
Jin Character Sheet

Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. Character Sheet
  2. Name: Jin
  3. Age: ~5 Months
  5. Appearance: Startouched Firebird (Harpy)
  6. While Jin's size hasn't changed much in the latest round, her feathers and shape are quite different- Her body and wings are a luminous white, near to glowing, and her tail-feathers have spread grandly. From the simple fan she sported before to a wave of twisting feathers, more like tails now- She can even control them to some extent, each widening to a bubble before reaching it's point behind her. They all sport a fading spot matching her black-blue hair.
  8. Family:
  9. Mother & Father: Lia and Jareth
  10. Sister: Sefi
  13. Level 1: Confused hatchling
  14. Level 8: Excitable Squawker
  15. Level 19: Amateur Star Hunter
  16. Level 40: Acquired: 1 Spider Perch
  17. Level 68: Ruins Explorer
  18. Level 87: Star Racer!
  19. Level 100: Hunter of Wolves and Stars
  21. Level 1: No, Jin, It IS a big deal.
  22. Level 13: Even IF Lyra isn't around, you still have to work
  23. Level 27: Practice Practice Practice
  24. Level 31: This is New.
  25. Level 39: STARS
  26. Level 51: CRAB
  27. Level 70: Lyra!
  28. Level 88: Even if I can't fly, I can still help!
  29. Level 96: Lyra trusts me more!
  30. Level 100: I can do better! I will do better!
  32. Level 1: I can touch the sky!
  33. Level 6: Fire and speed!
  34. Level 12: The Harpy That Breaks the (Sound) Limit.
  35. Level 21: Starbird Vs The Diabolical Dr Lizardblood
  36. Level 30: Light up the night! A bear story.
  37. Level 34: Personal Training from a Spider!
  38. Level 42: Home at last!
  39. Level 43: Eye-socket (Left) at last!
  40. Level 47: Festival Napping!
  41. Level 53: Consciousness acquired!
  42. Level 78: NO ONE TOUCHES MY SPOT
  43. Level 83: Relaxing, Hunting, worrying about Lyra.
  44. Level 84: HARPY OF THE NIGHT
  45. Level 91: Owl Watch: For all* you caravan guarding needs. (*All does not apply to any needs during day hours.)
  46. Level 94: Had to explain to Lyra the difference between day and night.
  47. Level 99: A late night hunt!
  48. Level 100: Beef!
  50. Level 1: I am the best harpy!
  51. Level 6: We've reached town!
  52. Level 6: Town is a city!
  53. Level 6: It is hard to fly with all the people and some people smell.
  54. Level 7: The guild is nice. There's places to train.
  55. Level 9: A new dungeon?
  56. Level 10: This is different.
  57. Level 12: This sky is wrong.
  58. Level 15: What a strange bear.
  59. Level 19: A dark night filled with war.
  60. Level 20: Calm rivers and quiet fields.
  61. Level 25: A strange old man.
  62. Level 27: Lyra's using fire. And blood. I'm worried, but I'll keep watch!
  65. Abilities:
  66. Harpy Combat: Rank 9
  67. An adventurous childhood has led her into all sorts of trouble. Razor sharp talons have led her out. The addition of lighting herself on fire and exploding at a speed that other things can't match helps.
  69. Flight: Rank 14
  70. Jin has focused on flying since she first looked up at the night sky. She can fly further and longer than most, an despite her nature as an owl harpy, is actually quite fast. She's become faster still as a Hawk owl, and her blessings allow her to reach absurd bursts of speed.
  72. Hunting: Rank 8
  73. Jin is perfectly capable of swooping out of the sky and breaking the neck of a lesser creature. With her larger frame and talons, Jin can menace even medium sized monsters. She's learning to work with others to track her prey.
  75. Sneaking: Rank 8
  76. Jin's wings are nearly noiseless. And people never look up.
  78. Teamwork: Rank 9
  79. Spending time with Lyra has made her work out how to best fight alongside her- Be it as a distraction, a lookout, or anything else. She can cover Lyra's back with ease, striking enemies unaware. She's getting along better with Sheszka, lately.
  80. For some reason, she feels stronger when she listens to Lyra...
  82. Elemental Control (Stars): Rank 10
  83. Not truly magic. Jin has gained the ability to fire off tons of tiny stars/comets, by flapping her wings. It's gone a long way towards letting her fight without flying. She's learned to release larger homing stars as well.
  85. Elemental Control (Fire EX): Rank 9
  86. Jin can sheathe herself in fire as she flies- Though it burns blue with the power of the stars. She's also mostly fireproof. Which is probably for the best. With her new change, her fire is burning brighter and hotter than ever- So much that she could even set fire to the air around her if need be.
  87. Jin spends a lot of time playing with fire.
  89. Sentinel: Rank 6
  90. Jin is capable of roosting anywhere with sufficient space for her talons, bedding down and staring endlessly into space- One may think her asleep or otherwise distracted, and then her head turns all the way around and one shits their pants.
  92. Luck: Rank ?
  93. Things seem to go in firebirds' favour....
  95. Friendship: Rank MAX
  96. Because friends are important.
  99. Specials:
  101. Harpy Language
  102. Razor Sharp Talons
  103. Wings
  104. Inhuman Strength
  105. Enhanced Vision
  106. Nightvision/ Lowlight vision
  107. Forest Language
  108. Plainspeech: A standard human language.
  109. Literate: Jareth likes to read his daughters stories.
  110. Blessing of the God of Night Sky
  111. Blessing of the Demi-god of Fire
  113. Property:
  114. Jin has a growing collection of stuff.
  115. Chest wrap and Vest: Now with pouches! Made by Lyra.
  116. Blanket: Warm, made of spider silk.
  117. Scarf: Also made by Lyra.
  118. Claw Covers (steel): Borrowed from her mom.
  119. Amulet: It's hers. And it works!
  120. Bag of coin: Jin's got a job! She won't work without Lyra, though...
  121. Eye Socket: Attached to Lyra or not, It's hers. She'll fight you.
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