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Dragon story section 1

a guest
Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. >"He's mine!" the blue-scaled dragon shouts, lightning leaping across the room and bouncing off the scales of the red dragon on your other side (who coincidentally has a firm grip on your arm. Like, bruisingly firm.)
  2. >the Blue gives a tug and nearly sends you spilling over while the red stands her ground, holding you upright via sheer force.
  3. >"No, I found him first! That makes him MINE!"
  4. >and a tug in the different direction
  5. >you're not a piece of meat
  6. >well, technically to these two you are if you're talking about a specific cut...
  7. >you didn't mean to become a priceless object worth a draconic duel when you stumbled into this lonesome valley
  8. >but apparently these two have been duelling to create the most magnificent horde
  9. >and Red seems to think you would make a great centerpiece
  10. >Blue has come to the same conclusion
  11. >so here you are, knee deep in the river while two dragons threaten to tear you in half
  12. >they tug and pull and tug and pull and you feel like you're going to be torn apart
  13. >Red notices and hisses "Look, Valisavex, you're going to hurt him. Stop being so rough."
  14. >Valisavex frowns, and lightning dances across her skin when she snorts
  15. >"Well, I'm not going to let YOU have him, Savakasia"
  16. >"Wait, wait, don't I get a say in this?"
  17. >The two dragons ponder this for a moment and you curse your big mouth.
  18. >"Well, that's not a bad idea, is it sir...?"
  19. >Savakasia looks expectantly at you for a name.
  20. >"Anon."
  21. >"That's a stupid name." Valisavex snorts. "When I own you, you're going to change that."
  22. >"Anyway,", Savakasia interjects, "Anon, if you want a say so bad.... Choose which one of us you like better..."
  23. >fuck
  24. >fuck fuck fuck
  25. >this is how you die
  26. >both of them are looking at you more seductively this time
  27. >"Well then, I guess it's time for a bit of... Persuasion." Savakasia says.
  28. >"Hey, no! Me first!"
  29. >Fuck.
  30. >Which one do you choose?
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