
The Secret Club: Prologue/Ch. 1

Mar 3rd, 2019
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  1. "The Secret Club"
  4. In the League of Legends, every day is a struggle for the Champions of each region. The battles and skirmishes against friend and foe alike appease the masses, and the elite alike. All is necessary to ensure the stability of Valoran as a whole.
  6. With this in mind, one could pose the question; how do these Champions keep themselves from going insane? Well, these downtime activities vary widely; gambling, drinking, meditating…
  8. But for the Yordles of the League Of Legends, they prefer something unusual...something only as crazy as a Yordle would come to love.
  10. They call it “Littling.” Or, to be more blunt, ageplay. To someone unfamiliar with Yordles and their intricacies, it would be rather humoring; little people acting like little children. Who would have known? However, to those in the know, it would be of no surprise. Those seemingly timeless, ageless beings from a mystical land are marked by a simple, mundane thing; Diapers.
  12. They wear them every day. In public, and in private. Some say it is a symbol of refusing to grow up. Others say it is their stature which forces them to carry this garment; small bodies wouldn’t be able to hold that much waste for long. Regardless of what other races say, Yordles continue to wear, and use, the puffy undergarments which they love so dearly. Although, their indulgences cannot be shown outright, lest they be discriminated by outsiders...
  14. ----
  16. Chapter 1: The Hammer Keeper
  18. The summoning platforms flashed rays of blue, revealing figures of varying backgrounds. In a semi-circle, the five Champions had returned from their most recent battle; one that lasted for an hour or so. There stood Annie, Soraka, Ezreal, Shaco, and the littlest of the five; Poppy.
  20. "That was fun!" Annie chimed, skipping off of the platform.
  22. "Yeah. I'm pooped. I've never had to dodge this much since my Summoner played ranked matches!" Ezreal quipped, causing the others to chuckle.
  24. "Hah! You know who else is pooped? Our little juggernaut. Literally! Ahaha!" Shaco pointed at the Hammer Keeper, whose armored pants had a considerable sag in the rear. Annie began to cackle, pinching her nose.
  26. "Yuck! You couldn't wait until after you went home, you big baby?" The pyromancer walked up to the Yordle, sizing her up. Poppy felt her pants grow warm again.
  28. "I...I changed! Before the match ended. I think." Poppy blushed, trying to step away from the group.
  30. "Aw, she can't even tell if she made a mess! Isn't that just precious?" Annie ruffled her hair, mockingly cooing at the shortstack.
  32. "Grr! Why I oughta--" Poppy readied her hammer.
  34. "Children, please." Soraka stepped in.
  36. "Now is not the time to quarrel. It's late. Why don't we just go to our rooms and--"
  38. "Wait...did you just call me a CHILD?!" The Yordle spoke up, furiously placing her hammer on the floor. It shook the ground somewhat. Noticing this, Ezreal and Shaco left the room hastily. The wrath of The Hammer Keeper was nothing to be trifled with.
  40. "Hey, don't be mad...at least you're toilet trained. You are, right? You -did- grow up outside of Bandle City." Annie said, with a devilish grin.
  42. "I-I'm not!" Poppy blurted out. 'Oh Gods...what am I saying?' She thought to herself, covering her mouth.
  44. "Ha! See? I knew it! You're just like the rest of them! A big, stinky bab--" She was interrupted by a snap of Soraka's fingers. Magical tape covered the prodigy's lips, silencing her.
  46. The Starchild sighed, and bent down to talk to the Yordle.
  48. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. Come on, let's get you changed. You must feel uncomfortable." She extended her hand to the toddling tank, who picked up her hammer.
  50. "Fine." Poppy pouted, and held the support's hand. She waddled alongside her for what seemed like an hour, even though it was only a few minutes.
  52. In reality, she didn't want a change. Like other Yordles, she enjoyed the squish and warmth which her padding provided. A lifetime of loaded pampers gave her skin a resistance to rashes that only a Yordle would have. Even on the battlefield, an emptying of her gut was all she needed to keep her head straight. It was better than holding it while fighting. In spite of her desires, she still wished to differentiate herself from her kin.
  54. After all, she was the Hammer Keeper. A celebrity of a society far from Bandle City. And yet, here she was. Being led to a room for people bigger than her, to be wiped down and pampered by a tall, doting motherly figure. How humiliating.
  56. Well, for her, at least.
  58. As she thought of her predicament, Soraka led her into the bathroom. It was particularly cold, and Poppy felt grateful that she had emptied her bladder when Annie approached her. The room was a pure white; a stark contrast to the magnificent architecture outside. There were tall stalls, and within them, thrones of porcelain far too tall for her to sit on. From the marble walls, Soraka pushed on a hidden panel. A slab of smooth stone folded outwards, and it was made apparent that it was a changing table. The opened pack of diapers was labeled "Super Soakers XL", with none other than Tristana, the Bandle Gunner, on the label. She was smiling, showing off her poofy, padded rear.
  60. "Oh, Trist. Always the flashy one." Poppy muttered, as she was being laid on the table.
  62. "You know, I've changed her more times than I've changed every other Yordle combined. For someone who shoots people for a living, she is surprisingly...childlike." Soraka commented, undoing the shortstack's belt.
  64. "Don't be surprised. All of us are like that. It's just...some of us like to hide it more." She said, staring at the ceiling to distract herself.
  66. "And what about you, Poppy?"
  68. "Can you keep a secret?"
  70. Hearing this, Soraka paused from grabbing a fresh diaper.
  72. "Of course."
  74. "I--I love it. I honestly don't think I can live without..." She pulled down her pants, revealing a fully-packed, pastel-lined pamper. The white was almost non-existent, overtaken by a bright yellow and tinges of brown at the back. It was similar to a water balloon, ready to burst.
  76. "...this." She squished the front of her padding nonchalantly. The warmth calmed her down somewhat, making her blush.
  78. "Well...I can't blame you Yordles. It's a part of you. I haven't met ONE that was trained. Well...Tristana did try once, but that was futile. She never could make it."
  80. "Ha! I'm surprised she even tried." Poppy smiled, thinking of Tristana wearing leaky pull-ups whilst sitting on a potty.
  82. "That reminds me...she told me of a place I think you'd like--" She untaped the used diaper almost reflexively, as she recalled what she said.
  84. "--Lulu learned an old spell from Pix. It had something to do with portals. To keep a long story short, she made a little haven for little ones like you. A club." She recalled, wiping down the little blue Yordle while tossing the full pamper into a diaper pail.
  86. "Oh! Oh my..." Poppy's eyes widened at the prospect. She was excited. Perhaps, a bit too excited. A squirt of pee landed on Soraka's chest.
  88. "Ah!" The support flinched, and sighed.
  90. "Oh! Sorry...it's just--"
  92. "It's alright. Like Annie said, you're just a big baby." She smiled, and powdered up Poppy's privates, before sliding the fresh diaper under her rear.
  94. "Hey! I--" Poppy paused, stopping a fit of rage.
  96. "--I am." She grinned mischievously; just admitting her desires like that gave her a rush she rarely felt.
  98. "Oh, aren't you precious? If only I had a pacifier..." Soraka cooed, taping up the Yordle's Super Soakers. With a light pat, a cloud of baby powder formed around the Hammer Keeper's crotch. The shortstack giggled unconsciously, before snapping back to reality.
  100. "--Oh! Um...that would be nice." She muttered, the rush coming back again.
  102. "You know what? You and Trist aren't so different after all." She said, her hands about to pull up Poppy's pants. The little blue Yordle stopped her, however.
  104. "Um...could you do me a favor?" She asked, blushing brightly.
  106. "Yes. What do you need?"
  108. "I...want you to come to my room. And...kiss me goodnight. And I wanna walk without my pants on. Please?" Her hands trembled as she requested such a childish favor.
  110. "Okay." With a smile, an almost motherly smile, she removed her little friend's leggings, and lifted her up before placing her on the ground.
  112. To Poppy, the experience was surreal. The rush of risk which ran through her body continued on, realizing that there she stood, clad in nothing but heavy armor, and an equally thick, babyish diaper. Almost instinctively, she held Soraka's hand, and hesitantly grabbed her hammer, dragging it like a giant rattle.
  114. "Ready to go, little one?"
  116. "Yeah."
  118. And with that, the two set out into the halls. Luckily, there was no one else awake at the time, not even Nocturne. Something about this experience made Poppy feel...happy. Perhaps, it was a form of expression. Something that showed, that in spite of her background, she was still a true Yordle. Or, perhaps, it was merely a taboo which she could finally indulge in. Either way, the little blue warrior was ecstatic.
  120. They reached the Hammer Keeper's door, and the two had come to a realization.
  122. "Huh. How am I going to go inside?" Soraka said, staring at the miniature passageway. The Starchild was six feet tall, and Poppy was nearly half her height.
  124. "Oh. Sorry. I guess...crawl? Agh, what am I saying? I think the kiss'll have to wait. Sorry." She flustered. How could she forget the door?
  126. "Oh, don't fret, Poppy. There's always the club. And I was invited, too."
  128. "Really?!" She exclaimed, before being hushed by the support.
  130. "Shh. Don't wet yourself just yet."
  132. "Right. I guess this is good night?"
  134. Before the Yordle could respond, she was given a kiss on the forehead.
  136. "Good night, little one." She smiled sweetly, seeing her little friend blush a bright red.
  138. "See you tomorrow." Soraka said, with a last goodbye. The Hammer Keeper waved back, her body shaking and knees crossed.
  140. Poppy felt the same rush she felt awhile ago. There she was, standing in the middle of a hallway in nothing but armor and a pamper, her body trembling. She lost her grip on her hammer, and the warmth of her blushing gave her an almost overwhelming calmness. She didn't even realize at first, that it was her Super Soakers that were growing warm, as she stood in the middle of the hallway. It was thick enough to insulate the warmth, without looking yellow at first. She unconsciously squatted, now holding onto her hammer. The pee she held in came rushing out, like a hot spring waterfall. Immediately, the Super Soakers absorbed the warm torrent, slowly sagging down. She sucked on her thumb, and looked down. She realized what she was doing. And it felt good.
  142. Soon enough, Poppy was nearly done. She stood up, and continued to tinkle as she suckled. The little blue Yordle squished the cushy, soggy mass with her thighs, blissfully reveling in the warmth. She let the pair of pampers freely sag down for a final trickle, and finished her potty break. She opened her door, and put her hammer by the doorway. Flickering off the lights, and turning on her side lamp, she crawled into bed, unfazed by the swollen, weighty cushion around her crotch. She removed her chestplate, along with the rest of her armor, until she was left in nothing but her Super Soakers. She looked down at her diapers, and noted that they weren't even yellow.
  144. "Oh, Tristy...you sure know a thing or two about good products." She sighed, rubbing the seat of her diaper against her sensitive parts.
  146. Poppy noticed a pitcher of water on the side table, and smiled.
  148. "If I'm gonna go to that club...I'm gonna go all out." She told herself, before downing the half-full pitcher. As fast as she drank it, her belly was full of the liquid.
  150. Poppy stared at the ceiling, as she did while she was changed. Here she was, a bloated Yordle in bloated pampers, her bed ready to be the victim of an overnight flood. A little Champion reduced to a big baby. How humiliating.
  152. Well, not for her, at least...
  154. [End of Chapter 1]
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