
Gods remenant (leaked)

Jun 16th, 2016
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  1. Yes. the FMer Documentation, EHUEHUHEUHEUHEUHEHUE
  3. kek
  5. Free Modeler Documentation - Version 1.3
  6. by William Maduno / Diitto
  8. /*
  9. Example on idiocy from meunumbertwo:
  11. Honestly,
  13. I wipe my ass with your documentation.
  15. You treat FMing like a terrorist threat that you need to eliminate. This is ROBLOX guys, not a radical terrorist organization.
  16. */
  18. NOTICE: Once this is completed(gen 1.9, most likely), this will be moved to ROBLOX forums.
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  21. Why FMers are hated so much.
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  25. A FMer(abbreviation for Free Modeler) is a person who uses scripts that can be found in ROBLOX's catalog, Pastebin, Dropbox, or some other site.
  26. FMers are sometimes also called "skids" or script kiddies, for a script kiddie is a talentless, unaware individual who uses scripts or programs created by someone else, without
  27. understanding how it works.
  28. Free Models(short FM) are those scripts that are made by other people.
  29. Some examples of Free Models are "Assassin script", "Knife script", "Solar", "V3rm Tabs", "Camball", "Kohl's Admin", and much more.
  30. Note, Kohl's Admin was created by Kohltastrophe/Scripth, a famous admin maker, though is widely abused at script builders. Please refrain from dishonouring it.
  32. The reason FMers are hated so much is that they did nothing to make the script(or just edited something small or the credits), are usually not using it for educational purposes,
  33. but for fun or devious and mean reasons. Which pisses many people off.
  35. Also, it is Script Builder. Notice the "Builder" in the name. This place is made for BUILDING/CREATING/MAKING scripts, not USING OTHER'S SCRIPTS. SCRIPT BUILDER. NOT SCRIPT TESTER OR SCRIPT BORROWING OR ANY NONSENSE.
  37. Worse, FMers have horrible tendencies.
  38. Here are some..angry... comments about FMers from my friend, LordRevorius:
  40. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  42. Rody // LordRevorius: 2) THEY ABUSE THEIR CENSORED* [STUPID] CENSORED*[STUFF] -- Free Model admins can be used to kick, which is extremely abusive...
  44. Rody // LordRevorius: 3) THEY KILL EACH PLAYER THEY SEE -- Since FMers tend to be more of a younger age, they constantly kill people for fun. Silly children.
  46. Rody // LordRevorius: 4) THEY ARE STEREOTYPES -- When some FMers complain annoyingly in the comments, they say that ALL scripters are alike in one or another way, and in usually a bad way.
  48. Rody // LordRevorius: 5) THEY ARE A ROLEMODEL FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO START FMING -- When a FMer starts to FM, they attract other people like their friends, and more FMers "breed."
  50. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  52. The point of Free Models are to be a resource for people to learn from, not a weapon or a tool to do whatever you want in SBs.
  53. We dearly wish you would quit, which is why we constantly kick and ban and crash you.
  55. So, if you would nicely quit FMing, we would leave you alone. Hell, if you start scripting and join the community, we may even accept you and become friends with you. Who knows.
  57. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. Script Traders
  59. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. As NoobMaster936 mentioned in the comments, script traders have more flaws then Free Modelers.
  63. Script traders are the people who exchange "rare scripts", scripts that haven't been released to the Free Models but aren't made by the users.
  64. Usually, the "rare script" is first obtained when a Free Modeler with a script stealing script steals a weapon from a weapon scripter,
  66. This is worse than FMing, for the script is stolen from the owner and used without their consent, and in many cases, their knowledge.
  67. Eventually, the script is leaked without the owner's permission, and becomes a Free Model. Quite atrocious.
  69. Please, do not get into the habit of stealing scripts. It is a crime, the lowest of things you can do. The scripter did not work hard to make the script, just for it to be stolen in the future. Thank you.
  71. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. Script Theft
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  75. Now, as we all know, script theft is a major issue in SBs. People have gone to extreme lengths just to steal a script. In the worst situations, the script is actually leaked to the Free Model collection for Free Modelers to use without restrictions. Horrible, in my opinion, and in many other's as well.
  77. Imagine you had worked for a month to make this super awesome script, and were extremely proud of it. However, one day, a Free Modeler got a script that logged the chat, and they managed to steal your script. They edited it and traded it with their friends, sometimes for the currencies of ROBLOX, and then it eventually was stolen by another person and leaked. Horrible, no? It happens. I felt it myself when Titan, my dear administrative and security tool, was stolen by various people like einsteinK, Fadedadminpwn1st, nairod7, and Froast. Of course, they each paid back retribute(einsteinK in development, faded in banishment, nairod in work and froast in Purge), but that doesn't always happen.
  79. I also know someone who spent years on a script called "GateKeeper"(, named noliCAIKS. She recently released the script after all 8,000 lines were stolen. Can you believe that? And Free Modelers do it all the time, and think nothing of it. Sickening.
  81. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. Immaturity in Scripting
  83. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. Now, many of you have heard of the abominable "s*x script", I'm sure. Basically a script that simulates two people having s**ual inte**ours* with each other. Whoever made that was obviously quite immature... It's appalling, how people can abuse their skills to make something so disgusting...
  87. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. The Worst of FMers
  89. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. Now, there are the normal FMers who are young, immature, and use silly weapons. Then there are the FMers who lie, steal, cheat, and use Free Model admins such as Kohl's, and some other tablet admins. The more recent admins have the ability to "BSoD" a person, which is actually just crashing their display graphics driver by spamming messages in their PlayerGui. The more annoying people actually spam it in the workspace, just to crash a server.
  93. So, there are the Free Modelers who just use silly weapons and tools, and there are the Free Modelers who use scripts that have the potential to be utilized in a negative way as a catalyst of evil.
  95. The worst of the Free Modelers are server pri'ers and server crashers. Server crashers, though not always Free Modelers, but instead angry or harmful scripters, are people who abuse ROBLOX instances in order to destroy an entire server. Server pri'ers are people who use a script to kick everyone who isn't authorized ingame, essentially taking over the whole server...
  97. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. Radical Standpoints
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  101. The situation with Free Modelers has gone too far, unfortunately. People are repeatedly crashing and pri'ing servers daily, acting foolishly and unwisely....
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  104. Credit Changing
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  107. Some FMers claim to have made their script, either without evidence or by changing credits, though scripters have too, like GOLDC3PO(no offense, Gold) and iTov...
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  111. Why You Should Not Use FMs and/or Support FM
  112. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. Free Models tend to be very annoying, and it ends up affecting others around them....
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  117. Conclusion
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  120. I daresay that many people will hate on this, though I will update this just to prove your statements wrong....
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  124. Credits
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  127. Diitto - Wrote the documentation
  128. LordRevorius - Convinced Diitto to write the document
  129. NoobMaster936 - Assisted in adding information to the documentary
  130. ttyyuu12345 - Assisted in adding information to the documentary
  131. CLarramore - for leaking this script
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