
[ gbs / bts af ]

Jun 24th, 2017
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  4. ✤ B E G I N ✤
  5. ━ birth name :
  6. ↻ ong seohwa.
  7. ━ nickname(s) :
  8. ↻ hwa.
  9. ↻ walking meme.
  10. ↻ aang / air bender.
  11. ━ birthdate :
  12. ↻ november 5, 1999.
  13. ━ birthplace :
  14. ↻ incheon, sk.
  15. ━ height :
  16. ↻ 165 cm.
  17. ━ weight :
  18. ↻ 50 kg.
  19. ━ blood type :
  20. ↻ a+.
  23. ✤ A W A K E ✤
  24. ━ personality :
  25. ↻ meme hwa to the rescue! always feels the need to protect people she loves, even if it results in pain and broken hearts/arms. has no filter whatsoever and is super clumsy. seohwa is usually seen as a strong willed character, not ever portrayed as a lousy pushover. lies through her perfect white teeth just to get out of things and is known as a meme god. don't ever invite her into groupchats as she'll spam the whole conversation with useless memes. she's the type of girl the girls can let lose to and known to be there for them too. extremely kinky but super kind and collected. she may not seem like it but seohwa is a great addition and leader to the group.
  26. ━ background :
  27. ↻ oldest of two and quite a hand full case, seohwa was born and raised in incheon. she lived life freely, since she's lived with her aunt and uncle all this time, her parents are no where to be seen. being clumsy and highly detected as a kinker runs in the family, it's just seohwa and her brother who show it more. the talent - being offensive - runs in her veins, so it's possibly the reason she gets into trouble a lot and this case, expelled from school. ever since she started school, seohwa always had an alluring aura that helped strengthen good and bad relationships. from experience, most teachers or adults would highly recommended her as smart leader and would possibly some day make it success, but once again, seohwa has to prove them wrong.
  28. ━ trivia
  29. ↻ has her own language, hwapanese.
  30. ↻ a lefty.
  31. ↻ hates tomatoes.
  32. ↻ loves watching adventure time.
  33. ↻ iq of 167.
  34. ↻ loves sunsets.
  35. ↻ would rather kill herself then go watch psy.
  36. ↻ her younger brother is deaf, so she cares about him the most.
  37. ↻ in love with russ.
  38. ↻ wants to visit spain.
  39. ↻ lost her virginity already.
  40. ↻ randomly dances in public.
  41. ↻ never meet her parents.
  42. ↻ claims mamamoo as her long lost parents.
  45. ☂ S P R I N G D A Y ☂
  46. ━ family
  47. ↻ ong hyungbin, brother.
  48. ↻ joo seokyul, aunt.
  49. ↻ joo jichul, uncle.
  50. ━ ethnicity
  51. ↻ asain.
  52. ━ nationality
  53. ↻ korean.
  54. ━ language(s)
  55. ↻ korean, fluent.
  56. ↻ hwapanese, fluent (lmAO)
  59. ✤ N O T T O D A Y ✤
  60. ━ slot
  61. ↻ jupiter.
  62. ━ face claim
  63. ↻ kkmmmkk.
  64. ━ school record
  67. ✤ F I R S T L O V E ✤
  68. ━ love interest
  69. ↻ jungkook.
  70. ━ how he acts around her
  71. ↻ possibly a little creeped out whenever she would say hello with a overly dramatic tone. he laughs at all her memes and dances with her out in public. they're kinda cute together but that wouldn't fit their (especially hers) bad status.
  72. ━ how she acts around him
  73. ↻ he really reminds her a lot of hyungbin and somehow feels like he needs to be protected. she's sweet towards him and if she's feeling extra happy, she'd treat him out. hence seohwa doesn't listen to anyone, he somehow has a special place in her heart. don't know if it's affectionate or just mutual, but there's love there.
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