

Jan 14th, 2020
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  1. Hey Stoody,
  3. I've not had much time to look into this last week since ive had exams, but this morning I’ve cranked out some testing regarding the rifles and light accuracy values. I admit my sample size is not the largest but these are the results from 60 shots.
  5. ** Rifles:**
  6. - Horizontal deviation -> 0.833
  7. - Gravity -> 27.8
  8. **Lights (crouched) :**
  9. - Horizontal deviation -> 1.35
  10. - Gravity -> 37.3
  12. Rifles have 38.3% lower horizontal deviation
  13. Rifles have 25.5% lower gravity deviation
  15. For our event I would like regiments to have a choice between choosing rifles and choosing lights when given the skirmish special unit, therefore I want the units to be approximately comparable. Given the accuracy of the rifles I don't consider 5 rifles to be equal to 5 lights however I am willing to test the use of lob-sided skirmish sets.
  17. A draft rule set I am considering for testing would be:
  19. - 5 lights => 4 rifles
  20. - Lights don't require an officer => Rifles require an officer (so 4 rifles + officer)
  21. - Lights break when down to 2 or less lights => Rifles break when down to 2 or less rifles + officers/surgeon (eg: so 2 rifles + officer/surgeon can continue to skirm but 1 rifle + officer + surgeon cannot continue to skirm)
  22. - Both may take a surgeon auxiliary
  24. Sometimes we offer 6 lights (depending on overall attendance) so in that case similar rules would apply
  25. - 6 lights => 5 rifles
  26. - Lights don't require an officer => Rifles require an officer (so 5 rifles + officer)
  28. I don't plan on adding them in for today's event but will be looking to test them for next week and the week after before making a decision. I'm interested in any thoughts/amendments you would have to the current draft.
  30. eLF
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