

Sep 13th, 2016
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  1. >"What a day"
  2. >Lincoln had just finished Helping the twins get over their fear of cupcakes, and was ready to relax
  3. >"Won't be needing these" Said Lincoln, taking off his pants "Alright, let's do this"
  4. >He pulled out a pair of rubber gloves
  5. >"now then, Let's get started"
  6. >Lincoln pulled out his comic and began reading
  7. >*Knock, Knock, Knock*
  8. >"ugh, what now" grumbled Lincoln "Who is it?"
  9. >"Hey Linc" Replied Leni, opening the door "You got a minute?"
  10. >"Yeah, sure" Replied Lincoln "What's up?"
  11. >"I was just wondering" Started Leni "What was up with the twins today?"
  12. >"Something about cake?"
  13. >"oh that" Replied Lincoln "Lucy read them a scary story and...."
  14. >Lincoln Noticed that Leni's Night dress was tucked into her pants, and stretched over her breasts
  15. >"She uh....she..." Lincoln's thoughts trailed off at the sight of Leni's body
  16. >"Lincoln, are you ok?" Asked Leni "Your face is getting red"
  17. >Lincoln grabbed the comic book and put it over his crotch
  18. >"uh, yeah. I'm fine" Replied Lincoln "I just uh... I just need"
  19. >Lincoln couldn't come up with anything
  20. >"What's wrong with your pants?" Asked Leni "Did you rip them?"
  21. >"No no, they're fine, I-It's just"
  22. >"Was Lynn being rough with you again? Let me see"
  23. >Leni grabbed the comic
  24. >"NO, stop it's not"
  25. >Leni pulled away the comic, revealing a bulge in Lincoln's underpants
  27. >Leni began to blush
  28. >"What is....did I do that to you Linc" asked Leni, dropping the comic
  29. >"I-I'm sorry Leni, I-It just happened and-"
  30. >"No-no it's ok Linc" interrupted Leni "It's my fault. I have to fix it"
  31. >Leni began moving her hand towards Lincoln's crotch
  32. >"W-Wait, what do you mean fix it?" Asked Lincoln, covering his crotch
  33. >"Well" Started Leni "I saw this photo on Lori's phone of her and bobby, bobby's....thing was like yours, it was hard, and Lori was holding it."
  34. >Lincoln's began blushing harder
  35. >"He was smiling, and laying back on the couch with Lori sitting on his lap." Continued Leni
  36. >"I asked her about it, and she told me that it she was doing what girls are supposed to do when they make boys like...that. she said that if you do a good job, some stuff comes out"
  37. >"B-but we're related" Replied Lincoln "We can't have sex!"
  38. >"What? No! I didn't mean like that" Replied Leni, getting nervous "I mean, it's not sex if you don't put it in right?"
  39. >Lincoln couldn't believe what he was hearing, but the bulge in his pants completely agreed with her
  40. >"S-So, what do you want to do?" Asked Lincoln "Use your hand?"
  41. >Leni thought for a moment
  42. >"My hand? But....I just did my nails" Replied Leni
  43. >"Oh, well.... what about your uh..." Lincoln pointed at Leni's chest
  44. >"I can't do that Lincoln" Replied Leni
  45. >Lincoln thought he had taken it too far
  46. >"I don't want that 'stuff' to get in my hair"
  47. >"oh, O......kay" Replied Lincoln, heaving a sigh of relief "What about your...."
  48. >"My what?" asked Leni
  49. >"Y-Your butt" Replied Lincoln
  51. >"My butt?" asked Leni, looking back at her rear "But...That's where poop comes from"
  52. >"And if you put it inside, Wouldn't that be sex?"
  53. >"Well..." explained Lincoln "I wouldn't have to put it Inside your butt, just...between the cheeks"
  54. >Leni thought about it for a moment
  55. >"Well, I guess that would be okay" Said Leni, still thinking it over "But don't let that stuff get on my dress"
  56. >Leni turned around and pulled down her panties
  57. >Lincoln got up onto his knees and shuffled over behind her
  58. >He pulled down his pants, letting his dick fall against Leni's backside
  59. >"Wow!" exclaimed Leni "It looks bigger than the one I saw in Lori's picture"
  60. >The sound of a young heart breaking could be heard from miles away
  61. >"A-Alright" Started Lincoln "I'm going to put it in"
  62. >Lincoln grabbed Leni's cheeks and spread them, giving him a good view of Leni's Plump clean ass
  63. >As he put his dick between her cheeks, Leni let out a soft sigh
  64. >"I'm going to start moving" stated Lincoln "Ready?"
  65. >"Uh-huh" Replied Leni, readying herself
  66. >"Ok, Here I go"
  68. >Lincoln began to pump, moving his dick between Leni's soft buns
  69. >Each thrust feeling like he was being squeezed by a soft pillow
  70. >"How's it feel Linc?" Asked Leni, starting to get wet
  71. >"R-Really good." Replied Lincoln, Grunting with each thrust
  72. >Lincoln began to pump faster, rubbing up against Leni's tight pucker
  73. >"mmmmn, That feels good" Moaned Leni, enjoying the feeling
  74. >Lincoln gave Leni's Ass a slap, causing it to jiggle
  75. >"EEP" Yelped Leni in surprise
  76. >"You ok?" Asked Lincoln
  77. >"Yeah" Replied Leni "it felt...good"
  78. >Lincoln spanked her again, causing her to moan
  79. >"You like that Huh?" Asked Lincoln, giving her another Spank
  80. >"MMMnnnn Yeah, Keep going" Replied Leni, Really getting into it
  81. >Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap
  82. >Lincoln kept spanking Leni's ass, causing her to get wetter with each slap
  83. >"Keep going Linc!" Exclaimed Leni "I'm getting close!"
  84. >Lincoln pumped faster and faster, Slapping Leni's ass harder than before
  85. >"Keep going!" Shouted Leni, about to cum
  86. >Lincoln came on Leni's ass, and gave it a Massive slap
  87. >"AAAAHHHH!" Shouted Leni as she came
  88. >She slumped over on the bed, Her ass red and covered in cum, her thighs wet and shaking
  89. >Lincoln fell back, and rested against the headboard
  90. >"That was *huff* That was great" Exclaimed Lincoln, Trying to catch his breath
  91. >"Yeah" Replied Leni "We've gotta do that again"
  92. >"Leni!" Called Lori from the other room "You coming? The movie's about to start"
  93. >"Coming!" Replied Leni, getting up and putting her panties back on
  94. >"I'll see you later Linc" Said Leni, kissing Lincoln on the forehead "goodnight"
  95. >"Goodnight Leni" Replied Lincoln, pulling his underwear back up
  96. >Lincoln resumed Reading his comic
  97. >He could hear a faint "ow" When Leni sat on the couch
  99. END
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