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Logserv gm Script - Ogame *monkey

a guest
Jul 23rd, 2014
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  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name GM script
  3. // @namespace localhost
  4. // @description Greasemonkey script for quick uploading combat reports in OGame v5.x ("redesign")
  5. // @include http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?*page=*
  6. // @include http://*-**
  7. // @exclude http://board.*
  8. // @copyright 2010, Nate River
  9. // @license GNU
  10. // @version 3.1
  11. // @author Nate River (Skyline Designs)
  12. // @updateURL
  13. // @installURL
  14. // @downloadURL
  15. // @grant none
  16. // @homepage
  17. // ==/UserScript==
  19. (function ()
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  26. objScript.src = "";
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  29. var $ = unsafeWindow.$;
  30. $.getScript( '/cdn/js/greasemonkey/version-check.js', function() {
  31. (unsafeWindow || window).oGameVersionCheck(' GM script', '5.4.3', '');
  32. });
  34. if (document.location.href.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=messages") < 0) return;
  35. var myFunc = (function ()
  36. {
  37. var url ='ru');
  39. if (url == '-1')
  40. {
  41. var LogServer_plugin = 'LogServer plugin';
  42. var upload_form = 'upload form';
  43. var Recycler_report = 'Recycler report:';
  44. var Comment = 'Comment:';
  45. var Planet_clean_up = 'Planet clean-up:';
  46. var Public_log = 'Public log';
  47. var Hide_coordinates = 'Hide coordinates';
  48. var Hide_technologies = 'Hide technologies';
  49. var Hide_technologies = 'Hide technologies';
  50. var Hide_time = 'Hide Time';
  51. var Hide_comments = 'Ban comments';
  52. var Calculate_IPMs = 'Calculate IPMs:';
  53. var Calc_deuterium = 'Calc. deuterium consumption (100%)';
  54. var Universe = 'Universe';
  55. var Upload = 'Upload';
  56. } else {
  57. var LogServer_plugin = 'LogServer плагин';
  58. var upload_form = 'форма загрузки';
  59. var Recycler_report = 'Доклад переработчиков:';
  60. var Comment = 'Комментарий:';
  61. var Planet_clean_up = 'Зачистка планеты:';
  62. var Public_log = 'Публичный лог';
  63. var Hide_coordinates = 'Скрыть координаты';
  64. var Hide_technologies = 'Скрыть технологии';
  65. var Hide_time = 'Скрыть время';
  66. var Hide_comments = 'Запрет комментариев';
  67. var Calculate_IPMs = 'Учесть МПР:';
  68. var Calc_deuterium = 'Рассчитать потр. дейтерия (100%)';
  69. var Universe = 'Вселенная';
  70. var Upload = 'Загрузить';
  71. }
  73. if (document.location.href.indexOf("page=messages") < 0) return;
  74. $(document).ajaxSuccess (function(e, xhr, ajaxOptions)
  75. {
  76. if (ajaxOptions.url.indexOf ("page=combatreport") >= 0)
  77. {
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  79. {
  80. var strLogServerURL = "";
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  84. strPattern = "<style.+?</style>";
  85. while ( RegExp(strPattern)) != -1)
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  88. strPattern = "<script.+?</script>";
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  92. strPattern = "<lcs.+?dataexchangeelement>";
  93. while ( RegExp(strPattern)) != -1)
  94. strHTML = strHTML.replace(new RegExp(strPattern), "");
  96. strHTML = strHTML.replace(new RegExp("<input.+?Shahterov.+?>"), "");
  98. var strUploadDiv = "";
  99. strUploadDiv += "<form action='" + strLogServerURL + "' method='post' target='_blank'>";
  100. strUploadDiv += "<center>";
  101. strUploadDiv += " <table>";
  102. strUploadDiv += " <tr>";
  103. strUploadDiv += " <center><font color='#00DD00'><b> " + upload_form + "</b></font></center>";
  104. strUploadDiv += " </tr>";
  105. strUploadDiv += " <tr>";
  106. strUploadDiv += " <td align='center'>";
  107. strUploadDiv += " <textarea rows='8' name='log_textarea' cols='156' style='display: none; font-size: 10px; font-family: Arial; color:#888888; background-color:#000000; border-style:solid; border: 1px solid #888888;'>" + strHTML +"</textarea>";
  108. strUploadDiv += " <font face='Arial' color='#888888' size='2'>" + Recycler_report + "</font><br>";
  109. strUploadDiv += " <textarea rows='2' name='recycler_textarea' cols='160' style='width: 700px; min-height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: Arial; color:#888888; background-color:#000000; border-style:solid; border: 1px solid #888888;' onclick='this.setAttribute(\"rows\", 4); if (this.innerHTML==\"*\") this.innerHTML=\"\"'>*</textarea>";
  110. strUploadDiv += " <br><font face='Arial' color='#888888' size='2'>" + Comment + "</font><br>";
  111. strUploadDiv += " <textarea rows='2' name='comment_textarea' cols='160' style='width: 700px; min-height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: Arial; color:#888888; background-color:#000000; border-style:solid; border: 1px solid #888888;' onclick='this.setAttribute(\"rows\", 4);'></textarea>";
  112. strUploadDiv += " <br><font face='Arial' color='#888888' size='2'>" + Planet_clean_up + "</font><br>";
  113. strUploadDiv += " <textarea rows='2' name='clean_up_textarea' cols='160' style='width: 700px; min-height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: Arial; color:#888888; background-color:#000000; border-style:solid; border: 1px solid #888888;' onclick='this.setAttribute(\"rows\", 4);'></textarea>";
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  115. strUploadDiv += " </tr>";
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  131. strListBoxes += " <select size='1' name='select_uni' style='font-size: 10px; width: 120px;'>";
  132. strListBoxes += " <option value='0' selected>Universe: auto</option>";
  133. strListBoxes += " <option value='101'>Andromeda</option>";
  134. strListBoxes += " <option value='102'>Barym</option>";
  135. strListBoxes += " <option value='103'>Capella</option>";
  136. strListBoxes += " <option value='104'>Draco</option>";
  137. strListBoxes += " <option value='105'>Electra</option>";
  138. strListBoxes += " <option value='106'>Fornax</option>";
  139. strListBoxes += " <option value='107'>Gemini</option>";
  140. strListBoxes += " <option value='108'>Hydra</option>";
  141. strListBoxes += " <option value='109'>Io</option>";
  142. strListBoxes += " <option value='110'>Jupiter</option>";
  143. strListBoxes += " <option value='111'>Kassiopeia</option>";
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  147. strListBoxes += " <option value='115'>Orion</option>";
  148. strListBoxes += " <option value='116'>Pegasus</option>";
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  150. strListBoxes += " <option value='118'>Rigel</option>";
  151. strListBoxes += " <option value='119'>Sirius</option>";
  152. strListBoxes += " <option value='120'>Taurus</option>";
  153. strListBoxes += " <option value='121'>Ursa</option>";
  154. strListBoxes += " <option value='122'>Vega</option>";
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  158. strListBoxes += " <option value='126'>Zagadra</option>";
  159. for (var i = 1; i < 101; i++)
  160. strListBoxes += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + i + ". Universe</option>";
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  196. strListBoxes += " <select size='1' name='select_skin' style='font-size: 10px; width: 120px;'>";
  197. strListBoxes += " <option value='logserver_v20' selected>Skin: LogServer v2</option>";
  198. strListBoxes += " <option value='0'>Default</option>";
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  200. strListBoxes += " <option value='abstract'>Abstract</option>";
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  207. strListBoxes += " <option value='ntrvr'>¿ntrvr[!]</option>";
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  239. strUploadDiv += " <br>";
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  250. strUploadDiv += " </tr>";
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  392. }).toString ();
  393. var script = document.createElement ("script");
  394. script.setAttribute ("type", "application/javascript");
  395. script.textContent = "(" + myFunc + ") ();";
  396. document.body.appendChild (script);
  397. }) ();
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