
A List of Suggestions #1

Nov 17th, 2019
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  2. | Buffs:
  3. 1. Flare-Shot: Its reload doesn't really make up for its damage. It's too vulnerable and moves a little too slow.
  4. 2. Staplegun: Either a bit more damage or a bit wider spread.
  5. 3. Bee Sounder: Either more drone damage or more reload.
  6. 4. Flame Trapper: Too weak; its traps do almost nothing and its flamethrower only good against low penetration bullets.
  7. 5. Bar Spinner: More penetration OR reload. It still doesn't have enough firepower to even go into melee range.
  8. 6. Triploid: More penetration.
  9. 7. Snowball: More Damage.
  11. | Nerfs:
  12. 1. AI-Controlled Builders: They shoot their traps farther than their range allows.
  13. 2. Doubleferno and Twinferno: They're basically an inferno/firenado but double everything. Suggest nerfing reload and bullet acceleration.
  14. 3. Inferno Branch: Nerf speed. "They can outrun Tri-angle branches." - Dark Knight/ToTMGsRock
  15. 4. "Armored Tank should be Tier 3 with the same damage as Pounder with less damage resistance than it has now, but it still has more damage resistance than normal" - Despacit 2.0
  16. 5. Omission: A master with a gun that shoots really powerful bullets. Hard to get up near it, and when you do, you have to face its drones.
  18. | Balanced Tanks ;) :
  19. 1. Iamb: Its small size can help it get out of trouble, and its good firepower and average move speed overall balances it out.
  20. 2. Overlord: Still needs a bit of skill to master; its hard to play, but very hard to kill.
  21. 3. Toxin (Wait what?): It should come back. It has a high skill high reward playstyle, and trains you to think fast.
  23. | Tank Suggestions:
  24. • Chillerception: A chiller on top of a chiller. Makes chilling bullets. Idea by Comet1992
  26. • Egg-Mancer: A necromancer that can collect and control eggs (eggchips). Eggchips are very weak, but the sheer amount of them will deal insane dps and they're easier to use since eggs are very small, so have super small hitboxes.
  28. • Diversion Branch: You know what it is lol.
  30. • Virus: a smasher class that can jump like annoyance. It has an unique ability to take control of an AI tank (not player) and slowly kill it with a poison effect. When taking control, the Virus tank will be left behind; you can simply kill the Virus player by killing its Virus tank. If the virus cannot find another host in 25 seconds, it dies. - Idea by OMEGA VIRUS
  32. • Turkey Tank for Thanksgiving. - CreepyDaPlanet
  34. • Alchemist: A sniper that has the ability to switch between poison, freeze, and bullet acceleration by pressing "O".
  36. • Sibling: Branches from dasher. A booster that has a factory spawner that has a max of 1 minion and spawns booster minions. Minions will inherit ramming skill points invested. - Idea by DUO
  38. • Lancer Class with Shield: Exactly how it sounds like. - Idea by Comet1992
  40. • Auto Mortar: " - Idea by {ER}
  42. • Stryvolter shoots out trail nerf bullets. - Dank's idea
  44. • Pounder Reversal: a Basic with Pounder mounted turret. Basciception, level 60. - Idea by OH GOD NO
  46. • Foundry (level 60): A factory with even more powerful minions than industrialist, but has only 4 minions which move moderately slower. Branches off Factory. This can be seen as a factory version of Overload (?) - Idea by Dooky
  48. • #CommunityUnityMatters! Tank: a tank that shoots out globs of 4 bullets, like a shotgun, but more together.
  50. Ok, this is a nice huge list of tanks and suggestions made by the community and me and stuff lol.
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