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Aug 17th, 2018
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  139. <span style="color:red;">wagering and referral contest with $30,000 in prizes</span> is currently underway! Please click the CONTEST button in the main menu for more details.
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  145. We have
  146. <span style="color:red;">increased the MULTIPLY BTC commissions from 0.25% to 0.40%</span> of the amount that your referrals wager! Refer more users to play MULTIPLY BTC and start earning big!
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  150. <span id="rp_promo_116_2_text" style="font-weight:normal;"><b>5x reward points (RP) promotion starts in <span id="bonus_span_rp_promo_116_2">03:54:44</span></b> (10 RP/free roll, 5 RP/referral free roll, 5 RP/multiply roll).<br>Follow us on <b><a href="" target="_blank">twitter</a></b> to be notified before the promotion starts!</span>
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  162. <p style="padding:0 20px;">Please fill in the captcha below and click the ROLL button to get your free bitcoins. The amount of free bitcoins that you get will depend on the number that you roll and paid out according to the payout table below. You can come back and play every hour to win free bitcoins each time!</p>
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  168. <p><span class="bold"><span id="fp_bonus_req_completed"> 13.7170</span>%</span> achieved towards the next <span class="free_play_bonus_box_span_large">+0.00000031 BTC</span> bonus!</p>
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  271. <div class="captchasnet_captcha_options_div">
  272. <p class="captchasnet_captcha_info captchasnet_captcha_change_p" style="height:28px; border-top: 1px solid #0a9c3b;"><i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="arrow-up"></span> <span class="arrow-up-small"></span> <span id="captchasnet_captcha_info_span_mobile" class="captchasnet_captcha_info_span captchasnet_captcha_info_span_mobile">Please enter the letters that you see in the box below</span></p>
  273. <p title="Captcha Audio" class="captchasnet_captcha_change_p captchasnet_captcha_audio" style="height:27px;" onclick="PlayCaptchasNetAudioCaptcha('K3RAsA47tKoNJYqfOiOEpQNAgDKOR7zC')"><i class="fa fa-volume-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></p>
  274. <p class="captchasnet_captcha_change_p captchasnet_captcha_refresh" style="height:27px;" onclick="GenerateCaptchasNetCaptcha('botdetect_free_play_captcha', 3)"><i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i></p>
  275. </div>
  276. <input class="captchasnet_captcha_input_box" type="text" placeholder="Enter captcha here">
  277. </div>
  278. <div id="botdetect_free_play_captcha2" class="captchasnet_captcha_container_div">
  279. <div class="captchasnet_captcha_content">
  280. <img src="//" onerror="GenerateCaptchasNetCaptcha('botdetect_free_play_captcha2', 3, 'eOKAXWn6PgssMXjIySgbypcMR3J7lDL4');">
  281. </div>
  282. <input type="hidden" class="captchasnet_captcha_random" value="eOKAXWn6PgssMXjIySgbypcMR3J7lDL4">
  283. <div class="captchasnet_captcha_options_div">
  284. <p class="captchasnet_captcha_info captchasnet_captcha_change_p" style="height:28px; border-top: 1px solid #0a9c3b;"><i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="arrow-up"></span> <span class="arrow-up-small"></span> <span id="captchasnet_captcha_info_span_mobile" class="captchasnet_captcha_info_span">Please enter the letters that you see in the box below</span></p>
  285. <p title="Captcha Audio" class="captchasnet_captcha_change_p captchasnet_captcha_audio" style="height:27px;" onclick="PlayCaptchasNetAudioCaptcha('eOKAXWn6PgssMXjIySgbypcMR3J7lDL4')"><i class="fa fa-volume-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></p>
  286. <p class="captchasnet_captcha_change_p captchasnet_captcha_refresh" style="height:27px;" onclick="GenerateCaptchasNetCaptcha('botdetect_free_play_captcha2', 3)"><i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i></p>
  287. </div>
  288. <input class="captchasnet_captcha_input_box" type="text" placeholder="Enter captcha here">
  289. </div>
  290. </div>
  291. </div>
  292. </div>
  293. </div>
  294. <div class="row" id="play_without_captcha_desc" style="display:none;">
  295. <div class="bold center play_without_captcha_description">
  296. <p>You can use your reward points to roll without having to solve a captcha by simply clicking the ROLL button below.</p>
  297. <p class="bold">It will cost you <span style="color:red;">1</span> reward points to play the next roll without solving a captcha.</p>
  298. <p>The amount of reward points that you need to roll without a captcha will keep changing so please ensure that you check the cost before you roll. The points will be deducted from your reward points balance when you roll.</p>
  299. </div>
  300. </div>
  301. </div>
  302. </div>
  303. <h1 id="free_play_digits" style="" class="center"> <span id="free_play_first_digit">0</span> <span id="free_play_second_digit">0</span> <span id="free_play_third_digit">0</span> <span id="free_play_fourth_digit">0</span> <span id="free_play_fifth_digit">0</span> </h1>
  304. <div id="free_play_result" class="center free_play_result_style free_play_result_success">
  305. <div class="bold center">
  306. You win
  307. <span id="winnings"></span> BTC,
  308. <a href="#" class="lottery_link"><span id="fp_lottery_tickets_won">2</span> free lottery tickets</a> and
  309. <a href="#" class="rewards_link"><span id="fp_reward_points_won">2</span> reward points</a>!
  310. </div>
  311. </div>
  312. <p class="bold" style="display:none;" id="make_extra_5_msg"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal26">Make an extra $5!</a></p>
  313. <p id="free_play_error" style="display:none;" class="free_play_element free_play_result_style free_play_result_error"></p>
  314. <div id="wait" align="center" style="display:none;">
  315. <p id="same_ip_error" class="red bold" style="display:none;"></p>
  316. <p id="multi_acct_same_ip" class="red bold" style="display:none;">Timer running even though you did not play ? It's probably because another user is playing from the same IP as you. You can try to restart your router to get a new IP address from your ISP.<br></p>
  317. <p><input type="checkbox" id="free_play_sound" class="hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp;Play sound when timer runs out&nbsp;<small>(<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="test_sound">TEST SOUND</a>)</small></p>
  318. <div id="time_remaining"></div>
  319. <p>before you can play for free again.</p>
  320. <p id="why_not_multiply" class="bold double_your_btc_link double_your_btc_link2" style="cursor:pointer;"><a href="#">Why not try to multiply your bitcoins up to 4,750 times by playing a provably fair HI-LO game!</a></p>
  321. </div>
  322. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal22" class="show_multiply_modal" style="display:none;"></a>
  323. <p> <input type="submit" value="ROLL!" id="free_play_form_button" class="free_play_element new_button_style profile_page_button_style"> </p>
  324. </div>
  325. <div id="double_your_btc_tab" style="display:none;" class="page_tabs">
  326. <p class="bold">Multiply your bitcoins up to 4,750x by playing a <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal2" class="bold">PROVABLY FAIR</a> HI-LO game!</p>
  327. <p>Set a bet amount first and then click the BET HI button to win if you roll a high number or the BET LO button to win if you roll a low number. Change the bet odds or the win chance to increase or reduce your win probability and tick the jackpots to win big prizes by rolling the number 8888!</p>
  328. <p>Get 1 free <a href="#" class="lottery_link bold">lottery ticket</a> and <span class="multiply_rp_amount">1</span> <a href="#" class="rewards_link bold">reward points</a> for every 0.00000500 BTC that you wager!</p>
  329. <div class="alert-box" id="bonus_eligible_msg" style="display:none;background-color:#FFFFAD;color:black;" align="center">
  330. <span class="bold">You are eligible for a bonus of <span class="dep_bonus_max" style="color:red;">0.00000201 BTC</span> for playing MULTIPLY BTC! <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal24" class="bold" id="claim_bonus_link">Click here to claim your bonus.</a></span>
  331. </div>
  332. <div id="bonus_account_table" class="row" style="margin-top:20px;display:none;">
  333. <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal25" class="bold">BONUS TERMS</a></p>
  334. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  335. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5 /* reward_table_box_header */">
  336. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  338. </div>
  339. </div>
  340. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  341. <div id="reward_table_box_left_size_change" class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box_left_size_change reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile border_bottom_none">
  342. BALANCE
  343. </div>
  344. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box_right_size_change reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  345. <span id="bonus_account_balance">0.00000000 BTC</span>
  346. </div>
  347. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  348. </div>
  349. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile" title="The amount you need to wager (bet) before your bonus account balance is added to your main account balance.">
  351. </div>
  352. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  353. <span id="bonus_account_wager">0.00000000 BTC</span>
  354. </div>
  355. </div>
  356. </div>
  357. </div>
  358. <div id="double_your_btc" class="game_content" style="margin-top:20px;">
  359. <p class="auto_bet_element" style="display: none;">Enter your settings for performing automated betting below and then click on START AUTO-BET and sit back and watch while your browser plays for you! Automated betting will stop if you click the STOP AUTO-BET button after it starts or if this browser tab/window is closed.</p>
  360. <div class="row manual_auto_bet_button_container">
  361. <div id="manual_bet_on" class="manual_bet_on_button betting_mode_on">
  363. </div>
  364. <div id="auto_bet_running" class="bold" style="display:none;">
  365. Please stop auto-betting before switching to manual bet.
  366. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="betting_close" id="close_auto_bet_running_message">×</a>
  367. </div>
  368. <div id="auto_bet_on" class="manual_auto_bet_on_button auto_bet_on_button">
  369. AUTO BET
  370. </div>
  371. </div>
  372. <div id="double_your_btc_main_container_outer" style="color:#fff;">
  373. <div id="double_your_btc_main_container" class="row double_your_btc_main_container_to_add_small">
  374. <div id="double_your_btc_left_section" class="betting_left_right_section double_your_btc_left_section_to_add_small">
  375. <center>
  376. <div class="row" style="width:280px;">
  377. <p class="bold multiplier_header_background max_profit_per_bet_header">MAX PROFIT PER BET</p>
  378. <p class="multiply_max_bet max_profit_per_bet_value bold">20 BTC</p>
  379. </div>
  380. <div class="row" style="width:280px;">
  381. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;margin-top:10px;">
  382. <li class="bet_amount_box bold multiplier_header_background bet_amount_options_margin" style="padding:4px 5px;">BET AMOUNT</li>
  383. <li class="bet_amount_box bold bet_amount_options bet_amount_options_margin"><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="double_your_btc_half" style="color: inherit;">/2</a></li>
  384. <li class="bet_amount_box bold bet_amount_options bet_amount_options_margin"><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="double_your_btc_2x" style="color: inherit;">2x</a></li>
  385. <li class="bet_amount_box bold bet_amount_options bet_amount_options_margin"><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="double_your_btc_min" style="color: inherit;">MIN</a></li>
  386. <li class="bet_amount_box bold bet_amount_options"><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="double_your_btc_max" style="color: inherit;">MAX</a></li>
  387. </ul>
  388. <input class="bold bet_amount_value_input common_background_border" type="text" name="stake" id="double_your_btc_stake" value="0.00000001">
  389. </div>
  390. <div class="row" style="width:280px;">
  391. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;">
  392. <li class="win_profit_box bold multiplier_header_background win_profit_li">WIN PROFIT</li>
  393. <li class="win_profit_box_value bold win_profit_value_li" id="win_amount">0.00000001</li>
  394. </ul>
  395. </div>
  396. <div class="row" style="margin-top:10px; width:280px;">
  397. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;">
  398. <li class="payout_win_box bold multiplier_header_background" style="margin-right:10px;">BET ODDS</li>
  399. <li class="payout_win_box bold multiplier_header_background" style="">WIN CHANCE</li>
  400. </ul>
  401. </div>
  402. <div class="row" style=" width:280px;">
  403. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;">
  404. <li class="payout_win_values bold" style="margin-right:10px;"><input class="bold payout_value_input common_background_border" type="text" value="2.00" id="double_your_btc_payout_multiplier" onclick=";"></li>
  405. <li class="payout_win_values bold"><input class="bold win_chance_value_input common_background_border" type="text" value="47.50%" id="double_your_btc_win_chance" onclick=";"></li>
  406. </ul>
  407. </div>
  408. <div class="row" style=" margin-top:10px; width:280px;">
  409. <p id="payout_value_message" class="odd_win_chance_message">Enter a value between 1.01 and 4750.00</p>
  410. <p id="win_chance_value_message" class="odd_win_chance_message">Enter a value between 0.02 and 94.06</p>
  411. </div>
  412. </center>
  413. </div>
  414. <div id="double_your_btc_auto_bet_left_section" class="betting_left_right_section double_your_btc_left_section_to_add_small" style="height:450px; display:none;">
  415. <center>
  416. <div class="row" style="margin-top:17px; width:280px;">
  417. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;">
  418. <li class="win_profit_box bold multiplier_header_background" style="width:100px; padding:7px 6px;">BASE BET</li>
  419. <li class="win_profit_box_value bold base_bet_max_bet_value_li" style="width:150px;"><input class="bold remove_autobet_error auto_bet_base_bet_value common_background_border" type="text" id="autobet_base_bet" value="0.00000001"></li>
  420. </ul>
  421. </div>
  422. <div class="row" style="margin-top:10px; max-width:280px !important;">
  423. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;">
  424. <li class="win_profit_box bold multiplier_header_background" style="width:auto; padding:7px 6px;">MAX BET/WIN</li>
  425. <li class="win_profit_box_value bold base_bet_max_bet_value_li" style="width:140px;"><input class="bold remove_autobet_error auto_bet_max_bet_win_value common_background_border" type="text" id="autobet_max_bet" value="20"></li>
  426. </ul>
  427. </div>
  428. <div class="row" style="margin-top:10px; width:280px;">
  429. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;">
  430. <li class="payout_win_box bold multiplier_header_background" style="margin-right:10px;">BET ODDS</li>
  431. <li class="payout_win_box bold multiplier_header_background" style="">NO. OF ROLLS</li>
  432. </ul>
  433. </div>
  434. <div class="row" style=" width:280px;">
  435. <ul style="list-style:none; text-align: center; margin-left:1em;">
  436. <li class="payout_win_values bold" style="margin-right:10px;"><input class="bold remove_autobet_error bet_odds_value common_background_border" type="text" id="autobet_bet_odds" value="2.00" onclick=";"></li>
  437. <li class="payout_win_values bold"><input class="bold remove_autobet_error no_of_rolls_value common_background_border" type="text" id="autobet_roll_count" value="100"></li>
  438. </ul>
  439. </div>
  440. <div class="row" style="width:280px;">
  441. <p id="autobet_payout_value_message" class="odd_win_chance_message">Enter a value between 1.01 and 4750.00</p>
  442. </div>
  443. <div class="row multiplier_header_div">
  444. <p class="bet_on_p multiplier_header_background bold auto_bet_on_p">BET ON</p>
  445. </div>
  446. <div class="row auto_bet_right_section_box">
  447. <p class="bold auto_bet_on_p"></p>
  448. <center>
  449. <span class="bold hi_lo_alternate_span"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_bet_hi" class="auto_bet_on_input big_checkbox hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; HI</span>
  450. <span class="bold hi_lo_alternate_span"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_bet_lo" class="auto_bet_on_input big_checkbox hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; LO</span>
  451. <span class="bold hi_lo_alternate_span"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_bet_alternate" checked class="auto_bet_on_input big_checkbox hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>&nbsp; ALTERNATE</span>
  452. </center>
  453. <p></p>
  454. </div>
  455. <div class="row multiplier_header_div">
  456. <p class="multiplier_header_background bold auto_bet_on_p" style="padding:5px 0;">STOP BETTING AFTER</p>
  457. </div>
  458. <div class="row auto_bet_right_section_box">
  459. <center>
  460. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  461. <li class="auto_bet_first_column bold">
  462. <center>
  463. <input type="checkbox" id="stop_after_profit" class="big_checkbox hidden-field" style="margin-top:8px !important;">
  464. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  465. </center></li>
  466. <li class="auto_bet_second_column bold" style="margin-top:3px !important;">
  467. <center>
  468. PROFIT &gt;=
  469. </center></li>
  470. <li class="auto_bet_third_column bold">
  471. <center>
  472. <input type="text" id="stop_after_profit_value" value="0.00000001" class="remove_autobet_error bold auto_bet_input_box common_background_border" style="width:140px; margin-top:-1px !important;">
  473. </center></li>
  474. </ul>
  475. </center>
  476. </div>
  477. <div class="row auto_bet_right_section_box">
  478. <center>
  479. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  480. <li class="auto_bet_first_column bold">
  481. <center>
  482. <input type="checkbox" id="stop_after_loss" class="big_checkbox hidden-field" style="margin-top:8px !important;">
  483. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  484. </center></li>
  485. <li class="auto_bet_second_column bold" style="margin-top:3px !important;">
  486. <center>
  487. LOSS &gt;=
  488. </center></li>
  489. <li class="auto_bet_third_column bold">
  490. <center>
  491. <input type="text" id="stop_after_loss_value" value="0.00000001" class="remove_autobet_error bold auto_bet_input_box common_background_border" style="width:140px; margin-top:-1px !important;">
  492. </center></li>
  493. </ul>
  494. </center>
  495. </div>
  496. </center>
  497. </div>
  498. <div id="double_your_btc_right_section" class="betting_left_right_section double_your_btc_right_section_to_add_small" style="padding-bottom:20px;">
  499. <center>
  500. <p class="bold text_shadow">PLAY FOR JACKPOTS</p>
  501. <p class="bold text_shadow">Roll number <b style="color:#feba00;">8888</b> to win the jackpots!</p>
  502. <div class="row text-center width_margin_padding_setting">
  503. <div class="row jackpot_container">
  504. <center>
  505. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:0;">
  506. <li class="jackpot_header_first_column bold multiplier_header_background">SELECT</li>
  507. <li class="jackpot_header_second_column bold multiplier_header_background">PRIZE (BTC)</li>
  508. <li class="jackpot_header_third_column bold multiplier_header_background">COST (BTC)</li>
  509. </ul>
  510. </center>
  511. </div>
  512. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  513. <center>
  514. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  515. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  516. <center>
  517. <input type="checkbox" class="play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="5">
  518. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  519. </center></li>
  520. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  521. <center>
  522. 1.00000000
  523. </center></li>
  524. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  525. <center>
  526. 0.00012500
  527. </center></li>
  528. </ul>
  529. </center>
  530. </div>
  531. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  532. <center>
  533. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  534. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  535. <center>
  536. <input type="checkbox" class="play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="4">
  537. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  538. </center></li>
  539. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  540. <center>
  541. 0.10000000
  542. </center></li>
  543. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  544. <center>
  545. 0.00001250
  546. </center></li>
  547. </ul>
  548. </center>
  549. </div>
  550. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  551. <center>
  552. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px;">
  553. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  554. <center>
  555. <input type="checkbox" class="play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="3">
  556. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  557. </center></li>
  558. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  559. <center>
  560. 0.01000000
  561. </center></li>
  562. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  563. <center>
  564. 0.00000125
  565. </center></li>
  566. </ul>
  567. </center>
  568. </div>
  569. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  570. <center>
  571. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  572. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  573. <center>
  574. <input type="checkbox" class="play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="2">
  575. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  576. </center></li>
  577. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  578. <center>
  579. 0.00100000
  580. </center></li>
  581. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  582. <center>
  583. 0.00000013
  584. </center></li>
  585. </ul>
  586. </center>
  587. </div>
  588. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  589. <center>
  590. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  591. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  592. <center>
  593. <input type="checkbox" class="play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="1">
  594. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  595. </center></li>
  596. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  597. <center>
  598. 0.00010000
  599. </center></li>
  600. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  601. <center>
  602. 0.00000002
  603. </center></li>
  604. </ul>
  605. </center>
  606. </div>
  607. </div>
  608. </center>
  609. </div>
  610. <div id="double_your_btc_auto_bet_right_section" class="betting_left_right_section double_your_btc_auto_bet_right_section_to_add_small" style="display:none;">
  611. <center>
  612. <div class="row">
  613. <center>
  614. <ul class="on_win_on_lose_ul">
  615. <li style="float:left;"><a class="bet_amount_box bold multiplier_header_background on_win_on_lose" id="show_double_your_btc_auto_bet_on_win">ON WIN</a></li>
  616. <li style="float:left;"><a class="bet_amount_box bold on_win_on_lose" id="show_double_your_btc_auto_bet_on_lose">ON LOSE</a></li>
  617. </ul>
  618. </center>
  619. </div>
  620. <div class="row auto_bet_right_section_box">
  621. <div class="on_win_on_lose_content_div" id="double_your_btc_auto_bet_on_win">
  622. <p class="bold" style="float:left; margin-bottom:0 !important;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_win_return_to_base" class="big_checkbox hidden-field" checked><span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>&nbsp; RETURN TO BASE BET</p>
  623. <p class="bold"><span style="padding-right: .5em; padding-top: 7px;float: left;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_win_increase_bet" class="big_checkbox hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; INCREASE BET BY</span><span style="float: left;"><input type="text" id="autobet_win_increase_bet_percent" value="0.00" class="remove_autobet_error bold auto_bet_input_box common_background_border" style="width:65px;"></span><span style="padding-left: .5em; padding-top: 7px;float: left;">%</span></p>
  624. <p class="bold"><span style="padding-right: .5em; padding-top: 7px;float: left;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_win_change_odds" class="big_checkbox hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; CHANGE ODDS TO</span><span style="float: left;"><input type="text" id="autobet_win_change_odds_value" value="2" class="remove_autobet_error auto_bet_input_box common_background_border bold" style="width:65px;"></span></p>
  625. </div>
  626. <div class="on_win_on_lose_content_div" style="display:none;" id="double_your_btc_auto_bet_on_lose">
  627. <p class="bold" style="float:left; margin-bottom:0 !important;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_lose_return_to_base" class="big_checkbox hidden-field" checked><span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>&nbsp; RETURN TO BASE BET</p>
  628. <p class="bold"><span style="padding-right: .5em; padding-top: 7px;float: left;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_lose_increase_bet" class="big_checkbox hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; INCREASE BET BY</span><span style="float: left;"><input type="text" id="autobet_lose_increase_bet_percent" value="0.00" class="remove_autobet_error bold auto_bet_input_box common_background_border" style="width:65px;"></span><span style="overflow: hidden; padding-left: .5em; padding-top: 7px;float: left;">%</span></p>
  629. <p class="bold"><span style="padding-right: .5em; padding-top: 7px;float: left;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_lose_change_odds" class="big_checkbox hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; CHANGE ODDS TO</span><span style="float: left;"><input type="text" id="autobet_lose_change_odds_value" value="2" class="remove_autobet_error auto_bet_input_box common_background_border bold" style="width:65px;"></span></p>
  630. </div>
  631. </div>
  632. <div class="row multiplier_header_div" style="margin-top:10px;">
  633. <p style="text-shadow: 0 1px #000; margin-top:5px; padding:5px 0;" class="multiplier_header_background bold auto_bet_on_p">ON HITTING MAX BET/WIN</p>
  634. </div>
  635. <div class="row auto_bet_right_section_box">
  636. <p class="bold auto_bet_on_p" style="text-align:left; padding:0 20px 5px 10px;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_max_bet_reset" checked class="big_checkbox bold auto_bet_on_input hidden-field" style="float:left; margin-top:5px !important;"><span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>&nbsp; RETURN TO BASE BET</p>
  637. <p class="bold auto_bet_on_p" style="text-align:left; padding:0 20px 5px 10px"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_max_bet_stop" class="big_checkbox bold auto_bet_on_input hidden-field" style="float:left; margin-top:5px !important;"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; STOP BETTING</p>
  638. </div>
  639. <div class="row auto_bet_right_section_box" style="margin-top:20px; border-radius:3px; font-size:14px;">
  640. <p class="bold" style="text-align:left; padding:3px 10px;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_change_client_seed" class="big_checkbox auto_bet_on_input hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; RANDOMIZE CLIENT SEED <a class="auto_bet_setting_span">?<span>Change client seed before each roll.</span></a></p>
  641. <p class="bold" style="text-align:left; padding:3px 10px;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_dnr" class="big_checkbox auto_bet_on_input hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; DO NOT REFRESH <a class="auto_bet_setting_span">?<span>Do not refresh the page when FREE PLAY timer runs out, if AUTO BET is running.</span></a></p>
  642. <p class="bold" style="text-align:left; padding:3px 10px;"><input type="checkbox" id="autobet_enable_sounds" class="big_checkbox auto_bet_on_input hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; ENABLE SOUNDS</p>
  643. </div>
  644. </center>
  645. </div>
  646. </div>
  647. <div id="double_your_btc_middle_section" class="double_your_btc_middle_section_to_add_small" style="background: url(&quot;/images/multiply_bg.jpg&quot;) rgb(0, 122, 92); height: 362.781px; border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;">
  648. <div id="user_claimed_deposit_bonus" class="bold center" style="display:none;">
  650. <a class="auto_bet_setting_span" style="color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; font-size: 12px; padding: 2px 6px;">?<span style="font-weight:normal;">You have claimed a MULTIPLY BTC bonus so your winnings will be credited to your bonus account (and not to your main account balance) and losses will be deducted from the bonus account until the wagering requirements have been met. You can see your bonus account balance and the wager remaining above in the section titled <b>YOUR BONUS ACCOUNT</b>.</span></a>
  651. </div>
  652. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding:0;">
  653. <h1 class="counter"> <span id="multiplier_first_digit">0</span> <span id="multiplier_second_digit">0</span> <span id="multiplier_third_digit">0</span> <span id="multiplier_fourth_digit">0</span> <span id="multiplier_fifth_digit" style="margin-right:none;">0</span></h1>
  654. </div>
  655. <div class="row manual_bet_element" style="margin:0; padding:0;">
  656. <ul class="manual_bet_hi_lo_ul">
  657. <center>
  658. <li id="bet_hi_button" class="bet_hi_button_to_add_small"><button id="double_your_btc_bet_hi_button">BET HI</button></li>
  659. <li id="bet_lo_button" class="bet_lo_button_to_add_small"><button id="double_your_btc_bet_lo_button">BET LO</button></li>
  660. </center>
  661. </ul>
  662. </div>
  663. <div id="double_your_btc_result" style="display:none;padding-bottom:0;" class="center">
  664. <div id="double_your_btc_bet_win" class="bold center double_your_btc_bet_win_message"></div>
  665. <div id="double_your_btc_bet_lose" class="bold center double_your_btc_bet_lose_message"></div>
  666. <div id="jackpot_message" class="bold center jackpot_message_content"></div>
  667. <div id="double_your_btc_error" class="bold center double_your_btc_error_message"></div>
  668. </div>
  669. <p class="manual_bet_element manual_bet_gt_lt_p">To win, BET HI and get a number higher than <span class="gt bold gt_lt_span">5250</span> or BET LO and get a number lower than <span class="lt bold gt_lt_span">4750</span></p>
  670. <div class="row" id="multiplier_enable_sound_div">
  671. <input id="manual_enable_sounds" type="checkbox" class="hidden-field">
  672. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp; ENABLE SOUNDS
  673. </div>
  674. <p class="bold manual_bet_element keyboard_container"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal20" style="color:#FF8E14; text-shadow: 0 1px #000;">KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS</a></p>
  675. <p id="autobet_error" class="bold center auto_new_design_error" style="display:none;"></p>
  676. <p class="auto_bet_element" id="auto_betting_button" style="margin-bottom:0 !important; display:none; "><button class="auto_bet_start_stop_button" id="start_autobet" style="padding:10px;">START AUTO-BET</button></p>
  677. <p id="stop_auto_betting" style="display:none;"><button class="auto_bet_start_stop_button" id="stop_autobet_button" style="padding:10px;">STOP AUTO-BET</button></p>
  678. <div id="autobet_results_box" class="autobet_new_design_results_box" style="display:none;">
  679. <p id="rolls_status" class="bold">ROLLS PLAYED :</p>
  680. <p id="rolls_played_count" class="bold autobet_new_design_color">0</p>
  681. <p id="rolls_status" class="bold">ROLLS REMAINING :</p>
  682. <p id="rolls_remaining_count" class="bold autobet_new_design_color">0</p>
  683. <p id="autobet_highest_bet_msg" class="bold">BIGGEST BET THIS SESSION :</p>
  684. <p id="autobet_highest_bet" class="bold autobet_new_design_color">0.00000001 BTC</p>
  685. <p id="autobet_highest_win_msg" class="bold">BIGGEST WIN THIS SESSION :</p>
  686. <p id="autobet_highest_win" class="bold autobet_new_design_color">0.00000000 BTC</p>
  687. <p id="autobet_pl_msg" class="bold">BETTING P/L THIS SESSION : </p>
  688. <p id="autobet_pl" class="bold" style="padding:5px 0; color:#000; background-color:#33FF33; text-shadow: none;">0.00000000 BTC</p>
  689. <p class="autobet_view_bet_log bold" style="display:none;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="display_bet_log_table display_bet_log_table_top" style="color:#FF8E14; text-shadow: 0 1px #000;">VIEW / REFRESH BET DETAILS TABLE</a></p>
  690. </div>
  691. <p class="auto_bet_element bold play_for_jackpot_header" style="display:none;">PLAY FOR JACKPOTS</p>
  692. <p class="auto_bet_element jackpot_roll_number" style="display:none;">Roll number <b style="color:#feba00;">8888</b> to win the jackpots!</p>
  693. <div class="row text-center auto_bet_element width_margin_padding_setting" style="display:none;">
  694. <div class="row jackpot_container">
  695. <center>
  696. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:0;">
  697. <li class="jackpot_header_first_column bold multiplier_header_background">SELECT</li>
  698. <li class="jackpot_header_second_column bold multiplier_header_background">PRIZE (BTC)</li>
  699. <li class="jackpot_header_third_column bold multiplier_header_background">COST (BTC)</li>
  700. </ul>
  701. </center>
  702. </div>
  703. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  704. <center>
  705. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  706. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  707. <center>
  708. <input type="checkbox" class="autobet_play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="5">
  709. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  710. </center></li>
  711. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  712. <center>
  713. 1.00000000
  714. </center></li>
  715. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  716. <center>
  717. 0.00012500
  718. </center></li>
  719. </ul>
  720. </center>
  721. </div>
  722. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  723. <center>
  724. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  725. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  726. <center>
  727. <input type="checkbox" class="autobet_play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="4">
  728. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  729. </center></li>
  730. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  731. <center>
  732. 0.10000000
  733. </center></li>
  734. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  735. <center>
  736. 0.00001250
  737. </center></li>
  738. </ul>
  739. </center>
  740. </div>
  741. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  742. <center>
  743. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px;">
  744. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  745. <center>
  746. <input type="checkbox" class="autobet_play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="3">
  747. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  748. </center></li>
  749. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  750. <center>
  751. 0.01000000
  752. </center></li>
  753. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  754. <center>
  755. 0.00000125
  756. </center></li>
  757. </ul>
  758. </center>
  759. </div>
  760. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  761. <center>
  762. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px;">
  763. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  764. <center>
  765. <input type="checkbox" class="autobet_play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="2">
  766. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  767. </center></li>
  768. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  769. <center>
  770. 0.00100000
  771. </center></li>
  772. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  773. <center>
  774. 0.00000013
  775. </center></li>
  776. </ul>
  777. </center>
  778. </div>
  779. <div class="row jackpot_row">
  780. <center>
  781. <ul class="jackpot_table_ul" style="margin-bottom:1px; ">
  782. <li class="jackpot_first_column bold">
  783. <center>
  784. <input type="checkbox" class="autobet_play_jackpot jackpot_input_margin hidden-field" value="1">
  785. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  786. </center></li>
  787. <li class="jackpot_second_column bold">
  788. <center>
  789. 0.00010000
  790. </center></li>
  791. <li class="jackpot_third_column bold">
  792. <center>
  793. 0.00000002
  794. </center></li>
  795. </ul>
  796. </center>
  797. </div>
  798. </div>
  799. </div>
  800. </div>
  801. <p id="hide_show_roll_history_mobile" class="bold"><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="show_roll_history_mobile">HIDE/SHOW ROLL HISTORY</a></p>
  802. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  803. <div class="large-12 small-12 large-centered small-centered columns" id="bet_history_table" style="display: none;">
  804. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box table_header_background br_5_5" style="padding: 5px 0;">
  805. <div class="large-4 columns" style="text-align: right;">
  806. <button id="newer_bet_history" class="button older_newer_button_a" style="text-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; font-size: 12px;"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> NEWER </button>
  807. </div>
  808. <div class="large-4 columns center" style="margin:auto; padding: 10px 0;">
  810. </div>
  811. <div class="large-4 columns" style="text-align: left;">
  812. <button id="older_bet_history" class="button older_newer_button_a" style="text-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; font-size: 12px;"> OLDER <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> </button>
  813. </div>
  814. </div>
  815. <div id="bet_history_table_rows"></div>
  816. </div>
  817. <p style="display:inline-block;"><span class="bold">TIP:</span>&nbsp;Click the icon at the left of each individual roll to audit your balance before and after each roll to ensure that bets were fair.</p>
  818. </div>
  819. </div>
  820. </div>
  821. <div id="lottery_tab" style="display:none;" class="page_tabs">
  822. <p class="bold">Participate in our weekly lottery draw and win big prizes!</p>
  823. <p class="bold red">Receive 2 free lottery tickets for every FREE BTC roll you play, 1 ticket for every roll your referrals play and 1 ticket for every 0.00000500 BTC that you wager in the MULTIPLY BTC game!</p>
  824. <p class="bold"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal28" class="bold">THIS LOTTERY IS PROVABLY FAIR!</a></p>
  825. <p></p>
  826. <h4 align="center">PRIZES FOR LOTTERY ROUND <span class="current_lottery_round">168</span></h4>
  827. <p></p>
  828. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  829. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  830. <div class="row">
  831. <div class="large-5 small-12 columns large-centered center pad_zero prize_row_div prize_first_row_div br_5_5">
  832. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell gold br_5_5">
  833. 1st
  834. </div>
  835. <div id="lottery_first_amount" class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_1 br_0_5">
  836. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  837. <span class="lottery_first_prize">1.83956171</span>
  838. </div>
  839. </div>
  840. </div>
  841. <div class="row">
  842. <div id="lottery_second_third_div" class="large-8 small-12 columns large-centered center prize_row_div prize_second_row_div">
  843. <div id="lottery_second_container_div" class="large-6 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  844. <div id="lottery_second_div" class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell silver">
  845. 2nd
  846. </div>
  847. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_2_3">
  848. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  849. <span class="lottery_second_prize">0.91978086</span>
  850. </div>
  851. </div>
  852. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  853. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell silver br_0_5">
  854. 3rd
  855. </div>
  856. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_2_3">
  857. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  858. <span class="lottery_third_prize">0.45989043</span>
  859. </div>
  860. </div>
  861. </div>
  862. </div>
  863. <div class="row">
  864. <div class="large-10 small-12 columns large-centered center prize_row_div prize_third_row_div ">
  865. <div class="large-4 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  866. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell bronze ">
  867. 4th
  868. </div>
  869. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_4_5_6">
  870. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  871. <span class="lottery_fourth_prize">0.22994521</span>
  872. </div>
  873. </div>
  874. <div class="large-4 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  875. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell bronze">
  876. 5th
  877. </div>
  878. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_4_5_6">
  879. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  880. <span class="lottery_fifth_prize">0.11497261</span>
  881. </div>
  882. </div>
  883. <div class="large-4 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  884. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell bronze ">
  885. 6th
  886. </div>
  887. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_4_5_6">
  888. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  889. <span class="lottery_sixth_prize">0.05748630</span>
  890. </div>
  891. </div>
  892. </div>
  893. </div>
  894. <div class="row">
  895. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns large-centered center prize_row_div prize_fourth_row_div">
  896. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  897. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell green_prize_rank ">
  898. 7th
  899. </div>
  900. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_7_8_9 ">
  901. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  902. <span class="lottery_seventh_prize">0.02874315</span>
  903. </div>
  904. </div>
  905. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  906. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell green_prize_rank">
  907. 8th
  908. </div>
  909. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_7_8_9">
  910. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  911. <span class="lottery_eighth_prize">0.01437158</span>
  912. </div>
  913. </div>
  914. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  915. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell green_prize_rank">
  916. 9th
  917. </div>
  918. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell font_amount_7_8_9">
  919. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  920. <span class="lottery_ninth_prize">0.00718579</span>
  921. </div>
  922. </div>
  923. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns pad_zero">
  924. <div class="large-12 small-3 columns large-centered prize_rank_cell br_0_0_0_5 green_prize_rank">
  925. 10th
  926. </div>
  927. <div class="large-12 small-9 columns large-centered prize_amount_cell br_0_0_5_0 font_amount_7_8_9">
  928. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  929. <span class="lottery_tenth_prize">0.00359289</span>
  930. </div>
  931. </div>
  932. </div>
  933. </div>
  934. </div>
  935. </div>
  936. <p class="bold">LOTTERY ROUND <span class="current_lottery_round">168</span>&nbsp;ENDS IN</p>
  937. <div align="center">
  938. <p></p>
  939. <div id="lottery_round_end" class="hasCountdown">
  940. <span class="countdown_row countdown_show4"><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">1</span><br>Day</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">19</span><br>Hours</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">25</span><br>Minutes</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">53</span><br>Seconds</span></span>
  941. </div>
  942. <p></p>
  943. </div>
  944. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  945. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  946. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container my_tickets_row_one">
  947. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;">
  949. </div>
  950. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-left: none; border-right: none;">
  952. </div>
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  955. </div>
  956. </div>
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  959. 77
  960. </div>
  961. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" id="total_lottery_tickets">
  962. 815,275,161
  963. </div>
  964. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 0 5px 0;">
  965. <span id="lottery_win_chance">0.00009445</span>%
  966. </div>
  967. </div>
  968. </div>
  969. </div>
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  976. </div>
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  980. </div>
  981. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  982. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" id="lottery_tickets_purchase_count" placeholder="Enter no. of tickets">
  983. </div>
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  988. </div>
  989. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  990. <span class="lottery_ticket_price">0.00000001</span>BTC
  991. </div>
  992. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  993. </div>
  994. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  996. </div>
  997. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  998. <span id="lottery_total_purchase_price">0.00000000</span> BTC
  999. </div>
  1000. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
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  1002. </div>
  1003. </div>
  1004. </div>
  1005. </div>
  1006. <p id="lottery_tickets_purchase_message" style="display:none;" class="free_play_result_style bold"></p>
  1007. <p class="bold">PREVIOUS ROUND WINNERS</p>
  1008. <p id="old_new_winner_p"><button id="older_lottery_winners_link" class="button browse_lottery_winners_link older_newer_button_a"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> OLDER</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button id="newer_lottery_winners_link" class="button browse_lottery_winners_link older_newer_button_a">NEWER <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button></p>
  1009. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  1010. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12" id="previous_lottery_winners_list_div">
  1011. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  1012. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  1013. LOTTERY ROUND 167
  1014. </div>
  1015. </div>
  1016. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box">
  1017. <div class="center" style="margin:auto; font-weight:bold;">
  1018. TOTAL TICKETS: 1,303,710,080
  1019. </div>
  1020. </div>
  1021. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1022. <div class="font_bold large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1023. #
  1024. </div>
  1025. <div class="font_bold large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1026. USER ID
  1027. </div>
  1028. <div class="font_bold large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1029. AMOUNT WON
  1030. </div>
  1031. <div class="font_bold large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1033. </div>
  1034. </div>
  1035. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1036. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1037. 1
  1038. </div>
  1039. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1040. 15237395
  1041. </div>
  1042. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1043. 2.95641995 BTC
  1044. </div>
  1045. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1046. 32,453
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  1048. </div>
  1049. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1050. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1051. 2
  1052. </div>
  1053. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1054. 15081668
  1055. </div>
  1056. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1057. 1.47820998 BTC
  1058. </div>
  1059. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1060. 25,529
  1061. </div>
  1062. </div>
  1063. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1064. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1065. 3
  1066. </div>
  1067. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1068. 15203666
  1069. </div>
  1070. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1071. 0.73910499 BTC
  1072. </div>
  1073. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1074. 25,777
  1075. </div>
  1076. </div>
  1077. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1078. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1079. 4
  1080. </div>
  1081. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1082. 15237705
  1083. </div>
  1084. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1085. 0.36955249 BTC
  1086. </div>
  1087. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1088. 28,188
  1089. </div>
  1090. </div>
  1091. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1092. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1093. 5
  1094. </div>
  1095. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1096. 8286792
  1097. </div>
  1098. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1099. 0.18477625 BTC
  1100. </div>
  1101. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1102. 12,695
  1103. </div>
  1104. </div>
  1105. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1106. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1107. 6
  1108. </div>
  1109. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1110. 614718
  1111. </div>
  1112. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1113. 0.09238812 BTC
  1114. </div>
  1115. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1116. 50
  1117. </div>
  1118. </div>
  1119. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1120. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1121. 7
  1122. </div>
  1123. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1124. 15056387
  1125. </div>
  1126. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1127. 0.04619406 BTC
  1128. </div>
  1129. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1130. 27,966
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  1132. </div>
  1133. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1134. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1135. 8
  1136. </div>
  1137. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1138. 15173437
  1139. </div>
  1140. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1141. 0.02309703 BTC
  1142. </div>
  1143. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1144. 25,256
  1145. </div>
  1146. </div>
  1147. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1148. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1149. 9
  1150. </div>
  1151. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1152. 15151461
  1153. </div>
  1154. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1155. 0.01154852 BTC
  1156. </div>
  1157. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1158. 25,824
  1159. </div>
  1160. </div>
  1161. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  1162. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1163. 10
  1164. </div>
  1165. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1166. 15132629
  1167. </div>
  1168. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1169. 0.00577426 BTC
  1170. </div>
  1171. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style ">
  1172. 25,201
  1173. </div>
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  1214. <h3>BITCOIN FAQ</h3>
  1215. </div>
  1216. <div id="refer_tab" style="display:none;" align="center" class="page_tabs">
  1217. <p class="bold">You can earn generous commissions from us by referring users to!</p>
  1218. <p>We pay referral commissions according to the table below.</p>
  1219. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  1220. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1221. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  1222. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  1224. </div>
  1225. </div>
  1226. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  1227. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  1228. FREE BTC
  1229. </div>
  1230. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1231. 50% of base prize
  1232. </div>
  1233. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1234. </div>
  1235. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  1237. </div>
  1238. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1239. 0.40% of wager
  1240. </div>
  1241. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1242. </div>
  1243. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  1244. EARN BTC
  1245. </div>
  1246. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1247. 25% of daily interest
  1248. </div>
  1249. </div>
  1250. </div>
  1251. </div>
  1252. <p class="bold">We also give you <a href="#" class="lottery_link">1 free lottery ticket</a> and <a href="#" class="rewards_link"><span class="ref_rp_amount">1</span> reward points</a> for every FREE BTC roll your referrals play!</p>
  1253. <p>Simply promote your referral URL or share it with your friends, and anybody who signs up using it will be automatically registered as your referral and you will earn commissions whenever they use the website!</p>
  1254. <div class="row" style="margin-top: 20px;">
  1255. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1256. <div class="reward_table_box green_prize_rank br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  1258. </div>
  1259. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  1260. <input type="text" size="25" style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;" value="" onclick=";">
  1261. </div>
  1262. </div>
  1263. </div>
  1264. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  1265. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1266. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  1267. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  1268. BANNERS
  1269. </div>
  1270. </div>
  1271. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  1272. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  1273. 728 x 90
  1274. </div>
  1275. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1276. <input type="text" size="40" style="text-align:center;" value="" onclick=";">
  1277. </div>
  1278. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1279. </div>
  1280. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  1281. 468 x 60
  1282. </div>
  1283. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1284. <input type="text" size="40" style="text-align:center;" value="" onclick=";">
  1285. </div>
  1286. </div>
  1287. </div>
  1288. </div>
  1289. <div class="row" style="margin-top: 20px;">
  1290. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1291. <div class="reward_table_box green_prize_rank br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  1293. </div>
  1294. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  1295. <input type="text" size="40" style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;" value="[center][url=][b][size=15pt][color=red]Win Free Bitcoins every hour! - [/color][color=green][/color][/size][/b][/url][/center]" onclick=";">
  1296. </div>
  1297. </div>
  1298. </div>
  1299. <p>Your referral commissions are added to your main account balance (at the top right) in real time, as and when you earn them. The numbers below are just for reference and show the commissions that you have accumulated over time.</p>
  1300. <p>Commissions for the MULTIPLY BTC game are only calculated and credited for every 0.00000500 BTC that your referred users wager. If they wager lower amounts, these are recorded in our database but commissions are only credited at increments of 0.00000500 BTC wagered by each individual user.</p>
  1301. <p>Referral statistics are updated hourly.</p>
  1302. <div class="row" style="margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  1303. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1304. <div class="reward_table_box gold br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  1306. </div>
  1307. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  1308. 0
  1309. </div>
  1310. </div>
  1311. </div>
  1312. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  1313. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1314. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  1315. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  1317. </div>
  1318. </div>
  1319. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  1320. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile " title="Total commissions made">
  1321. TOTAL
  1322. </div>
  1323. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1324. 0.00000000
  1325. </div>
  1326. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1327. </div>
  1328. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile " title="Commissions made since last payout cycle">
  1329. RECENT
  1330. </div>
  1331. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile"></div>
  1332. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1333. </div>
  1334. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile" title="Commissions made from your referred users playing MULTIPLY BTC">
  1336. </div>
  1337. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1338. 0.00000000
  1339. </div>
  1340. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1341. </div>
  1342. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile" title="Commissions made on daily interest paid to your referred users">
  1343. EARN BTC
  1344. </div>
  1345. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1346. 0.00000000
  1347. </div>
  1348. </div>
  1349. </div>
  1350. </div>
  1351. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  1352. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1353. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  1354. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  1356. </div>
  1357. </div>
  1358. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  1359. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile " title="Total amount shared with referrals">
  1360. TOTAL
  1361. </div>
  1362. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1363. <span id="share_given">0.00000000</span>
  1364. </div>
  1365. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1366. </div>
  1367. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile " title="Amount shared with referrals since last payout cycle">
  1368. RECENT
  1369. </div>
  1370. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1371. <span id="recent_share_given"></span>
  1372. </div>
  1373. </div>
  1374. </div>
  1375. </div>
  1376. <span class="bold">SHARE SOME COIN</span>
  1377. <br>
  1378. <br>Use this to share some coins with your referrals.
  1379. <br>
  1380. <br>
  1381. <div class="center bold" style="padding-bottom:10px;">
  1382. Amount to share
  1383. </div>
  1384. <div style="width:250px;display:table;margin:0 auto;">
  1385. <input type="text" name="stake" id="share_amount" value="0.00000001" style="text-align:center;">
  1386. </div>
  1387. <div class="center">
  1388. <input type="checkbox" id="equal_share" name="equal_share" class="hidden-field">
  1389. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  1390. <small>Share amount equally among all referrals</small>
  1391. <br>
  1392. <input type="checkbox" id="weighted_share" name="weighted_share" class="hidden-field">
  1393. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  1394. <small>Share amount based on total referral activity</small>
  1395. <br>
  1396. <input type="checkbox" id="last_payout_share" name="last_payout_share" checked class="hidden-field">
  1397. <span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>
  1398. <small>Share amount based on referral activity since last payout</small>
  1399. </div>
  1400. <p><button type="submit" id="share_button" class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style" style="margin:auto;">SHARE!</button></p>
  1401. <p><small>You cannot share more than 100% of the commissions that you have earned from a referral. As a result of this, the amount that is actually shared with your referrals (and deducted from your account) might be less than the amount you specify.</small></p>
  1402. <p class="bold"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-reveal-id="myModal4" style="color:#fff;"><button class="new_button_style deposit_withdraw_button_style center" style="margin:auto; width:300px;">ADVANCED TRACKING USING TAGS</button></a></p>
  1403. <div class="center bold" style="padding-bottom:10px;" id="detailed_ref_stats">
  1405. </div>
  1406. <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="ShowAdvancedStats(10)">10 DAYS</a>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="ShowAdvancedStats(20)">20 DAYS</a>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="ShowAdvancedStats(30)">30 DAYS</a></p>
  1407. <table id="detailed_ref_stats_table" style="display:none;">
  1408. <tbody>
  1409. <tr>
  1410. <td class="bold">DATE</td>
  1411. <td class="bold">VISITS</td>
  1412. <td class="bold">SIGNUPS</td>
  1413. <td class="bold">CONVERSION RATE</td>
  1414. </tr>
  1415. </tbody>
  1416. </table>
  1417. <p class="bold">COUNTDOWN TO NEXT PAYOUT</p>
  1418. <div class="payout_time_remaining hasCountdown">
  1419. <span class="countdown_row countdown_show4"><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">1</span><br>Day</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">18</span><br>Hours</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">55</span><br>Minutes</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">50</span><br>Seconds</span></span>
  1420. </div>
  1421. <p class="bold">AUTO-SHARE</p>
  1422. <small>(Set auto-share to 0 to disable it)</small>
  1423. <p>Use this to automatically share a percentage of your referral commissions with your referrals every week before payouts are made.</p>
  1424. <p class="bold">Percentage to share</p>
  1425. <p style="width:75px;"><input type="text" id="as_percent" value="0" style="text-align:center;"></p>
  1426. <div class="center">
  1427. <input type="checkbox" id="as_equal_share" class="hidden-field">
  1428. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  1429. <small>Share amount equally among all referrals</small>
  1430. <br>
  1431. <input type="checkbox" id="as_weighted_share" class="hidden-field">
  1432. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  1433. <small>Share amount based on total referral activity</small>
  1434. <br>
  1435. <input type="checkbox" id="as_last_payout_share" checked class="hidden-field">
  1436. <span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>
  1437. <small>Share amount based on referral activity since last payout</small>
  1438. </div>
  1439. <p id="as_error" class="red bold" style="display:none;"></p>
  1440. <p id="as_success" class="green bold" style="display:none;"></p>
  1441. <p><button type="submit" value="" id="as_button" class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style" style="margin:auto; width:auto;">SET AUTO-SHARE</button></p>
  1442. <p class="bold" id="show_referrals_mobile"><a href="javascript:void(0);">SHOW YOUR REFERRALS</a></p>
  1443. <table id="referral_list_table" style="display:none;">
  1444. <tbody>
  1445. <tr>
  1446. <td class="bold" rowspan="2">REFERRAL ADDRESS</td>
  1447. <td class="bold" colspan="2">COMMISSIONS</td>
  1448. <td class="bold" colspan="2">SHARE RECEIVED</td>
  1449. </tr>
  1450. <tr>
  1451. <td class="bold">TOTAL</td>
  1452. <td class="bold" title="Commission made since last payout cycle">RECENT</td>
  1453. <td class="bold" title="Total bitcoins received from you">TOTAL</td>
  1454. <td class="bold" title="Bitcoins received from you since last payout cycle">RECENT</td>
  1455. </tr>
  1456. </tbody>
  1457. </table>
  1458. <input type="hidden" id="referrals_shown" value="10">
  1459. <p id="show_more_refs_options" style="display:none;"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="ShowMoreRefs(10)" id="show_10_more_refs">SHOW 10 MORE</a>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="ShowMoreRefs(9999999)" id="show_all_refs">SHOW ALL</a> </p>
  1460. </div>
  1461. <div id="rewards_tab" style="display:none; margin-top: 10px;" align="center" class="page_tabs">
  1462. <div class="row" style="margin:0;">
  1463. <p class="bold">Redeem your reward points for some awesome prizes and bonuses here!</p>
  1464. <p class="bold red" style="padding: 0 15px;">Receive <span class="free_rp_amount">2</span> free reward points for every FREE BTC roll you play, <span class="ref_rp_amount">1</span> points for every roll your referrals play and <span class="multiply_rp_amount">1</span> points for every 0.00000500 BTC that you wager in the MULTIPLY BTC game!</p>
  1465. </div>
  1466. <div class="row">
  1467. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1468. <div class="reward_table_box gold br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  1470. </div>
  1471. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 user_reward_points font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  1472. 437
  1473. </div>
  1474. </div>
  1475. </div>
  1476. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;">
  1477. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1478. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5 /* reward_table_box_header */">
  1479. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  1481. </div>
  1482. </div>
  1483. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  1484. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  1485. No. of points
  1486. </div>
  1487. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1488. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter no. of points" id="encash_points_number">
  1489. </div>
  1490. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1491. </div>
  1492. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile border_bottom_none">
  1493. Price per point
  1494. </div>
  1495. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1496. <span class="lottery_ticket_price">0.00000001</span> BTC
  1497. </div>
  1498. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  1499. </div>
  1500. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  1501. Total amount
  1502. </div>
  1503. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  1504. <span id="reward_points_redeem_price">0.00000000</span> BTC
  1505. </div>
  1506. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  1507. <button class="orange_button center" style="margin:auto; margin-top:10px;" onclick="RedeemRPProduct('cash');">ENCASH</button>
  1508. </div>
  1509. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  1510. <p><small>Minimum 100,000 RP have to be exchanged at one time</small></p>
  1511. </div>
  1512. </div>
  1513. </div>
  1514. </div>
  1515. <div class="row reward_category_container_main_div">
  1516. <p></p>
  1517. <h5 align="center">REWARD POINT PRIZES</h5>
  1518. <p></p>
  1519. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  1520. <div class="reward_category_container">
  1521. <div class="reward_category_name">
  1523. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  1524. </div>
  1525. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="electronics_rewards">
  1526. <p class="reward_category_description">Redeem your points for the latest electronic gadgets!</p>
  1527. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1528. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1529. Apple IPhone X (256 GB)
  1530. </div>
  1531. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1532. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1533. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink(';ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1531554433&amp;sr=1-3&amp;keywords=iphone+x')">
  1534. LINK
  1535. </div>
  1536. </div>
  1537. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1538. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1539. 16,186,667 RP
  1540. </div>
  1541. </div>
  1542. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1543. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('iphone_x')">REDEEM</button>
  1544. </div>
  1545. </div>
  1546. </div>
  1547. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1548. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1549. Apple IPhone 8 (256 GB)
  1550. </div>
  1551. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1552. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1553. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink(';ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1531554362&amp;sr=1-2&amp;keywords=iphone%2B8&amp;th=1')">
  1554. LINK
  1555. </div>
  1556. </div>
  1557. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1558. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1559. 13,586,667 RP
  1560. </div>
  1561. </div>
  1562. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1563. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('iphone_8')">REDEEM</button>
  1564. </div>
  1565. </div>
  1566. </div>
  1567. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1568. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1569. Samsung Galaxy S9+ (64 GB)
  1570. </div>
  1571. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1572. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1573. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink(';ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1531554083&amp;sr=1-6&amp;keywords=samsung%2Bgalaxy&amp;th=1')">
  1574. LINK
  1575. </div>
  1576. </div>
  1577. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1578. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1579. 11,600,000 RP
  1580. </div>
  1581. </div>
  1582. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1583. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('galaxy_s9_plus')">REDEEM</button>
  1584. </div>
  1585. </div>
  1586. </div>
  1587. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1588. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1589. Samsung Galaxy S9 (64 GB)
  1590. </div>
  1591. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1592. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1593. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink(';ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1531554083&amp;sr=1-6&amp;keywords=samsung%2Bgalaxy&amp;th=1')">
  1594. LINK
  1595. </div>
  1596. </div>
  1597. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1598. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1599. 10,266,667 RP
  1600. </div>
  1601. </div>
  1602. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1603. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('galaxy_s9')">REDEEM</button>
  1604. </div>
  1605. </div>
  1606. </div>
  1607. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1608. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1609. Apple iPhone SE (64 GB)
  1610. </div>
  1611. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1612. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1613. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1614. LINK
  1615. </div>
  1616. </div>
  1617. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1618. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1619. 7,653,333 RP
  1620. </div>
  1621. </div>
  1622. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1623. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('iphone_se')">REDEEM</button>
  1624. </div>
  1625. </div>
  1626. </div>
  1627. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1628. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1629. Samsung Galaxy S8 (64 GB)
  1630. </div>
  1631. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1632. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1633. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink(';ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1531554083&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=samsung+galaxy')">
  1634. LINK
  1635. </div>
  1636. </div>
  1637. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1638. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1639. 7,333,333 RP
  1640. </div>
  1641. </div>
  1642. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1643. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('galaxy_s8')">REDEEM</button>
  1644. </div>
  1645. </div>
  1646. </div>
  1647. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1648. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1649. Beats Solo2 Wireless, Active Collection
  1650. </div>
  1651. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1652. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1653. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink(';pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&amp;pf_rd_t=Landing&amp;pf_rd_i=172541&amp;pf_rd_p=2409125322&amp;pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-grid-t1-r1-c1')">
  1654. LINK
  1655. </div>
  1656. </div>
  1657. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1658. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1659. 3,666,533 RP
  1660. </div>
  1661. </div>
  1662. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1663. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('beats')">REDEEM</button>
  1664. </div>
  1665. </div>
  1666. </div>
  1667. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1668. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1669. GoPro HERO Session
  1670. </div>
  1671. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1672. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1673. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1674. LINK
  1675. </div>
  1676. </div>
  1677. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1678. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1679. 3,653,333 RP
  1680. </div>
  1681. </div>
  1682. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1683. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('gopro')">REDEEM</button>
  1684. </div>
  1685. </div>
  1686. </div>
  1687. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1688. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1689. Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband
  1690. </div>
  1691. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1692. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1693. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink(';ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1468427585&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=fitbit')">
  1694. LINK
  1695. </div>
  1696. </div>
  1697. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1698. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1699. 2,678,267 RP
  1700. </div>
  1701. </div>
  1702. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1703. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('fitbit')">REDEEM</button>
  1704. </div>
  1705. </div>
  1706. </div>
  1707. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1708. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1709. Kindle Paperwhite E-reader
  1710. </div>
  1711. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1712. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1713. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1714. LINK
  1715. </div>
  1716. </div>
  1717. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1718. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1719. 2,599,867 RP
  1720. </div>
  1721. </div>
  1722. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1723. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('kindle')">REDEEM</button>
  1724. </div>
  1725. </div>
  1726. </div>
  1727. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1728. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1729. Samsung Gear VR - Virtual Reality Headset
  1730. </div>
  1731. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1732. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1733. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1734. LINK
  1735. </div>
  1736. </div>
  1737. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1738. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1739. 2,193,200 RP
  1740. </div>
  1741. </div>
  1742. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1743. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('samsung_vr')">REDEEM</button>
  1744. </div>
  1745. </div>
  1746. </div>
  1747. </div>
  1748. </div>
  1749. <div class="reward_category_container">
  1750. <div class="reward_category_name">
  1752. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  1753. </div>
  1754. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="hw_wallet_rewards">
  1755. <p class="reward_category_description">Redeem your points for hardware wallets to securely store your bitcoins!</p>
  1756. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1757. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1758. KeepKey
  1759. </div>
  1760. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1761. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1762. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1763. LINK
  1764. </div>
  1765. </div>
  1766. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1767. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1768. 2,173,333 RP
  1769. </div>
  1770. </div>
  1771. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1772. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('keepkey')">REDEEM</button>
  1773. </div>
  1774. </div>
  1775. </div>
  1776. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1777. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1778. Trezor White
  1779. </div>
  1780. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1781. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1782. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1783. LINK
  1784. </div>
  1785. </div>
  1786. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1787. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1788. 1,786,667 RP
  1789. </div>
  1790. </div>
  1791. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1792. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('trezor')">REDEEM</button>
  1793. </div>
  1794. </div>
  1795. </div>
  1796. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1797. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1798. Ledger Nano S
  1799. </div>
  1800. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1801. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1802. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1803. LINK
  1804. </div>
  1805. </div>
  1806. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1807. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1808. 1,600,000 RP
  1809. </div>
  1810. </div>
  1811. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1812. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('ledger')">REDEEM</button>
  1813. </div>
  1814. </div>
  1815. </div>
  1816. </div>
  1817. </div>
  1818. <div class="reward_category_container">
  1819. <div class="reward_category_name">
  1821. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  1822. </div>
  1823. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="gc_rewards">
  1824. <p class="reward_category_description">Redeem your points for e-gifter gift certificates which can be redeemed for gift certificates at multiple online and offline retailers! Gift cards will be delivered via email.</p>
  1825. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1826. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1827. $500 eGifter Gift Card
  1828. </div>
  1829. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1830. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1831. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1832. LINK
  1833. </div>
  1834. </div>
  1835. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1836. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1837. 6,666,667 RP
  1838. </div>
  1839. </div>
  1840. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1841. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('egifter_500')">REDEEM</button>
  1842. </div>
  1843. </div>
  1844. </div>
  1845. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1846. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1847. $250 eGifter Gift Card
  1848. </div>
  1849. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1850. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1851. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1852. LINK
  1853. </div>
  1854. </div>
  1855. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1856. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1857. 3,333,333 RP
  1858. </div>
  1859. </div>
  1860. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1861. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('egifter_250')">REDEEM</button>
  1862. </div>
  1863. </div>
  1864. </div>
  1865. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1866. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1867. $100 eGifter Gift Card
  1868. </div>
  1869. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1870. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1871. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1872. LINK
  1873. </div>
  1874. </div>
  1875. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1876. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1877. 1,333,333 RP
  1878. </div>
  1879. </div>
  1880. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1881. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('egifter_100')">REDEEM</button>
  1882. </div>
  1883. </div>
  1884. </div>
  1885. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1886. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1887. $50 eGifter Gift Card
  1888. </div>
  1889. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1890. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1891. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1892. LINK
  1893. </div>
  1894. </div>
  1895. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1896. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1897. 666,667 RP
  1898. </div>
  1899. </div>
  1900. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1901. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('egifter_50')">REDEEM</button>
  1902. </div>
  1903. </div>
  1904. </div>
  1905. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1906. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1907. $25 eGifter Gift Card
  1908. </div>
  1909. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1910. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1911. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('')">
  1912. LINK
  1913. </div>
  1914. </div>
  1915. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1916. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1917. 333,333 RP
  1918. </div>
  1919. </div>
  1920. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1921. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('egifter_25')">REDEEM</button>
  1922. </div>
  1923. </div>
  1924. </div>
  1925. </div>
  1926. </div>
  1927. <div class="reward_category_container">
  1928. <div class="reward_category_name">
  1930. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  1931. </div>
  1932. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="fp_bonus_rewards">
  1933. <p class="reward_category_description">Redeem your points to increase your minimum free FREE BTC reward! Each bonus is valid for 24 hours after redemption. This bonus will only increase the lowest prize in the FREE BTC table and only the base reward will be multiplied by this bonus and then added to any other bonuses that you have currently. </p>
  1934. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1935. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1936. 1000% bonus
  1937. </div>
  1938. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1939. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1940. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  1941. LINK
  1942. </div>
  1943. </div>
  1944. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1945. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1946. 3,200 RP
  1947. </div>
  1948. </div>
  1949. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1950. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_1000')">REDEEM</button>
  1951. </div>
  1952. </div>
  1953. </div>
  1954. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1955. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1956. 500% bonus
  1957. </div>
  1958. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1959. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1960. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  1961. LINK
  1962. </div>
  1963. </div>
  1964. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1965. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1966. 1,600 RP
  1967. </div>
  1968. </div>
  1969. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1970. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_500')">REDEEM</button>
  1971. </div>
  1972. </div>
  1973. </div>
  1974. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1975. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1976. 100% bonus
  1977. </div>
  1978. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1979. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1980. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  1981. LINK
  1982. </div>
  1983. </div>
  1984. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  1985. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  1986. 320 RP
  1987. </div>
  1988. </div>
  1989. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  1990. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_100')">REDEEM</button>
  1991. </div>
  1992. </div>
  1993. </div>
  1994. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  1995. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  1996. 50% bonus
  1997. </div>
  1998. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  1999. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2000. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2001. LINK
  2002. </div>
  2003. </div>
  2004. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2005. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2006. 160 RP
  2007. </div>
  2008. </div>
  2009. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2010. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_50')">REDEEM</button>
  2011. </div>
  2012. </div>
  2013. </div>
  2014. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2015. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2016. 10% bonus
  2017. </div>
  2018. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2019. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2020. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2021. LINK
  2022. </div>
  2023. </div>
  2024. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2025. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2026. 32 RP
  2027. </div>
  2028. </div>
  2029. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2030. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_10')">REDEEM</button>
  2031. </div>
  2032. </div>
  2033. </div>
  2034. </div>
  2035. </div>
  2036. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2037. <div class="reward_category_name">
  2039. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2040. </div>
  2041. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="free_lott_rewards">
  2042. <p class="reward_category_description">Redeem your points to increase the number of lottery tickets that you get for each FREE BTC roll! Each bonus is valid for 24 hours after redemption.</p>
  2043. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2044. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2045. 100 tickets / roll
  2046. </div>
  2047. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2048. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2049. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2050. LINK
  2051. </div>
  2052. </div>
  2053. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2054. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2055. 1,200 RP
  2056. </div>
  2057. </div>
  2058. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2059. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_lott_100')">REDEEM</button>
  2060. </div>
  2061. </div>
  2062. </div>
  2063. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2064. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2065. 50 tickets / roll
  2066. </div>
  2067. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2068. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2069. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2070. LINK
  2071. </div>
  2072. </div>
  2073. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2074. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2075. 600 RP
  2076. </div>
  2077. </div>
  2078. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2079. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_lott_50')">REDEEM</button>
  2080. </div>
  2081. </div>
  2082. </div>
  2083. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2084. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2085. 25 tickets / roll
  2086. </div>
  2087. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2088. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2089. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2090. LINK
  2091. </div>
  2092. </div>
  2093. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2094. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2095. 300 RP
  2096. </div>
  2097. </div>
  2098. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2099. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_lott_25')">REDEEM</button>
  2100. </div>
  2101. </div>
  2102. </div>
  2103. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2104. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2105. 10 tickets / roll
  2106. </div>
  2107. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2108. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2109. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2110. LINK
  2111. </div>
  2112. </div>
  2113. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2114. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2115. 120 RP
  2116. </div>
  2117. </div>
  2118. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2119. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_lott_10')">REDEEM</button>
  2120. </div>
  2121. </div>
  2122. </div>
  2123. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2124. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2125. 1 ticket / roll
  2126. </div>
  2127. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2128. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2129. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2130. LINK
  2131. </div>
  2132. </div>
  2133. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2134. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2135. 12 RP
  2136. </div>
  2137. </div>
  2138. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2139. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_lott_1')">REDEEM</button>
  2140. </div>
  2141. </div>
  2142. </div>
  2143. </div>
  2144. </div>
  2145. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2146. <div class="reward_category_name">
  2148. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2149. </div>
  2150. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="free_points_rewards">
  2151. <p class="reward_category_description">Redeem your points to increase the number of reward points that you get for each FREE BTC roll! Each bonus is valid for 24 hours after redemption.</p>
  2152. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2153. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2154. 100 reward points / roll
  2155. </div>
  2156. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2157. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2158. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2159. LINK
  2160. </div>
  2161. </div>
  2162. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2163. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2164. 1,200 RP
  2165. </div>
  2166. </div>
  2167. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2168. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_points_100')">REDEEM</button>
  2169. </div>
  2170. </div>
  2171. </div>
  2172. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2173. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2174. 50 reward points / roll
  2175. </div>
  2176. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2177. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2178. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2179. LINK
  2180. </div>
  2181. </div>
  2182. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2183. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2184. 600 RP
  2185. </div>
  2186. </div>
  2187. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2188. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_points_50')">REDEEM</button>
  2189. </div>
  2190. </div>
  2191. </div>
  2192. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2193. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2194. 25 reward points / roll
  2195. </div>
  2196. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2197. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2198. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2199. LINK
  2200. </div>
  2201. </div>
  2202. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2203. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2204. 300 RP
  2205. </div>
  2206. </div>
  2207. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2208. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_points_25')">REDEEM</button>
  2209. </div>
  2210. </div>
  2211. </div>
  2212. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2213. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2214. 10 reward points / roll
  2215. </div>
  2216. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2217. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2218. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2219. LINK
  2220. </div>
  2221. </div>
  2222. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2223. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2224. 120 RP
  2225. </div>
  2226. </div>
  2227. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2228. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_points_10')">REDEEM</button>
  2229. </div>
  2230. </div>
  2231. </div>
  2232. <div class="effect2" style="margin: 0; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 20px;">
  2233. <div class="row reward_product_name">
  2234. 1 reward point / roll
  2235. </div>
  2236. <div class="row" style="margin:0; padding: 10px 0; border: 1px solid #bdbcb8; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; background:#fff;">
  2237. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2238. <div class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile " onclick="VisitLink('none')">
  2239. LINK
  2240. </div>
  2241. </div>
  2242. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
  2243. <div class="reward_dollar_value_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile ">
  2244. 12 RP
  2245. </div>
  2246. </div>
  2247. <div class="large-3 small-12 columns">
  2248. <button class="reward_link_redeem_button_style reward_link_redeem_button_mobile_last " onclick="RedeemRPProduct('free_points_1')">REDEEM</button>
  2249. </div>
  2250. </div>
  2251. </div>
  2252. </div>
  2253. </div>
  2254. </div>
  2255. </div>
  2256. <div class="row" style="margin:0;">
  2257. <p style="padding: 0 15px;">For items that need to be shipped physically, we shall contact you via email for a shipping address after you make the redemption. Although we shall try to ship items locally wherever possible, in some cases we might not be able to do so. In such cases, you may be charged additional customs duties by your government for receiving the item. In all such cases, we shall let you know before we ship the item and you will have the option to get the cash equivalent of the item in bitcoins. Please allow up to 4 weeks for your redemption to be processed.</p>
  2258. </div>
  2259. </div>
  2260. <div id="edit_tab" style="display:none;" class="page_tabs">
  2261. <p style="height: 45px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 300px; border-radius: 3px;"><span class="secret_key_background left" style="width: 150px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#ff9c00 5%,#ff6d00 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ff9c00',endColorstr='#057F0B',GradientType=0); background-color: #ff7200; border: 1px solid #f57100;">USER ID </span> <span class="left bold" style="width: 150px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-left: none; border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;">14362198</span></p>
  2262. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;">
  2263. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2264. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2265. <div class="reward_category_name center">
  2267. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2268. </div>
  2269. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2 profile_change_box " style="display:none;">
  2270. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right" style=" border-left: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;">
  2271. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" name="btc_address" value="37g9FjwjjHRGGd6kU4PWNiSdJrtfJYmbM7" id="edit_profile_form_btc_address">
  2272. </div>
  2273. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2274. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2275. Password
  2276. </div>
  2277. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2278. <input type="password" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter password" id="cba_password">
  2279. </div>
  2280. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2281. <div class="profile_2fa_field" style="display:none;">
  2282. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2283. 2FA verification code
  2284. </div>
  2285. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2286. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter 2FA code" id="cba_tfa_code">
  2287. </div>
  2288. </div>
  2289. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  2290. <p id="edit_profile_error" class="bold" style="display:none; width: auto; max-width:300px;"></p>
  2291. <button type="submit" class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style" id="edit_profile_button">CHANGE</button>
  2292. </div>
  2293. </div>
  2294. </div>
  2295. </div>
  2296. </div>
  2297. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;">
  2298. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2299. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2300. <div class="reward_category_name center">
  2302. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2303. </div>
  2304. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2 profile_change_box" style="display:none;">
  2305. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right" style=" border-left: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;">
  2306. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" name="email" value="" id="edit_profile_form_email">
  2307. </div>
  2308. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2309. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2310. Password
  2311. </div>
  2312. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2313. <input type="password" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter password" id="ce_password">
  2314. </div>
  2315. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2316. <div class="profile_2fa_field" style="display:none;">
  2317. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2318. 2FA verification code
  2319. </div>
  2320. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2321. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter 2FA code" id="ce_tfa_code">
  2322. </div>
  2323. </div>
  2324. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  2325. <button class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style" style="margin:auto; margin-top:10px;" id="change_email_button">CHANGE</button>
  2326. </div>
  2327. </div>
  2328. </div>
  2329. </div>
  2330. </div>
  2331. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;">
  2332. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2333. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2334. <div class="reward_category_name center">
  2336. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2337. </div>
  2338. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2 profile_change_box" style="display:none;">
  2339. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2340. Current Password
  2341. </div>
  2342. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2343. <input style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" type="password" id="cp_old_password">
  2344. </div>
  2345. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2346. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2347. New Password
  2348. </div>
  2349. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2350. <input style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" type="password" id="cp_new_password">
  2351. </div>
  2352. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2353. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2354. Repeat New Password
  2355. </div>
  2356. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2357. <input style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" type="password" id="cp_repeat_new_password">
  2358. </div>
  2359. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2360. <div class="profile_2fa_field" style="display:none;">
  2361. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2362. 2FA code
  2363. </div>
  2364. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2365. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter 2FA code" id="cp_tfa_code">
  2366. </div>
  2367. </div>
  2368. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  2369. <p id="change_password_error" class="bold" style="display:none;"></p>
  2370. <button type="submit" id="change_password_button" class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style">CHANGE</button>
  2371. </div>
  2372. </div>
  2373. </div>
  2374. </div>
  2375. </div>
  2376. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;">
  2377. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2378. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2379. <div class="reward_category_name center" id="2fa_profile_box">
  2381. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2382. </div>
  2383. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2 profile_change_box " style="display:none;">
  2384. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;">
  2385. <div>
  2386. <p style="text-transform: none;">You need to verify your email address before you can enable 2 factor authentication. Please click the button below to receive a verification email.</p>
  2387. <div class="deposit_withdraw_button_style new_button_style center" style="width: auto; max-width: 180px; margin:auto;" id="enable_2fa_0">
  2388. SEND EMAIL
  2389. </div>
  2390. </div>
  2391. <div style="display:none;">
  2392. <p style="text-transform: none;">Your email has been succesfully confirmed. Please click the button below to proceed with enabling 2 factor authentication.</p>
  2393. <div class="deposit_withdraw_button_style new_button_style center" style="width: auto; max-width: 180px; margin:auto;" id="enable_2fa_2">
  2394. ENABLE 2FA
  2395. </div>
  2396. </div>
  2397. <div id="show_2fa_secret" style="display:none;">
  2398. <div class="large-12 small-12 large-centered small-centered columns" style="margin: 10px auto; ">
  2399. <div class="reward_table_box gold br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  2401. </div>
  2402. <p style="padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; height: auto; text-transform: none; margin:0; ">Enter a phone number to recover your account in case you lose your 2FA device. </p>
  2403. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  2404. <p style="margin:0; text-transform: none;">Enter your phone/mobile number with country code</p>
  2405. <small style="text-transform: none; font-weight: normal;">e.g. For UK enter country code 44 followed by the phone number. Only use numbers.</small>
  2406. <p style="display: block; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px 20px; height: 55px; width: 300px; max-height: 80px;"> <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; padding: 10px; background: #a5ef9a; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #a9a9a9; " id="tfa_recovery_phone" placeholder="Enter phone number"> </p>
  2407. </div>
  2408. </div>
  2409. <p style="text-transform: none;">Please scan the QR code below into your 2 factor authentication app (Google Authenticator, Authy etc.) and enter the code generated by the app below to activate 2 factor authentication. Please also write down the secret key shown below as you will need it to restore 2 factor authentication in case your phone is lost or stolen</p>
  2410. <p class="bold red" style="text-transform: none;">If you do not write down the secret key and lose your phone, you will permanently lose access to your account and we shall not be able to help you regain access. Please keep a written copy of the secret key somewhere safe and do not keep any digital copies of the same to ensure maximum security.</p>
  2411. <p style="text-transform: none;">After you activate 2 factor authentication, you will need to enter a 2FA code (generated by your 2FA app) every time you log in, change your bitcoin address for withdrawals or change your password.</p>
  2412. <div id="2fa_secret"></div>
  2413. <p> <input id="activate_2fa_code" type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px; width: auto; max-width: 200px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; border: 1px solid #696969;" placeholder="Enter 2FA Code"> </p>
  2414. <p> </p>
  2415. <div class="deposit_withdraw_button_style new_button_style center" style="width: auto; max-width: 180px; margin:auto;" id="activate_2fa">
  2416. ENABLE 2FA
  2417. </div>
  2418. <p></p>
  2419. </div>
  2420. <div style="display:none;">
  2421. <p style="text-transform: none;">Please enter the code generated by your 2 factor authentication app and click the button below to disable 2 factor authentication.</p>
  2422. <p> <input id="disable_2fa_code" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px; width: auto; max-width: 200px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; border: 1px solid #696969; padding: 10px;" placeholder="Enter 2FA Code"> </p>
  2423. <p> </p>
  2424. <div class="deposit_withdraw_button_style new_button_style center" style="width: auto; max-width: 180px; margin:auto;" id="disable_2fa">
  2425. DISABLE 2FA
  2426. </div>
  2427. <p></p>
  2428. <p style="text-transform: none;"> If you have lost your 2FA device and wish to reset your 2 factor authentication, please open the website in a new browser (where you are not logged in) and click the <b>RESET 2FA</b> link in the login page. </p>
  2429. </div>
  2430. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2431. </div>
  2432. </div>
  2433. </div>
  2434. </div>
  2435. </div>
  2436. <div class="row profile_2fa_field" style="margin-top:20px; display:none;">
  2437. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2438. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2439. <div class="reward_category_name center" id="2fa_recovery_phone_box">
  2441. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2442. </div>
  2443. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2 profile_change_box" style="display:none;">
  2444. <div class="large-12 small-12 large-centered small-centered columns" style="margin: 10px auto; ">
  2445. <div class="reward_table_box gold br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  2447. </div>
  2448. <p style="padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; height: auto; text-transform: none; margin:0; ">Enter/change your recovery phone number. You will be able to use it to recover your account in case you lose your 2FA device. </p>
  2449. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  2450. <p style="margin:0; text-transform: none;">Enter your phone/mobile number with country code</p>
  2451. <small style="text-transform: none; font-weight: normal;">e.g. For UK enter country code 44 followed by the phone number. Only use numbers.</small>
  2452. <p style="display: block; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px 20px; height: 55px; width: 300px; maxiheight: 80px;"> <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; padding: 10px; background: #a5ef9a; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;" id="rp_phone_number" placeholder="Enter phone number" value="+0"> </p>
  2453. </div>
  2454. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2455. <div class="profile_2fa_field" style="display:none;">
  2456. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2457. 2FA code
  2458. </div>
  2459. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2460. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter 2FA code" id="rp_tfa_code">
  2461. </div>
  2462. </div>
  2463. </div>
  2464. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  2465. <div class="deposit_withdraw_button_style new_button_style center" style="width: auto; max-width: 180px; margin:auto; margin-top: 10px;" id="submit_2fa_recovery_details">
  2466. SUBMIT
  2467. </div>
  2468. </div>
  2469. </div>
  2470. </div>
  2471. </div>
  2472. </div>
  2473. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;">
  2474. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2475. <div class="reward_category_container">
  2476. <div class="reward_category_name center">
  2478. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2479. </div>
  2480. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2 profile_change_box" style="display:none;">
  2481. <div class="large-1 small-2 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_left" style="border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;">
  2482. <input type="checkbox" id="disable_lottery_checkbox" style="margin-top:10px;" class="hidden-field">
  2483. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  2484. </div>
  2485. <div class="large-11 small-10 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right" style="border-radius: 0 5px 0 0;">
  2487. </div>
  2488. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc; border-top: none; border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;">
  2489. <p style="text-transform: none;">If this option is checked, you will receive reward points instead of lottery tickets at a 1:1 ratio for all future FREE BTC rolls that you or your referrals play. This will not apply to any lottery tickets bonus that you activate using your reward points.</p>
  2490. </div>
  2491. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:20px;"></div>
  2492. <div class="large-1 small-2 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_left" style="border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;">
  2493. <input type="checkbox" id="disable_interest_checkbox" style="margin-top:10px;" class="hidden-field">
  2494. <span class="custom checkbox"></span>
  2495. </div>
  2496. <div class="large-11 small-10 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right" style="border-radius: 0 5px 0 0;">
  2498. </div>
  2499. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc; border-top: none; border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;">
  2500. <p style="text-transform: none;">If this option is checked, you will not receive any interest on any balance that you hold in your account and will also not receive referral commissions on interest earned by your referrals.</p>
  2501. </div>
  2502. </div>
  2503. </div>
  2504. </div>
  2505. </div>
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  2512. </div>
  2513. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2 profile_change_box " style="display:none;">
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  2515. <input type="checkbox" class="email_subs_checkbox hidden-field" value="payment" style="margin-top: 10px;" checked>
  2516. <span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>
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  2518. <div class="large-11 small-10 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right">
  2519. Payment Notifications
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  2521. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2522. <div class="large-1 small-2 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_left">
  2523. <input type="checkbox" class="email_subs_checkbox hidden-field" value="deposit" style="margin-top: 10px;" checked>
  2524. <span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>
  2525. </div>
  2526. <div class="large-11 small-10 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right">
  2527. Deposit Notifications
  2528. </div>
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  2531. <input type="checkbox" class="email_subs_checkbox hidden-field" value="advertising" style="margin-top: 10px;" checked>
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  2535. Ad Account Notifications
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  2539. <input type="checkbox" class="email_subs_checkbox hidden-field" value="promotional" style="margin-top: 10px;" checked>
  2540. <span class="custom checkbox checked"></span>
  2541. </div>
  2542. <div class="large-11 small-10 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right">
  2543. Promotions
  2544. </div>
  2545. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  2546. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  2547. <p style="display:none;" id="email_subs_success" class="green bold">Success!</p>
  2548. <button id="set_email_preferences" class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style" style="width:180px; margin:auto;">APPLY CHANGES</button>
  2549. </div>
  2550. </div>
  2551. </div>
  2552. </div>
  2553. </div>
  2554. </div>
  2555. <div id="earn_btc_tab" style="display:none;" class="page_tabs">
  2556. <p class="bold">Your account is now also a bitcoin savings wallet!</p>
  2557. <p class="bold red">Receive compounded daily interest on any balance that you hold in your account, without doing anything.</p>
  2558. <p>All you need to do is mantain a balance of at least 30,000 satoshi (0.0003 BTC) in your account and we shall pay you compounded interest on your full balance everyday. There is no lock-in period to earn interest (you start earning interest right from the first day!) and your balance can be withdrawn any time you wish. Treat your account like an instant-access savings account to hold your excess bitcoins and earn passive interest on your account balance everyday.</p>
  2559. <p class="bold">We also pay you 25% referral commissions on any interest earned by your referrals!</p>
  2560. <div class="row" style="margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  2561. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2562. <div class="reward_table_box gold br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  2564. </div>
  2565. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  2566. 4.08%
  2567. </div>
  2568. </div>
  2569. <p><small>Daily interest will be calculated at a random time everyday @ 0.0109589% per day and rounded down to the nearest satoshi.</small></p>
  2570. </div>
  2571. <div align="center" id="earn_btc_aw_msg" style="display:none;">
  2572. <p>Your account has auto-withdraw enabled. Please disable it by clicking the button below if you wish to earn daily interest on your account balance.</p>
  2573. <p> <button id="earn_btc_disable_aw" class="orange_button center" style="width:auto;">DISABLE AUTO WITHDRAW</button> </p>
  2574. </div>
  2575. <div class="row" style="margin-top: 20px;">
  2576. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2577. <div class="reward_table_box green_prize_rank br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  2579. </div>
  2580. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  2581. 0.00000000 BTC
  2582. </div>
  2583. </div>
  2584. </div>
  2585. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;display:none;" id="interest_history_table_row">
  2586. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12" id="interest_history_table">
  2587. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  2588. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  2590. </div>
  2591. </div>
  2592. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  2593. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2594. <span class="bold">DATE</span>
  2595. </div>
  2596. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2597. <span class="bold">BALANCE</span>
  2598. </div>
  2599. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2600. <span class="bold">INTEREST</span>
  2601. </div>
  2602. </div>
  2603. </div>
  2604. </div>
  2605. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  2606. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2607. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  2608. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  2610. </div>
  2611. </div>
  2612. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  2613. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  2615. </div>
  2616. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2617. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" id="earn_btc_acc_balance" placeholder="Your account balance for earning interest">
  2618. </div>
  2619. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  2620. </div>
  2621. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  2623. </div>
  2624. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2625. <span id="earn_btc_daily_interest">0</span> BTC
  2626. </div>
  2627. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  2628. </div>
  2629. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  2630. MONTHLY INTEREST (30d)
  2631. </div>
  2632. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2633. <span id="earn_btc_monthly_interest">0</span> BTC
  2634. </div>
  2635. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  2636. </div>
  2637. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  2638. YEARLY INTEREST (365d)
  2639. </div>
  2640. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2641. <span id="earn_btc_yearly_interest">0</span> BTC
  2642. </div>
  2643. </div>
  2644. </div>
  2645. </div>
  2646. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  2647. <div class="large-11 small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2648. <h3><p class="bold">BITCOIN SAVINGS FAQ</p></h3>
  2649. <p class="bold">When is the daily interest credited?</p>
  2650. <p>We calculate the interest on your account balance daily and credit it at a random time every day. If the interest would be credited at a fixed time everyday, people would be able to game the system by depositing before the credit time and then withdrawing after they receive their interest. To avoid this, the daily interest is calculated and credited at a random time everyday.</p>
  2651. <div style="height:10px;"></div>
  2652. <p class="bold">How do you make money to pay us interest?</p>
  2653. <p>When you hold money in your account, we split it into 3 parts - the first part is used to cover user withdrawals, the second part is used to bankroll our MULTIPLY BTC game and the third part is used to expand our bitcoin mining operation (which is currently 9.065Petahashes or 0.020% of the total hashpower of the bitcoin network). We make a profit and assume the full risks of our businesses and in return for you saving your money with us, we give you a risk-free fixed rate of return.</p>
  2654. <p>Below, we have signed a message using our bitcoin address that is used to collect payments from our bitcoin mining operation. This message can be verified on any bitcoin client or <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to provide proof that we actually mine bitcoin.</p>
  2655. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  2656. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2657. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  2658. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  2660. </div>
  2661. </div>
  2662. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container effect2">
  2663. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  2665. </div>
  2666. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2667. <input onclick=";" type="text" value="1EcH7pHYTHLo3cbdXfkf6e6Zh5JzCPGumc" readonly>
  2668. </div>
  2669. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  2670. </div>
  2671. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  2672. MESSAGE
  2673. </div>
  2674. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2675. <input onclick=";" type="text" value="This is the mining address where payouts from our mining operation are received." readonly>
  2676. </div>
  2677. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;">
  2678. </div>
  2679. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile ">
  2681. </div>
  2682. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  2683. <input onclick=";" type="text" value="HB7xbLIWPlTn5Vx3eCY1eAfib8VSahVd6ER1NyBEBI0BJANEEvXi6CuNHS8lRXzhkmOTpKPlaeOhNoCT60mZPa8=" readonly>
  2684. </div>
  2685. </div>
  2686. </div>
  2687. </div>
  2688. <p>Please do not send any deposits to our mining address. To deposit bitcoins to your account, please use the deposit button at the top of the page.</p>
  2689. <div style="height:10px;"></div>
  2690. <p class="bold">Is there a lock-in period or minimum investment period before I start earning interest?</p>
  2691. <p>No! You start earning interest from the first day itself. There is no lock-in period, you can withdraw your bitcoins anytime you wish by using the WITHDRAW button at the top of the page. We always keep enough reserves to satisfy all withdrawals.</p>
  2692. <p class="bold">Can I earn referral commissions on interest earned by my referrals?</p>
  2693. <p>Yes! We pay you a 25% commission on any interest earned by your referrals. If your referral gets 100 satoshi in interest for a day, you will get 25 satoshi credited to your account.</p>
  2694. <div style="height:10px;"></div>
  2695. <p class="bold">Will the interest rate be fixed forever or can it change?</p>
  2696. <p>We may change the interest rate in the future if circumstances change. However, we shall communicate all rate changes at least 30 days in advance via the website and our twitter account (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>).</p>
  2697. <div style="height:10px;"></div>
  2698. <p class="bold">How can I trust you with my money?</p>
  2699. <p>We have been in business since 2013 and are one of the most popular bitcoin websites (check our Alexa rank <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>). Our users have deposited thousands of bitcoins and we have paid out tens of thousands of bitcoins over the years. We have also published proof of our mining operation above which can be used to monitor the mining payments we receive. We would recommend that you start saving small amounts first until we have earned your trust after which you can save larger amounts with us if you feel comfortable doing so.</p>
  2700. <div style="height:10px;"></div>
  2701. <p class="bold">How can I keep my account secure to protect my savings?</p>
  2702. <p>It is extremely important that you secure your account if you decide to hold a significant balance with us. Change your account password to a <a href="" target="_blank">strong random one</a> with atleast 15 characters and never ever share that password with anyone or re-use it with another website or service. Then activate 2-factor authentication and write down the secret key on a piece of paper to back it up since we do not reset 2-factor authentication under any circumstances (you lose your phone, reset it etc.). Both of these can be done by accessing the PROFILE page from the menu above.</p>
  2703. <div style="height:10px;"></div>
  2704. <p class="bold">How do you store bitcoins securely?</p>
  2705. <p>We use a combination of hot wallets, hardware wallets (<a href="" target="_blank">Trezor</a>) and <a href="" target="_blank">BIP38 encrypted</a> paper wallets to store bitcoins. At no time do we keep more than 5% of our total bitcoins in the hot wallet which is used for making payouts. The hardware wallet is used as a "warm" wallet and bitcoins are transferred from it to the hot wallet as required. Our paper wallets serve as our "cold" storage with the wallets generated on an air-gapped computer running <a href="" target="_blank">Tails OS</a>. Our hardware and paper wallets are also secured against physical theft as the hardware wallet requires a pin code and encryption password to access and the private keys in the paper wallet are encrypted which means that the coins in the wallet cannot be accessed without having both the private key and the encryption password. We also keep physical copies of the cold storage wallets at multiple locations.</p>
  2706. <div style="height:10px;"></div>
  2707. <p class="bold">Can I opt-out from receiving interest on my account balance?</p>
  2708. <p>Sure, you can do so under the DISABLE INTEREST option in the PROFILE page.</p>
  2709. </div>
  2710. </div>
  2711. </div>
  2712. <div id="wager_promotion_tab" style="display:none;" class="page_tabs">
  2713. <p class="bold" style="color:red;">Participate in our monthly wagering and referral contest with $30,000 in total prizes!</p>
  2714. <p class="bold">To win the <span style="color:blue;">wagering contest with $20,000 in total prizes</span>, you must rank in the top 10 users by wagering volume for the month and to win the <span style="color:blue;">referral contest with $10,000 in total prizes</span>, you must rank in the top 10 users by combined wagering volume of your referrals for the month.</p>
  2715. <p>The contest will start at the beginning of the month at 00:00 UTC and end on the last day of the month at 23:59 UTC. For the wagering contest, all bets made in MULTIPLY BTC and MULTIPLY BTC jackpots will qualify. For the referral contest, all bets that your referrals make in MULTIPLY BTC and MULTIPLY BTC jackpots will qualify. The top 10 users with the highest wagering volume for the month will win the wagering contest and the top 10 users with the highest combined wagering volume of their referrals will win the referral contest.</p>
  2716. <p>The prizes will be paid out in BTC converted from USD at the current exchange rate after the contest ends. You will receive an email notifying you if you have won a prize and the prize will be credited directly to your account and can be withdrawn anytime.</p>
  2717. <p>Special banners to promote this contest can be found below the leaderboard tables.</p>
  2718. <p class="bold">CONTEST ENDS IN</p>
  2719. <div align="center">
  2720. <p></p>
  2721. <div id="wager_contest_end" class="hasCountdown">
  2722. <span class="countdown_row countdown_show4"><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">14</span><br>Days</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">3</span><br>Hours</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">54</span><br>Minutes</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">27</span><br>Seconds</span></span>
  2723. </div>
  2724. <p></p>
  2725. </div>
  2726. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  2727. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2728. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box gold br_5_5" style="border: 1px solid #f3cd00;font-weight: bold;">
  2729. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  2731. </div>
  2732. </div>
  2733. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container my_tickets_row_one" style="box-shadow: none;">
  2734. <div class="large-6 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style wager_personal_header">
  2735. WAGERED
  2736. </div>
  2737. <div class="large-6 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style wager_personal_header" style="border-left:none;">
  2739. </div>
  2740. </div>
  2741. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container my_tickets_row_two" style="box-shadow: none;">
  2742. <div class="large-6 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" id="user_lottery_tickets" style="border-radius: 0 0 0 5px; height: 46.5px;">
  2743. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2744. <span id="personal_wager_for_contest">0.00019500</span>
  2745. </div>
  2746. <div class="large-6 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 0 5px 0; border-left:none; height: 46.5px;">
  2747. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2748. <span id="ref_wager_for_contest">0.00000000</span>
  2749. </div>
  2750. </div>
  2751. </div>
  2752. </div>
  2753. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  2754. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  2755. <h4 style="text-align: center;">WAGERING CONTEST</h4>
  2756. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center top_10_header_bg">
  2757. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center top_10_header_cell lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2758. <p class="wager_rank">#</p>
  2759. </div>
  2760. <div class="large-11 small-11 columns">
  2761. <div class="row">
  2762. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center top_10_header_cell lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2763. USER
  2764. </div>
  2765. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center top_10_header_cell lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-left: none;">
  2766. WAGERED
  2767. </div>
  2768. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center top_10_header_cell lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border: none; ">
  2769. PRIZE
  2770. </div>
  2771. </div>
  2772. </div>
  2773. </div>
  2774. <div id="wager_promotion_wager_contest">
  2775. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_1_container">
  2776. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_1 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2777. <p class="wager_rank">1</p>
  2778. </div>
  2779. <div class="large-11 small-11 columns">
  2780. <div class="row">
  2781. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_1 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2782. 3496220
  2783. </div>
  2784. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_1 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2785. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2786. <span>103.11833500</span>
  2787. </div>
  2788. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_1 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2789. $&nbsp;
  2790. <span>10,000</span>
  2791. </div>
  2792. </div>
  2793. </div>
  2794. </div>
  2795. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_2_3_container">
  2796. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2797. <p class="wager_rank">2</p>
  2798. </div>
  2799. <div class="large-11 small-11 columns">
  2800. <div class="row">
  2801. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2802. 712628
  2803. </div>
  2804. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2805. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2806. <span>56.67409000</span>
  2807. </div>
  2808. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2809. $&nbsp;
  2810. <span>5,000</span>
  2811. </div>
  2812. </div>
  2813. </div>
  2814. </div>
  2815. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_2_3_container">
  2816. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2817. <p class="wager_rank">3</p>
  2818. </div>
  2819. <div class="large-11 small-11 columns">
  2820. <div class="row">
  2821. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2822. 2482262
  2823. </div>
  2824. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2825. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2826. <span>46.11982000</span>
  2827. </div>
  2828. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2829. $&nbsp;
  2830. <span>2,500</span>
  2831. </div>
  2832. </div>
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  2837. <p class="wager_rank">4</p>
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  2841. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2842. 4139758
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  2845. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2846. <span>44.68710500</span>
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  2848. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2849. $&nbsp;
  2850. <span>1,250</span>
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  2852. </div>
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  2856. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2857. <p class="wager_rank">5</p>
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  2861. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2862. 2846681
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  2865. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2866. <span>37.51247000</span>
  2867. </div>
  2868. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2869. $&nbsp;
  2870. <span>625</span>
  2871. </div>
  2872. </div>
  2873. </div>
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  2876. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2877. <p class="wager_rank">6</p>
  2878. </div>
  2879. <div class="large-11 small-11 columns">
  2880. <div class="row">
  2881. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2882. 10643708
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  2885. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2886. <span>33.67954500</span>
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  2889. $&nbsp;
  2890. <span>300</span>
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  2897. <p class="wager_rank">7</p>
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  2901. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2902. 3664847
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  2905. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2906. <span>25.93911500</span>
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  2909. $&nbsp;
  2910. <span>150</span>
  2911. </div>
  2912. </div>
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  2917. <p class="wager_rank">8</p>
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  2921. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2922. 14713088
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  2924. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2925. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2926. <span>25.32641500</span>
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  2928. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2929. $&nbsp;
  2930. <span>75</span>
  2931. </div>
  2932. </div>
  2933. </div>
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  2936. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2937. <p class="wager_rank">9</p>
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  2941. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2942. 13255086
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  2944. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2945. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2946. <span>22.28417000</span>
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  2948. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2949. $&nbsp;
  2950. <span>40</span>
  2951. </div>
  2952. </div>
  2953. </div>
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  2955. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_7_8_9_10_container">
  2956. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2957. <p class="wager_rank">10</p>
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  2961. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  2962. 15362260
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  2965. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  2966. <span>21.97461000</span>
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  2968. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  2969. $&nbsp;
  2970. <span>20</span>
  2971. </div>
  2972. </div>
  2973. </div>
  2974. </div>
  2975. </div>
  2976. </div>
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  2994. PRIZE
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  2997. </div>
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  3001. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_1 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3002. <p class="wager_rank">1</p>
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  3006. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_1 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3007. 1660761
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  3010. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3011. <span>107.60340000</span>
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  3013. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_1 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3014. $&nbsp;
  3015. <span>5,000</span>
  3016. </div>
  3017. </div>
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  3021. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3022. <p class="wager_rank">2</p>
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  3024. <div class="large-11 small-11 columns">
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  3026. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3027. 654092
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  3029. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3030. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3031. <span>56.67409000</span>
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  3033. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3034. $&nbsp;
  3035. <span>2,500</span>
  3036. </div>
  3037. </div>
  3038. </div>
  3039. </div>
  3040. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_2_3_container">
  3041. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3042. <p class="wager_rank">3</p>
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  3046. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3047. 3903907
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  3049. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3050. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3051. <span>44.78103500</span>
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  3053. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_2_3 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3054. $&nbsp;
  3055. <span>1,250</span>
  3056. </div>
  3057. </div>
  3058. </div>
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  3060. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_4_5_6_container">
  3061. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3062. <p class="wager_rank">4</p>
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  3064. <div class="large-11 small-11 columns">
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  3066. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3067. 415679
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  3070. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3071. <span>43.81246500</span>
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  3073. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3074. $&nbsp;
  3075. <span>625</span>
  3076. </div>
  3077. </div>
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  3081. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3082. <p class="wager_rank">5</p>
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  3086. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3087. 13251475
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  3089. <div class="large-5 small-5 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3090. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3091. <span>39.16574500</span>
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  3093. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3094. $&nbsp;
  3095. <span>300</span>
  3096. </div>
  3097. </div>
  3098. </div>
  3099. </div>
  3100. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_4_5_6_container">
  3101. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3102. <p class="wager_rank">6</p>
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  3106. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3107. 1208998
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  3110. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3111. <span>38.92371000</span>
  3112. </div>
  3113. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_4_5_6 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3114. $&nbsp;
  3115. <span>150</span>
  3116. </div>
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  3119. </div>
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  3121. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3122. <p class="wager_rank">7</p>
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  3126. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3127. 10630733
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  3130. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3131. <span>33.67954500</span>
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  3133. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3134. $&nbsp;
  3135. <span>75</span>
  3136. </div>
  3137. </div>
  3138. </div>
  3139. </div>
  3140. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center wager_rank_7_8_9_10_container">
  3141. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3142. <p class="wager_rank">8</p>
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  3146. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3147. 3011788
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  3150. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3151. <span>25.93911500</span>
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  3153. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3154. $&nbsp;
  3155. <span>40</span>
  3156. </div>
  3157. </div>
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  3161. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3162. <p class="wager_rank">9</p>
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  3166. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3167. 6723400
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  3170. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3171. <span>25.57556000</span>
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  3173. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_third_cell lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-right: none;">
  3174. $&nbsp;
  3175. <span>20</span>
  3176. </div>
  3177. </div>
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  3182. <p class="wager_rank">10</p>
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  3186. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center wager_table_cell wager_rank_7_8_9_10 lottery_winner_table_second_cell lottery_table_mobile_style">
  3187. 1482365
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  3190. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
  3191. <span>25.53138500</span>
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  3194. $&nbsp;
  3195. <span>10</span>
  3196. </div>
  3197. </div>
  3198. </div>
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  3200. </div>
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  3205. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  3206. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  3207. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  3208. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;" id="prev_contest_round_title">
  3210. </div>
  3211. </div>
  3212. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box" style=" padding: 0;">
  3213. <div id="contest_winner_table_user" class="large-6 small-6 columns center contest_winner_table_option selected_contest_winner_table" style="border-right: 1px solid #ccc;">
  3214. WAGERING
  3215. </div>
  3216. <div id="contest_winner_table_referrer" class="large-6 small-6 columns center contest_winner_table_option select_contest_winner_table">
  3217. REFERRAL
  3218. </div>
  3219. </div>
  3220. <div id="contest_winner_table_user_list">
  3221. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3222. <div class="font_bold large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3223. #
  3224. </div>
  3225. <div class="font_bold large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3226. USERID
  3227. </div>
  3228. <div class="font_bold large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3229. AMOUNT WON
  3230. </div>
  3231. <div class="font_bold large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3232. WAGERED
  3233. </div>
  3234. </div>
  3235. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3236. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3237. 1
  3238. </div>
  3239. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3240. 14107731
  3241. </div>
  3242. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3243. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 1.29359580
  3244. </div>
  3245. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3246. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 110.98475500
  3247. </div>
  3248. </div>
  3249. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3250. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3251. 2
  3252. </div>
  3253. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3254. 712628
  3255. </div>
  3256. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3257. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.64679790
  3258. </div>
  3259. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3260. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 110.11200000
  3261. </div>
  3262. </div>
  3263. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3264. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3265. 3
  3266. </div>
  3267. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3268. 15239760
  3269. </div>
  3270. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3271. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.32339895
  3272. </div>
  3273. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3274. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 72.96366000
  3275. </div>
  3276. </div>
  3277. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3278. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3279. 4
  3280. </div>
  3281. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3282. 13255086
  3283. </div>
  3284. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3285. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.16169947
  3286. </div>
  3287. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3288. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 72.24090000
  3289. </div>
  3290. </div>
  3291. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3292. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3293. 5
  3294. </div>
  3295. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3296. 5105304
  3297. </div>
  3298. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3299. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.08084974
  3300. </div>
  3301. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3302. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 65.01944000
  3303. </div>
  3304. </div>
  3305. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3306. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3307. 6
  3308. </div>
  3309. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3310. 3078350
  3311. </div>
  3312. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3313. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.03880787
  3314. </div>
  3315. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3316. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 64.51980000
  3317. </div>
  3318. </div>
  3319. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3320. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3321. 7
  3322. </div>
  3323. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3324. 6087539
  3325. </div>
  3326. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3327. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.01940394
  3328. </div>
  3329. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3330. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 59.19467000
  3331. </div>
  3332. </div>
  3333. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3334. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3335. 8
  3336. </div>
  3337. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3338. 11813028
  3339. </div>
  3340. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3341. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.00970197
  3342. </div>
  3343. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3344. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 49.48869500
  3345. </div>
  3346. </div>
  3347. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3348. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3349. 9
  3350. </div>
  3351. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3352. 884985
  3353. </div>
  3354. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3355. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.00517438
  3356. </div>
  3357. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3358. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 38.38010500
  3359. </div>
  3360. </div>
  3361. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3362. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3363. 10
  3364. </div>
  3365. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3366. 14761496
  3367. </div>
  3368. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3369. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.00258719
  3370. </div>
  3371. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3372. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 37.78377000
  3373. </div>
  3374. </div>
  3375. </div>
  3376. <div id="contest_winner_table_referrer_list" style="display: none;">
  3377. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3378. <div class="font_bold large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3379. #
  3380. </div>
  3381. <div class="font_bold large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3382. USERID
  3383. </div>
  3384. <div class="font_bold large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3385. AMOUNT WON
  3386. </div>
  3387. <div class="font_bold large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell gold <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3388. REF. WAGERED
  3389. </div>
  3390. </div>
  3391. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3392. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3393. 1
  3394. </div>
  3395. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3396. 7283345
  3397. </div>
  3398. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3399. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.64679790
  3400. </div>
  3401. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3402. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 110.98475500
  3403. </div>
  3404. </div>
  3405. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3406. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3407. 2
  3408. </div>
  3409. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3410. 654092
  3411. </div>
  3412. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3413. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.32339895
  3414. </div>
  3415. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3416. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 110.11200000
  3417. </div>
  3418. </div>
  3419. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3420. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3421. 3
  3422. </div>
  3423. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3424. 415679
  3425. </div>
  3426. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3427. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.16169947
  3428. </div>
  3429. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3430. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 109.03184000
  3431. </div>
  3432. </div>
  3433. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3434. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3435. 4
  3436. </div>
  3437. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3438. 13251475
  3439. </div>
  3440. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3441. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.08084974
  3442. </div>
  3443. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3444. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 88.25685500
  3445. </div>
  3446. </div>
  3447. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3448. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3449. 5
  3450. </div>
  3451. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3452. 14294504
  3453. </div>
  3454. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3455. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.03880787
  3456. </div>
  3457. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3458. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 72.96366000
  3459. </div>
  3460. </div>
  3461. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3462. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3463. 6
  3464. </div>
  3465. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3466. 2428811
  3467. </div>
  3468. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3469. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.01940394
  3470. </div>
  3471. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3472. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 66.07160500
  3473. </div>
  3474. </div>
  3475. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3476. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3477. 7
  3478. </div>
  3479. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3480. 3076948
  3481. </div>
  3482. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3483. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.00970197
  3484. </div>
  3485. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3486. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 64.51980000
  3487. </div>
  3488. </div>
  3489. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3490. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3491. 8
  3492. </div>
  3493. <div class="large-3 small-3 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3494. 5030715
  3495. </div>
  3496. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3497. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.00517438
  3498. </div>
  3499. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3500. <i class="fa fa-btc" aria-hidden="true"></i> 59.19467000
  3501. </div>
  3502. </div>
  3503. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  3504. <div class="large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell <TMPL_IF mobile>lottery_table_mobile_style</TMPL_IF>">
  3505. 9
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  3849. </div>
  3850. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3851. 1A1NG5Bq
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  3853. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  3854. 9.69690000 BTC
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  3860. FREE ROLLS
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  3865. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  3866. 2,587
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  3868. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3869. 2,230,775
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  3882. </div>
  3883. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3884. 1D8pmpRn
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  3886. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  3887. 7.21210000 BTC
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  3898. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  3899. 2,350
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  3901. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3902. 1,966,381
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  3913. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  3915. </div>
  3916. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3917. 1DGz4Muw
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  3919. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  3920. 6.72200000 BTC
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  3931. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  3932. 3,514
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  3934. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3935. 2,322,055
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  3943. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  3944. ADDRESS
  3945. </div>
  3946. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  3948. </div>
  3949. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3950. 12hkHyki
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  3952. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  3953. 6.00100000 BTC
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  3958. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
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  3963. </div>
  3964. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  3965. 182
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  3967. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3968. 125,582
  3969. </div>
  3970. </div>
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  3976. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  3977. ADDRESS
  3978. </div>
  3979. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  3981. </div>
  3982. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  3983. 1iMuFJ4m
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  3985. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  3986. 3.85860000 BTC
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  3991. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  3992. FREE ROLLS
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  3996. </div>
  3997. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  3998. 7,785
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  4000. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4001. 3,267,192
  4002. </div>
  4003. </div>
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  4009. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4010. ADDRESS
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  4012. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
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  4015. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4016. 1J9EbhYz
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  4019. 3.53830000 BTC
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  4025. FREE ROLLS
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  4030. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4031. 15,013
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  4033. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4034. 54,828,596
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  4048. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4049. 1D7UR23o
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  4051. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4052. 2.85700000 BTC
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  4057. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
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  4063. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4064. 1,061
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  4066. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4067. 10,755,122
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  4081. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4082. 1PGQcDYS
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  4084. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4085. 2.84280000 BTC
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  4091. FREE ROLLS
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  4096. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4097. 688
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  4099. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4100. 954,482
  4101. </div>
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  4114. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4115. 1EbWfQGi
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  4118. 2.67430000 BTC
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  4124. FREE ROLLS
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  4129. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4130. 508
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  4132. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4133. 116,491
  4134. </div>
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  4149. ADDRESS
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  4151. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4152. TOTAL WON
  4153. </div>
  4154. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4155. 3M2Xx2D7
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  4158. 4,559.13320130 BTC
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  4160. </div>
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  4163. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
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  4168. </div>
  4169. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4170. 5,898
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  4172. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4173. 26,127,325
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  4182. ADDRESS
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  4184. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4185. TOTAL WON
  4186. </div>
  4187. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4188. 19j3QsKE
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  4190. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4191. 1,732.09935383 BTC
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  4196. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4197. FREE ROLLS
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  4201. </div>
  4202. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4203. 15,284
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  4205. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4206. 630,670
  4207. </div>
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  4214. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4215. ADDRESS
  4216. </div>
  4217. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4218. TOTAL WON
  4219. </div>
  4220. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4221. 3NF4coHP
  4222. </div>
  4223. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4224. 1,658.50737673 BTC
  4225. </div>
  4226. </div>
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  4228. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4229. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4230. FREE ROLLS
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  4232. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4234. </div>
  4235. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4236. 5,746
  4237. </div>
  4238. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4239. 1,843,144
  4240. </div>
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  4248. ADDRESS
  4249. </div>
  4250. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4251. TOTAL WON
  4252. </div>
  4253. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4254. 3EhjuRbs
  4255. </div>
  4256. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4257. 1,024.55316392 BTC
  4258. </div>
  4259. </div>
  4260. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4261. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4262. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4263. FREE ROLLS
  4264. </div>
  4265. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4267. </div>
  4268. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4269. 7,145
  4270. </div>
  4271. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4272. 2,629,681
  4273. </div>
  4274. </div>
  4275. </div>
  4276. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4277. </div>
  4278. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4279. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4280. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4281. ADDRESS
  4282. </div>
  4283. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4284. TOTAL WON
  4285. </div>
  4286. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4287. 1DVQa4qW
  4288. </div>
  4289. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4290. 1,010.38575866 BTC
  4291. </div>
  4292. </div>
  4293. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4294. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4295. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4296. FREE ROLLS
  4297. </div>
  4298. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4300. </div>
  4301. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4302. 2,106
  4303. </div>
  4304. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4305. 2,845,056
  4306. </div>
  4307. </div>
  4308. </div>
  4309. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4310. </div>
  4311. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4312. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4313. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4314. ADDRESS
  4315. </div>
  4316. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4317. TOTAL WON
  4318. </div>
  4319. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4320. 37MNGjF8
  4321. </div>
  4322. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4323. 830.68021757 BTC
  4324. </div>
  4325. </div>
  4326. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4327. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4328. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4329. FREE ROLLS
  4330. </div>
  4331. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4333. </div>
  4334. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4335. 2,805
  4336. </div>
  4337. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4338. 5,715,676
  4339. </div>
  4340. </div>
  4341. </div>
  4342. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4343. </div>
  4344. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4345. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4346. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4347. ADDRESS
  4348. </div>
  4349. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4350. TOTAL WON
  4351. </div>
  4352. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4353. 12AePGuv
  4354. </div>
  4355. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4356. 705.95542236 BTC
  4357. </div>
  4358. </div>
  4359. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4360. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4361. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4362. FREE ROLLS
  4363. </div>
  4364. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4366. </div>
  4367. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4368. 2,729
  4369. </div>
  4370. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4371. 2,334,200
  4372. </div>
  4373. </div>
  4374. </div>
  4375. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4376. </div>
  4377. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4378. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4379. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4380. ADDRESS
  4381. </div>
  4382. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4383. TOTAL WON
  4384. </div>
  4385. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4386. 1LUkozHU
  4387. </div>
  4388. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4389. 656.48827555 BTC
  4390. </div>
  4391. </div>
  4392. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4393. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4394. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4395. FREE ROLLS
  4396. </div>
  4397. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4399. </div>
  4400. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4401. 3,810
  4402. </div>
  4403. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4404. 2,165,361
  4405. </div>
  4406. </div>
  4407. </div>
  4408. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4409. </div>
  4410. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4411. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4412. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4413. ADDRESS
  4414. </div>
  4415. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4416. TOTAL WON
  4417. </div>
  4418. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4419. 14curKtA
  4420. </div>
  4421. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4422. 653.99469461 BTC
  4423. </div>
  4424. </div>
  4425. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4426. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4427. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4428. FREE ROLLS
  4429. </div>
  4430. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4432. </div>
  4433. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4434. 82
  4435. </div>
  4436. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4437. 7,125,633
  4438. </div>
  4439. </div>
  4440. </div>
  4441. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4442. </div>
  4443. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4444. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4445. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4446. ADDRESS
  4447. </div>
  4448. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4449. TOTAL WON
  4450. </div>
  4451. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4452. 3ChmmeZV
  4453. </div>
  4454. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4455. 637.04657455 BTC
  4456. </div>
  4457. </div>
  4458. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4459. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4460. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4461. FREE ROLLS
  4462. </div>
  4463. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4465. </div>
  4466. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4467. 9,057
  4468. </div>
  4469. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4470. 8,791,919
  4471. </div>
  4472. </div>
  4473. </div>
  4474. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4475. </div>
  4476. </div>
  4477. </div>
  4478. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  4479. <div class="large-9 small-12 large-centered small-centered columns">
  4480. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box table_header_background br_5_5" style="padding: 15px 0;">
  4482. </div>
  4483. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4484. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4485. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4486. ADDRESS
  4487. </div>
  4488. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4490. </div>
  4491. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4492. 36v1Fmby
  4493. </div>
  4494. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4495. 26.27478395 BTC
  4496. </div>
  4497. </div>
  4498. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4499. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4500. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4501. REFERRED
  4502. </div>
  4503. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4504. SHARED
  4505. </div>
  4506. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4507. 106,096
  4508. </div>
  4509. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4510. 0.00000000 BTC
  4511. </div>
  4512. </div>
  4513. </div>
  4514. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4515. </div>
  4516. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4517. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4518. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4519. ADDRESS
  4520. </div>
  4521. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4523. </div>
  4524. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4525. 13TCrv5z
  4526. </div>
  4527. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4528. 16.60820897 BTC
  4529. </div>
  4530. </div>
  4531. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4532. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4533. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4534. REFERRED
  4535. </div>
  4536. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4537. SHARED
  4538. </div>
  4539. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4540. 2
  4541. </div>
  4542. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4543. 0.00000000 BTC
  4544. </div>
  4545. </div>
  4546. </div>
  4547. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4548. </div>
  4549. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4550. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4551. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4552. ADDRESS
  4553. </div>
  4554. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4556. </div>
  4557. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4558. 17c4amq8
  4559. </div>
  4560. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4561. 13.89828846 BTC
  4562. </div>
  4563. </div>
  4564. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4565. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4566. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4567. REFERRED
  4568. </div>
  4569. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4570. SHARED
  4571. </div>
  4572. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4573. 51,044
  4574. </div>
  4575. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4576. 0.00000000 BTC
  4577. </div>
  4578. </div>
  4579. </div>
  4580. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4581. </div>
  4582. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4583. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4584. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4585. ADDRESS
  4586. </div>
  4587. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4589. </div>
  4590. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4591. 1FDuk2tQ
  4592. </div>
  4593. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4594. 13.80472678 BTC
  4595. </div>
  4596. </div>
  4597. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4598. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4599. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4600. REFERRED
  4601. </div>
  4602. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4603. SHARED
  4604. </div>
  4605. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4606. 32,474
  4607. </div>
  4608. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4609. 0.00000000 BTC
  4610. </div>
  4611. </div>
  4612. </div>
  4613. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4614. </div>
  4615. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4616. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4617. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4618. ADDRESS
  4619. </div>
  4620. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4622. </div>
  4623. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4624. 1PtsuTfB
  4625. </div>
  4626. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4627. 13.70073260 BTC
  4628. </div>
  4629. </div>
  4630. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4631. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4632. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4633. REFERRED
  4634. </div>
  4635. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4636. SHARED
  4637. </div>
  4638. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4639. 34
  4640. </div>
  4641. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4642. 0.00000000 BTC
  4643. </div>
  4644. </div>
  4645. </div>
  4646. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4647. </div>
  4648. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4649. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4650. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4651. ADDRESS
  4652. </div>
  4653. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4655. </div>
  4656. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4657. 18TpYWjf
  4658. </div>
  4659. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4660. 12.41136470 BTC
  4661. </div>
  4662. </div>
  4663. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4664. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4665. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4666. REFERRED
  4667. </div>
  4668. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4669. SHARED
  4670. </div>
  4671. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4672. 36,796
  4673. </div>
  4674. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4675. 0.00000000 BTC
  4676. </div>
  4677. </div>
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  4680. </div>
  4681. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4682. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4683. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4684. ADDRESS
  4685. </div>
  4686. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4688. </div>
  4689. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4690. 1NkpWstB
  4691. </div>
  4692. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4693. 11.75918717 BTC
  4694. </div>
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  4696. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4697. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4698. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4699. REFERRED
  4700. </div>
  4701. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4702. SHARED
  4703. </div>
  4704. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4705. 47,345
  4706. </div>
  4707. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4708. 0.00000000 BTC
  4709. </div>
  4710. </div>
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  4713. </div>
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  4715. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4716. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4717. ADDRESS
  4718. </div>
  4719. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4721. </div>
  4722. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4723. 19mUJQeW
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  4725. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4726. 11.56965988 BTC
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  4730. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4731. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4732. REFERRED
  4733. </div>
  4734. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4735. SHARED
  4736. </div>
  4737. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4738. 167,707
  4739. </div>
  4740. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4741. 0.00000000 BTC
  4742. </div>
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  4746. </div>
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  4748. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4749. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4750. ADDRESS
  4751. </div>
  4752. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4754. </div>
  4755. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4756. 12Y5enMM
  4757. </div>
  4758. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4759. 10.86872771 BTC
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  4763. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4764. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4765. REFERRED
  4766. </div>
  4767. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4768. SHARED
  4769. </div>
  4770. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4771. 33,010
  4772. </div>
  4773. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4774. 0.00000000 BTC
  4775. </div>
  4776. </div>
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  4779. </div>
  4780. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4781. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4782. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4783. ADDRESS
  4784. </div>
  4785. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4787. </div>
  4788. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4789. 12ZHxgFS
  4790. </div>
  4791. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4792. 7.49225453 BTC
  4793. </div>
  4794. </div>
  4795. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4796. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4797. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4798. REFERRED
  4799. </div>
  4800. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4801. SHARED
  4802. </div>
  4803. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4804. 21,779
  4805. </div>
  4806. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4807. 0.00000000 BTC
  4808. </div>
  4809. </div>
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  4816. <div class="large-9 small-12 large-centered small-centered columns">
  4817. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box table_header_background br_5_5" style="padding: 15px 0;">
  4819. </div>
  4820. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4821. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4822. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4823. DATE
  4824. </div>
  4825. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4826. TYPE
  4827. </div>
  4828. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4829. 2018-08-17 12:39:10
  4830. </div>
  4831. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4832. INSTANT
  4833. </div>
  4834. </div>
  4835. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4836. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4837. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4838. AMOUNT
  4839. </div>
  4840. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4841. TX
  4842. </div>
  4843. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4844. 0.13679457 BTC
  4845. </div>
  4846. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4847. <a href="" target="_blank">0b9cb769...</a>
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  4849. </div>
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  4851. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  4852. </div>
  4853. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4854. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4855. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4856. DATE
  4857. </div>
  4858. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4859. TYPE
  4860. </div>
  4861. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4862. 2018-08-17 12:23:26
  4863. </div>
  4864. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4865. INSTANT
  4866. </div>
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  4868. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4869. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4870. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4871. AMOUNT
  4872. </div>
  4873. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4874. TX
  4875. </div>
  4876. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4877. 0.19739831 BTC
  4878. </div>
  4879. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4880. <a href="" target="_blank">cf22fa67...</a>
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  4885. </div>
  4886. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4887. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4888. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4889. DATE
  4890. </div>
  4891. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4892. TYPE
  4893. </div>
  4894. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4895. 2018-08-17 12:05:57
  4896. </div>
  4897. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4898. INSTANT
  4899. </div>
  4900. </div>
  4901. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4902. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4903. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4904. AMOUNT
  4905. </div>
  4906. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4907. TX
  4908. </div>
  4909. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4910. 0.17836060 BTC
  4911. </div>
  4912. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4913. <a href="" target="_blank">5707ee6c...</a>
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  4920. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4921. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4922. DATE
  4923. </div>
  4924. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4925. TYPE
  4926. </div>
  4927. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4928. 2018-08-17 11:49:56
  4929. </div>
  4930. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4931. INSTANT
  4932. </div>
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  4934. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4935. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4936. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4937. AMOUNT
  4938. </div>
  4939. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4940. TX
  4941. </div>
  4942. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4943. 0.28864098 BTC
  4944. </div>
  4945. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4946. <a href="" target="_blank">8f97f340...</a>
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  4951. </div>
  4952. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  4953. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4954. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4955. DATE
  4956. </div>
  4957. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4958. TYPE
  4959. </div>
  4960. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4961. 2018-08-17 11:30:57
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  4963. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4964. INSTANT
  4965. </div>
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  4967. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  4968. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  4969. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4970. AMOUNT
  4971. </div>
  4972. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4973. TX
  4974. </div>
  4975. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  4976. 0.08398383 BTC
  4977. </div>
  4978. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4979. <a href="" target="_blank">4896a859...</a>
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  4986. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  4987. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  4988. DATE
  4989. </div>
  4990. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  4991. TYPE
  4992. </div>
  4993. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  4994. 2018-08-17 11:28:40
  4995. </div>
  4996. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  4997. SLOW
  4998. </div>
  4999. </div>
  5000. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  5001. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  5002. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5003. AMOUNT
  5004. </div>
  5005. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5006. TX
  5007. </div>
  5008. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5009. 0.32317153 BTC
  5010. </div>
  5011. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5012. <a href="" target="_blank">f5af2d16...</a>
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  5019. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  5020. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5021. DATE
  5022. </div>
  5023. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  5024. TYPE
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  5026. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5027. 2018-08-17 11:13:27
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  5029. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  5030. INSTANT
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  5033. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  5034. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  5035. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5036. AMOUNT
  5037. </div>
  5038. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5039. TX
  5040. </div>
  5041. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5042. 0.06842036 BTC
  5043. </div>
  5044. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5045. <a href="" target="_blank">63b7f68e...</a>
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  5052. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  5053. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5054. DATE
  5055. </div>
  5056. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  5057. TYPE
  5058. </div>
  5059. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5060. 2018-08-17 10:57:51
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  5062. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  5063. INSTANT
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  5067. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  5068. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5069. AMOUNT
  5070. </div>
  5071. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5072. TX
  5073. </div>
  5074. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5075. 0.30367241 BTC
  5076. </div>
  5077. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5078. <a href="" target="_blank">a948f92d...</a>
  5079. </div>
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  5082. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  5083. </div>
  5084. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  5085. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  5086. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5087. DATE
  5088. </div>
  5089. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  5090. TYPE
  5091. </div>
  5092. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5093. 2018-08-17 10:41:40
  5094. </div>
  5095. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  5096. INSTANT
  5097. </div>
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  5099. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  5100. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  5101. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5102. AMOUNT
  5103. </div>
  5104. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5105. TX
  5106. </div>
  5107. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5108. 0.01605193 BTC
  5109. </div>
  5110. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5111. <a href="" target="_blank">c164ba95...</a>
  5112. </div>
  5113. </div>
  5114. </div>
  5115. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  5116. </div>
  5117. <div class="new_stats_table_for_small">
  5118. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2 multiply_history_table_header">
  5119. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5120. DATE
  5121. </div>
  5122. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell font_bold">
  5123. TYPE
  5124. </div>
  5125. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5126. 2018-08-17 10:40:37
  5127. </div>
  5128. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell">
  5129. INSTANT
  5130. </div>
  5131. </div>
  5132. <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  5133. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  5134. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5135. AMOUNT
  5136. </div>
  5137. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold">
  5138. TX
  5139. </div>
  5140. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell" style="border-left: 1px solid #ccc;">
  5141. 0.10054458 BTC
  5142. </div>
  5143. <div class="large-3 small-6 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell">
  5144. <a href="" target="_blank">7490eabd...</a>
  5145. </div>
  5146. </div>
  5147. </div>
  5148. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:5px;"></div>
  5149. </div>
  5150. </div>
  5151. </div>
  5152. </div>
  5153. <p class="bold">BITCOINS WON IN THE LAST 10 DAYS</p>
  5154. <p></p>
  5155. <div id="btc_won_div">
  5156. <div style="position: relative;">
  5157. <div dir="ltr" style="position: relative; width: 300px; height: 250px;">
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  5172. BTC
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  5206. <circle cx="181.16666666666666" cy="150.45748883833335" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5207. <circle cx="201.6111111111111" cy="140.02399202099997" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5208. <circle cx="222.05555555555554" cy="138.78895991500002" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5209. <circle cx="242.5" cy="165.21032562933334" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5210. </g>
  5211. <g>
  5212. <g>
  5213. <text text-anchor="middle" x="58.5" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5214. 2018-08-07
  5215. </text>
  5216. </g>
  5217. <g>
  5218. <text text-anchor="middle" x="78.94444444444444" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5219. 2018-08-08
  5220. </text>
  5221. </g>
  5222. <g>
  5223. <text text-anchor="middle" x="99.38888888888889" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5224. 2018-08-09
  5225. </text>
  5226. </g>
  5227. <g>
  5228. <text text-anchor="middle" x="119.83333333333333" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5229. 2018-08-10
  5230. </text>
  5231. </g>
  5232. <g>
  5233. <text text-anchor="middle" x="140.27777777777777" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5234. 2018-08-11
  5235. </text>
  5236. </g>
  5237. <g>
  5238. <text text-anchor="middle" x="160.72222222222223" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5239. 2018-08-12
  5240. </text>
  5241. </g>
  5242. <g>
  5243. <text text-anchor="middle" x="181.16666666666666" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5244. 2018-08-13
  5245. </text>
  5246. </g>
  5247. <g>
  5248. <text text-anchor="middle" x="201.6111111111111" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5249. 2018-08-14
  5250. </text>
  5251. </g>
  5252. <g>
  5253. <text text-anchor="middle" x="222.05555555555554" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5254. 2018-08-15
  5255. </text>
  5256. </g>
  5257. <g>
  5258. <text text-anchor="middle" x="242.5" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5259. 2018-08-16
  5260. </text>
  5261. </g>
  5262. <g>
  5263. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="206" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  5264. 60
  5265. </text>
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  5267. <g>
  5268. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="167.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  5269. 75
  5270. </text>
  5271. </g>
  5272. <g>
  5273. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="129" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  5274. 90
  5275. </text>
  5276. </g>
  5277. <g>
  5278. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="90.49999999999999" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  5279. 105
  5280. </text>
  5281. </g>
  5282. <g>
  5283. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="52" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  5284. 120
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  5286. </g>
  5287. </g>
  5288. </g>
  5289. <g></g>
  5290. </svg>
  5291. <div aria-label="A tabular representation of the data in the chart." style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: auto; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">
  5292. <table>
  5293. <thead>
  5294. <tr>
  5295. <th>Date</th>
  5296. <th>BTC</th>
  5297. </tr>
  5298. </thead>
  5299. <tbody>
  5300. <tr>
  5301. <td>2018-08-07</td>
  5302. <td>73.088</td>
  5303. </tr>
  5304. <tr>
  5305. <td>2018-08-08</td>
  5306. <td>79.349</td>
  5307. </tr>
  5308. <tr>
  5309. <td>2018-08-09</td>
  5310. <td>78.401</td>
  5311. </tr>
  5312. <tr>
  5313. <td>2018-08-10</td>
  5314. <td>79.818</td>
  5315. </tr>
  5316. <tr>
  5317. <td>2018-08-11</td>
  5318. <td>114.004</td>
  5319. </tr>
  5320. <tr>
  5321. <td>2018-08-12</td>
  5322. <td>101.479</td>
  5323. </tr>
  5324. <tr>
  5325. <td>2018-08-13</td>
  5326. <td>80.276</td>
  5327. </tr>
  5328. <tr>
  5329. <td>2018-08-14</td>
  5330. <td>84.341</td>
  5331. </tr>
  5332. <tr>
  5333. <td>2018-08-15</td>
  5334. <td>84.822</td>
  5335. </tr>
  5336. <tr>
  5337. <td>2018-08-16</td>
  5338. <td>74.528</td>
  5339. </tr>
  5340. </tbody>
  5341. </table>
  5342. </div>
  5343. </div>
  5344. </div>
  5345. <div aria-hidden="true" style="display: none; position: absolute; top: 260px; left: 310px; white-space: nowrap; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px;">
  5346. BTC
  5347. </div>
  5348. <div></div>
  5349. </div>
  5350. </div>
  5351. <p></p>
  5352. <p class="bold">GAMES PLAYED IN THE LAST 10 DAYS</p>
  5353. <p></p>
  5354. <div id="total_plays_div">
  5355. <div style="position: relative;">
  5356. <div dir="ltr" style="position: relative; width: 300px; height: 250px;">
  5357. <div aria-label="A chart." style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
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  5370. <text text-anchor="start" x="277" y="56.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5371. Plays
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  5389. <g>
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  5392. </g>
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  5394. <g>
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  5397. </g>
  5398. <g>
  5399. <circle cx="58.5" cy="168.7000463125" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5400. <circle cx="78.94444444444444" cy="158.942794" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5401. <circle cx="99.38888888888889" cy="158.44631725" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
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  5405. <circle cx="181.16666666666666" cy="122.42208381249999" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5406. <circle cx="201.6111111111111" cy="117.898839125" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  5407. <circle cx="222.05555555555554" cy="50.003988062499985" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
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  5410. <g>
  5411. <g>
  5412. <text text-anchor="middle" x="58.5" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5413. 2018-08-07
  5414. </text>
  5415. </g>
  5416. <g>
  5417. <text text-anchor="middle" x="78.94444444444444" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5418. 2018-08-08
  5419. </text>
  5420. </g>
  5421. <g>
  5422. <text text-anchor="middle" x="99.38888888888889" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5423. 2018-08-09
  5424. </text>
  5425. </g>
  5426. <g>
  5427. <text text-anchor="middle" x="119.83333333333333" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5428. 2018-08-10
  5429. </text>
  5430. </g>
  5431. <g>
  5432. <text text-anchor="middle" x="140.27777777777777" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  5433. 2018-08-11
  5434. </text>
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  5493. <tr>
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  5496. </tr>
  5497. </thead>
  5498. <tbody>
  5499. <tr>
  5500. <td>2018-08-07</td>
  5501. <td>55,023,367</td>
  5502. </tr>
  5503. <tr>
  5504. <td>2018-08-08</td>
  5505. <td>57,050,848</td>
  5506. </tr>
  5507. <tr>
  5508. <td>2018-08-09</td>
  5509. <td>57,154,012</td>
  5510. </tr>
  5511. <tr>
  5512. <td>2018-08-10</td>
  5513. <td>68,009,558</td>
  5514. </tr>
  5515. <tr>
  5516. <td>2018-08-11</td>
  5517. <td>66,744,986</td>
  5518. </tr>
  5519. <tr>
  5520. <td>2018-08-12</td>
  5521. <td>72,534,416</td>
  5522. </tr>
  5523. <tr>
  5524. <td>2018-08-13</td>
  5525. <td>64,639,567</td>
  5526. </tr>
  5527. <tr>
  5528. <td>2018-08-14</td>
  5529. <td>65,579,462</td>
  5530. </tr>
  5531. <tr>
  5532. <td>2018-08-15</td>
  5533. <td>79,687,483</td>
  5534. </tr>
  5535. <tr>
  5536. <td>2018-08-16</td>
  5537. <td>77,192,798</td>
  5538. </tr>
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  5547. <div></div>
  5548. </div>
  5549. </div>
  5550. <p></p>
  5551. <p class="bold">WAGERED IN THE LAST 10 DAYS</p>
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  5697. <tbody>
  5698. <tr>
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  5701. </tr>
  5702. <tr>
  5703. <td>2018-08-08</td>
  5704. <td>144.774</td>
  5705. </tr>
  5706. <tr>
  5707. <td>2018-08-09</td>
  5708. <td>139.76</td>
  5709. </tr>
  5710. <tr>
  5711. <td>2018-08-10</td>
  5712. <td>144.23</td>
  5713. </tr>
  5714. <tr>
  5715. <td>2018-08-11</td>
  5716. <td>230.824</td>
  5717. </tr>
  5718. <tr>
  5719. <td>2018-08-12</td>
  5720. <td>186.28</td>
  5721. </tr>
  5722. <tr>
  5723. <td>2018-08-13</td>
  5724. <td>147.011</td>
  5725. </tr>
  5726. <tr>
  5727. <td>2018-08-14</td>
  5728. <td>146.445</td>
  5729. </tr>
  5730. <tr>
  5731. <td>2018-08-15</td>
  5732. <td>149.692</td>
  5733. </tr>
  5734. <tr>
  5735. <td>2018-08-16</td>
  5736. <td>136.166</td>
  5737. </tr>
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  5744. BTC
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  5746. <div></div>
  5747. </div>
  5748. </div>
  5749. <p></p>
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  5826. 2018-08-10
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  5841. 2018-08-13
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  5851. 2018-08-15
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  5855. <text text-anchor="middle" x="242.5" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
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  5890. <thead>
  5891. <tr>
  5892. <th>Date</th>
  5893. <th>BTC</th>
  5894. </tr>
  5895. </thead>
  5896. <tbody>
  5897. <tr>
  5898. <td>2018-08-07</td>
  5899. <td>1.213</td>
  5900. </tr>
  5901. <tr>
  5902. <td>2018-08-08</td>
  5903. <td>1.295</td>
  5904. </tr>
  5905. <tr>
  5906. <td>2018-08-09</td>
  5907. <td>1.193</td>
  5908. </tr>
  5909. <tr>
  5910. <td>2018-08-10</td>
  5911. <td>1.267</td>
  5912. </tr>
  5913. <tr>
  5914. <td>2018-08-11</td>
  5915. <td>1.647</td>
  5916. </tr>
  5917. <tr>
  5918. <td>2018-08-12</td>
  5919. <td>1.48</td>
  5920. </tr>
  5921. <tr>
  5922. <td>2018-08-13</td>
  5923. <td>1.314</td>
  5924. </tr>
  5925. <tr>
  5926. <td>2018-08-14</td>
  5927. <td>1.234</td>
  5928. </tr>
  5929. <tr>
  5930. <td>2018-08-15</td>
  5931. <td>1.305</td>
  5932. </tr>
  5933. <tr>
  5934. <td>2018-08-16</td>
  5935. <td>1.233</td>
  5936. </tr>
  5937. </tbody>
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  5940. </div>
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  5943. BTC
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  5945. <div></div>
  5946. </div>
  5947. </div>
  5948. <p></p>
  5949. <p class="bold">USER SAVINGS IN THE LAST 10 DAYS</p>
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  6010. 2018-08-08
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  6025. 2018-08-11
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  6035. 2018-08-13
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  6040. 2018-08-14
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  6045. 2018-08-15
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  6050. 2018-08-16
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  6055. 2018-08-17
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  6090. <tr>
  6091. <th>Date</th>
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  6093. </tr>
  6094. </thead>
  6095. <tbody>
  6096. <tr>
  6097. <td>2018-08-08</td>
  6098. <td>1,271.483</td>
  6099. </tr>
  6100. <tr>
  6101. <td>2018-08-09</td>
  6102. <td>1,275.892</td>
  6103. </tr>
  6104. <tr>
  6105. <td>2018-08-10</td>
  6106. <td>1,289.837</td>
  6107. </tr>
  6108. <tr>
  6109. <td>2018-08-11</td>
  6110. <td>1,273.3</td>
  6111. </tr>
  6112. <tr>
  6113. <td>2018-08-12</td>
  6114. <td>1,271.298</td>
  6115. </tr>
  6116. <tr>
  6117. <td>2018-08-13</td>
  6118. <td>1,275.228</td>
  6119. </tr>
  6120. <tr>
  6121. <td>2018-08-14</td>
  6122. <td>1,283.967</td>
  6123. </tr>
  6124. <tr>
  6125. <td>2018-08-15</td>
  6126. <td>1,284.156</td>
  6127. </tr>
  6128. <tr>
  6129. <td>2018-08-16</td>
  6130. <td>1,267.708</td>
  6131. </tr>
  6132. <tr>
  6133. <td>2018-08-17</td>
  6134. <td>1,269.278</td>
  6135. </tr>
  6136. </tbody>
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  6142. BTC
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  6144. <div></div>
  6145. </div>
  6146. </div>
  6147. <p></p>
  6148. <p class="bold">INTEREST PAID IN THE LAST 10 DAYS</p>
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  6209. 2018-08-08
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  6212. <g>
  6213. <text text-anchor="middle" x="78.94444444444444" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6214. 2018-08-09
  6215. </text>
  6216. </g>
  6217. <g>
  6218. <text text-anchor="middle" x="99.38888888888889" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6219. 2018-08-10
  6220. </text>
  6221. </g>
  6222. <g>
  6223. <text text-anchor="middle" x="119.83333333333333" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6224. 2018-08-11
  6225. </text>
  6226. </g>
  6227. <g>
  6228. <text text-anchor="middle" x="140.27777777777777" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6229. 2018-08-12
  6230. </text>
  6231. </g>
  6232. <g>
  6233. <text text-anchor="middle" x="160.72222222222223" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6234. 2018-08-13
  6235. </text>
  6236. </g>
  6237. <g>
  6238. <text text-anchor="middle" x="181.16666666666666" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6239. 2018-08-14
  6240. </text>
  6241. </g>
  6242. <g>
  6243. <text text-anchor="middle" x="201.6111111111111" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6244. 2018-08-15
  6245. </text>
  6246. </g>
  6247. <g>
  6248. <text text-anchor="middle" x="222.05555555555554" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6249. 2018-08-16
  6250. </text>
  6251. </g>
  6252. <g>
  6253. <text text-anchor="middle" x="242.5" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6254. 2018-08-17
  6255. </text>
  6256. </g>
  6257. <g>
  6258. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="206" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6259. 0.137
  6260. </text>
  6261. </g>
  6262. <g>
  6263. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="167.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6264. 0.138
  6265. </text>
  6266. </g>
  6267. <g>
  6268. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="129" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6269. 0.139
  6270. </text>
  6271. </g>
  6272. <g>
  6273. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="90.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6274. 0.140
  6275. </text>
  6276. </g>
  6277. <g>
  6278. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="52" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6279. 0.141
  6280. </text>
  6281. </g>
  6282. </g>
  6283. </g>
  6284. <g></g>
  6285. </svg>
  6286. <div aria-label="A tabular representation of the data in the chart." style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: auto; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">
  6287. <table>
  6288. <thead>
  6289. <tr>
  6290. <th>Date</th>
  6291. <th>BTC</th>
  6292. </tr>
  6293. </thead>
  6294. <tbody>
  6295. <tr>
  6296. <td>2018-08-08</td>
  6297. <td>0.138</td>
  6298. </tr>
  6299. <tr>
  6300. <td>2018-08-09</td>
  6301. <td>0.139</td>
  6302. </tr>
  6303. <tr>
  6304. <td>2018-08-10</td>
  6305. <td>0.14</td>
  6306. </tr>
  6307. <tr>
  6308. <td>2018-08-11</td>
  6309. <td>0.138</td>
  6310. </tr>
  6311. <tr>
  6312. <td>2018-08-12</td>
  6313. <td>0.138</td>
  6314. </tr>
  6315. <tr>
  6316. <td>2018-08-13</td>
  6317. <td>0.139</td>
  6318. </tr>
  6319. <tr>
  6320. <td>2018-08-14</td>
  6321. <td>0.14</td>
  6322. </tr>
  6323. <tr>
  6324. <td>2018-08-15</td>
  6325. <td>0.14</td>
  6326. </tr>
  6327. <tr>
  6328. <td>2018-08-16</td>
  6329. <td>0.138</td>
  6330. </tr>
  6331. <tr>
  6332. <td>2018-08-17</td>
  6333. <td>0.138</td>
  6334. </tr>
  6335. </tbody>
  6336. </table>
  6337. </div>
  6338. </div>
  6339. </div>
  6340. <div aria-hidden="true" style="display: none; position: absolute; top: 260px; left: 310px; white-space: nowrap; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px;">
  6341. BTC
  6342. </div>
  6343. <div></div>
  6344. </div>
  6345. </div>
  6346. <p></p>
  6347. <p class="bold">SIGNUPS IN THE LAST 10 DAYS</p>
  6348. <p></p>
  6349. <div id="total_signups_div">
  6350. <div style="position: relative;">
  6351. <div dir="ltr" style="position: relative; width: 300px; height: 250px;">
  6352. <div aria-label="A chart." style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
  6353. <svg width="300" height="250" aria-label="A chart." style="overflow: hidden;">
  6354. <defs id="defs">
  6355. <clippath id="_ABSTRACT_RENDERER_ID_3">
  6356. <rect x="58" y="48" width="185" height="155"></rect>
  6357. </clippath>
  6358. </defs>
  6359. <rect x="0" y="0" width="300" height="250" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#ffffff"></rect>
  6360. <g>
  6361. <rect x="253" y="48" width="37" height="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill-opacity="0" fill="#ffffff"></rect>
  6362. <g>
  6363. <rect x="253" y="48" width="37" height="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill-opacity="0" fill="#ffffff"></rect>
  6364. <g>
  6365. <text text-anchor="start" x="277" y="56.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6366. Signups
  6367. </text>
  6368. </g>
  6369. <rect x="253" y="53" width="20" height="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill-opacity="0.3" fill="#3366cc"></rect>
  6370. <path d="M253,53L273,53" stroke="#3366cc" stroke-width="2" fill-opacity="1" fill="none"></path>
  6371. <circle cx="263" cy="53" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6372. </g>
  6373. </g>
  6374. <g>
  6375. <rect x="58" y="48" width="185" height="155" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill-opacity="0" fill="#ffffff"></rect>
  6376. <g clip-path="url(">
  6377. <g>
  6378. <rect x="58" y="202" width="185" height="1" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#cccccc"></rect>
  6379. <rect x="58" y="164" width="185" height="1" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#cccccc"></rect>
  6380. <rect x="58" y="125" width="185" height="1" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#cccccc"></rect>
  6381. <rect x="58" y="87" width="185" height="1" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#cccccc"></rect>
  6382. <rect x="58" y="48" width="185" height="1" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#cccccc"></rect>
  6383. </g>
  6384. <g>
  6385. <g>
  6386. <path d="M58.5,202.5L58.5,202.5L58.5,84.26265L78.94444444444444,121.7655L99.38888888888889,96.57495L119.83333333333333,132.71875L140.27777777777777,115.08574999999999L160.72222222222223,134.51670000000001L181.16666666666666,147.84154999999998L201.6111111111111,162.25209999999998L222.05555555555554,136.1568L242.5,137.27715L242.5,202.5L242.5,202.5Z" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill-opacity="0.3" fill="#3366cc"></path>
  6387. </g>
  6388. </g>
  6389. <g>
  6390. <rect x="58" y="202" width="185" height="1" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#333333"></rect>
  6391. </g>
  6392. <g>
  6393. <path d="M58.5,84.26265L78.94444444444444,121.7655L99.38888888888889,96.57495L119.83333333333333,132.71875L140.27777777777777,115.08574999999999L160.72222222222223,134.51670000000001L181.16666666666666,147.84154999999998L201.6111111111111,162.25209999999998L222.05555555555554,136.1568L242.5,137.27715" stroke="#3366cc" stroke-width="2" fill-opacity="1" fill="none"></path>
  6394. </g>
  6395. </g>
  6396. <g>
  6397. <circle cx="58.5" cy="84.26265" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6398. <circle cx="78.94444444444444" cy="121.7655" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6399. <circle cx="99.38888888888889" cy="96.57495" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6400. <circle cx="119.83333333333333" cy="132.71875" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6401. <circle cx="140.27777777777777" cy="115.08574999999999" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6402. <circle cx="160.72222222222223" cy="134.51670000000001" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6403. <circle cx="181.16666666666666" cy="147.84154999999998" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6404. <circle cx="201.6111111111111" cy="162.25209999999998" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6405. <circle cx="222.05555555555554" cy="136.1568" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6406. <circle cx="242.5" cy="137.27715" r="5" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#3366cc"></circle>
  6407. </g>
  6408. <g>
  6409. <g>
  6410. <text text-anchor="middle" x="58.5" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6411. 2018-08-07
  6412. </text>
  6413. </g>
  6414. <g>
  6415. <text text-anchor="middle" x="78.94444444444444" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6416. 2018-08-08
  6417. </text>
  6418. </g>
  6419. <g>
  6420. <text text-anchor="middle" x="99.38888888888889" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6421. 2018-08-09
  6422. </text>
  6423. </g>
  6424. <g>
  6425. <text text-anchor="middle" x="119.83333333333333" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6426. 2018-08-10
  6427. </text>
  6428. </g>
  6429. <g>
  6430. <text text-anchor="middle" x="140.27777777777777" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6431. 2018-08-11
  6432. </text>
  6433. </g>
  6434. <g>
  6435. <text text-anchor="middle" x="160.72222222222223" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6436. 2018-08-12
  6437. </text>
  6438. </g>
  6439. <g>
  6440. <text text-anchor="middle" x="181.16666666666666" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6441. 2018-08-13
  6442. </text>
  6443. </g>
  6444. <g>
  6445. <text text-anchor="middle" x="201.6111111111111" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6446. 2018-08-14
  6447. </text>
  6448. </g>
  6449. <g>
  6450. <text text-anchor="middle" x="222.05555555555554" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6451. 2018-08-15
  6452. </text>
  6453. </g>
  6454. <g>
  6455. <text text-anchor="middle" x="242.5" y="217.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#222222">
  6456. 2018-08-16
  6457. </text>
  6458. </g>
  6459. <g>
  6460. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="206" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6461. 0
  6462. </text>
  6463. </g>
  6464. <g>
  6465. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="167.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6466. 10,000
  6467. </text>
  6468. </g>
  6469. <g>
  6470. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="129" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6471. 20,000
  6472. </text>
  6473. </g>
  6474. <g>
  6475. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="90.5" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6476. 30,000
  6477. </text>
  6478. </g>
  6479. <g>
  6480. <text text-anchor="end" x="48" y="52" font-family="Arial" font-size="10" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="#444444">
  6481. 40,000
  6482. </text>
  6483. </g>
  6484. </g>
  6485. </g>
  6486. <g></g>
  6487. </svg>
  6488. <div aria-label="A tabular representation of the data in the chart." style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: auto; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">
  6489. <table>
  6490. <thead>
  6491. <tr>
  6492. <th>Date</th>
  6493. <th>Signups</th>
  6494. </tr>
  6495. </thead>
  6496. <tbody>
  6497. <tr>
  6498. <td>2018-08-07</td>
  6499. <td>30,711</td>
  6500. </tr>
  6501. <tr>
  6502. <td>2018-08-08</td>
  6503. <td>20,970</td>
  6504. </tr>
  6505. <tr>
  6506. <td>2018-08-09</td>
  6507. <td>27,513</td>
  6508. </tr>
  6509. <tr>
  6510. <td>2018-08-10</td>
  6511. <td>18,125</td>
  6512. </tr>
  6513. <tr>
  6514. <td>2018-08-11</td>
  6515. <td>22,705</td>
  6516. </tr>
  6517. <tr>
  6518. <td>2018-08-12</td>
  6519. <td>17,658</td>
  6520. </tr>
  6521. <tr>
  6522. <td>2018-08-13</td>
  6523. <td>14,197</td>
  6524. </tr>
  6525. <tr>
  6526. <td>2018-08-14</td>
  6527. <td>10,454</td>
  6528. </tr>
  6529. <tr>
  6530. <td>2018-08-15</td>
  6531. <td>17,232</td>
  6532. </tr>
  6533. <tr>
  6534. <td>2018-08-16</td>
  6535. <td>16,941</td>
  6536. </tr>
  6537. </tbody>
  6538. </table>
  6539. </div>
  6540. </div>
  6541. </div>
  6542. <div aria-hidden="true" style="display: none; position: absolute; top: 260px; left: 310px; white-space: nowrap; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px;">
  6543. Signups
  6544. </div>
  6545. <div></div>
  6546. </div>
  6547. </div>
  6548. <p></p>
  6549. </div>
  6550. </div>
  6551. <div class="wx3uoH4d" style="padding-top:10px;" id="box_ad_bottom_mobile">
  6552. <center>
  6553. </center>
  6554. </div>
  6555. </div>
  6556. </div>
  6557. <div id="myModal2" class="reveal-modal">
  6558. <div id="provably_fair" align="center">
  6559. <p class="bold">SEEDS FOR YOUR NEXT ROLL</p>
  6560. <table>
  6561. <tbody>
  6562. <tr>
  6563. <td class="bold">Server Seed Hash<br><small>(SHA-256)</small></td>
  6564. <td><textarea id="next_server_seed_hash" style="background-color:#D9D9D9;" onclick=";" rows="2" readonly>5839dd203013a1785e21d5d0a4d4787a9f1f443bb3fa6ad97157958c2aaf3ab7</textarea></td>
  6565. </tr>
  6566. <tr>
  6567. <td class="bold">Client Seed</td>
  6568. <td><input type="text" id="next_client_seed" value="LWNAbDnlN1oleN6S"></td>
  6569. </tr>
  6570. <tr>
  6571. <td class="bold">Nonce</td>
  6572. <td id="next_nonce">1744</td>
  6573. </tr>
  6574. </tbody>
  6575. </table>
  6576. <p><span class="bold">PREVIOUS ROLL DETAILS</span><br><span id="no_previous_rolls_msg">You haven't rolled yet since reloading the page. Your roll history for the last 10 days is available below.</span></p>
  6577. <table id="previous_rolls_table" style="display:none;">
  6578. <tbody>
  6579. <tr>
  6580. <td class="bold">Server Seed Hash<br><small>(SHA-256)</small></td>
  6581. <td><textarea id="previous_server_seed_hash" style="background-color:#D9D9D9;" onclick=";" rows="2" readonly></textarea></td>
  6582. </tr>
  6583. <tr>
  6584. <td class="bold">Server Seed</td>
  6585. <td><textarea class="previous_server_seed" style="background-color:#D9D9D9;" onclick=";" rows="2" readonly></textarea></td>
  6586. </tr>
  6587. <tr>
  6588. <td class="bold">Client Seed</td>
  6589. <td><textarea class="previous_client_seed" style="background-color:#D9D9D9;" onclick=";" rows="2" readonly></textarea></td>
  6590. </tr>
  6591. <tr>
  6592. <td class="bold">Nonce</td>
  6593. <td class="previous_nonce"></td>
  6594. </tr>
  6595. <tr>
  6596. <td class="bold">Rolled Number</td>
  6597. <td id="previous_roll"></td>
  6598. </tr>
  6599. </tbody>
  6600. </table>
  6601. <p class="bold"><a href="" target="_blank" id="verify_rolls_link">CLICK HERE TO VERIFY YOUR ROLLS</a></p>
  6602. <p>This game is provably fair. What that means is that there is no way the site can cheat you by picking a number that is in our favour. </p>
  6603. <p>The way this works is that each roll is calculated using 3 parameters - the server seed, client seed and nonce. Out of these, we show you the client seed and nonce that will be used for your next roll along with a SHA256 hash of the server seed. You can also change the client seed if you wish. The server seed is the only part that is kept a secret until after the roll.</p>
  6604. <p>Then after you roll, under the section titled <b>PREVIOUS ROLL DETAILS</b>, we show you the server seed that was used and you can verify that this was the same server seed that we said we were going to use before the roll by checking if the SHA256 hash of this seed matches the SHA256 hash that we showed you before the roll.To know exactly how we calculate the rolls, read the section below titled <b>How are rolls calculated?</b></p>
  6605. <p>After you roll, you can also click the link above named <b>CLICK HERE TO VERIFY YOUR ROLLS</b> to verify your roll using our javascript based roll verifier which uses the same seeds to re-calculate the roll right in your browser without any external communication.</p>
  6606. <p class="bold">How are rolls calculated?</p>
  6607. <ol style="padding:0 15px 0 30px;font-size:.9em;text-align:left;">
  6608. <li>Two strings are created : <br>STRING1 = "[NONCE]:[SERVER SEED]:[NONCE]" <br>STRING2 = "[NONCE]:[CLIENT SEED]:[NONCE]"<span id="previous_roll_strings" style="display:none;"><br>For your last roll : <br>STRING1 = "<span class="previous_nonce">[NONCE]</span>:<span class="previous_server_seed">[SERVER SEED]</span>:<span class="previous_nonce">[NONCE]</span>" <br>STRING2 = "<span class="previous_nonce">[NONCE]</span>:<span class="previous_client_seed">[CLIENT SEED]</span>:<span class="previous_nonce">[NONCE]</span>"</span></li>
  6609. <li>Then HMAC-SHA512 is used to hash STRING1 with STRING2 as the secret key, giving us a 128 character hex string.</li>
  6610. <li>The first 8 characters of the hex string are taken and converted to a decimal.</li>
  6611. <li>This decimal is then divided by 429496.7295 and rounded off to the nearest whole number.</li>
  6612. <li>This whole number is used as your roll, with the maximum possible value being 10,000.</li>
  6613. </ol>
  6614. </div>
  6615. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6616. </div>
  6617. <div id="myModal4" class="reveal-modal">
  6618. <h3>
  6619. <center>
  6621. </center></h3>
  6622. <p>You can track the visits and signups that you are getting from multiple traffic sources by adding the tag parameter (<b>&amp;tag</b>) to your referral URL.</p>
  6623. <p>For example, to track the visits and signups from Source 1, add <b>&amp;tag=source1</b> to your referral URL and then promote that URL (<b>;tag=source1</b>) and you will be able to see the signups and visits from that source by selecting <b>source1</b> in the dropdown menu below.</p>
  6624. <p>You can create as many tags as you want on the fly and they can be a string of upto 150 characters comprising of small and large case letters and numbers, excluding the number 0.</p>
  6625. <p>Tag statistics are updated hourly.</p>
  6626. <div class="center bold" style="padding-bottom:10px;">
  6628. </div>
  6629. <center>
  6630. <select id="get_tag_stats" style="width:275px;"><option value="">--</option></select>
  6631. <table id="detailed_tag_stats_table" style="display:none;">
  6632. <tbody>
  6633. <tr>
  6634. <td class="bold">DATE</td>
  6635. <td class="bold">VISITS</td>
  6636. <td class="bold">SIGNUPS</td>
  6637. <td class="bold">CONVERSION RATE</td>
  6638. </tr>
  6639. </tbody>
  6640. </table>
  6641. </center>
  6642. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6643. </div>
  6644. <div id="myModal10" class="reveal-modal">
  6645. <h3>
  6646. <center>
  6648. </center></h3>
  6649. <p><img src="//;chs=200x200&amp;chl=0&amp;chld=H|0"></p>
  6650. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6651. </div>
  6652. <div id="myModal11" class="reveal-modal">
  6653. <p><b>Why does the amount of Bitcoins that you can win, keep changing?</b></p>
  6654. <p>The amount of bitcoins that you can win with <b>FREE BTC</b> depends on the current bitcoin price and the biggest prize is fixed at US$200 and the other prizes in proportion to it. So, when the price of a bitcoin goes down, the reward amount calculated in bitcoins goes up and the other way round is also true. <b>So, regardless of the current bitcoin price, you have a fair chance of winning US$200 in bitcoins on each roll.</b></p>
  6655. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6656. </div>
  6657. <div id="myModal15" class="reveal-modal">
  6658. <div class="alert-box" style="background-color:#FFFFAD;color:black;" align="center">
  6659. <span class="bold">Earn 4.08% annual interest on your balance! <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="earn_btc_link bold">Click here to read more.</a></span>
  6660. </div>
  6661. <h3>
  6662. <center>
  6664. </center></h3>
  6665. <p class="bold">PLEASE SELECT A WITHDRAWAL OPTION</p>
  6666. <div align="center">
  6667. <ul class="withdraw_options_ul">
  6668. <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="auto_withdraw_option_link" class="active">AUTO</a></li>
  6669. <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="manual_withdraw_option_link">SLOW</a></li>
  6670. <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="instant_withdraw_option_link">INSTANT</a></li>
  6671. </ul>
  6672. </div>
  6673. <div class="withdraw_content_top_border"></div>
  6674. <div id="withdraw_content_container" align="center">
  6675. <div id="auto_withdraw_option" style="" align="center" class="withdraw_options">
  6676. <div class="row">
  6677. <p><input type="checkbox" id="auto_withdraw" class="hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span> <span class="bold">AUTO WITHDRAW</span></p>
  6678. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  6679. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  6680. MIN. WITHDRAW: 0.00030000 BTC
  6681. </div>
  6682. </div>
  6683. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container">
  6684. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6686. </div>
  6687. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6688. Every Sunday
  6689. </div>
  6690. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6691. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6693. </div>
  6694. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6695. <span class="manual_withdraw_fee">0.00000400</span> BTC*
  6696. </div>
  6697. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6698. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center your_bitcoin_address">
  6699. Your Bitcoin address:
  6700. <span class="bold withdraw_btc_address">37g9FjwjjHRGGd6kU4PWNiSdJrtfJYmbM7</span>
  6701. </div>
  6702. </div>
  6703. </div>
  6704. <p><small>* The auto-withdraw fee used will be the current slow withdraw fee at the time when payments are being made but will be limited to a maximum of 3,000 satoshi (0.00003000 BTC)</small></p>
  6705. <p class="bold" style="margin-top: 15px;">COUNTDOWN TO NEXT PAYOUT</p>
  6706. <div align="center">
  6707. <div class="payout_time_remaining hasCountdown">
  6708. <span class="countdown_row countdown_show4"><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">1</span><br>Day</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">18</span><br>Hours</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">55</span><br>Minutes</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">50</span><br>Seconds</span></span>
  6709. </div>
  6710. </div>
  6711. </div>
  6712. <div id="manual_withdraw_option" style="display:none;" align="center" class="withdraw_options">
  6713. <div class="row">
  6714. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  6715. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  6716. MIN. WITHDRAW:
  6717. <span class="manual_min_withdraw">0.00030000</span> BTC
  6718. </div>
  6719. </div>
  6720. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container">
  6721. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6722. TIME TAKEN
  6723. </div>
  6724. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6725. 6-24 Hours
  6726. </div>
  6727. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6728. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6729. AMOUNT&nbsp;
  6730. <small>(<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="withdraw_all_link">WITHDRAW ALL</a>)</small>
  6731. </div>
  6732. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6733. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" id="withdrawal_amount" placeholder="Enter withdrawal amount" onclick=";">
  6734. </div>
  6735. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6736. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6738. </div>
  6739. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6740. <span class="manual_withdraw_fee">0.00000400</span> BTC
  6741. </div>
  6742. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6743. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6745. </div>
  6746. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6747. <span id="manual_withdraw_amt_recv" class="bold">0.00000000</span> BTC
  6748. </div>
  6749. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6750. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6751. BITCOIN ADDRESS&nbsp;
  6752. <small>(<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="withdraw_use_profile_address">USE PROFILE ADDRESS</a>)</small>
  6753. </div>
  6754. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6755. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" class="withdraw_btc_address" id="manual_withdraw_btc_add" placeholder="Enter withdrawal address" value="37g9FjwjjHRGGd6kU4PWNiSdJrtfJYmbM7" onclick=";">
  6756. </div>
  6757. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6758. <div class="profile_2fa_field" style="display:none;">
  6759. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6760. 2FA CODE
  6761. </div>
  6762. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6763. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter 2FA code" id="mw_tfa_code">
  6764. </div>
  6765. </div>
  6766. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6767. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  6768. <button id="withdrawal_button" class="orange_button center" style="margin:auto; margin-top:10px;">WITHDRAW</button>
  6769. </div>
  6770. </div>
  6771. </div>
  6772. <p class="bold" style="margin-top: 30px;">COUNTDOWN TO NEXT PAYOUT</p>
  6773. <div align="center">
  6774. <div id="slow_payout_time_remaining" class="hasCountdown">
  6775. <span class="countdown_row countdown_show3"><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">4</span><br>Hours</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">23</span><br>Minutes</span><span class="countdown_section"><span class="countdown_amount">25</span><br>Seconds</span></span>
  6776. </div>
  6777. </div>
  6778. </div>
  6779. <div id="instant_withdraw_option" style="display:none;" align="center" class="withdraw_options">
  6780. <div class="row">
  6781. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  6782. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  6783. MIN. WITHDRAW:
  6784. <span class="instant_min_withdraw">0.00030000</span> BTC
  6785. </div>
  6786. </div>
  6787. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container">
  6788. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6789. TIME TAKEN
  6790. </div>
  6791. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6792. ~15 Minutes
  6793. </div>
  6794. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6795. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6796. AMOUNT&nbsp;
  6797. <small>(<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="withdraw_all_link">WITHDRAW ALL</a>)</small>
  6798. </div>
  6799. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6800. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" id="instant_withdrawal_amount" placeholder="Enter withdrawal amount" onclick=";">
  6801. </div>
  6802. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6803. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6805. </div>
  6806. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6807. <span class="instant_withdraw_fee">0.00001700</span> BTC
  6808. </div>
  6809. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6810. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6812. </div>
  6813. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6814. <span id="instant_withdraw_amt_recv" class="bold">0.00000000</span> BTC
  6815. </div>
  6816. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6817. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6818. BITCOIN ADDRESS&nbsp;
  6819. <small>(<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="withdraw_use_profile_address">USE PROFILE ADDRESS</a>)</small>
  6820. </div>
  6821. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6822. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" class="withdraw_btc_address" id="instant_withdraw_btc_add" placeholder="Enter withdrawal address" value="37g9FjwjjHRGGd6kU4PWNiSdJrtfJYmbM7" onclick=";">
  6823. </div>
  6824. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6825. <div class="profile_2fa_field" style="display:none;">
  6826. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6827. 2FA CODE
  6828. </div>
  6829. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6830. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" placeholder="Enter 2FA code" id="iw_tfa_code">
  6831. </div>
  6832. </div>
  6833. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6834. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  6835. <button id="instant_withdrawal_button" class="orange_button center" style="margin:auto; margin-top:10px;">WITHDRAW</button>
  6836. </div>
  6837. </div>
  6838. </div>
  6839. </div>
  6840. </div>
  6841. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6842. </div>
  6843. <div id="myModal16" class="reveal-modal" style="border-radius:10px;">
  6844. <h3>
  6845. <center>
  6847. </center></h3>
  6848. <p>You can send bitcoins to your personal deposit address and they will be credited to your account after 1 <a href="" target="_blank">network confirmation</a>.</p>
  6849. <div class="row" id="main_deposit_address_box">
  6850. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  6851. <div class="reward_table_box green_prize_rank br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  6853. </div>
  6854. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  6855. <input type="text" id="main_deposit_address" style="text-align:center;" value="16w1hRPS55NY1gdhELWAGjetUvbHZGkZn" onclick=";">
  6856. </div>
  6857. </div>
  6858. </div>
  6859. <p>Please double-check that the address you have copied is correct before sending bitcoins from your wallet since there are some malware that can change the deposit address after you copy it, resulting in coins being sent to some other address and not your deposit address.</p>
  6860. <p id="main_deposit_address_qr_code"><img src="//;chs=200x200&amp;chl=16w1hRPS55NY1gdhELWAGjetUvbHZGkZn&amp;chld=H|0"></p>
  6861. <p><button class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style" style="width:250px; margin:auto;" onclick="GenerateMainDepositAddress();" id="">NEW DEPOSIT ADDRESS</button></p>
  6862. <p><button class="new_button_style profile_page_button_style" style="width:180px; margin:auto;" onclick="javascript:VisitLink(';nci=5343');">BUY BITCOINS</button></p>
  6863. <p> <a onclick="shapeshift_click(this, event);" href=";amount=Enter-amount&amp;output=BTC&amp;apiKey=e7117e5bb84595a30548c75f893a15d5af3fcd526ea91c0cd9b2fbff90d3e2bde4970dfbdafa81b118e35a050e42854567c05d6e9c008fab790540c4b1ea1234"><img src="" class="ss-button"></a></p>
  6864. <p>Your previously generated bitcoin addresses are listed below. Any deposits sent to these addresses will also be credited to your account after 1 confirmation.</p>
  6865. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  6866. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  6867. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  6868. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  6870. </div>
  6871. </div>
  6872. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container effect2">
  6873. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell " style="padding-bottom:0;">
  6874. <input type="text" size="40" style="text-align:center;" value="16w1hRPS55NY1gdhELWAGjetUvbHZGkZn" onclick=";">
  6875. </div>
  6876. </div>
  6877. </div>
  6878. </div>
  6879. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6880. </div>
  6881. <div id="myModal20" class="reveal-modal">
  6882. <h3>
  6883. <center>
  6885. </center></h3>
  6886. <p>Click inside the bet amount box and then use the following keyboard shortcuts to play the MULTIPLY BTC game.</p>
  6887. <table align="center">
  6888. <tbody>
  6889. <tr class="bold">
  6890. <td>KEY</td>
  6891. <td>FUNCTION</td>
  6892. </tr>
  6893. <tr>
  6894. <td>H</td>
  6895. <td>Bet HI</td>
  6896. </tr>
  6897. <tr>
  6898. <td>L</td>
  6899. <td>Bet LO</td>
  6900. </tr>
  6901. <tr>
  6902. <td>A</td>
  6903. <td>Halve bet amount</td>
  6904. </tr>
  6905. <tr>
  6906. <td>S</td>
  6907. <td>Double bet amount</td>
  6908. </tr>
  6909. <tr>
  6910. <td>D</td>
  6911. <td>Min bet amount</td>
  6912. </tr>
  6913. <tr>
  6914. <td>F</td>
  6915. <td>Max bet amount</td>
  6916. </tr>
  6917. <tr>
  6918. <td>Q</td>
  6919. <td>Increase odds by 1</td>
  6920. </tr>
  6921. <tr>
  6922. <td>W</td>
  6923. <td>Decrease odds by 1</td>
  6924. </tr>
  6925. <tr>
  6926. <td>E</td>
  6927. <td>Increase odds by 5</td>
  6928. </tr>
  6929. <tr>
  6930. <td>R</td>
  6931. <td>Decrease odds by 5</td>
  6932. </tr>
  6933. <tr>
  6934. <td>T</td>
  6935. <td>Increase odds by 10</td>
  6936. </tr>
  6937. <tr>
  6938. <td>Y</td>
  6939. <td>Decrease odds by 10</td>
  6940. </tr>
  6941. </tbody>
  6942. </table>
  6943. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6944. </div>
  6945. <div id="myModal22" class="reveal-modal" data-options="closeOnBackgroundClick:false">
  6946. <div class="small-12 columns center">
  6947. <h4 id="earn_more">Did you know?</h4>
  6948. <h5 id="multiply_times">You can multiply your bitcoins up to <span id="multiple_by">4,750</span> times and win free lottery tickets and reward points by playing our provably fair HI-LO game!</h5>
  6949. <div id="multiply_now_div" class="double_your_btc_link double_your_btc_link2">
  6950. <a href="#"><h4 id="multiply_now_text">PLAY NOW</h4></a>
  6951. </div>
  6952. </div>
  6953. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6954. </div>
  6955. <div id="myModal23" class="reveal-modal">
  6956. <p>We do not endorse the product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by banner ads in this website. Please do your own due dilligence before purchasing any of the products or services advertised here. The products or websites advertised here may be unsafe, untrustworthy, or illegal in your jurisdiction.</p>
  6957. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  6958. </div>
  6959. <div id="myModal24" class="reveal-modal">
  6960. <h3>
  6961. <center>
  6963. </center></h3>
  6964. <p>You are eligible to claim a bonus of <span class="dep_bonus_max bold" style="color:red;">0.00000201 BTC</span> from us for playing the MULTIPLY BTC game! Please read the terms of the bonus below before claiming.</p>
  6965. <div id="claim_bonus_box" align="center">
  6966. <div class="row">
  6967. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box table_header_background br_5_5">
  6968. <div class="center" style="margin:auto;">
  6970. </div>
  6971. </div>
  6972. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_container">
  6973. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6974. MIN. BONUS
  6975. </div>
  6976. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6977. 0.00001000 BTC
  6978. </div>
  6979. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6980. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6981. MAX. BONUS
  6982. </div>
  6983. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6984. <span class="dep_bonus_max">0.00000201 BTC</span>
  6985. </div>
  6986. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6987. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_box reward_table_box_left_mobile">
  6989. </div>
  6990. <div class="large-6 small-12 columns center reward_table_input reward_table_box_right_mobile">
  6991. <input type="text" style="text-align: center; color: #000; border-radius:3px;" id="claim_bonus_amount" class="dep_bonus_max" value="0.00000201">
  6992. </div>
  6993. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center" style="height:10px;"></div>
  6994. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center your_bitcoin_address" style="padding:10px 0">
  6995. <label for="accept_bonus_terms" style="font-size:1em;font-weight:normal;color:black;"><input type="checkbox" id="accept_bonus_terms" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;top:4px;" class="hidden-field"><span class="custom checkbox"></span>&nbsp;I have read and agree to the bonus terms</label>
  6996. </div>
  6997. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  6998. <button id="claim_bonus_button" class="orange_button center" style="margin:auto; margin-top:10px;">CLAIM</button>
  6999. </div>
  7000. </div>
  7001. </div>
  7002. </div>
  7003. <p></p>
  7004. <h4>
  7005. <center>
  7007. </center></h4>
  7008. <p></p>
  7009. <p>The MULTIPLY BTC bonus works in the following manner:</p>
  7010. <div>
  7011. <ol>
  7012. <li>When you claim a bonus, an equivalent amount is deducted from your account balance and the amount+bonus is transferred to a bonus account. For example, if you claim a bonus of 0.001 BTC, an additional 0.001 BTC will be deducted from your account balance and your bonus account will have a balance of 0.002 BTC.</li>
  7013. <li> The balance in your bonus account needs to be wagered 25 times in the MULTIPLY BTC game before it is credited to your main balance. In the above example, you need to wager 0.05 (0.002* 25 ) BTC before the balance in your bonus account is transferred to your main account. </li>
  7014. <li>The maximum wagering requirements that you can fulfil in a single bet cannot exceed 10% of the original amount of your bonus account. Following the example above, if you make a bet of less than or equal to 0.0002, the full amount will be counted towards your wagering requirements but for bets over 0.0002, only a maximum of 0.0002 will be counted towards your wagering requirements. However, 100% of all jackpot bets will be counted towards fulfilling your wagering requirements.</li>
  7015. <li>If you have any balance in your bonus account, it will be used first for all wagers that you make and the winnings will be added to your bonus account. If you make a wager larger than the amount in your bonus account, the wager will be taken first from your bonus account (until it is 0) and the remaining will be taken from your main account and the winnings will be added to your bonus account.</li>
  7016. <li>When you complete the wagering requirements for a bonus, the full balance of your bonus account will automatically be added to your main account (within a few minutes) and can be withdrawn to your wallet immediately.</li>
  7017. <li>Any amount spent on playing for the jackpot will also count towards fulfilling your bonus wager requirements.</li>
  7018. <li>You can only have 1 bonus active at any time.</li>
  7019. <li>Active bonuses do not have any expiry date and will last forever until the wagering requirements are met.</li>
  7020. <li>Once claimed, a bonus cannot be cancelled until the wagering requirements have been fulfilled.</li>
  7021. </ol>
  7022. </div>
  7023. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7024. </div>
  7025. <div id="myModal25" class="reveal-modal">
  7026. <p></p>
  7027. <h4>
  7028. <center>
  7030. </center></h4>
  7031. <p></p>
  7032. <p>The MULTIPLY BTC bonus works in the following manner:</p>
  7033. <div>
  7034. <ol>
  7035. <li>When you claim a bonus, an equivalent amount is deducted from your account balance and the amount+bonus is transferred to a bonus account. For example, if you claim a bonus of 0.001 BTC, an additional 0.001 BTC will be deducted from your account balance and your bonus account will have a balance of 0.002 BTC.</li>
  7036. <li> The balance in your bonus account needs to be wagered 25 times in the MULTIPLY BTC game before it is credited to your main balance. In the above example, you need to wager 0.05 (0.002*25) BTC before the balance in your bonus account is transferred to your main account. </li>
  7037. <li>The maximum wagering requirement that you can fulfil in a single bet cannot exceed 10% of the original amount of your bonus account. Following the example above, if you make a bet of less than or equal to 0.0002, the full amount will be counted towards your wagering requirements but for bets over 0.0002, only a maximum of 0.0002 will be counted towards your wagering requirements. However, 100% of all jackpot bets will be counted towards fulfilling your wagering requirements.</li>
  7038. <li>If you have any balance in your bonus account, it will be used first for all wagers that you make and the winnings will be added to your bonus account. If you make a wager larger than the amount in your bonus account, the wager will be taken first from your bonus account (until it is 0) and the remaining will be taken from your main account and the winnings will be added to your bonus account.</li>
  7039. <li>When you complete the wagering requirements for a bonus, the full balance of your bonus account will automatically be added to your main account (within a few minutes) and can be withdrawn to your wallet immediately.</li>
  7040. <li>Any amount spent on playing for the jackpot will also count towards fulfilling your bonus wager requirements.</li>
  7041. <li>You can only have 1 bonus active at any time.</li>
  7042. <li>Active bonuses do not have any expiry date and will last forever until the wagering requirements are met.</li>
  7043. <li>Once claimed, a bonus cannot be cancelled until the wagering requirements have been fulfilled.</li>
  7044. </ol>
  7045. </div>
  7046. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7047. </div>
  7048. <div id="myModal26" class="reveal-modal">
  7049. <p></p>
  7050. <h4>
  7051. <center>
  7052. Make an extra $5!
  7053. </center></h4>
  7054. <p></p>
  7055. <p><b>Want to earn an extra $5?</b> - Simply post the message below at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, with a screenshot of your win and we shall credit an extra $5 worth of bitcoin into your account within 48 hours!</p>
  7056. <p>Message to post:</p>
  7057. <p><textarea style="background-color:#D9D9D9;height:225px;" onclick=";" rows="25" id="fp_forum_msg" readonly></textarea></p>
  7058. <p><b>When you post, do not forget to include a screenshot of your win. If you do not post a screenshot, you will not get the $5 reward!</b></p>
  7059. <p>Please upload your screenshot to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and include the image link in your post.</p>
  7060. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7061. </div>
  7062. <div id="myModal27" class="reveal-modal">
  7063. <p><b>Are you experiencing long confirmation times for your bitcoin transactions?</b></p>
  7064. <p><b>Is your current bitcoin wallet paying insufficient network fees as a result of which you have to wait hours or days for your bitcoins to be credited?</b></p>
  7065. <p><b style="color:red;">Did you know that you can use your account directly as a bitcoin wallet?</b> Just click the DEPOSIT button and generate a bitcoin address and use that address to receive bitcoins from anywhere. When you wish to transfer bitcoins out or make a payment, just use the WITHDRAW button to send bitcoins to any address.</p>
  7066. <p>By using us as your bitcoin wallet, you will ensure that your bitcoin payments have fast confirmation times since we monitor the bitcoin network 24/7 to ensure that your <b>transactions are always sent with an appropriate fee for fast confirmations</b>. We also provide a "SLOW" withdrawal option with very low transaction fees for non-priority withdrawals.</p>
  7067. <p>Also, as an additional bonus, <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="earn_btc_link bold">we pay you daily interest on any balance that you hold in your account</a>, which no other wallet does!</p>
  7068. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7069. </div>
  7070. <div id="myModal28" class="reveal-modal">
  7071. <h3>
  7072. <center>
  7074. </center></h3>
  7075. <div class="row" style="margin-top: 20px;">
  7076. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  7077. <div class="reward_table_box green_prize_rank br_5_5 bold" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #f3cd00; font-weight: bold;">
  7079. </div>
  7080. <div class="reward_table_box br_0_0_5_5 font_bold" style="border-top:none;">
  7081. <input type="text" size="25" style="text-align:center;background-color:#D9D9D9;" value="d4dfd4f0c7a0b40c1fb327448dd4723a1f6bc5e066d4b359f8fea4255ef1bc1f" onclick=";" readonly>
  7082. </div>
  7083. </div>
  7084. </div>
  7085. <p>This lottery is provably fair. What that means is that there is no way the site can cheat you by picking a lottery winner who we favour. All winners are picked randomly and the method for picking the winners is described below.</p>
  7086. <div>
  7087. <ol class="lottery_rules_list">
  7088. <li>At the beginning of each round, we generate a server seed for that round and show you the SHA256 hash of this seed.</li>
  7089. <li>When a lottery round has concluded, we make a list of all user id's and their lottery tickets and sort it in ascending order of the user id's.</li>
  7090. <li>We then use this list to assign ticket numbers for all tickets. For example if user id 1 has 10 tickets and user id 2 has 20 tickets, then user id 1 will have ticket numbers 0 to 9 and user id 2 will have ticket numbers from 10 to 29. This is done for all users.</li>
  7091. <li>Then the list containing the user id's, tickets held by each user and their ticket numbers is published in a text file. This file also contains the total number of tickets issued in the round and the server seed for that round.</li>
  7092. <li>A MD5 hash of this text file is calculated.</li>
  7093. <li>Then the current bitcoin block number is recorded and a block number that is 12 blocks into the future is decided on. The block hash of this future block is used as a "client seed" ie. a seed that we are not aware of when the list in step 4 has been published.</li>
  7094. <li>Then a tweet is made via our twitter account (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) containing the link to the file generated in step 4, the MD5 hash of the file and the future bitcoin block number as determined in step 6. Since tweets cannot be edited, only deleted, this will provide a timestamp for when the list in step 4 was made, which can be compared to check that the bitcoin block determined in step 6 is in the future ie. we do not know the block hash of this block when the list is generated.</li>
  7095. <li> The winning ticket numbers will be calculated as described below:
  7096. <ul>
  7097. <li>A string (STRING1) is created - "[SERVER SEED]:[BLOCK HASH]:[WINNING POSITION]".</li>
  7098. <li>The SHA256 hash of STRING1 is calculated and the first 8 characters of this hash are taken (STRING2).</li>
  7099. <li>STRING2 is converted to a decimal which gives us a number between 0 and 4,294,967,295 (NUM1).</li>
  7100. <li>NUM1 is then multiplied by the (total number of tickets minus 1) and divided by 4,294,967,295 to get a number (NUM2) between 0 and the total number of tickets less 1.</li>
  7101. <li>NUM2 is then rounded off to the nearest whole number which is the winning ticket number.</li>
  7102. <li>The [WINNING POSITION] starts at 1 and is increased by 1 for picking the 10 winners. The user having the ticket with the lowest [WINNING POSITION] wins the first prize and so on.</li>
  7103. <li>If a user wins more than 1 prize, the number is discarded and [WINNING POSITION] is increased by 1 and the calculations are run again to pick a new user. This is to ensure that a user cannot win more than 1 prize in a round.</li>
  7104. </ul> </li>
  7105. </ol>
  7106. <p class="bold">HOW IS THE SYSTEM FAIR?</p>
  7107. <p>The system described above that is used for picking the winners is provably fair because it has multiple safeguards in place to ensure that winners are picked randomly and fairly.</p>
  7108. <ol class="lottery_rules_list">
  7109. <li>We provide a SHA256 hash of the server seed when a lottery round starts. If we change the server seed at any time, the SHA256 hash of the new seed will not match the hash we provided earlier. After a round has ended and we provide the server seed that will be used to pick winners, the hash of the seed we provide can be checked against the hash we provided originally and both should match.</li>
  7110. <li>We use a future bitcoin block hash as the "client seed" ie. a seed that we do not know of. All bitcoin block hashes are unique and nobody knows what the block hash of a future block will be until the block has been mined.</li>
  7111. <li>We use twitter to publish the future bitcoin block number, the list of users and their ticket numbers and the MD5 hash of the user list. It provides a timestamp to check if the block hash that we use is indeed in the future. Since tweets cannot be edited, only deleted - if we delete the tweet after the future block has been mined and publish a new one, it would be easy to catch us cheating by comparing the timestamp of the tweet and that of the bitcoin block. The timestamp of the tweet should always be lesser than the time timestamp of the bitcoin block whose hash is used as the client seed.</li>
  7112. <li>We provide a MD5 hash of the text file containing the list of users and their ticket numbers. If even a single character in the text file is changed after the MD5 hash in the tweet is published, the MD5 hash of the edited file will not match the MD5 hash provided in the tweet.</li>
  7113. </ol>
  7114. </div>
  7115. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7116. </div>
  7117. <div id="myModal29" class="reveal-modal">
  7118. <h3>
  7119. <center>
  7121. </center></h3>
  7122. <p>If you had funds with us during the recent Bitcoin hard-fork, we have credited you with extra Bitcoin Cash (BCC) coins for each Bitcoin that you had with us.</p>
  7123. <p>You can exchange your Bitcoin Cash (BCC) that was credited to you directly into Bitcoin at a rate of 0.145 BTC/BCC. When you exchange, the extra Bitcoins will be added to your account balance and can be withdrawn instantly.</p>
  7124. <p class="bold">The BCC that you have received is in addition to the BTC that you had with us and is an extra amount which can be exchanged to increase your BTC holdings by 14.5% by simply clicking a button!</p>
  7125. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  7126. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  7127. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container my_tickets_row_one">
  7128. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;">
  7129. YOUR BCC
  7130. </div>
  7131. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-left: none; border-right: none;">
  7132. BTC
  7133. </div>
  7134. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 5px 0 0;">
  7135. RATE
  7136. </div>
  7137. </div>
  7138. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container my_tickets_row_two ">
  7139. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 0 0 5px;">
  7140. 0.00000000
  7141. </div>
  7142. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style">
  7143. 0
  7144. </div>
  7145. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 0 5px 0;">
  7146. 0.145 BTC/BCC
  7147. </div>
  7148. </div>
  7149. </div>
  7150. </div>
  7151. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  7152. <button id="exchange_bcc_button" class="orange_button center" style="margin:auto; margin-top:10px;">EXCHANGE</button>
  7153. </div>
  7154. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7155. </div>
  7156. <div id="myModal30" class="reveal-modal">
  7157. <h3>
  7158. <center>
  7160. </center></h3>
  7161. <p>Bitcoin has 2 hard forks planned in the near future - "Bitcoin Gold" and "Bitcoin Segwit 2x". As we have done with the "Bitcoin Cash" hard fork in the past, <b>we shall support withdrawals of all hard fork coins as long as they are viable - ie. have wallet support, a working blockchain and straightforward redemption policies</b>.</p>
  7162. <p>We shall distribute Bitcoin Gold to your accounts shortly after they release a wallet and they have a working blockchain. You can monitor their progress at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
  7163. <p>The Bitcoin Segwit 2x hard fork seems to have been suspended so it will have no impact. If it is revived at some point in the future, we shall distribute those coins to your account as well.</p>
  7164. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7165. </div>
  7166. <div id="myModal31" class="reveal-modal">
  7167. <h3>
  7168. <center>
  7170. </center></h3>
  7171. <p>If you had funds with us during the recent Bitcoin hard-fork, we have credited you with extra Bitcoin Gold (BTG) coins for each Bitcoin that you had with us.</p>
  7172. <p>You can exchange your Bitcoin Gold (BTG) that was credited to you directly into Bitcoin at a rate of 0.019 BTC/BTG. When you exchange, the extra Bitcoins will be added to your account balance and can be withdrawn instantly.</p>
  7173. <p class="bold">The BTG that you have received is in addition to the BTC that you had with us and is an extra amount which can be exchanged to increase your BTC holdings by 1.9% by simply clicking a button!</p>
  7174. <p>The option to withdraw your BTG will also be available in a few days.</p>
  7175. <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom: 20px;">
  7176. <div class="small-12 large-centered small-centered columns change_size_css large-12">
  7177. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container my_tickets_row_one">
  7178. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;">
  7179. YOUR BTG
  7180. </div>
  7181. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-left: none; border-right: none;">
  7182. BTC
  7183. </div>
  7184. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center table_header_background lottery_winner_table_box lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 5px 0 0;">
  7185. RATE
  7186. </div>
  7187. </div>
  7188. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center lottery_winner_table_box_container my_tickets_row_two ">
  7189. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 0 0 5px;">
  7190. 0.00000000
  7191. </div>
  7192. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_third_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style">
  7193. 0
  7194. </div>
  7195. <div class="large-4 small-4 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_first_last_cell font_bold lottery_table_mobile_style" style="border-radius: 0 0 5px 0;">
  7196. 0.019 BTC/BTG
  7197. </div>
  7198. </div>
  7199. </div>
  7200. </div>
  7201. <div class="large-12 small-12 columns center">
  7202. <button id="exchange_btg_button" class="orange_button center" style="margin:auto; margin-top:10px;">EXCHANGE</button>
  7203. </div>
  7204. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7205. </div>
  7206. <div id="account_unblock_modal" class="reveal-modal" style="padding: 50px 0;">
  7207. <h3 style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">ACCOUNT BONUS REQUIREMENTS</h3>
  7208. <div class="row">
  7209. <div class="large-10 small-12 large-centered small-centered columns">
  7210. <p>You can see the different requirements that you need to fulfil to unlock the following bonuses below. You can do a combination of the requirements listed below and they will all be counted towards your total requirements.</p>
  7211. <div class="reward_category_container" id="unblock_modal_rp_bonuses_container" style="display:none;">
  7212. <div class="reward_category_name center">
  7214. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  7215. </div>
  7216. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="unblock_modal_rp_bonuses"></div>
  7217. </div>
  7218. <div style="height: 20px;">
  7219. </div>
  7220. <div class="reward_category_container" id="unblock_modal_no_captcha_container" style="">
  7221. <div class="reward_category_name center">
  7223. <i class="toggle_down_up fa fa-arrow-down" style="float:right; color: #fff;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  7224. </div>
  7225. <div class="reward_category_details" style="display:none;" id="unblock_modal_no_captcha">
  7226. <p>To play FREE BTC without having to solve a captcha:</p>
  7227. <div class="bold center account_unblock_options_box" id="option_container_play_multiply">
  7228. <p class="bold">Purchase <span class="account_unblock_span option_play_multiply_span">2,710</span> lottery tickets</p>
  7229. </div>
  7230. <h5 style="text-align: center;">OR</h5>
  7231. <div class="bold center account_unblock_options_box" id="option_container_deposit">
  7232. <p class="bold">Wager <span class="account_unblock_span option_deposit_span">0.00010840 BTC</span> in MULTIPLY BTC jackpots</p>
  7233. </div>
  7234. <h5 style="text-align: center;">OR</h5>
  7235. <div class="bold center account_unblock_options_box" id="option_container_buy_lottery">
  7236. <p class="bold">Wager <span class="account_unblock_span option_buy_lottery_span">0.00054198 BTC</span> in MULTIPLY BTC</p>
  7237. </div>
  7238. <h5 style="text-align: center;">OR</h5>
  7239. <div class="bold center account_unblock_options_box" id="option_container_fp_bonus">
  7240. <p class="bold">Deposit <span class="account_unblock_span option_fp_bonus_span">0.00566776 BTC</span> into your account to earn interest</p>
  7241. </div>
  7242. </div>
  7243. </div>
  7244. <p>Please note that these requirements can be changed at any time and fulfilling them is not a guarantee to unlock the bonus forever. This data is updated every 15 minutes.</p>
  7245. </div>
  7246. </div>
  7247. <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
  7248. </div>
  7249. <div class="reveal-modal-bg" style="display: none"></div>
  7250. <link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
  7251. <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
  7252. <div style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width:100%; top: -10000px; left: 0px; right: 0px; transition: visibility 0s linear 0.3s, opacity 0.3s linear; opacity: 0;">
  7253. <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 2000000000; background-color: #fff; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50)"></div>
  7254. <div style="margin: 0 auto; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; position: absolute; border: 1px solid #ccc; z-index: 2000000000; background-color: #fff; overflow: hidden;">
  7255. <iframe title="recaptcha challenge" src=";v=v1531759913576&amp;k=6LeGfGIUAAAAAEyUovGUehv82L-IdNRusaYFEm5b&amp;cb=16qeipw23kj8#zg4uej6jmxjc" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-modals allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" name="zg4uej6jmxjc" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe>
  7256. </div>
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  7259. </html>
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