
Mages and Rages

Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. Ragnarok later tells you that the attack started roughly around 12:30 am, when he felt a great, evil power surge forth before the ground in the village burst open. It was something not unlike the Kraken's corruption of the Palace of Champions, but not quite the same, either. Most certainly another of the fiends' power, though channeled through someone else. He thinks there may have been someone there, overseeing things at the start, but they left during the confusion, possibly with the missing mages.
  3. He also admits he had felt rather uneasy the past few days as tension hung in the air, but had attributed it to nervousness and sympathy towards the attack in Treno. Now, he thinks, that the zombies may have been animated and lay in waiting before the incident and what he felt may have been a residual echo of evil power.
  5. Mikoto, after getting the wounded healed and looking over the village, seems relieved things didn't end up worse. Looking over the site, she found tracks in shoes leading away from the village alongside the prints of skeletal feet, suggesting that someone else was indeed here. The tracks lead north, to the coast, and then vanished into the water. One set of tracks, she noticed, were child-sized. Furthermore, looking at Kuja's body, she didn't seem to find any sort of magical wards protecting his body, exactly, so she's not sure what's up.
  7. As far as venting goes, Mikoto explains the situation at large to you - Renato is really a major pushover and wants to try and please everyone. This led to him kind of latching on to Gina's idea when she brought up the possibility of he and Cygnus dating. Cygnus had just started dating Ambrosia, and everything seemed fine - though while Ambrosia wasn't too enthused about the idea because it had come up so soon, she had decided to allow it. Where this all went to hell is when Cygnus had decided he wasn't actually interested in dating Renato and wished to remain friends, but Gina declared her interest in Cygnus and wanted to bond family units anyway, challenging the notion of one man with several women as compared to one woman with two men. This was made further awkward by the fact that Gina is a shapeshifter and could easily be a male in whatever household she was in anyway. Mikoto doesn't think Gina was -trying- to be a bitch but when the conversation came up between her, Ambrosia, and Gina later, things got extremely heated after Gina mentioned she didn't think one had to restrain themselves when it came to love, to which Ambrosia retorted something like, 'That's assuming it's love and not wanton craving.' and the entire mess ended up bursting like an overfull damn, with Renato having a bit of a nervous breakdown and Cygnus left absolutely puzzled. After finding out that fiendish influence may have been involved, Mikoto wrote a letter to Gina requesting to talk, but she doesn't know if it's going to work out or what.
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