Guest User


a guest
Feb 22nd, 2018
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  1. GuildMember {
  2. guild:
  3. KlasaGuild {
  4. members:
  5. GuildMemberStore {
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  7. '155149108183695360' => [Object],
  8. '159985870458322944' => [Object],
  9. '172002275412279296' => [Object],
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  13. '292953664492929025' => [Object],
  14. '294882584201003009' => [Object],
  15. '323368404083933185' => [Object],
  16. '338359366891732993' => [Object],
  17. '339817292659425281' => [Object],
  18. '352061815196221449' => [Object],
  19. '355751408718446593' => [Object],
  20. '360146338484060161' => [Object],
  21. '377906761765486593' => [Object],
  22. '387343019164041218' => [Object],
  23. '390197883737210880' => [Object],
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  25. '399250712850202627' => [Object],
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  27. '402543843859496979' => [Object],
  28. '403801893203214347' => [Object],
  29. '404217213873029120' => [Object],
  30. '405400327370571786' => [Object],
  31. '409437775914467329' => [Object],
  32. guild: [Circular] },
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  37. '410025474438463500' => [Object],
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  50. '413327930974797836' => [Object],
  51. '413803417253707776' => [Object],
  52. guild: [Circular] },
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  62. '410476281994543105' => [Object],
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  72. '410805399953080320' => [Object],
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  129. warnyNaKick: 5,
  130. warnyNaSoftBan: 10,
  131. wysylajDmOKickachLubBanach: true,
  132. zapamietajRole: false },
  133. name: 'Frytkolandia!',
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  149. voiceStates: VoiceStateCollection { guild: [Circular] },
  150. emojis: GuildEmojiStore { guild: [Circular] } },
  151. user:
  152. ClientUser {
  153. id: '338359366891732993',
  154. bot: true,
  155. username: 'FratikB0T',
  156. discriminator: '8028',
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  163. type: 'DEFAULT',
  164. content: '\\*fratik:\\*: Ja wszystko umiem!\n\nPo 5 minutach...\nZepsułem bota ;-; \n(prawdziwa historia)',
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  186. prefixLength: null,
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  200. Configuration {
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  202. location: null,
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  204. reakcjaBlad: '377863507489718273' } },
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  212. hoist: false,
  213. rawPosition: 0,
  214. permissions: [Object],
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  216. mentionable: false },
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  220. name: 'Bot',
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  222. hoist: true,
  223. rawPosition: 15,
  224. permissions: [Object],
  225. managed: false,
  226. mentionable: true },
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  230. name: 'FratikB0T',
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  232. hoist: false,
  233. rawPosition: 6,
  234. permissions: [Object],
  235. managed: true,
  236. mentionable: false },
  237. member:
  238. GuildMember {
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  240. user: [Object],
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  243. nickname: 'RozdupkaBOT',
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  246. lastMessage: [Object] },
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  248. KlasaGuild {
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  251. roles: [Object],
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  259. region: 'eu-central',
  260. memberCount: 26,
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  275. nickname: null,
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  278. lastMessage:
  279. KlasaMessage {
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  281. TextChannel {
  282. type: 'text',
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  284. name: 'chat-1',
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  296. type: 'DEFAULT',
  297. content: 'Lista global adminów:\nRoschell13😜#4225\nkubson462#8383\nMi&Co#2704\nToJaGonkas#9099\nMarcin Mirecki#1234\n🦄мямαяgнєяιтα 🦄#4707\nAdamosPlay#8254\nwyslijp16#9172',
  298. author:
  299. ClientUser {
  300. id: '338359366891732993',
  301. bot: true,
  302. username: 'FratikB0T',
  303. discriminator: '8028',
  304. avatar: '564059f2a623779191cc2155a4e271db',
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  306. lastMessage: [Object],
  307. verified: true,
  308. email: null,
  309. _typing: Map {},
  310. friends: Collection {},
  311. blocked: Collection {},
  312. notes: Collection {},
  313. premium: null,
  314. mfaEnabled: true,
  315. mobile: null,
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  318. configs: [Object] },
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  322. system: false,
  323. embeds: [],
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  326. editedTimestamp: null,
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  329. MessageMentions {
  330. everyone: false,
  331. users: Collection {},
  332. roles: Collection {},
  333. _content: 'Lista global adminów:\nRoschell13😜#4225\nkubson462#8383\nMi&Co#2704\nToJaGonkas#9099\nMarcin Mirecki#1234\n🦄мямαяgнєяιтα 🦄#4707\nAdamosPlay#8254\nwyslijp16#9172',
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  344. Language {
  345. client: [Object],
  346. dir: '/root/FratikBotDiscord/languages',
  347. file: 'pl-PL.js',
  348. name: 'pl-PL',
  349. type: 'language',
  350. enabled: true,
  351. language: [Object] },
  352. guildConfigs:
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  356. antiswear: false,
  357. autorole: [],
  358. autoroleZa1szaWiadomosc: false,
  359. disabledCommands: [],
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  361. fullLogs: null,
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  366. modRole: null,
  367. prefix: '!',
  368. punktyWlaczone: true,
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  373. warnyNaBan: 15,
  374. warnyNaKick: 5,
  375. warnyNaSoftBan: 10,
  376. wysylajDmOKickachLubBanach: true,
  377. zapamietajRole: false },
  378. responses: null,
  379. command: null,
  380. prefix: null,
  381. prefixLength: null,
  382. prompter: null },
  383. _frozenVoiceState: {} }
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