

Oct 31st, 2020
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  1. Glo­ria fin­ished eat­ing Yangzhou fried rice fast, the con­di­tion of dispir­ited was seem­ingly full, sets out to turn to­ward Mag and Hill bows, thank: „Thanks the Miss Hill the en­ter­tain­ment of means and Mis­ter Mag, I sharply am rush­ing to City Lord's man­sion now, said good­bye, see you later.”
  2. „see you later, walks slowly.” Mag sets out to give Glo­ria to open the door, gazes after her to board the car­riage to de­part.
  3. In this Yangzhou fried rice, Mag added se­lected Water of Life, hop­ing Glo­ria can full of vigor con­tinue to com­plete her work.
  4. Mag closes the door sits the table with a smile, Hill is look­ing at him.
  5. „Is steak is not de­li­cious, is I am ex­ces­sively beau­ti­ful?” Mag takes up own rou­ji­amo to con­tinue to gnaw, looks at Hill to ask.
  6. Hill smiles say­ing: „I some­what am cu­ri­ous, how does Mis­ter Mag know Glo­ria? Also, why will choose to help her?”
  7. „Glo­ria is the restau­rant fre­quent guest, I, re­gard­ing the per­son who pa­tron­izes my busi­ness fre­quently, very has the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion, can help , then help/gang.” Mag calm say/way.
  8. „This.” Hill grace­ful cuts steak, the cor­ners of the mouth is curl­ing up­wards: „It seems like, I missed the lots prob­a­bly, does not know whether Mis­ter Mag does busi­ness tonight.”
  9. „Today is hol­i­day, this steak is worked over­time, in the evening does not do busi­ness.” Mag de­ci­sive re­jec­tion.
  10. Cracks a joke, per­son who has the prin­ci­ple as one, will not eas­ily bow to the evil forces ab­solutely.
  11. More­over, he must con­sider sit­u­a­tion that Irina pos­si­bly goes home mo­men­tar­ily.
  12. „Does not know that Miss Hill your hon­or­able self visit today, be­hav­ior what mat­ter?” Mag asked.
  13. Hill is not the per­son who eats meal bored.
  14. Hill feeds the mouth steak fi­nally to­gether, puts down the knife and fork, grace­ful clean­ing cor­ners of the mouth, then pulled out the paper that folded from packet on hand, de­vel­op­ment put on the table, said with a smile: „I want to ask Mis­ter Mag to help me read a chart.”
  15. Mag looked at a blue­print, looked at the eye with a smile is look­ing at his Hill.
  16. „I think, in this world should no one un­der­stand this chart com­pared with Mis­ter Mag?”
  17. Mag de­pends on the chair­back back­ward, looks at this in­tel­li­gent woman, smiled.
  18. „Laid cards on the table, the ar­tillery in­deed is I de­signs.”
  19. The Hill cor­ners of the mouth rise , her vi­sion will never be wrong.
  20. „But, is this im­prove­ment ver­sion of ar­tillery?” Mag takes up that blue­print, be­sides his pub­li­ca­tion blue­print, the de­sign draw­ings of be­hind also three edi­tions, had to the ar­tillery and shell con­ducted the de­sign of im­prove­ment.
  21. Hill nods say­ing: „Yes, this is the im­prove­ment that our en­gi­neer team even/in­clud­ing Gan made for two days and two nights, the core was con­ducts the array in ad­di­tion to hold to the ar­tillery, thus en­hanced the fir­ing dis­tance and ex­plo­sion power of ar­tillery sub­stan­tially.”
  22. Mag hear­ing this eyes lit up, asked: „Has con­ducted the test?”
  23. „Un, the first edi­tion through sur­vey­ing, this is the cor­re­la­tion data.” Hill pulled out an­other paper from the pack­age, gives Mag di­rectly.
  24. Mag care­fully looks at the ex­per­i­men­tal data, eyes is even more bright.
  25. After the magic ar­tillery that the array in ad­di­tion holds, the fir­ing dis­tance from 8 kilo­me­ters pro­motes 20 kilo­me­ters di­rectly, but the ex­plo­sion power en­hanced sev­eral times, the crater di­am­e­ter ex­pands three times.
  26. „My good­ness!”
  27. Mag can­not bear clap to ac­claim.
  28. The array in ad­di­tion holds, this is the way of Nolan con­ti­nent very com­mon pro­mo­tion weapons ca­pa­bil­ity.
  29. How­ever Mag has not mas­tered the knowl­edge in this as­pect, there­fore can only pro­vide an orig­i­nal ecol­ogy edi­tion the ar­tillery.
  30. But when this ar­tillery fell one group of top en­gi­neer and in the ar­ti­san hand, they then had the in­nu­mer­able im­prove­ment pro­grams.
  31. array of pro­mo­tion bow and arrow fir­ing dis­tance in­scribes on the ar­tillery, pro­vided the ad­di­tion ef­fect of pow­er­ful as be­fore.
  32. But sim­ple 1st Rank ex­plodes array, seal carves after the shell, mak­ing the might of shell ob­tain pro­moted dou­bled and re-dou­bled.
  33. „Sta­bil­ity how?” Mag puts down the blue­print in hand, looks at Hill to ask.
  34. The fit and unfit qual­ity of ex­am­i­na­tion same weapon, the might is only on the one hand, the sta­bil­ity is an­other key.
  35. „This is I seeks your rea­son tonight.” Hill shakes the head, „im­prove­ment en­hanced the might of ar­tillery, but ex­plodes the array in­sta­bil­ity, lets the ar­tillery very easy burst in the bore, but if with high-grade array, the ben­e­fit will be­come very low, at pre­sent we are un­able to solve this prob­lem.”
  36. „This......” Mag knits the brows the think­ing, sud­denly eyes lit up, said: „You whether to make has strength­ened the ar­tillery and one batch to me has strength­ened the shell and one batch has not strength­ened the shell?”
  37. „Did Mis­ter Mag think of the means?” Hill eyes lit up.
  38. „No, I think per­son who can solve the prob­lem.” Mag smiles.
  39. „Good, the thing can I arrange, where to de­liver to im­me­di­ately?” Hill are not many asked.
  40. „De­liv­ers to City Lord's man­sion di­rectly, we go to­gether.” Mag sets out, took the coat to put from the one side, then went out di­rectly.
  41. The Hill ef­fi­ciency is ex­tremely high, an ar­tillery, if the ball, quickly then de­liv­ered to City Lord's man­sion.
  42. Mag makes the City Lord's man­sion per­son help greet, mak­ing Bar­bara come out to see him.
  43. „Boss, how did you come?” Bar­bara comes out from City Lord's man­sion, in the hand is grip­ping two blue cry­o­lites, looked at Mag side that sturdy ar­tillery tube, with sev­eral box mys­te­ri­ous goods, „what this is?”
  44. „Bar­bara, isn't your mas­ter Array Grand­mas­ter? I have a very im­por­tant mat­ter, wants to ask him to help.” Mag comes straight to the point to say.
  45. Hill is siz­ing up Bar­bara in the one side, she knows Bar­bara sta­tus, Moon Coun­try Princess, the sta­tus is hon­ored.
  46. Bar­bara in the news that Mamy Restau­rant works, she is not does not know.
  47. How­ever Moon Coun­try that Array Grand­mas­ter, but suc­cess­fully re­stored out­side Chaos City ex­is­tence of that seal array, such sta­tus is hon­ored, pow­er­ful ex­is­tence, comes to ask him to help di­rectly, should be re­jected di­rectly?
  48. „Good, Boss, you come with me.” Bar­bara is ac­tu­ally nod with­out hes­i­ta­tion, said with Mag, then turned around di­rectly nearby court­yard.
  49. „Wait a bit.” Mag and Hill said that raised di­rectly a box of shell fol­lowed Bar­bara be­hind en­tered the court­yard.
  50. „Mis­ter Mag, is re­ally not the av­er­age per­son......” Hill raised an eye­brow, is even more cu­ri­ous re­gard­ing Mag.
  51. „Mas­ter, my Boss asks you to have the mat­ter.” Bar­bara en­tered the court­yard, im­me­di­ately a throat.
  52. Mag feels in this say­ing to lis­ten, Boss and teacher, are even level.
  53. „Is Mis­ter Mag, does not know that what mat­ter asks me to have?” Jon­nas wel­comed to go out with a smile, did not have, be­cause the Mag sta­tus had ne­glects slightly.
  54. The king be­fore­hand many urg­ings of Moon Coun­try, must treat as the Moon Coun­try hon­ored guest Mis­ter Mag, this saved the per­son of Your High­ness Princess.
  55. Looks at this at­ti­tude, pos­si­ble.
  56. Mag had the in­te­ger at heart , not smalltalk breaks off pulls, the state­ment pur­pose in com­ing that comes straight to the point di­rectly, stated clearly that the im­por­tance of ar­tillery, re­quested Jon­nas helps op­ti­mize the shell.
  57. „This?”
  58. Jon­nas put out a shell from the box, stretched out two fin­gers to knock knock­ing gen­tly, put the ear to lis­ten to a sound.
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