
Gladiator WiP

Sep 14th, 2019
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  235. <body>
  237. <img id="SquarePic" src ="" alt="Square Picture"></div>
  238. <img id="RightPic1" src ="" alt="Top Right Picture"></div>
  239. <img id="RightPic2" src ="" alt="Middle Right Picture"></div>
  240. <img id="RightPic3" src ="" alt="Bottom Right Picture"></div>
  242. <div id="BGBox"></div>
  243. <a href="#Stats"><div id="Nav1">Stats</div></a>
  244. <a href="#Personality"><div id="Nav2">Personality</div></a>
  245. <a href="#History"><div id="Nav3">History</div></a>
  246. <a href="#Traits"><div id="Nav4">Traits</div></a>
  247. <a href="#Associates"><div id="Nav5">Associates</div></a>
  248. <a href="#OOC"><div id="Nav6">O.O.C.</div></a>
  250. <div id="Stats">
  251. <div id="tab">
  252. <div id="header">
  253. <h1>Stats</h1>
  254. </div>
  255. <div id="box">
  256. <b>Name:</b><span style=float:right>Artemus</span><br>
  257. <b>Gender:</b><span style=float:right>Female</span><br>
  258. <b>Age:</b><span style=float:right>22</span><br>
  259. <b>Hair:</b><span style=float:right>Fiery Red</span><br>
  260. <b>Eyes:</b><span style=float:right>Shinging Emearld</span><br>
  261. <b>Height:</b><span style=float:right>5'6"</span><br>
  262. <b>Weight:</b><span style=float:right><s>Redacted</s></span><br>
  263. <b>Build:</b><span style=float:right>Curvy but toned</span><br>
  264. <b>Added:</b><span style=float:right>Come find out</span><br>
  265. <b>Orientation:</b><span style=float:right>Hetrosexual</span>
  266. </div>
  267. </div></div>
  269. <div id="Personality">
  270. <div id="tab">
  271. <h1>Personality</h1>
  272. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
  273. </div></div>
  275. <div id="History">
  276. <div id="tab">
  277. <h1>History</h1>
  278. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
  279. </div></div>
  281. <div id="Traits">
  282. <div id="tab">
  283. <h1>Traits</h1>
  284. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  285. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  286. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  287. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  288. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  289. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  290. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  291. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  292. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  293. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....<br>
  294. <b>Skill Name:</b> Skill description....
  295. </div></div>
  297. <div id="Associates">
  298. <div id="tab">
  299. <h1>Associates</h1>
  300. <center>
  301. <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="PICHERE" class="friendpic" title="DESCRIPTION OF FRIEND HERE" alt="friend"></a>
  302. <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="PICHERE" class="friendpic" title="DESCRIPTION OF FRIEND HERE" alt="friend"></a>
  303. <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="PICHERE" class="friendpic" title="DESCRIPTION OF FRIEND HERE" alt="friend"></a>
  304. <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="PICHERE" class="friendpic" title="DESCRIPTION OF FRIEND HERE" alt="friend"></a>
  305. <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="PICHERE" class="friendpic" title="DESCRIPTION OF FRIEND HERE" alt="friend"></a>
  306. </center>
  307. </div></div>
  309. <div id="OOC">
  310. <div id="tab">
  311. <h1>Out of Character</h1>
  312. <b>01.</b> OOC is OOC do not mix it with IC, do not bring OOC drama to me.
  313. <b>02.</b> Have a profile before pming me.. I at least want to sorta know who i'm going to be talking to BEFORE i get a pm from some random.<br>
  314. <b>03.</b> I'm very PM friendly. If I don't reply right away I might be afk or busy playing some video games. I will get back to you.<br>
  315. <b>04.</b> I have the right to refuse RP, as do you.<br>
  316. <b>05.</b> Rp is third person, talk to me about an rp before you post. I rather not just have to guess what the hell is going on.
  317. </div></div>
  319. <div id="credit"><a class="credit" href="">Spaceman</a></div>
  320. </body>
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