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Jul 12th, 2016
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  1. from tkinter import *
  2. from tkinter.ttk import *
  3. import pymysql.cursors
  5. class DBTest:
  6. #Initiates thingies we'll use
  7. def __init__(self, root):
  8. self._create_tabs()
  9. self._layout()
  11. def _create_tabs(self):
  12. self.frame = Frame(root) # Main Frame
  13. self.nb = Notebook(self.frame) # The 'tab-thingy'
  15. # Create main tabs
  16. customer = Frame(self.nb)
  17. order = Frame(self.nb)
  18. product = Frame(self.nb)
  19. # Create customer NB
  20. self.customer = Notebook(customer)
  21. # Create Customer-tabs
  22. customer.insert = Frame(self.customer)
  23. = Frame(self.customer)
  24. customer.selAll = Frame(self.customer)
  25. customer.delete = Frame(self.customer)
  26. self._customer_insert_frame(customer.insert)
  27. self._customer_select_frame(
  28. self._customer_selAll_frame(customer.selAll)
  29. self._customer_delete_frame(customer.delete)
  31. # Create order NB
  32. self.order = Notebook(order)
  33. # Create order-tabs
  34. order.insert = Frame(self.order)
  35. = Frame(self.order)
  36. order.selAll = Frame(self.order)
  37. #self._order_insert_frame(order.insert)
  38. #self._order_select_frame(
  39. #self._order_selAll_frame(order.selAll)
  41. # Adds the tabs to the notebook
  42. self.nb.add(customer, text="Customer")
  43. self.nb.add(order, text="Order")
  44. self.nb.add(product, text="Product")
  45. self.customer.add(customer.insert, text="Insert")
  46. self.customer.add(, text="Select")
  47. self.customer.add(customer.selAll, text="Select ALL")
  48. self.customer.add(customer.delete, text="Delete Cust.")
  49. self.order.add(order.insert, text="Insert")
  50. self.order.add(, text="Select")
  51. self.order.add(order.selAll, text="Select ALL")
  53. def _layout(self):
  54. # Layout
  55. self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,W,E))
  56. self.nb.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,W,E))
  57. self.customer.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=(N,S,W,E), pady=5)
  58. self.order.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=(N,S,W,E), pady=5)
  59. # Resize rules
  60. root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
  61. root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
  62. self.frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=2)
  63. self.frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=2)
  65. def _customer_insert_frame(self, insert):
  66. # Creates the Entry boxes to get data
  67. = Entry(insert)
  68. insert.address = Entry(insert)
  69. = Entry(insert)
  70. # Makes a label and puts things out on the screen.
  71. Label(insert, text="Name: ").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E)
  72., column=1, sticky=W)
  73. Label(insert, text="Address: ").grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E)
  74. insert.address.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W)
  75. Label(insert, text="Phone: ").grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=E)
  76., column=1, sticky=W)
  77. # Using 'lambda: ' to prevent prepare_insert from running before we want it to.
  78. insert.submit_button = Button(insert, text="Submit", command=lambda: self.customer_prepare_insert(insert))
  79. insert.submit_button.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2)
  80. insert.text = Text(insert, width=30, height=4, wrap=WORD)
  81. insert.text.grid(row=5,column=0,columnspan=2)
  83. def customer_prepare_insert(self, insert):
  84. # Gets values from the Entry boxes above.
  85. name =
  86. address = insert.address.get()
  87. phone =
  88. # Checks if every field has something in them. (Does not check if only a space)
  89. if not all((name, address, phone)):
  90. insert.text.config(state=NORMAL)
  91. insert.text.delete(0.0, END)
  92. insert.text.insert(0.0, "Need to enter something in all boxes.")
  93. insert.text.config(state=DISABLED)
  94. # If every field is not None, do the query
  95. else:
  96. # Returns values entered if successful
  97. # Else it returns the error message.
  98. inserted = self.add_to_DB(name, address, phone)
  99. insert.text.config(state=NORMAL)
  100. insert.text.delete(0.0, END)
  101. insert.text.insert(0.0, inserted)
  102. insert.text.config(state=DISABLED)
  104. def _customer_select_frame(self, select):
  105. # Create the Entry boxes
  106. select.sID = Entry(select)
  107. = Entry(select)
  108. select.address = Entry(select)
  109. = Entry(select)
  111. # Puts them out on the frame
  112. Label(select, text="Search for Databasedata\nenter at least 1 searchfield").grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)
  113. Label(select, text="Search ID:").grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E)
  114. select.sID.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W)
  115. Label(select, text="Search Name:").grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=E)
  116., column=1, sticky=W)
  117. Label(select, text="Search address").grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=E)
  118. select.address.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W)
  119. Label(select, text="Search phone").grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=E)
  120., column=1, sticky=W)
  121. # Using lambda again on the button to not make it do the
  122. # prepare before we actually click the button
  123. select.submit_button = Button(select, text="Submit", command=lambda: self.customer_prepare_select(select))
  124. select.submit_button.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2)
  125. select.text = Text(select, width=30, height=10, wrap=WORD)
  126. select.text.grid(row=6,column=0,columnspan=2)
  128. def customer_prepare_select(self, select):
  129. # Get value from the search fields.
  130. sID = select.sID.get()
  131. name =
  132. address = select.address.get()
  133. phone =
  134. args = {}
  135. stmt = ""
  136. # Checks at least one have data. (Does not check if only a space)
  137. if sID != "" or name != "" or address != "" or phone != "":
  138. # If at least one have data we check which
  139. # one and adds the string for the query
  140. if sID != "":
  141. args['ID'] = "id='"+sID+"' AND "
  142. if name != "":
  143. args['name'] = "name='"+name+"' AND "
  144. if address != "":
  145. args['address'] = "address='"+address+"' AND "
  146. if phone != "":
  147. args['phone'] = "phone='"+phone+"'"
  148. for key, value in args.items():
  149. stmt += value
  150. # Removes the last ' AND '
  151. stmt = stmt[:-5]
  152. sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE {val}".format(val=stmt)
  153. db_result = self.get_from_DB(sql)
  154. textBox = ""
  155. # If we get rows back
  156. if db_result:
  157. # Iterates for all rows gotten
  158. for key in db_result:
  159. textBox += "ID: {id} Name: {name}\nAddress: {address}\nPhone: {phone}\n\n".format(id=key['id'], name=key['name'], address=key['address'], phone=key['phone'])
  160. # If we searched for an entry that didnt exist
  161. else:
  162. textBox = "Could not find what you searched for."
  163. # If we enter no value in any box.
  164. else:
  165. textBox = "Must insert at least one value."
  167. # Updates the textfield
  168. select.text.config(state=NORMAL)
  169. select.text.delete(0.0, END)
  170. select.text.insert(0.0, textBox)
  171. select.text.config(state=DISABLED)
  173. def _customer_selAll_frame(self, selAll):
  174. #Create the button to show everything
  175. Label(selAll, text="Fetch all entries?").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E)
  176. selAll.submit_button = Button(selAll, text="Fetch!", command=lambda: self.customer_select_all_DB(selAll))
  177. selAll.submit_button.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
  178. selAll.text = Text(selAll, width=30, height=18, wrap=WORD)
  179. selAll.text.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
  181. def customer_select_all_DB(self, selAll):
  182. sql = "SELECT * from CUSTOMER"
  183. # Gets all entries from the DB
  184. db_result = self.get_from_DB(sql)
  185. textBox = ""
  186. # If we get result returned
  187. if db_result:
  188. # Iterates for every Row
  189. for key in db_result:
  190. textBox += "ID: {id} Name: {name}\nAddress: {address}\nPhone: {phone}\n\n".format(id=key['id'], name=key['name'], address=key['address'], phone=key['phone'])
  191. # If no entries was found in the DB
  192. else:
  193. textBox = "There's nothing in the Database or some error n shit."
  194. # Updates the textfield
  195. selAll.text.config(state=NORMAL)
  196. selAll.text.delete(0.0, END)
  197. selAll.text.insert(0.0, textBox)
  198. selAll.text.config(state=DISABLED)
  200. def _customer_delete_frame(self, delete):
  201. Label(delete, text="Delete a user with the dropdown menu").grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=E)
  202. sql = "SELECT name FROM customer"
  203. users = self.get_from_DB(sql)
  204. delete.result = []
  205. if users:
  206. for key in users:
  207. delete.result.append(key['name'])
  208. delete.result.sort()
  209. delete.result.insert(0, "None")
  210. delete.var = StringVar()
  211. delete.var.set("None")
  212. = OptionMenu(delete, delete.var, *delete.result)
  213., column=0)
  214. delete.submit_button = Button(delete, text="DELETE!", command=lambda: self.customer_delete_from_DB(delete))
  215. delete.submit_button.grid(row=2)
  216. delete.update_button = Button(delete, text="Update List", command=lambda: self.rebuild_window())
  217. delete.update_button.grid(row=4)
  218. delete.text = Text(delete, width=30, height=15, wrap=WORD)
  219. delete.text.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2)
  221. def customer_delete_from_DB(self, delete):
  222. name = delete.var.get()
  223. column = "name"
  224. tab = "customer"
  225. x = self.delete_from_DB(column, tab, name)
  226. delete.text.delete(0.0, END)
  227. delete.text.insert(0.0, x)
  230. def delete_from_DB(self, column, tab, value):
  231. # Making the query
  232. # Takes the tab (order, customer, products) and which column (name, id, whatever)
  233. # and lastly the value of that column. This is to re-use this delete code for other tabs.
  234. sql = "DELETE FROM {tab} WHERE {column}='{value}'".format(tab=tab, column=column, value=value)
  235. # Connection config
  236. connection = self.db_settings()
  237. # Try to do the thing
  238. try:
  239. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  240. # Executes the delete-query
  241. cursor.execute(sql)
  242. #Commit the changes
  243. connection.commit()
  244. # Checks how many rows that was affected
  245. result = cursor.rowcount
  246. # If 1 (row deleted) then show message.
  247. if result == 1:
  248. result = "{name} from {tab}-tab has been deleted from the Database.".format(name=value, tab=tab)
  249. # If 0, no rows affected, thus nothing deleted.
  250. elif result == 0:
  251. result = "Nothing deleted."
  252. else:
  253. result = "Something weird happened. More than 1 row"
  255. except Exception as e:
  256. if e.args[0] == 1451:
  257. result = "The entry you try to remove is tied to an order."
  258. else:
  259. result = e
  260. finally:
  261. connection.close()
  263. # Return value
  264. return result
  266. def add_to_DB(self, *args): # args are name, address, phone
  267. # Connection config
  268. connection = self.db_settings()
  269. #Inserting the data
  270. try:
  271. # Adds it to DB
  272. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  273. # Makes it into an SQL query
  274. sql = "INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (name, address, phone) VALUES ('{name}', '{address}', '{phone}')".format(name=args[0],address=args[1],phone=args[2])
  275. cursor.execute(sql)
  276. # Comit the query
  277. connection.commit()
  278. result = "Data added\nName: {name}\nAddress: {address}\nPhone: {phone}".format(name=args[0],address=args[1],phone=args[2])
  280. except Exception as error:
  281. code, message = error.args
  282. if code == 1062:
  283. result = "A person with the name '" +args[0]+ "' already exists in the Database."
  284. else:
  285. result = error
  286. finally:
  287. connection.close()
  288. # Returns whatever result we got
  289. return result
  291. def get_from_DB(self, sql):
  292. # Connection config
  293. connection = self.db_settings()
  294. # Try to get data
  295. try:
  296. with connection.cursor() as cursor:
  297. # The query from prepare_select()
  298. cursor.execute(sql)
  299. result = cursor.fetchall()
  300. except Exception as e:
  301. result = e
  302. finally:
  303. connection.close()
  304. return result
  306. # Destroys all windows, and rebuilds.
  307. # Got tired of trying other ways.
  308. def rebuild_window(self):
  309. self.frame.destroy()
  310. self._create_tabs()
  311. self._layout()
  313. ##########
  314. #The settings for the database, change this.
  315. ##########
  316. def db_settings(self):
  317. connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',
  318. user='root',
  319. password='8drD3F74',
  320. db='python',
  321. charset='utf8',
  322. cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
  323. return connection
  326. root = Tk()
  327. # Makes window not resizeable.
  328. root.resizable(0,0)
  329. # Window size
  330. root.geometry("260x390")
  331. # Title on the window
  332. root.title("GUI Test :>")
  333. # "activates"(words pls) the mainClass
  334. app = DBTest(root)
  335. # Main loop for the tkinder
  336. root.mainloop()
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