
Wish Witch

Nov 5th, 2013
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  1. Hidden within the forest, trees twisted in time, animals with souls as old as the earth, rests a modest dwelling of a young woman. Whispers tell of what the woman can do, some in wonder as others in fear. She is called a Wish-maker, a timeless spirit, or more often than not a Witch. She has many secrets and few answers for them, a shawl of curious mystery over her shoulders. She will grant all your wishes, but only if you are willing to pay the price for them. Many are warned against making deals with a witch,, while others whisper in secret with you to point in the direction you must take to meet her. She has slipped the gaze and pursuit of Witch hunters, Dogs of war and noble Knights sworn to protect their land if the stories are true. It was believed she was capable of transforming herself into the very wild she lived in on nothing more than a whim. With a wise look in her eyes and a smile on her face, she will appear before tose with heavy hearts and star filled eyes. Tempting is her power, but terrible could be her answers if one does not temper their tongue. The simplest of mistakes in your request could lead to a spell not of your choosing. She can be merciful or mischievous, little warning between the two when she shifts extremes, but none have crossed her once the wish is set.
  3. In the tales that follow are but few of the wishes she has granted and allowed us to see. We hope you can solve the mystery of this witch before collection’s end. Good luck and godspeed to us all.
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