
Rise of the Runelords, Session 3: Ch. 1, Burnt Offerings

Jan 20th, 2014
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  1. [16:07] <@Aqu|GM> --- Rise of the Runelords, Session 3: Chapter 1, Burnt Offerings ---
  2. [16:08] <@Aqu|GM> Mahd, Palurin, Victanys, and Pwent all happen to be finishing up their morning meals while Sheriff Belor Hemlock waits on them. After explaining the situation, the sheriff steps outside until the group is ready.
  3. [16:10] <Harvey> Mahd quickly finishes her food, already much more awake once she had bread and alcohol in her.
  4. [16:11] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent turns his attention back to Mahd, shaking his head in response to her rudeness. "Ye gonna be joining us, lass? Or is Orick, fer that matter?" The dwarf shrugs. "I know ye both seem ta' stick te'eachother like honeycombs-- odd ta' see ya' apart."
  5. [16:12] <Harvey> Mahd swallows the last chunk of booze soaked bread. "I'll go get him now. I just don't care for being rushed."
  6. [16:13] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent rolls his eyes. "Weren't really rushing you, just yer friend."
  7. [16:14] <Harvey> She shrugs, standing up. "I'll be back in a bit. I need to put my armor on and I'll get Orick." With that, she returns to her room.
  8. [16:15] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs. "Right, well. Ah need ta be preparing me spells." He nods to Victanys and Palurin. "Ah'll be back." With a final wave, the stubby-legged dwarf hustles upstairs, preparing his spells.
  9. [16:17] <Harvey> Palurin gives Victanys a sheepish look, standing as well. "I must do the same for my own magic," he says, starting to head back upstairs.
  10. [16:18] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, waving Palurin off. "I suppose I'll wait here then." The rogue, for the time-being, recalibrates her wrist-sheaths, storing her kukri.
  11. [16:22] <Harvey> Palurin returns to the room, sitting on the bed crosslegged with his spell book open in his lap. He spends the next hour or so in a deep, meditative trance, preparing his mind for the magical energies.
  12. [16:23] <@Aqu|GM> At the top of the next hour after his preparation, Pwent returns to the dining room. The dwarf is once again wielding his customary mace, buckler, and scale mail with a smile.
  13. [16:24] <Harvey> Soon after, Palurin wanders down as well, seeming a little more calm. Mahd soon follows, armor in her wake.
  14. [16:26] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys looks up from her post-- having fallen asleep from boredom, and smiles, seeing everyone assembled. "Finally," she groans. "You all ready?"
  15. [16:26] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods. "Aye. That I am."
  16. [16:27] <Harvey> Mahd simply shrugs, mask hiding any possible emotion. Palurin nods, left hand resting on the hilt of his longsword.
  17. [16:31] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods, hopping out of her chair. "Right then." She makes her way to the door, holding it open. "Let's check out this tomb."
  18. [16:33] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent strides forward and out of the Inn, looking about for Sheriff Hemlock as he leaves.
  19. [16:34] <Harvey> Palurin and Mahd follow, Mahd still yawning a little. Orick trudges after her, greatsword on his back.
  20. [16:34] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys follows last, taking up the rear.
  21. [16:35] <@Aqu|GM> As the party leaves the Inn, they note Sheriff Hemlock to its immediate left, leaning against a wall. "Ready to leave?" he asks, looking the party over.
  22. [16:39] <Harvey> Palurin pauses to look at the Sheriff. "Lead the way," he responds evenly, hand still resting on his blade.
  23. [16:41] <Harvey> Orick takes a step forward, standing in front of Mahd. "I wish to see the town's priest. I would ask his assistance," the armor booms out.
  24. [16:43] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent blinks, looking over Orick. "Ye're still hurt under all that armor of yours?"
  25. [16:44] <Harvey> Orick slowly turns to regard the dwarf. "It is not damage, little one. The very essence of my being is tor-" he manages to get out before Mahd interrupts him. "Yeah, he's hurt."
  26. [16:46] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent raises an eyebrow. "The essence of...?" The dwarf shakes his head. "Not important now, I suppose. Hold still." Stepping forward, Pwent lays a hand on Orick's leg. As he closes his eyes and concentrates, a surge of light flows through his hand and into the armor.
  27. [16:47] <@Aqu|GM> The dwarf backs away. "Alright now?"
  28. [16:47] <Harvey> Orick makes no movement or seems to respond in anyway. Regardless, he bends his head to Pwent. "I thank you, cleric."
  29. [16:48] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs, waving his hand dismissively. "Bah, no need to. It's me duty; ye' did agree ta' be apart of this group-- at least fer a while, after all."
  30. [16:51] <Harvey> Orick nods once more, before turning to Palurin who has been watching this exchange curiously. Reaching behind him, he slowly pulls the shortbow along with the arrows off of his back, extending them to Palurin. "You will get more use from these than I." Hesitantly, Palurin accepts them, securing the quiver to his belt and slinging the bow over his shoulder.
  31. [16:54] <@Aqu|GM> Sheriff Hemlock nods and starts walking away from the Inn. "Let's move then. It's only a short walk to the Sandpoint Boneyard."
  32. [16:54] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent follows after strapping his mace to his side, making sure it doesn't get in the way as he walks.
  33. [16:55] <Harvey> Adjusting the new additions to his arsenal, Palurin follows. Mahd gives Orick a funny look, walking after Palurin.
  34. [16:56] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys, once again, takes the rear, following behind the others.
  35. [16:57] <@Aqu|GM> "Thank you for your role in the town's defense," Belor says, still facing forward and leading towards the boneyard. "I'm not sure the town would have made it with so little casualties had it not been for your help."
  36. [16:58] <Harvey> "Happy to help. It was entertaining," Mahd replies cheerfully.
  37. [17:02] <@Aqu|GM> "I thank you regardless..." Belor pauses. "My name, even though you might already know from my introduction during the festival, is Belor Hemlock. What would all of yours be?"
  38. [17:02] <@Aqu|GM> "Pwent," the dwarf replies jovially. "as she said, happy to help."
  39. [17:04] <Harvey> "Palurin," Palurin responds simply.
  40. [17:04] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys only barely hears the question from her position in the back, but replies in turn, "Victanys."
  41. [17:05] <Harvey> "She is Mahdi-" Orick begins, though he suddenly stops mid-word. "Mahd," he ends lamely as Mahd stares up at him. "I am Orick."
  42. [17:07] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods, turning his head to take another look at those following him. "Any plans for the future then? Or do you perhaps plan to stay in our town?"
  43. [17:13] <Harvey> Palurin says nothing, though he does reach up to pull his hood a little tighter. Mahd simply shrugs. She's a little surprised no one has asked about the rather silly wooden mask she seems intent on wearing.
  44. [12:58] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, answering for the group, seeing as no one else was inclined to. "Well... we were thinking we'd stick together for a little while-- see where it lands us." She shakes her head. "Might stay in town, might not."
  45. [12:59] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock nods. "Of course. Well, again, you all have my thanks, and obviously, you are all welcome to stay in our town."
  46. [13:01] <@Aqu|GM> The sheriff continues, "Mahd, I didn't want to ask for... politeness, but why do you where that mask?"
  47. [13:05] <Harvey> A little surprised, Mahd turns to look at him. She grins, beneath the wooden facade. "I like the uncertainty. Most creatures base their actions and reactions on what race they're interacting with. The mask prevents that. It's a fun little game that I enjoy," she says, laughing.
  48. [13:09] <@Aqu|GM> The sheriff raises an eyebrow, finding the woman a tad odd. With a shrug, he continues. "Fair enough," he grunts. "Shouldn't be long now, just a few more minutes to the Boneyard."
  49. [13:10] <Harvey> Palurin raises his eyebrows at the term 'Boneyard', but he says nothing.
  50. [13:14] <@Aqu|GM> The Boneyard appears to be the rather standard affair for a graveyard. Tombstones and land-plots for loved ones of the townsfolk. Belor leads the party silently to Tobyn's vault out of reverence for the others buried near. The vault in question is a 20-foot-square stone structure that stands near the wall. Used to house the remains of previous caretakers, priests, and acolytes who served at the Cathedral, the stone door does indeed hang ajar.
  51. [13:14] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock frowns as he approaches, gesturing to the grounds. "See if you can find anything of note first; help me look around, then we'll look inside."
  52. [13:16] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent and Victanys both nod in turn, making a cursory inspection of the grounds near the tomb.
  53. [13:16] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, leaning against a tombstone. {Orick, see what you can find.} In response, the armor begins to scan the surrounding area for anything of note. Palurin is already doing the same.
  54. [13:17] <Harvey> Mahd glances around, though not as thoroughly as Orick.
  55. [13:19] <@Aqu|GM> While both Pwent and Palurin are left fumbling about, Orick, Mahd, and Victanys all spot the same thing; there are footprints leading into the tomb. Several, in fact.
  56. [13:21] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, moving over a set of footprints. "Hey," she calls. "Over here."
  57. [13:21] <Harvey> Orick spots the footprints, moving to peer more thoroughly down at them.
  58. [13:21] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent blinks, having been on the opposite end of where the prints are found, and hurries over.
  59. [13:21] <@Aqu|GM> The sheriff follows with a frown, inspecting the prints.
  60. [13:22] <Harvey> Palurin grumbles and does the same.
  61. [13:23] <Harvey> Mahd merely stays be her tombstone, amused to see them all swarming around.
  62. [13:24] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin, as he looks to the prints, can tell that they are of about six goblins and... oddly, one medium-sized humanoid.
  63. [13:25] <Harvey> "Six goblins, I think. And a single human."
  64. [13:26] <Harvey> "I guess those rumors of a human leader were true," Mahd says cheerfully as she approaches the group.
  65. [13:26] <@Aqu|GM> The sheriff's frown deepens. "That would coincide with what I've heard... A captured goblin told us that it was 'one of us longshanks' that led them."
  66. [13:27] <@Aqu|GM> Belor shakes his head. "Thank you." He moves away from the prints and looks to the tomb. "Now, we should head inside."
  67. [13:30] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods. "Ay," he points for the tomb. "Let's get goin', lads."
  68. [13:30] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, turning to regard the vault. Palurin is already striding towards it.
  69. [13:31] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys draws her kukri, just in case, and follows behind...
  70. [13:32] <Harvey> Palurin hears the metallic sound of Victanys' blade being drawn, and he decides to do the same. He's soon waiting by the door of the tomb, sword in hand.
  71. [13:33] <@Aqu|GM> The vault door hangs slightly ajar, but is for the most part closed. Pwent and Belor are right behind Palurin, followed by Orick and Mahd, and lastly Victanys.
  72. [13:34] <Harvey> {Get the door, Orick.} Mahd tells him. He quickly steps forward, grasping the edge of the door and pulling it outward.
  73. [13:35] <@Aqu|GM> Almost immediately, two skeletons lurch out of the crypt, weapons aimed for Orick...
  74. [13:38] <@Aqu|GM> The two skeletons both swing broken scimitars at the colossal suit of armor, not daunted by his size. One manages a glancing hit, and both then attempt to scrape at him with their skeletal fingers. Neither has much luck with this.
  75. [13:41] <@Aqu|GM> The skeletons are not to be dissuaded! They claw at Orick and swing their scimitars, trying to bring him down.
  76. [13:42] <@Aqu|GM> Once again, only a single glancing blow manages to hit the armor.
  77. [13:44] <Harvey> Palurin snarls, irritated by the sudden introduction of the undead. He hates undead. Dropping into a crouch, he lunges forward at one while pointing his offhand at the second, muttering under his breath as he does so.
  78. [13:52] <@Aqu|GM> Both skeletons, at seeing Palurin casting a spell with his defenses open, lurch forward, attempting to hit the magus.
  79. [13:53] <@Aqu|GM> Both, unfortunately for them, miss.
  80. [13:56] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin's blade manages to hit the left skeleton, while his spell hits the right. As his spell hits, the skeletons makes a hissing groan as it comes apart, bones falling to the ground as its animation magic is disrupted.
  81. [13:56] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin's blade does not seem to do any damage on the other, as he sees not a scratch.
  82. [13:58] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent steps forward, angling his smaller body between the massive Orick and still large Palurin, and attempts to bash the final skeleton in.
  83. [14:00] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent's mace misses its mark as the skeleton steps out of reach.
  84. [14:02] <Harvey> Mahd chuckles at the skeletons and their penchant for always hanging around tombs and such. She takes a step forward, leaving her directly behind Orick. She reaches out, placing a hand on his back and whispering. Suddenly, a soft glow transfers from her hand to him.
  85. [14:03] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys stays back, frowning, seeing how ineffective bladed weapons are.
  86. [14:07] <Harvey> Orick slowly draws his blade, the glow transferring to the massive weapon. He hefts the weapon, flipping it in his hands so the blunt side will be used. He raises it, bringing it down on the head of the remaining skeleton.
  87. [14:10] <@Aqu|GM> Even with the blunt side of his blade, Orick easily smashes the skeleton. Its bones lay in a heap, magic holding it together effectively ending.
  88. [14:11] <Harvey> Palurin relaxes slightly, kicking at the bones with a little snarl.
  89. [14:11] <@Aqu|GM> Sheriff Hemlock blinks, not even having the time to draw his blade. "Well done," he applauds the party. "Let's move inside... perhaps move will be revealed."
  90. [14:14] <Harvey> Orick quickly takes the lead, with Palurin right behind him. Mahd trails a little farther behind.
  91. [14:14] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys stays in the back with Mahd.
  92. [14:14] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent and Hemlock both move further up front.
  93. [14:16] <@Aqu|GM> The most immediately noticeable thing is that the sarcophagus inside is open.
  94. [14:27] <@Aqu|GM> All but Pwent, Victanys, and the Sheriff notice an unremarkable robe stuffed in the corner of the crypt. Indeed, as Hemlock moves forward to the sarcophagus, opening it further, the robe seems to be the only item in the tomb.
  95. [14:27] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock frowns. "It would seem that the items dedicated to Tobyn have been stolen."
  96. [14:28] <Harvey> Palurin peers around, spotting the robe. "Then what's this?" he asks, pointing.
  97. [14:29] <@Aqu|GM> The sheriff blinks, examining the item. "I... am not sure. Certainly not Tobyn's."
  98. [14:29] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent moves up to the robe, placing his hand on it. A small eminence of light engulfs it for a moment...
  99. [14:30] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. "It be what summoned the skeletons. A robe of bones. Necromancy."
  100. [14:31] <Harvey> Mahd steps up behind Pwent and peeks over his shoulder. "That sounds fun," she muses, pointing at it with a hand and causing the robe to rise up in the air where she points.
  101. [14:32] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. "No. It's evil magic. Would explain the skeletons."
  102. [14:33] <Harvey> She grins evilly beneath her mask. "I think I'll take it..."
  103. [14:35] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shakes his head. "No." He frowns. "Ye won't. We'll sell it to a diviner to be disenchanted. We won't be usin' it."
  104. [14:41] <Harvey> She grins even wider. "Little cleric, this robe has great power, and I want it."
  105. [14:42] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent's eyes narrow. "Ay'll not let ye take it. It's got evil necromancy about it, and ye're not fit te' have it."
  106. [14:43] <@Aqu|GM> Sheriff Hemlock nods. "If what the cleric says is true, you will not have this robe."
  107. [14:45] <Harvey> She looks down at the dwarf as she snatches the robe out of the air. "Do you know what this does, little one?"
  108. [14:45] <@Aqu|GM> The dwarf growls. "I do."
  109. [14:48] <Harvey> "Then you should know that this robe has power, and I'm keeping it." While they've been talking Orick has appeared at Mahd's side, greatsword still in hand. Palurin merely watches, neutral.
  110. [14:49] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent raises his mace and shield, while Belor raises his sword and shield. "No, you will not."
  111. [14:51] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "This seems a rather stupid way to end our odd group." She eyes Mahd. "Are you really going to end it for that?"
  112. [14:53] <Harvey> Orick may be strong, but he's not capable of beating both the Cleric and this human. He slowly sheaths his sword and places his hand on Mahd's shoulder. {Let it go, Mahdilara. This fight will be our death.} She turns to him, snarling. She glares up at him for a few moments before looking down at the ground. With a growl and a sigh, she tosses the robe back into the coffin.
  113. [14:55] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent takes the robe and stores it in his backpack. "I'll be sellin' it for disenchantment. "Ye'll still get yer share, Mahd."
  114. [14:56] <Harvey> "It's usefulness is measured in more than money," she grumbles turning to trudge out of the tomb with Orick behind her.
  115. [14:58] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock turns to those remaining inside and nods. "Once again, I thank you all. As well, please, do not spread what we've found in here to the townsfolk. I'd rather them not worry."
  116. [15:02] <Harvey> Palurin nods. "Is there anything else you need us for, while we're gathered. Somewhat," he amends, glancing at the open door.
  117. [15:04] <@Aqu|GM> Hemlock shakes his head. "No, nothing more." He turns, moving to leave the tomb. "Be safe."
  118. [15:04] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent sighs as Hemlock leaves. "Right... well, that went down well."
  119. [15:06] <Harvey> Palurin leans against one of the walls, sheathing his sword. "I suppose."
  120. [15:06] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent raises an eyebrow. "Lad, that was sarcasm."
  121. [15:07] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles at Palurin.
  122. [15:08] <Harvey> He simply grunts, saying nothing, not completely paying attention to the conversation anyway.
  123. [15:10] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shakes her head as her laughter dies off. "So," she looks to her companions. "Perhaps a drink at The Rusty Dragon to celebrate-- after we sell the robe?"
  124. [15:12] <Harvey> Palurin shrugs, righting himself and starting to head out of the tomb. Mahd is still outside, sitting on a tombstone with Orick looming behind her.
  125. [15:12] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent exit after.
  126. [15:12] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shakes his head. "If any of you want to come with me, I'll go to sell this robe off. After tha', I'll be at the Dragon."
  127. [15:13] <Harvey> Palurin glances down at his shredded cloak. "I need to purchase a new cloak," he grumbles.
  128. [15:15] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs. "I need to buy a few items from the general store." She looks to Palurin. "Want to come with?"
  129. [15:17] <Harvey> Palurin glances at her for a moment. "Sure," he answers after a bit.
  130. [15:24] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent makes his way over to Mahd. "Look, Mahd. Sorry, but I can't let you have an item like this. It's evil. Dark magic." He shakes his head. "If it were any other item, I wouldn't have an issue."
  131. [15:24] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys smiles faintly and nods. "Ready to go then?"
  132. [15:26] <Harvey> Mahd stares at him evenly through the mask. "I know what your issue is. I have traveled with Clerics before. I know your order's distrust of such things."
  133. [15:27] <Harvey> Palurin glances at the dwarf and the masked female. He turns back to Victanys with a tiny smile, though it's mostly hidden by the hood. "Yes."
  134. [15:30] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods. "Aye... now, ye want to get yer share from this?"
  135. [15:30] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods, and without another word, starts walking back into town.
  136. [15:32] <Harvey> Palurin follows her, falling into step beside the woman. Mahd shrugs, standing up. "I suppose," she mumbles.
  137. [15:38] <@Aqu|GM> After a short walk, Palurin and Victanys find themselves outside of the local general store, owned by Ven Vinder.
  138. [15:40] <@Aqu|GM> Shorter still, and right next to the Boneyard, Pwent, Orick, and Mahd find themselves outside of Zanthus' new chapel. Pwent nods. "Zanthus'll take good care of it, and I image he'll pay us fer bringing it to him."
  139. [15:41] <Harvey> Mahd says nothing, still a little irritated. Palurin approaches the door, holding it open for his companion.
  140. [15:41] <@Aqu|GM> Even though only recently in town, Palurin would have heard the rumors that Vinder's younger daughter, Katrine, is shacking up with someone from the lumber mill. Ven Vinder, hearing these rumors himself, has been very protective and wary of his daughter's ongoings as of late.
  141. [15:42] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys smiles, nodding to Palurin, and heads in.
  142. [15:43] <@Aqu|GM> A rather burly man greets both Victanys and Palurin as they enter the shop, smiling to the pair. "Ah, the heroes of Sandpoint," he chuckles. "What can I do for you?"
  143. [15:44] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent heads into the chapel, calling out for the old priest, "Zanthus? Ye be here?"
  144. [15:45] <Harvey> Palurin takes a step inside, shutting the door. He glances around, looking over what the store has available. "A cloak," he says simply, indicating his own frayed and near destroyed one.
  145. [15:46] <Harvey> Mahd follows the dwarf inside while Orick trails behind her.
  146. [15:46] <@Aqu|GM> Zanthus quickly replies as he walks out of a small chapel room. "Yes, yes. I am here." He smiles, seeing Pwent. "Ah, another cleric of Desna I see. Do you need a place to meditate?"
  147. [15:47] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shakes his head. "Another time." He pulls out the robe for Zanthus to examine. "Have this though. Dark magic on it. I was hoping you'd want to dispose of it."
  148. [15:48] <@Aqu|GM> Ven nods, pointing to a wall with several wears, cloaks among them. "I've got a few. Deerskin, leather, felt; what kind are you looking for?"
  149. [15:48] <Harvey> "Leather. As durable as possible," Palurin replies quickly, moving to look over the selection.
  150. [15:49] <@Aqu|GM> Zanthus frowns as he recognizes the magic. "Yes... I can get rid of the thing." He smiles, reaching into his pockets and pulling out 140 platinum coins. "Of course, you'll be compensated for bringing me such an item."
  151. [15:52] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys, meanwhile, moves over to Ven and asks him something in a hushed tone. He responds with a chuckle. An exchange of gold takes place, and Victanys is handed a pair of dice.
  152. [15:54] <Harvey> Palurin turns his head slightly to observe, and possibly overhear the exchange.
  153. [15:55] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin can't tell what Victanys is saying, but he does hear something about loaded dice from Ven Vinder.
  154. [15:56] <Harvey> He frowns a little, turning his attention back to the cloaks and telling himself never to play dice with Victanys.
  155. [15:56] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent smiles, exchanging the robe for coin, then turns to Mahd as Zanthus leaves. "Right... so, let me think how to split this among five..."
  156. [15:57] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin can see great cloaks for many different uses. Deerskin for colder months, beaver for when it's raining, leather for looks, and many silks for a lighter usage.
  157. [16:13] <Harvey> He grabs a thick, beaver cloak, interested in the prospect of being waterproof.
  158. [16:13] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, adjusting her own cloak.
  159. [16:16] <@Aqu|GM> Ven smiles at Palurin's choice, tapping his counter. "That'd be five gold."
  160. [16:18] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent looks to Orick. "What're you thinking Orick? I noticed you didn't take a share of the gold we earned from the goblins-- why's that?"
  161. [16:18] <Harvey> Palurin gives it a good once over, then decides it will do fine. He pulls out five gold coins and places them on the counter. He leaves his current cloak on though, instead draping the new one over his arm for the time being.
  162. [16:20] <Harvey> Orick regards the dwarf for a moment before answering. "I have no need for your currency, little Cleric. Your worldly possessions are of no use to me." If Mahd weren't still pouting a little she probably would've shut him up before he answered, but she's not really paying attention.
  163. [16:22] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent chuckles. "Well, that works." He hands 30 coins to Mahd.
  164. [16:23] <Harvey> She perks up a little at being handed a small fortune in platinum, happily stashing it away in her belt pouch.
  165. [16:24] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "Not going to switch cloaks?"
  166. [16:25] <Harvey> He gives her a look. "Later."
  167. [16:26] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes, heading out the door. "More errands, or to the Dragon?"
  168. [16:27] <Harvey> He shrugs, following her. "I have what I need."
  169. [16:27] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys nods, walking for the Dragon.
  170. [16:27] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent gives a farewell wave to Zanthus, after which he leaves, heading for the Dragon.
  171. [16:28] <Harvey> Mahd follows with Orick. She seems a little less cranky.
  172. [16:29] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent takes note of this with a chuckle. Money to calm her down.
  173. [16:30] <@Aqu|GM> Everyone meets at about the same time, right outside of The Rusty Dragon, and Pwent divides up the money, 30 platinum coins for all. After which, the dwarf heads inside for a drink!
  174. [16:32] <Harvey> Palurin goes in as well, though he first goes back up to his room to swap out cloaks in privacy.
  175. [16:32] <Harvey> Mahd happily follows the dwarf, eager to start drinking. Orick follows.
  176. [16:35] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys orders a glass of wine with her newfound wealth. A nice glass. She sips it casually, enjoying herself.
  177. [16:36] <Harvey> Palurin is soon back down, nice, unstained, un-shredded cloak on. He sits down, not drinking anything. Mahd, meanwhile has ordered a massive trencher of mead which she is just about to start into.
  178. [16:39] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys, after Palurin sits, sits next to him, still drinking her glass of wine. She smirks, seeing him in his new cloak. "It looks nice," she comments.
  179. [16:40] <@Aqu|GM> As Mahd eats, a girl approaches her... Red hair down to her plentiful breasts, beautiful and in simple peasant's clothing. She has a small, worried frown on her lips as she approaches. "Excuse me. You're... Mahd, one of the heroes of the town, yes?"
  180. [16:42] <Harvey> Mahd glances up from her drink, her mask tilted back so that her lips are visible. She looks over the girl, grinning mischievously. "I am she. What can I do for such an adorable little thing?"
  181. [16:44] <@Aqu|GM> The girl nods, small smile forming on her lips. "My father, Ven Vinder... and I'm Shayliss, by the way, has been distracted as of late. He's been so focused on my sister... he's not cleaning the shop. There are giant rats in the store, so, I was hoping to get some help clearing them out..."
  182. [16:49] <Harvey> Mahd grins even wider. "I would be happy to help you, my sweet. Perhaps we could... negotiate payment privately?" Mahd purrs, standing and slowly approaching the beautiful young woman.
  183. [16:50] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss smiles. "I think that will do..." She looks towards the exit. "Shall we?"
  184. [16:54] <Harvey> "Absolutely. After you, my dear," Mahd grins, stepping back to let the girl lead the way. As she does so, she nods her head, causing the mask to fall back into it's normal position. Palurin, in the meantime, has been studying the table very intently, trying to suppress the blush on his face when he noticed how voluptuous and beautiful the girl is. Victanys is probably the only one who's close enough to see it.
  185. [16:55] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss hurries out, heading for Ven Vinder's store...
  186. [16:55] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys snickers. "Oh, Palurin, do you have a crush?"
  187. [16:58] <Harvey> He looks up sharply, glaring fiercely at the woman, though he can only maintain it for a few moments before returning to studying the table. Mahd, meanwhile is following the girl, eye's practically devouring the Shayliss from behind. Orick follows a little ways back.
  188. [16:59] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss leads Mahd back to the store, guiding her by hand. As she reaches the door, she smiles back to Mahd. "I do not think I'll need more than you... there are only a few," she looks to Orick. "I only need one to help me."
  189. [16:59] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles. "I'm sure if you tried, you could have a woman of that degree Palurin." She teases, "That is, as long as you drop that frown you so-often wear."
  190. [17:00] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, turning back to Orick. {Wait outside. If I need you, you'll know.} He
  191. [17:01] <Harvey> He's not happy about it, but Orick stands next to the door nonetheless.
  192. [17:02] <Harvey> Palurin grunts, leaning back in his chair and switching his gaze to the wall. He doesn't look at Victanys, though he's blushing even harder now.
  193. [17:04] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys' laugh grows a little. "Could be a little more forward, too."
  194. [17:05] <Harvey> He grunts again, glancing at her but saying nothing.
  195. [17:05] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss smiles, guiding Mahd down into the basement... Once the pair reaches the ground, her bodice slips off, and she moves into Mahd's embrace, pressing herself against the other woman. Shayliss smiles, looking at Mahd. "Think you can take that mask off for me...?"
  196. [17:08] <Harvey> Mahd places one hand on the small of Shayliss' back, holding her. With the other, she grips the girl's chin. "Only if you promise not to run..." she murmurs.
  197. [17:08] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss blinks. "I..." Her eyebrows furrow. " not sure what you mean."
  198. [17:12] <@Aqu|GM> "Why would I run?" she asks, if a bit nervously.
  199. [17:12] <Harvey> "You will," she purrs, grabbing the mask and pulling it off. She has a very pretty face, with lots of smooth angles. Her skin is a light olive shade, and her lips are full and inviting. However, the most striking (and potentially terrifying) part of her beautiful visage is her eyes; they're solid black. At the same time, she shrugs out of her cloak, revealing slightly longer than shoulder length black hair with red and blue dyed streaked in it.
  200. [17:13] <Harvey> Her ears are pierced several times on either side with strange little metal studs in each. The middle of her nose is pierced as well, with a small ring.
  201. [17:15] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss is a bit startled at first, but after the initial reveal... she seems to find it rather appealing; exotic. She smiles, and now that the mask is off, presses her lips to Mahd's.
  202. [17:16] <Harvey> Mahd kisses her back, instantly forcing her tongue into Shayliss' mouth. It's pierced as well, with a small metal stud. Her second hand moves down, grasping the girl's rear and squeezing greedily.
  203. [17:18] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss moans, one of her hands moving around to Mahd's back. She begins stepping back, leading Mahd to a small cot set up in the back.
  204. [17:22] <Harvey> Mahd doesn't immediately follow, instead hanging back as she slowly and seductively undoes the straps of her armor. She soon has the top half off and is working on the leather pads on her legs. She has a simple tunic on underneath the armor, though it's extremely tight fitting, revealing breasts equal in size to Shayliss'.
  205. [17:22] <Harvey> He lower armor soon follows, showing a tight pair of men's trousers which perfectly display her wide, seductive hips and rear while accentuating her waist.
  206. [17:24] <@Aqu|GM> Mahd, in between the kissing, hears heavy footsteps coming downstairs...
  207. [17:24] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss does not notice the sound.
  208. [17:27] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys' laughter fades a few moments later, and she shakes her head at Palurin. "So," she asks, speaking quietly, "Why're you here, hiding yourself, if you fear anger towards... y'know."
  209. [17:27] <Harvey> Mahd pauses, pulling the girl into some shadows and pointing at the stairs urgently.
  210. [17:29] <Harvey> He thinks for a few moments before answering. "I was hired as a courier to bring something to Zanthus. It was merely bad luck that I was pulled into the conflict, though I couldn't simply leave it be."
  211. [17:30] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "So why do you stay?"
  212. [17:31] <@Aqu|GM> Shayliss' eyes widen as she realizes the sound, and that someone is coming. She moves closer to Mahd, trying to hide.
  213. [17:31] <Harvey> Palurin gives Victanys a very serious look, blush gone. "I think that I can do more good with this group than I can by myself trying to eke out a living."
  214. [17:32] <Harvey> Mahd looks around in a little panic, spotting her black cloak on the ground. She snatches it up, draping it over the two of them as she moves them into a dark corner.
  215. [17:35] <@Aqu|GM> The footsteps only grow louder, and come... right next to the two hiding women! The cloak is thrown up, revealing the burly form of Ven Vinder, Shayliss' daughter. Instantly, seeing the two near-naked women, he roars, "'Hero' of Sandpoint, my ass! Assaulting my daughter?!"
  216. [17:41] <Harvey> Mahd is more irritated by the interruption than anything else, and she quickly stands upright, trying to look as wrathful as possible. "I was not assaulting her!" she exclaims, yelling right back.
  217. [17:41] <@Aqu|GM> Ven Vinder scowls, shaking his head. "Then she's in the company of some thug!"
  218. [17:56] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys smiles, shaking her head. "I don't get you," she states. "But it's been fun so far, so I think I'll stick around." She chuckles, "You're nice, have good intentions, -and- rather attractive. Just a tad too shy." She winks.
  219. [19:13] <Harvey> "I am no thug," Mahd protests indignantly, "I did not force your daughter into anything."
  220. [19:13] <Harvey> Palurin's steely gaze turns into a embarrassed blush, and he looks away again.
  221. [19:14] <Aqu|GM> Ven seems to calm down a bit, but still wears a heavy frown. "That doesn't give you the right to do it under my house, to my daughter of whom you barely know."
  222. [19:15] <Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles, taking another sip of her wine.
  223. [19:16] <Aqu|GM> Pwent looks over to Palurin and snickers. "Boy, with cheeks as red as those, you'd think ye'd have had a good bit of drink in ya."
  224. [19:18] <Harvey> Mahd forces herself to calm down as well. "No, perhaps not. If you'd prefer, your daughter and I can go to my room at the inn."
  225. [19:18] <Harvey> Palurin grunts, pulling his hood on tighter and staring hard at the table.
  226. [19:20] <Aqu|GM> Ven shakes his head, eyeing his daughter, still on the ground and looking away out of embarrassment. "No, I think I'd prefer if you leave." He crosses his arms. "I'd rather you not see my daughter again."
  227. [19:20] <Aqu|GM> Pwent snerks. "Y'know, boy, perhaps getting some drink would help."
  228. [19:23] <Harvey> Mahd frowns even more, glaring at the man. "You would deny your daughter happiness out of your own discomfort?" she declares accusingly.
  229. [19:23] <Harvey> "I don't drink," Palurin grumbles.
  230. [19:25] <Aqu|GM> Ven's frown lessens, but only slightly, and he lets out a groan. "It's not my discomfort, it's my worry for her. You're new in town and barely know her, and she barely knows her. If it were more than a passing ordeal, maybe, but no. If you want to court her, fine, but she won't be going to the inn."
  231. [19:27] <Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "Why not?"
  232. [19:35] <Harvey> Mahd continues glaring, though she suddenly turns around to regard Shayliss. Crouching down, she sweeps the cloak around her shoulders to cover her nakedness, kissing her softly on the cheek as she does so. That done, she points at her armor discarded in the corner. It slowly floats over to her, and she swiftly puts it back on. She pulls Shayliss upright, kissing her again.
  233. [19:35] <Harvey> Turning to Ven, she frowns again. "And what must I do to earn the right to be with this woman?"
  234. [19:36] <Harvey> Palurin is still blushing at the table, though he turns to look at Victanys. "I have no desire to lose control of my faculties for a momentary good feeling."
  235. [19:37] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "Fair enough."
  236. [19:42] <Aqu|GM> Ven sighs. "I love my daughter, and I don't want to see her whisked off of her feet by someone she barely knows." He nods. "So... court her first."
  237. [19:46] <Harvey> Mahd gives the man a steady look. "What would that entail?" she asks in a very serious voice, hoping to hide her ignorance with severity.
  238. [19:47] <Harvey> Palurin fights to get rid of the blush again, though he's back to boring a hole into the table with his eyes.
  239. [19:48] <Aqu|GM> Ven raises an eyebrow. "...Do you not know what it entails? Really?"
  240. [19:50] <Harvey> She stares right back up at him, not balking. "I have never needed to do anything of the sort before, and this town may have it's own traditions of which I am unaware."
  241. [19:52] <Aqu|GM> Ven sighs. "Perhaps talking with her, getting to know her, taking her out on a date. Thins like that."
  242. [19:54] <Harvey> After a few more minutes of table-staring, Palurin suddenly stands. "I will be in my room if you require me," he grumbles, heading upstairs.
  243. [19:54] <Harvey> Mahd seems to relax a little, a small smile gracing her features. "In that case, I propose to begin immediately!"
  244. [19:56] <Aqu|GM> Ven crosses his arms. "Then where do you plan on bringing her, or doing with her, first?"
  245. [20:00] <Harvey> Mahd grins in earnest now. "Nothing. I won't take her anywhere. I will stay in the shop, and simply talk with her."
  246. [20:01] <Aqu|GM> Victanys waves off Palurin.
  247. [20:02] <Aqu|GM> Ven sighs, nodding. "Alright... but don't let me catch you trying to seduce her. Both of you, get your clothes on and... talk." He grumbles and heads upstairs.
  248. [21:17] <Harvey> Mahd watches the merchant head back upstairs, then she turns to the young woman with a grin.
  249. [21:21] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss looks a tad confused. "I'm... not sure how you calmed him down."
  250. [21:22] <Harvey> Mahd just smiles at the girl. "I'm very persuasive," she answers, leaning forward to kiss her on the lips.
  251. [21:24] <Harvey> Palurin retires to his room, and promptly sits down in a corner cross-legged. He had intended to meditate and calm down a bit, but he finds that he can't get the image of Mahd and that girl leaving hand in hand out of his mind. That, and Victanys calling him attractive. He hadn't expected that.
  252. [21:24] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss blushes, smiling as she presses her lips to Mahd's.
  253. [21:27] <Harvey> Mahd pulls away after a bit, taking a step back. "So, shall we talk and gain the acceptance of your father, or risk his wrath by continuing?" she asks mischievously.
  254. [21:28] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss coughs, looking down. "Well, considering he might be right upstairs," she shivers, "or -listening-, let's talk."
  255. [21:30] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, bending down to grab the girl's bodice and offering it to her. Though she does it somewhat reluctantly, not quite wanting to hide those wonderful breasts.
  256. [21:31] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss nods appreciatively, taking a moment to redress. She offers Mahd's cloak back soon after. "Thank you, by the way."
  257. [21:33] <Harvey> Mahd leaves the cloak off for now, hanging it over a crate. Instead, she goes to sit on the cot, patting the spot next to her.
  258. [21:34] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss walks over, taking a seat next to Mahd. "So," she raises her eyebrows inquisitively. "you really meant what you said about... courting?"
  259. [21:35] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs. "Sure, why not? It could be fun."
  260. [21:37] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss smiles. "Very well. What to talk about first then...?" she muses.
  261. [21:38] <Harvey> Mahd leans back, getting comfortable. "Tell me about yourself, my dear Shayliss."
  262. [21:42] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss rubs the back of her head. "Well... not much exciting happens in this town, so I don't have much to tell." She sighs. "Born here, grew up here, and I'm the daughter of the town's general store owner." She shakes her head. "No exciting tales of an adventurer, as I'm sure you have."
  263. [21:42] <Harvey> "How old are you, love?"
  264. [21:43] <Aqu|GM> "Nineteen," she answers.
  265. [21:46] <Harvey> Mahd looks surprised. "Really? So young... yet so advanced..." she murmurs, placing a highly pointed finger against the girl's belly-button and slowly dragging it up her body, over the cleft in the breasts and finally ending on her lips.
  266. [21:46] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss blinks, eyes crossing as she looks to the finger pressed to her lips.
  267. [21:48] <Harvey> "Why did you approach me?" Mahd purrs, finger still on Shayliss' lips.
  268. [21:50] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss raises an eyebrow, wondering if the finger will move... she shrugs, speaking through it, "I... saw you, when you all were fighting against the goblins." She chuckles. "I guess I developed a bit of a crush."
  269. [21:55] <Harvey> Mahd smiles, removing her finger. "I'm flattered, my dear. But why me? I barely did any actual fighting. It was Orick who did the killing. And why not that raven-haired woman? She's quite attractive as well," Mahd muses.
  270. [21:57] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss nods. "Yes, they both have their appeal, but yours was... unknown. The thrill of not knowing, of wanting to find out; that is what brought me to," she chuckles. "this."
  271. [21:58] <Harvey> Mahd's eyes rove over Shayliss' body, drinking it in despite the clothing. "Have you ever been with a woman?" Mahd asks suddenly, looking her in the eyes.
  272. [22:00] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss shakes her head. "No. My father is overprotective to a fault." She sighs. "My sister is forming a relationship with a man of the lumberyard-- nothing scandalous, but it's been made an ordeal because of my father's reaction."
  273. [22:01] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss continues, "So no, I've not really been given the chance to form any relationships, besides crushes within this small town."
  274. [22:02] <Harvey> Mahd grins even wider. "I'm happy to hear that. I'll have to educate you..." she purrs, hand absently stroking the whip that she got off of the Goblin hag.
  275. [22:04] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss blushes, smiling in turn. "So what about you?" She chuckles. "If you don't mind me questioning, where are you from? What's your story?"
  276. [22:06] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, waving her hand dismissively. "That's not really important. You might not believe me anyway."
  277. [22:08] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss pouts. "Maybe give it a try?"
  278. [22:11] <Harvey> Mahd's gaze softens slightly as she looks at Shayliss. "Little one, I have lived five of your lives and had the experiences of ten."
  279. [22:13] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss looks down, sighing. After a moment to think, she looks back up, smiling as she looks into Mahd's eyes. "Plenty of stories to tell then. If you don't want to, that's fine. But... if you do, I certainly wouldn't mind."
  280. [22:16] <Harvey> Mahd grins. "I can do that. Do you know of the Storval Plateau?"
  281. [22:18] <Harvey> Palurin, in the meantime, has become bored with sitting around brooding. Standing swiftly, he puts his cloak back on and grabs his old leather armor. It's nicked, scarred, and stained with his blood, but it's still perfectly usable. His goal is to try to sell it off for a bit of extra money.
  282. [22:18] <Harvey> With that in mind, he heads downstairs, preparing to leave.
  283. [22:19] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss nods. "Basic information... home to a lot of Shoanti."
  284. [22:21] <Aqu|GM> Pwent is still drinking, but Victanys has finished her glass. While Pwent is rather distracted, the rogue is simply sharpening her blades, scraping them along a whetstone. She raises an eyebrow as she sees Palurin come down. "Heading out?" she asks, still sharpening her kukri.
  285. [22:22] <Harvey> Mahd nods. "Several years ago I was travelling through it on my way back from a sojourn in the Kodar Mountains. Most of the Shoanti tribes are nomadic, or I would've tried to avoid them. However, I managed to stumble right into their camp one night. They were holding feats of strength and didn't much care for the intrusion of a strange woman and a massive suit of armor," she says, grinning at the memory.
  286. [22:23] <Harvey> Palurin nods, old armor slung over his shoulder. "I plan to try to sell this."
  287. [22:25] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss smiles, listening attentively. She remains quiet for now, not wanting to interupt.
  288. [22:26] <Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles. "Forget to sell it when we were in the shopping district?"
  289. [22:28] <Harvey> "I managed to talk them down from tearing Orick apart and slitting my throat. I expect him grabbing their Chief and holding his sword to his throat helped that. Regardless, we came to an agreement: they don't kill us, and Orick participates in the battles for their young warriors to gain honor from. The battles lasted almost a week, during which time I lived like a queen. Those tribesmen have wonderful stamina..." she continues, eyes getting a far off look.
  290. [22:29] <Harvey> "At the end of the battles, Orick stood victorious over all of them, except for the Chieftain, which ended in a draw. We were praised for our strength, given a few gifts," at this Maud pats the heavily ornamented dagger on her belt, " and continued on our way."
  291. [22:30] <Harvey> Palurins gives her a look. "I didn't have it with me at the time. I have no desire to haul around an extra set of armor if I can help it.
  292. [22:32] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss chuckles. "Quiet a story." She bites her lip. "And I'm sure that tribesmen were... enjoyable." she lets loose a fit of giggles after giving Mahd a wink.
  293. [22:32] <Aqu|GM> Victanys gives Palurin a look! "Whatever."
  294. [22:34] <Harvey> He shrugs, continuing out and heading towards the armorer.
  295. [22:35] <Harvey> Mahd grins. "What they lack in size, they more than make up for in speed, power, and stamina."
  296. [22:36] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss shakes her head. "Stories like that... they make me wish for more." She shrugs. "But I suppose being a store owner is not so bad."
  297. [22:39] <Aqu|GM> Palurin eventually makes it to Savah's armory. In the area of the old chapel, it does look a little worse for wear, as it suffered minor burns from the fire, but the smithy is still up and running.
  298. [22:40] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs as well. "Wouldn't know. I've never done it. Though if it produces beauties such as you, it can't be too bad," Mahd purrs, stroking Shayliss' arm.
  299. [22:40] <Harvey> Palurin enters the smithy proper, looking around for the smith.
  300. [22:42] <Aqu|GM> Palurin would know that the owner, Savah Bevaniky, once bought an exotic repeating crossbow with a darkwood and ivory stock that bears the name β€œVansaya". She has no idea what the name means, but the price of the item and its exotic look give it a semi-permanent stay in her shop.
  301. [22:44] <Aqu|GM> Said owner greets Palurin merrily as he enters, looking up from her anvil to wave to him. She lays down her smithy hammer, walking over, a rather strong and bulky looking woman, but cheerful. "Need anything that I can make you, today?"
  302. [22:45] <Harvey> Palurin shakes his head, dropping the armor on a nearby bench. "Nothing made, but I do have an old set of armor I'm interested in selling."
  303. [22:45] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss smiles at the compliment, leaning into Mahd. "And it seems to put me into the arms of such charmers," she replies.
  304. [22:47] <Harvey> Mahd puts her arm around Shayliss' shoulder, pulling her against herself. Her hand grips her chin, turning her head so that Mahd can kiss her passionately.
  305. [22:47] <Aqu|GM> The smith nods. "Alright, let's see the piece."
  306. [22:48] <Harvey> Palurin arranges the armor a little, trying to make it seem less used than it is. "I've had it for years, but I upgraded recently, and I refuse to simply throw the old suit away."
  307. [22:50] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss certainly holds no objection to the action, instead leaning further into Mahd as their lips touch. Shayliss, wanting to repay Mahd for their last interruption, is quick with her tongue; parting Mahd's lips.
  308. [22:51] <Aqu|GM> Savah looks over the set, appraising it, then nods. "I can give you five gold to part with it." She smiles, moving her hand to shake. "Deal?"
  309. [22:51] <Harvey> Palurin smiles, shaking the proffered hand warmly. "Deal. Thank you."
  310. [22:52] <Harvey> Amused by Shayliss' forwardness, Mahd allows her to do what she wants, relinquishing control.
  311. [22:53] <Aqu|GM> After the shake ends, Savah's hand reaches into her pockets, procuring five gold pieces. Her hand reaches out to Palurin as she drops the gold into his.
  312. [22:55] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss... is not sure what to do next! Her experience is limited, and though very eager and attractive, her tongue-work is not the best, though not poor. For now she maintains her position, content to sit, kissing while her tongue twirls around Mahd's own.
  313. [22:56] <Harvey> Palurin accepts the money, slipping it into a pouch on his sash. "Again, thank you. I was concerned you wouldn't accept it," he admits.
  314. [22:58] <Harvey> Mahd quickly regains control of the kiss when she realized the young woman's lack of experience. She clicks her metal stud against her teeth and she pushes her way back into Shayliss' mouth. At the same time, the hand on her shoulder moves downward to grasp her breast through the shirt, squeezing hungrily.
  315. [23:00] <Aqu|GM> Savah chuckles. "It'll take a little bit of time to repair, but I can sell it for a profit." She shrugs. "Thanks for bringing it in."
  316. [23:02] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss lets out a moan through this kiss, enjoying the rough play and equally enjoying Mahd taking dominance. She doesn't want to seem ungrateful, however, so her own hand moves up, grasping to cup Mahd's breast.
  317. [23:02] <Harvey> Palurin nods. "Of course," he replies, turning to leave, his business done.
  318. [23:05] <Harvey> There are several layers of tanned leather along with a thin tunic between the hand and Mahd's breast, so she doesn't feel it as acutely as she would like. She suddenly pulls away from the kiss, though leaving her hand resting on Shayliss' breast. "I can't take it..." she growls, eyes half-closed with arousal, "I want you, but I can't have you..."
  319. [23:06] <Harvey> She shakes her head painfully, opening her eyes again. "I'm going to leave for now. This is simply torture for both of us. Can you sneak out later tonight?"
  320. [23:08] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss sighs, thinking... though it proves difficult with the hand still on her breast. After a moment, she smiles widely. "Tomorrow night. I can sneak out." She nods. "My father is going on a trading expedition for one day to Magnimar. If you're at the Inn... I can meet you there."
  321. [23:10] <Harvey> Mahd grins back. "Perfect. I'll still be there, unless something changes. In which case, I'll let you know somehow." She leans forward to kiss Shayliss once more on the lips and giving her a final, hard grope before standing with a sigh.
  322. [23:11] <Aqu|GM> Shayliss smiles, moving forward to give Mahd a final hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." She winks.
  323. [23:12] <Harvey> Mahd grins, hugging back before turning to retrieve her cloak off of the crate and her mask off the ground. Putting both on, she purposefully heads back upstairs and outside.
  324. [23:16] <Harvey> Mahd quickly leaves the store, Orick falling into step behind her. She's heads purposefully towards the inn. Palurin does the same.
  325. [23:20] <Aqu|GM> One Palurin and Mahd arrive, they note that Pwent is done drinking, as... he's fallen asleep. Victanys, meanwhile, seems to have found a tavern-goer to play dice with her... although he does not look happy.
  326. [23:22] <Harvey> Frowning, Palurin moves to watch Victanys, remembering the mention of loaded die. Mahd and Orick head upstairs to their room.
  327. [23:25] <Aqu|GM> It seem just that, and even more... Victanys seems to have a second set of dice. Each time it's the other man's turn to roll, Victanys switches dice, and his seem to always roll poorly. Once it's back to her turn, she switches once again... having much better 'luck'. The man is none the wiser, and his alcohol-induced buzz doesn't seem to be doing him any favors.
  328. [23:26] <Harvey> Palurin says nothing, merely pulling up a chair to observe and nodding to Victanys.
  329. [23:27] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods to Palurin, the woman sporting a rather large smile. "Care to bet again?" she teases.
  330. [23:28] <Aqu|GM> The man across the table grunts in response and sits up from his seat. "No," he answers, turning to leave and find a more secluded place to drink in peace.
  331. [23:28] <Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles to herself as he leaves, then turns to Palurin. "What about you?" She smirks. "Care to play?"
  332. [23:29] <Harvey> He raises an eyebrow. "With two sets of loaded die that you control? I don't think so."
  333. [23:30] <Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks, surprised. "Huh." She frowns. "Didn't think you'd notice."
  334. [23:32] <Harvey> Palurin grins a little in satisfaction, saying nothing for now.
  335. [23:35] <Aqu|GM> Victanys is just about to reply when she's interrupted by a loud slamming sound. She immediately directs her attention to the Inn door, of which a burly, elderly man just came through, slamming the door behind him. As soon as he enters, he begins shouting in a commanding and strange language.
  336. [23:36] <Aqu|GM> Other patrons at the bar suddenly become very interested in their meals and the scene quiets down.
  337. [23:37] <Harvey> Curious, Palurin looks at the man, trying to determine what he's up to.
  338. [23:41] <Aqu|GM> The man scans the room, looking for someone. One frustrated grunt later, his eyes land on Palurin and Victanys. Initially passing over them, he sets upon them once again, frown and anger building as he approaches them. "You!" he shouts. "So call 'heroes', should leave town! You're endangering the town with your antics against the goblins. Should have left the town's defense in the hands of the city guard, or other trained professionals!" He growls.
  339. [23:44] <Harvey> Still sitting, Palurin simply regards the man for a moment, irritated that his little moment of triumph was interrupted. "Would you rather we left the goblins alone and let them burn the entire town about your ears?"
  340. [23:46] <Aqu|GM> The man scoffs, "The guards could have handled it! We don't need vagrants coming to our defense. It will only bring more trouble and undesirables to our town!" The man leans down, speaking quietly. "Half-elf."
  341. [23:49] <Harvey> Palurin scowls, not saying anything for a moment. Finally, he stands. "I have no desire to have a shouting match with an old man in the middle of a tavern," he replies dismissively. Before he goes, however, he gives Victanys a meaningful look, nodding his head at their rooms, trying to tell her it's probably time to leave. That done, he does just that.
  342. [23:50] <Aqu|GM> Before Palurin leaves, and right as he stands, Ameiko rushes into the room, ladle dripping with soup in hand. The man seems to completely forget about Palurin and quickly turns on Ameiko. A shouting match begins, once again in that strange and commanding language the man displayed as he entered.
  343. [23:51] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, standing, unsure whether or not she should try to intervene...
  344. [23:53] <Harvey> Seeing the old man distracted and Victanys pause, Palurin turns around, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her upstairs before the cantankerous old man remembers why he came in.
  345. [23:56] <Aqu|GM> Victanys is pulled for a moment before she gives Palurin a glare, stopping. She watches the event, still watching in case anything goes south...
  346. [23:57] <Harvey> He frowns at her, dropping and hand and turning to watch as well, confident in his ability to escape if need be.
  347. [00:01] <Aqu|GM> Just as Victanys stops, the old man lurches forward in an attempt to grab and pull Ameiko by the hair. Ameiko manages to dodge, thankfully, and brains the man with her soupy ladle, fish stock and potatoes splattering on his face and outfit.
  348. [00:01] <Aqu|GM> The man's eyes widen and he stutters, "Zh-zhou…" He growls, turning and opening the door. Another few words leave his lips in common, directed at Ameiko, "You're as dead to me as your mother."
  349. [00:01] <Aqu|GM> Ameiko, on her part, looks on the verge of tears. Instead of crying, she frowns, looking to and inspecting her ladle. After a moment, she pulls out a long piece of hair from the old man, replying (even though he has left), "I'll need a well-cleaned ladle now, since jackass stew is not on the menu."
  350. [00:02] <Aqu|GM> Victanys bursts out in a fit of laughter, causing the rest of the tavern to do the same. The resulting cheers and laughter from the tavern’s patrons help her attitude immensely, and she heads back to the kitchen with a smile.
  351. [00:04] <Harvey> Palurin doesn't laugh, though he does smile a little.
  352. [00:05] <Aqu|GM> Victanys' chuckling fades several moments later and she nudges Palurin. "You alright?" she asks, having hear the old man's earlier comment.
  353. [00:06] <Harvey> He glances at her, smile fading. "I'm irritated," he admits after a moment, "I'll probably have to leave if he goes out of his way to make it known."
  354. [00:08] <Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, shaking her head. "It doesn't look like he's well-liked, if this was any indication..." She frowns. "Why leave? Maybe... maybe if you stay, people will accept you."
  355. [00:15] <Harvey> Palurin shakes his head resolutely. "No they won't. I know how these people work. Their prejudices are deep-seated, and some goblin killing will do nothing to change that.
  356. [00:16] <Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, turning to leave for her room. "Can't know until you try."
  357. [00:18] <Harvey> Palurin says nothing, heading after her for his room as well.
  358. [00:19] <Aqu|GM> Pwent heads up a little later after he wakes up.
  359. [00:23] <Aqu|GM> The night comes peacefully, and none of those staying at The Rusty Dragon have any more interruptions to their day. With the boar hunt set for next morning, rest would be a good idea...
  360. [00:25] <Harvey> Mahd doesn't really wanna sleep. She's extremely tempted to try to sneak out and find Shayliss, though she doubts it would go well. Palurin is already asleep.
  361. [00:25] <Aqu|GM> Victanys heads to bed, undressing and depositing her kukri bedside. With a sigh, she rolls over onto her pillow, drifting off.
  362. [00:25] <Aqu|GM> Pwent's been asleep since early evening. Drinking went well..
  363. [00:26] <Harvey> Shrugging to herself, Mahd disrobes and forces herself to go to sleep as well.
  364. [00:32] <Aqu|GM> Images begin to flit into Palurin's sleep once again. The first image shows the same girl he saw once before surrounded by sickly adults, rubbing rashes and sores on her, plucking hairs from her head and tying them around their fingers. The images fade and a scene of the girl embracing a Varisian man in a cave-like tunnel is shown, but only briefly...
  365. [00:32] <Aqu|GM> The same man, in the final image, is seen as the girl points to her stomach. The man becomes enraged and pushes her to the ground. All of the images finally fade, and Palurin wakes in a cold-sweat once again in the dead of the night.
  366. [00:34] <Harvey> Palurin sighs, sitting up in bed. He slowly climbs out of the bed, standing naked in the cool air as he slowly calms down. After twenty minutes or so, he gets back in bed, forcing himself into sleep again with the resolution to do something about these visions in the morning.
  367. [00:35] <Aqu|GM> --End Session--
  368. [00:35] <Aqu|GM> Experience: 270
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