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a guest
Dec 7th, 2018
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  1. [0712 14:48 0.148] [basic] App start time: "Fri Dec 7 09:48:19 2018"
  2. [0712 14:48 0.148] [basic] OS Version: "OS X Version 10.14.1 (Build 18B75)"
  3. [0712 14:48 0.148] [basic] Windscribe Mac version: "v1.83 Build 18"
  4. [0712 14:48 0.168] [basic] Detected OpenVPN versions: ("2.3.18", "2.4.6")
  5. [0712 14:48 0.168] [basic] Selected OpenVPN version: "2.4.6"
  6. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Options on start
  7. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Launch on start: true
  8. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Auto connect: false
  9. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Allow lan traffic: false
  10. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Hide from dock: true
  11. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Firewall mode: manual
  12. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Show notifications: true
  13. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Proxy option: none
  14. [0712 14:48 0.170] [basic] Proxy address: ""
  15. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Proxy port: 0
  16. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Proxy username: empty
  17. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Proxy password: empty
  18. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Connection settings automatic: true
  19. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Connection settings protocol: "IKEv2"
  20. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Connection settings port: 500
  21. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Ignore SSL errors: false
  22. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Close TCP sockets: true
  23. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] DNS mode: automatic
  24. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Last location id: 91
  25. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Last city name: ""
  26. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] First run: false
  27. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Beta channel: false
  28. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] First run: false
  29. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Proxy sharing enabled: false
  30. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Secure hotspot enabled: false
  31. [0712 14:48 0.171] [basic] Language changed: "en"
  32. [0712 14:48 0.210] [basic] installed helper version: 10
  33. [0712 14:48 0.211] [basic] current helper version: 10
  34. [0712 14:48 0.211] [basic] connected to helper socket
  35. [0712 14:48 0.212] [basic] Curl version: libcurl/7.61.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2o zlib/1.2.11
  36. [0712 14:48 0.212] [server_api] SSL version: "OpenSSL 1.0.2o 27 Mar 2018"
  37. [0712 14:48 0.212] [server_api] Changed DNS mode to custom
  38. [0712 14:48 0.212] [basic] "/Applications/"
  39. [0712 14:48 0.212] [basic] "/Applications/"
  40. [0712 14:48 0.221] [basic] OpenVPN helper connected ok
  41. [0712 14:48 0.807] [basic] MainWindow constructor finished
  42. [0712 14:48 0.858] [basic] Local IP is not in RFC subnet: ("")
  43. [0712 14:48 0.858] [basic] Firewall state from last app start: false
  44. [0712 14:48 0.869] [firewall_controller] Output from pfctl -v -f /etc/pf.conf command: "scrub-anchor \"/*\" all fragment reassemble\nnat-anchor \"/*\" all\nrdr-anchor \"/*\" all\nanchor \"/*\" all\ndummynet-anchor \"/*\" all\nanchor \"/*\" all\nanchor \"/*\" all\n"
  45. [0712 14:48 0.873] [firewall_controller] Output from disable firewall command: ""
  46. [0712 14:48 0.876] [firewall_controller] Output from status firewall command: "Status: Disabled for 0 days 02:01:02 Debug: Urgent\n\nState Table Total Rate\n current entries 17 \n searches 66381 9.1/s\n inserts 43 0.0/s\n removals 26 0.0/s\nCounters\n match 2906 0.4/s\n bad-offset 0 0.0/s\n fragment 0 0.0/s\n short 0 0.0/s\n normalize 0 0.0/s\n memory 0 0.0/s\n bad-timestamp 0 0.0/s\n congestion 0 0.0/s\n ip-option 0 0.0/s\n proto-cksum 0 0.0/s\n state-mismatch 0 0.0/s\n state-insert 0 0.0/s\n state-limit 0 0.0/s\n src-limit 0 0.0/s\n synproxy 0 0.0/s\n dummynet 0 0.0/s\n"
  47. [0712 14:48 0.876] [firewall_controller] firewallOff disabled
  48. [0712 14:48 0.879] [basic] ApiInfo readed from settings
  49. [0712 14:48 0.879] [basic] update session status
  50. [0712 14:48 0.879] [basic] Servers locations changed
  51. [0712 14:48 0.883] [basic] PingManager::updateServers, selectedNode for best location: 2 ; id: 1
  52. [0712 14:48 0.886] [basic] Start login process with authHash, bFromConnectedToVPNState = false
  53. [0712 14:48 0.911] [basic] Try login with hostname: ""
  54. [0712 14:48 0.911] [server_api] setHostname: ""
  55. [0712 14:48 0.958] [local_web] Local HTTPS webserver process started
  56. [0712 14:48 0.982] [basic] MutableLocationInfo created: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
  57. [0712 14:48 0.995] [basic] state = CONNECT_BUTTON_OFF
  58. [0712 14:48 0.996] [basic] Hide from dock option enabled
  59. [0712 14:48 1.013] [local_web] "Local web server started on port 13337"
  60. [0712 14:48 2.997] [best_location] Ping iteration finished
  61. [0712 14:48 7.916] [server_api] API request Session failed: DNS-resolution failed
  62. [0712 14:48 10.005] [basic] MutableLocationInfo created: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
  63. [0712 14:48 10.005] [user ] Connect click from user
  64. [0712 14:48 10.023] [basic] state = CONNECT_BUTTON_CONNECTING
  65. [0712 14:48 10.025] [basic] Disable IPv6 for all network interfaces
  66. [0712 14:48 10.100] [basic] Saved config for interface "Wi-Fi" : "DHCP Configuration\nIP address:\nSubnet mask:\nRouter:\nClient ID: \nIPv6: Automatic\nIPv6 IP address: none\nIPv6 Router: none\nWi-Fi ID: f0:18:98:3e:d6:50\n"
  67. [0712 14:48 10.146] [basic] Saved config for interface "Bluetooth PAN" : "DHCP Configuration\nClient ID: \nIPv6: Automatic\nIPv6 IP address: none\nIPv6 Router: none\nEthernet Address: (null)\n"
  68. [0712 14:48 10.180] [basic] Saved config for interface "Thunderbolt Bridge" : "DHCP Configuration\nClient ID: \nIPv6: Automatic\nIPv6 IP address: none\nIPv6 Router: none\n"
  69. [0712 14:48 10.180] [basic] Execute cmd: "networksetup -setv6off \"Wi-Fi\""
  70. [0712 14:48 10.223] [basic] Execute cmd: "networksetup -setv6off \"Bluetooth PAN\""
  71. [0712 14:48 10.253] [basic] Execute cmd: "networksetup -setv6off \"Thunderbolt Bridge\""
  72. [0712 14:48 10.282] [basic] MutableLocationInfo created: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
  73. [0712 14:48 10.282] [basic] radiusUsername openvpn: "75zofyrg-cu2agk8"
  74. [0712 14:48 10.282] [basic] radiusUsername ikev2: "75zofyrg-bj8n4sf"
  75. [0712 14:48 10.282] [basic] Connecting to "WINDFLIX US"
  76. [0712 14:48 10.282] [connection] Connection settings: automatic
  77. [0712 14:48 10.282] [connection] Location nodes: "node1 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node2 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node3 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; "
  78. [0712 14:48 10.293] [connection] Connecting to IP: "" protocol: "IKEv2" port: 500
  79. [0712 14:48 10.457] [ikev2] loadFromPreferences ok
  80. [0712 14:48 10.496] [ikev2] "{Protocol: \n type = ikev2\n identifier = 9F26390A-181E-491D-86B6-373AC6F8988C\n serverAddress =\n username = 75zofyrg-bj8n4sf\n passwordReference = <73737569 00000020 87191ca3 0fc911d4 849a0005 02b52122 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 64626e6d 00000023 2f4c6962 72617279 2f4b6579 63686169 6e732f53 79737465 6d2e6b65 79636861 696e0069 74656d00 00001c80 00000000 00000000 00001057 696e6473 63726962 6520494b 457632>\n identityDataImported = NO\n disconnectOnSleep = NO\n disconnectOnIdle = NO\n disconnectOnIdleTimeout = 0\n disconnectOnWake = NO\n disconnectOnWakeTimeout = 0\n disconnectOnUserSwitch = NO\n disconnectOnLogout = NO\n authenticationMethod = none\n remoteIdentifier =\n useExtendedAuthentication = YES\n extendedAuthPasswordPrompt = NO\n deadPeerDetectionRate = medium\n IKESAParameters = {\n encryptionAlgorithm = AES-256-GCM\n integrityAlgorithm = SHA2-256\n diffieHellmanGroup = 21\n lifetimeMinutes = 1440\n }\n childSAParameters = {\n encryptionAlgorithm = AES-256-GCM\n integrityAlgorithm = SHA2-256\n diffieHellmanGroup = 21\n lifetimeMinutes = 1440\n }\n wakeForRekey = NO\n certificateType = RSA\n useConfigurationAttributeInternalIPSubnet = NO\n disableMOBIKE = NO\n disableRedirect = NO\n enabledPFS = NO\n natKeepAliveOffloadEnable = 0\n DisableMOBIKERetryOnWake = 0\n natKeepAliveOffloadInterval = 0\n enableRevocationCheck = NO\n strictRevocationCheck = NO"
  81. [0712 14:48 10.502] [ikev2] Save vpn preferences ok
  82. [0712 14:48 10.502] [ikev2] loadFromPreferences after save ok
  83. [0712 14:48 10.502] [ikev2] NEVPNConnection current status: 1
  84. [0712 14:48 10.506] [ikev2] Connection status changed: NEVPNStatusConnecting
  85. [0712 14:48 15.922] [server_api] API request Session failed: DNS-resolution failed
  86. [0712 14:48 15.923] [basic] Try login with hostname: ""
  87. [0712 14:48 15.923] [server_api] setHostname: ""
  88. [0712 14:48 15.968] [basic] on host ips changed event: ("", "")
  89. [0712 14:48 16.297] [server_api] "{\n \"data\": {\n \"username\": \"dafuegog\",\n \"user_id\": \"75zofyrg\",\n \"traffic_used\": 1945490826,\n \"traffic_max\": -1,\n \"status\": 1,\n \"email\": \"\",\n \"email_status\": 1,\n \"billing_plan_id\": -9,\n \"is_premium\": 0,\n \"rebill\": 0,\n \"premium_expiry_date\": \"2019-01-06\",\n \"reg_date\": 1543966557,\n \"last_reset\": \"2018-12-04\",\n \"alc\": [\n \"US-N\",\n \"GB-N\"\n ],\n \"loc_rev\": 8167,\n \"loc_hash\": \"69bbaa5d6ebefdab97cf7a85e6ee7a746e799dc4\"\n }\n}"
  90. [0712 14:48 16.297] [server_api] API request Session successfully executed
  91. [0712 14:48 16.297] [default] Engine::onReadyForNetworkRequests()
  92. [0712 14:48 16.297] [server_api] setRequestsEnabled: true
  93. [0712 14:48 16.324] [basic] Using saved server credentials
  94. [0712 14:48 16.627] [server_api] API request ServerConfigs successfully executed
  95. [0712 14:48 16.628] [server_api] API request PortMap successfully executed
  96. [0712 14:48 16.630] [basic] No available update
  97. [0712 14:48 16.839] [server_api] API request ServerLocations successfully executed, revision changed = 8167 , revision_hash = "69bbaa5d6ebefdab97cf7a85e6ee7a746e799dc4"
  98. [0712 14:48 16.843] [best_location] Old best location ping time: 52 ; new best location ping time: 52
  99. [0712 14:48 16.843] [basic] onLoginControllerFinished, retCode = "SUCCESS" ; bFromConnectedToVPNState = false
  100. [0712 14:48 16.843] [basic] Servers locations changed
  101. [0712 14:48 16.846] [basic] MutableLocationInfo locationChanged: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
  102. [0712 14:48 16.846] [basic] PingManager::updateServers, selectedNode for best location: 2 ; id: 1
  103. [0712 14:48 16.853] [basic] update session status
  104. [0712 14:48 16.858] [basic] MutableLocationInfo created: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 0
  105. [0712 14:48 17.796] [server_api] Notifications request successfully executed
  106. [0712 14:48 17.817] [server_api] API request ServerLocations successfully executed, revision changed = 8167 , revision_hash = "69bbaa5d6ebefdab97cf7a85e6ee7a746e799dc4"
  107. [0712 14:48 17.824] [best_location] Old best location ping time: 52 ; new best location ping time: 52
  108. [0712 14:48 17.824] [basic] Servers locations changed
  109. [0712 14:48 17.828] [basic] MutableLocationInfo locationChanged: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
  110. [0712 14:48 17.828] [basic] PingManager::updateServers, selectedNode for best location: 2 ; id: 1
  111. [0712 14:48 17.843] [basic] MutableLocationInfo created: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
  112. [0712 14:48 22.580] [ikev2] Connection status changed: NEVPNStatusDisconnecting
  113. [0712 14:48 22.660] [network_extension] "Failed to find the VPN app for plugin type"
  114. [0712 14:48 22.660] [network_extension] "BACKTRACE ikev2_ike_sa_set_status called with null ikeSA"
  115. [0712 14:48 22.660] [network_extension] "Failed to receive IKE SA Init packet (connect)"
  116. [0712 14:48 22.660] [ikev2] Connection status changed: NEVPNStatusDisconnected
  117. [0712 14:48 22.660] [connection] ConnectionManager::onConnectionError(), state_ = 1 , error = 0
  118. [0712 14:48 22.660] [connection] ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 10
  119. [0712 14:48 22.662] [basic] Incorrect username or password, refetch server credentials
  120. [0712 14:48 22.662] [server_api] Changed DNS mode to custom
  121. [0712 14:48 22.662] [basic] FirewallController_mac::setInterfaceToSkip_mac -> ""
  122. [0712 14:48 22.665] [basic] Restore IPv6 for all network interfaces
  123. [0712 14:48 22.718] [basic] Execute cmd: "networksetup -setv6automatic \"Wi-Fi\""
  124. [0712 14:48 22.781] [basic] Execute cmd: "networksetup -setv6automatic \"Bluetooth PAN\""
  125. [0712 14:48 22.838] [basic] Execute cmd: "networksetup -setv6automatic \"Thunderbolt Bridge\""
  126. [0712 14:48 23.181] [server_api] API request ServerCredentials "openvpn" successfully executed
  127. [0712 14:48 23.192] [server_api] "{\n \"data\": {\n \"username\": \"dafuegog\",\n \"user_id\": \"75zofyrg\",\n \"traffic_used\": 1945490826,\n \"traffic_max\": -1,\n \"status\": 1,\n \"email\": \"\",\n \"email_status\": 1,\n \"billing_plan_id\": -9,\n \"is_premium\": 0,\n \"rebill\": 0,\n \"premium_expiry_date\": \"2019-01-06\",\n \"reg_date\": 1543966557,\n \"last_reset\": \"2018-12-04\",\n \"alc\": [\n \"US-N\",\n \"GB-N\"\n ],\n \"loc_rev\": 8167,\n \"loc_hash\": \"69bbaa5d6ebefdab97cf7a85e6ee7a746e799dc4\"\n }\n}"
  128. [0712 14:48 23.192] [server_api] API request Session successfully executed
  129. [0712 14:48 23.192] [basic] update session status
  130. [0712 14:48 23.195] [server_api] API request ServerCredentials "ikev2" successfully executed
  131. [0712 14:48 23.195] [basic] onServerCredentialsAnswer, retCode = 0 , 0 , refetchServerCredentialsState_ = 0
  132. [0712 14:48 23.195] [basic] Engine::onRefetchServerCredentialsFinished, successfully
  133. [0712 14:48 23.196] [basic] MutableLocationInfo created: "91" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
  134. [0712 14:48 23.196] [basic] radiusUsername openvpn: "75zofyrg-cu2agk8"
  135. [0712 14:48 23.196] [basic] radiusUsername ikev2: "75zofyrg-bj8n4sf"
  136. [0712 14:48 23.196] [basic] Connecting to "WINDFLIX US"
  137. [0712 14:48 23.196] [connection] Connection settings: automatic
  138. [0712 14:48 23.196] [connection] Location nodes: "node1 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node2 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node3 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; "
  139. [0712 14:48 23.208] [connection] Connecting to IP: "" protocol: "IKEv2" port: 500
  140. [0712 14:48 23.223] [ikev2] loadFromPreferences ok
  141. [0712 14:48 23.226] [ikev2] "{Protocol: \n type = ikev2\n identifier = 5529CA14-7879-4A96-970E-07006A133356\n serverAddress =\n username = 75zofyrg-bj8n4sf\n passwordReference = <73737569 00000020 87191ca3 0fc911d4 849a0005 02b52122 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 64626e6d 00000023 2f4c6962 72617279 2f4b6579 63686169 6e732f53 79737465 6d2e6b65 79636861 696e0069 74656d00 00001c80 00000000 00000000 00001057 696e6473 63726962 6520494b 457632>\n identityDataImported = NO\n disconnectOnSleep = NO\n disconnectOnIdle = NO\n disconnectOnIdleTimeout = 0\n disconnectOnWake = NO\n disconnectOnWakeTimeout = 0\n disconnectOnUserSwitch = NO\n disconnectOnLogout = NO\n authenticationMethod = none\n remoteIdentifier =\n useExtendedAuthentication = YES\n extendedAuthPasswordPrompt = NO\n deadPeerDetectionRate = medium\n IKESAParameters = {\n encryptionAlgorithm = AES-256-GCM\n integrityAlgorithm = SHA2-256\n diffieHellmanGroup = 21\n lifetimeMinutes = 1440\n }\n childSAParameters = {\n encryptionAlgorithm = AES-256-GCM\n integrityAlgorithm = SHA2-256\n diffieHellmanGroup = 21\n lifetimeMinutes = 1440\n }\n wakeForRekey = NO\n certificateType = RSA\n useConfigurationAttributeInternalIPSubnet = NO\n disableMOBIKE = NO\n disableRedirect = NO\n enabledPFS = NO\n natKeepAliveOffloadEnable = 0\n DisableMOBIKERetryOnWake = 0\n natKeepAliveOffloadInterval = 0\n enableRevocationCheck = NO\n strictRevocationCheck = NO"
  142. [0712 14:48 23.229] [ikev2] Save vpn preferences ok
  143. [0712 14:48 23.230] [ikev2] loadFromPreferences after save ok
  144. [0712 14:48 23.230] [ikev2] NEVPNConnection current status: 1
  145. [0712 14:48 23.235] [ikev2] Connection status changed: NEVPNStatusConnecting
  146. [0712 14:48 26.636] [user ] Disconnect click from user
  147. [0712 14:48 26.649] [basic] state = CONNECT_BUTTON_DISCONNECTING
  148. [0712 14:48 26.650] [connection] ConnectionManager::clickDisconnect()
  149. [0712 14:48 26.657] [ikev2] Connection status changed: NEVPNStatusDisconnected
  150. [0712 14:48 26.657] [connection] ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 4
  151. [0712 14:48 26.659] [basic] on disconnected event
  152. [0712 14:48 26.659] [server_api] Changed DNS mode to custom
  153. [0712 14:48 26.659] [basic] FirewallController_mac::setInterfaceToSkip_mac -> ""
  154. [0712 14:48 26.681] [basic] state = CONNECT_BUTTON_OFF
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