

Sep 15th, 2015
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  1. Hello v3rmies! :)
  2. This will be my second Dream Contribution, as of 9/15/2015! (Refer to
  3. Here is a few ROBLOX scamming methods I've found.
  4. The reason I am leaking these if because the person I bought it from turned out to have found it on LeakForums (figures, right?), but, hey! I did boost my RAP by 10k, so why can't you? :)
  7. Here they are! :)
  9. 1--The Number Method(Partner needed/alt)-I personally have seen profit margins of 40% or more.
  10. On one account, say you are looking to purchase a certain item, with a certain serial number. Your friend/alt should have this serial.
  11. Then, make a ridiculous robux offer on the item. In the comments, or post it on the forum. It should be known that your friend/alt has the serial (so put it up for sale for more than the cheapest, or make it known you have that number.)
  12. Post that you are looking for number ## (item) and you will offer this ridiculous robux amount, or an item for it. (Make sure you include why you want that number, say it is sentimental for some reason, your favorite number, etc.)
  13. (Example)
  14. Person #1 has a #10 Ghostwalker.
  15. Person #2 is helping. Person #2 says He will give Dominus Aureus 1v1 for #10 Ghostwalker.
  16. Extra people who are seeing Person 2's post and Know Person #1 has a #10.
  17. Don't let on you know who has it. They will most likely send overpays under what Person 2's offer is, because they want to take Person 2's offer.
  18. and Ta-Da, profit.
  20. 2--The TC Bot Method(Solo)-I have seen this work very well.
  21. Step 1:Go into Trade Hangout or any other place with frequent traders. Convince them you have a bot for the Trade Currency, that flips(or doubles) the money they put in, in less than a day.
  22. Step 2:Tell them you need TC partners so you can make more money.
  23. Step 3:Once you agree on a T-shirt amount, have them buy it and tell them you will keep in touch.
  24. Step 4:Block them and never talk to them again.
  25. Step 5: Enjoy your money!
  27. 3--The Immune to Greed Method(I2G)-Can be done on forums or in-game. Sketchy, and people may accuse you of being a scammer. But it works like a charm otherwise.
  28. (Immune to Greed is when the person who is hosting has to decline all trades for X amount of time, [eg. an hour, 20 minutes, etc.] And the HIGHEST RAP trade they decline will be the winner of a prize(robux, items, w/e)
  29. Tell them to send on a small you have ( I find Purple Crazy Glasses or Turkey Tie 2012 works best)
  30. You may have to decline the first few, to build trust. Or you can accept the first good trade you are supposed to decline. Your choice.
  31. It is high risk, and you CAN be banned for posting these. I recommend posting on an alt.
  32. However, this method DOES work. I've seen 100k+ be scammed from these things. They can be used legitly, but mostly it is a scammers game.
  35. Thank You, feel free to asks questions, comments, or concerns.
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