
>Prom Night? (Greentext)

Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. >There's a what going on?
  2. >A prom, sir. I was going to ask if you were planning on attending.
  3. >Have you forgotten, Bonnie? This suit, in an underaged environment? I'd get arrested for sure.
  4. >That is a fairly likely outcome, yes.
  5. >Still, I bet I could make lods of emone off selling booze to teens.
  6. >You're a real pillar of the community.
  7. >Har har. C'mon, we'd better get going before the whole shebang's over.
  8. >We?
  9. >Yes, Bonnie. We. I sell, you carry the merchandise, you know how this works.
  10. >You mean... you're asking me to prom, sir?
  11. >I don't think we'll manage to get inside to move product, this is usually a nearby alley or back of building thing. But I guess if we get inside, then technically, yes. Now fix your cheek lights and let's get going.
  13. >I am making a killing here, instead of being used for someone else to literally do so. This is great!
  14. >Dark and business as usual then?
  15. >Naturally. In any case, I- the hell is that?
  16. >Appears to be another you, sir. An obviously female variant.
  17. >There are no other "me"s, Bonnie. That's another Goldie.
  18. >This may come as a shock to you, but you're a Goldie.
  19. >No, I just usurped this position. Y'see, every 'verse has roles that need to be played, resulting in the various versions of you and the rest. The role of the "Goldie" for your 'verse was originally the dead kid who wanted to use my suit. I simply stepped in, that's all.
  20. >I don't buy it, sir. You just don't want to admit there's a version of you with such large endowments.
  21. >Bonnie, you've seen me change shape before. I could be such a version if I wanted to, but it seems ridiculous. Look at those things! They're bigger than Chica's! And Timbo's! Combined!
  22. >What about Toy Chica's, sir?
  23. >What ABOUT Toy Chica's?
  25. >Bonnie, what are you doing at that window? Someone will see you, get away from there.
  26. >Just lamenting, sir. Just lamenting.
  27. >Well, do it over in the bushes then. And take inventory while you're at it, we may be getting low on booze.
  29. >Welp, there goes another case. Better open another one and- the hell are these? Bonnie, explain why this doesn't have alcohol in it. I didn't ask you to pack clothes.
  30. >It was on the off chance we got inside, sir.
  31. >Oh it's a disguise, I get it! Let's see... this looks to just be my disguise judging by the monkey suit at least. Guess I'll put it on just in case. But what about yours- Bonnie? Bonnie?
  32. >I'm here, sir.
  33. >Where were you hiding a dress? And when did you put it on?
  34. >On this tree branch, and while you were examining your clothes, sir. I'm a fast dresser on account of all the perverts on staff who keep trying to see my torso casing exposed. I think they're having a competition or something about it.
  35. >I'm surprised you'd wear something that isn't unisex, Bonnie. And in your colour with little star sparkles all over it? Feeling like you planned this. Did you?
  36. >I flipped a coin, sir. Also, I think they're fine. I like the stars.
  37. >I see you dodged the question.
  38. >Learned from the best, sir.
  40. >A question arises, Bonnie.
  41. >Oh?
  42. >Had the coin landed the other way, what would you have worn?
  43. >Let me put it this way, sir. Look at your bowtie.
  44. >Huh? Ah, I see. Stars. Wait a minute, you trying to tell me you'd have had me wear a dress?
  45. >Indeed, sir. I'm sure you'd have filled it out nicely.
  46. >Yeah I guess so. I'm not much into putting clothes on over my clothes, so anything's fine. I look good in everything anyways.
  47. >You shouldn't be so humble, sir. It makes you look disingenuous.
  48. >Har. C'mon, let's get rid of these empty beer cases. I saw some bins we can drop 'em in on the way here.
  49. >I'm surprised you're being so eco-friendly. I didn't know you recycle.
  50. >The fuck you on about, Bonnie? I'm talking about the dumpsters out back. We can then sneak in through the backdoor. It's my preferred method of entrance anyways.
  51. >I bet, sir.
  53. >Welp, we're inside. Huh. Seems like it's mostly other yous, and a metric fuckton of anons.
  54. >A metric one, sir? And here was me thinking you were trying to be all-american.
  55. >Nobody uses imperial for fucktons, Bonnie. I thought you were educated.
  56. >I apologize, sir. I'm not well versed in made-up systems of measurement.
  57. >It's a figure of speech you snarky-
  58. >I believe I see security, sir.
  59. >Welp, time to see if these disguises are worth anything. It's a slow song right now, so we'll stand out if we move now so... quick, put your arms around me.
  60. >Sir?
  61. >No time, doing it myself. C'mere.
  62. >!
  63. >Shh. Just pretend we're dancing like anyone else. And regulate your fans, Bonnie. You're starting to overheat.
  64. >O-of course, sir. Apologies.
  65. >We'll have to stay like this for the remainder of the song to make it look legit, I guess.
  67. >...Sir?
  68. >Hm? What is it, Bonnie?
  69. >I've a confession to make. I did plan for this.
  70. >Yeah, I know.
  71. >How did you-
  72. >You divert power into your facial expressions to make sure you are completely stone faced when you lie. This results in your ears drooping slightly from the supports not having enough power.
  73. >I didn't, I mean I never thought- I wouldn't have guessed you looked at me near enough to notice something like that.
  74. >Also, you dodged the question when I asked it, and I taught you that so, yeah. But thanks for confirming I knew your tell.
  75. >...You're welcome, sir.
  77. >And then they got got by security after the song was over.
  80. >How long do you think we'll be detained in lockup, sir?
  81. >Until we make bail, probably. Couple days at the most, once Freddy hears of this.
  82. >Or, you could just pop us back over.
  83. >Nah.
  84. >What. Why?
  85. >I want to see how he reacts.
  86. >You would sit here in a cell for upwards of a couple days, just for a reaction? Really, sir?
  87. >You cannot know the patience that I have, Bonnie.
  88. >This is ridiculous. Let's just go back now.
  89. >The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
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