
Twist of fate.

Mar 15th, 2014
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  1. Chat
  2. TheBlackRose has joined the chat
  3. Heller: WOW
  4. Heller: that room.
  5. TheBlackRose: Hey to you too
  6. TheBlackRose: :)
  7. Heller: Sorry....You know I got a thing for the night and the moon.
  8. Heller: Hi.
  9. TheBlackRose: mhm
  10. Heller: You did that on porpuse.
  11. TheBlackRose: Maybe
  12. TheBlackRose: This is my room when I invite to pc..:Always is
  13. Heller: Okay.
  14. Heller: May I ask why is the bless of PC
  15. TheBlackRose: I never invite anyone to pc anymore tbh...
  16. Heller: TBH ?
  17. TheBlackRose: They invite me if they want to talk in private
  18. TheBlackRose: To be honest
  19. TheBlackRose: Only person I pc with is Lang
  20. Heller: Ah.
  21. Heller: So why me now ?
  22. TheBlackRose: Idk... Just to say hi I guess
  23. Heller: :)
  24. TheBlackRose: And to be able to talk to youu without having anyone complaining about every single letter I write to you
  25. Heller: I really started to worry about this obsatoin.
  26. Heller: Like what could happen.
  27. Heller: We are two adults.
  28. TheBlackRose: Exactly
  29. Heller: Well porn could happen
  30. Heller: LAMO!
  31. TheBlackRose: He asked me why I wanted to talk to an ex, that clearly had feelings for me >>
  32. TheBlackRose: lol true
  33. TheBlackRose: About the porn.. No fun if you cant fap :P
  34. Heller: You know I do not fap over pron
  35. TheBlackRose: mhm I know
  36. Heller: How long has it been.
  37. Heller: -Counts.-
  38. Heller: Wow such a long time for me.
  39. Heller: 37 days!
  40. TheBlackRose: He complains btw
  41. Heller: Like what the hell!
  42. Heller: About ?
  43. TheBlackRose: Why i'm never horny
  44. Heller: Really ?
  45. TheBlackRose: mhm
  46. Heller: I never had that problem around you.
  47. Heller: How is your sexual life ?
  48. TheBlackRose: I know.. Even Res does it better ><
  49. Heller: with Him.
  50. Heller: WHAT!?
  51. TheBlackRose: He doesnt turn me on usually
  52. TheBlackRose: And no What there
  53. Heller: Res!
  54. Heller: XD
  55. TheBlackRose: I never did Res..dont worry lol
  56. TheBlackRose: But damn good tease :D
  57. Heller: Like We need no other Patra Issue.
  58. Heller: XD
  59. Heller: Should I get ugly avi ?
  60. TheBlackRose: haha nope..But me and her ar close..
  61. TheBlackRose: Lang that is
  62. TheBlackRose: Why you want an uglier avi?
  63. Heller: just incase you got horny.
  64. Heller: :D
  65. TheBlackRose: I dont need your avi to make me horny
  66. Heller: Oh dam
  67. Heller: I can only think of a few things you still have of me.
  68. TheBlackRose: mhm
  69. TheBlackRose: But I dont use pics or anything to get horny of you
  70. Heller: Oh
  71. Heller: what do you use then ?
  72. TheBlackRose: I do have a very good imagination... And I remember alot of thinggs
  74. TheBlackRose: hahaha
  75. TheBlackRose: Really wanna know why he doesnt turne me on? You'll be surprise
  76. TheBlackRose: d
  77. Heller: Yes I would like to know.
  78. Heller: hair cut ?
  79. Heller: cock size ?
  80. Heller: I'm sure you seen him nude.
  81. Heller: :D
  82. TheBlackRose: Every other minute he takes his cock out and hopes I get turned on by seeing it
  83. TheBlackRose: When all it does is turn me of
  84. Heller: Damn
  85. Heller: How bad this case is ?
  86. TheBlackRose: Very
  87. Heller: z
  88. TheBlackRose: I played 3 times in a month
  89. Heller: Sex is like 30% of the relationship
  90. TheBlackRose: And that is nothing compared to what i'm used to
  91. Heller: Used to when ?
  92. TheBlackRose: Tell him that ><... He getrs grumpy, but gets over it
  93. TheBlackRose: I'm used to playing almost every night :#
  94. TheBlackRose: :3
  95. TheBlackRose: Alone usually
  96. Heller: So alone you are better than being with him ?
  97. TheBlackRose: Sexually yes
  98. Heller: what about mentaily ?
  99. TheBlackRose: and other things are worse when I'm with him
  100. Heller: Then why you are with him ?
  101. TheBlackRose: He has a problem letting me talk to my friends ><
  102. Heller: How old is he again ?
  103. TheBlackRose: I cant just dump him... That would make me feel very bad... He helped me alot
  104. Heller: That is your problem
  105. Heller: You care too much
  106. TheBlackRose: I know :3
  107. TheBlackRose: I've wanted to dump him a lot of times ><
  108. Heller: Do you want to dump him ?
  109. Heller: Yes or no.
  110. Heller: I'm sure me and Lang can deal with that.
  111. TheBlackRose: i know you two can
  112. TheBlackRose: I'm scared of being alone...
  113. Heller: Heartless mother fuckers we are.
  114. Heller: Why so ?
  115. TheBlackRose: I think it's because i'm not used to being alone
  116. TheBlackRose: I know I'm not alone... When I think about Lang, you, Mika, Jeen and all
  117. Heller: You just need a good fuck buddy
  118. Heller: No strgins attached
  119. TheBlackRose: true
  120. Heller: And hey.
  121. Heller: We should not take the hurt all the time.
  122. TheBlackRose: Worst part is that I wouldn't know how to do it... break up... He always says he still wants to be my friend if we break up
  123. TheBlackRose: That is true as well
  124. Heller: Sometimes we should Give it
  125. Heller: What does matter when it comes to you.
  126. Heller: You or him.
  127. TheBlackRose: It's never me
  128. Heller: Time to be you.
  129. Heller: -Slaps her face.- WAKE UP!
  130. TheBlackRose: >>
  131. TheBlackRose: Dont make me hory
  132. TheBlackRose: horny*
  133. TheBlackRose: jk
  134. Heller: ROFL
  135. Heller: Such a kinky bitch!
  136. TheBlackRose: I know I have to...But it's easier said than done
  137. TheBlackRose: XD
  138. Heller: Block every where and he will get the message
  139. TheBlackRose: He will want to know why
  140. TheBlackRose: I know he will
  141. Heller: cause what makes you and made you want to dump him
  142. TheBlackRose: I only got with him cause I was lonely, and he was a good firned
  143. TheBlackRose: That's lame right?
  144. Heller: No
  145. Heller: Just a hopeless try
  146. TheBlackRose: I'm gonna restart the comp soon, and when I come back
  147. TheBlackRose: I will block him everywhere
  148. Heller: Hey
  149. TheBlackRose: He will be heartbroken ><
  150. Heller: NO rushful disations nows
  151. Heller: now*
  152. TheBlackRose: Its not a rushfull decission
  153. Heller: Just think
  154. Heller: OKay
  155. TheBlackRose: Lang knows it... I wanted to give it a try
  156. TheBlackRose: but It doesnt get much better
  157. Heller: He will hate me even more when I he knwos we had this talk before you block him.
  158. Heller: XD
  159. TheBlackRose: Who says he'll know
  160. Heller: One more Hater added to the list.
  161. Heller: Well News travel fast.
  162. Heller: XD
  163. TheBlackRose: True
  164. TheBlackRose: hehe
  165. TheBlackRose: When I come back...
  166. TheBlackRose: I'll talk to Mika if she's not afk
  167. TheBlackRose: I'm gonna restart now :D
  168. TheBlackRose: BRB
  169. Heller: Okay
  170. Heller: BRB for me too
  171. TheBlackRose: tyt
  172. TheBlackRose has left their private room. This chat will automatically close in 2 minutes unless you load one of your own rooms
  173. Whispering to
  174. Stop whisper
  175. Send
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