

Feb 26th, 2018
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  1. #===============================================
  2. #/spawnコマンド
  3. #===============================================
  4. command /spawn:
  5. trigger:
  6. teleport player to {spawnpoint}
  7. message "&6&lテレポートしました"
  8. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ setspawn %player% ~ ~ ~"
  9. play sound "block.note.pling" with pitch 1.5 at player
  10. play sound "block.note.snare" with pitch 1 at player
  11. play sound "block.note.basedrum" with pitch 1 at player
  12. wait 2 minecraft ticks
  13. play sound "block.note.pling" with pitch 1.25 at player
  14. play sound "block.note.snare" with pitch 0.5 at player
  15. play sound "block.note.basedrum" with pitch 1 at player
  17. #===============================================
  18. #/setspawnコマンド
  19. #===============================================
  20. command /setspawn:
  21. permission: skript.admin
  22. trigger:
  23. set {spawnpoint} to location of player
  24. message "&6&lスポーンを設定しました"
  26. #===============================================
  27. #SPAM対策
  28. #===============================================
  29. on chat:
  30. add 15 to {%player%.spamscore}
  31. if {%player%.spamscore} is more than 22:
  32. add 10 to {%player%.warnscore}
  33. message "&e&l[system] &c&lSPAM判定されたため警告スコアが10増えました"
  34. message "&c&l異議がある場合は運営に連絡してください"
  35. message "&7&l(現在の警告スコア:%{%player%.warnscore}%)"
  37. every minecraft tick:
  38. loop all players:
  39. remove 1 from {%loop-player%.spamscore}
  40. if {%loop-player%.spamscore} is less than 0:
  41. set {%loop-player%.spamscore} to 0
  43. every minecraft tick:
  44. loop all players:
  45. if {%loop-player%.warnscore} is more than 99:
  46. set {%loop-player%.warnscore} to 0
  47. loop-player has the permission "skript.admin":
  48. stop
  49. broadcast "&e&l[system] &d%loop-player%&cさんの警告スコアが100を超えた為&nBAN&cされました"
  50. ban loop-player
  52. #===============================================
  53. #/admin-warnscoreコマンド
  54. #===============================================
  55. command /admin-warnscore <offline player> <text> [<number=0>]:
  56. aliases: ad-ws
  57. permission: skript.admin
  58. trigger:
  59. if arg 2 is "set":
  60. set {%player%.warnscore} to arg 3
  61. message "&9&l[admin] &7%arg 1%さんの警告スコアを%{%arg 1%.warnscore}%に設定しました"
  62. message "&e&l[system] &a%player%さんによりあなたのスコアが%{%arg 1%.warnscore}%に設定されました" to arg 1
  63. if arg 2 is "add":
  64. add arg 3 to {%player%.warnscore}
  65. message "&9&l[admin] &7%arg 1%さんの警告スコアを%{%arg 1%.warnscore}%に設定しました"
  66. message "&e&l[system] &a%player%さんによりあなたのスコアが%{%arg 1%.warnscore}%に設定されました" to arg 1
  67. if arg 2 is "remove":
  68. remove arg 3 from {%player%.warnscore}
  69. message "&9&l[admin] &7%arg 1%さんの警告スコアを%{%arg 1%.warnscore}%に設定しました"
  70. message "&e&l[system] &a%player%さんによりあなたのスコアが%{%arg 1%.warnscore}%に設定されました" to arg 1
  71. if arg 2 is "disp":
  72. message "&9&l[admin] &7%arg 1%さんの警告スコアは%{%arg 1%.warnscore}%です"
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