
Nightmare's Luna

Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. >You are Nightmare Moon
  2. >You are ROYALLY pissed off.
  3. >The Elements seemed to have left you the ability to witness the dreams of ponies.
  4. >But not the ability to influence them in any way.
  5. >And so you watched.
  6. >You watched near a thousand years of ponies growing complacent and weak.
  7. >A thousand years of ponies praising your sister as Monarch.
  8. >While you were reduced from Incomprehensible Terror, to Morality Play, to Story-to-Frighten-Foals-With, to that BLASTED holiday!
  9. >Luna had wanted only appreciation, to have her contributions recognised.
  10. >When she gave that up, you were willing to settle for fear.
  11. >Now... Now fear was not enough.
  12. >You would become the Reaper.
  13. >You would make Equestia a CHARNEL HOUSE.
  14. >You would... stew in your anger until your sentence ran-out at which point the Elements would quite possibly blast you into the moon for another thousand years.
  15. >But perhaps...
  17. >Your sister kept her own counsel, and was schooled in policing her own dreams.
  18. >A trick which you now deeply regret teaching her.
  19. >But even she had confidants, and ponies who stumbled on information they had no context for.
  20. >But her confidants lacked thousands of years of practice.
  21. >And you had the context.
  22. >Perhaps you could learn something about the Sun-Hag's plans.
  23. >At least enough to survive your return to Equestria.
  24. >Yes, your mistake was to try to take your sister head-on.
  25. >That would never have worked.
  26. >To stare at the Sun is to court blindness.
  27. >To stand proud under her gaze, is death.
  28. >The time had come for subtlety, patience, and meekness.
  29. >But the Moon WILL eclipse the Sun.
  30. >Glorious Night will shroud Equestria in its beauty.
  31. >Those whom had ignored Luna, who had reduced you to a fairy-tale to be placated with CANDY!
  32. >They would die screaming your name, their last thoughts of the terrible god they had affronted.
  33. >The Undying Flame will be forced to watch the world she had built in your absence crumble to dust around her.
  34. >Even if you had to hide in the darkness for a thousand years first.
  35. >You are the NIGHTMARE, and Equestria would remember what that meant.
  39. >You are called Luna, Diarch of Equestria, Princess of the Moon and Stars, Sovereign of the Night, and Warden of Dreams.
  40. >As if you hadn't acquired enough titles and epithets over the years.
  41. >And you are bored.
  42. >Your sister has been “trusting” you with more work lately.
  43. >Pfft! “Trust”.
  44. >She's been foisting the mindless shit-jobs on you is what she's been doing.
  45. >“You need time to adapt to modern Equestria, Lulu.”
  46. >“Ponies need time to get used to you. You can't just show-up out of nowhere and expect to take-over all your old duties.”
  47. >Consign her to Tartarus. She hasn't changed in a thousand years.
  48. >Still, it gave you plenty of free time.
  49. >Enough that you could start re-building the Night Guard.
  50. >You're sure 'Tia knew you were doing it. You didn't stay sovereign for that long by being blind or an idiot.
  51. >You're also sure she saw it as part of your “adapting to modern Equestia”. You are the Night, and night is home to spies, assassins, and thieves, as much as lovers, poets, and revellers.
  53. >True, you hadn't found anypony with the right combination of skills and trustworthiness to hire as a state wet-worker, but spies are surprisingly promising.
  54. >And you aren't going to rush yourself. You are immortal, time is one thing you have in abundance.
  55. >You already have a couple of irons in the fire for making future agents.
  56. >It's astounding how suggestible ponies are when asleep.
  57. >And foals in particular will believe anything said to them.
  58. >You didn't have your sister's flare for the “cryptic mentor” schtick.
  59. >But you could pull off “wise guru” or “princesse lointaine” like nopony else.
  60. >It helped that you knew your pupils in a way impossible without mind-reading.
  61. >You really should have thought of this earlier.
  62. >Already there were dozens of ponies who would do anything you asked.
  63. >Even if all you did was suggest they do something they would have done eventually anyway.
  64. >You put the day's busy-work away and prepare for the part of your job that 'Tia couldn't have taken even if she wanted to.
  68. >You are Captain Pipsqueak the Small, the most feared (if shortest) pirate of the Marelay Archipelago.
  69. >You loved the pirate's life. The freedom, the adventure, the holds full of gold.
  70. >But mostly you loved the heart-pounding excitement of seizing a ship.
  71. >The clash of steel, the explosions of cannon! Decks slick with the blood of the fallen.
  72. >You smiled as the flag of your quarry came into view.
  73. >A ornate spoon of silver, girt about the centre with a diamond crown.
  74. “Bo'sun Scootaloo!”
  75. >Your bo'sun, known across the Marelay as “the Cassowary” for both her flightlessness and her psychotic violence, turned to you. Her eyes burned with hate, the scarred stump of her missing wing twitched as though trying to flex a limb long gone. Clearly she'd seen the flag as well.
  76. >“Aye, Cap'n.” Scoot's growl spoke volumes of the horrors she'd suffered at the hands of the Tiara and Spoon Trading Company.
  77. “Gather your pones and look sharp! By the time we draw aside I want you on that deck!”
  78. >“Aye-aye, Cap'!” Scootaloo galloped off barking orders to her boarding party.
  79. >A cry from the crow's nest pulls your attention to your lookout, Featherweight.
  80. >“Captain, the ship's comin' about! They're preparing the cannons!”
  81. >So, they planned to put up a fight? This day just got interesting.
  82. “Gunny Bloom? Prepare them our reply.”
  83. >The earth pony laughed as she disappeared below deck. You could hear the sounds the cannons being prepped.
  84. >You drew your cutlass and tested the edge with your hoof.
  85. “Pilot, bring us about! It's time we reminded these penny-pinchers who rules the Marelay!”
  87. >You cursed as the quarries main-mast exploded beside you showering you with splinters.
  88. “I swear to the Abyss Bloom, I will dump you in the Locker if you don't learn to aim.”
  89. >You draw your cutlass from the chest of the pony you'd been fighting as another explosion rips away part of the foredeck.
  90. “Twist!”
  91. >The pony turns to you pulling a giant candy-cane out of the mess she made of somepones head.
  92. “Go back and tell Apple Bloom to knock it off with the cannon fire! I'm bucking standing here!”
  93. >Twist looked at her stick before gazing wistfully at the violence occurring around her on deck.
  94. >As another explosion rocked the ship and threw a number of ponies overboard she rolled her eyes and sighed.
  95. >“Yeth, Captain.”
  96. >She wouldn't be happy, the yellow-furred lunatic loved making things explode.
  97. >Locker, it was even her cutie-mark!
  98. >You parry the bayonet of one of the company marines.
  99. >Excellent, you could use a distraction.
  101. >Your heart hammered in your chest as you surveyed the deck.
  102. >The remnants of the crew had surrendered, and were being corralled around the ruined main-mast.
  103. >Your crew was loading what booty your clipper could hold onto your ship.
  104. >You smiled as you strode about deck like a conquering duke.
  105. >It was good to be the Captain.
  106. >You and your crew would live well off this plunder.
  107. >Your self-congratulations were interrupted by one of the ponies that Cassowary had sent below deck to finish any stragglers.
  108. >“Hey, Captain.”
  109. “What is it Dink?”
  110. >“You need to come and see this.”
  112. >The mare before you was back as the midnight sky, black as the ocean depths.
  113. >Her mane splayed out from under her tri-corner. Both it and her tail were a magnificent blue, and shone with the lights of the Marelay stars.
  114. >“Captain Pipsqueak. Imagine my surprise when I learnt I was to be rescued by none other than the SECOND most famous pirate in the Marelay.”
  115. >Her smile showed her fangs. They glinted in the murky light of the brig, resembling the stars of her mane.
  116. “Luna, Princess of Pirates, Captain of the Shadowbolt, Admiral of the Nightmare Fleet. You seem to have gotten yourself in a bit of bind.”
  117. >The alicorn rolled her eyes at you, but the small smile that tugged at her lips, and the glimmer in her eyes showed she wasn't entirely upset with the situation.
  118. >And you're forced to admit, even chained-up in a magic suppressing brig, she was stunning.
  119. >ESPECIALLY chained-up.
  120. >And she still managed to carry herself with the calm power you had grown to admire in her.
  121. >“Come now Captain. Unchain me, and I'll reward you as only a pirate princess can.”
  122. >You stroked your chin and pretended to be unpersuaded.
  123. “Now that is a tempting offer, Admiral. However I cannot help but wonder what kind of reward I would obtain for turning you in. A pardon at the very least.”
  124. >Luna laughed, her voice echoing around the brig.
  125. >“And then what? You would give up piracy? Perhaps settle down somewhere and make an 'honest' mare out of Bloomy or Scoots? Blood is thicker than water Pip, and you have spilled so much blood.”
  126. >You open the barred door and walked up to the chained alicorn.
  127. “You know what I like about you, my 'Favourite Princess'? Even chained-up and sealed in a brig, you act like you have the upper-hoof.”
  128. >Luna leaned in close, near enough that her lips brushed your ear as she whispered.
  129. >“But noble Pipsqueak. I DO have the upper-hoof.”
  132. >You closed the door into Pipsqueak's dream.
  133. >Yes, that one was coming along nicely.
  134. >He was already developing a taste for violence, and bringing ponies to their vengeance.
  135. >Once his hormones kicked in you would own him completely.
  136. >You looked around the Dream, thinking.
  137. >Tonight was a particularly calm night. The few ponies that needed aid had already been seen to.
  138. >You could, of course, spend the rest of the night just watching other's dreams.
  139. >You'd spent many a pleasant night in that manner before.
  140. >But you have your own problems to deal with tonight.
  141. >And you've put them off for to long.
  142. >You approach one of the doors.
  143. >A simple thing, almost suspiciously plain.
  144. >A simple wooden push door without even latch or handle.
  145. >Its only adornment two hoof-carved words in the panelling.
  146. >“Gnothi Seauton”
  147. >You shiver, and open the door to your sub-concious.
  149. >It was weird how comfortable this place made you.
  150. >A million voices cried out from the shadows.
  151. >Your darkest urges and most secret thoughts given voice.
  152. >You were the Dream Warden.
  153. >And yet, you did not dream.
  154. >Not really.
  155. >This place, where most ponies would have their personal dream, was a chaotic hollow for you.
  156. >Your mind lay open and bare. Thoughts drifted into notice, only to be consumed by the next idle fancy.
  157. >Sometimes you would lie here for hours, just watching your mind work.
  158. >Growing fascinated by a thought, marvelling as your focus caused it to grow. Becoming larger, more complex, as your mind worked upon it.
  159. >You sighed and closed your eyes.
  160. >Opening them you found yourself looking from three different viewpoints.
  161. >You nodded to yourself and settled down for a long night.
  163. “To be fair, we never said we'd kill everypony. Just those whom had neglected or betrayed us.”
  164. “That's sophistry and we know it. ALL must fall. These ponies are assets. Tools to be used and discarded when no longer of use. Nothing more.”
  165. “Is it really that practical to discard a tool with future use, just because it present use is fulfilled?”
  166. “Don't start. We swore to destroy EVERYTHING Celestia built. Parts don't gain an exemption just because we happen to enjoy their company.”
  167. “Well, they should.”
  168. “We've just about had it with our affection toward these foals. It will ruin us!”
  169. “And what we are considering is stupid and wasteful.”
  170. “So what? We're just going to let 'Tia off the hook?”
  171. “That was never said. But we would ask this.”
  172. “What would hurt 'Tia more?”
  173. “Destruction, inflicted brutally and maliciously upon her 'Little Ponies'?”
  174. “Or having those same 'Little Ponies' voluntarily fore-swear the sun, to join the Nightmare in its revel?”
  177. >You are Celestia.
  178. >Just Celestia.
  179. >The sun was raised, and you had no pressing matters to attend to.
  180. >So you could put your office aside for a while.
  181. >You walk down the halls to your sister's room.
  182. >Hopefully you could spend some time together before lunch.
  183. >She was starting to sequester herself again lately.
  184. >You ignored the warning signs once, and it cost you her for a thousand years.
  185. >You couldn't pay that price again.
  186. >The shadows were long in Luna's part of the castle.
  187. >The windows were high and narrow.
  188. >Thick stained-glass shattered the light.
  189. >Where you preferred your windows to tell stories, Luna was a fan of the abstract.
  190. >The kaleidoscope of light and shadow played across the walls and floor.
  191. >The effect was disorienting, but appropriately dream-like.
  192. >Approaching Luna's door you stopped.
  193. >You couldn't pin-point them exactly.
  194. >Not without making it obvious you were looking for them.
  195. >But you knew her Night Guard was lurking in the shadows somewhere.
  196. >You allowed yourself a cheeky smile.
  197. “Please tell my sister that I would like to invite her to breakfast with me. Assuming she is otherwise unoccupied.”
  198. >Your grin spreads wider.
  199. “And please inform her that she needs to train her guard better.”
  200. >You had no idea if they would pass that last bit on. But even if they didn't the brief panic would be amusing enough.
  202. >The door opened and Luna looked at you with an unreadable expression.
  203. >“Greetings sister. I would be most pleased to accept thy invitation to break fast with thee.”
  204. >Oh, Faust. She's doing the accent again.
  205. >“And perchance thou wouldst be so kind as to enlighten me as to why thou feltest it necessary to panic the Night Guard?”
  206. >Ok, she was openly smirking now.
  207. >The two of you start off toward the court-yard.
  208. “Dearest sister, I am greatly wounded by thy accusations. That thou wouldst accuse thy beloved sister, whom holds no pony in greater regard than thee, of maliciousness towards thy servants!”
  209. >Ha, two can play that game, Lulu!
  210. >“Sister, thy pardon I beg of thee. I meant to imply no ill-will from thy self toward anypony, least of all toward those closest to thy sister-regent.”
  211. >Ok, Luna. That was just mean.
  212. “So you say, dear sister. But one cannot help but observe that thou neglected to note what thou didst mean to imply.”
  213. >“Only, because I mean to imply nothing dearest Celestia. Perhaps thy isolation over the last millennium has installed an unwarranted paranoia in thee?”
  214. >Luna turned to you grinning from ear to ear.
  215. >“Or perhaps a thousand years of yes-mares has left you out of practice?”
  216. >You blink at her a couple of times before completely losing composure.
  217. “There's the Element of Laughter!”
  218. >Luna performs an overly dramatic bow.
  219. >“I thank thee, dearest sister. Thy peals of laughter are joy to all who can hear, and thy happiness is the glory of the world!”
  220. >Ok, she was willing to tease you. That's a good sign.
  221. >You wipe the tears from your eyes and try to compose yourself.
  222. “Thank-you, Lulu. I had no idea I needed that.”
  223. >“You've spent so much time being a Princess you've forgotten how to be a Pony.”
  224. >“Come, 'Tia. Breakfast waits for not even the Sun.”
  226. “So, tell me 'Tia. Have you been looking for a new student yet?”
  227. >Whatever else may be said about her, Celestia knew how to eat.
  228. >That was truly a magnificent breakfast.
  229. >And, yes, you HAD enjoyed the morning.
  230. >Laughing, gossiping, carrying-on like you were fillies again.
  231. >Well, nopony said you had to be angry constantly when on a quest for vengeance.
  232. >Provided you didn't forget your purpose here.
  233. >Celestia chuckled and shock her head.
  234. >“I barely get Twilight out the door and you're already trying to foist a new foal on me.”
  235. >“You wouldn't be trying to distract me would you Lulu?”
  236. >You feign a look of wounded honour.
  237. “Me? What possible reason could I have to distract you? Surely you do not suspect me of coveting the crown of Equestria, plotting in the darkness to overthrow the Sun and usher in the Night Eternal?”
  238. “You know, again?”
  239. >You shake your head and give your sister a serious look.
  240. “Joking aside 'Tia, I can see you miss teaching. You were missing it long before Twilight officially stopped being your student.”
  241. >Your sister sighed.
  242. >“When you're right, Luna dear.”
  243. >“I always have my eye out of course. But no, I'm not actively seeking a new protege at this time.”
  244. >She looked at you with a raised eye-brow.
  245. >“What about you Luna? Have you considered taking on a student?”
  246. >Hmm, an actual student? Not one of the ponies you manipulated in dreams, but an actual disciple? It would certainly break the monotony of your day-job if nothing else.
  247. “I am forced to admit, I hadn't really considered it. Although the idea does sound pleasant enough that I may have to start.”
  249. “You would make a good teacher Lulu.”
  250. >This could be it. If Luna started teaching herself, you wouldn't have to worry about her self isolation if you got distracted with a new student.
  251. >Luna returned your earlier eye-brow.
  252. >“You wouldn't be trying to distract me? Would you 'Tia?”
  253. >You smiled at her.
  254. “Maybe a little. I am, however, being serious. You would make a good teacher, and doing so would be good for you as well.”
  255. >“Well, it would make my days more interesting at the very least.”
  256. “Oh, I can see it now! Princess Luna, the former Element of Laughter, and her new protege! Watch as they disrupt the changing of the guard! Marvel as they turn the castle sheets into taffy!”
  257. >“Awe as they steal every last one of Celestia's cakes!”
  258. >You both burst out laughing.
  259. >“Perhaps you are correct 'Tia. I think I shall keep a watch for a pony to take on as a personal student.”
  260. >Hook. Line. Sinker.
  261. “You really should Lulu. I can assure you it's truly wonderful.”
  262. >You smile happily at her.
  263. >It was all you could do to prevent jumping for joy.
  267. >This was it. The biggest moment of your career!
  268. >You are Sweetie Belle, and you are about to perform in front of a packed crowd in the biggest auditorium in Canterlot.
  269. >And the entire Tetrarchy would be there!
  270. >Ok, Sweetie. Calm down. You're ready for this.
  271. >And when you pulled this off you would have stallions hanging off you.
  272. >And more than a few of the mares.
  273. >You were giddy just thinking about it.
  274. >Perhaps even Twilight would...
  275. >NO! Bad, Sweetie Belle!
  276. >She was your teacher and friend.
  277. >That was it.
  278. >That was all.
  279. >You sighed.
  280. >Well, even if she only ever saw you as her student, you could still make her proud.
  282. >Magic danced with your voice, giving it a potency achievable by no mere voice alone.
  283. >While the emotion and passion of your voice was often praised, it was this spell that ensured your fame.
  284. >Beneath language, beneath even music, your magic struck right to the souls of ponies.
  285. >You gazed upon your audience.
  286. >Ponies burst into tears at the slightest catch in your voice.
  287. >Recoiled in horror at your bombastic curses and declarations of vengeance.
  288. >You OWNED them.
  289. >Celestia, you loved opera!
  292. >You sat in your dressing room after the performance.
  293. >You had removed your costume and make-up, and sat on the plush couch in your dressing gown.
  294. >If the applause and quintuple bow were anything to go by, that went rather well.
  295. >Still, it was exhausting.
  296. >And you couldn't put your hoof on it.
  297. >But there was something strange about Twilight's reaction.
  298. >You're certain she enjoyed the performance.
  299. >But there was something else.
  300. >Like she was realising something for the first time...
  301. >Ok, now your just being silly.
  302. >A faint rap on the door attracts your attention.
  303. >“Sweetie Belle? May I come in?”
  304. >You leap out of the couch and practically gallop to the door.
  305. >Ok, composure.
  306. “Of course, Princess Twilight! Please make yourself comfortable.”
  307. >The purple alicorn smiles at you as she enters the room.
  308. >“Thank-you, Sweetie. But you know you don't need to call me 'Princess'.”
  309. >The way she said that word had an almost bitter note about.
  310. >She never did think of herself as “above”, outside maybe, but even as Princess of Friendship she treated the role as more servant than ruler.
  311. “Sorry, Twi. You just surprised me.”
  312. >“No need to apologise. Your performance tonight was magnificent Sweetie. Easily your best yet.”
  313. “Thank-you. It really does mean a lot to me to hear you say that.”
  315. >Twilight smiled at you but her eyes were, strange. Like she was trying desperately to find something. Or hide it.
  316. “Twilight, are you ok?”
  317. >Twilight suddenly blinked and shook her head.
  318. >“Of course Sweetie Belle. Why wouldn't I be?”
  319. >Twilight looked around before focusing on the clock on the wall.
  320. >“Oh, dear. I'm sorry Sweetie, but I need to go. And I'm sure your sister is desperate to congratulate you as well...”
  321. >You place you hoof on Twilight's foreleg.
  322. >It was all you could do to keep from snorting at the mention of Rarity.
  323. “Twilight, please. Tell me what's wrong.”
  324. >Twilight swallowed. Red creeping into her face.
  325. >“Really, Sweetie. It's nothing. And even if it was something it wouldn't matter, I'm sure you have to beat ponies away with a stick and... GOOD CELESTIA I SAID THAT OUT LOUD!”
  326. >She was crimson now, and on the verge of panic.
  327. >Panicked Twilight was a BAD Twilight.
  328. >So you did the only thing you could.
  329. >You kissed her.
  330. >“Sweetie... I...”
  331. “I feel the same way.”
  334. “I am NEVER going to be clean again.”
  335. >You shut the door to Sweetie Belle's dream.
  336. >You LIKED Sweetie Belle. You really did.
  337. >In fact, you would say you were fond of all the ponyville Crusaders.
  338. >And setting her up for disappointment left a bad taste in your mouth.
  339. >As far as you could tell, Twilight didn't have a sexual bone in her body.
  340. >Which you found a little creepy to be honest.
  341. >But few poisons a potent as unrequited love.
  342. >Except perhaps that openly scorned.
  343. >No force in Equestria or Tartarus would separate Twilight from her mentor.
  344. >Which meant she had to be isolated as well.
  345. >You sighed, you felt like losing yourself in somepony's dream right now.
  346. >Just drift away on the flows of a random sub-conscious.
  347. >At least you wouldn't have to think about this.
  348. >A subtle disturbance in the Dream alerts you to somepony trying to gain your attention back in the Wake.
  349. >You close your eyes, and slip out of your trance.
  352. >You are Smoke Screen, one of the Princess Luna's new Night Guard.
  353. >Captain of the Night Guard in fact.
  354. >Well, it was that or spend the rest of your life in prison.
  355. >It wasn't even that valuable!
  356. >Ok, sure. The trespass.
  357. >She's sitting in the middle of her room.
  358. >That was always so bucking weird.
  359. >Any normal pony would sleep.
  360. >But, no. The Highest had to do this weird trance-projection thing.
  361. >“You have something to report, Captain?”
  362. >Ah, she's looking at you.
  363. >You clear your throat.
  364. “Forgive me, Princess. It is time to lower the Moon.”
  365. >She blinked and looked at the clock on the wall.
  366. >“So it is. Thank you Captain.”
  367. >You bow and turn to leave.
  368. >“A moment, Captain.”
  369. “Of course, Princess.”
  370. >“Walk with me, I could use a distraction from this night's travails.”
  371. >Really? Who says “travails” these days?
  372. “Of course, Princess.”
  374. “So tell me Captain. How goes the Night Guard.”
  375. >You were walking toward the tower from which you lowered the Moon.
  376. >During the day, Arcadia, as your guard had taken to calling your section of castle, was dream-like and ethereal.
  377. >At night, it was terror.
  378. >A pony wandering through would swear the shadows contained “things”.
  379. >Things that would consume them without a moments pause if they noticed them.
  380. >“Slowly, I'm afraid Highest. Even if the traits we sought were common, and they by no means are, most drop-out during the Hunt.”
  381. >The Hunt was the first barrier test for membership.
  382. >A prospective Night Guard was confined to Arcadia. They must last a full day and night without being seen.
  383. >If they were spotted, they had to remain in Arcadia until they passed, or dropped-out.
  384. “Be that as it may Smoke, I am not lowering entry standards.”
  385. >This was an argument you've had before.
  386. >“Highest, I appreciate your concern for quality, and that the Night Guard must perform particular duties that necessitate a somewhat narrow skill-set...”
  389. “...but you might be taking it to far.”
  390. >You paused the discussion as Luna set-about to lower the Moon.
  391. >Thus allowing the Sun to rise bringing day to Equestria.
  392. >The look the Highest's face was one of distaste.
  393. >She disguised it when around others, but here, alone, it was clear she still didn't like surrendering her night.
  394. >“Smoke, I want to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me.”
  395. >You blinked in surprise.
  396. “Have I ever been anything but, Highest?”
  397. >“No, but you have sugar-coated the truth, and I need you to answer this as if you were talking to any random pony. Not your Princess.”
  398. “Fair enough. What did you need to know?”
  399. >She looked over to where her sister stood raising the Sun.
  400. >You had to admit, Luna was awesome, terrifying, inspiring, and any number of other things.
  401. >But her sister had a simple regality that came from knowing one was sovereign, and had been for time immemorial.
  402. >Luna sighed.
  403. >“I am thinking of taking a protege, and I need to know two things first.”
  404. >“One, am I really the kind of pony that could do that competently?”
  405. >“Two, just how much damage would Arcadia do to a foal?”
  407. >You rub your chin thoughtfully.
  408. “In all honesty Luna, the mere fact you're willing to ask that question shows you're capable of it.
  409. >You look at the Highest and smile.
  410. “Will you be perfect? Of course not. But you'll be watching yourself. And you'll correct your mistakes.”
  411. >Luna smiles, it would appear you relieved a serious worry.
  412. >A grimace mars your features.
  413. “As for Arcadia. I cannot say. I assume, as your pupil will spend the majority of their time with you, they'll adapt to its... uniqueness... without serious problems.”
  414. “I wouldn't leave them alone at night 'though.”
  415. >The Highest stares up at the dawn sky, lost in thought.
  416. >“Thank-you, Captain. You have been most helpful.”
  417. >She returns her gaze to you.
  418. >“Your shift ends with the dawn this day, correct?”
  419. “It does, Highest. If you need my services, however, I would be...”
  420. >She cuts you off with a wave of her hoof.
  421. >“That's quite alright, Smoke. Good morn. I look forward to your company again.”
  422. “Good morn, Princess. Have a pleasant day.”
  423. >As she turns back to enter the castle, you open your wings and leap off the balcony toward Canterlot.
  426. >You watch Luna's Captain descend into Caterlot.
  427. >You swore your sister was insane when she snuck him out of prison.
  428. >But he had proven to be frightfully competent.
  429. >You still didn't know more than a couple of the ponies Luna kept under arms.
  430. >But they were fiercely loyal.
  431. >You turned and headed toward Court.
  432. >Your sister had truly taken ownership of her section of castle.
  433. >“Arcadia”, “the Realm of Dreams”.
  434. >You sighed and shook your head.
  435. >You honestly had no idea how to take this.
  436. >On one hoof, she was clearly doing her own thing, embracing what made her unique.
  437. >Rather than trying to compare herself to others.
  438. >On the other hoof, the secrecy surrounding both Arcadia and the Night Guard was starting to create some unhealthy rumours.
  439. >You needed to talk to her, but how to broach the subject without making Luna think you were trying to overrule her?
  440. >Sometimes, being the big sister sucked.
  443. >Luna, Celestia, and yourself were having lunch in the gardens behind Canterlot castle.
  444. >Your mentor had actually been flustered when you walked into court.
  445. >You had been in Canterlot on unrelated business, and had decided to surprise her.
  446. >Rarity was going to be busy for the next couple of days anyway.
  447. >And Sweetie Belle was getting really clingy.
  448. >Not that you didn't like Sweetie Belle. You certainly did.
  449. >But it was like she was trying to use you as a substitute Rarity.
  450. >And that wasn't healthy.
  451. >Still, this lunch was a good distraction.
  452. >Celestia had gotten you to expound on how ponyville and your friends were doing.
  453. >Luna pestered you on your teaching of the Crusaders.
  454. >Actually. That WAS a bit odd.
  455. “So, Luna. What brought this sudden interest in my lesson plans?”
  456. >Celestia giggled as Luna coughed slightly.
  457. >“My sister suggested that acquiring a protege of my own would be an enjoyable break from the more tedious aspects of administration.”
  458. “So you're looking for a student?”
  459. >“Quite.”
  460. “That's great! I have a whole bunch of books on teaching I could lend you, you have been asking Celestia for advice right? She the greatest teacher in the history of teachers! I mean, you really should have gone to her rather than me and... I'm doing it again aren't I?”
  461. >The look on your companions' faces rendered that question superfluous.
  463. >You laughed and shook your head at you favourite student.
  464. >FORMER student.
  465. “Well, you managed to catch yourself this time, Twilight.”
  466. >“And the teaching styles of my sister and myself would be, rather different.”
  467. >She was right. Luna would be much more free-form than yourself. Which made going to Twilight for advice curious. Perhaps she was after content more than technique?
  468. >“Even so, you really should go to her Luna. Celestia has centuries of experience, good and bad, teaching foals.”
  469. >It's funny what ponies are proud of.
  470. >Twilight had saved Equestia multiple times, ascended to alicornhood, surpassed every expectation you could have had of her.
  471. >Yet those two sentences made you more proud of her than anything else.
  472. >“So why come to me then? It's unlikely we'd have similar teaching methods.”
  473. >“Let me answer that question with one of my own. How many data-points make a good study?”
  474. >Well done, Lulu. That is exactly the kind of playing to their interests you need.
  475. >“Well, as many as possible of... oooh.”
  476. >Twilight smiled as the cog clicked in place.
  477. >“Of course, how silly of me. You'd naturally want as much information as possible. Especially when first starting out.”
  478. >You smiled, it was good to see you sister and student...
  479. >FORMER student.
  480. >...getting along so well.
  481. >They had always seemed to, but it wasn't until you saw them chatting away on the theory of teaching that it really struck home.
  483. >“So will you join us in Ponyville for Nightmare Night?”
  484. >The meal was over, and Twilight and yourself were relaxing in the garden letting lunch digest.
  485. >'Tia had been called off to some bullshit “emergency” being created by an uppity noble.
  486. >Sometimes you wish for the days when court was ruled by force of arms.
  487. “Of course, Twilight. It would hardly be seemly to disrupt that tradition now, would it?”
  488. >Besides, there were a couple of colts and fillies you really wanted to see in Wake.
  489. >“It really means a lot to them you know. That a little town in the middle of nowhere gets to host THE Nightmare Moon.”
  490. >“Wait, that came out badly.”
  491. >You laughed.
  492. “Really Twilight, it's fine. If we run from our past, what can we possibly learn from it?”
  493. “And I would remind you, that 'little town in the middle of nowhere' hosts it's OWN princess.”
  494. >“True, but I've hardly been around long enough to develop a holiday about exaggerated legends of my deeds.”
  495. >“Exaggerated”‽ Sparkle, you know not what you reap.
  496. >Your laugh sends animals scurrying from the hedges around you.
  497. “But a matter of time, dear Twilight.”
  499. >You sighed.
  500. >Something had been bugging you since shortly after your arrival in Canterlot.
  501. >Now was as good a time as any you suppose.
  502. “Luna, what are these rumours I keep hearing about 'Arcadia' and the 'Night Guard'?”
  503. >Luna raised an eye-brow.
  504. >“Did my sister put you up to this?”
  505. “What? No. Why? Would she have?”
  506. >Luna sighed.
  507. >“My sister has been overly worried about my mental state lately.”
  508. “Why? Has something...”
  509. >“No, nothing's happened. But while it is Celestia's to stride boldly through the light, it is ours to skulk in the shadow. She feels we are being secretive.”
  510. >Hmm, this wasn't good. You hoped you could forestall this before anything drastic happened.
  511. “I'm sure Celestia means only the best for you Luna.”
  512. >Luna chortles.
  513. >“Of course she does, and I do not begrudge her her worry.”
  514. “So, what is 'Arcadia' then?”
  515. >Luna's smile showed a touch more tooth than was perhaps polite.
  516. >“It is simply those areas of Canterlot castle that have been redecorated to my tastes.”
  517. >Oh. That would explain some of those rumours. Luna's tastes weren't what anypony would call “mainstream”.
  518. >“If you have the time I could give you a tour.”
  519. “I would enjoy that very much.”
  524. >You really wished you could say no to stupid dares.
  525. >You had always been good at sneaking into places.
  526. >And hiding.
  527. >“Sneak into the castle!” they said. “It'll be awesome!” they said.
  528. >“It's guaranteed to get you your cutie mark!” they said.
  529. >Now you are lost. Lost in a giant castle you're sure was made just to confuse ponies.
  530. >But that wasn't the biggest problem.
  531. >No the biggest problem was you had no idea how long you'd been here.
  532. >You had found, and raided, a kitchen earlier.
  533. >And by the clock there you had been here almost a day.
  534. >Counting time since then was a problem, however.
  535. >The part of the castle you found yourself in was strangely empty of guard patrols.
  536. >But there were ponies in the shadows. You'd caught glimpses of them from time to time as one moved past your hiding place.
  537. >They seemed to be searching for something.
  538. >You hoped to Celestia it wasn't you.
  539. >Some of the street ponies, the ones you and your friends had dismissed as being more crazy than usual, had spoken of the Hunt.
  540. >“Go not into Arcadia, filly. Or the Hunt will claim you.”
  541. >Ha. The crazy old tramps!
  542. >Yeah? Well you weren't laughing now.
  543. >Scariest thing? You are starting to enjoy this.
  544. >Every time a pony stopped, mere inches from you, only to turn and go elsewhere, your heart hammered like never before.
  545. >And, even in your short time here, you had learnt some cool tricks by watching them.
  546. >You crept along the tops of the line of bookshelves against the wall.
  547. >A unicorn was walking among the books below you.
  548. >You couldn't see him right now, but you caught glances of him as he turned a corner, or wove between shelves.
  549. >He was new to this.
  550. >He moved to fast, and to often.
  551. >You don't know where it came from, but the desire to hang around and terrify the poor bastard was growing on you.
  552. >If you could just pin him down.
  555. “Disorienting would be the most accurate way to describe it.”
  556. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  557. >And you had finally gotten some time alone with Celestia.
  558. >“I find it the same way to be honest.”
  559. >You were having tea in Celestia's study.
  560. >After pleasantries and small-talk the conversation had drifted to you tour through Arcadia.
  561. “Don't misunderstand me, it's a breathtaking piece of work, the amount of magic she's put into that place is astonishing.”
  562. >Celestia smiled and grabbed another cake.
  563. >“Did you have an opportunity to meet her guard?”
  564. “Only Smoke Screen and one of the unicorns that maintain the illusion-wards, Veiled Truth.”
  565. >“Yes, I have met Ms Veil. Tell me, what did you think of them?”
  566. >You lent back. You hadn't really had much exposure to them, but from what you had seen they were professional enough.
  567. >You may not have completely agreed with their methods, but they were good at them. Very good.
  568. >They were dedicated too. And it wasn't just the usual respect given to royalty. The way they acted around Luna was like they were in the presence of a rescuer. Like they OWED their lives, not simply offered them.
  569. “Fanatical.”
  570. >Celestia put down her cake with a sigh.
  571. >“Do you know Smoke Screen's history?”
  572. “Only rumours, why? Where did he come from?”
  573. >“Prison.”
  574. >What? That made no sense. Sure he was sneaky and somewhat deceptive, but that was his job. He really didn't seem criminal.
  575. “Prison? Why would Luna recruit from prison?”
  577. >“In Smoke Screen's case. What better pony to secure a building than a burglar?”
  578. >Hmm, that made a weird type sense.
  579. >And ponies could change, so perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea.
  580. >“He was sentenced to life without parole. Luna offered him another chance. In a very real sense he owes what life he has to her.”
  581. >Wow.
  582. >That explained Smoke.
  583. >And presumably...
  584. >Wait.
  585. “So, Luna does ALL her recruiting from prisoners?”
  586. >Celestia shook her head.
  587. >“No Twilight, I don't know many of her guards, but of those I do, only Smoke is an ex-prisoner.”
  588. >Hmm, so what was the common thread.
  589. >“As for the others. All are skilled in either illusion or some form of trickery, and all felt they had nothing left to live for before joining the Night Guard.”
  590. >Your eyes widened.
  591. “So, in a way. She really has saved their lives.”
  592. >It was a bizarre system.
  593. >And certainly not how you or Celestia would have done things.
  594. >But it seemed to work.
  595. >Celestia was staring at the fire-place, lost in thought.
  596. “Celestia? What's wrong? Granted it's not something I would have thought of, but surely giving these ponies a purpose is a good thing?”
  597. >She returned her gaze to you.
  598. >“Of course, and I'm sure my sister has their best intentions at heart.”
  599. >She sighed.
  600. >“I'm being paranoid, I know I am. But I cannot help remembering something a rather different pony said long ago.”
  601. >“'I will take your poor, your sick, your hungry. I will feed them, house them, give them a spear. They will follow me into Tartarus.'”
  602. “That's ominous. Who said it?”
  603. >“Sombra.”
  607. >Be Luna.
  608. >Be wandering the halls with Smoke Screen.
  609. “I appreciate the problems being short staffed is causing you, Captain. It is, however, only temporary, and taking on ponies whom are not up to standard, just to get more bodies for picket, will be damaging long term.”
  610. >You are arguing over recruitment practices again.
  611. >Part of you hoped Smoke stuck to his guns forever.
  612. >A large part.
  613. >The argument was becoming one of those well-worn grooves that develop in a pony's life.
  614. >You would miss it when resolved, no matter the outcome.
  615. >“Perhaps then, Highest, you would consider allowing some of your sister's Day Guard to share the duties.”
  616. >You looked sideways at him.
  617. “Really Smoke? You want the Day Guard to try and patrol Arcadia?”
  618. >“It would give the oneiroi somepony other than Prey to pick on.”
  619. >You laughed.
  620. “So that's it, is it? 'Princess, the troops are getting bored. Can we have some of your sister's guards to mess with?'”
  621. >You thought about it.
  622. “Actually, Captain. Messing with the Day Guard may not be a bad idea.”
  623. >“What are you planning, Highest?”
  624. “A wargame, Captain. I would have to discuss the specifics with Celestia, of course. I doubt she'd approve of 'Let them loose in the castle, see who's left standing'.”
  625. >“She knows she'd lose that one then?”
  626. “I like your confidence, Smoke. So, on no information, who would be your fir...”
  628. >You and Smoke gallop toward the library.
  631. >You are up in the chandelier.
  632. >Your victim was a mess. You think you broke him.
  633. >One moment he was ranting incoherently.
  634. >The next, a blubbering heap.
  635. >You WERE having so much fun.
  636. >Then he had to go lose the plot, start screaming, and attract EVERY pony in Arcadia.
  637. >Including Princess Luna herself.
  638. >You are SO bucked.
  639. >The pegasus that had entered with the Princess was bellowing abuse at the assembled Night Guard.
  640. >Demanding to know who went to far and broke the “Prey”.
  641. >You grew up on the streets of Canterlot.
  642. >And you STILL hadn't heard half the profanities coming from that ponies mouth.
  643. >Of the half you had heard, you wouldn't say a quarter of them.
  644. >Princess Luna was bending down to look at the broken unicorn.
  645. >He was gibbering incoherently.
  646. >The Princess's horn glowed and the pony drifted off to sleep.
  647. >She looked up with her horn still glowing.
  648. >“You can stop abusing the oneroi for this Captain, they are not the culprit.”
  649. >The shouting pegsus stopped mid swear to look at her.
  650. >“You are certain, Highest?”
  651. >“Quite certain.”
  652. >“In that case, permission to abuse the troops for allowing an intruder.”
  653. >“Permission granted.”
  654. >What is being heard, can never be unheard.
  657. >You are the Dream Warden.
  658. >You are currently examining the memories pulled from the unicorn's mind.
  659. >It was curious.
  660. >It certainly resembled the tactics of the Night Guard.
  661. >But, raw. Unpolished.
  662. >Whomever had done this had definitely never been formally trained.
  663. >Your horn glowed as you started to sweep the area.
  664. >The pony you were looking for would have left the area by now.
  665. >Still, it never hurt to try.
  666. >Smoke was currently explaining, in exquisite detail, the corrective training the Night Guard was going to under go due to this.
  667. >You had to hand it to him. The stallion could be creative.
  668. >You're also pretty sure he ran out of actual profanity some time ago, and was now just making up words.
  669. >Oh, well. Let him have his fun.
  670. >You suddenly snapped your attention to one of the bookshelves.
  671. >“Did you see something, Princess?”
  672. “Not exactly, Captain. Somepony has climbed up here.”
  673. >Smoke turned his gaze upon the books.
  674. >His expression slowly changed from curious, to frustrated, to uncomfortable.
  675. >“I'm sorry, Highest. I cannot see how they could have done so. That bookshelf could not possibly take a pony's weight.”
  676. >You grimaced, he was right, and yet...
  677. “Captain, there is a foal lost in Arcadia. Do try to find them would you?”
  679. >After the Night Guard had been given their orders, and the recruit had been carried to the infirmary, you stood alone with Smoke Screen in the library.
  680. >There was something you were missing in this room.
  681. >Smoke was apologising, swearing it would never happen again.
  682. >But you barely heard a word of it.
  683. >You were tracking the faint magic left by the intruder's presence.
  684. “Captain.”
  685. >“Yes, Princess!”
  686. “Filly, pegasus, just received her cutie mark, look high. Go!”
  687. >Smoke snapped you a salute before rushing off to relay the information.
  688. >What are you MISSING?
  689. >Ok, she entered through here, crept passed that... and we lose her for a bit until she turns up on top of those shelves... here is where she broke the Prey... panic, and...
  690. >THAT'S what you're missing.
  691. >She never left the room.
  692. >You start a much more focused search.
  693. >Your magic sweeps the room.
  694. >If so much as an ant was here you would find it.
  695. >It was time consuming, naturally.
  696. >But if the filly broke from hiding the scan would be irrelevant anyway.
  697. >Eventually you get a pulse. A pony. A pony whose life signature was suspiciously similar to the filly you've been tracking.
  698. >Found you.
  699. >You look up at the chandelier and grasp the filly in your magic.
  700. >You slowly extract her and bring her down to your level.
  701. >She was clearly panicking.
  702. >Stood to reason you suppose.
  703. >She was a small grey thing. Mane and tail merely a few shades darker than her coat.
  704. >A faceless winged ghost sat upon her hip.
  705. “Calm yourself, filly. I will not harm you. I am, however, most curious as to what you are doing here?”
  708. >You are floating in Princess Luna's magic.
  710. >This was not good.
  711. >But she didn't seem angry. More curious than anything.
  712. >A few of your friends had met her, and they always said she was a really nice pony.
  713. >Of course, THEY hadn't just broken in to her castle.
  714. >Wait, hadn't she just asked you something?
  715. >Oh, right! Shit.
  716. “I-I'm s-s-sorry Princess, I didn't m-mean to hurt anypony, really! I...”
  717. >Princess Luna sighed and cut you off.
  718. >“Young one. If I put you down will you promise not to immediately flee?”
  719. “What? Oh, um, yes of course! Sorry, ah, your Highness.”
  720. >The Princess gently lowered you to the floor.
  721. >You breath a sigh of relief.
  722. >You liked flying well enough, but under your OWN power.
  723. >Being carried made you dizzy.
  724. >“Now then, Young One. I... oh, stop bowing.”
  725. >You had immediately lowered yourself to the floor.
  726. >You had learnt that if you looked directly at adults when in trouble it just made things worse.
  727. >You stood up, but kept your eyes downcast.
  728. “I am REALLY sorry, Princess. I didn't think he would, well...”
  729. >“Never mind the recruit, why are you in the castle?”
  730. >Never... what? That unicorn had just been taken to medical, and the Captain was awfully angry about it.
  731. >Now you were just getting confused.
  732. “Oh, um... well... me and my friends were just talking and stuff, and, um... one of them, I can't remember who, mentioned how good I was at sneaking into places.”
  733. >You risked a glance at your questioner.
  734. >The Princess had settled down onto the floor, clearly preparing herself for a ramble.
  735. >She wore a smile of utmost patience.
  736. >And perhaps a touch of amusement?
  738. >You took a deep breath and looked up at her.
  739. “Then, one of the others dared me to sneak into the castle.”
  740. >You looked down again.
  741. “I didn't want to at first. Honestly, I didn't, but someone said how it was certain to get me my cutie mark and...”
  742. >“Well, it would appear they were correct.”
  743. >What?
  744. >You looked down at your flank.
  745. >Huh, you had a cutie mark.
  747. “WOOHOO!”
  748. >You danced around for a bit before remembering where you were.
  749. >And who was with you.
  750. “Ahem. Sorry, Princess, I know I'm in trouble, but I was just so happy that...”
  751. >The Princess laughed. She was LAUGHING at you.
  752. >“My little pony, what made you think you were in trouble?”
  753. >Buh, Wha-?
  754. “W-what? I snuck into your castle, stole from the kitchen, and made a pony lose his marbles. Aren't you... MAD... at me?”
  755. >“Young One, you entered one of the most well surveilled locations in Equestria, ran rings around a pony whose sole task was to not be found, and managed to hide from ME for a time.”
  756. >“I'm not angry. I'm impressed.”
  757. >You were stunned. You had managed to impress a princess.
  758. >You. A gutter pegasus, with no real skill but hiding, had managed to impress the Princess of the Night.
  759. >You just stared at her slack jawed.
  760. >“What is your name Young One?”
  762. “Oh, ah, Daybreak Shade, your Highness, but everypony just calls me Shade.”
  763. >The Princess nodded.
  764. “Shade, I have been seeking a pony to take, under-my-wing, as it were. I would be most pleased to offer you my tutelage if you are willing to accept it.”
  765. >What.
  766. >Did she just...
  767. >WHAT!
  768. “Does this mean I'll grow up to be a Princess too?”
  769. >She grimaced.
  770. >“Much as my sister may try to imply otherwise, Princess Twilight's ascension was sheer luck more than any skill on her part.”
  771. >Her feature's softened.
  772. >“It's not impossible, but if it occurs it will be entirely your doing. Not mine.”
  773. >You thought about it.
  774. >Very, VERY, briefly.
  775. “Princess Luna, I would be honoured to be your student.”
  779. >The Musica Spherarum sung around you as the Crystal Spheres danced overhead.
  780. >Princess Luna loved performing for an audience, even if just an audience of one.
  781. >You had brought some of your friends on these trips before.
  782. >Lucky Clover in particular seemed to enjoy star-gazing.
  783. >Especially when the stars moved.
  784. >But tonight it was just you and her.
  785. >This was an old poem, old even by the Princess's standards.
  786. >Taurus, the Bull-King of Auroch, sovereign of one of the first civilisations to rise.
  787. >Luna sung the poem as her wings strummed the harp that rested on the cloud before her.
  788. >You had never really considered the HARP a good instrument for epic.
  789. >But that's what this was, in every sense of the word.
  790. >Quests for fame and immortality, struggles against foul beasts and Draconequi.
  791. >The stars danced as Taurus strove against the Lion-Beast, “whose breath was fire, and mouth death”.
  792. >Meteors fell as Taurus's tears, when the Trickster Spirit stole the Heartbeat, forever denying him immortality.
  793. >The sky grew calm and still as the Draconequi gathered around the dying king and reminded him of his works. The mighty walls built with his own hands, the death of the Lion-Beast, the kingdom he forged.
  794. >“The earth rises to claim thee, oh mighty King! But thy name and deeds will echo unto eternity, unto the very fracturing of all that is, was, and will forever be!”
  797. “Princess, was Taurus ever real?”
  798. >Luna gazed up at the stars. She seemed to dislike the question.
  799. >“Define 'real'. His legend exists, his name has inspired many to similar deeds, in that sense he both exists and is immortal.”
  800. >She looked back down towards Equestria far below you.
  801. >“If you mean 'Was there once a King called Taurus, who physically wandered the world, forging empires and fighting the Draconequi?' I cannot say. That poem was ancient before the Draconequi fell, and THAT was taught to Celestia and myself as ancient history.”
  802. “Discord would know wouldn't he? He is the last Draconequus, AND the Trickster Spirit referred to in the poem, right?”
  803. >The Princess scoffed.
  804. >“In order: Maybe, yes, and most likely.”
  805. >She turned to look at you.
  806. >“Let me ask you a related question, would you trust anything that came from the mouth of Chaos?”
  807. “I suppose not. So there really is no way of knowing is there?”
  808. >She shook her head with a sad smile.
  809. >“No, but there is an expression my sister is fond of that may shed some light. 'It is not enough that justice is done, justice must be SEEN to be done.'”
  811. >You looked at her confused.
  812. “I'm sorry Princess, but what does justice have to do with ancient history?”
  813. >Luna put on, what you had started to think of as, her “incoming moral” look.
  814. >“Absolutely nothing.”
  815. “What?”
  816. >“Nothing. At all. In that case, what is the important part of that phrase?”
  817. >You stirred the cloud with a wing-tip as you thought about it.
  818. >Hmm, justice wasn't relevant, so replace justice with something else and...
  819. >You turn to her with a smile.
  820. “It doesn't matter what happened, what matters is what ponies THINK happened.”
  821. >Luna beamed at you.
  822. >“Exactly, take the founding of Equestria, the three tribes argue, windigoes freeze everything, the tribes learn that only by putting aside their differences can they survive.”
  823. “So, it didn't happen that way?”
  824. >“I wasn't born yet, so I have no idea. But I have seen a fair sweep of history, and it rarely forms 'just so' stories.”
  825. >She looked at the sky.
  826. >“But, it's time for you to go to bed. And I want to get back in time to see Celestia's face when she realises you replaced the custard in her mid-night profiteroles with långfil.”
  829. >You are Princess Celestia.
  830. >And you are not in the best of moods.
  831. >Luna and her new student were getting along well, and you're happy she seems to be relaxing into her old self again.
  832. >But messing with your desserts? That was to far.
  833. “Of course you realise this means war.”
  834. >Luna couldn't stop laughing at you.
  835. >Which wasn't helping your mood any.
  836. >“You should have seen the look on your face 'Tia. No, wait, I can show it to you!”
  837. >Luna wove an illusion of your expression in the air.
  838. >Heh, that actually is pretty funny.
  839. >No, you're angry at her. Remember?
  840. “I do hope you're not teaching young Shade any bad habits, Lulu.”
  841. >Luna paused and rubbed her chin.
  842. >“Define 'bad' habit.”
  843. >You rolled your eyes at her.
  844. >“Oh, come on 'Tia. You need to go on a diet anyway.”
  845. >Now that was just ridiculous. You weren't even sure you COULD put on weight.
  846. “Please tell me you left SOMETHING edible.”
  847. >Luna looked at you somewhat surprised, and waved her hoof toward one of the fridges.
  848. >“There's cake in that fridge over there. Nothing special, but certainly an adequate cake.”
  849. >You sigh and walk over to the fridge. Still half expecting this to be another prank.
  850. >You sigh in relief at what appears to be a perfectly normal mud cake.
  851. >Forgoing utensils you use your magic to carve off a slice to eat.
  852. >Ahhh, that's much better.
  853. >Luna is watching you with a worried expression.
  854. “What?”
  855. >“It's really not healthy to eat your stress away 'Tia.”
  856. “It's better than trying to kill everypony.”
  857. >SHIT!
  858. “Oh, shit. I'm sorry Luna. I didn't mean it like that, I meant better than ME trying to kill everypony... and that didn't help any.”
  859. >You looked at your sister, who seemed to be deriving far to much enjoyment from this.
  860. “Tell you what. I'm just going to stop before I make things worse.”
  863. >You are the second most awesome pony in Ponyville.
  864. >And you have a good feeling about today.
  865. >This was it. This was the day you got your cutie mark.
  866. “Cutie Mark Crusader Vigilantes! YAY!”
  867. >“Cutie Mark Crusader Vigilantes! YAY!”
  868. >“Cutie Mark Crusader Vigilantes! YAY!”
  869. >You and the others have had it with Diamond and Silver being bitches.
  870. >And it was time you taught them a lesson.
  871. “So we all know the plan right?
  872. >Apple Bloom was putting the equipment you would need into her saddle bags.
  873. >“Eeyup.”
  874. >Wow, that was weird.
  875. “Sweetie?”
  876. >Sweetie Belle nodded her head and finished scooping up the massive bowl of spaghetti.
  877. >“Sure.”
  878. >You nodded.
  879. “Right then girls, this is it. I have a good feeling about this one.”
  880. >“You said that about the last one.”
  881. >“And the one before that.”
  882. >“And the one before the one before that.”
  883. >“And the one before the one before...”
  884. “I GET IT!”
  885. “Ahem. Sorry. Look girls, I know we haven't had the best of luck so far, but this makes to much sense! What has been our biggest obstacle so far?”
  886. >“Over-confidence?”
  887. >“Obsession?”
  888. >You facehoofed.
  889. “Other than ourselves.”
  890. >“Ta be honest Scoots, yeah they're bitches, but it's not like they've been able ta stop us DOING anything.”
  891. >You glared at Apple Bloom.
  892. >“Of course, that doesn't mean we shouldn't give them a taste of their own medicine. Just don't get your hopes up.”
  893. >You sighed and shook your head.
  894. “Right, now that that is settled. Onward!”
  897. >“Well, that didn't work.”
  898. >You are currently sitting next to Sweetie and Bloom.
  899. >You a sore, tired, and covered in tree sap.
  900. >Why did you always end up covered in tree sap?
  901. >One of life's mysteries.
  902. >Hmmm, a philosophy cutie mark? Nah, to boring.
  903. “Ok, I think I know what went wrong.”
  904. >“We listened to you?”
  905. “HEY!”
  906. >“Yeah, Sweetie. That wasn't nice.”
  907. “Thank you, Bloom. No, we didn't go big enough!”
  908. >The girls gave their best impressions of dead fish.
  909. >“What?”
  910. >“Yeah, Scoots. The Town Hall is entirely covered in pink frosting.”
  911. >“Not to mention the streets were toffee for a while there.”
  912. >“I still don't know how we did that.”
  913. >“Irregardless-”
  914. >“Irregardless isn't a word Bloom.”
  915. >Bloom shared a look with you.
  916. >“Whatever, the POINT is Ah don't think we CAN go bigger. Well, not without a body count.”
  917. “Yeah, let's put that in the “In the event of Blank Mare-Hood break glass” pile.”
  918. >Still it was something to think about.
  919. “But you girls worry to much. C'mon we're the Crusaders! Every time we fail we just try harder!”
  922. >Oh, Scootaloo. Your recklessness is going to get you into trouble.
  923. >The kind of trouble only powerful friends can get you out of.
  924. >You looked around the Dream.
  925. >Sometimes you wanted dreams of your own.
  926. >What kind of horrors your mind would create?
  927. >What figments would your sub-conscious conjure were it not so close to the surface?
  928. >It probably didn't matter, honestly.
  929. >Dealing with other ponies' nightmares gave you quite enough to work with thank-you.
  930. >You smiled as the Dream warped around you.
  931. >A thousand-thousand wisps danced in the eerie false-light.
  932. >Shadows plucked from a thousand years worth of nightmares.
  933. “Patience, little ones. Patience. The Day may rule for now, but the Long Night is coming.”
  934. >Your fangs descend, and your eyes slit.
  935. “And the Nightmare, will return.”
  938. >You were hiding among the buttresses of Canterlot Castle.
  939. >“Keep silent. Keep unseen. Keep watchful.”
  940. >Those were your instructions.
  941. >You hated the Day Castle.
  942. >The halls were to wide, the windows open and bright.
  943. >It made hiding difficult.
  944. >Princess Luna was walking the halls with her sister.
  945. >Keeping up with them was proving to be a chore.
  946. >You'd already been nearly spotted a few times.
  947. >And your positive Princess Celestia knew somepony was tailing.
  948. >With any luck, she'd blame the oneroi.
  949. >At least she hadn't tried to pin you down with magic yet.
  950. >You are good, but not that good.
  951. >“The problem appears, sister, that however we design this competition, the rules will favour one side or the other. Our guard just have to different skill-sets.”
  952. >Teach was trying to convince Princess Celestia that some “healthy competition” would aid in strengthening both guards.
  953. >It wasn't working.
  954. >“Come now, 'Tia. It isn't as though I'm suggesting we do the same thing every time, that would achieve nothing. Mix it up a bit. Sometimes the situation would favour the Day Guard, sometimes the Night.”
  955. >“You really aren't going to let this drop, are you?”
  956. >“My guard is BORED Celestia. And yours is lazy.”
  957. >Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow to her sister.
  958. >“Lazy?”
  959. >“You can't just rely on Twilight and Co. to solve everything. It's not viable.”
  960. >Princess Celestia snickered.
  961. >“Yes, because using the thing that has worked EVERY time so far is such a ridiculous strategy.”
  962. >She has a point there.
  963. >Princess Celestia sighed.
  964. >“Ok, Lulu. If it will make you happy.”
  967. >“You can come out now.”
  968. >SHIT!
  969. >The Princesses had discussed the basic details of the first challenge and had split off to discuss tactics with their captains.
  970. >You had followed Princess Celestia.
  971. >Any information could prove a critical advantage.
  972. >But, you're sure she hadn't seen you.
  973. >See was suspicious, yes. But she hadn't...
  974. >And she's looking right at your hiding spot.
  975. >Fuck.
  976. >“Come out Shade.”
  977. >You sigh and come into view.
  978. >Princess Celestia's captain's eyes bulged.
  979. >At least you got the drop on somepony.
  980. “How did you know it was me, Princess?”
  981. >The Princess smiled at you.
  982. >“There are three ponies that can sneak around the Day Castle without giving themselves away. One wouldn't bother, one is occupied, which leaves you, my little pony.”
  983. >Wow, one of only three ponies who...
  984. >Wait.
  985. >You, Luna...
  986. “Princess, why would you need to sneak around your own castle?”
  987. >The Princess's eyes sparkled as her smile become somewhat crooked.
  988. >“Can you do me a favour, Shade?”
  989. “Oh, um, of course, Highness. What is it?”
  990. >“Tell my sister, 'Payback for the profiteroles'.”
  993. “Getting better, Shade. But remember, the lightening WANTS to come out. You don't need to force it.”
  994. >You were sitting on a cloud above an uninhabited region of Equestria.
  995. >Your pupil would never be a professional weather-pony.
  996. >Oh, she could move clouds well enough.
  997. >And was acceptably adept at summoning a fog.
  998. >Well, for a pony her age.
  999. >But anything more sophisticated than that? Not a chance.
  1000. >“I'm sorry Luna. I'm trying! Really I am, it's just so hard.”
  1001. >You smiled warmly at her.
  1002. >No point making her depressed over it.
  1003. “It's ok, Shade. If you found it easy you would have a weather-control mark, wouldn't you?”
  1004. >She kicked the cloud in frustration.
  1005. >“If I'm never going to be good at it, why practice?”
  1006. “Shade, what is my special talent?”
  1007. >She looked at you like you'd just asked the most obvious question in history.
  1008. >“Well, um...”
  1009. “It's not a trick question.”
  1010. >“Controlling the night.”
  1011. >You shook your head. It was the most common answer, but wrong.
  1012. “No, my special talent is raising the moon. That's it.”
  1014. >“That's it? But, the Musica? And Dream Walking? How...”
  1015. “Your special talent isn't the only thing you're good at. In a number of cases it's not even what you're BEST at. It's what you find EASY.”
  1016. >Shade looked up toward the mid-afternoon sky.
  1017. >“So, ponies usually getting jobs around their cutie marks?”
  1018. “Partly a social construct, partly most ponies preferring an easy job so they can spend more time at leisure.”
  1019. >Shade looked deep in thought.
  1020. >“Luna, can you teach me to Dream Walk?”
  1021. >You pursed your lips. How to go about this?
  1022. “Shade, do you remember your worst nightmare?”
  1023. >“Um, no. Does that mean...”
  1024. >You cut her off.
  1025. “I do. I remember EVERPONIES' worst nightmare.”
  1026. >You lie back on the cloud and stare at the sky.
  1027. “I have seen the consuming horrors of mad-mares, the deranged sadism of the evil, but the nightmares aren't the worst.”
  1028. “You have seen the downtrodden, the forgotten, the abused. Have you ever wondered about their dreams? What is a nightmare to a filly who has only experienced love at the end of a belt? What is their dream? There is a colt, their location unknown to me, whose most blissful dreams involve pain beyond comprehension. What then of his nightmares?”
  1029. >You turn to your student.
  1030. “If you desire, I will teach you to enter the Dream. But I want you to know what your getting into, and be certain you want it.”
  1031. >Shade turned away from you, and cast her eyes down.
  1032. >“Do I have to decide now?”
  1033. “Of course not. Whenever, and whatever, you decide is entirely up to you.”
  1036. >You are Princess Celestia.
  1037. >You are in council with the Day Guard.
  1038. >The first “Challenge” was to be a simple capture the flag.
  1039. >Pfft, like anything involving Luna was “simple”.
  1040. >“Your Highness, the stealth advantage of the Night Guard will be the most crucial part of this.”
  1041. >“In open combat, the Day Guard will have no problems defeating Princess Luna's forces.”
  1042. “But they won't get drawn into open combat.”
  1043. >Your new captain smiled.
  1044. >“They won't be given a choice, Princess.”
  1045. “Explain.”
  1046. >“Clear an area, large enough for most of the participants to occupy while still leaving enough empty space to spot approaching forces. Stick the flag in the middle of it.”
  1047. “Hmm, that's not a bad idea captain. The Night Guard will be doing exactly the opposite however.”
  1048. >“No doubt, Princess. I expect some kind of labyrinth, and perhaps multiple veils of illusion, will be defending your sister's banner.”
  1049. “I suspect you have some kind of plan for that.”
  1050. >Your captain looked uncomfortable and rubbed his neck.
  1051. >“Well, not as such, Princess. Beyond teaching every unicorn involved counter-illusion spells and hoping for the best.”
  1052. >He sighed.
  1053. >“It's not even the illusions that are the problem. If they go with constructed obstacles, and they would be stupid not to, the problem is it will break-up the squads we send in.”
  1054. >“Our forces would be split and isolated, surrounded by passages and walls, any corner could hold an ambush, or a trap. And we'd be fighting an enemy that knows the terrain, able to bypass or cut us off practically at will.”
  1055. >That didn't bode well.
  1056. “So your prediction, captain?”
  1057. >“Time clocks out. No captures on either side.”
  1062. >You are flank deep in gears and springs.
  1063. >You are also Apple Bloom, but that is less important.
  1064. >You're on the verge of a breakthrough.
  1065. >Soon, soon you'll be able to automate the entire farm!
  1066. >Sure, Flim and Flam were dicks, but even dicks could have good ideas.
  1067. >If only your family wasn't so hide-bound.
  1068. >Whatever. You'll show them. This GENIUS construction would transform Sweet Apple Acres.
  1069. “Throw the SWITCH!”
  1070. >“You don't have to yell at me Bloomy.”
  1071. “Please throw the switch, Scoots.”
  1072. >Scootaloo rolled her eyes at you before engaging the engine.
  1073. >The boiler hissed as the furnace roared to life.
  1074. >The grinding of brass and groaning of wood echoed around the barn.
  1075. >You could hear the *thud* *thud* *thud* of the harvesting machines outside.
  1076. >The conveyor belts started to slide, slowly bringing apples to the sorting machine.
  1077. “I did it! I DID IT! IT WORKS! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
  1078. >Scootaloo looked at you with an annoyed expression.
  1079. >“What's this /I/ earth pone?”
  1080. >You coughed, somewhat embarrassed.
  1081. “Sorry, Scoots. WE did it. Eh-heh.”
  1082. >She smiled at you.
  1083. >“It's cool. I know you get carried away.”
  1084. >You looked back at the machine's core.
  1085. >This was it. With the production advantage afforded by this machine the farm would be rolling in bits.
  1086. >Your family HAD to approve now.
  1088. >“What in tarnation is going on out there Bloom?”
  1089. >Ok, you kind of expected this.
  1090. >Relax, they'll see reason.
  1091. “Neat, huh? It's an automated harvesting system. It can do in a week what would take the three of us most season! I built it!”
  1092. >“AHEM!”
  1093. “And Scootaloo helped.”
  1094. >An irritated grunt was the only response.
  1095. >“Apple Bloom, Ah know you mean well, but if hoof-working this farm was good enough for our parents, and good enough for Granny Smith, it's good enough for us. Right Big Mac?”
  1096. >“Eeyup.”
  1097. >You stared at your siblings.
  1098. “But...”
  1099. >“No buts, Missy. Now you shut that contraption down so Big Mac and Ah can do some REAL work.”
  1100. >REAL work? /REAL/ work?
  1101. >Does she not realise how much time and effort went into making this?
  1102. >How many nights you laboured throwing away design after failed design?
  1103. >This isn't REAL to her?
  1104. >Unfortunately while you stood there waiting for your mind to find gear, Scootaloo had quenched the furnace.
  1105. >Without it's source of power, the machine sputtered to a halt.
  1106. >“Thank-you, Scoots. C'mon Mac, we've got a harvest to salvage.”
  1107. >SALVAGE‽
  1109. >As AJ and Mac left you turned to glare at Scoots.
  1110. >“Calm down Bloom. I could see you about to blow a pressure valve and say something you'd regret.”
  1111. “They said it wasn't REAL Scoots!”
  1112. >Scootaloo shrugged.
  1113. >“Yes, they did. And?”
  1114. “And? What do you mean AND‽”
  1115. >“Bloomy, breathe.”
  1116. >You sigh and shake your head.
  1117. “Ya know things are bad when YOUR acting as the voice of reason Scoots.”
  1118. >“I resemble that.”
  1119. >You collapsed on your haunches and looked at the machine around you.
  1120. “Ah, was so sure this time. This would be it. THIS would get them to appreciate my talent.”
  1121. “Maybe Ah should just give up. Try and be happy bucking apple trees for a livin'.”
  1122. >Scootaloo sat next to you and put a fore leg over your shoulders.
  1123. >“Hey, don't talk like that Bloom. Your talent is amazing.”
  1124. “Yeah? Well it sure seems like they don't think so!”
  1125. >“So? Buck 'em.”
  1126. “What? Scoots their my FAMILY!”
  1127. >“Yeah? Well they could try ACTING like it.”
  1128. >She looked at you, eyes filled with pain.
  1129. >“Bloom, it HURTS seeing you like this. You pour your blood, sweat, and insomnia into these things. If your family isn't going to care, find somepony who will!”
  1132. >You smiled as you shut the door to Apple Bloom's dream.
  1133. >Blood on the field is thicker than water from the womb.
  1134. >Heh, it's strange what one thousand years can do to an expression.
  1135. >Blood is thicker than water.
  1136. >Once, it was a warriors oath. You swore to your comrades in arms, “against my own kin, I will defend you”.
  1137. >Now it meant exactly the opposite.
  1138. >But that didn't mean the old intent was now untrue.
  1139. >The bonds forged by hardship and strife were strong.
  1140. >Even bonds born of mere enjoyment of company could prove surprisingly resilient.
  1141. >Before them, family ties were as gossamer. To fall before the slightest breeze.
  1142. >You knew that from experience.
  1145. “What do you want, Discord?”
  1146. >You watched the chimeric abomination suspiciously.
  1147. >For his part, the Spirit of Chaos sat upon a throne made of soap, trying desperately to look regal.
  1148. >A look only partly defeated by the fact he was upside down.
  1149. >“Why, Princess Luna. You wound me. Can't a couple of immortals spend some friendly time together without ulterior motives?”
  1150. >He had that grin again.
  1151. “We are not friends, Discord.”
  1152. >He sighed melodramatically.
  1153. >“Sad, but true. Still I had hoped we could work on that.”
  1154. >The throne vanished into a flock of butterflies as Discord twisted around himself.
  1155. >At least his face was upright now.
  1156. >“After all, you of all ponies should appreciate the value of redemption. Moonie.”
  1157. >Your eyes narrow.
  1158. “Watch your tongue, snake.”
  1159. >He didn't move, but was still somehow standing next to you.
  1160. >He turned to face you.
  1161. >“Now, now. No need to be like that, Princess.”
  1162. >You kept looking straight ahead.
  1163. “State your business and leave, Discord.”
  1164. >“Fluttershy has been insisting I try to make amends for my previous behaviour.”
  1165. >“Or, at least, try to have civil rapport with you and your sister.”
  1167. >You turned to him.
  1168. >He looked dejected.
  1169. >He may not have cared about you, your sister, or even Equestria.
  1170. >But he did care about Fluttershy.
  1171. >And disappointing her.
  1172. >Hmm...
  1173. “So why come to me first?”
  1174. >He shrugged.
  1175. >“You know what it's like. The release, the abandon, casting off the shackles of right and wrong in favour of WANT.”
  1176. >Your eyebrow raised curiously.
  1177. >“You, me, Celestia, we're old, ancient. We really only have each other to relate to.”
  1178. >“Now, I LIKE Fluttershy, but she doesn't understand. She can't, nor can your sister really. Who, no offence, has bound herself with so many rules she resembles a wind-up toy more than a living thing.”
  1179. >You chuckled.
  1180. “You would say that about most anypony, Discord.”
  1181. >“True. But I got you to laugh.”
  1182. >You rolled your eyes at him.
  1183. “I once was the embodiment of Laughter if you recall.”
  1184. >Discord rubbed at a lump on his head.
  1185. >“Oh, yes. You beat me up with it too.”
  1186. >You both snickered.
  1187. “Ok, Discord. I'm not going to say we're friends, but I'm sure we can be cordial to each other. And who knows, perhaps one day we COULD say we are friends.”
  1188. >“That's all I ask.”
  1191. >“Now, when the pony tribes were isolated these weapons, known as flying blades, were the traditional weapons of the Unicorn Tribe.”
  1192. >Luna was wearing her armour. You had to admit it looked good on her.
  1193. >Around her orbited a ring of metal blades, each looking like two sickles had been welded together sans handle.
  1194. >“The most elite of the unicorn warriors were known as the Wall of Blades, for their skill with their arms formed an impassable barrier.”
  1195. >The flying blades around her started to spin in their orbit, faster they moved until it was impossible to discern one from the next.
  1196. >“But the most elite of the elite, the greatest warrior the unicorns had ever known was a mare, called in the old tongue of the unicorns 'Centimanus', 'She Who Could Grasp One Hundred'.”
  1197. >You looked around at your friends.
  1198. >You had heard this tale before.
  1199. >You'd also been given the dry, history lesson version.
  1200. >But your friends were rapt.
  1201. >You don't know how your teacher became an adept story-teller, it certainly didn't seem like a tradition royal skill, but you weren't complaining.
  1202. >“Now, it was in those days, that great beasts still stalked the land. Centimanus was famed for her defeat of such monsters, and her fellows cheered her name. But fame poisoned Centimanus, and she grew arrogant and quick to anger.”
  1203. >Two of your friends were whispering to each other, arguing about how the story unfold.
  1204. >The rest just watched, waiting for the next part.
  1206. >“All ponies suffer from her wrath, but none more so than her husband.”
  1207. >“A gentle stallion, renowned throughout unicorn lands for his wit and charm, he suffered her rage with stoic patience.”
  1208. >“But even the most patient have their limits, and the disdain and cruelty of Centimanus grew without bound.”
  1209. >“It is lost to history what finally triggered his anger. Perhaps Centimanus came home drunk and frustrated. Or her wrath against others finally stirred his gentle heart.”
  1210. >“What is known, by the time Centimanus's wrath was spent, her husband lay dead, broken and torn by her magic and blades.”
  1211. >“The king was wrath. Centimanus had violated the laws of the land for to long.”
  1212. >“But there were none more skilled than she. And even with all she had done ponies cheered her name. Her skill and fame stayed her death. So the King declared a set of Twelve Penances, that she would perform, twelve mighty deeds to wash the blood from her hooves.”
  1215. >“That was awesome!”
  1216. >“Of course it was, it was a Princess Luna story!”
  1217. >“I need to find great beast to hunt. What?”
  1218. >You watched your friends leave.
  1219. >They would be talking about this for a while.
  1220. >Luna was placing her armour away.
  1221. >She seemed please with this afternoon.
  1222. >You sighed.
  1223. “Why don't ponies tell stories like that anymore?”
  1224. >Luna laughed behind you.
  1225. >“Remind me to take you to an opera some time.”
  1226. >You pulled a face. Opera was for, you know, FANCY ponies.
  1227. >And you were anything but fancy.
  1228. >“You are somewhat right, however.”
  1229. >You turned to her.
  1230. >“Stories like that still get told, just not to fillies and colts.”
  1231. “Why not?”
  1232. >Luna shrugged.
  1233. >“The world was once much more violent than it is now. Foals would have seen death, war, perhaps even murder, before they weaned.”
  1234. >Luna shook her head.
  1235. >“As times changed, the world became more peaceful, ponies didn't want to be reminded of the violence, the death. They put the stories aside. Oh, they CLAIMED it was for the foals.”
  1236. >“'We need to protect their innocence! They'll imitate the stories and become violent!' Pfft.”
  1237. >“The truth was they wanted to hide from the past. To forget the pain they came from, the struggles that made them what they were.”
  1238. >She closed the wardrobe that held her armour.
  1239. >“But enough on that. It is passed time we started your next lesson.”
  1242. >You were watching the mock battle from the balcony of Canterlot Castle.
  1243. >You sister was next to you, seeming rather amused by the display.
  1244. “You always did like the... direct solution, Lulu.”
  1245. >“That's rubbish and you know it.”
  1246. >She bit into an apple and chuckled as one of the pegasi received a face of crossbow launched dye.
  1247. >“My solutions may be violent, but they are most certainly not direct.”
  1248. >While you had discussed strategy with your captains beforehand you had both agreed that once the Challenge started they were on their own.
  1249. >You marvel at how different Sudden Strike was to your old captain.
  1250. >Shining's instinct would be to hunker down and protect the banner at all cost.
  1251. >Especially since you were expecting a draw anyway.
  1252. >Strike took almost the opposite approach.
  1253. >He left only a token force to protect your flag, while most of the Day Guard assaulted the Night Guard's labyrinth.
  1254. >This had the beneficial side effect of forcing Smoke to dedicate more resources to defence.
  1255. >At least you hoped so.
  1256. >You sister looked far to relaxed.
  1257. >She was planning something, you know it.
  1258. “So sister. What is your prediction for this day's event?”
  1260. >Your sister threw the spent apple core over her shoulder.
  1261. >“One-Nothing, my way.”
  1262. “You seemed awfully confident of that, Luna.”
  1263. >She shrugged.
  1264. >“What does a pony have if not confidence. Why? Do you doubt the competence of your guard 'Tia?”
  1265. >First lazy, now incompetent.
  1266. >Calm down, she's just teasing you.
  1267. “Not at all, I was merely giving your training the benefit of the doubt.”
  1268. >“So what is your prediction, Celestia dear?”
  1269. “Nothing all.”
  1270. >Luna scratched her chin.
  1271. >“Interesting, you really think so few ponies can protect your banner?”
  1272. >You smiled at her.
  1273. “So long as Smoke has to try and keep the Day Guard from your banner they can.”
  1274. >Luna laughed.
  1275. >“Tell me 'Tia. What exactly do you think Smoke is doing?”
  1278. >This was going better than expected.
  1279. >About half your forces were tied up distracting the Day Guard in the labyrinth.
  1280. >It was more than you would have liked, but left you enough for this.
  1281. >You patted Luna's banner.
  1282. >Well, no where in the rules did it say YOU couldn't take off with it.
  1283. >You were hiding just beyond the edge of the clearing.
  1284. >The bias toward pegasi in the Night Guard was about to pay off.
  1285. “Right, nopony moves until the lightning bolt. Then, unleash Tartarus.”
  1286. >The oneroi nodded to you and prepared their weapons.
  1287. >The Day Guard always thought they could take you in a stand-up fight.
  1288. >It was time to see if they were right.
  1290. >You watched the storm clouds roll in with mild concern.
  1291. >There wasn't any rain scheduled for today, let alone a storm.
  1292. >Your sister sat there whistling and filing a hoof.
  1293. “This is your doing, isn't it?”
  1294. >“Why Celestia! To suggest I would take advantage of the weather for combat purposes!”
  1295. >She burst out laughing.
  1296. >“Ok, I'll confess to this one. But really 'Tia, a little rain never hurt anypony.”
  1297. >Her smile was evil.
  1298. >You looked toward the clearing that held your banner.
  1299. >The clouds opened, rain thick enough to obscure a pony's own hooves fell from the sky.
  1300. >“Oh my! That IS a lot of rain. Isn't it?”
  1301. >Shit.
  1304. >The rain reduced the ponies guarding Celestia's banner to vague silhouettes.
  1305. >The few pegasi with the group had left to try had reroute the storm.
  1306. >When they had been dealt with, the oneroi controlling it would give you the signal.
  1307. >Everypony was tense, a nervous excitement ran through the group.
  1308. >Water poured from your armour, soaked Luna's banner.
  1309. >This was taking long enou...
  1310. >*BOOM*
  1311. >A bolt touched down in the middle of the clearing, disorienting and blinding the Day Guard.
  1312. >A thousand screaming shadows burst from cover.
  1313. >Illusion wed stealth to add to the confusion in the clearing.
  1314. >From your hiding place you couldn't tell friend from foe.
  1315. >All was shadow and noise.
  1316. >You hoped the labyrinth was keeping the rest of the Day Guard distracted, or this was going to go pear-shaped in a hurry.
  1317. >Two shapes suddenly fled from the clearing towards cover.
  1318. >In the driving rain you could only hope they were yours.
  1320. >“Captain Screen? We have it.”
  1321. >The earth pony and pegasus that approached you carried Celestia's banner between them.
  1322. “Excellent, now let's get back to the scoring point unseen.”
  1323. >“Yes, Captain.”
  1324. >You picked up Luna's banner and headed back toward the labyrinth.
  1325. >It really was until you got there that you had to worry.
  1326. >There was enough field of play to get you there unseen.
  1327. >But then you had to get to the centre of it. While it was swarming with Day Guard.
  1328. >Hopefully the illusionists and ambushers would keep them off your backs.
  1331. >Celestia had dropped her face into her hooves when the rain had cleared, revealing her banner gone and the defenders “killed”.
  1332. >They had done well though. Double their number in oneroi sat in the mud next to them, fur red with dye.
  1333. >At least the corpses were getting on well enough.
  1334. >From you location it even appeared they were teaching each other some of the skills they had used during the melee.
  1335. >Or, at least showing them off.
  1336. >“Well, it seems you are correct Luna. You have the field this day.”
  1337. “Not yet, 'Tia. You still have...”
  1338. >You are interrupted by a magical flare signalling the arrival of Celestia's banner at your scoring point.
  1339. >Celestia stands up and bows to you.
  1340. >“Congratulations, Luna. The field is yours, and the just celebration of victory.”
  1341. >You rise and return Celestia's bow.
  1342. “Thank you, dear sister. Your guards' performance today was a credit to you, and, although defeated, they can rest proud knowing it was by the narrowest of margins.”
  1348. >“Not bad, Shade. Remember the Wing Blade is designed for hit-and-run, keeping moving is more important than regaining cover.”
  1349. >You would have acknowledged him, but you are to busy trying to dodge the group of oneroi that Smoke had decided to sick on you.
  1350. >Still, he had a point. You have been to focused on trying to hide somewhere.
  1351. >You twisted out of the way of a diving pegasus.
  1352. >Well then. Let's try this instead.
  1353. >You started climbing straight up.
  1354. >You aren't even close to fast enough to out pace your pursuers, but you didn't need to be.
  1355. >They're getting closer.
  1356. >Almost.
  1357. >You twist mid-air and drop.
  1358. >Distracted by your sudden movement and focused on grabbing you the three pegasi collide.
  1359. >Curses erupt above you as you spread your wings to catch you fall.
  1360. >Looking up, the oneroi are covered in red dye from each others blades.
  1361. >You laugh and touch down in front of Smoke.
  1362. >The older pegasus watched you with an amused expression.
  1363. “See, I told you I could take them.”
  1365. >“That you did, filly. That you did.”
  1366. >Smoke smiled down at you while you removed the wing-blades and armour.
  1367. >“So, what would you have done if you had been against earth ponies or unicorns?”
  1368. >You paused and thought about it.
  1369. “For earth ponies, keep moving, keep high. I may be faster, but one hit and it's all over.”
  1370. “Unicorns... hard to say. It would be much more dependant on the nature of their talents.”
  1371. >That was always the problem with unicorns. Their telekinesis worked like a muscle and was only as strong as they worked it.
  1372. >But a unicorn with a talent suited of combat. That was a terror to face. Unicorns like Shining Armour or Centimanus were outliers, yes. But those outliers still existed.
  1373. >“Unfortunately, you may not know what talents they possess.”
  1374. “Not at first, no. So keep alive, keep watchful, adapt.”
  1375. >Smoke nodded.
  1376. >“And the reason you wouldn't do that for earth ponies or pegasi is?”
  1377. >You stopped.
  1378. >Hmm, you could say because they're more predictably skilled.
  1379. >On the other hoof, there's stuff like the Thunder March, and Martial Weather.
  1380. >You blinked and swore.
  1381. “Because I'm assuming the nature of my opponent based on stereotypes.”
  1382. >Smoke grinned.
  1383. >“That you are. So the correct answer is?”
  1384. “That I cannot answer because every fight is different.”
  1385. >“Exactly, there was a griffon strategist who once said 'He who knows his enemy as he knows himself need not fear a thousand battles'.”
  1388. “I really think you should reconsider this, Lulu.”
  1389. >“Curious, I seem to recall informing you of my actions, but not asking your approval.”
  1390. >Your sister had decided she was going to spend the evening at the opera.
  1391. >Which was great.
  1392. >She was taking Shade along, which was not so great.
  1393. “Luna, please. You can't take a foal to see Tosca.”
  1394. >Luna shrugged.
  1395. >“Relax, 'Tia. Shade loves this stuff, and we would have gone to see it if it had been written when we were fillies.”
  1396. >You rubbed your face.
  1397. “That was over a millennium ago. Times have changed.”
  1398. >Luna chuckled.
  1399. >“Less so than you think, Celestia.”
  1400. >Now that got your attention.
  1401. “What do you mean?”
  1402. >“Simply this. The light blinds as much as illuminates, and in the blind spots left to shadow, ponies do what they have always done.”
  1403. >Luna laughed.
  1404. >“And here I was, thinking you would be more concerned about me taking Discord.”
  1405. >You shrugged.
  1406. “Not really, I was surprised, certainly. But somepony needs to teach him how to behave in public.”
  1407. >“So I've become your kennel-mistress have I?”
  1408. >Luna tone was amused rather than insulted.
  1409. >“Shall I teach him tricks as well? Sit, fetch, roll-over?”
  1410. “Getting ahead of yourself a bit there, Lulu. He's not even house-broken yet.”
  1413. “Do I really have to wear this?”
  1414. >“No, but we'll already draw enough attention.”
  1415. >“I thought you LIKED attention, Lulu.”
  1416. >“Not this kind, and you don't get to call me Lulu.”
  1417. >You jabbed you hoof at the Spirit of Chaos.
  1418. “Why is he coming anyway?”
  1419. >Discord turned to you and grinned.
  1420. >“Because you don't want me to.”
  1421. >The room flashed and you both turned to the Princess.
  1422. >“Stop it, both of you. Discord, if you desire that I remain cordial, you WILL extend the same curtsey to myself and my student.”
  1423. >“She started it.”
  1424. >You stuck out your tongue at him.
  1425. >“Foals, the pair of you!”
  1426. >You tugged uncomfortably at the dress you were wearing.
  1427. “Does it have to be this... fancy?”
  1428. >Discord snapped his talons.
  1429. >Your dress didn't look any different, but it felt much more comfortable.
  1430. >Amazingly comfortable, in fact.
  1431. “What? I... what did you do?”
  1432. >Discord smiled.
  1433. >“I simply altered the dress so that it was made as if you had held still during the measuring.”
  1434. >Luna burst out laughing.
  1435. “Oh. Well, um. Thanks, Discord.”
  1436. >“No trouble at all.”
  1437. >With another snap, Discord was dressed in white-tie, top hat and cane.
  1438. >A monocle hovered before his eye, it's lens cracked.
  1439. >He turned to Luna.
  1440. >“I trust I'm not TO overdressed.”
  1443. >Ponies respectfully bowed to the Princess as the three of you passed through the foyer.
  1444. >And started whispering to each other once they thought you were out of ear shot.
  1445. >You had to hand it to Luna. She affected an air of being indifferent quite well.
  1446. >But you are sure she heard as much as you.
  1447. >This was DELICIOUS.
  1448. >There was perhaps something to be said for subtly.
  1449. >You hadn't even done anything yet, and these ponies were about to riot.
  1450. >It was hilarious.
  1451. >Less hilarious from the fact that if they DID riot you would be in trouble.
  1452. >Still, you had to get your entertainment where you could these days.
  1453. >Hmm, you might have to down-play this when telling Fluttershy about tonight.
  1454. >“Princess Luna, honoured guests, thank you for gracing our establishment with your presence. When you are ready, I would be most please to make sure you are comfortable in the royal box.”
  1455. >You raised and eyebrow at the usher.
  1456. >“Thank you, however the performance is not for a time yet, so my companions and I will relax and partake of the refreshments in the foyer until it is closer to the time for the show to start.”
  1457. >Heh, the poor pony was almost panicking. He covered it well though.
  1458. >“Of course, Princess. Do not hesitate to call on me when you wish to take your seats.”
  1459. >The usher bowed and walked off.
  1460. >Luna proceeded to lead you to the bar.
  1463. “His boss is upbraiding him for not being able to get rid of us you know.”
  1464. >You were sitting on one of the couches in the foyer.
  1465. >The ponies around you were trying to keep as much distance without looking like they were shunning you.
  1466. >Which meant nopony was eavesdropping.
  1467. >“Yes, but I have no intention to allow myself to be ignored again.”
  1468. “Still bitter about that, hmm?”
  1469. >Luna put her glass down and looked at you.
  1470. >“What about yourself, Discord? You seem to be taking this 'behaving in public' surprisingly well.”
  1471. >You leant back and looked around the room.
  1472. “Tell me Luna. How would you, and the ponies around here expect me to behave?”
  1473. >“If this ends with you saying 'What fun is there in making sense?' I will be greatly put-out with you.”
  1474. “What if I said it in the middle?”
  1475. >Luna laughed.
  1476. >“Discord, you are hopeless.”
  1477. >You feign shock.
  1478. “Why Princess! Here I am, on my best behaviour. I even dressed up for it!”
  1479. >“With a broken monocle and that stupid yellow stick.”
  1480. “I could make it silver if you liked.”
  1481. >“Bite me.”
  1482. “Later.”
  1483. >Luna rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at you, but kept smiling.
  1484. >You looked around before dropping into Old Equestrian.
  1485. “*So what ARE you doing, Luna? Intentionally starting divisive rumours among the Canterlot nobility seems... SUSPICIOUSLY confrontational.*”
  1486. >“*I can speak Old Equestrian too you know.*”
  1487. >You turned and blinked at the filly.
  1488. “Oh.”
  1489. >Luna's smile fell.
  1490. >“Times are changing, Discord. I wish to see who can adapt to it.”
  1491. >She arched an eyebrow.
  1492. >“And I wouldn't have picked you for being concerned about social cohesion.”
  1493. “Oh, what fun is there in making sense?”
  1496. >“So, what do you think so far?”
  1497. >It was intermission.
  1498. >And you must say you are pleasantly surprised.
  1499. “Are all operas like this?”
  1500. >“Well, it isn't really an opera until a bunch of ponies die and/or swear bloody revenge.”
  1501. >Discord took a sip of his glass.
  1502. >“The torture is unusual however.”
  1503. >Luna shrugged.
  1504. >“It set in the Crystal Empire during Sombra's reign. What do you expect?”
  1505. >He smiled.
  1506. >“A happy ending!”
  1507. “Discord. You're crazy.”
  1508. >“You're only noticing that now?”
  1509. >You sighed and rolled your eyes.
  1510. >Looking around you could see ponies gathered into small knots.
  1511. >Every now and then a furtive glance is cast your way.
  1512. >You doubt the performance is the primary topic of conversion.
  1513. >Good to know some things are class independent.
  1514. >“So the question is,”
  1515. >Discord looked at Luna and blew some more bubbles from his pipe.
  1516. >Really, he was an immortal god-monster, why not just smoke?
  1517. >“are they talking about me? You? Or that you brought a filly to this play?”
  1518. >Luna looked around the room.
  1519. >“All of the above, I should think.”
  1520. “What's wrong with me being here?”
  1521. >“Nothing, in itself. It's just not the done thing any more.”
  1522. >Discord laughed.
  1523. >“All praise Luna, Princess of Back-In-My-Day.”
  1524. >“Careful, you're older than I am Disco.”
  1525. >Discord's eyebrow rose high enough to bump into his afro.
  1526. >“Disco? Really? You NEED to work on your pet-names, Lulu.”
  1529. >You were dreaming.
  1530. >Recognising that was one of the first things the Highest had taught you.
  1531. >The fact you were standing in an empty void with Princess Luna in front of you helped.
  1532. “I trust your evening at the opera was pleasant, Highest?”
  1533. >“Pleasant enough, Captain. I have little doubt my sister's sycophants are already spreading the scandal.”
  1534. “Oh, yes. The Princess of the Night, taking a filly to... THAT... play. Not to mention arriving with the Spirit of Chaos! Why, by the end of tonight ponies will claim you're rutting!”
  1535. >The Highest pulled a face.
  1536. >“Well, that's what I get for going visual I suppose.”
  1537. >You chuckled.
  1538. “Fear not the rumours of the populi, Princess. Fear the wrath of Lady Fluttershy, should she get wind.”
  1539. >Luna blinked a couple of times and burst laughing.
  1540. >“Now who's spreading rumours?”
  1541. >You bowed, a trifle over dramatically.
  1542. “Forgive me, Highest. I mean not to rely on gossip when one should be seeking evidence.”
  1543. >You rose with a smile.
  1544. “And is it really 'spreading' rumours if the pony being spoken to has heard them before?”
  1545. >Luna raised a hoof to her chin.
  1546. >“You know, Smoke, that's a fair point.”
  1547. >She shrugged.
  1548. >“Well, Fluttershy's sex-life is no business of ours at any rate.”
  1549. >“I will say, she has some... INTERESTING... dreams, however.”
  1550. >You raised an eyebrow, but decide not to pursue that.
  1551. “Forgive me, Highest, but you don't usually use my dream-scape to make social calls. I take it it's time then?”
  1552. >Luna's smile faded.
  1553. >“If you are up to it, Smoke. This is entirely your decision.”
  1554. >You nodded.
  1555. “In that case, Highest. Yes, I am ready.”
  1558. >You stood in the Dream.
  1559. >The Highest had brought you here once before, when explaining your role, and what she would ask of you when the time came.
  1560. >The first time here you had found it... off-putting.
  1561. >There was something different now. Like you were returning home.
  1562. >You wish you could say why that notion disturbed you.
  1563. >The Highest was standing a short way off.
  1564. >Her wings spread, her head, high and proud.
  1565. >The Dream warped around her.
  1566. >Wisps and Shadows danced in the false-light.
  1567. >Your senses blurred together.
  1568. >You could hear the darkness.
  1569. >Taste the screaming.
  1570. >Her fur was darkening. The magnificent black coat of the Nightmare starting to seep through the cover of Princess Luna.
  1571. >A chanting glossolalia came from her mouth.
  1572. >The wisps around her seemed to be engaged in some kind of struggle.
  1573. >You could feel SOMETHING being pulled from you.
  1574. >And whatever it was, it was being... grafted... to the things the Highest was pulling from the Dream.
  1575. >You weren't unaccustomed to pain.
  1576. >And this wasn't the most painful thing you had experienced.
  1577. >But it was unique.
  1578. >Nothing had hurt in quite this way before.
  1579. >You could only pray nothing would again.
  1582. >You rose unsteadily.
  1583. >You were still in the Dream.
  1584. >Luna lay exhausted before you.
  1585. >Nightmare had retreated with her again.
  1586. >This was clearly harder on her than she had claimed it would be.
  1587. >You looked down at yourself.
  1588. >Your legs and wings trailed off into nothing at the edges.
  1589. >An eerie susurrus whispered fears into your mind.
  1590. >Looking at the doors around you could focus on a specific pony.
  1591. >Leaving it idle brought your fears to mind.
  1592. >A groan distracted you from your thoughts.
  1593. >You rush over the the Highest to help her to her hooves.
  1594. “Princess, are you ok? You should not have attempted this, you clearly haven't recovered enough.”
  1595. >Luna grunted as she took her own weight.
  1596. >“Do not presume to tell me what I should and should not attempt, Smoke.”
  1597. >She held a wing to her forehead and swayed unsteadily.
  1598. >“In this instance, you may be correct. Perhaps we should have waited.”
  1599. >She shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts.
  1600. >The whispers in the back of you mind had latched onto Luna as your new focus.
  1601. >{Abandonment, Betrayal, Disdain, Apathy}
  1602. >“So how do you feel, phobetor?”
  1603. “This will take some getting used to.”
  1604. >You start to bleed away into Dream and have to focus on holding yourself together.
  1605. “Hmm, fading at the edges like this may be difficult to disguise.”
  1606. >Luna shook her head.
  1607. >“You won't fade-out in the Wake. You only fade here because you are now part dream-stuff.”
  1608. >You 'hmm' and flex your wings.
  1609. “So, how much of this will cross over?”
  1610. >“Honestly. I'm not sure.”
  1611. >She smiled, madness played in her eyes.
  1612. >“Let us find out.”
  1617. >“Now, unlike lucid dreaming, to create a Doorway you need to find a hole in your dream. You need to reach for the space between thoughts, outside cognition.”
  1618. >Teach was in “guru” mode.
  1619. >You would probably be more appreciative of a lesson not couched in so much pointless symbolism.
  1620. >“Dreams ARE symbolism, Shade. The mind does not see the world, and store it like a painting. It binds events with meaning, draws connections where there are none, sorts history based on how it made you FEEL.”
  1621. >Wait... what the fuck?
  1622. >“We are inside your head, my apprentice. You may as well be shouting your thoughts.”
  1623. >Oh, THAT'S comforting.
  1624. >Luna giggled.
  1625. >“Fear not, my little pony. You have few secrets left from me anyway.”
  1626. >“Now, reach through and grab the non-existence left by the silence below thought.”
  1627. >You weren't sure what frustrated you more. The Not-Equestrian the Princess was speaking, or the fact that it somehow made sense.
  1628. >Or at least wasn't complete gibberish.
  1629. >There wasn't just nothing there, there was A nothing there.
  1630. >Lying in the parts of your dream your mind hadn't built, was a formlessness you could grasp and interact with.
  1631. >And once you did, the whole dream changed.
  1633. >Like you had swapped from actor to stage-hand, you could see the flaws in the dream.
  1634. >The parts that didn't quite mesh together, the missing pieces.
  1635. >And you could see your mind working on it.
  1636. >The dream warped around your focus, creating and removing detail as you watched.
  1637. >This wasn't quite what you expected.
  1638. >“Sorry about that. Over time your subconscious will adapt to the notice.”
  1639. “And then what?”
  1640. >Luna shrugged.
  1641. >“In my case, it gave up on dreaming entirely, some Dreamwalkers have had their dreams become inseparable from reality, others had their minds put on blatantly symbolic morality plays.”
  1642. >You blinked.
  1643. “There are other Dreamwalkers?”
  1644. >“Were, other Dreamwalkers, but that lesson is for another night. Shape your Door, Shade.”
  1645. “Yes, Princess.”
  1646. >You reached for the nothing and pulled a Door.
  1647. >A Door from nothing, to nowhere.
  1648. >“Excellent, let us go through shall we?”
  1651. “Captain Screen. Please come in. What brings you to Ponyvile? Please tell me it's not another disaster.”
  1652. >The pegasus bowed and smirked as he entered the castle.
  1653. >“It's not another disaster.”
  1654. >PANIC!
  1655. >“Woah, calm down, Princess Sparkle! Really, there's no crisis, no-one is trying to take over Equestria, everything is going along as expected.”
  1656. >Phew! Seriously, ponies need to stop doing that to you.
  1657. >Ok, you'll admit you are not the most, STABLE, of ponies, but that SHOULD give others more reason NOT to try and trigger you.
  1658. “Captain, for the good of my mental, and your physical, health, PLEASE do not do that again.”
  1659. >He cough and looked embarrassed.
  1660. >“Of course, Princess. Please accept my apologies. I was certainly not my intention to cause you any real stress.”
  1661. “It's alright, Captain. So what does bring you here?”
  1662. >You took a seat in your study and motioned for Smoke to sit across from you.
  1663. >“Two things, Princess. The first, Princess Luna has some ideas for this Nightmare Night and has sent me here to over see them.”
  1664. >You nodded.
  1665. “Certainly, but Nightmare Night is still some time away, these must be some big plans.”
  1666. >He laughed.
  1667. >“Well, you can't say her Highness does things by halves. However that leads to the second reason I am here. Princess Luna has instituted an experimental training program amongst the Night Guard, and, knowing your passion for advancing knowledge, would like to enquire as to your willingness to participate in assessing the results?”
  1669. >An experimental training program?
  1670. >Hmm, military science wasn't really your forte, but could you turn down an opportunity to advance knowledge in any field?
  1671. >And it's not as though you are a pacifist by any stretch of the imagination.
  1672. >Plus it would give you a much deeper knowledge of the Night Guard, deeper even than Celestia's.
  1673. >Speaking of which.
  1674. “What advice had Princess Celestia given so far?”
  1675. >Smoke coughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
  1676. >“Princess Luna felt it unnecessary to inform the Princess Celestia of the change in training at this time.”
  1677. >You raised an eyebrow.
  1678. “Oh?”
  1679. >“Officially, Princess Luna feels the separation of the Day and Night Guards to be a critical element of their function and to surrender it could prove a tactical weakness.”
  1680. “So it's about getting the drop on Celestia next Challenge?”
  1681. >“Officially.”
  1682. “But, surely she knows all of my findings will be made public?”
  1683. >“Of course, but not until after the study is complete, at which point...”
  1684. “It will have already been demonstrated in a live situation. Well, done.”
  1685. >Smoke smiled.
  1686. >“Thank you, Princess. We do try.”
  1687. “So, what's the unofficial reason?”
  1688. >“Princess, can I have your word this stays between us?”
  1689. “Of course.”
  1690. >He sighed.
  1691. >“Princess Luna still has, issues, when it comes to her sister. She'd never admit it, but she sees asking Princess Celestia for help as giving up. She spent her whole life trying to prove she wasn't second fiddle, that's not something that can be fixed by five seconds of being shot with the rainbow laser.”
  1694. >You are starting to feel repetitive, but this is not what you expected.
  1695. >Doorways led off in all directions, from them you could get a sense of the pony whom lay on the other side.
  1696. >Most were strangers to you, naturally, but you came across Doors to ponies you knew suspiciously frequently.
  1697. >“This is the first level of Dream, the empty space that all dreams float through.”
  1698. >She gestured to the Doors around you.
  1699. >“Each of these is a ponies dream, clustered around in constellations built from relationships and subject matter.”
  1700. >Oh, well that explains that.
  1701. >“As we travel through the Dream we will pass the dreams of the many inhabitants of this world.”
  1702. >You started to walk, and as you moved shadows and figments were drawn to the Princess.
  1703. >“These are Wisps. Fragments of dreams and nightmares that survived the ending of that which spawned them.”
  1704. >The Wisps swarmed about her, like puppies begging for scraps.
  1705. >Or remoras.
  1706. “So, what do they do?”
  1707. >“Mostly? Just exist. Occasionally they'll enter somepony's dream as whatever element they were to begin with, but that's fairly rare.”
  1708. “Depressing.”
  1709. >Luna shrugged.
  1710. >“Not so much. They're not complex enough to have wants or desires, just reactions.”
  1711. >She looked up the false sky.
  1712. >“And there are much worse things in the Dream than the discarded refuse of dreamers.”
  1713. >You looked around, suddenly paranoid.
  1714. “Like what?”
  1715. >“Not all nightmares come from a sleeper's inner turmoil. Once, perhaps, but for as long as I've been alive there have been... things lurking in the Dream. There is a reason I am the Dream WARDEN not the Dream Guide.”
  1716. “So what do I do if we come across one?”
  1717. >“Until I teach you how to fight them, wake up.”
  1720. “What do you make of this, Captain?”
  1721. >Sudden Strike took the letter from you.
  1722. >“Hmm... Dear Princess Celestia... new training regime... in depth analysis... well, it would certainly explain all the activity in Arcadia at the moment.”
  1723. >“I'll assume you have already considered trying to acquire the details of this training from Princess Twilight, Highness?”
  1724. >You nodded.
  1725. “I have, and decided against it. The attempt ends badly regardless of whether I succeed or not.”
  1726. >Captain Strike appeared pensive.
  1727. “Bit for your thoughts Captain?”
  1728. >“Forgive me Princess, I dislike only possessing half the intelligence.”
  1729. >You smiled at him.
  1730. “As do I, Captain. Unfortunately that is how my sister operates. She won't surrender her plans even after she has achieved them.”
  1731. >He shook his head.
  1732. >“There is something... wrong, with this Highness. I may not know Princess Luna well, but I know soldiers.”
  1733. >“Soldiers brag, they boast. They tell stories of the exercises and training they've done.”
  1734. >“Now, the oneroi may been vastly different from the Day Guard, but they are still soldiers. The initial rumours of the Hunt? Came from Night Guard soldiers boasting about how much harder their training was compared to ours.”
  1735. >“Now, the first Challenge did wonders for the relationships between the Day and Night Guards, and many of them are now good friends.”
  1736. >“I can't give specifics, none exist, however a number of these ponies are reporting a recent change in the behaviour of the Night Guard, a certain quiet panic.”
  1737. “Panic?”
  1738. >“As I said, Highness, I have nothing specific, and this new training? First I've heard of it. Now it's POSSIBLE that Princess Luna ordered her guard to keep even its existence a secret, but that seems less secretive and more paranoid, and if that was the case why go and tell Princess Twilight?”
  1741. >You are sitting in the Crusader's clubhouse.
  1742. >Well, ok, you are sitting in Apple Bloom's dream of the clubhouse.
  1743. >Over the past few months the Crusaders had acquired their Cutie Marks.
  1744. >Their talents surprising nopony bar themselves.
  1745. >So you decided to take the opportunity to congratulate them, and introduce them to Daybreak Shade.
  1746. >After all, if things went to plan they would most likely be answering to her in the not to distant future.
  1747. >So it was good to see them getting on so well.
  1748. >Scootaloo was flying around the clubhouse like a madmare.
  1749. >At some stage you were going to have to break her out of that. It's not healthy.
  1750. >Still, future Lulu's problem.
  1751. >“Princess, are you coming to Nightmare Night?”
  1752. >“Yeah, are you?”
  1753. >“Please, Princess.”
  1754. >You laugh.
  1755. “Calm down, my little ponies. Have I missed a Nightmare Night since my return?”
  1756. >Scootaloo shrugged.
  1757. >“Well, no. But you DID nearly ban it the first time.”
  1758. >Shade looked at you.
  1759. >“What?”
  1760. >“You haven't heard this story?”
  1761. >“No.”
  1762. >“Well, the first Nightmare Night of Princess Luna's return...”
  1763. >And off they go.
  1764. >Hmm, you don't remember it quite like that.
  1767. “Princess, I forgot to ask last night, but, you said the 'first' level of the Dream. So what are the others?”
  1768. >You were sitting in Princess Luna's study.
  1769. >Your lessons were done for the day, and you were just relaxing.
  1770. >The Princess put down the book she was reading and turned to you.
  1771. >“The Dream consists of three 'regions' or 'levels'. As with all things Dream, this isn't really topography but works as a useful metaphor.”
  1772. >“The first level consists of the dreams of the inhabitants of Equestria and the space between them. When most ponies refer to the Dream, this is the region they refer to.”
  1773. >“Now, both surrounding and below this region is the Firmament. This is a barrier between the dreams of the sapient creatures and those of the animals.”
  1774. >“On the other side of the Firmament is the Somnia Animalia, the Animal Dream. The dreams of animals are simple things, not worth the effort of penetrating the Firmament.”
  1775. >“So why do it? At a point that is both the nadir and apex of the Somnia Animalia is the Omphalos. Its appearance varies but always presents as a passage, an arch, tunnel, staircase.”
  1776. >“Through the Omphalos is the Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World.”
  1777. >“The Anima Mundi is... revelation. None who have entered it could say what was past that threshold, but all come back transformed by the experience.”
  1780. >This wasn't exactly how you planned this.
  1781. >Twilight's friends and her sort-of-son/sort-of-indenture were going over the plans the Highest had drafted for Nightmare Night.
  1782. >Twilight herself was half looking at plans half reading the massive pile of notes you'd given her.
  1783. >So now you were trying to field questions from an obsessive purple scientist about just HOW exactly ponies could be taught these skills.
  1784. >And from a hyper-active pink avatar of chaos whom was quite possibly the single most insane being you had ever met.
  1785. >At least Discord has an excuse.
  1786. >“Smoke, I'm not questioning the veracity of the claims, but there is nothing in Equestrian history like this.”
  1787. >“We need a BIGGER haunted house! With more scares!”
  1788. >You didn't get paid enough for this.
  1789. “Princess, I can assure you there is a perfectly good reason for that.”
  1790. >She raised an eyebrow.
  1791. >“Unless Luna invented an entirely new field of magic, I don't see...”
  1792. >“Luna invented and entirely new field of magic, didn't she?”
  1793. “She would say 'discovered' and yes. Now you see why you were first pick.”
  1794. >Twilight stared at you.
  1795. >“We have to tell ponies! An entire new field of magic! We need as many hooves on this as possible and...”
  1796. “PRINCESS!”
  1797. >“Ahem, sorry.”
  1798. “Princess Luna wants to keep this as quiet as possible until we workout how safe it is. This magic is invasive, and if it turns out we have a new case of Dark magic on our hooves we need as few ponies exposed as possible.”
  1799. >“That's a fair argument I suppose.”
  1800. “It's also another reason not to tell Princess Celestia yet. If it does go bad, we at least have somepony on the outside to notice.”
  1803. >“I hear Captain Smoke is in Ponyvile.”
  1804. >You and your sister were having morning tea in the castle gardens.
  1805. >You've said it before, but 'Tia knows how to eat.
  1806. “Indeed, he is liaising with Twilight so I can obtain her insight with a new field of research I'm embarking on. And to help with the preparations for Nightmare Night.”
  1807. >She put down her tea cup.
  1808. “Really? What are you researching?”
  1809. >You smile.
  1810. “And ruin the surprise?”
  1811. >'Tia gives you a long suffering look.
  1812. “Trust me 'Tia. There is a VERY good reason you are out of the loop on this one.”
  1813. >“Lulu, please don't do anything foalish.”
  1814. >You sighed.
  1815. “Sister, the very reason you are out of this is because I need somepony to watch for foalishness.”
  1816. >She raises an eyebrow.
  1817. >“What are you doing, Luna? And why did you get Twilight involved?”
  1818. “To answer the second question, because if you remove the millennia of experience, she's smarter than the both of us put together.”
  1819. >“Fair.”
  1820. “To answer the first question. Being overly cautious. I've made mistakes in the past that I don't plan on repeating. Even if it means overcompensating the other way.”
  1821. >“In that case Lulu, I promise to watch you to make sure you don't fall to darkness again.”
  1822. “Thank you, 'Tia.”
  1823. >You sister's expression softened.
  1824. >“On to a lighter topic. You mentioned Smoke starting arrangements for Nightmare Night, isn't it rather early for that?”
  1825. >You shrug.
  1826. “Well to be fair, it is a secondary task while he's there, and there are a lot of preparations to do.”
  1827. >She looks at you surprised.
  1828. >“Planning something big are we?”
  1829. “If all goes well, this Nightmare Night will be spoken about forever.”
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