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Feb 9th, 2018
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  1. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:00 AM
  2. Mister Lewis Knoxville, Esquire and undisputed combatant par excellence.
  3. NeoMetric - Today at 7:02 AM
  4. I appreciate that comment as it probably took alot to do it. But I don't need compliments I need humble and honesty. Tact is nice but that's a tad too late. I was always upfront with how to talk to me and I don't shy away from straight forwardness. Let me be the first to say I don't hate Hyperion or Wessex, hence why you've never seen me on the battlefield.
  5. Feudal Union amongst many many other people keep asking me to side in on the war and i'm fence sitting because I don't see a need to step on any toes.
  6. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:03 AM
  7. Well, frankly, you and I never talked enough, period.
  8. But I was certainly never dishonest with you.
  9. I had no reason to be.
  10. NeoMetric - Today at 7:04 AM
  11. But, the side conversations and non-direct approach that was always taken with me leaves a lot to be desired and that lack of directness always leaves gaps where assumptions or other information fills
  12. I've seen a lot of screen shots of conversations you've had in the past to instill these feelings I have and I don't forget feelings because if I Felt them before, i'll feel them again.
  13. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:05 AM
  14. From my point of view, I kept asking you to come to me directly at the time that you had complaints to make.
  15. I'd like to know what you mean about that.
  16. NeoMetric - Today at 7:05 AM
  17. One was you had a conversation with Vanzan where you spoke straight up badly about Kaylem as a leader and you essentially labeled him as emotional support and nothing more.
  18. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:07 AM
  19. I did do that, but that was in the context of everyone wanting Azzerhoden replaced with Kaylem. The point I made adjacent to that was that they have separate talents, and neither person has "all the leadership traits" in one place.
  20. The point I also was making was that I acceded to the request of the crowd and did in fact volunteer to replace Azzerhoden with Kaylem as chancellor of Wessex.
  21. Despite that not being my personal best choice - a choice which I gave reasons for, emotionality being one of them.
  22. And mind, it wasn't that Kaylem was nothing but emotional support. It was that Kaylem makes decisions based on his emotions.
  23. But what had those feelings to do with you and the idea of non directness from me?
  24. In fact, directness is what I wanted from you too. I wanted you to come right to me one on one, and not at the head of a crowd of people. That was really unpleasant for me.
  25. NeoMetric - Today at 7:10 AM
  26. From my point of view, I would publicly state my feelings/intentions and was always told to be redirected
  27. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:10 AM
  28. That's true. That publically stating of things was quite disruptive.
  29. I would have so much preferred that you just take my ear.
  30. NeoMetric - Today at 7:11 AM
  31. The reason behind that is because I would get people coming to me with all these private conversations, screenshots, video's, screensharing
  32. And see the circles being walked and toes stepped on
  33. I am a person who values qualified people dealing with qualified issues but if the people who are deemed "Qualified" are lacking in those terms then it can no longer stay behind closed doors.
  34. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:13 AM
  35. So you're saying you did that public crowd stuff because you didn't trust me?
  36. NeoMetric - Today at 7:13 AM
  37. To boil it down, after months of strife and pent up aggression, yea
  38. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:13 AM
  39. But why did you pen it up?
  40. NeoMetric - Today at 7:14 AM
  41. It was pent up because it was being brushed off, vanzan was the rep in these issues because he had the patience to discuss it. I know my faults pretty well. However if you're looking for specifics and quotes
  42. I'll have to ask vanzan to see if he has his hundreds of screenshots
  43. All I can say for sure what has stuck with me, was the lack of direct resolution attempts but rather work arounds and indirectness
  44. You had a lot of passionate people that I recruited through my passion I had for wessex during my times on LiF:YO. That passion was interpreted as blind obedience and concerned were literally ignored that were applicable at the time
  45. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:16 AM
  46. The truth, from my point of view, is that whatever Azzerhoden's shortcomings in certain talents, he didn't deserve to be deposed in such a fashion. I hadn't seen enough evidence from anyone, which I suppose means Vanzan as the liaison, that Azzerhoden was incompetent.
  47. NeoMetric - Today at 7:16 AM
  48. I can answer that one, as it was spoke about a lot
  49. But it'll only be by my word at this point
  50. Starters: Giving credit to Azz for all the things I Did on LiF:YO was what set the move in motion. And it wasn't even by me, it was by Ajent and a few others that felt very passionate about what i've done and what I drilled into them
  51. Keep in mind you couldn't go two minutes without me going
  52. "Remember guys you're representing Wessex --"
  53. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:17 AM
  54. The complaints I remember were these:
  55. Azzerhoden is not a "single strong leader"
  56. Sir Altus gives us the creeps and we don't like him around
  57. Sir Kentalis the new guy doesn't deserve to be a knight
  58. Building the Silk Road claim with walls across the water isn't a good tactical choice, especially not on behalf of Killox of Dreadlords.
  59. NeoMetric - Today at 7:17 AM
  60. and I'd list the old common laws from MO, and our old engagement rules
  61. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:18 AM
  62. As far as Azz receiving credit for something you deserved, I simply didn't know. I'm sorry.
  63. NeoMetric - Today at 7:18 AM
  64. And I don't hold that against you
  65. What upset everyone was how it was dealt with afterwards
  66. Again it was more other people getting triggered and wanting to snowball it with me holding them on, even during all the upsetting moments
  67. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:19 AM
  68. Yeah, it seems like that was the case.
  69. NeoMetric - Today at 7:19 AM
  70. They all left when I was at work because they knew I'd argue otherwise and wanted me to tag along because it was "assumed i'd follow" and "I was one of the boys"
  71. They left on a tuesday, i wanted it to wait until Thursday after a day of talking
  72. But thats not the point im making
  73. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:19 AM
  74. And that's why I asked you at the end if you knew about it. Not anything so cynical as merely "securing assets".
  75. I was hurt by the whole affair and I also wondered if they had betrayed you too.
  76. But Ajent and the gang shouldn't have been triggered and automatically assume that there was a deliberate attempt to snub you.
  77. I had just arrived on the scene. What motivation would I have to snub anyone?(edited)
  78. NeoMetric - Today at 7:21 AM
  79. It was viewed after you gave it all to Azz
  80. That you had no regards for recognizing us for anything we did regardless
  81. So it magnified smaller issues that I was trying to dilute
  82. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:22 AM
  83. All I knew was that Azz was leading Wessex on my behalf, something I felt guilty about and wanted to give him credit for accomplishing without me. I didn't know who else was involved and couldn't have meant to overlook anyone.
  84. I did know that you were highly successful at many things, however, just perhaps not all of them.
  85. NeoMetric - Today at 7:23 AM
  86. Well if you want the long list of things I did on LiF:YO i can simply narrow it down to I put Wessex on the map and made them a recognizable force to be reckoned with
  87. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:23 AM
  88. In my defense, when I first arrived in the town, I tried to make it a point to hear about and greet every individual player who was present.
  89. One thing you can be certain of is that I never doubted your talents or accomplishments.
  90. I was very vocal about the fact that you were "the best", "talented", "a crack fighter", "fitted with an outstanding knack", etc.
  91. NeoMetric - Today at 7:25 AM
  92. Again this isn't the point im trying to make currently. The core of this that spurred all this on is lack of proper recognition (Literally not getting proper credit) and a laundry list of issues that compiled up is what toppled people over
  93. There is a rumor that you started spreading tales of Vanzan and his personal life etc, i'd like to believe thats not true as i've not see any proof personally, but you have been caught saying things a certain way to someone, and spinning it to someone else in previous screenshots vanzan had before
  94. And thats what is keeping Vanzan at arms lengths away
  95. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:26 AM
  96. Well, I like to think that I have always been very forthcoming with praise and recognition when I hear about it. I made this whole thing so that people could have real careers and be recognized in this game with medals, titles, and all the rest.
  97. NeoMetric - Today at 7:26 AM
  98. As for me, I am a simple person. I give respect until I feel its not being given back. Once im slighted like that I need to get it in order to give it again.
  99. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:26 AM
  100. No, that wasn't me. Someone found a link to some RP Vanzan had done in a clan before he joined Wessex.
  101. And that was shared around as "look, Vanzan makes strife in many clans".
  102. NeoMetric - Today at 7:27 AM
  103. No, to quote it the rumor goes you're mentioning Vanzan had a dark side and it's likely being projected from real life issues
  104. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:27 AM
  105. But not by myself, although I did remark "aha, that's telling" or something to that effect.
  106. Yes, the aftermath of the event, splitting the clan and taking them with him - the very thing I spoke out about in my LiF interview as being a common occurrence in clans - left me thinking he had a dark side.
  107. I told him directly that I did not agree with his decision to do this and regarded it as a failure to do the job he'd been appointed for.
  108. That's not behind the back stuff, though...
  109. NeoMetric - Today at 7:29 AM
  110. Well what is bothering vanzan and the thing he mentiones everytime Hyperion is mentioned
  111. "That bastard tried to bring real life into this saying my real life is fucked up and its showing in game. FUck that guy he doenst know mw"
  112. me*
  113. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:29 AM
  114. Where did he get that idea?
  115. NeoMetric - Today at 7:30 AM
  116. Again the rumor going around saying you mentioned vanzan had a dark side and it was PROJECTED from real life issues
  117. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:30 AM
  118. I definitely said he had a dark side.
  119. As you pointed out, all kinds of people were being triggered - for lack of recognition,
  120. for other receiving undeserved recognition
  121. for people they regarded as alien being included in Wessex
  122. for rank not being given out that they felt should have
  123. for projects being decided at the kingdom level that were felt to be poor strategic decisions
  124. And when all of these things came to Vanzan as complaints - instead of doing what I appointed him to do, which was be a middle manager and help people understand what was going on,
  125. he agreed with them without clarifying anything. "yep, that's stupid".
  126. And when they said that he should be the leader instead, he didn't disagree.(edited)
  127. NeoMetric - Today at 7:34 AM
  128. I'll never villianify Vanzan because I put in a lot of hours working with him on all the side jobs he took up for Wessex
  129. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:34 AM
  130. I did not go so far as to say he orchestrated all that, and I told him that much. But I instead told him I regarded this as a failure to carry out a role he had been entrusted with.
  131. Because in the end, he did go through with splitting the clan and accepting leadership of the split clan.
  132. When evidence surfaced that it seemed he had tried similar things in a prior clan, well, it seemed like he was just "the disgruntled guy."
  133. We try to frame things in ways to process them. I didn't feel much like playing after Vanzan took Wessex with him.
  134. NeoMetric - Today at 7:38 AM
  135. That's the ironic part though, he didn't take Wessex when I brought all those people. He took the guys he spent months playing with that identified as Wesssex. I still think to this day, i was the only real Wessex guy amongst them
  136. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:38 AM
  137. You know what I'm saying.
  138. NeoMetric - Today at 7:39 AM
  139. For the record, after his split i didn't talk to anyone for days as I mulled everything over because again you're talking to the guy who would take Duchy of Wessex name into shitty games like Warband (Persistent World mod). I told several people if I shed the wessex identity the only other indentity i'd ever go by again is my own
  140. And on that note i'm currently trying to make my own group by the original town name I had in LiF:YO (back at release to learn all about the crafting I made an entire town on my own) Called Ironmoor
  141. I bought the Governor pack (800$) for Chronicles of Elyria and im calling it Barony of Ironmoor
  142. Vanzan is going to pick up the 550$ one so he can play Alpha 1 with me to learn the entire game as best we can
  143. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:41 AM
  144. I also have plans in the Chronicles of Elyria.
  145. NeoMetric - Today at 7:41 AM
  146. I know kaylem told me
  147. You have count package donated from some guy who bought King package (Or he'll count you when you join either or)
  148. THen after a while he'll give you his king status
  149. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:42 AM
  150. It's the count package. He'll duke me.
  151. And maybe king after a year or so, yeah.
  152. NeoMetric - Today at 7:42 AM
  153. So a Year building up the hyperion name as king but always referring to you as king?
  154. That sounds like a long build up for a split
  155. I'll tell you the same thing I Told kaylem without giving out names
  156. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:43 AM
  157. No, I'm going to go back in time and be just Duke of Wessex. Be Manus's granddad.
  158. NeoMetric - Today at 7:43 AM
  159. A lot of people and some of them higher ranked, dont want to side with Hyperion for CoE and dont have plans for it
  160. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:43 AM
  161. Is that because they don't like CoE or they don't like Hyperion?
  162. NeoMetric - Today at 7:44 AM
  163. The latter, that is fact. In my times of looking for people to join me for CoE i reached out to people in Hyperion to see if they'd stay. I told them of the plans Kaylem told me you had for Hyperion
  164. And quite a lot of people don't share the same interests Hyperion does for CoE
  165. Common quote "I'll stay for LiF but thats it"
  166. I also told Kaylem, comradery and some key HR movements NOW can easily rectify that
  167. But a lot of people feel the hyperion name as a burden rather than a badge of honor as I once held it as
  168. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:45 AM
  169. Thanks for the heads up. I would like to rectify that.
  170. Was this before our recent victories in the war?
  171. NeoMetric - Today at 7:45 AM
  172. Some literally yesterday, some about a week ago
  173. It was only recently i decided to do Barony of Ironmoor
  174. And i'll give you some free military advice, going by what i've seen in the video's against you all
  175. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:46 AM
  176. Well, how could I build up people's spirits again in your recommendation?
  177. NeoMetric - Today at 7:46 AM
  178. You act like a single entity, which is bad
  179. Building up spirits is transparency from leadership and a feeling of acting as a whole.
  180. That hyperion army concept was my long term project to solidfy hyperion
  181. It wasn't for personal gain
  182. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:47 AM
  183. You know, I never thought it was for personal gain, Lewis.
  184. NeoMetric - Today at 7:47 AM
  185. But it's a move that only works with proper timing and persuasion/approval
  186. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:47 AM
  187. I just thought it was overenthusiasm and hastiness. I did agree with the idea long term.
  188. Right.
  189. NeoMetric - Today at 7:48 AM
  190. But take that military advice to heart. What i've seen is grouping up single entity performance. That can leave flanks exposed. Don't be afraid to commit. My last 3 IB's
  191. I've won hands down 2-1 odds in enemy's favor
  192. How? I'd just run my ass over to their flank and distract with like 1-3 guys
  193. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:49 AM
  194. Youre saying the Hyperion army acts like a glob and doesn't flank?
  195. NeoMetric - Today at 7:49 AM
  196. That is solely from what i've seen in the propaganda video's
  197. I.E. The enemy's recordings
  198. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:50 AM
  199. I didn't know they were doing that. They've been lucky to be winning if that's the extent of their strategy.
  200. Well, new Lord Constable as of yesterday.
  201. NeoMetric - Today at 7:51 AM
  202. Notice board in Kingdom of Hyperion discord is public
  203. so I can see
  204. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:51 AM
  205. nods
  206. NeoMetric - Today at 7:51 AM
  207. Shame i Never got any fancy awards for my zero losses :wink:
  208. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:52 AM
  209. lol Shame you didn't stick around for the train of awards that was headed your way.
  210. NeoMetric - Today at 7:52 AM
  211. After the laundry list of things i've done and months of waiting TBH never seemd like it was gonna happen, especially when Lycan got one before me
  212. But, that's just a petty comment lol never really held much to me because a lot of people already knew what i've done
  213. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:53 AM
  214. But didn't you put me up to giving one to Lycan?
  215. NeoMetric - Today at 7:53 AM
  216. I forget, i know I was surprised to findout lycan got one. A lot of people were telling me (Just before your award to lycan) they thought you were gonna knight me
  217. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:53 AM
  218. Yeah, that was when everyone lined up in the town.
  219. It was because Lycan was going away to boot camp, right?
  220. But weren't you talking to me right before that event?
  221. NeoMetric - Today at 7:54 AM
  222. About promoting kaylem to chancellor yea
  223. King Manus Dei of Hyperion - Today at 7:54 AM
  224. I was totally broadsided when, after awarding Lycan, it turned into a mob complaining about Azzerhoden.
  225. Was it not you, but Vanzan who talked to me before?
  226. I got a tip about awarding Lycan. I would have awarded whoever was relayed to me, however.
  227. NeoMetric - Today at 7:56 AM
  228. Probably Vanzan
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