

Nov 30th, 2017
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  1. kojo: Heyo
  2. Funanya: Hey
  3. kojo: whats up c:
  4. Funanya: Not much, you?
  5. kojo: >. > so far away
  6. Funanya: :o
  7. kojo: And not much just sitting around
  8. Funanya: How's your day
  9. kojo: its been alright, didnt wake up til 1:30pm tho xD
  10. kojo: so slow start to it
  11. kojo: how was yours?
  12. Funanya: It was boring
  13. Funanya: didn't do anything
  14. kojo: awe :c
  15. kojo: no class today?
  16. Funanya: I got holiday
  17. kojo: Ohh
  18. Funanya: yesss
  19. kojo: hopefully it gets more fun during it ;o
  20. Funanya: < kawaii
  21. Funanya: i doubt it
  22. kojo: Not even
  23. Funanya: your shirt says it
  24. kojo: asdgsdfhjkl
  25. kojo: true <.<
  26. Funanya: I guess you don't like my flriting. v____________v
  27. Funanya: am i not good enough
  28. kojo: Ohhhh
  29. kojo: I didnt realize you were Q_Q
  30. Funanya: xD
  31. Funanya: I'm messing
  32. kojo: adfskfdhkl
  33. kojo: dont do that to me >:c
  34. Funanya: <3
  35. kojo: <3
  36. Funanya: sorry
  37. Funanya: I'm abit into girls
  38. Funanya: if I go to far let me know
  39. kojo: Oh no its fine i just id reciprocate if I wasnt unofficially seeing spiro x . x
  40. kojo: but its no worris
  41. kojo: worries*
  42. kojo: Hey nikita
  43. Funanya: oh god
  44. Funanya: you're giving him achance?
  45. Funanya: hi niita
  46. Funanya: nikita*
  47. kojo: yea lol
  48. kojo: should I not?
  49. Funanya: It's entirely up to you
  50. kojo: Yea true
  51. Mohawk: Hey
  52. Funanya: I won't interfere 8)
  53. Mohawk: who you giving a chance?
  54. kojo: A BOY
  55. kojo: :c
  56. kojo: and you're fine Dee but thank you
  57. Mohawk: a boy i know?
  58. kojo: Uhmmm
  59. kojo: i dont think so
  60. kojo: unless you met Spiro
  61. kojo: o . o
  62. Mohawk: meet
  63. Mohawk: yerh
  64. Mohawk: know
  65. Mohawk: no
  66. kojo: yeah then no xD
  67. kojo: he's a ginger too :O
  68. Mohawk: hmm
  69. Mohawk: Havent heard grate things about him
  70. Mohawk: but then again
  71. Mohawk: idk him
  72. kojo: <_<
  73. kojo: what
  74. kojo: how do you hear things of him?
  75. kojo: . _ .
  76. Mohawk: Cus I have friends
  77. Mohawk: sometimes
  78. kojo: .. okay but what have they said?
  79. Mohawk: im trying to remember
  80. Mohawk: i rememebr the name came up in a conversasion
  81. Mohawk: and it wasent good
  82. Mohawk: but i dont remember in what way
  83. Mohawk: is he a daddy? or little or in the lifestyle?
  84. kojo: None of the above
  85. Funanya: He's not
  86. kojo: nah just lets me call him daddy tho LOL i mostly do it as a joke tho
  87. Funanya: My impression on him is that he liked to play around.
  88. Funanya: likes*
  89. Mohawk: i belive that is what ive heard aswell
  90. kojo: Really?
  91. Mohawk: but then again. i might be mistaken
  92. kojo: >.> why do you say that
  93. Funanya: Kay just give it a try
  94. Mohawk: ^
  95. kojo: mer
  96. Mohawk: but, like any other relationship
  97. Mohawk: be on guard
  98. kojo: afk
  99. Funanya: tyt
  100. Mohawk: tyt
  101. Spiro: Let me hear it
  102. Spiro: Go on fuckhawk
  103. Spiro: Let me hear what you heard about me
  104. kojo: oml
  105. kojo: dont start
  106. Mohawk: no need to be rude
  107. Spiro: nah
  108. Spiro: i wanna hear it
  109. Spiro: come on
  110. Funanya: Hey
  111. kojo: Sigh
  112. Mohawk: Nahh im good.
  113. Spiro: Yeah thats what i thought
  114. Spiro: And you dee?
  115. Spiro: you too?
  116. Funanya: Hm?
  117. Mohawk: dont feel like talking to an asshole today
  118. kojo: <_>
  119. Spiro: Saying you get weird vibes around me saying i felt like a player to you
  120. Spiro: i talked to you how many times?
  121. Spiro: Once? twice and i invited you by accident?
  122. Spiro: rolf bye
  123. Funanya: I just said that the first time I met you
  124. Funanya: I had the impression of you being a player
  125. Spiro: Explain how
  126. Spiro: cause i was talking to people
  127. Spiro: and girls were there?
  128. Funanya: If you're getting butthurt about it then I have nothing to say
  129. Mohawk: ^
  130. Spiro: Then dont
  131. Spiro: Mohawk i dont even know you
  132. Spiro: just kys
  133. Funanya: Then don't barge in here and embarass yourself
  134. Mohawk: kys = kiss
  135. Spiro: Nahhh
  136. Mohawk: so i will kiss myself
  137. Spiro: nothing about embarassaing
  138. Spiro: Talking shit behind my back when i dont even know you too?
  139. Funanya: I didn't say it was a bad thing.
  140. Spiro: No you right
  141. Funanya: If you took it the wron way thats you
  142. Spiro: Just telling someone im seeing that i might be player
  143. Spiro: you right
  144. Spiro: nothing bad
  145. Spiro: smart
  146. Spiro: ii
  147. Funanya: "First impression"
  148. Spiro: Fucking pathetic :')
  149. Funanya: Doesn't mean its true.
  150. Mohawk: I wont support you if you go for that
  151. kojo: ._ .
  152. Funanya: Welp.
  153. Mohawk: anyone who tells another person to kys
  154. Mohawk: isent a person i want near
  155. Funanya: If he overeacts like that then damn
  156. Mohawk: also that
  157. Mohawk: but yerh
  158. Funanya: Sorry Kay >. <
  159. Mohawk: im not.
  160. Mohawk: better see that side right away
  161. Funanya: I didn't mean to cause unecessary drama
  162. Mohawk: so it dosent suprice you when you start dating him
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