] Amy says, "Yes."
  674. Mako wonders what Monika gets sorted as. o.o
  675. Vahno scratches at his back. "Things seem to be... well..."
  676. ( The knife switch makes a satisfying 'clish'. It's one of the fancy ones that puffs out a bit of air to quench the arc, too. As you throw it home, the last vestigate of the Ornament Tumors flake away and melt into nothingness. ALSO you Succeed in ...Getting Paid One Hammer for your service to the Postal Corps. )
  677. Zxarr goes off to the reactor to turn it back on, returning a few moments later, "There was an on button." He wanders over and inspects the remains of the now smashed machine, picking up the colour your own calendar...
  678. Crimson thinks he'll keep his hammer too, in that case...
  679. ( The lights flicker on and the sorting machines all have their indicators go green. READY TO SORT. )
  680. Crimson offers Zxarr the broken crayons?
  681. Patashu ohs! And dashes off to see what happens to Moriar~
  682. Moriar's tail wags excitedly, bounding into the sorting machine's input.
  683. Monika is all sorts of assorted looniness, and a cross-section of her may look like liquorice allsorts for all anyone knows! But Moriar's the one waiting to get sorted. =>
  684. Crimson follows Patashu!
  685. Zxarr takes the crayons and peers at them, "Well, this went too far. You poor, innocent things."
  686. ( Postal employees pick themselves up and straighten their uniforms a Major of the Post starts addressing them. You know, the usual "We had a long, hard battle..." type speach, that mostly ends up as a heartwarming plea for them to clean up the mess. )
  687. Isabel sees others dashing off, and follows!
  688. Isabel to watch Moriar that is.
  689. Mako thinks. She goes to summon a tea trolley. No cocoa. ... and maybe a spot of whiskey to add to taht tea. They probably need it.
  690. ( MORIAR: You leap into the sorting machine! It scans you with lasers. Inspects your wings. Tries to read the carefully sculped feathers as barcodes. Uses gentle puffs of air to waft you about, this way and that to get a good look, as its display shows it moving through databases, ruling out possibilities one after the other. )
  691. Zxarr continues to rummage through the parts... inspecting the broken microchips, damaged circuit boards... "Hm. Hey! I think I can fix this!" He calls out.
  692. You rumble, "You know, if Moriar's lucky, there'll be a 'carrier pigeon' setting somewhere in the machine..."
  693. Amy actually finds herself pitching in to clean the mess, now that her bout of mania is over.
  694. Crimson yells out to Zxarr, "Do it and we might use the sledge hammers on you instead!"
  695. Patashu calls out back to Zxarr! "I dunno! That sounds like a bad idea?? I have a bad history with temporal manipulation, and this was no exception!"
  696. Moriar purrs loudly, finding this all exciting and relaxing. The gryphon is quite compliant with the machine's inspections and determinations.
  697. Mako briefly wonders if Moriar has sufficient postage. o.o
  698. Crimson is, of course takening into account Zxarr's immortality.
  699. ( The machine narrows down the possibilities one by one, until finally it puffs Moriar out again on a gentle breeze, sorting them right into an avian/gryphon uniform with the rank of Deputy Carrier, with a tiny hat and satchel. )
  700. Patashu oohs! Perfect!
  701. Moriar poses, proudly.
  702. Zxarr tosses what he's collected back onto the ground and rrrgs, "Fine. You guys have no sense of adventure." He moves to join the others.
  703. Crimson peers at the machine, then giggles at the results.
  704. Vahno says, "Heheh... Cute..."
  705. Vahno suddenly checks to see if he still has his candycane weapon... Or if it turned into something else.
  706. Isabel applauds to this! Then looks to Zxarr. "I was thinking of recycling it, if the postal guys were going to toss it. Nothing says you can't try it in your own place if they do?"
  707. Isabel expects the candycanes vanished with everything else.
  708. Zxarr ooohs at Isabel and nodnods, "Good point!"
  709. Amy thinks the candycanes are probably letter openers or something now. The robotic folks might still find them tasty.
  710. ( They did. Though some of them seem to have been transfigured ballpoint pens, which are now back to normal apart from somewhat minty ink. )
  711. Monika gave nil, gets nil. She sweeps up with her tailtuft and giggles at Amy, "My my, that *was* some impressive screaming you did..."
  712. Zxarr bursts out laughing!
  713. Amy says, "I didn't want to see what happens when a cloth robot gets shot by candy canes. Nobody needs to see that c.c"
  714. Patashu laughs! "Thanks for the diversion, Amy."
  715. tb Just imagine all the washing I'd have to do!
  716. Patashu . o O ( Just imagine all the washing I'd have to do! )
  717. Monika says, "It's true, the pen really is mightier than the sword! Night night all!"
  718. ( The Postal Major says, "We owe you all a debt that we cannot calculate until our computers are all back online. Is there anything we can do for you? All your mail is free from now on, of course! ...not that it wasn't before." )
  719. [OOC] Monika says, "Azure, thanks for hosting!"
  720. Monika starts digging a hole in the ground and disappears into it.
  721. Monika has left.
  722. Moriar flaps back over to perch on Patashu, clinging firmly.
  723. Crimson says, "Uh... Can I keep the sledge hammer? It's fancy looking, and I can always use a sledge hammer."
  724. Patashu gives Moriar a stroke, laughing. "...I also want a sledge hammer?"
  725. ( "Oh, yes! Sledgehammers all around, if you wish!" )
  726. Crimson grins!
  727. Patashu whoos! Couldn't imagine a better memento.
  728. ( The postoffice even seems happy to give you all a ceremony where you're proclaimed heroes and ALL given sledgehammers. )
  729. Amy blushes in her ears, caught out! "Uh, thank you." She sticks close to Zxarr.
  730. [OOC] Isabel nods, thanks!
  731. Moriar shake their head, "That sounds.. too much like a weapon.", looking to the Postal Major, "May I keep this outfit, instead?"
  732. [OOC] Azure says, "Aaand, thank you all for coming!"
  733. [OOC] Crimson says, "Thanks for hosting!"
  734. Vahno grins and will gladly take a sledgehammer.
  735. ( "Of course!" The Postal Major gives Moriar a Franking Stamp to go with it. )
  736. [OOC] Patashu says, "That was a delightfully surreal experience! And you picked out some amazing music, too!"
  737. [OOC] Vahno says, "I'm glad my bad choice turned good."
  738. Isabel looks over, "I don't think I'd be able to wield one..." She then looks aside briefly, "But it might come in handy." She giggles a bit. "All I ask is a good word about my name. I even have the evening clear, so I'll stick around to help clean up if you'd like."
  739. [OOC] Amy says, "This was really f un."
  740. [OOC] Azure says, "Thank you!"
  741. [OOC] Moriar headbobs, "Thank you for running the session, I had fun! Sorry for arriving late."
  742. ( "A good word? Well. It's a pretty nice name! I'll say lots of nice things about you if anyone asks." )
  743. [OOC] Azure says, "No trouble!"
  744. Isabel nods and grins, "Thanks man!"
  745. [OOC] Isabel was actually half tempted to make the transformation permanent, was rather amused by it
  746. [OOC] Isabel says, "Probably for the better it isn't, but still!"
  747. [OOC] Zxarr chuckles, "Was goods! Thanks. :D"
  748. [OOC] Azure says, "Oh. WELL. That can be arranged ;)"
  749. [OOC] Azure says, "Perhaps it'll flicker back on when you end up in sufficiently high background enchantment unless you get it fixed by a Morphic Deresonator."
  750. [OOC] Vahno says, "Perhaps a holiday relapse?"
  751. [OOC] Mako says, "That was most odd and fun. >:3"
  752. [OOC] Azure says, "And, thank you!"
  753. Crimson looks at Patashu, "Too bad Cypher didn't come to help. He would've had fun I imagine."
  754. [OOC] Patashu says, "The universe suddenly remembers 'oh, right, you're meant to be X' and tries to make you X again. Fun!"
  755. [OOC] Vahno is tempted to stick with the toy soldier thing too...
  756. [OOC] Crimson thinks it would be cute...
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