Guest User


a guest
Aug 20th, 2017
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text 56.54 KB | None | 0 0
  1. root:123012
  2. root:root
  3. server:server
  4. test:testing
  5. root:aaa123
  6. user:password
  7. apache:test123
  8. root:1qazxsw2
  9. content:content123
  10. content:content
  11. root:pass1234
  12. root:passs123
  13. root:passpass
  14. root:pass12345
  15. root:pass123456
  16. root:Pass123
  17. root:Pass1234
  18. root:rootoor
  19. root:qwerty
  20. root:1qaz2wsx
  21. upload:upload
  22. debian:debian
  23. root:password
  24. root:123
  25. root:password123
  26. student:student
  27. www-data:www-data
  28. alex:password
  29. orange:orange
  30. postgres:password1
  31. victor:victor
  32. svn:svn
  33. root:root01
  34. info:123456
  35. julian:julian
  36. demo:demo
  37. ftpuser:123456
  38. test1:test
  39. web:web
  40. dev:dev
  41. user3:user3
  42. john:john
  43. dustin:dustin
  44. deploy:deploy
  45. test:password
  46. testuser:123456
  47. tester:tester
  48. simon:simon
  49. service:service
  50. dani:dani
  51. ubuntu:ubuntu
  52. nagios:nagios
  53. user1:user1
  54. vnc:vnc
  55. vnc:123
  56. root:toto
  57. oracle:oracle
  58. oracle:oracle123
  59. oracle:123456
  60. oracle:123
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  62. zabbix:zabbix
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  65. oracle:oracle1
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  69. sales:sales
  70. testing:testing
  71. testing:t3st1ng
  72. tester:t3st3r
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  74. tomcat:t0mc4t
  75. tomcat:tomc@t
  76. tomcat:t0mc@t
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  78. oracle:oracleoracle
  79. oracle:0r4cl3
  80. user:123456
  81. user:111111
  82. root:111111
  83. root:7hur@y@t3am$#@!(*(
  84. hadoop:hadoop
  85. adrien:adrien
  86. arnaud:arnaud
  87. matthieu:matthieu
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  89. alain:alain
  90. root:root123
  91. root:P@ssw0rd
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  99. test1:test1
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  119. root:1312
  120. root
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  126. root:root1234
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  132. test:test11
  133. test:test123
  134. test:tester
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  136. test:testtest
  137. testtest:testtest
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  139. user02:user02
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  141. user1:12qwaszx
  142. user1:1qaz2wsx
  143. user:123
  144. user:1234
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  155. hostmaster:hostmaster123
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  157. contact:contact
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  161. fred:fred
  162. donald:donald
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  166. shirley:shirley
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  169. fax:password
  170. claudia:claudia
  171. vendas:vendas
  172. arnold:arnold
  173. erika:erika
  174. super:super
  175. marco:marco
  176. james:james
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  179. atendimento:atendimento
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  181. michelle:michelle
  182. internet:internet
  183. oscar:oscar
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  186. chris:chris
  187. alex:alex
  188. alex:123456
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  192. jamil:jamil
  193. sales:1234
  194. testuser:testuser
  195. marketing:marketing
  196. robert:robert
  197. password:password
  198. robert:password
  199. kelly:kelly
  200. compras:compras
  201. fernando:fernando
  202. martha:martha
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  206. git:123git
  207. git:gitgit
  208. git:123456
  209. git:123
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  211. test123:test123
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  239. zabbix:zabbixzabbix
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  243. nagios:123456
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  246. nagios:nag10s
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  250. nagios:nagios1234
  251. nagios:nagios2011
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  253. nagios:nagiosnagios
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  257. nagios:Pa55w0rd
  258. nagios:password
  259. nagios:Password1
  260. nagios:P@ssw0rd
  261. nagios:siogan
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  263. nagios:zaq12wsx
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  272. webmaster:webmaster
  273. guest:guest
  274. guest:guest1234
  275. cs:cs
  276. backup:backup
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  279. andy:andy
  280. maria:maria
  281. andrew:andrew
  282. jhon:jhon
  283. fedora:fedora
  284. falcon:falcon
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  286. master:master
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  295. root:asd123
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  297. root:asdasd
  298. root:asddsa
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  300. root:asdf1234
  301. root:asdfgasdfg
  302. root:asdfgh
  303. root:asdfghjk
  304. root:asdfghjkl
  305. root:asdfghjkl;'
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  307. root:qwerqwer
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  309. root:qwert123
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  322. root:qwertyuiop[]
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  330. root:qweqweqwe
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  335. root:zaq1xsw2cde3
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  354. root:pass
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  356. client:Client123
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  358. nagios:Nagios123
  359. root:123654
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  361. root:toor
  362. root:toor1234
  363. root:toor123
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  377. root:pass12
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  387. root:team
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  424. root:012345
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  429. root:14872824
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  435. root:1qaz2WSX
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  478. root:pa$$word
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  481. zero:123456
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  489. root:zaq1XSW@
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  491. root:ZAQ!@WSX
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  500. root:1qw23er45t
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  518. root:131313
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  521. root:abcdef
  522. root:abcdefg
  523. root:root1
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  525. root:123!@#
  526. root:~!@
  527. root:angelqwe123
  528. root:1988
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  537. test1:123456
  538. oracle:oracle9i
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  540. nagios:nagios1
  541. oracle:1qaz2wsx
  542. oracle:oracle!@#
  543. oracle:123!@#
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  558. john:john123
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  561. roy:123456
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  580. postgres:qwer123
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  611. teamspeak:teamspeak
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  622. exploit:arbus8
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  626. doctor:doctor
  627. cs:123456
  628. liferay:liferay
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  633. karim:karim
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  635. marina:marina
  636. bsd:bsd
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  640. linda:password
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  642. root:dragon
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  647. daniela:daniela
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  649. root:PasswdNew
  650. root:Password12
  651. root:pentruspaniolu
  652. root:pomodoro
  653. root:popescu
  654. root:postbox5050$
  655. root:postbox5050%
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  657. root:Primo
  658. root:Primo2
  659. root:p@ssw0rd
  660. root:p@ssw0rd123
  661. root:p@ssword
  662. root:pulamea
  663. root:qawsed
  664. root:qaz123$
  665. root:QAZ!@#123
  666. root:QAZwsx!@#
  667. root:qazwsx12
  668. root:qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnum
  669. root:qJACJu6v
  670. root:QQAAZZwwssxx!!@@##
  671. root:qwerty123654
  672. root:qWeRtYuIoP
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  674. root:r00t123
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  676. root:r3dh4at
  677. root:r3dhat123
  678. root:.rhosts
  679. root:RJrMcpPGrysCt
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  684. daniel:daniel
  685. root:Coteto1
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  690. root:plm54321
  691. root:plm54321plm
  692. root:server1
  693. root:oracle
  694. root:admin
  695. root:12345678
  696. root:ofni
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  698. root:Welcome
  699. root:Password
  700. root:P@ssword1
  701. root:password0
  702. root:administrator123
  703. root:nasa
  704. root:a1b2c3
  705. root:oracle!@#
  706. root:oracle123
  707. root:oracol
  708. root:oracol123
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  724. root:p4$$w0rd
  725. root:Pa$$word
  726. root:PaSsWoRd
  727. root:cxzdsaewq321
  728. root:!@#123
  729. root:!@#$1234
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  737. root:12wqasxz
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  741. root:123root321
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  749. root:qwertyui
  750. root:toortoor
  751. root:!@#123!@#
  752. root:112233
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  757. root:t00rr00t
  758. root:1z2x
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  760. root:carmen
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  767. root:123qwert
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  770. root:1a2b3c4d5e6f
  771. root:1a2b3c4d5e6f7g
  772. root:!1!1
  773. root:root!@#
  774. root:r4e3w2q1
  775. root:admin12
  776. root:admin123
  777. root:admin1234
  778. root:admin12345
  779. root:user
  780. root:0123
  781. root:01234
  782. root:0123456
  783. root:test12345
  784. root:test12346
  785. root:54321
  786. root:987654321
  787. root:888888
  788. root:qazwsx1
  789. root:qazwsx123
  790. root:qazwsx1234
  791. root:qazwsx12345
  792. root:qazwsx123456
  793. root:00000000
  794. root:000000
  795. root:0000
  796. root:administrator
  797. root:secure
  798. root:root123456
  799. root:x
  800. root:root00
  801. root:00
  802. root:01
  803. root:admin3
  804. root:admin03
  805. root:11223344
  806. root:1122334455
  807. root:1z2x3c4v
  808. root:amazon
  809. root:12
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  811. root:cisco123456
  812. root:cisco
  813. root:passcisco
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  815. root:daniel
  816. root:monkey
  817. root:babygirl
  818. root:lovely
  819. root:michael
  820. root:jessica
  821. root:ashley
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  824. root:tigger
  825. root:sunshine
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  831. webmaster:123456
  832. username:username
  833. username:password
  834. admin:password
  835. danny:danny
  836. http:http
  837. httpd:httpd
  838. nobody:nobody
  839. david:david
  840. tom:tom
  841. tom:tom123
  842. tom:123456
  843. samba:samba
  844. samba:samba123
  845. samba:123456
  846. Robert:robert123
  847. Robert:123456
  848. prova:prova
  849. prova:prova123
  850. prueba:12345
  851. prueba:123456
  852. prueba:prueba123
  853. public:public
  854. pub:pub
  855. test10:test10
  856. test3:123456
  857. test3:test3
  858. test4:test4
  859. web1:123
  860. web1:12345
  861. web1:123456
  862. web:123123
  863. web1:l3tm31n
  864. web1:letmein
  865. web1:newgeneration
  866. web1:newtest
  867. web1:p@55w0rd
  868. web1:password
  869. web1:p@ssw0rd
  870. web1:web1
  871. web1:web123
  872. web2:123
  873. web2:123456
  874. web2:web123
  875. web2:web2
  876. web3:123
  877. web3:123456
  878. web3:web123
  879. web3:web3
  880. root:casper
  881. root:ghost
  882. root:tuning
  883. root:Root
  884. root:Linux
  885. root:serverfb
  886. root:flyrouter
  887. root:user123
  888. root:testgame
  889. root:testserver
  890. root:santodomingo
  891. root:CardSystem
  892. root:ftpvritual
  893. root:t3w6p4w6
  894. root:coop3r
  895. root:c00p3r
  896. root:cooper
  897. root:dbserver
  898. root:linServer1
  899. root:linuxserver
  900. root:mailscanner
  901. root:mailserver2
  902. root:servidor
  903. root:home
  904. root:srvpegoraro
  905. root:test2009
  906. root:supernet
  907. root:TestWebServer
  908. root:Indotel
  909. root:t3mp
  910. root:ubuntuserver
  911. root:Demo
  912. root:P@ssword
  913. root:a
  914. root:P@assw0rd
  915. root:P@assw0rd123
  916. root:passwd123
  917. root:qh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r
  918. root:databox:
  919. root:trixbox1
  920. direccion:direccion
  921. root:vsatnet
  922. root:mailserver
  923. root:realroot
  924. root:iesbpreve
  925. root:direccion
  926. root:Celeron
  927. root:GenuineIntel
  928. root:Microsystems
  929. root:!@#$%^&*()
  930. root:s3rv3r
  931. root:$3rv3r
  932. root:redhat!@#
  933. root:!@#$%^&*
  934. root:2wsx
  935. root:3edc
  936. root:4rfv
  937. root:passwd!@#
  938. root:pass!@#
  939. root:parola
  940. root:5tgb
  941. root:6yhn
  942. root:7ujm
  943. root:8ik,
  944. root:9ol.
  945. root:!qaz
  946. root:qwertyu
  947. root:asdfghj
  948. root:teste123
  949. root:3xbox
  950. root:!@#test
  951. root:server!@#
  952. root:teste!@#
  953. root:!@#teste
  954. root:zaq!@wsx
  955. root:faith
  956. root:!qa@ws
  957. root:!@#$test
  958. root:gR@p3Ap3
  959. root:xbox3
  960. root:Ki!l|iN6#Th3Ph03$%nix@NdR3b!irD
  961. root:xbox360
  962. root:1qa2ws
  963. root:cosmic
  964. root:!qaz@wsx
  965. root:@dm1n
  966. root:12345qwert
  967. root:54321rewq
  968. root:ewq321
  969. root:rewq4321
  970. root:!@#qwe
  971. root:!@#$qwer
  972. root:!@#QWE
  973. root:!@#$QWER
  974. root:s3cur1ty
  975. root:s3cur1t1
  976. root:s3curity
  977. root:aegis
  978. root:trixbox
  979. root:pass123:
  980. root:1234passwd
  981. root:andy
  982. root:spring
  983. root:bogomips
  984. root:123qaz
  985. root:0racl3
  986. root:@dmin
  987. root:zxcvbnm,./
  988. root:intelinside
  989. root:!q@w#e$r%
  990. root:!q@w#e$r%t
  991. root:!q@w#e$r%t^y&
  992. root:!q@w#e$r%t^y&u
  993. root:!q@w#e$r%t^y&u*
  994. root:!q@w#e$r%t^y&u*i
  995. root:!q@w#e$r%t^y&u*i(
  996. root:q!w@e#r$
  997. root:!q@w#e)
  998. root:q!@we#
  999. root:q!@we#$r
  1000. root:q!@we#$rt%
  1001. root:Digital
  1002. root:test!@#
  1003. root:manager
  1004. root:staff
  1005. root:pa$$wd123
  1006. root:account:
  1007. root:acc0unt
  1008. root:linuxmail
  1009. root:ubunut
  1010. root:eubunut
  1011. root:ok
  1012. root:navigator
  1013. root:december
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  1017. root:codex
  1018. root:operator
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  1020. root:system
  1021. root:systems
  1022. root:urban
  1023. root:gentoolinux
  1024. root:mandriva
  1025. root:mandrivalinux
  1026. root:Fedora
  1027. root:prueba
  1028. root:kernel
  1029. root:ingenieria
  1030. root:passe
  1031. root:soporte
  1032. root:securite
  1033. root:tester
  1034. root:Oracle
  1035. root:esperando
  1036. root:systeme
  1037. root:rootbsd
  1038. root:pheonix
  1039. root:buissnes
  1040. root:buisnnes
  1041. root:inbox
  1042. root:testtest
  1043. root:xbox
  1044. root:pinguin
  1045. root:][poiuytrewq
  1046. root:poiuytrewq
  1047. root:calling
  1048. root:adidas
  1049. root:my$ql
  1050. root:t3st
  1051. root:addu$er
  1052. root:fabio
  1053. root:busines
  1054. root:p@$$w0rd
  1055. root:m@n@g3r
  1056. root:t3st3
  1057. root:internetsecurity
  1058. root:webshell
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  1060. root:sistemas
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  1062. root:098765432
  1063. root:09876543
  1064. root:0987654
  1065. root:098765
  1066. root:09876
  1067. root:0987
  1068. root:098
  1069. root:09
  1070. root:0
  1071. root:11111
  1072. soporte:soporte
  1073. oracle:oracle12
  1074. oracle:oracle1234
  1075. oracle:oracle12345
  1076. oracle:oracle123456
  1077. oracle:0racl3
  1078. oracle:1
  1079. oracle:12
  1080. oracle:1234
  1081. oracle:12345
  1082. oracle:1234567
  1083. oracle:12345678
  1084. oracle:123456789
  1085. oracle:1234567890
  1086. oracle:1qa2ws
  1087. oracle:!@#$%^&*()
  1088. oracle:)(*&^%$#@!
  1089. oracle:!@#$%^
  1090. oracle:!@#test
  1091. oracle:123test
  1092. oracle:P@ssw0rd
  1093. oracle:passwd
  1094. oracle:passwd123
  1095. oracle:Password
  1096. oracle:pa$$word
  1097. oracle:root
  1098. oracle:teste123
  1099. oracle:teste
  1100. oracle:test!@#
  1101. oracle:test123
  1102. oracle:user
  1103. oracle:Linux
  1104. oracle:linux
  1105. oracle:redhat
  1106. oracle:admin
  1107. oracle:admin123
  1108. oracle:admin1234
  1109. oracle:1q2w3e
  1110. oracle:zaq1xsw2
  1111. oracle:server
  1112. oracle:qh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r
  1113. oracle:1q2w3e4r5t
  1114. test:1q2w3e4r5t
  1115. test:qh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r
  1116. test:server
  1117. test:teste
  1118. test:1
  1119. test:12
  1120. test:1234
  1121. test:12345
  1122. test:1234567
  1123. test:12345678
  1124. test:123456789
  1125. test:1234567890
  1126. test:!@#test
  1127. test:123test
  1128. test:test12
  1129. test:test1234
  1130. test:test123456
  1131. test:t3st
  1132. test:t#st
  1133. test:t3st3
  1134. test:oracle:
  1135. test:root:
  1136. test:linux
  1137. test:redhat
  1138. test:admin
  1139. test:admin123
  1140. test:admin1234
  1141. test:!@#$%^&*()
  1142. test:1q2w3e
  1143. test:1qaz2wsx
  1144. test:zaq1xsw2
  1145. user:user123
  1146. user:linux
  1147. user:redhat
  1148. user:1
  1149. user:12
  1150. user:123:
  1151. user:12345
  1152. user:1234567
  1153. user:12345678
  1154. user:123456789
  1155. user:1234567890
  1156. user:P@ssw0rd
  1157. user:passwd123
  1158. user:admin
  1159. user:us3r
  1160. user:user1
  1161. guest:gu3$t
  1162. beaulaptic:beaulaptic:
  1163. user:user12
  1164. user:user1234
  1165. user:Password
  1166. user:root:
  1167. user:teste
  1168. user:!@#$%^&*()
  1169. copie:copie
  1170. test:t3$t
  1171. copy:copy
  1172. guest:guest!@#
  1173. thomas:thomas:
  1174. guest:!@#$%^
  1175. guest:password
  1176. guest:P@ssw0rd
  1177. root:zh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r
  1178. root:222222
  1179. root:2010
  1180. root:w0rd
  1181. root:w0rd123
  1182. root:mit123
  1183. root:g00gl3
  1184. root:root10
  1185. root:100
  1186. root:69
  1187. root:6210
  1188. root:root2
  1189. root:root3
  1190. root:y@h00
  1191. root:r00tr00tr00t
  1192. root:youtub3
  1193. root:google
  1194. root:googl3
  1195. root:g00gle
  1196. root:root321
  1197. root:0123456789
  1198. root:123456654321
  1199. root:321321
  1202. root:linux123
  1203. root:abcabc
  1204. root:lkjhgfdsa
  1205. root:p455w0rd
  1206. root:p455w0rd1
  1207. root:p455w0rd12
  1208. root:p455w0rd123
  1209. root:p455word1234
  1210. root:p455word12345
  1211. root:p455word0
  1212. root:P455w0rd
  1213. root:P455w0rd1
  1214. root:P455w0rd12
  1215. root:P455w0rd123
  1216. root:P455word1234
  1217. root:P455word12345
  1218. root:p4ssw0rd1
  1219. root:p4ssword12
  1220. root:p4ssword123
  1221. root:p4ssword1234
  1222. root:p4ssword12345
  1223. root:P4ssw0rd
  1224. root:P4ssw0rd1
  1225. root:P4ssword12
  1226. root:P4ssword123
  1227. root:P4ssword1234
  1228. root:P4ssword12345
  1229. root:P4ssword0
  1230. root:p@$$w0rd1
  1231. root:p@$$w0rd12
  1232. root:p@$$w0rd123
  1233. root:p@$$w0rd1234
  1234. root:p@$$w0rd12345
  1235. root:p@$$w0rd0
  1236. root:P@$$w0rd1
  1237. root:P@$$w0rd12
  1238. root:P@$$w0rd123
  1239. root:P@$$w0rd1234
  1240. root:P@$$w0rd12345
  1241. root:P@$$w0rd0
  1242. root:p@55w0rd
  1243. root:p@55w0rd1
  1244. root:p@55w0rd12
  1245. root:p@55w0rd123
  1246. root:p@55w0rd1234
  1247. root:p@55w0rd12345
  1248. root:P@55w0rd
  1249. root:P@55w0rd1
  1250. root:P@55w0rd12
  1251. root:P@55w0rd123
  1252. root:P@55w0rd1234
  1253. root:P@55w0rd12345
  1254. root:P@55w0rd0
  1255. root:p@ssw0rd0
  1256. root:p@ssw0rd1
  1257. root:p@ssw0rd12
  1258. root:p@ssw0rd1234
  1259. root:p@ssw0rd12345
  1260. root:p@ssw0rdmns
  1261. root:P@ssw0rd0
  1262. root:P@ssw0rd1
  1263. root:P@ssw0rd12
  1264. root:P@ssw0rd123
  1265. root:P@ssw0rd1234
  1266. root:P@ssw0rd12345
  1267. root:passw0rd1
  1268. root:passw0rd12
  1269. root:passw0rd123
  1270. root:passw0rd1234
  1271. root:passw0rd12345
  1272. root:passw0rd0
  1273. root:Passw0rd1
  1274. root:Passw0rd12
  1275. root:Passw0rd1234
  1276. root:Passw0rd12345
  1277. root:Passw0rd0
  1278. root:passwd0
  1279. root:passwd1
  1280. root:passwd12
  1281. root:passwd1234
  1282. root:passwd12345
  1283. root:Passwd
  1284. root:Passwd0
  1285. root:Passwd12
  1286. root:Passwd123
  1287. root:Passwd1234
  1288. root:Passwd12345
  1289. root:password12
  1290. root:password1234
  1291. root:password12345
  1292. root:Password1234
  1293. root:Password12345
  1294. root:Password0
  1295. admin:sysadmin
  1296. testaccount:testaccount
  1297. redhat:redhat
  1298. mythtv:123456
  1299. mythtv:000000
  1300. mythtv:123123
  1301. mythtv:654321
  1302. mythtv:111111
  1303. mythtv:!@#123
  1304. mythtv:123!@#
  1305. mythtv:password
  1306. ftp:ftpuser
  1307. ftp:ftp123
  1308. ftp:ftp01
  1309. ftp:FTP
  1310. ftp:123456
  1311. ftp:qwerty
  1312. ftp:ftpadmin
  1313. nagios:user
  1314. nagios:000000
  1315. nagios:qwerty
  1316. agnes:agnes
  1317. agnes:123456
  1318. mail:mail
  1319. root:test123456
  1320. root:test1234
  1321. root:shadow@@@ubyta
  1322. root:s3rv3r1
  1323. root:ingerul123
  1324. root:uniserver.root.2145
  1325. root:belytUra2332
  1326. root:ghahgsas61
  1327. root:rzx!@!*baizhao
  1328. root:XK(025)uma
  1329. root:temp
  1330. root:temp123
  1331. root:backontrack
  1332. root:jurca4aurel
  1333. root:danielsm300385
  1334. root:NeEdtOch@NgetHe
  1335. root:steni4ev3r
  1336. root:995430aaa
  1337. root:aca78733e93a695f4a323433ad0247c4
  1338. mawan:secure123mantap
  1339. lars:t@ekw0ndo2
  1340. root:tu%tu%12+
  1341. root:openssh-portable-com
  1342. root:tir5fhC!
  1343. root:foo123
  1344. rsync:lx556w
  1345. root:thedog123
  1346. root:linux2010
  1347. root:2342w3e4r
  1348. root:4cc355d3n13d
  1349. root:romasuedia
  1350. root:u3q6VxahZCBx
  1351. root:alexstinga
  1352. root:yahim555
  1353. zt:danytzue31989
  1354. root:UIhjnKJYtgfVHNBJIkhjhGGHED
  1355. scott:tiger
  1356. root:vmware
  1357. root:ctsadmin
  1358. root:p0o9i8u7y6t5r4e3w2q1p0o9
  1359. root:4121284911e84cc8s0a0d4i4
  1360. root:4h3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r
  1361. root:uZU0UD5YGqlR
  1362. root:password123456
  1363. root:qwe123456
  1364. root:kanjarkhana
  1365. test:123qweqwe
  1366. root:vps12345
  1367. root:z9fasuWR
  1368. root:VPS_Tavi2012
  1369. root:708090
  1370. root:imsi00
  1371. root:89cwe47y5r8e9fwgth9e7twf
  1372. root:ctynz,hm
  1373. root:sorinbosstheboss
  1374. NpC:o12nu27password
  1375. root:qwe1234
  1376. root:321123
  1377. root:221145
  1378. root:112233445566
  1379. root:r00t0neio
  1380. root:support~@$^*)
  1381. root:xm0cn0wi
  1382. root:diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  1383. root:rootqwe123
  1385. root:testing123
  1386. root:wasusys
  1387. root:159753
  1388. root:GCYTxErmkaDMBCk8FMMV55Q4z:
  1389. test12:test12
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  1391. mis:mis123
  1392. root:lucanutzr50rrbmw323i
  1393. root:passwd123456
  1394. root:twora01
  1396. root:ftaNll0p56Dw
  1397. mbrown:c4r3full271c
  1398. root:utgrinneD2
  1399. test:123qweqwe123
  1400. boynec:boynec@1
  1401. nospart:xH6z1xienF
  1402. root:tyw7VSvc
  1403. root:t3st1ng
  1404. root:t@ekw0ndo2
  1405. root:paslg@@Asaf@#!@!@
  1406. nagios:mugur123
  1407. pornchai:rit1968
  1408. oracle:kentr890
  1409. root:server123
  1410. root:thedog123:
  1411. root:ms123
  1412. root:CbzFUaDBng3L
  1413. wakaski:LiV4nOw
  1414. nagios:murgu123
  1415. nagi:123456
  1416. root:hello:abcd1234
  1417. hello:abcd1234
  1418. root:zmuie-zmuie-lol
  1419. install:install123
  1420. NcP:o12nu27password
  1421. root:badea4oradea
  1422. pansj:psj1229
  1423. root:WlFFtVuwuaCt
  1424. root:0727527122
  1425. db2inst1:db2inst1
  1426. root:dhtabcd1234!
  1427. support:supp0rt!@#
  1428. support:password
  1429. share:password
  1430. share:123456
  1431. share:share
  1432. root:kentr890
  1433. root:oracle12345
  1434. root:daudebautlaovi
  1435. root:iamh4ckst4rf0r3ver
  1436. root:green123
  1437. root:pass2011
  1438. root:lnzhsljwdbb081006
  1439. root:wjdgkfladmswnd2
  1440. root:clubcinema12345
  1441. root:carto0ns11
  1442. root:cr4c1un
  1443. root:jurca4ileana
  1444. bin:7h4a5n9d0a2oiang@))*
  1445. root:7h4a5n9d0a2oiang@))*
  1446. bin:creparola123parola123tzu
  1447. bin:sfecla001
  1448. root:zmuie-kkk
  1449. root:nairamlocal.000.002
  1450. root:an93l5m1st3ry
  1451. root:suckmydick
  1452. root:BelestePula2010
  1453. root:o12nu27
  1454. root:teiubescdianaforever
  1455. root:qwe123qwe123
  1456. root:supp0rt!@#
  1457. root:*^doarmata86
  1458. oracle:root123
  1459. root:dh665430:
  1460. root:luvantonia
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  1688. root:#Pslasll!P#!@
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  1847. root:dkagh!!^
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  1917. root:roxiroxi
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  1927. root:313131rg
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  2012. root:!Mir@nine
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  2059. swsgest:swsgest
  2060. megafile:dnjao123!
  2061. i-heart:tjqjdkagh!@#$
  2062. i-heart:slxslx_#141#
  2063. root:lovico
  2064. bash:carto0ns11
  2065. root:dagifi890
  2066. taz:mui3
  2067. root:qufemfdprpanfdjqhk!!!
  2068. PruncuTz:multumescluidumnezeu
  2069. root:seeddsp20001
  2070. paulb:paulb
  2071. michael:mich
  2073. root:0742840622
  2074. lday:fw190d
  2075. nagios:babadelacolt
  2076. root:!QAZ2wsx
  2077. svn:svnsvn
  2078. root:HuBsnlOnm
  2079. root:6gy7cg
  2080. root:zaqwsxcde
  2081. root:xsw123456
  2082. joyko:60b924
  2083. bin:alx123alx
  2084. sshserver:snailgame
  2085. root:*D&%asdfD%3qo!$#
  2086. root:dagifir890
  2087. server:xklmnTBC
  2088. root:rnfhehd%##%!*!
  2089. vivian:zhtzbb
  2090. prince:kingofking
  2091. root:zhtzbb123+
  2092. tomcat:euroloader
  2093. root:0659suhlsilce
  2094. root:skyware!@#$%newweb
  2095. lovetravel-ftp:ltXY79CV#ert
  2096. root:ltXY79CV#ert
  2097. root:&^%543SDgg
  2098. root:radioalegria
  2099. ftpuser:asteriskftp
  2100. root:6992828766
  2101. root:Xinxifuwu2011
  2102. root:voip00--
  2103. staff:staff
  2104. oot:root
  2105. root:zxcv
  2106. root:zxc
  2107. root:mnbvcxz
  2108. root:1234567890-=
  2109. recruit:recruit
  2110. alias:alias
  2111. spam:spam
  2112. virus:virus
  2113. paul:paul
  2114. admin:admin
  2115. pgsql:pgsql
  2116. tony:tony
  2117. newsletter:newsletter
  2118. named:named
  2119. library:library
  2120. admin:admin123
  2121. root:webmaster
  2122. admin:root
  2123. admin:administrator
  2124. admin:12345
  2125. root:apache
  2126. brett:brett
  2127. alan:alan
  2128. pop:pop
  2129. root:login
  2130. hacker:hacker
  2131. test:qwerty
  2132. cvsroot:cvsroot
  2133. root:senha1
  2134. teste:123
  2135. teste:1
  2136. oracle:ora
  2137. usuario:123456:
  2138. postgres:secret
  2139. test:testpassword
  2140. teamspeak3:teamspeak3
  2141. root:linux001
  2142. usuario:1234
  2143. ts:ts3
  2144. prueba:123
  2145. foobar:foobar
  2146. usuario2:usuario2
  2147. website:123
  2148. website:website
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  2150. root:testeroot
  2151. test2:test123
  2152. oracle:manager
  2153. tomcat:abcd1234
  2154. root:bruno
  2155. ts:teamspeak3
  2156. teamspeak3:123456
  2157. teamspeak3:ts
  2158. ts:qwerty
  2159. vnc:123vnc123
  2160. vnc:123456
  2161. vnc:test
  2162. root:mnb123
  2163. root:mnb1234
  2164. root:123wsx
  2165. postgres:123
  2166. user2:123456
  2167. git:git:
  2168. richard:richard
  2169. george:george
  2170. test1:123
  2171. root:q11qw22w
  2172. root:1a2s3d4f5
  2173. root:1a2s3d4f
  2174. root:1a2s3d4
  2175. root:1a2s3d
  2176. root:1z2x3c4v5b6n7m
  2177. root:1z2x3c4v5b6n
  2178. root:1z2x3c4v5b
  2179. root:cde3xsw2zaq1
  2180. root:1qwe2asd3zxc
  2181. root:cxz1dsa2ewq3
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  2183. root:work
  2184. root:maggie
  2185. root:print
  2186. root:internet
  2187. root:mobile
  2188. root:superman
  2189. root:network
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  2194. root:coder
  2195. root:www
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  2198. root:satnam
  2199. root:gita
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  2201. root:neelam
  2202. root:pradeep
  2203. root:lekhraj
  2204. root:kumarmanish
  2205. root:davinder
  2206. root:sandeep
  2207. root:virendar
  2208. root:amit
  2209. root:rbsingh
  2210. root:rishi
  2211. root:sanjivarishi
  2212. root:mskochar
  2213. root:sumit
  2214. root:satpreet
  2215. root:sonia
  2216. root:ankush
  2217. root:manoj
  2218. root:suna
  2219. root:rakesh
  2220. root:sushma
  2221. root:q11qw22we33e
  2222. root:e3e3w2w2q1q1
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  2224. root:1qaz2wsx3edc1qaz2wsx3edc
  2225. root:1qaz2wsx1qaz
  2226. root:1qazxsw2zaq1xsw2
  2227. root:5rdx4esz3wa2q1
  2228. root:5rdx5rdx
  2229. root:xdr54eszaw32q1
  2230. root:1qsc
  2231. root:1zxc2zxc3zxc
  2232. root:1asd2asd3asd
  2233. root:1qwe
  2234. root:1ewq
  2235. root:2ewq
  2236. root:3ewq
  2237. root:4e3w2q1
  2238. root:5r4e3w2q
  2239. root:6t5r4e3w2q1`
  2240. root:6t5r4e3w2q1
  2241. root:3w3w2q2q1
  2242. root:'[-]=
  2243. root:]='[-
  2244. root:1l2k3j
  2245. root:1zz2xx3cc
  2246. root:1aa2ss3dd
  2247. root:1qq2ww3ee
  2248. root:11q22w33e
  2249. root:123#@!
  2250. root:1dsa2dsa3dsa
  2251. root:sw2aq1sw2aq1
  2252. root:de32wsaq1
  2253. root:1q2aw3zse4
  2254. root:1q2aw3
  2255. root:12q3wa4esz
  2256. root:1q23wazse4
  2257. root:!Q@AW#ZSE$
  2258. root:!QSX
  2259. root:`1qaz
  2260. root:!qAz@wSx#eDc
  2261. root:6tfcxdr54esz
  2262. root:0okmnji98uhbvgy76tfcxdr54eszaw32q1
  2263. root:0okmnji98uhb
  2264. root:=-][p';l/.,
  2265. root:|+_}{P":L?><
  2266. root:?<BX
  2267. root:qazedc
  2268. root:123qazedctgb
  2269. root:4321qaz
  2270. root:]=-['
  2271. root:6c5x4z3a
  2272. root:-,0m9n8b
  2273. root:0m9n8b7v6c5x5z
  2274. root:/=.-,0m
  2275. root:1z/2x=.
  2276. root:1zz2xx
  2277. root:!ZZ@XX
  2278. root:qezrxtcyv
  2279. root:zerxctyv
  2280. root:plm
  2281. root:pl,
  2282. root:mko
  2283. root:mko,lp
  2284. root:mko0nji9nji9
  2285. root:MKO)NJI(
  2286. root:mko0nji9
  2287. root:nji9bhu8
  2288. root:9ijn8uhb
  2289. root:k09jh87g
  2290. root:0k9j8h
  2291. root:o00oo00o
  2292. root:o0o0o0o0
  2293. root:o0o0o0
  2294. root:o0o0i9i9u8u8
  2295. root:0o0o9i9i8u8u
  2296. root:poi123
  2297. root:iop123
  2298. root:zxc123
  2299. root:alan
  2300. root:alan123
  2301. root:master!@#
  2302. root:master1234
  2303. root:master123
  2304. root:m0okn9ijb8uh
  2305. root:1k2k3k
  2306. root:123rfv
  2307. root:1qwe2qwe3qwe
  2308. root:1qwe2qwe
  2309. root:1zaqxsw2
  2310. root:1zaqxsw2cde3
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  2313. root:zxcvcxz
  2314. root:gov123
  2315. root:root!@#123
  2316. root:root123!@#
  2317. root:root123123
  2318. root:root98765
  2319. root:root54321
  2320. root:root000000
  2321. root:masteradmin
  2322. ts1:ts1
  2323. ts2:ts2
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  2325. ts4:ts4
  2326. ts5:ts5
  2327. ts1:ts
  2328. ts2:ts
  2329. ts3:ts
  2330. ts4:ts
  2331. ts5:ts
  2332. ts:ts1
  2333. ts:ts2
  2334. ts:ts4
  2335. ts:ts5
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  2337. teamspeak2:teamspeak2
  2338. teamspeak4:teamspeak4
  2339. teamspeak5:teamspeak5
  2340. teamspeak1:teamspeak
  2341. teamspeak2:teamspeak
  2342. teamspeak3:teamspeak
  2343. teamspeak4:teamspeak
  2344. teamspeak5:teamspeak
  2345. teamspeak:teamspeak1
  2346. teamspeak:teamspeak2
  2347. teamspeak:teamspeak3
  2348. teamspeak:teamspeak4
  2349. teamspeak:teamspeak5
  2350. ts1:teamspeak1
  2351. teamspeak1:ts1
  2352. teamspeak2:ts2
  2353. ts2:teamspeak2
  2354. ts3:teamspeak3
  2355. teamspeak3:ts3
  2356. teamspeak4:ts4
  2357. ts4:teamspeak4
  2358. teamspeak5:ts5
  2359. ts5:teamspeak5
  2360. ts1:teamspeak
  2361. ts2:teamspeak
  2362. ts4:teamspeak
  2363. ts5:teamspeak
  2364. teamspeak1:ts
  2365. teamspeak2:ts
  2366. taemspeak4:ts
  2367. teamspeak5:ts
  2368. ts:123456
  2369. teamspeak:123456
  2370. ts:password
  2371. teamspeak:password
  2372. ts:tsts
  2373. teamspeak:teamspeakteamspeak
  2374. ts:!@#$%^
  2375. teamspeak:!@#$%^
  2376. ts:123456789
  2377. teamspeak:123456789
  2378. teamspeak:qwerty
  2379. ts:abc123
  2380. teamspeak:abc123
  2381. ts:654321
  2382. teamspeak:654321
  2383. ts:ts123
  2384. teamspeak:teamspeak123
  2385. ts:teamspeak123
  2386. teamspeak:ts123
  2387. jeff:jeff
  2388. irc:irc
  2389. list:list
  2390. eleve:eleve
  2391. proxy:proxy
  2392. core:core
  2393. root:111
  2394. root:11223344556677889900
  2395. root:13579-
  2396. root:13579
  2397. root:-97531
  2398. root:-9
  2399. root:08642
  2400. root:0987654321`
  2401. root:98765
  2402. root:08642`
  2403. root:000
  2404. root:000999888
  2405. root:00998877665544332211
  2406. root:00998877
  2407. root:\==--00998877
  2408. root:150
  2409. root:148
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  2411. root:102030405060708090
  2412. root:13579-=08642
  2413. root:741
  2414. root:7410
  2415. root:159
  2416. root:951
  2417. root:357
  2418. root:369852147
  2419. root:123654789
  2420. root:147963
  2421. root:147369258
  2422. root:357951
  2423. root:02580147
  2424. root:741852963
  2425. root:172839
  2426. root:147258369
  2427. root:31793
  2428. root:13971
  2429. rootaron:aronaron:aron
  2430. root:1a2s3d4f5g6h7j
  2431. root:1a2s3d4f5g6h
  2432. root:1a2s3d4f5g
  2433. root:qwezxc
  2434. root:qwaesz
  2435. root:eszrdx
  2436. root:zsexdx
  2437. root:qawzse
  2438. fpt:ftp
  2439. apache2:apache2
  2440. edward:edward
  2441. diego:diego
  2442. roo:asd
  2443. ramon:ramon
  2444. ramon:123456
  2445. fabien:fabien
  2446. postgres:postgres:
  2447. user1:123456:
  2448. nagios:nagios:
  2449. root:Passw0rd:
  2450. toor:abcd1234
  2451. root:godzila
  2452. root:cutiacusurprize
  2453. root:huawei123
  2454. root:Huawei
  2455. root:123root
  2456. root:senha
  2457. root:123asd
  2458. root:1234asdf
  2459. root:senha123
  2460. root:zxcv1234
  2461. root:147258
  2462. root:1234qwerasdf
  2463. root:1234qwerasdfzxcv
  2464. root:xsw21qaz
  2465. root:shit
  2466. root:luxury
  2467. root:bigboss
  2468. root:asdfasfas123xasd
  2469. root:0192837465
  2470. root:102938
  2471. root:10293847
  2472. root:1029384756
  2473. root:1234!@#$
  2474. root:1!2@3#
  2475. root:111222
  2476. root:`123456
  2477. root:`12345
  2478. root:1234root
  2479. root:test1
  2480. root:qwerasdfzxcv
  2481. root:toortor
  2482. root:00000
  2483. john:john12
  2484. student:123456
  2485. root:ovh
  2486. root:nadir
  2487. root:alexander
  2488. root:vps123
  2489. admin:nanos
  2490. admin:ovh
  2491. admin:website
  2492. admin:server
  2493. admin:alexander
  2494. admin:vps22
  2495. admin:test1
  2496. vali:123456
  2497. admin:ultravps
  2498. root:ultravps
  2499. test:ultravps
  2500. fluffy:fluffy
  2501. root:seth123
  2502. root:seth321
  2503. root:c9d81891
  2504. root:C9d81891@
  2505. admin:seth123
  2506. test:sonyvegaspro
  2507. test:43e75233.sonyvegaspro
  2508. test:43e75233.r00t1ng
  2509. test:r00t1ng.43e75233
  2510. admin:adminadmin
  2511. admin:sonyvegaspro
  2512. root:temporal
  2513. sysadmin:sysadmin
  2514. root:qwerty1234:
  2515. adriana:adriana
  2516. gpadmin:gpadmin
  2517. postgres:Sugpl@#!2(7)
  2518. user:Sugpl@#!2(7)
  2519. root:Sugpl@#!2(7)
  2520. root:Sugy)&^hjRt
  2521. postgres:Sugy)&^hjRt
  2522. oracl:Sugy)&^hjRt
  2523. git:GOLANU1234
  2524. root:GOLANU1234
  2525. oracle:GOLANU1234
  2526. postgres:GOLANU1234
  2527. test:GOLANU1234
  2528. root:afurhiarvjbypunvsbmjayzsnuakpu
  2529. nagios:afurhiarvjbypunvsbmjayzsnuakpu
  2530. postgres:afurhiarvjbypunvsbmjayzsnuakpu
  2531. oracle:afurhiarvjbypunvsbmjayzsnuakpu
  2532. redmine:redmine
  2533. uploader:uploader
  2534. ibmuser:ibmuser
  2535. sunrise:sunrise
  2536. xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx
  2537. tuxedo:tuxedo
  2538. jenkins:jenkins
  2539. plex:plex
  2540. tedial:tedial
  2541. pi:raspberry
  2542. rsync:rsync
  2543. hexin:hexin
  2544. orcale:orcale
  2545. toor:toor
  2546. treino:treino
  2547. sonar:sonar
  2548. trobz:trobz
  2549. chemistry:chemistry
  2550. nexus:nexus
  2551. openerp:openerp
  2552. raspberry:pi
  2553. tarsys:tarsys
  2554. wildfly:wildfly
  2555. hduser:hduser
  2556. sshuser:sshuser
  2557. garrysmod:garrysmod
  2558. mc:minecraft
  2559. minecraft:mc
  2560. minecraft:minecraft
  2561. csserver:csserver
  2562. perfectworld:perfectworld
  2563. nostale:nostale
  2564. glassfish:glassfish
  2565. D-Link:D-Link
  2566. boot:boot
  2567. zhangyan:zhangyan
  2568. dff:dff
  2569. adam:adam
  2570. kbshome100:kbshome100
  2571. monitor:monitor
  2572. test8:test8
  2573. demo3:demo3
  2574. test9:test9
  2575. manager:manager
  2576. training:training
  2577. demo1:demo1
  2578. ghost:ghost
  2579. test5:test5
  2580. test6:test6
  2581. shoutcast:shoutcast
  2582. PlcmSpIp:PlcmSpIp
  2583. steam:steam
  2584. team:team
  2585. git123:git123
  2586. demo2:demo2
  2587. uniq:uniq
  2588. kang:kang
  2589. play:play
  2590. unlock:unlock
  2591. nfsnobod:nfsnobod
  2592. dasusr1:dasusr1
  2593. vmail:vmail
  2594. default:default
  2595. cgi:cgi
  2596. sys:sys
  2597. uzzica:uzzica
  2598. flw:flw
  2599. csgo:csgo
  2600. vagrant:vagrant
  2601. tpuser:tpuser
  2602. csgoserver:csgoserver
  2603. roberto:roberto
  2604. mukesh:mukesh
  2605. ratequote:ratequote
  2606. administrador:administrador
  2607. gozfidan:gozfidan
  2608. developer:developer
  2609. pgbouncer:pgbouncer
  2610. kritchel:kritchel
  2611. evangilder:evangilder
  2612. sarawagi:sarawagi
  2613. markus:markus
  2614. renew:renew
  2615. ajay:ajay
  2616. igibson:igibson
  2617. tflogs:tflogs
  2618. apresley:apresley
  2619. kundan:kundan
  2620. thall:thall
  2621. taras:taras
  2622. suporte:suporte
  2623. root:fabien
  2624. root:faca102030
  2625. root:1q2w3e123
  2626. root:Root123
  2627. root:disney
  2628. deploy:deploy:
  2629. postgres:postgres123
  2630. root:753159
  2631. admin:111111
  2632. scott:changeme
  2633. thomas:thomas
  2634. judy:judy
  2635. florin:florin
  2636. dean:dean123
  2637. r00t:r00t
  2638. root:death
  2639. luis:luis
  2640. root:drowssap999
  2641. builder:builder
  2642. chiara:chiara
  2643. astrid:astrid
  2644. ines:ines
  2645. patricia:patricia
  2646. martin:martin
  2647. carina:carina
  2648. green:green
  2649. green:green123
  2650. andrea:andrea
  2651. jordan:jordan
  2652. philip:philip
  2653. emerson:emerson
  2654. cvs:cvs
  2655. toor:abc123
  2656. praktikant:praktikant
  2657. site:123456
  2658. ronny:ronny
  2659. sabrina:sabrina
  2660. augusta:augusta
  2661. simone:simone
  2662. jeff:123456
  2663. pizza:pizza
  2664. visa:visa123
  2665. send:send
  2666. bin:alupigus
  2667. root:Pa55w0rd
  2668. diana:diana
  2669. giovanni:giovanni
  2670. sonia:sonia
  2671. jaqueline:jaqueline
  2672. root:halflife
  2673. src:src
  2674. mailman:mailman123
  2675. rafael:rafael
  2676. marcel:marcel
  2677. santiago:santiago
  2678. view:view
  2679. seven:seven
  2680. administrator:administrator
  2681. asd:asd
  2682. terry:terry
  2683. martin:password
  2684. jane:jane
  2685. roz:roz
  2686. root:dreamweaver
  2687. yura:12345
  2688. postgres:a
  2689. dan:password
  2690. root:xxxxxx
  2691. plesk-root:caca
  2692. ok:ok
  2693. demo:test
  2694. t:t
  2695. webadmin:change
  2696. anne:anne
  2697. marie:marie
  2698. robot:robot
  2699. root:root012
  2700. root:Centos
  2701. root:Test123
  2702. root:Test
  2703. root:zxc123zxc
  2704. root:123zxc123
  2705. root:cxz123
  2706. ts:ts:
  2707. nagios:nagio123
  2708. redhat:redhat123
  2709. root:nagios
  2710. root:amy
  2711. root:aaa
  2712. root:apache2
  2713. cvsadmin:cvsadmin
  2714. nagios:root
  2715. root:nagios123
  2716. root:rootpass
  2717. root:rootuser
  2718. root:userroot
  2719. root:12321
  2720. root:31338
  2721. root:31337
  2722. root:bernard
  2723. root:abc
  2724. root:abcde
  2725. root:abcdefgh
  2726. root:unixbitch
  2727. root:trambuline
  2728. root:bostocel
  2729. root:bosto
  2730. root:bostoaca
  2731. root:States
  2732. root:state
  2733. root:states
  2734. root:fervillers
  2735. root:fuckyou
  2736. root:asdfasdf:
  2737. root:muie1991
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  3019. root:ZXCVB:!"�$%^:QWERTY:YUIP{/'?@~}QWE!"���
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  3197. tomcat2:tomcat2
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  3248. admins:123456
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  3252. smmsp:smmsp
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  3291. postgres:test
  3292. postgres:321
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  3297. kafka:123456
  3298. kafka:test
  3299. kafka:123
  3300. kafka:321
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  3303. git:321
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  3306. xguest:123456
  3307. xguest:test
  3308. xguest:123
  3309. xguest:321
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  3314. uftp:123
  3315. uftp:321
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  3317. ftpuser:test
  3318. ftpuser:123
  3319. ftpuser:321
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  3321. hadoop:123456
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  3324. hadoop:321
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  3328. mysql:123
  3329. mysql:321
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  3333. redis:test
  3334. redis:123
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  3362. chef:password123
  3363. chef:password321
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  3366. chef:qwerty123
  3367. chef:passwd
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  3369. tomcat:test123
  3370. tomcat:123
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  3377. tomcat:qwerty123
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  3390. ec2-user:qwerty123
  3391. ec2-user:passwd
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  3394. user:test123
  3395. user:321
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  3397. user:password321
  3398. user:pass
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  3400. user:qwerty123
  3401. user:passwd
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  3403. test:password321
  3404. test:pass
  3405. test:qwerty123
  3406. test:passwd
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  3409. mysql:password321
  3410. mysql:pass
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  3412. mysql:passwd
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  3414. oracle:password321
  3415. oracle:pass
  3416. oracle:qwerty
  3417. oracle:qwerty123
  3418. postgres:test123
  3419. postgres:password123
  3420. postgres:password321
  3421. postgres:pass
  3422. postgres:qwerty123
  3423. postgres:passwd
  3424. matt:matt
  3425. userftp:userftp
  3426. digital:digital
  3427. digitalocean:digitalocean
  3428. black:black
  3429. choopa:choopa
  3430. cssserver:cssserver
  3431. mongo:mongo
  3432. wpyan:wpyan
  3433. cron:cron
  3434. zeus:zeus
  3435. hdduser:hdduser
  3436. vps:vps
  3437. Soporte:Soporte
  3438. db:db
  3439. isadmin:isadmin
  3440. shit:shit
  3441. pma:pma
  3442. PMA:PMA
  3443. unix:unix
  3444. microsoft:microsoft
  3445. sage:sage
  3446. apache:web
  3447. ocean:ocean
  3448. web:master
  3449. root:guest
  3450. root:2
  3451. root:3
  3452. root:87654321
  3453. root:321root321
  3454. root:root'123
  3455. root:`123
  3456. root:wasd
  3457. root:azsxdc
  3458. root:zaxscd
  3459. root:b
  3460. root:c
  3461. root:alex
  3462. root:john
  3463. root:PASSWORD
  3464. root:ubnt
  3465. root:omn
  3466. user:administrator
  3467. user:guest
  3468. user:qwe123
  3469. user:qwer1234
  3470. user:654321
  3471. user:qwerty123456
  3472. user:abc
  3473. user:server
  3474. user:vps
  3475. user:1234qwer
  3476. user:123qwe
  3477. user:wasd
  3478. user:123321
  3479. user:omn
  3480. test:administrator
  3481. test:guest
  3482. test:P@ssw0rd
  3483. test:qwe123
  3484. test:qwer1234
  3485. test:654321
  3486. test:qwerty123456
  3487. test:abc
  3488. test:vps
  3489. test:1234qwer
  3490. test:123qwe
  3491. test:wasd
  3492. postgres:administrator
  3493. postgres:guest
  3494. postgres:P@ssw0rd
  3495. postgres:qwe123
  3496. postgres:qwer1234
  3497. postgres:654321
  3498. postgres:qwerty123456
  3499. postgres:abc
  3500. postgres:server
  3501. postgres:vps
  3502. postgres:1234qwer
  3503. postgres:123qwe
  3504. postgres:wasd
  3505. oracle:administrator
  3506. oracle:guest
  3507. oracle:qwe123
  3508. oracle:qwer1234
  3509. oracle:654321
  3510. oracle:qwerty123456
  3511. oracle:abc
  3512. oracle:vps
  3513. oracle:1234qwer
  3514. oracle:123qwe
  3515. oracle:wasd
  3516. hadoop:guest
  3517. hadoop:passwd
  3518. hadoop:pass
  3519. hadoop:P@ssw0rd
  3520. hadoop:qwe123
  3521. hadoop:qwer1234
  3522. hadoop:password123
  3523. hadoop:654321
  3524. hadoop:qwerty123456
  3525. hadoop:abc
  3526. hadoop:server
  3527. hadoop:1234qwer
  3528. hadoop:123qwe
  3529. dev:123456
  3530. dev:test
  3531. dev:guest
  3532. dev:password
  3533. dev:passwd
  3534. dev:pass
  3535. dev:123
  3536. dev:321
  3537. dev:P@ssw0rd
  3538. dev:1234
  3539. dev:password123
  3540. dev:654321
  3541. dev:qwerty123456
  3542. dev:abc
  3543. dev:server
  3544. dev:1234qwer
  3545. dev:123qwe
  3546. ubuntu:123456
  3547. ubuntu:test
  3548. ubuntu:guest
  3549. ubuntu:password
  3550. ubuntu:passwd
  3551. ubuntu:pass
  3552. ubuntu:123
  3553. ubuntu:321
  3554. ubuntu:P@ssw0rd
  3555. ubuntu:qwe123
  3556. ubuntu:qwer1234
  3557. ubuntu:password123
  3558. ubuntu:654321
  3559. ubuntu:qwerty123456
  3560. ubuntu:abc
  3561. ubuntu:serve
  3562. ubuntu:1234qwer
  3563. ubuntu:123qw
  3564. ubuntu:ubnt
  3565. matt:123456
  3566. matt:test
  3567. matt:guest
  3568. matt:password
  3569. matt:passwd
  3570. matt:pass
  3571. matt:123
  3572. matt:321
  3573. matt:P@ssw0rd
  3574. matt:qwe123
  3575. matt:qwer1234
  3576. matt:password123
  3577. matt:654321
  3578. matt:qwerty123456
  3579. matt:abc
  3580. matt:server
  3581. matt:1234qwer
  3582. matt:123qwe
  3583. guest:test
  3584. guest:passwd
  3585. guest:pass
  3586. guest:321
  3587. guest:qwe123
  3588. guest:qwer1234
  3589. guest:password123
  3590. guest:654321
  3591. guest:qwerty123456
  3592. guest:abc
  3593. guest:server
  3594. guest:1234qwer
  3595. guest:123qwe
  3596. centos:123
  3597. centos:321
  3598. centos:123456
  3599. centos:test
  3600. centos:test123
  3601. centos:password
  3602. glassfish:123
  3603. glassfish:321
  3604. glassfish:123456
  3605. glassfish:test
  3606. glassfish:test123
  3607. glassfish:password
  3608. vnc:321
  3609. vnc:test123
  3610. vnc:password
  3611. ts:123
  3612. ts:321
  3613. ts:test
  3614. ts:test123
  3615. ts3:123
  3616. ts3:321
  3617. ts3:123456
  3618. ts3:test
  3619. ts3:test123
  3620. ts3:password
  3621. persilos:persilos
  3622. shoppizy:shoppizy
  3623. spot:spot
  3624. management:management
  3625. mybase:mybase
  3626. sqlbase:sqlbase
  3627. smart:smart
  3628. raspberrypi:raspberrypi
  3629. database:database
  3630. mongodb:mongodb
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