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Feb 26th, 2012
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  1. # Building C bootstrap tool.
  2. cmd/dist
  4. # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool for host, linux/amd64.
  5. lib9
  6. libbio
  7. libmach
  8. misc/pprof
  9. cmd/cov
  10. cmd/nm
  11. cmd/pack
  12. cmd/prof
  13. cmd/cc
  14. cmd/gc
  15. cmd/6l
  16. cmd/6a
  17. cmd/6c
  18. cmd/6g
  19. pkg/runtime
  20. pkg/errors
  21. pkg/sync/atomic
  22. pkg/sync
  23. pkg/io
  24. pkg/unicode
  25. pkg/unicode/utf8
  26. pkg/unicode/utf16
  27. pkg/bytes
  28. pkg/math
  29. pkg/strings
  30. pkg/strconv
  31. pkg/bufio
  32. pkg/sort
  33. pkg/container/heap
  34. pkg/encoding/base64
  35. pkg/syscall
  36. pkg/time
  37. pkg/os
  38. pkg/reflect
  39. pkg/fmt
  40. pkg/encoding/json
  41. pkg/flag
  42. pkg/path/filepath
  43. pkg/path
  44. pkg/io/ioutil
  45. pkg/log
  46. pkg/regexp/syntax
  47. pkg/regexp
  48. pkg/go/token
  49. pkg/go/scanner
  50. pkg/go/ast
  51. pkg/go/parser
  52. pkg/go/build
  53. pkg/os/exec
  54. pkg/net/url
  55. pkg/text/template/parse
  56. pkg/text/template
  57. pkg/go/doc
  58. cmd/go
  60. # Building packages and commands for linux/amd64.
  61. runtime
  62. sync/atomic
  63. errors
  64. unicode
  65. math
  66. crypto/subtle
  67. sync
  68. container/list
  69. container/ring
  70. io
  71. syscall
  72. hash
  73. crypto
  74. crypto/md5
  75. hash/crc32
  76. crypto/cipher
  77. crypto/hmac
  78. crypto/sha1
  79. hash/adler32
  80. crypto/sha256
  81. unicode/utf8
  82. unicode/utf16
  83. bytes
  84. strings
  85. time
  86. bufio
  87. path
  88. text/tabwriter
  89. html
  90. crypto/sha512
  91. exp/norm
  92. exp/terminal
  93. os
  94. exp/utf8string
  95. hash/crc64
  96. hash/fnv
  97. image/color
  98. old/regexp
  99. os/signal
  100. strconv
  101. sort
  102. math/rand
  103. math/cmplx
  104. path/filepath
  105. container/heap
  106. compress/bzip2
  107. reflect
  108. io/ioutil
  109. regexp/syntax
  110. net/url
  111. os/exec
  112. encoding/base64
  113. crypto/aes
  114. regexp
  115. crypto/rc4
  116. encoding/pem
  117. archive/tar
  118. encoding/ascii85
  119. fmt
  120. encoding/binary
  121. encoding/base32
  122. image
  123. image/draw
  124. image/jpeg
  125. debug/dwarf
  126. crypto/des
  127. flag
  128. go/token
  129. log
  130. go/scanner
  131. text/template/parse
  132. debug/elf
  133. go/ast
  134. debug/macho
  135. text/template
  136. debug/pe
  137. encoding/json
  138. go/parser
  139. go/doc
  140. go/build
  141. go/printer
  142. compress/flate
  143. math/big
  144. mime
  145. runtime/debug
  146. encoding/gob
  147. cmd/api
  148. cmd/cgo
  149. cmd/fix
  150. compress/gzip
  151. crypto/elliptic
  152. crypto/rand
  153. crypto/rsa
  154. crypto/dsa
  155. encoding/asn1
  156. archive/zip
  157. encoding/xml
  158. crypto/x509/pkix
  159. crypto/x509
  160. index/suffixarray
  161. html/template
  162. runtime/cgo
  163. runtime/pprof
  164. text/scanner
  165. cmd/gofmt
  166. cmd/vet
  167. net
  168. cmd/yacc
  169. compress/lzw
  170. compress/zlib
  171. crypto/ecdsa
  172. database/sql/driver
  173. debug/gosym
  174. database/sql
  175. encoding/csv
  176. encoding/hex
  177. exp/ebnf
  178. exp/types
  179. exp/ebnflint
  180. exp/html
  181. exp/gotype
  182. exp/inotify
  183. image/gif
  184. image/png
  185. old/template
  186. os/user
  187. testing
  188. testing/iotest
  189. testing/quick
  190. crypto/tls
  191. net/textproto
  192. exp/proxy
  193. mime/multipart
  194. log/syslog
  195. net/mail
  196. old/netchan
  197. net/http
  198. net/smtp
  199. cmd/go
  200. expvar
  201. net/http/pprof
  202. net/http/cgi
  203. net/http/httptest
  204. cmd/godoc
  205. net/http/fcgi
  206. net/http/httputil
  207. net/rpc
  208. net/rpc/jsonrpc
  210. # Testing packages.
  211. ok cmd/api 0.011s
  212. ? cmd/cgo [no test files]
  213. ok cmd/fix 1.249s
  214. ? cmd/go [no test files]
  215. ? cmd/godoc [no test files]
  216. ok cmd/gofmt 0.142s
  217. ? cmd/vet [no test files]
  218. ? cmd/yacc [no test files]
  219. ok archive/tar 0.010s
  220. ok archive/zip 0.040s
  221. ok bufio 0.061s
  222. ok bytes 0.035s
  223. ok compress/bzip2 0.072s
  224. ok compress/flate 0.161s
  225. ok compress/gzip 0.012s
  226. ok compress/lzw 0.023s
  227. ok compress/zlib 0.115s
  228. ok container/heap 0.005s
  229. ok container/list 0.006s
  230. ok container/ring 0.019s
  231. ? crypto [no test files]
  232. ok crypto/aes 0.034s
  233. ok crypto/cipher 0.010s
  234. ok crypto/des 0.023s
  235. ok crypto/dsa 0.010s
  236. ok crypto/ecdsa 0.041s
  237. ok crypto/elliptic 0.014s
  238. ok crypto/hmac 0.006s
  239. ok crypto/md5 0.009s
  240. ok crypto/rand 0.035s
  241. ok crypto/rc4 0.006s
  242. ok crypto/rsa 0.104s
  243. ok crypto/sha1 0.006s
  244. ok crypto/sha256 0.007s
  245. ok crypto/sha512 0.009s
  246. ok crypto/subtle 0.009s
  247. ok crypto/tls 0.127s
  248. ok crypto/x509 0.376s
  249. ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files]
  250. ok database/sql 0.010s
  251. ok database/sql/driver 0.006s
  252. ok debug/dwarf 0.009s
  253. ok debug/elf 0.013s
  254. ok debug/gosym 0.122s
  255. ok debug/macho 0.009s
  256. ok debug/pe 0.006s
  257. ok encoding/ascii85 0.008s
  258. ok encoding/asn1 0.008s
  259. ok encoding/base32 0.008s
  260. ok encoding/base64 0.009s
  261. ok encoding/binary 0.006s
  262. ok encoding/csv 0.008s
  263. ok encoding/gob 0.040s
  264. ok encoding/hex 0.006s
  265. ok encoding/json 0.064s
  266. ok encoding/pem 0.013s
  267. ok encoding/xml 0.019s
  268. ok errors 0.007s
  269. ok exp/ebnf 0.006s
  270. ok exp/ebnflint 0.009s
  271. ok exp/gotype 0.155s
  272. ok exp/html 0.036s
  273. ok exp/inotify 1.015s
  274. ok exp/norm 0.939s
  275. ok exp/proxy 0.008s
  276. ok exp/terminal 0.006s
  277. ok exp/types 0.203s
  278. ok exp/utf8string 0.006s
  279. ok expvar 0.008s
  280. ok flag 0.008s
  281. ok fmt 0.019s
  282. ok go/ast 0.007s
  283. ok go/build 0.010s
  284. ok go/doc 0.075s
  285. ok go/parser 0.047s
  286. ok go/printer 0.265s
  287. ok go/scanner 0.008s
  288. ok go/token 0.054s
  289. ? hash [no test files]
  290. ok hash/adler32 0.008s
  291. ok hash/crc32 0.008s
  292. ok hash/crc64 0.008s
  293. ok hash/fnv 0.006s
  294. ok html 0.007s
  295. ok html/template 0.052s
  296. ok image 0.092s
  297. ok image/color 0.013s
  298. ok image/draw 0.031s
  299. ? image/gif [no test files]
  300. ok image/jpeg 0.074s
  301. ok image/png 0.051s
  302. ok index/suffixarray 0.015s
  303. ok io 0.033s
  304. ok io/ioutil 0.006s
  305. ok log 0.010s
  306. ok log/syslog 0.208s
  307. ok math 0.007s
  308. ok math/big 0.109s
  309. ok math/cmplx 0.009s
  310. ok math/rand 0.122s
  311. ok mime 0.006s
  312. ok mime/multipart 0.214s
  313. ok net 0.976s
  314. ok net/http 2.308s
  315. ok net/http/cgi 0.239s
  316. ok net/http/fcgi 0.019s
  317. ok net/http/httptest 0.014s
  318. ok net/http/httputil 0.014s
  319. ? net/http/pprof [no test files]
  320. ok net/mail 0.008s
  321. ok net/rpc 0.041s
  322. ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.016s
  323. ok net/smtp 0.008s
  324. ok net/textproto 0.009s
  325. ok net/url 0.007s
  326. ok old/netchan 0.023s
  327. ok old/regexp 0.017s
  328. ok old/template 0.018s
  329. ok os 0.033s
  330. --- FAIL: TestExtraFiles (0.09 seconds)
  331. exec_test.go:158: Something already leaked - closed fd 3
  332. exec_test.go:199: CombinedOutput: exit status 1; output "leaked parent file. fd = 13; want 10\nCOMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME\nexec.test 16047 zev cwd DIR 8,6 4096 30735 /tmp/go/src/pkg/os/exec\nexec.test 16047 zev rtd DIR 8,1 4096 2 /\nexec.test 16047 zev txt REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev mem REG 8,1 143600 204755 /lib64/\nexec.test 16047 zev mem REG 8,1 1722304 204780 /lib64/\nexec.test 16047 zev mem REG 8,1 145824 205013 /lib64/\nexec.test 16047 zev 0r CHR 1,3 1592 /dev/null\nexec.test 16047 zev 1w FIFO 0,6 125076300 pipe\nexec.test 16047 zev 2w FIFO 0,6 125076300 pipe\nexec.test 16047 zev 3u REG 8,6 12 118 /tmp/068649007\nexec.test 16047 zev 4r REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev 5r REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev 6r REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev 7r REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev 8r REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev 9r REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev 10r CHR 1,9 850 /dev/urandom\nexec.test 16047 zev 11u REG 8,6 12 118 /tmp/068649007\nexec.test 16047 zev 12r CHR 1,3 1592 /dev/null\nexec.test 16047 zev 13r REG 8,6 4431802 175559 /tmp/go-build523131135/os/exec/_test/exec.test\nexec.test 16047 zev 15r FIFO 0,6 125076304 pipe\n"
  333. FAIL
  334. FAIL os/exec 0.142s
  335. ok os/signal 0.007s
  336. ok os/user 0.011s
  337. ok path 0.007s
  338. ok path/filepath 0.009s
  339. ok reflect 0.010s
  340. ok regexp 0.077s
  341. ok regexp/syntax 0.632s
  342. ok runtime 0.307s
  343. ? runtime/cgo [no test files]
  344. ok runtime/debug 0.010s
  345. ok runtime/pprof 0.363s
  346. ok sort 0.067s
  347. ok strconv 0.066s
  348. ok strings 0.012s
  349. ok sync 0.044s
  350. ok sync/atomic 0.150s
  351. ? syscall [no test files]
  352. ? testing [no test files]
  353. ? testing/iotest [no test files]
  354. ok testing/quick 0.033s
  355. ok text/scanner 0.009s
  356. ok text/tabwriter 0.008s
  357. ok text/template 0.016s
  358. ok text/template/parse 0.008s
  359. ok time 2.457s
  360. ok unicode 0.007s
  361. ok unicode/utf16 0.006s
  362. ok unicode/utf8 0.010s
  363. ? unsafe [no test files]
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