
Panyako Nouveau

Jan 20th, 2017
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  512. <a href="/" title="refresh" style="color:#fff;letter-spacing:1px;font-size:17px;">YOU HAVE THE MOON ON A STRING</a><br>
  513. <em><span style="color:#fff;letter-spacing:6.5px;">AND YOUR HEART ON YOUR SLEEVE</span></em>
  514. <!------------------------ NAV END ------------------------------>
  515. <p>est. 20 may 2012 | rbt. 3 july 2016<br>
  516. written by <a href="/mun" title="mun"><b><span style="color:white;">RORY</span></b></a> (<18); do not steal.
  517. </p>
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  627. <center><b>NOBORI UNA</b></center>
  628. <div class="content">
  629. <div align="center"><div style="width:385px; text-align: justify;font-size:11.5px;">
  630. <b>name:</b> <a title="ascending summer dream">昇り夢夏</a><br>
  631. <b>nickname:</b> unagi, uu-chan, bishiri-chan<br>
  632. <b>handle:</b> <a title="seven seas">七海</a> [nanami]<br>
  633. <b>birthday:</b> 19 Feb (17 years old)<br>
  634. <b>school:</b> year 2 (no club)<br>
  635. <b>blood:</b> half english, quarter japanese, quarter korean.<br>
  636. <b>orientation:</b> heteroflexible.<br>
  637. <b>place of birth:</b> izumo, shimane.<br>
  638. <b>living conditions:</b> shinjuku, tokyo apartment with uncle.<br>
  639. <b>occupation:</b> student, idol (in training), waitress at maid cafe.<br><br>
  640. <center><b>relationships</b></center>
  641. <b>parents:</b> Nobori Kazuki, father. Adelaide Stark, mother, deceased.<br>
  642. <b>family:</b> Nobori Nozomu, uncle. Otani Haruo, half-brother.<br>
  643. <b>children:</b> Negi, a pug.<br><br>
  644. <center><b>physical</b></center>
  645. <b>eyes:</b> Pale grey-blue; colour of cataracts. Piercing stare. Very long lashes.<br>
  646. <b>hair:</b> Naturally dark brown, but dyed powder blue. Wavy; typically straightened. Worn mostly in twin tails.<br>
  647. <b>height:</b> 150 cm (4'11")<br>
  648. <b>weight:</b> 41 kg, give or take<br>
  649. <b>build:</b> &ldquo;Delicate.&rdquo; A premature baby, she never quite caught up with her peers. Slim, angular, flat-chested. Wide hips and prominent rear; most of weight is carried here. Waist is tiny in comparison. Small, round face. Freckled nose. Large forehead hidden by fringe.<br>
  650. <b>notable physical traits:</b> Gapped buck teeth.<br>
  651. <b>clothing:</b> Prefers pale colours. Loose, comfortable outfits (i.e. roomy blouses, tunics)&mdash;distract from lack of bust. Often wears minidresses and skirts to draw attention to legs. Zettai ryouiki game is on point.<br><br>
  652. <center><b>core</b></center>
  653. <b>intelligence:</b> business, books.<br>
  654. <b>likes:</b> sweaters, cheap perfume, books, horror films, skating, dolls.<br>
  655. <b>dislikes:</b> pants, console games, gardening, overly sweet foods, beetles.<br>
  656. <b>disposition:</b> Headstrong, self-sufficient, amicable, curious, helpful, mistrustful, selfish, arrogant, reliable.<br>
  657. <b>mbti:</b> ENTJ<br>
  658. <b>moral alignment:</b> lawful neutral<br><br>
  659. <center><b>other</b></center>
  660. <b>phobias:</b> Heights, drowning, being completely alone.<br>
  661. <b>allergies:</b> Mushrooms.<br>
  662. <b>strengths:</b> Running, small spaces, holding breath, origami, resourcefulness, rapping.<br>
  663. <b>weaknesses:</b> Cooking, throwing, empathizing, children. Tends to be too mouthy for her own good. Terrible at archery or any other long-distance weapon/sport.<br>
  664. <b>extras:</b> Most valuable item is her mobile phone. Favourite food is steak. Uses reading glasses. Was briefly on school swim team.<br>
  665. <b>current concern:</b> All the food she eats will catch up with her.<br><br>
  666. </div></div></div>
  668. <!-------------------QUOTE/PLAYLIST SECTION ENDS HERE------------------->
  670. </li>
  672. <li style="color:{color:body font};">
  673. <center><b>BRIEF HISTORY</b></center>
  674. <div class="content">
  676. <div align="center"><div style="width:380px; text-align: justify;font-size:12px;">
  677. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Born the daughter of fisherman <b>Nobori Kazuki</b>, Una lived a fairly idyllic life in the countryside of Izumo. She never truly minded living without her mother, who died in childbirth, because the company of her father’s colourful coworkers more than made up for it. A variety of men from all walks of life, they served as Kazuki’s close friends, and thus, as additional fathers and uncles to Una.
  679. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; When Kazuki and his mates were away at work, she was often watched over by <b>Uemura Rei</b>, a wife of one of one of the fishermen. What made this ideal was that she had a son, <b>Ikki</b>, who was a year older than Una. They quickly became best friends.
  681. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Ikki practically leapt from the womb with a guitar in hand. He practiced it from the moment his small hands were articulate enough to pluck the strings. Because he aimed for stardom, people had taken to calling him <b>“Johnny”</b> after the prominent talent agency, “Johnny & Associates.” Una, amazed by his skills, wanted to prove that she could become famous as well. It became a sort of bond between them, this promise of future fame.
  683. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; While she had a natural knack for singing, her passions strayed toward acting. She roped Johnny and their friends into making movies with her whenever possible. They filmed their stories using Kazuki’s camera, posting them online with parental consent. Often, their movies featured original music by Johnny, allowing him an avenue of expression as well. This marked Una’s initial foray into internet fame.
  685. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; As the group grew older, the production value of their films increased. Some of them had taken to set design, while others, like Una, were into costuming. She made a photoblog to chart her progress. Because of her young age in comparison to other, more established cosplayers, Una began to attract attention.
  687. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; All the while, she did her best to cultivate a ladylike image, something not so out of place in comparison with the young starlets of cinema’s golden age. It was difficult; her natural tendencies strayed toward the crass and simple side. More than just playing at fame, Una wanted to prove to the world that a daughter raised by old fishermen could be just as prim and proper as anyone else. She wasn’t ashamed of her upbringing, although she did realize the peculiarity of it. She felt that she owed it to them to uphold an ideal image.
  689. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Noticing the way that Una struggled with her identity, Kazuki thought that Una needed a change of pace. Instead of attending a local high school, he had her enroll at one in Tokyo, where she would stay with her uncle, <b>Nozomu</b>. The larger variety of people in the city, he reasoned, would be good for her.
  691. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; While Una was amazed at the difference between the bustling city and her hometown, she wasn’t entirely starstruck. Rather, the city made her feel lost and lonely. She retreated more into herself for a time, and took to posting covers of songs online, as it was an activity she could do without relying on her network of friends. Whether it was due to this or because of a completely unrelated chain of events, it didn’t take long for her to be scouted by a rather well-known entertainment company for an upcoming music group called <b>HONEY-HOT</b>.</div></div></div>
  693. </li>
  694. </ul> <!--- important. don’t delete --->
  695. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  697. <div id="guide" class="popup_block" style="font-family:calibri, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;line-height:15px;overflow:auto;color:{color:body font}">
  699. <h1 style="text-align:center; background-image:url('');border:1px solid {color:page bg};color:white;letter-spacing:2px;padding:5px 0px;height:20px;font-size:20px;">GUIDELINES</h1>
  701. <p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;"><small>I’m going to keep this simple and assume you know how these things work. No godmodding, try your best to use proper grammar, etc. I’m not a stickler for length, but at least give me enough to work with. If I give you a few paragraphs, don’t leave me with two sentences. That’s not cool.
  703. <p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;;">As a heads up, I’m just going to put it out there that I’m less inclined to roleplay with people who write in purple prose. Nothing personal, but I don’t care for diction/syntax muddling clarity.
  705. <p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;">This blog is multiship. Una is currently single in most verses. However, shipping is not my main focus…but I’m still more than willing to give a ship a try. It just needs buildup and it needs to make sense. Nothing instant over here.
  707. <p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;">Obligatory warning: Mun is of age, muse is not (by American standards) in her main verse. Anything NSFW of a sexual nature is probably going to be uncommon, though violence, alcohol, drugs, etc. may appear (depending on who I'm writing with). Don’t worry, I’ll make sure things are tagged.
  709. <blockquote><p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;">I'm willing to play Una at all points in her timeline, from childhood through adult years. If a sexually explicit thread occurs, please note that it takes place at a point where Una is at least eighteen.</blockquote>
  711. <h1 style="letter-spacing:2px;text-align:center;padding:2px 5px;font-size:12px;"><b>LAST NOTES</b></h1>
  713. <p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;">If Una has so much development with a character that playing with a duplicate could be considered disrespectful, I reserve the right to put priority over the original.
  714. <p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;">I don’t always follow back–I like a clean dash, so if you post a lot of images/OOC in a short time, I probably won’t follow unless I really like you. If we’re mutuals, you can tag me in a post at any time. If we aren’t, you can still try tagging me in something, but I might not stick with it for very long.
  716. </div>
  717. </div></div></div></div></div></div>
  719. <div id="cred">theme by<br><a href="#?w=400" rel="credit" class="poplight" title="credit">CHE</a></div>
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  723. <div class="fancytitle">credit</div>
  725. <p style="font-family:calibri,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;text-align:center;"><small>theme coded by <a href=""><b>che</b></a><br>
  726. with the assistance of <a href=""><b>octomoosey</b></a><br>
  727. pop-ups by <a href=""><b>str-wrs</b></a><br>
  729. </div>
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