
Brief bio trevor

Sep 3rd, 2017
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  1. Trevor had lived with his parents his whole life, as an only child his parents put a lot of pressure on him to perform well, mostly in sport, but Trevor is a more intellectually minded person, preferring reading books to all subjects from science to psychology making him book smart in a lot of subjects, but making him lacking most experience in conversations or applications of what he knows, however to please his parents he has been going to fencing classes. He is a quiet kid in any situation he does not know, preferring to wait and observe, he loves books to a completely weird, level willing to go through great lengths to safe any literature that he sees is, in harm’s way, but at those moments keeping sure to not to harm himself too much, as a result he has become quite resistant to blunt force trauma.
  3. after he found himself in the underground he got almost killed by the first three people he met. one of them later becoming his adopted father, whom he helped to get back into his own timeline, where he spend eight years with the family and learing things from the local scientists and technicians becoming proficient with their area's of expertise, and having grown stronger with his stats. returning only recently to continue his adventures in the "main" timeline he sets out to find soe things that will assist him with his goals.
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