
RevoX Chapter #4949 -

Jul 23rd, 2015
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  1. [World]RolandRock:The doctor said she hardly even has.
  2. [World]Sunstriker:they giv condoms free at plan parenhood
  3. [World]Sunstriker:then why u pull out? do her a favor
  4. [World]RolandRock:I was afraid man. I pulled out.. not taking chances.
  5. [World]mutat:I don't think they have planed parenthood in his country SUN
  6. [World]Sunstriker:after 2 min? were humping like a rabbit?
  7. [World]mutat:if you don't want to take chances buy condoms
  8. [World]RolandRock:Nope they haven't.
  9. [World]RolandRock:If it happens, then you gotta take responsibility.
  10. [World]Sunstriker:sorry rr gotta unfriend for tht
  11. [World]RolandRock:T_T
  12. [World]Sunstriker:go back and redeem yourself
  13. [World]Sunstriker:this time dont do it for yourself n last longer
  14. [World]Sunstriker:so she wants it more.
  15. [World]Drock:man talk about getting a woman preganet
  16. [World]RolandRock:Sun stahp.
  17. [World]RolandRock:lend me condoms first and I will.
  18. [World]Sunstriker:since we are unfriended i will not talk 2 u
  19. [World]JuanriD.:wow, how this conversation swaps really quick
  20. [World]mutat:you don't ever want someone to lend you a condom
  21. [World]mutat:and no one wants to lend one out
  22. [World]Sunstriker:use sarand wrap or plastic bag man
  23. [World]mutat:really who would want that back
  24. [World]RolandRock:never said a used one xD
  25. [World]Romero.s005:y right juannid :')
  26. [World]mutat:Sun don't tell him that kinda ****
  27. [World]Drock:I will never forget my first time poping two condoms off
  28. [World]JuanriD.:this is a ***uality cl*** jajaja
  29. [World]RolandRock:Drock two condoms at the same time is a major risk
  30. [World]Drock:then had to use another
  31. [World]RolandRock:it may cause the condom to break.
  32. [World]Drock:No, man they broke
  33. [World]Sunstriker:we luv u man! at least it's not 30 sec
  34. [World]Drock:one after the other for hours
  35. [World]RolandRock:._. tf
  36. [World]Sunstriker:use reg condom, put vaseline, then magnum. lol
  37. [World]mutat:no Drock was just taking them off his boyfriends no worries
  38. [World]RolandRock:Rofl
  39. [World]Drock:of course they will break after awhile
  40. [World]Sunstriker:just do anal. no pull out or preg worries
  41. [World]Drock:yeah right a boy name Natilda
  42. [World]Drock:Matilda
  43. [World]RolandRock:Even if she's pregnant I'm not backing away.
  44. [World]RolandRock:I'm gonna help her with that child even if it'll be tough.
  45. [World]Sunstriker:if she's preg, just then no pull out
  46. [World]"x=Vasy=x":*"x=Vasy=x"*
  47. [World]Sunstriker:staph with the gai preg stuff, moring after pill dude
  48. [World]Sunstriker:vasy is navi now grtz
  49. [World]mutat:RR don't worry about that unless she says she is preggers
  50. [World]RolandRock:pill? you mean like abortion pills? ._.
  51. [World]mutat:but just don't be stupid and go buy condoms
  52. [World]RolandRock:Nah man I'm not gonna have seX till 18.
  53. [World]Drock:I buy condoms
  54. [World]mutat:RR you made the whole thing up aSshole
  55. [World]mutat:lol
  56. [World]Sunstriker:u just said u did it,now u take it back?
  57. [World]RolandRock:I didn't make it up
  58. [World]RolandRock:I did have seX yes. But I'm not doing it the 2nd time till18
  59. [World]mutat:he just dreamt it lol
  60. [World]"x=Vasy=x":tnx...
  61. [World]mutat:RR that is dumb just buy condoms and keep doing it
  62. [World]Sunstriker:wtf. are u gai?
  63. [World]Drock:wet dreams don't count
  64. [World]Sunstriker:use condom
  65. [World]Sunstriker:u got 2 redeem yourself, otherwise she will become petrify
  66. [World]RolandRock:mutat... I can't always rely on condoms
  67. [World]mutat:I think we scared him with the preggers stuff
  68. [World]RolandRock:I'd rather try to control my hormones for the time being.
  69. [World]mutat:RR they are like 90 something percent effective
  70. [World]Drock:Sounds like she will leave RR
  71. [World]Sunstriker:i think rr got shocked n dont like s3x any more
  72. [World]RolandRock:mutat. I'm lucky when it comes to low percentages T_T
  73. [World]RolandRock:Just like when my gear is 99 percent enhancement rate
  74. [World]RolandRock:and I still fail
  75. [World]mutat:dude you should stop worrying waiting a year isn't going to
  76. [World]mutat:change anything
  77. [World]Drock:good lover = better man
  78. [World]mutat:the percentages will still be the same
  79. [World]Drock:once she compares the other men
  80. [World]mutat:you gotta start learning somehow might as well be now
  81. [World]RolandRock:mutat do you have any kids?
  82. [World]Sunstriker:its okay rr, stick to pp.. dont let us preSSure u
  83. [World]Sunstriker:into doing the right thing
  84. [World]RolandRock:rofl x_x fine guys I'll take your advice
  85. [World]RolandRock:but if she get's pregnant I'm fu*ked.
  86. [World]Drock:Sometimes I think of a pretty woman as an ugly woman
  87. [World]mutat:shIt taking advice from us is the worst thing you could do
  88. [World]Drock:longer love making for me
  89. [World]mutat:Drock I don't know how you tell the goats apart anyway
  90. [World]RolandRock:OKay mutat. what advice can you give me?
  91. [World]Drock:that was random
  92. [World]mutat:Don't worry unless she is actually preggers and
  93. [World]mutat:use a condom next time
  94. [World]RolandRock:okay mutat, I hear ya.
  95. [World]mutat:and hit it until she starts walking funny
  96. [World]RolandRock:Do they sell condoms in pharmacies?
  97. [World]Sunstriker:take your time when u do it, like pull her hair
  98. [World]Drock:Yes, they do even convience stores
  99. [World]mutat:yeah
  100. [World]RolandRock:rofl walking funny
  101. [World]RolandRock:So like... I fUcked her right in the PuSsy.
  102. [World]mutat:and learn where the ****oris is and how to stimulate it
  103. [World]mutat:that will make her happy
  104. [World]mutat:*cLitoris*
  105. [World]Sunstriker:wb in 10 min mutat
  106. [World]RolandRock:lel
  107. [World]mutat:yeah thanks sun sorry RR cl*** is dismissed lol
  108. [World]RolandRock:Thanks xD
  109. [World]Romero.s005:LOL jozu killed himself one shot on
  110. [World]Romero.s005:my mirror soul
  111. [World]RolandRock:rofl I saw
  112. [World]RolandRock:Suicide is the way to go xD Jozu's motto
  113. [World]Romero.s005:put your full gear now
  114. [World]RolandRock:can i put on his gear now? xD
  115. [World]Romero.s005:i'll try to resist the shock
  116. [World]Romero.s005:y
  117. [World]RolandRock:there
  118. [World]RolandRock:all gear on
  119. [World]Romero.s005:damn he one shot me
  120. [World]Drock:back to having four of my guys having 300k HP
  121. [World]RolandRock:lel
  122. [World]Romero.s005:remove one or 2 XD
  123. [World]Romero.s005:without removing haki
  124. [World]Romero.s005:just like removing hat and ring
  125. [World]RolandRock:one or two gears? xD like both armor?
  126. [World]Romero.s005:more like hat and ring :3
  127. [World]RolandRock:kk both gone
  128. [World]Romero.s005:'k now the part you won't like a lot
  129. [World]Romero.s005:add all the pierce you can :')
  130. [World]Romero.s005:without touching his hp
  131. [World]RolandRock:kk sec
  132. [World]RolandRock:there
  133. [World]RolandRock:4.96 pierce
  134. [World]RolandRock:if you want me add more tlel me
  135. [World]RolandRock:tell*
  136. [World]Romero.s005:bingo
  137. [World]RolandRock:you want more or nah?
  138. [World]mutat:didn't he say add all you can?
  139. [World]RolandRock:he said bingo tho
  140. [World]Romero.s005:he can add more if he want, but i have satisfying results
  141. [World]Romero.s005:already
  142. [World]mutat:Yeah I don't know why he was talking about Drocks dog
  143. [World]Romero.s005:without pierce, you deal 214866 raw dammages +
  144. [World]Drock:you are random tonight Muta
  145. [World]RolandRock:10.36 pierce now
  146. [World]Romero.s005:around 19k physical dammage
  147. [World]mutat:lol the song "there was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was
  148. [World]Romero.s005:changing a bit, dependng on the fight
  149. [World]Romero.s005:BUT with pierce, you deal
  150. [World]mutat:his nameo B I N G O lol
  151. [World]mutat:your a farmer lol
  152. [World]RolandRock:lmao I remember that song mutat.
  153. [World]Romero.s005:BUT with pierce, you deal 39k physical dammages
  154. [World]Romero.s005:around 20k more
  155. [World]RolandRock:wow. 20k more
  156. [World]mutat:and the other comment about goats drock wasn't random it was
  157. [World]Romero.s005:ofc its tiny
  158. [World]Romero.s005:but a difference there is!
  159. [World]mutat:a joke, aobut you haveing *** with goats
  160. [World]mutat: because you were talking about how women looked
  161. [World]RolandRock:Romero Thanks for experimenting tonight xD.
  162. [World]RolandRock:Its been an honor belping you.
  163. [World]RolandRock:helping*
  164. [World]mutat:but it was just a joke Drock
  165. [World]mutat:hate haveing to explain jokes lol
  166. [World]mutat:at least I crack myself up lol
  167. [World]RolandRock:yeah Dork its a joke
  168. [World]RolandRock:Drock sorry*
  169. [World]mutat:common Drock say something I was just joking around
  170. [World]RolandRock:Romero my jozu with 10.36 pierce OHKO your prot
  171. [World]RolandRock:definitely a difference
  172. [World]mutat:RR have you been using your AWS yet?
  173. [World]RolandRock:yeah I used it a few days ago
  174. [World]RolandRock:but thing is... :c I missed 2 days
  175. [World]mutat:yeah it only gets used when you play LB is the good thing
  176. [World]mutat:it is measureed in battles
  177. [World]RolandRock:it does? wtf I never knew xD
  178. [World]Romero.s005:you can gear your jozu now :D
  179. [World]Romero.s005:i finished
  180. [World]Romero.s005:thx for the test
  181. [World]RolandRock:how long does it last
  182. [World]mutat:yeah AWS is 100 battels
  183. [World]RolandRock:kk romero
  184. [World]RolandRock:np man
  185. [World]Romero.s005:this AWS was all planned
  186. [World]Romero.s005:all.planned.
  187. [World]mutat:what? Romero
  188. [World]Romero.s005::D
  189. [World]mutat:how dare you tell RR OUR secrect plan
  190. [World]RolandRock:wtf.
  191. [World]RolandRock:so it wasn't bought by mistake
  192. [World]Romero.s005:damn, my bad, IT LEAKED
  193. [World]mutat:it was actually Romero's idea I tried to protest
  194. [World]RolandRock:mutat you dog xD
  195. [World]mutat:but he talked me into it lol
  196. [World]Romero.s005:all cp9's fault
  197. [World]RolandRock:Well I must say thank you guys.
  198. [World]RolandRock:That AWS was exactly what I needed.
  199. [World]Romero.s005:we have to kill you now, you know too much
  200. [World]mutat:lol we were just joking it really was an stupid mistake on
  201. [World]mutat:my part
  202. [World]RolandRock:rofl
  203. [World]RolandRock:wasn't a stupid mistake mutat.
  204. [World]RolandRock:It came in handy
  205. [World]mutat:but you would have made bank if you had one while I was
  206. [World]RolandRock:got 5k honor the other day
  207. [World]mutat:piloting I had a couple 7 win days
  208. [World]Romero.s005:imagine if he did what i did this morning
  209. [World]mutat:what was that
  210. [World]RolandRock:mutat told me he'd develop me, ***** lied.
  211. [World]RolandRock:Nigga*
  212. [World]Ogden:as if developpin is that easy...
  213. [World]RolandRock:lmao, Ogden it is. with the spacebar trick
  214. [World]Ogden:I remember a day developping for 2, prestige
  215. [World]mutat:sorry RR I hardly have time to dev my account these days
  216. [World]Ogden:not getting a single point
  217. [World]RolandRock:lololol mutat its okay man
  218. [World]RolandRock:I can develop on my own now :p
  219. [World]Ogden:spacebar making it less painful is all
  220. [World]RolandRock:I've decided not gonna use franky anymore.
  221. [World]RolandRock:Came up with a strategy
  222. [World]Ogden:why not^^?
  223. [World]mutat:what is this spacebar trick?
  224. [World]RolandRock:.*. I guess franky wasn't made for me.
  225. [World]RolandRock:mutat I sent you the link a while ago xD
  226. [World]mutat:oops deleted all my mail the other day
  227. [World]mutat:never read it lol
  228. [World]RolandRock:psh
  229. [World]RolandRock:guess imma tell it to ya
  230. [World]Romero.s005:looool
  231. [World]RolandRock:check mail
  232. [World]RolandRock:Romero get jozu xD
  233. [World]RolandRock:salvage events on 25th
  234. [World]Romero.s005:don't wanna
  235. [World]RolandRock:shanks in bar 25th also
  236. [World]Romero.s005:i would make a weak jozu
  237. [World]RolandRock:nah you won't romero
  238. [World]RolandRock:keep upgrading ship+enhance ship
  239. [World]Romero.s005:for now i have to increase my overall hp
  240. [World]Romero.s005:then try marco in october, after i get hiking bear
  241. [World]RolandRock:huh, you've been saving for bear?
  242. [World]Ogden:990 tp for 250k
  243. [World]Romero.s005:y.
  244. [World]Romero.s005:i don't spend a dime until october
  245. [World]Romero.s005:like you for your goblets :P
  246. [World]RolandRock:why lolol
  247. [World]RolandRock:how much you currently got?
  248. [World]Romero.s005:20k
  249. [World]RolandRock:whoa
  250. [World]RolandRock:grats man lol
  251. [World]mutat:that saves a lot of clicking lol
  252. [World]Romero.s005:the bear himself doenst cost qnything so..
  253. [World]Romero.s005:i just report for later my spending
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