
Cumulative Pack (Joint Pack, OP)

Sep 15th, 2019
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  1. Cumulative Pack (Joint Pack, OP)
  3. OP-2 (legacy, much less stable, less content)
  4. =============================================
  9. OP-2.1 download links
  10. =====================
  11. the mod itself: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2e7285769ce99f6f6fec812a9f09871143dce27f
  12. patch 8
  13. patch 8.2
  14. install in the same order, change language in the settings
  16. another instruction in Russian with a list of optional mods to unfuck things you dislike
  17. Careful with mods, don't install everything at once, can lead to crashes or other unpredictable behavior in a multiple hundred hours solyanka; only install what you need and test them one by one. Editing your carrying weight can be a bad idea, OP-2.1 is rock stable in most locations until you start hauling all the universe in your inventory, then you get crashes, especially on Zaton. Use the custom stashes instead, (place a backpack if you have one), they are highly optimized for hoarding.
  19. =================== Common pitfalls and engine-related problems ==================
  21. The mod isn't 100% translated yet. For the untranslated parts, use yandex/google translate on your smartphone using the camera, or the web version with screenshots Or if that doesn't work fully, then copy paste to
  23. Possible fix for micro-stuttering: set "objects_per_update" to a lesser value in config/alife.ltx (default is 15)
  24. a ready to use mod with 1 as a value:
  25. demonstration:
  26. WARNING: it's been successully tested by some people but it's not entirely clear if it can break some quest logic or interfere with the OP-2.1's magic of having NPCs online past the maximum switch distance. Misery devs reported some minor changes to AI with 1 (getting dumber and teleporting around when spawned in large quantities), no issues with 5. With 1, it seems that NPCs are unable to travel while offline (a personal anecdata).
  28. There's a shitton of guides on OP-2.1 quests and stashes on youtube and various sites, and sometimes you can't do anything without them.
  29. Here's one of the guides in Russian:
  31. Another guide from the authors:
  35. Turn the auto saves on. Always hardsave into a new slot each time, instead of quick saving. That will create a backlog you will need in the name of your own sanity.
  37. Saving the Duty quad and Messer in the Dark Valley is particularly buggy. Follow one of the videos below, and it's better not to load any savegames during this.
  38. - pay 40k ransom
  39. - kill almost the entire base except quest givers with random explosives, no rep drop
  40. - kill everyone directly, wrecking the reputation
  42. If you get out of memory crashes in swamps and Zaton, lower your texture settings.
  44. All essential NPCs are necessary for the plot. If an essential NPC dies, you get the beeping red message so you won't miss it. They have huge amount of HP so they won't die easily. Some are even invulnerable.
  46. Never go to another location while the blowout/horror hour is in effect, this can break game logic.
  48. Putting RPO-A rocket launchers into custom stashes breaks them to 0% durability, making them unusable. That is a bug that haven't been fixed. Keep them in standard containers.
  50. =================== Plot and mechanics related pitfalls and non-obvious stuff =================
  52. It's always better to beat the vanilla questline first, ignoring sidequests as much as possible. You'll get to them later anyway, with better armor and weapons, locations unlocked, and infinite sprinting. There's also no rush to complete the repeatable and one-time fetch quests, as well as hoarding quests. Just don't take the hoarding quests unless you have everything, most of them are intended for the very late game.
  54. Don't ever get caught by the military patroling the railway at Cordon. They will be permanently hostile until you bribe them through Sidorovich for 200k. The checkpoint under the bridge is fine, you can bribe them with vodka to pass. Alternatively, you can jump over the fence where the big loud anomaly is (only works when crossing towards Sidorovich), or go through the electra tunnel (when crossing in the opposite direction). Crossing in the far corner also works, be ready to deal with the radiation though.
  56. Mutants without parts in them despawn when go offline (160m distance), that's a nice way to filter out the empty bodies. Human NPCs only despawn on location change, except those who have some whitelisted items like Monolith dogtags in their inventory. Armor, artifacts and some other items don't despawn at all.
  58. NPCs steal from custom stashes (backpacks) but don't from the standard containers. Put your backpack outside of the map boundaries, or at least in the place where no NPC will ever go, even in offline. Don't bother hiding them: in a-life, they live on a 2D grid, so neither height nor obstacles matter.
  60. Be sure to pick the note from the corpse at Cordon before exiting to the Garbage, or it will disappear, blocking a huge quest line. Beware of the sniper appearing when you take it, you can drag the corpse to his spawn location to make an easier kill.
  62. Barter is limited to 12 times at each trader, except for the repair kits, vodka, and meds which are unlimited. Don't waste it on ammo and guns, you'll have plenty of both anyway. The mushroom barter at the Clear Sky base is unlimited too, as well as some others (red mutant parts at clear sky base, zombie hands at the bar etc)
  64. Don't give ordinary medkits to Fox! Give the scientific ones when you have them (bought at Akim and Adrenalin for 3100 each, found in the Darkscape and labs). You'll get a nice exo at Yantar as a reward.
  66. Don't come to the military base at Agroprom at night. The military trader (Sherstyuk) is hostile from 8:00pm to 8:00am, he's an essential NPC.
  68. Don't buy the caves map from Snitch at the Bar, and the transition from Bar to Army Warehouses as well, you will get both later, so it's a waste of money.
  70. Don't come into Labyrinth before you complete the Flight Plan quest (see below). There are 7 Raven Eyes artifacts total scattered over the location, and by picking 3 you'll lock yourself out of the Flight Plan and a nice SMG.
  72. The upgrades that repairmen at the Bar offer are excellent and there's no reason not to upgrade your weapon if available. Do the accuracy upgrade first and the weight reduction second; you won't be able to upgrade the accuracy after the weight. Every upgrade takes 1 day to complete. Before they can upgrade anything, you have to find a set of military tools for them (you'll get a quest)
  74. Chemist (the dead NPC in the Forgotten Forest you find during the Sid's Inferno quest) can be revived with a Live Heart artifact. Other than that, the Live Heart can be used to revive fallen essential NPCs. See below where to find several for free.
  76. Enemies will start dropping exosuits after your first visit to Yantar. Avoid large fights till then, exos sell for a lot of money at Petrenko.
  78. Don't bother looking for Raven Eyes for Akim, do it the hidden alternative way:
  79. - find some of Kostya's stuff: the first stash and the Goldenfish artifact at the Cordon, the second stash at the Garbage
  80. - advance the SoC plot to the point where you bring the case from the Cordon military checkpoint to Barkeep
  81. - talk to Barkeep, there'll be a new option, something like "has somebody been looking for me?"
  82. - talk to Kostya again, get the quest for another stash (finding it is not necessary), then you can tell him that Akim wants three additional artifacts. That will start the hidden Flight Plan quest, after which you'll get a great SMG from Kostya.
  84. Before taking the first quest from Lukash at Army Warehouses, be sure to visit the mercenary checkpoint to the north of the bloodsucker village. Bring a sniper rifle and lots of ammo, you will need it. That way you will get the AW-WT transition.
  86. Freedom armory opens after bringing 100 Monolith dogtags to Lukash. The guard will walk away, just shoot the lock and enter. Loot it immediately, or other NPCs will steal your shit.
  88. Before going to CNPP, be sure to take Strelok's PDA quest from Doctor and obtain the note located next to the Wish Granter, because the blowout countdown at CNPP-1 keeps ticking after you initiate it for the first time and every time you visit the location, eventually starting the blowout and rendering the location impassable. The timer shuts down when you pick the Strelok's PDA up.
  90. =================== SPOILERS: Where to get the good stuff =======================
  92. Cordon, some early stuff just to get by at first:
  93. -the first knife is given to you by Kuznetsov for free, just complete the bloodsucker quest.
  94. -there's a TT-33 in a truck near the electra tunnel
  95. -there's a Walther P99 on a window sill on the upper floor above Akim
  97. Melee weapons
  98. -cheap knives are sold by Raven (appears at Garbage after you bring military documents to Barman) and Vasily at the swamps
  99. -boxing gloves sold at Akim are the ultimate one-punching weapon for almost all mutants, always have several spare pairs with you. Keep in mind that the damage output depends on the weapon condition, so just sell the used ones.
  100. -spiked bat and and ice pick can be randomly found at rare stashes. They are even more powerful than boxing gloves and are capable of killing a librarian in 1-2 hits.
  102. Vodka, medkits, repair kits:
  103. -the bandit trader in Dark Valley, in exchange for food and energy drinks. Stock up on every food item you can buy from traders.
  104. -Sakharov sells medkits for cheap
  105. -Bourbon, a trader in Pripyat, sells 5 bottles per day for cheap after beating the vanilla SoC questline
  106. -16-17 are scattered over the starting locations: Cordon (at the farm in a box, also there are about 10 in the newbie village), Agroprom (at the main building where the stalkers are), Bar (on the tables).
  107. -about 15 bottles are located in the SW corner of the Forgotten Forest, along with some bloodsuckers corpses
  108. -30 bottles are in the bandit base basement in Dark Valley. The door is opened after you bring Rat's PDA to Borov.
  109. -30 bottles are given for the botched vodka quest from Kalinin at ATP, and many others
  111. Artifact transmuting device, allows you to make and transform artifacts if you have a recipe:
  112. -complete the vodka quest for Kuznetsov, you'll need about 18 bottles total and Agroprom unlocked
  114. Stamina regeneration artifacts:
  115. -collector stashes. After the stash in Dark Valley, you will have +1500% to stamina regeneration total in two artifacts.
  116. -Adrenalin's chain quest to bring him some guns. The third one will be a +2000% stamina artifact for 10 HK MP5s (sold at Barman)
  118. Radiation and bullet protection artifacts:
  119. -obtained from Zakhar, the hunter at the Bar, in exchange for 10 zombie hands per artifact. This barter is unlimited.
  120. -Chemist's (see above) chain quest to bring him ammo gives you a Bubble artifact, which takes away -60 rads just by being in your inventory, i.e. it doesn't need a free artifact slot.
  121. -Completing the bandit trader quest for WWII guns yields the Elysium, an artifact which gives -30 rads while being in your inventory
  122. -the endgame Flying Islands quest line will have another Bubble as one of the rewards
  123. -you can always transmute the artifacts manually when you have the recipe
  125. Psi protection artifacts:
  126. -Simbion recipe (+30%) is found in the X-18 control room.
  128. Jump height artifacts:
  129. -one is found at the collector's stash in X-18 during the early game, others will be available much later. Always have it with you, it makes many places much more accessible. (such as the roof where SKAT-15 is found)
  131. Free Live Heart artifacts, without the recipe or having to pay 300k to Sakharov:
  132. -save all four Duty members at the Dark Valley
  133. -save all four scientists from the Kruglov team when you meet him the first time at the Wild Territory
  134. -attempt to save Psycho in Army Warehouses by having him wounded then giving him a medkit
  136. Money:
  137. -Nimble and Petruha's one-time fetch quests provide you with a decent amount early on
  138. -competing in the Arena yields 50-100K each time (open every 1-3 days from 5:30am to 14:30pm, it will be announced in the global network). You have to be at least Veteran to be able to complete the Arena the first time, then the full Arena will open. Don't bother with bets, they don't pay much, can be bugged, and are a waste of time overall.
  139. -selling the loot. Soviet/Russian guns and exosuits are best sold to Petrenko (Duty trader at the Bar), NATO guns are best sold to Skinflint (Freedom trader at Army Warehouses). Petrenko will have better prices after you complete Voronin's quest to bring an RG-6 from Freedom.
  140. -transmuting the artifacts en masse and selling them to Sakharov. You'll need some protection to pick them up, such as the exo Fox gives you. Don't use artifact handling gloves unless they protect from 100% of the damage, since they are considered "melee weapons" and repairing them isn't easy.
  141. It's not necessary to make dedicated runs to sell the loot. After a big fight, just put all the heavy loot into a backpack somewhere nearby, to get it later on the occasion while passing by.
  143. Grenades:
  144. -Vortex grenades are the most powerful in the game, stockpile them and use them against groups of tough enemies such as librarians. They have insane radius. Only obtainable as a reward for quests, and in the stashes.
  145. -napalm grenades sold at Raven in the Garbage are also powerful but have less radius which makes them much safer to use indoors, for example against librarians in X-18.
  146. Other types of grenades are less useful against tough enemies, and are mostly used against large packs of weaker mutants, or the stationary targets such as APCs and turrets if you can hit them with one. Keep in mind that venoms and deathclaws, while mildly dangerous, can be killed with a crowbar or a similar melee weapon in one hit, so you don't need to waste a grenade on one. The toughest ordinary mutant you'll ever encounter is a librarian, especially a black one.
  148. AN-94 Sniper, the most accurate semi-auto firearm in the game when upgraded:
  149. -get it from the military trader at Agro for 15 bottles of vodka
  150. -upgrade it at repairmen at the bar (required to achieve the accuracy)
  151. -buy the scope from Petrenko (9000) or Adrenaline (15000)
  152. It's vastly better than most other snipers.
  154. LR-300ML Sniper, the second most accurate semi-auto firearm in the game:
  155. -found in a breakable box, on a bus stop at a merc checkpoint to the north of the bloodsucker village, at Army Warehouses
  156. Be ready for a big fight when you get there.
  158. Saiga-12 with a grenade launcher, has 1.5x more damage than any standard 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun:
  159. -complete Voronin's Bar defence quest (you'll need a machine gun, using it is not necessary though)
  160. -complete Voronin's documents quest (a tedious search for dozens of documents hidden in 10 locations up to the Army Warehouses; use Youtube)
  161. The Saiga will be a reward for this quest.
  163. PTRD, the best antitank gun, useful for one shotting turrets and APCs
  164. -speak to the bald guy at the Bar to get the transition to the Caves and back
  165. -find a book for Miner in the Forgotten Forest
  166. -get the quest to find a medical bag from Sakharov before you go to CNPP (available after completing some basic quests for him, and after X-16)
  167. -complete the entire vanilla SoC questline by destroying C-Consciousness
  168. -don't forget to grab the medical bag at CNPP-1 and give it to Sakharov, receiving the ATP-Pripyat transition as a reward
  169. -help 10 wounded NPCs as per Doc's quest, and speak to him in Pripyat
  170. -speak to Miner, he will give you an unmarked quest to find some present by Doctor
  171. -speak to Doc, he will explain that it's the medallion
  172. -find the medallion by teleporting from ATP to Pripyat using the transition you got from Sakharov
  173. -speak to Miner once more, he will send you to Akim to find some flashlights
  174. -Akim will give you the Rubick's Cube quest, PTRD will be a reward inside the stash you need to find.
  175. Keep in mind that the PTRD is upgradeable at the Bar, the weight can be reduced. It doesn't accept a scope but you don't need one - just aim with your sniper then immediately switch to the PTRD and shoot without moving the mouse.
  177. SKAT-15, the first really good exo in the game, with great psi protection and huge carrying capacity when fully upgraded
  178. -bring Akim 40 zombie hands
  179. -find all the old documents for him
  180. -get the suit at the roof in Yantar (the jump height artifact will probably come handy)
  181. The suit is not very useful without upgrades. They are rewards for different quests:
  182. -Voronin's thermoses quest, available immediately IIRC
  183. -Sakharov's medical bag quest, see above
  184. -Doc's medallion quest, see above
  186. FN2000 with auto targeting, useful in some quests with invisible enemies:
  187. -Akim sells it for 150k after you find all the old documents for him
  189. =================== Other more common but somehow notable items ====================
  191. APS, the most accurate pistol with cheap ammo, full auto
  192. -sold by Sidorovich for 12k (IIRC)
  193. You can literally spam it since 200 9x18s cost just 5600RU which is almost free. It's more accurate than any assault rifle, even an upgraded one.
  195. PPSh-41, an SMG with a 71 rounds magazine, solid range, and ubuquitous 7.62x25 ammo
  196. -given by Mole for his PDA quest at Agroprom
  197. -found in rare stashes
  198. -can be randomly rewarded for any quest with "new gun" listed as the reward
  199. -can be upgraded for weight
  201. P90, the snappiest SMG, the best at hipfiring, with a 50 rounds magazine and an excellent Barska sight:
  202. -dropped by some bandits
  203. -found in rare stashes
  204. -can be randomly rewarded for any quest with "new gun" listed as the reward
  205. -is a reward for some fetch quests, e.g. for the repairman in the Bar (5 Five-Seven silencers)
  206. -can be upgraded for weight
  207. The downside is you have to buy the ammo, which is sold by Sakharov for cheap (3320 per 100), or by other traders for more money. The ammo is lightest in the game per one round (100 rounds is just 0.5kg)
  209. Vityaz-SN 9x21 SMG, one of the best close to medium range guns in the game
  210. -obtained as a reward for the hidden Flight Plan quest, see above
  211. The downside is you have to buy the ammo at Petrenko.
  213. Gyurza 9x21, the best hipfire pistol, also very accurate and powerful, use with SP-10 ammo, not SP-11:
  214. -complete a couple quests for Kalinin at ATP
  215. -he will ask you to get 8 NVGs
  216. -go to the military trader at Agro
  217. -find an artifact on the Wild Territory for him
  218. -he will give you the NVGs and the pistol
  219. The downside is you have to buy the ammo, which is sold by Petrenko, Syak at Radar, Bourbon in Pripyat. SP-10 costs in the same ballpark as the 5.45s or 5.56s. SP-10 cartridge is somehow better by every metric than any other AR ammo in this mod, despite being a pistol one. It has more damage, it's more accurate, and the piercing is better than any other cartridge up to the 7.62x51 NATO. The only cartridge that is better is 9x39 SP-6 (and the corresponding izomorf), but they can't be obtained in large quantities and have horrible ballistics.
  221. M60, the most powerful machine gun with ubiquitous ammo:
  222. -dropped by Monolith and some mercs later on
  223. -obtained for a repairman's chain quest for 3 8.6x70 silencers
  224. -can be upgraded for weight
  225. You can one tap most enemies with M60, and 200 rounds in the box makes it ideal for fighting huge waves of mercs rushing you. It may seem unwieldy, costly and heavy at first, but it's actually lighter than any other machine gun per one round carried, and 1.5x more powerful.
  227. MP-133c Murka, a .410 pump shotgun
  228. -obtained as a reward for the Alexander's quest at the swamps (find Kalmyk first)
  229. It uses .410 ammo which for some reason is more powerful (lolwat) and twice lighter/cheaper than 12 gauge
  231. Taurus Judge, a 5-shot revolver (uses the pistol slot) capable of shooting .410 buckshot
  232. -available for sale from a Freedom trader at Construction Site, after finding the Tiran's PDA.
  234. Sawn-off Kar98k, a bolt action sniper that fits into a pistol slot
  235. -sold by Sidorovich
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