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Apr 23rd, 2018
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text 180.09 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ROM Bank #0 (HOME):
  2. SECTION: $1878-$1B01 ($028A bytes) ["Animation engine"]
  3. $1AFE = PlayAnimations.skipAnimation
  4. $1AFB = PlayAnimations.applyDelay
  5. $1932 = EndAnimation
  6. $1A42 = PlayAnimations.playActiveAnims
  7. $1A6F = PlayAnimations.processCommand
  8. $1878 = StartAnimation
  9. $1A3F = PlayAnimations
  10. $1985 = EndAnimation.debugMessage_732
  11. $1A06 = EndAnimation.debugMessage_734
  12. $1AA3 = PlayAnimations.beginDelay
  13. $18D3 = StartAnimation.noSprites
  14. $1AE9 = PlayAnimations.returnFromSection
  15. $1AB3 = PlayAnimations.invalidCommand
  16. $1908 = StartAnimation.failedAnimationAllocation
  17. $19B3 = EndAnimation.dontUnlinkStructs
  18. $1893 = StartAnimation.lookUpSlot
  19. $1A26 = EndAnimation.doneShiftingOAM
  20. $198A = EndAnimation.removeSlot
  21. $1A1C = EndAnimation.shiftOAM
  22. $1AF3 = PlayAnimations.noReturnCarry
  23. $1A3A = EndAnimation.notMyHook
  24. $18D8 = StartAnimation.spriteOverflow
  25. $188F = StartAnimation.restartSearch
  26. $1ACE = PlayAnimations.animationEnding
  27. $1A08 = EndAnimation.numOfSpritesOK
  28. $192E = StartAnimation.debugMessage_730
  29. $1908 = StartAnimation.debugMessage_728
  30. $18F1 = StartAnimation.debugMessage_726
  31. $1ACE = PlayAnimations.debugMessage_736
  32. $1935 = EndAnimation.lookForSlot
  33. $19A1 = EndAnimation.unlinkStruct
  34. $18F3 = StartAnimation.noSlotFree
  35. $1A27 = EndAnimation.dontShiftOAM
  36. $19AB = EndAnimation.structNotLinked
  37. $1A34 = EndAnimation.clearHooks
  38. SECTION: $0000 ($0 bytes) ["NULL"]
  39. $0000 = Null
  40. $0000 = NULL
  41. $0000 = null
  42. SECTION: $0000-$003F ($0040 bytes) ["Restarts"]
  43. $0038 = _AtHL
  44. $0020 = _Copy
  45. $0030 = _CopyStr
  46. $003D = _FatalError
  47. $0028 = _Bankswitch
  48. $0018 = _Fill
  49. $0010 = _IsVRAMOpen
  50. $0000 = _WaitVBlank
  51. $0008 = _IsVBlanking
  52. SECTION: $0040-$0060 ($0021 bytes) ["Interrupt vectors"]
  53. $0059 = DelayBCFrames
  54. $0051 = SwitchRAMBanks
  55. $0056 = NullByte
  56. $0055 = DoNothing
  57. $0056 = NullWord
  58. $0050 = Timer_int
  59. $0048 = STAT_int
  60. $0058 = Serial_int
  61. $0060 = Joypad_int
  62. $0040 = VBlank_int
  63. SECTION: $0061-$00F8 ($0098 bytes) ["Utilities 1"]
  64. $0061 = Fill
  65. $00A4 = CallAcrossBanks
  66. $009A = CopyStrToVRAM
  67. $00E7 = MultiplyDEByA
  68. $0084 = CopyToVRAMLite
  69. $007A = FillVRAMLite
  70. $0071 = Copy
  71. $008E = CopyToVRAM
  72. $00B7 = PreventJoypadMovement
  73. $00CF = SlowDownCPU
  74. $00D3 = SwitchCPUSpeed
  75. $00AE = CopyAcrossLite
  76. $007B = FillVRAMLite.fillLoop
  77. $0066 = Fill.loop
  78. $00F1 = MultiplyDEByA.dontAdd
  79. $00C5 = ModifyJoypadMovement
  80. $00EC = MultiplyDEByA.loop
  81. $00BF = AllowJoypadMovement
  82. $00C9 = SpeedUpCPU
  83. SECTION: $0100-$068B ($058C bytes) ["Home"]
  84. $0303 = Init.gotConsoleType
  85. $03D3 = Init.gfxPickStrings
  86. $0543 = FileSelect.dontBackup
  87. $05AF = OverworldLoop
  88. $05B2 = OverworldLoop.forceIgnorePlayerActions
  89. $0150 = Init
  90. $0304 = Init.awesomeEmu
  91. $017B = Init.clearOnlyOneBank
  92. $058B = FileLoaded.loadAnimGfx
  93. $0493 = FileSelect.restoreBackupLoop
  94. $0198 = Init.clearOneVRAMBank
  95. $02E8 = Init.checkOneByte
  96. $0158 = Init.waitVBlank
  97. $01A0 = Init.clearVRAM
  98. $0189 = Init.clearHRAM
  99. $0248 = Init.noEchoRAMLoop
  100. $0355 = Init.compareCommonPattern
  101. $0683 = OverworldLoop.doButtonInteractions
  102. $036D = Init.patternsDontMatch
  103. $0330 = Init.not32k
  104. $0443 = FileSelect
  105. $0646 = OverworldLoop.startBattle
  106. $0180 = Init.clearWRAMX
  107. $052C = FileSelect.backupLoop
  108. $02A6 = Init.veryGoodAccuracy
  109. $032A = Init.coincidentalMatch
  110. $0397 = Init.patternsMatched
  111. $0483 = FileSelect.notCompatMode
  112. $04F1 = FileSelect.newFile
  113. $0526 = FileSelect.backupBank
  114. $046F = FileSelect.restoreBackup
  115. $019B = Init.clearOnlyOneVRAMBank
  116. $0380 = Init.notFirstBoot
  117. $05F5 = OverworldLoop.ignoreMovement
  118. $051B = FileSelect.backupFile
  119. $03EF = Init.useGBCGfx
  120. $048D = FileSelect.restoreBackupBank
  121. $02FB = Init.thisIsGBC
  122. $036F = Init.skipSettingB
  123. $0178 = Init.clearWRAMBanks
  124. $05A3 = FileLoaded.skipHook
  125. $02D1 = Init.extraCycle
  126. $04EE = FileSelect.corruptedBackupNewFile
  127. $045F = FileSelect.resetFileSelect
  128. $01CB = Init.isGBA
  129. $0341 = Init.compareFirstBootPattern
  130. $056C = FileLoaded.noCarry
  131. $02CA = Init.delay
  132. $055B = FileLoaded
  133. $03B4 = Init.pickGFXModeLoop
  134. $0362 = Init.firstBootCopy
  135. $063D = OverworldLoop.gotoLoop
  136. $04C4 = FileSelect.loadFile
  137. $0100 = Start
  138. $02B1 = Init.doHDMA
  139. $0302 = Init.decentEmu
  140. $026B = Init.hasEchoRAM
  141. $02E6 = Init.checkOneTile
  142. $01B3 = Init.clearOAM
  143. SECTION: $0700-$070A ($000B bytes) ["Konami keys"]
  144. $0700 = KonamiCheatKeys
  145. SECTION: $1548-$1877 ($0330 bytes) ["Interrupt handlers"]
  146. $1548 = VBlankHandler
  147. $16F8 = STATHandler
  148. $16F3 = DMAScript
  149. $16E8 = PollJoypad
  150. $184D = STATHandler.end
  151. $17F6 = STATHandler.noAnimators
  152. $1776 = STATHandler.runAnimator
  153. $1664 = VBlankHandler.displayTextbox
  154. $15B6 = VBlankHandler.rowUpdated
  155. $1717 = STATHandler.waitEffectHBlank
  156. $182C = STATHandler.noThread2
  157. $16B9 = UpdateJoypadState.notLeftAndRight
  158. $174A = STATHandler.musicTime
  159. $1661 = VBlankHandler.doneIncrementing
  160. $1864 = STATHandler.waitUntilNextLine
  161. $16B0 = UpdateJoypadState.notUpAndDown
  162. $172C = STATHandler.waitHBlank
  163. $17BE = STATHandler.waitTransferDone
  164. $1697 = VBlankHandler.noSpecialEffects
  165. $15AC = VBlankHandler.fixedMapTransferLoop
  166. $186E = STATHandler.badThread2
  167. $1758 = STATHandler.HDMAInactive
  168. $172A = STATHandler.doTextbox
  169. $160E = VBlankHandler.doneClearingOAM
  170. $1586 = VBlankHandler.capAtAmplitude
  171. $1580 = VBlankHandler.moveLeft
  172. $1844 = STATHandler.waitNotHBlank
  173. $1598 = VBlankHandler.mobileMap
  174. $1674 = VBlankHandler.noTextbox
  175. $1630 = VBlankHandler.dontTransferSprites
  176. $1869 = STATHandler.RAMNotX
  177. $17E5 = STATHandler.doneAnimating
  178. $17E9 = STATHandler.dontAnim
  179. $1605 = VBlankHandler.clearSprites
  180. $1781 = STATHandler.getFrame
  181. $15E5 = VBlankHandler.doneTransferringFixedMap
  182. $1744 = STATHandler.endMode2
  183. $162D = VBlankHandler.transferMainOAM
  184. $1655 = VBlankHandler.moveTextboxUpwards
  185. $16D0 = UpdateJoypadState.setGBA
  186. $171D = STATHandler.doneWithEffects
  187. $1693 = VBlankHandler.enableSpecialEffects
  188. $15D9 = VBlankHandler.noCarry4
  189. $15C7 = VBlankHandler.noCarry1
  190. $15D4 = VBlankHandler.noCarry3
  191. $15CB = VBlankHandler.noCarry2
  192. $1617 = VBlankHandler.copyDMARoutine
  193. $1650 = VBlankHandler.doneDecrementing
  194. $1574 = VBlankHandler.movementCommon
  195. $185A = STATHandler.waitForMode2
  196. $1854 = STATHandler.waitForMode0
  197. $16E0 = UpdateJoypadState.notSoftReset
  198. $1583 = VBlankHandler.dontShakeScreen
  199. $17C4 = STATHandler.useStandardCopy
  200. $1565 = VBlankHandler.setWY
  201. $183E = STATHandler.waitHDMAHBlank
  202. $15F6 = VBlankHandler.numberOfSpritesValid
  203. $16A1 = UpdateJoypadState
  204. $16F4 = DMAScript.waitLoop
  205. $1640 = VBlankHandler.keepDecrementing
  206. $167C = VBlankHandler.textboxDone
  207. $1659 = VBlankHandler.keepIncrementing
  208. $15A4 = VBlankHandler.transferScroll
  209. SECTION: $1B02-$1D19 ($0218 bytes) ["Utilities 2"]
  210. $1B24 = _AtHL_FatalError
  211. $1B5F = CopyAcross
  212. $1CAC = ExtendOAM
  213. $1B29 = FatalError
  214. $1BD3 = StrnPrint
  215. $1BF6 = StrnPrint.controlChars
  216. $1C34 = StrnPrint.siblingName
  217. $1C40 = StrnPrint.playerBroSis
  218. $1C4C = StrnPrint.doNothing
  219. $1B89 = FillVRAM
  220. $1B6F = CopyAcrossToVRAM
  221. $1C63 = TransferTilesAcross
  222. $1B95 = RandInt
  223. $1D07 = PrintHex.isDigitLow
  224. $1CE1 = ExtendOAM.noExtendedSprites
  225. $1B0B = DivideHLByDE
  226. $1C89 = TransferTilesAcross.waitHBlank
  227. $1BA4 = RandInt.dontChangeCycles
  228. $1BC8 = PrintAcross
  229. $1D0A = InitSound
  230. $1B7F = GetByteAcross
  231. $1B1D = DividingByZero
  232. $1BF1 = StrnPrint.normalChar
  233. $1CFA = PrintHex.isDigitHigh
  234. $1C59 = ClearMovableMap
  235. $1C8C = TransferTilesAcross.waitNotHBlank
  236. $1CED = PrintHex
  237. $1CA9 = TransferTilesAcross.done
  238. $1CE2 = ExtendOAM.clearStagedOAM
  239. $1B12 = DivideHLByDE_KnownDE.loop
  240. $1CC9 = ExtendOAM.emptyMainOAM
  241. $1B2D = FatalError.loop
  242. $1C78 = TransferTilesAcross.HDMAClear
  243. $1CD7 = ExtendOAM.OAMNotFull
  244. $1C69 = TransferTilesAcross.tryAgain
  245. $1B0F = DivideHLByDE_KnownDE
  246. $1C52 = DivideBy3.divideBy3
  247. $1C50 = DivideBy3
  248. $1BBE = RandInt.useThatConstant
  249. $1B8A = FillVRAM.fillLoop
  250. $1CA3 = TransferTilesAcross.waitHDMA
  251. $1B02 = CopyStrAcross
  252. $1CBF = ExtendOAM.copyMainOAM
  253. SECTION: $070B-$1547 ($0E3D bytes) ["Map loader"]
  254. $0714 = LoadMap
  255. $11C0 = MovePlayer
  256. $1025 = MoveNPCs
  257. $0BED = MoveNPC0ToPlayer
  258. $0BFE = MoveCamera
  259. $0DC4 = ProcessNPCs
  260. $14A1 = DoWalkingInteractions
  261. $0AF0 = RedrawMap
  262. $1443 = DoButtonInteractions
  263. $09FC = LoadTileset
  264. $08C8 = LoadNPCs.noNPCs
  265. $0AD4 = GetCameraTopLeftPtr
  266. $0B90 = DrawBlock
  267. $0FEC = GetNPCOffsetFromCam
  268. $0CEF = MoveCamera.dontRedrawRow
  269. $13DF = GetPointerFromCoords
  270. $0EDC = ProcessNPCs.skipThisNPC
  271. $0DD6 = ProcessNPCs.processNPC
  272. $0FAA = ProcessNPCs.emoteNotPresent
  273. $0FB0 = ProcessNPCs.emoteTilesPtrs
  274. $1126 = GetNPCCollision
  275. $1047 = MoveNPCs.NPCIsMoving
  276. $1032 = MoveNPCs.moveNPC
  277. $132E = GetNPCCollisionAt
  278. $128A = MovePlayer.cantMove
  279. $12AC = DetectPlayerCollision
  280. $11E8 = MovePlayer.movementLoop
  281. $136A = GetCollisionAt
  282. $14F4 = ScanForInteraction
  283. $143B = CoordVectors
  284. $1414 = GetCoordsInFrontOfPlayer
  285. $0DC0 = StopPlayerMovement
  286. $0A41 = LoadTileset.doneCopyingTiles
  287. $07ED = LoadMap.notTiedToFlag
  288. $0D22 = MoveCamera.dontLockCamLeft
  289. $1239 = MovePlayer.noVerticalCollision
  290. $12DC = DetectPlayerCollision.dontSampleBottomLeft
  291. $1249 = MovePlayer.noVerticalMovement
  292. $137B = GetCollisionAt.dontScanNPCs
  293. $0E53 = ProcessNPCs.forceNoWalkingAnim
  294. $1208 = MovePlayer.moveUp
  295. $0D94 = MoveCamera.drawColumnLoop
  296. $0ABD = LoadTileset.loadBGPalettes
  297. $1175 = GetNPCCollision.dontSampleBottomLeft
  298. $11D2 = MovePlayer.dontRestartWalkingAnimation
  299. $0B6B = RedrawMap.noCarry4
  300. $0B89 = RedrawMap.noCarry5
  301. $086E = LoadNPCs.skipNPC
  302. $0C5F = MoveCamera.cameraLockedVert
  303. $097D = LoadNPCs.doneWarping
  304. $1056 = MoveNPCs.stopMovement
  305. $0CDF = MoveCamera.rowNoWrap
  306. $105E = MoveNPCs.movementContinues
  307. $087B = LoadNPCs.correctNumOfNPCs
  308. $10B7 = MoveNPCs.NPCAtRest
  309. $0A1F = LoadTileset.copyOneBank
  310. $13CD = NoOOB.notRightRow
  311. $080E = LoadMap.noInteractions
  312. $0971 = LoadNPCs.checkWarpFF
  313. $0808 = LoadMap.loadZone
  314. $0F85 = ProcessNPCs.drawEmote
  315. $1285 = MovePlayer.noHorizontalMovement
  316. $080B = LoadMap.nextInteraction
  317. $0F7E = ProcessNPCs.gotCoords
  318. $0B9C = DrawBlock.waitVRAM1
  319. $0BB1 = DrawBlock.waitVRAM3
  320. $0BA5 = DrawBlock.waitVRAM2
  321. $0BC6 = DrawBlock.waitVRAM5
  322. $0BBA = DrawBlock.waitVRAM4
  323. $0BDB = DrawBlock.waitVRAM7
  324. $0BCF = DrawBlock.waitVRAM6
  325. $0BE4 = DrawBlock.waitVRAM8
  326. $0B98 = DrawBlock.noCarry
  327. $0A31 = LoadTileset.copyMoreTiles
  328. $0889 = LoadNPCs.NPCTilesLoop
  329. $10D9 = MoveNPCs.axisSelected
  330. $08F4 = LoadNPCs.paletteLoaded
  331. $118F = GetNPCCollision.dontSampleBottomRight
  332. $0C28 = MoveCamera.capSpeedVert
  333. $0F37 = ProcessNPCs.emoteGfxLoaded
  334. $0B27 = RedrawMap.redrawRow
  335. $090E = LoadNPCs.noCarry1
  336. $08B8 = LoadNPCs.noCarry0
  337. $0986 = LoadNPCs.noCarry3
  338. $0913 = LoadNPCs.noCarry2
  339. $098B = LoadNPCs.noCarry4
  340. $1077 = MoveNPCs.movingHorizontally
  341. $09CC = LoadNPCs.waitMusicIsDown
  342. $0713 = LoadMap_Hook
  343. $125A = MovePlayer.moveRight
  344. $1538 = GetPlayerTopLeftPtr.noCarry2
  345. $153C = GetPlayerTopLeftPtr.noCarry3
  346. $07FE = LoadMap.noFlag
  347. $1318 = DetectPlayerCollision.dontSampleTopRight
  348. $1085 = MoveNPCs.movingPositively
  349. $0E6E = ProcessNPCs.noWalkingAnim
  350. $0A7A = LoadTileset.copyAnimationFrames
  351. $07B5 = LoadMap.skipInteraction
  352. $1231 = MovePlayer.verticalCollision
  353. $0D0B = MoveCamera.capSpeedHorizNeg
  354. $1257 = MovePlayer.notLeft
  355. $0802 = LoadMap.buttonThingy
  356. $07C5 = LoadMap.clearInteractionsLoop
  357. $11AD = GetNPCCollision.collide
  358. $0C93 = MoveCamera.drawBottomRow
  359. $0C2B = MoveCamera.moveVertically
  360. $13A2 = CollideWithOOB
  361. $152C = GetPlayerTopLeftPtr
  362. $1101 = MoveNPCs.stopNPC
  363. $108C = MoveNPCs.noCarry
  364. $111A = MoveNPCs.nextNPC
  365. $1493 = DoButtonInteractions.noButtonInteraction
  366. $11AB = GetNPCCollision.dontCollide
  367. $0755 = LoadMap.forceMutedMusic
  368. $0F72 = ProcessNPCs.unloadEmote
  369. $1483 = DoButtonInteractions.noNPCs
  370. $1169 = GetNPCCollision.bit0Reset1
  371. $11A2 = GetNPCCollision.bit0Reset2
  372. $13A4 = NoOOB
  373. $0AE0 = GetCameraTopLeftPtr.noCarry2
  374. $0AE4 = GetCameraTopLeftPtr.noCarry3
  375. $11E3 = MovePlayer.speedIsValid
  376. $1304 = DetectPlayerCollision.dontSampleBottomRight
  377. $0D13 = MoveCamera.moveHorizontally
  378. $0D10 = MoveCamera.capSpeedHoriz
  379. $1156 = GetNPCCollision.dontSampleTopLeft
  380. $0847 = LoadNPCs.checkFlagReset
  381. $136A = GetNPCCollisionAt.dontScanLoadZones
  382. $1527 = ScanForInteraction.noCarry
  383. $0C3B = MoveCamera.dontLockCamUp
  384. $0AAB = LoadTileset.noAnimators
  385. $07CA = LoadMap.copyInteractions
  386. $1298 = MovePlayer.turnPlayer
  387. $1420 = GetCoordsInFrontOfPlayer.noCarry
  388. $08A5 = LoadNPCs.notOppositeGender
  389. $11BA = GetNPCCollision.noCarry4
  390. $1163 = GetNPCCollision.noCarry1
  391. $1182 = GetNPCCollision.noCarry2
  392. $119C = GetNPCCollision.noCarry3
  393. $0832 = LoadNPCs.NPCLoadingLoop
  394. $08F3 = LoadNPCs.loadPalette
  395. $0859 = LoadNPCs.noFlagDependency
  396. $09E4 = LoadNPCs.stillSameMusic
  397. $0D6A = MoveCamera.drawRightColumn
  398. $0C23 = MoveCamera.capSpeedVertNeg
  399. $1113 = MoveNPCs.dontMove
  400. $0AA5 = LoadTileset.noCarryAnim
  401. $12F0 = DetectPlayerCollision.dontSampleBottom
  402. $0859 = LoadNPCs.dependencyMet
  403. $13C3 = NoOOB.notBottomRow
  404. $0F77 = ProcessNPCs.atScreenBottom
  405. $1050 = MoveNPCs.dontStopMovement
  406. $0881 = LoadNPCs.skipLoadingNPCs
  407. $10E1 = MoveNPCs.directionSelected
  408. $0CC1 = MoveCamera.drawRowLoop
  409. $11FF = MovePlayer.notDown
  410. $07BF = LoadMap.loadInteractions
  411. $0926 = LoadNPCs.dontForcePlayerDir
  412. $0D3F = MoveCamera.lockCamRight
  413. $07AD = LoadMap.skipInteractions
  414. $127D = MovePlayer.horizontalCollision
  415. $1065 = MoveNPCs.copyToTemp
  416. $080E = LoadNPCs
  417. $1262 = MovePlayer.movedHorizontally
  418. $0A59 = LoadTileset.copyAnimators
  419. $0B57 = RedrawMap.noWrap1
  420. $0B80 = RedrawMap.noWrap2
  421. $092F = LoadNPCs.dontResetPlayerAnim
  422. $0C58 = MoveCamera.lockCamDown
  423. $070B = LoadMap_FatalError
  424. $1210 = MovePlayer.movedVertically
  425. $1285 = MovePlayer.noHorizontalCollision
  426. $07E4 = LoadMap.checkIfFlagReset
  427. $08C8 = LoadNPCs.noNPCTiles
  428. $14F5 = ScanForInteraction.lookForInteraction
  429. $0EDA = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip8
  430. $0EA8 = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip4
  431. $0EB6 = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip5
  432. $0EC3 = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip6
  433. $0ECF = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip7
  434. $0E84 = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip1
  435. $0E91 = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip2
  436. $0E9C = ProcessNPCs.dontFlip3
  437. $0F7C = ProcessNPCs.stickyBottom
  438. $12A2 = MovePlayer.doTurn
  439. $0827 = LoadNPCs.loadNPCs
  440. $13B7 = NoOOB.noCarry1
  441. $12D2 = DetectPlayerCollision.noCarry3
  442. $12BE = DetectPlayerCollision.noCarry2
  443. $12B6 = DetectPlayerCollision.noCarry1
  444. $132A = DetectPlayerCollision.noCarry7
  445. $130E = DetectPlayerCollision.noCarry6
  446. $12FA = DetectPlayerCollision.noCarry5
  447. $12E6 = DetectPlayerCollision.noCarry4
  448. $14DF = ProcessInteraction
  449. $13D9 = NoOOB.tileIsBank1
  450. $0A22 = LoadTileset.copyTiles
  451. $0CAB = MoveCamera.noCarry1
  452. $0D7E = MoveCamera.noCarry3
  453. $0CAF = MoveCamera.noCarry2
  454. $0DB3 = MoveCamera.noCarry5
  455. $0D82 = MoveCamera.noCarry4
  456. $0DBC = MoveCamera.noCarry6
  457. $10A1 = MoveNPCs.updateDisplacementPositively
  458. $14BA = DoWalkingInteractions.noWalkingInteraction
  459. $0761 = LoadMap.sameMusic
  460. $0C5C = MoveCamera.lockCamUp
  461. $08DB = LoadNPCs.loadOBJPalettes
  462. $0B3E = RedrawMap.mapIsntWideEnough
  463. $1320 = DetectPlayerCollision.sampleTop
  464. $1359 = GetNPCCollisionAt.noPlayerCollision
  465. $14C6 = ProcessLoadZone
  466. $0D46 = MoveCamera.dontLockCamHoriz
  467. $10B5 = MoveNPCs.gotoNextNPC
  468. $0F97 = ProcessNPCs.dontMoveHoriz
  469. $0B2A = RedrawMap.redrawBlock
  470. $12C8 = DetectPlayerCollision.dontSampleTopLeft
  471. $0E7B = ProcessNPCs.notRight
  472. $1296 = MovePlayer.changeDirection
  473. $0C68 = MoveCamera.dontLockCamVert
  474. $0D71 = MoveCamera.columnTargetAcquired
  475. $0895 = LoadNPCs.loadOppositeGender
  476. $0C9A = MoveCamera.rowTargetAcquired
  477. $151F = ScanForInteraction.notThisOne
  478. $0D43 = MoveCamera.lockCamLeft
  479. $0FA3 = ProcessNPCs.noEmote
  480. $11BC = StopWalkingAnimation
  481. $078D = LoadMap.fixedTileset
  482. $0B3F = RedrawMap.mapIsTallEnough
  483. SECTION: $068C-$06F5 ($006A bytes) ["Flag routines"]
  484. $068C = GetFlag
  485. $06B7 = SetFlag
  486. $06AD = GetFlag.shiftTillFlag
  487. $06C1 = SetFlag.shiftBack
  488. $06E1 = ToggleFlag
  489. $06D6 = ResetFlag.shiftBack
  490. $06EB = ToggleFlag.shiftBack
  491. $06CC = ResetFlag
  492. SECTION: $1D3F-$1D55 ($0017 bytes) ["Misc stuff"]
  493. $1D4A = TomName
  494. $1D45 = EvieName
  495. $1D52 = SisString
  496. $1D4E = BroString
  497. $1D3F = DoneStr
  498. SECTION: $1D1A-$1D3E ($0025 bytes) ["DevSound entry points"]
  499. $1D1A = DS_Init
  500. $1D1A = DevSound_JumpTable
  501. $1D26 = DS_Play
  502. $1D3F = DevSound
  503. $1D2E = DS_Stop
  504. $1D36 = DS_Fade
  505. SLACK: $22BB bytes
  507. ROM Bank #1:
  508. SECTION: $5300-$5439 ($013A bytes) ["Intro cutscene"]
  509. $5412 = MatrixPit.done
  510. $5300 = IntroCutscenePitSpeeds
  511. $534C = MatrixPit.loop
  512. $5370 = MatrixPit.noQuarterScroll
  513. $5360 = MatrixPit.moveScreen
  514. $538D = MatrixPit.randomTiles
  515. $53B1 = MatrixPit.updateTilesNoCarry1
  516. $53B5 = MatrixPit.updateTilesNoCarry2
  517. $5358 = MatrixPit.calcNextFrame
  518. $530A = MatrixPit
  519. $5346 = MatrixPit.waitVBlank
  520. $53A3 = MatrixPit.updateTiles
  521. $541D = MatrixPit.blackOut
  522. $539B = MatrixPit.gotNextTiles
  523. $53CF = MatrixPit.waitVBlankEnd
  524. $5379 = MatrixPit.noHalfScroll
  525. $53D4 = MatrixPit.lineEffect
  526. $540A = MatrixPit.waitHBlankEnd
  527. $5428 = MatrixPit.waitVBlankBeforeSlowdown
  528. SECTION: $4000-$4651 ($0652 bytes) ["Graphic funcs"]
  529. $40C7 = SryStr
  530. $4176 = ScoldStr
  531. $432C = PaletteCommon
  532. $4394 = CopyToFixedMap
  533. $4417 = GrayOutPalette_Custom
  534. $4338 = PaletteCommon_Custom
  535. $42DB = LoadOBJPalette
  536. $42D1 = LoadBGPalette
  537. $4371 = ReloadPalettes.reloadBGPalettes
  538. $45F6 = FadePaletteWhite
  539. $4453 = FadeOutToWhite.delayFade
  540. $43E4 = CopyToFixedMap.noCarry5
  541. $43DD = CopyToFixedMap.noCarry4
  542. $43A1 = CopyToFixedMap.noCarry1
  543. $43A5 = CopyToFixedMap.noCarry2
  544. $4315 = LoadPalette_Common.writeByte
  545. $44C2 = FadeOutToBlack.onePalette
  546. $43C0 = CopyToFixedMap.copyLoop
  547. $44BC = FadeOutToBlack.nextPaletteSet
  548. $44AA = FadeOutToBlack
  549. $4401 = GrayOutPalette
  550. $4581 = FadeInToBlack.onePalette
  551. $45F6 = FadePaletteWhite.oneColor
  552. $45DA = FadePaletteBlack.oneComponent
  553. $44B2 = FadeOutToBlack.delayFade
  554. $4054 = InitGBPalAndSryScreen.scrollDown
  555. $454E = FadeInToWhite.waitVRAM
  556. $40B3 = InitGBPalAndSryScreen.noScroll
  557. $457B = FadeInToBlack.nextPaletteSet
  558. $409A = InitGBPalAndSryScreen.lock
  559. $4000 = InitGBPalAndSryScreen
  560. $444B = FadeOutToWhite
  561. $44E4 = FadeOutToBlack.waitVRAM
  562. $4174 = ScoldSpoofers.lock
  563. $4571 = FadeInToBlack.delayFade
  564. $42CE = LoadBGPalette_Hook
  565. $42C4 = EnableLCD
  566. $43F4 = GrayOutPicture.loop
  567. $45F9 = FadePaletteWhite.oneComponent
  568. $4548 = FadeInToWhite.notWhiteD
  569. $453D = FadeInToWhite.notWhiteE
  570. $4532 = FadeInToWhite.notWhiteB
  571. $464B = LoadPlayerGraphics.loadEvie2
  572. $4623 = LoadPlayerGraphics.loadEvie1
  573. $440B = GrayOutPalette.notOBJ
  574. $4607 = FadePaletteWhite.dontCap
  575. $448E = FadeOutToWhite.waitVRAM
  576. $436C = ReloadPalettes.reloadPaletteSet
  577. $4616 = LoadPlayerGraphics
  578. $4569 = FadeInToBlack
  579. $44B6 = FadeOutToBlack.maxSpeed
  580. $4150 = ScoldSpoofers
  581. $445D = FadeOutToWhite.nextPaletteSet
  582. $4513 = FadeInToWhite.delayFade
  583. $4517 = FadeInToWhite.maxSpeed
  584. $45C3 = FadePalette.notOBJ
  585. $432A = LoadPalette_Common.advance
  586. $42B7 = DisableLCD
  587. $45D7 = FadePaletteBlack
  588. $42FF = LoadPalette_Common.copy
  589. $450B = FadeInToWhite
  590. $447D = FadeOutToWhite.notWhiteE
  591. $4488 = FadeOutToWhite.notWhiteD
  592. $4472 = FadeOutToWhite.notWhiteB
  593. $416A = ScoldSpoofers.waitKey
  594. $4457 = FadeOutToWhite.maxSpeed
  595. $434E = PaletteCommon_Custom.notGBA
  596. $4362 = PaletteCommon_Custom.waitVRAM
  597. $42D8 = LoadOBJPalette_Hook
  598. $4500 = Fadein
  599. $43EE = GrayOutPicture.palettesLoop
  600. $45B9 = FadePalette
  601. $4441 = Fadeout
  602. $4419 = GrayOutPalette_Custom.oneColor
  603. $4321 = LoadPalette_Common.advanceAndReturn
  604. $442C = GrayOutPalette_Custom.divideBy3
  605. $4433 = GrayOutPalette_Custom.divEnd
  606. $43D2 = CopyToFixedMap.noHorizontalWrap
  607. $459D = FadeInToBlack.notWhiteD
  608. $4595 = FadeInToBlack.notWhiteE
  609. $458D = FadeInToBlack.notWhiteB
  610. $45D7 = FadePaletteBlack.oneColor
  611. $4381 = TransitionToFixedMap
  612. $40C0 = InitGBPalAndSryScreen.scroll
  613. $451D = FadeInToWhite.nextPaletteSet
  614. $4367 = ReloadPalettes
  615. $42E1 = LoadPalette_Common
  616. $43B6 = CopyToFixedMap.rowLoop
  617. $4575 = FadeInToBlack.maxSpeed
  618. $44D6 = FadeOutToBlack.notWhiteE
  619. $44DE = FadeOutToBlack.notWhiteD
  620. $44CE = FadeOutToBlack.notWhiteB
  621. $43E8 = GrayOutPicture
  622. $45E7 = FadePaletteBlack.dontCap
  623. $4523 = FadeInToWhite.onePalette
  624. $4463 = FadeOutToWhite.onePalette
  625. SECTION: $5033-$5269 ($0237 bytes) ["Palette data"]
  626. $5168 = EvieDefaultPalette
  627. $517D = TomDefaultPalette
  628. $5033 = DefaultPalette
  629. $5096 = TitleScreenAeviDevPalette
  630. $513B = CharSelectTomPalette0
  631. $5147 = CharSelectTomPalette1
  632. $51BF = RoofPalette
  633. $5171 = EvieTextboxPalette
  634. $5255 = InteriorChairDarkPalette
  635. $523D = InteriorWallDarkPalette
  636. $515F = TestNPCPalette
  637. $519B = GrassPalette
  638. $5201 = InteriorMainPalette
  639. $50C6 = TitleScreenLogoPalette2
  640. $50BA = TitleScreenLogoPalette1
  641. $50AE = TitleScreenLogoPalette0
  642. $5231 = InteriorMainDarkPalette
  643. $51EF = TestWarriorTopPalette
  644. $510E = TitleScreenEvieJeansPalette
  645. $5105 = TitleScreenTomJeansPalette
  646. $515F = IntroNPCPalette
  647. $5117 = CharSelectTextPalette
  648. $5261 = EmotePalette
  649. $51D7 = RockPalette
  650. $5186 = TomTextboxPalette
  651. $50F3 = TitleScreenClothesPalette
  652. $51A7 = HousePalette
  653. $5219 = InteriorGreenPalette
  654. $5153 = IntroMatrixPalette
  655. $51F8 = TestWarriorBottomPalette
  656. $50FC = TitleScreenArmsPalette
  657. $520D = InteriorWallPalette
  658. $503F = InvertedPalette
  659. $508A = TitleScreenCloudPalette
  660. $51CB = WaterPalette
  661. $50EA = TitleScreenEyePalette
  662. $50DE = TitleScreenTomHeadPalette
  663. $5048 = DarkTextPalette
  664. $5036 = GrayPalette
  665. $50A2 = TitleScreenDevSoftPalette
  666. $50D2 = TitleScreenEvieHeadPalette
  667. $512F = CharSelectEviePalette1
  668. $5123 = CharSelectEviePalette0
  669. $5249 = InteriorGreenDarkPalette
  670. $5054 = ConsolePalettes
  671. $5192 = GenericBoyAPalette
  672. $51E3 = InsideHousePalette
  673. $51B3 = DoorWindowPalette
  674. $5225 = InteriorChairPalette
  675. SECTION: $4660-$4D5F ($0700 bytes) ["Tile data"]
  676. $4670 = EvieTiles
  677. $47F0 = TomTiles
  678. $4970 = GameTiles
  679. $48B0 = TomMovingTiles
  680. $4730 = EvieMovingTiles
  681. $4A00 = ConsoleTiles
  682. $4660 = CursorTile
  683. SECTION: $5B50-$5FFF ($04B0 bytes) ["Overworld tileset tiles"]
  684. $5C70 = RockTilesetTiles
  685. $5CF0 = SignTilesetTiles
  686. $5B50 = OverworldTilesetTiles0
  687. $5CD0 = OverworldTilesetTiles1
  688. $5D20 = OverworldTilesetTiles2
  689. SECTION: $4660 ($0 bytes) ["Ruins tileset tiles"]
  690. $4660 = RuinsTilesetTiles
  691. SECTION: $5270-$52EF ($0080 bytes) ["Sleeping players"]
  692. $5270 = EvieSleepingPajamasTiles
  693. $52B0 = TomSleepingPajamasTiles
  694. SECTION: $52F0-$52FF ($0010 bytes) ["Shadow graphics"]
  695. $52F0 = ShadowTile
  696. SECTION: $4D60-$5032 ($02D3 bytes) ["Strings and text"]
  697. $4EBF = GameName
  698. $4EC7 = SaveDestroyed0
  699. $4ED4 = SaveDestroyed1
  700. $4EDF = SaveDestroyed2
  701. $4EEE = SaveDestroyed3
  702. $4EFA = SaveDestroyed4
  703. $4F81 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line0
  704. $4F8F = FirstTimeLoadingText.line1
  705. $4F9A = FirstTimeLoadingText.line2
  706. $4FA3 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line3
  707. $4FB2 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line4
  708. $4FBF = FirstTimeLoadingText.line5
  709. $4FCC = FirstTimeLoadingText.line6
  710. $4FD2 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line7
  711. $4FE1 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line8
  712. $4FF0 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line9
  713. $4FFE = FirstTimeLoadingText.line10
  714. $5007 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line11
  715. $5014 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line12
  716. $5023 = FirstTimeLoadingText.line13
  717. $502C = FirstTimeLoadingText.line14
  718. $4D60 = AeviliaStr
  719. $4F2D = FirstTimeLoadingText
  720. $4F03 = SaveDestroyedText
  721. $4D6B = VBAText
  722. SECTION: $5440-$5B42 ($0703 bytes) ["Intro map"]
  723. $5458 = IntroMap
  724. $5A1D = IntroChooseGender
  725. $5AD3 = IntroFadeToNarrator
  726. $5AE3 = IntroResetDelayStep
  727. $5AF6 = IntroWaitNextState
  728. $5B15 = IntroCheckStartMenu
  729. $59EB = IntroMapScript
  730. $5805 = IntroMapNPCScripts
  731. $5828 = TestNPCTiles
  732. $5605 = InvisibleTiles
  733. $5785 = LeftEyeTiles
  734. $57C5 = RightEyeTiles
  735. $59A8 = CharSelectLoadingScript
  736. $59C9 = IntroMapLoadingScript
  737. $5807 = IntroNPC0Script
  738. $5440 = IntroScripts
  739. $59D9 = IntroMapLoadingScript.writeBlackPalette
  740. $5A49 = IntroChooseGender.checkLeft
  741. $58E8 = TestNPCWalkingTiles
  742. $5ACC = IntroChooseGender.dontDarken
  743. $5AF0 = IntroResetDelayStep.playerMoved
  744. $5A12 = IntroMapScript.runSpecificScript
  745. $5A4D = IntroChooseGender.toggleGender
  746. $5462 = IntroMapInteractions
  747. $5463 = IntroMapNPCs
  748. $5A6E = IntroChooseGender.grayOutOneColor
  749. $5A92 = IntroChooseGender.waitVRAM
  750. $54D6 = IntroMapWarpToPoints
  751. $54C8 = IntroMapPalettes
  752. $5AB7 = IntroChooseGender.grayTom
  753. $5A3E = IntroChooseGender.doneDelaying
  754. $5A9E = IntroChooseGender.dontToggleGender
  755. $5B0C = IntroWaitNextState.first256block
  756. $5A80 = IntroChooseGender.dontCap
  757. $5B11 = IntroWaitNextState.setDelayStep
  758. $5AB9 = IntroChooseGender.grayOneColor
  759. $54F7 = IntroMapBlocks
  760. $5B32 = IntroCheckStartMenu.playerTooSmart
  761. $5A2D = IntroChooseGender.aNotPressed
  762. SECTION: $6000-$7FFB ($1FFC bytes) ["Rant #0"]
  763. $6000 = SRAMCommonPattern
  764. $6FFC = SRAMFirstBootPattern
  765. $7B74 = SRAMFirstBootEnd
  766. $6E89 = SRAMCommonEnd
  767. SECTION: $4652-$4659 ($0008 bytes) ["Misc strings"]
  768. $4652 = SiblingName
  769. SLACK: $0023 bytes
  771. ROM Bank #2:
  772. SECTION: $4B20-$51EC ($06CD bytes) ["File select"]
  773. $4B3F = FileSelectOptionStrings
  774. $4DE7 = FileSelectOptionsEnd
  775. $51DC = FileIDsStr
  776. $4D62 = FileSelectOptions_Copy
  777. $51B9 = EraseWhichFileStr
  778. $4BD3 = FileSelectOptions.reset
  779. $4B84 = FileSelectOptions
  780. $51CB = CopyWhichFileStr
  781. $51AE = SaveFileStr
  782. $50FD = SaveFileCornerTile
  783. $5141 = ConsoleTypes
  784. $4B30 = FileSelectHighlight
  785. $4B20 = FileSelectHeights
  786. $4F26 = SelectFile
  787. $51E4 = DLCName
  788. $50AE = VerifyChecksums
  789. $51A6 = MagicString
  790. $514D = ConsoleTypes.crap
  791. $515C =
  792. $5169 = ConsoleTypes.decent
  793. $517A = ConsoleTypes.awesome
  794. $518C = ConsoleTypes.gbc
  795. $5199 = ConsoleTypes.gba
  796. $50CA = VerifyChecksums.calcOneBankSums
  797. $4F38 = SelectFile.moveSpritesLoop
  798. $4D20 = FileSelectOptions_Erase.moved
  799. $4C77 = FileSelectOptions.noVertMovement
  800. $5039 = FileSelected.noCarry
  801. $4C87 = FileSelectOptions.noLeft
  802. $4D99 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.left
  803. $4DA3 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.dontmove
  804. $50C3 = VerifyChecksums.checkVersion
  805. $4F9B = SelectFile.moveUp
  806. $5027 = FileSelected.clearFilesLoop
  807. $4D17 = FileSelectOptions_Erase.left
  808. $4C48 = FileSelectOptions.mainloop
  809. $4DE4 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.done
  810. $4E75 = DrawFileSelect.donePrinting
  811. $5030 = FileSelected.skipThisFile
  812. $4D21 = FileSelectOptions_Erase.dontmove
  813. $4EDB = DrawFileSelect.waitWindowLY
  814. $505C = FileSelected.scrollLoop
  815. $50FB = VerifyChecksums.endTests
  816. $4BEB = FileSelectOptions.riseOptions
  817. $4C95 = FileSelectOptions.noHorizMovement
  818. $4ED5 = DrawFileSelect.removeWindow
  819. $4FE7 = FileSelected
  820. $4D6D = FileSelectOptions_Copy.moveWindowDown
  821. $4FE1 = SelectFile.noScreenUpdate
  822. $506F = FileSelected.loadFile
  823. $4DA0 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.noleftwrap
  824. $4FB7 = SelectFile.noCarry4
  825. $4FB2 = SelectFile.noCarry3
  826. $4F8C = SelectFile.noCarry2
  827. $4F87 = SelectFile.noCarry1
  828. $50D4 = VerifyChecksums.nextBlock
  829. $4D5F = FileSelectOptions_Erase.done
  830. $4CA9 = FileSelectOptions.dontMove
  831. $5050 = FileSelected.notKonamiCode
  832. $4E5D = DrawFileSelect.printSaveFiles
  833. $50B8 = VerifyChecksums.compareMagicStrings
  834. $4F59 = SelectFile.notCompat
  835. $4CEB = FileSelectOptions_Erase.moveWindowDown
  836. $4EEE = DrawFileSelect.notOptions
  837. $4BEE = FileSelectOptions.waitWindowLY
  838. $5095 = FileSelected.gotBank
  839. $4E66 = DrawFileSelect.printIDWaitLoop
  840. $4CF7 = FileSelectOptions_Erase.mainloop
  841. $5092 = FileSelected.notSRAM32k
  842. $4B67 = FileSelectOptionsReset
  843. $4F92 = SelectFile.moveAgain
  844. $5023 = FileSelected.konamiCheatOn
  845. $4D1E = FileSelectOptions_Erase.noleftwrap
  846. $4E60 = DrawFileSelect.printSaveFilesLoop
  847. $4DA2 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.moved
  848. $4F3A = SelectFile.moveColumnLoop
  849. $50D7 = VerifyChecksums.checksumOneBlock
  850. $4D81 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.waitVRAM1
  851. $4DA3 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.waitVRAM2
  852. $4B32 = FileSelectHighlight.highlightLoop
  853. $50FA = VerifyChecksums.popAndEndTests
  854. $510D = SaveFileSprites
  855. $4F6F = SelectFile.noCheat
  856. $50AA = FileSelected.fileValid
  857. $4D48 = FileSelectOptions_Erase.gotDaID
  858. $4C69 = FileSelectOptions.notDown
  859. $4CFF = FileSelectOptions_Erase.waitVRAM1
  860. $4D21 = FileSelectOptions_Erase.waitVRAM2
  861. $4D79 = FileSelectOptions_Copy.mainloop
  862. $4DCD = FileSelectOptions_Copy.gotDaID
  863. $4DE7 = DrawFileSelect
  864. $4FA5 = SelectFile.moved
  865. $4CE3 = FileSelectOptions_Erase
  866. SECTION: $7F60-$7FCF ($0070 bytes) ["Textbox border"]
  867. $7FD0 = TextboxBorderTilesEnd
  868. $7F60 = TextboxBorderTiles
  869. SECTION: $5EF0-$640F ($0520 bytes) ["Intro clouds tiles"]
  870. $5EF0 = IntroCloudTiles
  871. SECTION: $7A40-$7D3F ($0300 bytes) ["AeviDev logo tiles"]
  872. $7A40 = AeviDevLogoTiles
  873. SECTION: $6410-$690F ($0500 bytes) ["DevSoft tiles"]
  874. $6410 = DevSoftTiles
  875. SECTION: $4020-$423F ($0220 bytes) ["Copyright tiles"]
  876. $4020 = CopyrightTiles
  877. SECTION: $6DF0-$72AF ($04C0 bytes) ["Title screen sprite tiles"]
  878. $6DF0 = TitleScreenSpriteTiles
  879. SECTION: $51F0-$586F ($0680 bytes) ["Title screen BG tiles"]
  880. $51F0 = TitleScreenBGTiles
  881. SECTION: $7D40-$7EBF ($0180 bytes) ["Generic NPC tiles (boy, A)"]
  882. $7E00 = GenericBoyAWalkingTiles
  883. $7D40 = GenericBoyATiles
  884. SECTION: $7EC0-$7F5F ($00A0 bytes) ["Test interior tileset tiles"]
  885. $7EC0 = TestInteriorTilesetTiles
  886. SECTION: $4320-$4B1F ($0800 bytes) ["Intro map tileset tiles, bank 0"]
  887. $4320 = IntroTilesetTiles0
  888. SECTION: $4240-$42FF ($00C0 bytes) ["Intro map tileset tiles, bank 1"]
  889. $4240 = IntroTilesetTiles1
  890. SECTION: $6910-$6DEF ($04E0 bytes) ["Interior tileset tiles"]
  891. $6910 = InteriorTilesetTiles
  892. SECTION: $7FD0-$7FFF ($0030 bytes) ["Player houe 2F - Dpad tiles"]
  893. $7FD0 = PlayerHouse2FDpadTiles
  894. SECTION: $7680-$7A3F ($03C0 bytes) ["Emote graphics"]
  895. $7780 = SadderEmoteTiles
  896. $7840 = ColericEmoteTiles
  897. $7800 = EmbarrassedEmoteTiles
  898. $7980 = WinkTongueEmoteTiles
  899. $77C0 = SurprisedEmoteTiles
  900. $76C0 = HappyEmoteTiles
  901. $78C0 = InLoveEmoteTiles
  902. $7740 = SadEmoteTiles
  903. $7880 = AngryEmoteTiles
  904. $7900 = TongueEmoteTiles
  905. $7680 = BlankEmoteTiles
  906. $7680 = EmoteTiles
  907. $7A00 = ExclamationMarkEmoteTiles
  908. $79C0 = QuestionMarkEmoteTiles
  909. $7940 = WinkEmoteTiles
  910. $7700 = NeutralEmoteTiles
  911. SECTION: $4000-$4017 ($0018 bytes) ["Map pointers"]
  912. $4008 = MapPointers
  913. $4000 = MapROMBanks
  914. SECTION: $4300-$4311 ($0012 bytes) ["Tileset pointers"]
  915. $4306 = TilesetPointers
  916. $4300 = TilesetROMBanks
  917. SECTION: $72B0-$767E ($03CF bytes) ["Overworld tileset"]
  918. $7350 = OverworldTileset
  919. $72B0 = WaterFrames
  920. $7330 = FlowerFrames
  921. SECTION: $5870-$5EE1 ($0672 bytes) ["Ruins tileset"]
  922. $5870 = RuinsTileset
  923. $5B9F = BeachTileset
  924. SLACK: $0028 bytes
  926. ROM Bank #3:
  927. SECTION: $7F20-$7F6F ($0050 bytes) ["Intro blanket tiles (cover)"]
  928. $7F20 = InteriorBlanketCoverTile
  929. SECTION: $7F70-$7FFE ($008F bytes) ["Song names"]
  930. $7F8D = SongNames.song0
  931. $7F98 = SongNames.song1
  932. $7FA5 = SongNames.song2
  933. $7FB0 = SongNames.song3
  934. $7FC0 = SongNames.song4
  935. $7FCC = SongNames.song5
  936. $7FD8 = SongNames.song6
  937. $7FE7 = SongNames.song7
  938. $7FF8 = SongNames.song8
  939. $7F7B = SongNames
  940. $7F70 = InvalidSongName
  941. SECTION: $4000-$7F15 ($3F16 bytes) ["FX Hammer"]
  942. $4000 = FXHammerData
  943. $7E92 = FXHammer_Update
  944. $7E4B = FXHammer_Trig.continue
  945. $7E41 = FXHammer_Trig
  946. $7E8C = FXHammer_Stop.jmp_4096
  947. $7E7A = FXHammer_Stop.jmp_4084
  948. $7F0F = FXHammer_Update.jmp_4119
  949. $7E69 = FXHammer_Stop
  950. $7EF6 = FXHammer_Update.jmp_4100
  951. $7EBD = FXHammer_Update.jmp_40c7
  952. $7EDF = FXHammer_Update.jmp_40e9
  953. $7EDB = FXHammer_Update.jmp_40e5
  954. $7EDC = FXHammer_Update.jmp_40e6
  955. $7EA6 = FXHammer_Update.jmp_40b0
  956. SLACK: $000B bytes
  958. ROM Bank #4:
  959. SECTION: $73DF-$7D81 ($09A3 bytes) ["Text engine"]
  960. $7466 = ProcessText_Hook
  961. $7593 = YesNoCapsChoice
  962. $73FC = ClearTextbox
  963. $74F3 = TextCommandsPointers
  964. $7587 = TextErrorStr
  965. $76A8 = PrintKnownPointer
  966. $73EE = DisableTextbox
  967. $75A1 = ClearText
  968. $75CF = PrintPic
  969. $7619 = PrintNameAndWaitForTextbox
  970. $765D = WaitForButtonPress
  971. $7697 = PrintLine
  972. $77D1 = PrintEmptyLine
  973. $77DC = DelayNFrames
  974. $77E8 = SetTextLoopCounter
  975. $77F6 = CopyTextLoopCounter
  976. $7808 = TextDjnz
  977. $783A = DisplayNumber
  978. $786A = DisplayTextboxInstant
  979. $7872 = CloseTextboxInstant
  980. $7878 = DisplayTextboxWithoutWait
  981. $7883 = CloseTextboxWithoutWait
  982. $7926 = MakeNPCWalk
  983. $78E5 = MakeNPCWalkTo
  984. $78C9 = MakePlayerWalk
  985. $788B = MakePlayerWalkTo
  986. $79CF = MakeChoice
  987. $7A59 = SetFadeSpeed
  988. $7A62 = Fadein_TextWrapper
  989. $7A6D = Fadeout_TextWrapper
  990. $7A78 = ReloadPalettes_TextWrapper
  991. $7A83 = TextLDA
  992. $7A95 = TextLDA_imm8
  993. $7AA3 = TextSTA
  994. $7AFB = TextCMP
  995. $7AB5 = TextDEC
  996. $7AC4 = TextINC
  997. $7AE9 = TextADD
  998. $7AF2 = TextADC
  999. $7B24 = TextADD_mem
  1000. $7B0F = TextSBC
  1001. $7B31 = TextSUB_mem
  1002. $7B4B = TextSetFlags
  1003. $7B54 = TextToggleFlags
  1004. $7B64 = TextCallFunc
  1005. $7B78 = InstantPrintLines
  1006. $7BB8 = ReloadTextFlags
  1007. $7814 = TextJR
  1008. $781D = TextJR_Conditional
  1009. $7BDC = TextRAMBankswitch
  1010. $7ACE = TextAND
  1011. $7AD7 = TextOR
  1012. $7AE0 = TextXOR
  1013. $7B06 = TextBIT
  1014. $7BEA = EndTextWithoutClosing
  1015. $7BED = TextFadeMusic
  1016. $7BFB = TextPlayMusic
  1017. $7C04 = TextStopMusic
  1018. $7C0A = TextWaitSFX
  1019. $7C21 = TextPlaySFX
  1020. $7C35 = TextStopSFX
  1021. $7C45 = TextPlayMapMusic
  1022. $7C4E = OverrideTextboxPalette
  1023. $7C70 = CloseTextbox
  1024. $7C7B = TextGetFlag
  1025. $7C91 = TextSetFlag
  1026. $7CA2 = TextResetFlag
  1027. $7CB3 = TextToggleFlag
  1028. $7CBF = TextLoadMap
  1029. $7CD2 = TextStartAnim
  1030. $7CFC = TextEndAnim
  1031. $7D18 = TextPlayAnims
  1032. $73E5 = WaitForTextbox
  1033. $7781 = PrintKnownPointer.printNewLine
  1034. $76B6 = PrintKnownPointer.scrollLoop
  1035. $7592 = EmptyStr
  1036. $76A5 = PrintKnownPointer_Hook
  1037. $78D2 = MakePlayerWalk_Hook
  1038. $794F = TextMoveEntity_Common
  1039. $7BBB = UpdateTextFlags
  1040. $7B92 = InstantPrintLines.loop
  1041. $76B7 = PrintKnownPointer.shiftPic
  1042. $7C10 = TextWaitSFX.wait
  1043. $7AC2 = TextDEC.noCarry
  1044. $7D72 = TextPlayAnims.stopPlaying
  1045. $7D28 = TextPlayAnims.unfreezeTextAnims
  1046. $7D1F = TextPlayAnims.freezeAnims
  1047. $7633 = PrintNameAndWaitForTextbox.picPresent
  1048. $7999 = TextMoveEntity_Common.moveNegatively
  1049. $796E = TextMoveEntity_Common.moveFully
  1050. $797F = TextMoveEntity_Common.doneMoving
  1051. $76F2 = PrintKnownPointer.waitUntilText
  1052. $7674 = WaitForButtonPress.noBlink
  1053. $7B1F = Text2ByteArithCommon_NoWriteback.noCarry
  1054. $759A = YesNoChoice
  1055. $7A49 = MakeChoice.done
  1056. $7BD4 = UpdateTextFlags.positive
  1057. $78B2 = MakePlayerWalkTo.moveLoop
  1058. $7BCE = UpdateTextFlags.parityEven
  1059. $771A = PrintKnownPointer.blankUnderText
  1060. $749A = ProcessText.noCarry1
  1061. $74B3 = ProcessText.printErrorAndEnd
  1062. $7B19 = Text2ByteArithCommon_NoWriteback
  1063. $7D3B = TextPlayAnims.slotEmpty
  1064. $7657 = PrintNameAndWaitForTextbox.textboxAlreadyUp
  1065. $7BA3 = InstantPrintLines.endClearing
  1066. $7665 = WaitForButtonPress.waitLoop
  1067. $771D = PrintKnownPointer.waitLineEnd
  1068. $7850 = DisplayNumber.loop
  1069. $743A = ClearTextbox.waitVRAM1
  1070. $744E = ClearTextbox.waitVRAM2
  1071. $7A12 = MakeChoice.loop
  1072. $7B90 = InstantPrintLines.picNotPresent
  1073. $7A32 = MakeChoice.checkDirections
  1074. $76BD = PrintKnownPointer.shiftTile
  1075. $7831 = TextJR_Conditional.getFlagLoop
  1076. $7960 = TextMoveEntity_Common.moveHorizontally
  1077. $799D = TextMoveEntity_Common.doneMovingDiagonally
  1078. $7B18 = Text2ByteArithCommon
  1079. $7469 = ProcessText
  1080. $79E4 = MakeChoice.picPresent
  1081. $772B = PrintKnownPointer.effectIsOffscreen
  1082. $7943 = MakeNPCWalk.dontTurnNPC
  1083. $74D3 = ProcessText.debugMessage_1365
  1084. $77C3 = PrintKnownPointer.printLoop
  1085. $7915 = MakeNPCWalkTo.moveLoop
  1086. $73E5 = WaitForTextbox.wait
  1087. $7790 = PrintKnownPointer.printLine
  1088. $7A42 = MakeChoice.goingLeft
  1089. $73F3 = DisableTextbox.waitUntilTextboxIsDown
  1090. $770D = PrintKnownPointer.noCap
  1091. $7B99 = InstantPrintLines.clearLoop
  1092. $77CD = PrintKnownPointer.endPrint
  1093. $79FB = MakeChoice.picNotPresent
  1094. $7831 = TextJR_Conditional.jumpIfFlagReset
  1095. $73DF = EnableTextbox
  1096. $7B75 = TextCallFunc.bank0
  1097. $7D79 = TextPlayAnims.unfreezeAnims
  1098. $79FF = MakeChoice.drawChoiceText1
  1099. $7A0A = MakeChoice.drawChoiceText2
  1100. $7D6F = TextPlayAnims.decrementFrame
  1101. $7D3F =
  1102. $7B45 = Text3ByteArithCommon_NoWriteback.noCarry
  1103. $7BC9 = UpdateTextFlags.noZero
  1104. $7CED = TextStartAnim.getAllocatedID
  1105. $7750 = PrintKnownPointer.picNotPresent
  1106. $78B1 = MakePlayerWalkTo.moveNegatively
  1107. $7434 = ClearTextbox.initRowAttr
  1108. $78F4 = MakeNPCWalkTo.wroteDirection
  1109. $78DC = MakePlayerWalk_Hook.dontTurnPlayer
  1110. $77C3 = PrintKnownPointer.noPicThere
  1111. $7410 = ClearTextbox.clearRow
  1112. $7B3E = Text3ByteArithCommon
  1113. $776D = PrintKnownPointer.commitLines
  1114. $7990 = TextMoveEntity_Common.dontToggleDirection
  1115. $775A = PrintKnownPointer.moveLines
  1116. $7789 = PrintKnownPointer.calcDest
  1117. $76BF = PrintKnownPointer.shiftByte
  1118. $75B1 = ClearText.picPresent
  1119. $7968 = TextMoveEntity_Common.dontSwitchRotations
  1120. $7B3F = Text3ByteArithCommon_NoWriteback
  1121. $7CFA = TextStartAnim.allocationFailed
  1122. $78C3 = MakePlayerWalkTo.finalWalk
  1123. $797B = TextMoveEntity_Common.movePositively
  1124. $7969 = TextMoveEntity_Common.movementLoop
  1125. $7B5B = TextFlagOpsCommon
  1126. $7A46 = MakeChoice.writeOtherCursor
  1127. $79A3 = TextMoveEntity_Common.dontMoveDiagonally
  1128. $767F = WaitForButtonPress.end
  1129. $7B72 = TextCallFunc.done
  1130. $7478 = ProcessText.resetSameFrameFlag
  1131. $7914 = MakeNPCWalkTo.moveNegatively
  1132. $7711 = PrintKnownPointer.waitUntilTextBottom
  1133. $7AC8 = INCDECCommon
  1134. $74E9 = ProcessText.end
  1135. $76F7 = PrintKnownPointer.waitUntilLineEnds
  1136. $764D = PrintNameAndWaitForTextbox.noName
  1137. $784B = DisplayNumber.byte
  1138. $76BA = PrintKnownPointer.shiftColumn
  1139. $747A = ProcessText.mainLoop
  1140. $789E = MakePlayerWalkTo.verticalAxis
  1141. $7C63 = OverrideTextboxPalette.normalLoad
  1142. $7925 = MakeNPCWalkTo.finalWalk
  1143. $779F = PrintKnownPointer.picIsPresent
  1144. $7D66 = TextPlayAnims.lookUpSlot
  1145. SECTION: $4000-$42EF ($02F0 bytes) ["Beach tileset tiles"]
  1146. $40F0 = BeachBridgeTiles
  1147. $4110 = BeachDoorFrames
  1148. $4000 = BeachHouseTiles
  1149. $42D0 = BeachSandTiles
  1150. SECTION: $42F0-$446F ($0180 bytes) ["Player's pajamas"]
  1151. $43B0 = TomPajamasTiles
  1152. $42F0 = EviePajamasTiles
  1153. SECTION: $4470-$45EF ($0180 bytes) ["Player's pajamas, walking frames"]
  1154. $4470 = EviePajamasWalkingTiles
  1155. $4530 = TomPajamasWalkingTiles
  1156. SECTION: $45F0-$476F ($0180 bytes) ["Cindy"]
  1157. $45F0 = CindyTiles
  1158. $46B0 = CindyWalkingTiles
  1159. SECTION: $4770-$48EF ($0180 bytes) ["Daniel"]
  1160. $4830 = DanielWalkingTiles
  1161. $4770 = DanielTiles
  1162. SECTION: $48F0-$4A6F ($0180 bytes) ["Kasumi"]
  1163. $49B0 = KasumiWalkingTiles
  1164. $48F0 = KasumiTiles
  1165. SECTION: $4A70-$4BEF ($0180 bytes) ["Meili"]
  1166. $4B30 = MeiliWalkingTiles
  1167. $4A70 = MeiliTiles
  1168. SECTION: $7D82-$7FDC ($025B bytes) ["Player house 2F map"]
  1169. $7D82 = PlayerHouse2F
  1170. $7E6D = PlayerHouse2FTilesetScript
  1171. $7E79 = PlayerHouse2FHideDpad
  1172. $7E97 = PlayerHouse2FSetupIntroCutscene
  1173. $7EE3 = TestIntroCutscene
  1174. $7EBC = PlayerHouse2FLoadIntroGfx
  1175. $7EDB = PlayerHouse2FLoadBlanket.oam
  1176. $7EE5 = TestIntroCutscene.sleepingLoop
  1177. $7F03 = TestIntroCutscene.source_2162
  1178. $7ED1 = PlayerHouse2FLoadBlanket
  1179. $7FAC = TestIntroCutscene.lightUp
  1180. $7EC8 = PlayerHouse2FLoadIntroGfx.evie
  1181. $7D8D = PlayerHouse2FInteractions
  1182. $7E13 = PlayerHouse2FBlocks
  1183. $7DE4 = PlayerHouse2FPalettes
  1184. $7DB2 = PlayerHouse2FNPCs
  1185. $7DF2 = PlayerHouse2FWarpToPoints
  1186. SECTION: $4BF0-$73DE ($27EF bytes) ["DevSound"]
  1187. $4C2B = DevSound_Init
  1188. $4D27 = DevSound_Play
  1189. $4CF6 = DevSound_Stop
  1190. $4D16 = DevSound_Fade
  1191. $60E7 = DefaultRegTable
  1192. $617E = DefaultWave
  1193. $5D82 = LoadWave
  1194. $5DC7 = ClearWaveBuffer
  1195. $5EE0 = ClearArpBuffer
  1196. $62B7 = SongPointerTable
  1197. $62A4 = DummyChannel
  1198. $62A5 = SongSpeedTable
  1199. $4CED = DevSound_ExternalCommand.commandTableEnd
  1200. $4CE7 = DevSound_ExternalCommand.commandTable
  1201. $4CF5 = DevSound_ExternalCommand.dummy
  1202. $4CED = DevSound_ExternalCommand.setSpeed
  1203. $4CF5 = DevSound_ExternalCommand.muteChannel
  1204. $558D = DoneUpdating
  1205. $4F6F = UpdateCH2
  1206. $4E19 = CH1_CheckByte.release
  1207. $4E44 = CH1_CheckByte.getCommand
  1208. $4F32 = CH1_SetInstrument
  1209. $4D61 = UpdateCH1
  1210. $5F27 = SkipLoopPoint
  1211. $4D7B = CH1_CheckByte
  1212. $5ED1 = JumpTableBelow
  1213. $4E74 = CH1_CheckByte.setInstrument
  1214. $4E81 = CH1_CheckByte.setLoopPoint
  1215. $4E8C = CH1_CheckByte.gotoLoopPoint
  1216. $4E9A = CH1_CheckByte.callSection
  1217. $4EAD = CH1_CheckByte.setChannelPtr
  1218. $4EB8 = CH1_CheckByte.pitchBendUp
  1219. $4EC3 = CH1_CheckByte.pitchBendDown
  1220. $4EDD = CH1_CheckByte.setSweep
  1221. $4EE4 = CH1_CheckByte.setPan
  1222. $4EEB = CH1_CheckByte.setSpeed
  1223. $4EF8 = CH1_CheckByte.setInsAlternate
  1224. $4F08 = CH1_CheckByte.combineWaves
  1225. $4F13 = CH1_CheckByte.enablePWM
  1226. $4F1F = CH1_CheckByte.enableRandomizer
  1227. $4F23 = CH1_CheckByte.arp
  1228. $4ECE = CH1_CheckByte.toneporta
  1229. $4F29 = CH1_CheckByte.chanvol
  1230. $4F18 = CH1_CheckByte.setSyncTick
  1231. $5EEE = DoArp
  1232. $673C = InstrumentTable
  1233. $5183 = UpdateCH3
  1234. $500F = CH2_CheckByte.endChannel
  1235. $5016 = CH2_CheckByte.retSection
  1236. $5034 = CH2_CheckByte.release
  1237. $5024 = CH2_CheckByte.nullnote
  1238. $505F = CH2_CheckByte.getCommand
  1239. $4FC7 = CH2_CheckByte.noupdate
  1240. $5146 = CH2_SetInstrument
  1241. $4F89 = CH2_CheckByte
  1242. $508F = CH2_CheckByte.setInstrument
  1243. $509C = CH2_CheckByte.setLoopPoint
  1244. $50A7 = CH2_CheckByte.gotoLoopPoint
  1245. $50B5 = CH2_CheckByte.callSection
  1246. $50C8 = CH2_CheckByte.setChannelPtr
  1247. $50D3 = CH2_CheckByte.pitchBendUp
  1248. $50DE = CH2_CheckByte.pitchBendDown
  1249. $50F8 = CH2_CheckByte.setSweep
  1250. $50FC = CH2_CheckByte.setPan
  1251. $5103 = CH2_CheckByte.setSpeed
  1252. $5110 = CH2_CheckByte.setInsAlternate
  1253. $5120 = CH2_CheckByte.combineWaves
  1254. $512B = CH2_CheckByte.enablePWM
  1255. $50F8 = CH2_CheckByte.enableRandomizer
  1256. $5130 = CH2_CheckByte.arp
  1257. $50E9 = CH2_CheckByte.toneporta
  1258. $5136 = CH2_CheckByte.chanvol
  1259. $513F = CH2_CheckByte.setSyncTick
  1260. $53E1 = UpdateCH4
  1261. $5243 = CH3_CheckByte.release
  1262. $5233 = CH3_CheckByte.nullnote
  1263. $526E = CH3_CheckByte.getCommand
  1264. $53A4 = CH3_SetInstrument
  1265. $519D = CH3_CheckByte
  1266. $529E = CH3_CheckByte.setInstrument
  1267. $52AB = CH3_CheckByte.setLoopPoint
  1268. $52B6 = CH3_CheckByte.gotoLoopPoint
  1269. $52C4 = CH3_CheckByte.callSection
  1270. $52D7 = CH3_CheckByte.setChannelPtr
  1271. $52E2 = CH3_CheckByte.pitchBendUp
  1272. $52ED = CH3_CheckByte.pitchBendDown
  1273. $5307 = CH3_CheckByte.setSweep
  1274. $530B = CH3_CheckByte.setPan
  1275. $5312 = CH3_CheckByte.setSpeed
  1276. $531F = CH3_CheckByte.setInsAlternate
  1277. $532F = CH3_CheckByte.randomizeWave
  1278. $5337 = CH3_CheckByte.combineWaves
  1279. $5349 = CH3_CheckByte.enablePWM
  1280. $536C = CH3_CheckByte.enableRandomizer
  1281. $5384 = CH3_CheckByte.disableAutoWave
  1282. $538E = CH3_CheckByte.arp
  1283. $52F8 = CH3_CheckByte.toneporta
  1284. $5394 = CH3_CheckByte.chanvol
  1285. $539D = CH3_CheckByte.setSyncTick
  1286. $5E00 = _RandomizeWave
  1287. $5DD2 = _CombineWaves
  1288. $54AD = CH4_CheckByte.getCommand
  1289. $543D = CH4_CheckByte.noupdate
  1290. $556A = CH4_SetInstrument
  1291. $53FB = CH4_CheckByte
  1292. $54DD = CH4_CheckByte.setInstrument
  1293. $54EA = CH4_CheckByte.setLoopPoint
  1294. $54F5 = CH4_CheckByte.gotoLoopPoint
  1295. $5503 = CH4_CheckByte.callSection
  1296. $5516 = CH4_CheckByte.setChannelPtr
  1297. $5521 = CH4_CheckByte.pitchBendUp
  1298. $5521 = CH4_CheckByte.pitchBendDown
  1299. $5521 = CH4_CheckByte.setSweep
  1300. $5525 = CH4_CheckByte.setPan
  1301. $552C = CH4_CheckByte.setSpeed
  1302. $5539 = CH4_CheckByte.setInsAlternate
  1303. $5549 = CH4_CheckByte.combineWaves
  1304. $5554 = CH4_CheckByte.enablePWM
  1305. $5521 = CH4_CheckByte.enableRandomizer
  1306. $5554 = CH4_CheckByte.arp
  1307. $5521 = CH4_CheckByte.toneporta
  1308. $555A = CH4_CheckByte.chanvol
  1309. $5563 = CH4_CheckByte.setSyncTick
  1310. $580A = CH2_UpdateRegisters
  1311. $580A = CH1_UpdateRegisters.done
  1312. $57B1 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.updateVolume
  1313. $5F65 = FreqTable
  1314. $5A0A = CH3_UpdateRegisters
  1315. $5A0A = CH2_UpdateRegisters.done
  1316. $5888 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.noreset2
  1317. $59B0 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.updateVolume
  1318. $5C8C = CH4_UpdateRegisters
  1319. $5BB6 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.done
  1320. $5F3E = MultiplyVolume
  1321. $5E2E = DoPWM
  1322. $5EBA = DoRandomizer
  1323. $5C8C = CH3_UpdateRegisters.noupdate
  1324. $6648 = WaveTable
  1325. $6067 = VolumeTable
  1326. $5F5A = MultiplyVolume_
  1327. $5D7D = DoneUpdatingRegisters
  1328. $5D7D = CH4_UpdateRegisters.done
  1329. $600D = NoiseTable
  1330. $618E = NoiseData
  1331. $629E = DummyTable
  1332. $6915 = PT_SafePlace
  1333. $6A16 = PT_Battle1
  1334. $6C84 = PT_FileSelect
  1335. $6D5F = PT_Overworld
  1336. $6D67 = PT_Boss1
  1337. $716F = PT_ScareChord
  1338. $71BA = PT_NeoSafePlace
  1339. $7360 = PT_AvocadoInvaders
  1340. $738C = PT_Forest
  1341. $6658 = wave_Bass1
  1342. $6678 = wave_Pulse
  1343. $6688 = wave_ScareChord
  1344. $6698 = wave_Square
  1345. $66A8 = wave_HalfSaw
  1346. $66B8 = wave_FileSelectSquare1
  1347. $66C8 = wave_FileSelectSquare2
  1348. $6792 = ins_Kick
  1349. $679B = ins_Snare
  1350. $67A4 = ins_CHH
  1351. $67AD = ins_OHH
  1352. $67B6 = ins_CymbQ
  1353. $67BF = ins_CymbL
  1354. $67C8 = ins_WaveBass
  1355. $67D1 = ins_Echo1
  1356. $67DA = ins_Echo1a
  1357. $67E3 = ins_Echo1b
  1358. $67EC = ins_Echo2
  1359. $67F5 = ins_Echo2Quiet
  1360. $67FE = ins_QuietLead
  1361. $6807 = ins_QuietLeadFade
  1362. $6810 = ins_Arp1
  1363. $6819 = ins_PulseLead1a
  1364. $6822 = ins_PulseLead1b
  1365. $682B = ins_WaveBass2a
  1366. $6834 = ins_WaveBass2b
  1367. $683D = ins_WaveTrill
  1368. $6846 = ins_PulseTrill5
  1369. $684F = ins_PulseTrill7
  1370. $6858 = ins_Boss1Lead
  1371. $6861 = ins_Boss1Echo1
  1372. $686A = ins_Boss1Echo2
  1373. $6873 = ins_Boss1Bass
  1374. $687C = ins_Boss1Wave
  1375. $6885 = ins_Boss1Echo
  1376. $688E = ins_ScareChord
  1377. $6897 = ins_ScareChordWave
  1378. $68A0 = ins_ScareChordNoise
  1379. $68A9 = ins_NeoEcho
  1380. $68B2 = ins_WaveBassFade
  1381. $68BB = ins_SquareWave
  1382. $68C4 = ins_FileSelectArp
  1383. $68CD = ins_FileSelectArp2
  1384. $68D6 = ins_Tink
  1385. $68DF = ins_FileSelectSaw
  1386. $68E8 = ins_FileSelectSquare
  1387. $68F1 = ins_ForestPulse
  1388. $68FA = ins_ForestPulseEcho
  1389. $6903 = ins_ForestBass
  1390. $690C = ins_ForestFadeIn
  1391. $62C9 = vol_Kick
  1392. $65ED = arp_Kick
  1393. $62A0 = vib_Dummy
  1394. $62CB = vol_Snare
  1395. $65F2 = arp_Snare
  1396. $65F8 = arp_Hat
  1397. $62CD = vol_OHH
  1398. $62CF = vol_CymbQ
  1399. $62D1 = vol_CymbL
  1400. $62EC = vol_WaveBass
  1401. $66D8 = waveseq_Bass
  1402. $6719 = vib_WaveBass
  1403. $62D3 = vol_Echo1
  1404. $66EE = waveseq_50
  1405. $62D5 = vol_Echo1a
  1406. $62D7 = vol_Echo1b
  1407. $62D9 = vol_Echo2
  1408. $65FF = arp_Echo2
  1409. $66EC = waveseq_25
  1410. $62DB = vol_Echo2Quiet
  1411. $62EF = vol_QuietLead
  1412. $6726 = vib_QuietLead
  1413. $62F1 = vol_QuietLeadFade
  1414. $6731 = vib_QuietLeadFade
  1415. $6324 = vol_Arp1
  1416. $66F2 = waveseq_Arp1
  1417. $6343 = vol_PulseLead1
  1418. $6602 = arp_Pluck
  1419. $6345 = vol_WaveBass2a
  1420. $66DA = waveseq_Pulse
  1421. $634E = vol_WaveBass2b
  1422. $6361 = vol_WaveTrill
  1423. $6605 = arp_Trill5
  1424. $66DE = waveseq_Buffer
  1425. $6378 = vol_PulseTrill
  1426. $6611 = arp_Trill7
  1427. $637A = vol_Boss1Echo1
  1428. $661A = arp_Boss1Echo1
  1429. $637C = vol_Boss1Echo2
  1430. $637E = vol_Boss1Bass
  1431. $6617 = arp_Boss1Bass
  1432. $66EA = waveseq_12
  1433. $6380 = vol_WaveEcho
  1434. $63B2 = vol_ScareChord
  1435. $660B = arp_Trill6
  1436. $6703 = waveseq_ScareChord
  1437. $6418 = vol_ScareChordWave
  1438. $661D = arp_ScareChordTom
  1439. $66DC = waveseq_ScareChordWave
  1440. $645E = vol_ScareChordNoise
  1441. $65FC = arp_S7
  1442. $62EA = vol_NeoEcho
  1443. $6383 = vol_WaveBassFade
  1444. $66E0 = waveseq_Square
  1445. $6462 = vol_FileSelectArp
  1446. $64D4 = vol_FileSelectArp2
  1447. $64C1 = vol_Tink
  1448. $64C6 = vol_FileSelectSaw
  1449. $66E2 = waveseq_HalfSaw
  1450. $64CD = vol_FileSelectSquare
  1451. $66E4 = waveseq_FileSelectSquare
  1452. $652B = vol_ForestPulse
  1453. $662E = arp_PluckLoop
  1454. $6563 = vol_ForestPulseEcho
  1455. $659A = vol_ForestBass
  1456. $65D6 = vol_ForestFadeIn
  1457. $691D = SafePlace_CH1
  1458. $695C = SafePlace_CH2
  1459. $69FE = SafePlace_CH3
  1460. $693A = SafePlace_CH1.block1
  1461. $694B = SafePlace_CH1.block2
  1462. $69EC = SafePlace_CH2.block1
  1463. $69F5 = SafePlace_CH2.block2
  1464. $6A1E = Battle1_CH1
  1465. $6AA6 = Battle1_CH2
  1466. $6B03 = Battle1_CH3
  1467. $6C05 = Battle1_CH4
  1468. $6A4C = Battle1_CH1.block1
  1469. $6A73 = Battle1_CH1.block2
  1470. $6ABC = Battle1_CH2.block1
  1471. $6AE1 = Battle1_CH2.block2
  1472. $6BE4 = Battle1_CH3.block3
  1473. $6B5E = Battle1_CH3.block1
  1474. $6B9F = Battle1_CH3.block2
  1475. $6C47 = Battle1_CH4.block1
  1476. $6C8C = FileSelect_CH1
  1477. $6CC9 = FileSelect_CH2
  1478. $6CD7 = FileSelect_CH3
  1479. $6D59 = FileSelect_CH4
  1480. $6CF7 = FileSelect_CH3.block1
  1481. $6D28 = FileSelect_CH3.block2
  1482. $73CC = Scale_CH1
  1483. $6D6F = Boss1_CH1
  1484. $6ED7 = Boss1_CH2
  1485. $6FBC = Boss1_CH3
  1486. $7113 = Boss1_CH4
  1487. $6E65 = Boss1_CH1.block1
  1488. $6E7E = Boss1_CH1.block2
  1489. $6F19 = Boss1_CH2.block0
  1490. $6F3A = Boss1_CH2.block1
  1491. $6F9B = Boss1_CH2.block3
  1492. $6F7B = Boss1_CH2.block2
  1493. $6FF3 = Boss1_CH3.block1
  1494. $7000 = Boss1_CH3.block2
  1495. $70C1 = Boss1_CH3.block4
  1496. $7081 = Boss1_CH3.block3
  1497. $7102 = Boss1_CH3.block5
  1498. $7132 = Boss1_CH4.block1
  1499. $7177 = ScareChord_CH1
  1500. $717E = ScareChord_CH3
  1501. $7185 = ScareChord_CH4
  1502. $721B = NeoSafePlace_CH2
  1503. $71C2 = NeoSafePlace_CH1
  1504. $7263 = NeoSafePlace_CH3
  1505. $731E = NeoSafePlace_CH4
  1506. $71F9 = NeoSafePlace_CH1.block0
  1507. $720A = NeoSafePlace_CH1.block1
  1508. $7239 = NeoSafePlace_CH2.block1
  1509. $724E = NeoSafePlace_CH2.block2
  1510. $7313 = NeoSafePlace_CH3.block0
  1511. $7368 = AvocadoInvaders_CH3
  1512. $7394 = Forest_CH1
  1513. $73AD = Forest_CH2
  1514. $73B4 = Forest_CH3
  1515. $73A2 = Forest_PulsePart.block1
  1516. $7396 = Forest_PulsePart
  1517. $583C = CH2_UpdateRegisters.nocarry
  1518. $50F2 = CH2_CheckByte.loadPortaType
  1519. $5B68 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.normal
  1520. $5A5D = CH3_UpdateRegisters.noreset
  1521. $5A64 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.continue
  1522. $5613 = UpdateRegisters.directlyUpdateVolume
  1523. $51ED = CH3_CheckByte.noresetwave
  1524. $5638 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.noskiparp
  1525. $5F30 = SkipLoopPoint.loop
  1526. $5755 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.sub
  1527. $59A2 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.donesetFreq
  1528. $5E71 = DoPWM.continue
  1529. $5454 = CH4_CheckByte.notodd
  1530. $582E = CH2_UpdateRegisters.noskiparp
  1531. $5941 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.sub
  1532. $582E = CH2_UpdateRegisters.norest
  1533. $4FEA = CH2_CheckByte.noreset
  1534. $5F62 = MultiplyVolume_.nocarry
  1535. $4DEC = CH1_CheckByte.noInstrumentChange
  1536. $56BA = CH1_UpdateRegisters.noskipsweep
  1537. $5A2D = CH3_UpdateRegisters.noskiparp
  1538. $5DCD = ClearWaveBuffer.loop
  1539. $5638 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.norest
  1540. $5210 = CH3_CheckByte.notodd
  1541. $4FE0 = CH2_CheckByte.noreset_checkvol
  1542. $55FC = UpdateRegisters.fadein
  1543. $579A = CH1_UpdateRegisters.tonepordone
  1544. $592D = CH2_UpdateRegisters.pitchbenddone
  1545. $5945 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.setFreq
  1546. $5855 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.absolute
  1547. $5457 = CH4_CheckByte.odd
  1548. $5F3B = SkipLoopPoint.done
  1549. $5C13 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.multiplyvolume
  1550. $5781 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.nocarry8
  1551. $5739 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.nocarry7
  1552. $5724 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.nocarry6
  1553. $57CB = CH1_UpdateRegisters.nocarry5
  1554. $56F7 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.nocarry4
  1555. $5682 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.nocarry2
  1556. $5610 = UpdateRegisters.updateVolume
  1557. $58EE = CH2_UpdateRegisters.noloop2
  1558. $5C2B = CH3_UpdateRegisters.skip
  1559. $56E9 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.doVib
  1560. $5EA7 = DoPWM.even2
  1561. $5EE9 = ClearArpBuffer.loop
  1562. $6668 = wave_Bass2
  1563. $5004 = CH2_CheckByte.odd
  1564. $57AC = CH1_UpdateRegisters.donesetFreq
  1565. $59FD = CH2_UpdateRegisters.loadlast
  1566. $5933 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.getPitchOffset
  1567. $5472 = CH4_CheckByte.nullnote
  1568. $66F0 = waveseq_75
  1569. $599F = CH2_UpdateRegisters.normal
  1570. $56AB = CH1_UpdateRegisters.skippitchbend
  1571. $57EB = CH1_UpdateRegisters.noreset3
  1572. $568D = CH1_UpdateRegisters.noreset2
  1573. $596D = CH2_UpdateRegisters.nocarry8
  1574. $58E3 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.nocarry4
  1575. $59CB = CH2_UpdateRegisters.nocarry5
  1576. $5910 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.nocarry6
  1577. $5925 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.nocarry7
  1578. $5873 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.nocarry2
  1579. $5BEF = CH3_UpdateRegisters.updatebuffer
  1580. $5C78 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.multdone
  1581. $4DC5 = CH1_CheckByte.noreset_checkvol
  1582. $5609 = UpdateRegisters.dostop
  1583. $55D1 = UpdateRegisters.doupdate
  1584. $51F4 = CH3_CheckByte.noresetvol
  1585. $5213 = CH3_CheckByte.odd
  1586. $5984 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.clamp
  1587. $5A6B = CH3_UpdateRegisters.updateNote
  1588. $5001 = CH2_CheckByte.notodd
  1589. $5EF5 =
  1590. $57A9 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.normal
  1591. $4F83 = UpdateCH2.continue
  1592. $4D30 = DevSound_Play.doUpdate
  1593. $5C5F = CH3_UpdateRegisters.multnormal
  1594. $5AC1 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.noloop2
  1595. $5C44 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.multswapped
  1596. $4E09 = CH1_CheckByte.nullnote
  1597. $5A46 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.noloop
  1598. $5E48 = DoPWM.incPos
  1599. $569D = CH1_UpdateRegisters.updateNote
  1600. $5A3B = CH3_UpdateRegisters.nocarry
  1601. $5E94 = DoPWM.continue2
  1602. $5EA4 = DoPWM.nocarry2
  1603. $58C9 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.updateVibTable
  1604. $545A = CH4_CheckByte.noInstrumentChange
  1605. $5967 =
  1606. $5E8B = DoPWM.odd
  1607. $5979 =
  1608. $5986 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.tonepordone
  1609. $5AA8 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.doVib
  1610. $5B00 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.pitchbenddone
  1611. $4D52 = DevSound_Play.odd
  1612. $561B = CH1_UpdateRegisters
  1613. $5668 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.noreset
  1614. $521E = CH3_CheckByte.endChannel
  1615. $55C5 = UpdateRegisters.notfirstfade
  1616. $5CB0 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.updatearp
  1617. $545D = CH4_CheckByte.endChannel
  1618. $5A2D = CH3_UpdateRegisters.updatearp
  1619. $4FA3 = CH2_CheckByte.getNote
  1620. $4DCF = CH1_CheckByte.noreset
  1621. $58A6 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.skippitchbend
  1622. $5225 = CH3_CheckByte.retSection
  1623. $5B40 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.nocarry8
  1624. $5B83 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.nocarry5
  1625. $5AB6 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.nocarry4
  1626. $5AF8 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.nocarry7
  1627. $5AE3 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.nocarry6
  1628. $5BC4 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.nocarry2
  1629. $5216 = CH3_CheckByte.noInstrumentChange
  1630. $5197 = UpdateCH3.continue
  1631. $5CE7 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.continue
  1632. $5798 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.clamp
  1633. $5B06 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.getPitchOffset
  1634. $58FA = CH2_UpdateRegisters.pitchbend
  1635. $5B70 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.updateVolume
  1636. $5D4D = CH4_UpdateRegisters.noreset3
  1637. $5CC9 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.noloop
  1638. $4DF4 = CH1_CheckByte.endChannel
  1639. $570E = CH1_UpdateRegisters.pitchbend
  1640. $5D01 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.noclamp
  1641. $5759 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.setFreq
  1642. $5847 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.noloop
  1643. $558D = UpdateRegisters
  1644. $4ED7 = CH1_CheckByte.loadPortaType
  1645. $56DD = CH1_UpdateRegisters.updateVibTable
  1646. $5F0B = DoArp.slow
  1647. $4DFB = CH1_CheckByte.retSection
  1648. $5D5F = CH4_UpdateRegisters.loadlast
  1649. $5301 = CH3_CheckByte.loadPortaType
  1650. $51B5 = CH3_CheckByte.getNote
  1651. $5638 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.updatearp
  1652. $5C08 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.notwavebuf
  1653. $566F = CH1_UpdateRegisters.continue
  1654. $53F5 = UpdateCH4.continue
  1655. $5CBE = CH4_UpdateRegisters.nocarry
  1656. $55E4 = UpdateRegisters.fadeoutstop
  1657. $5CD7 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.absolute
  1658. $5D09 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.nocarry2
  1659. $5D2E = CH4_UpdateRegisters.nocarry5
  1660. $5747 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.getPitchOffset
  1661. $4D3D = DevSound_Play.getSongTimer
  1662. $5898 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.updateNote
  1663. $5AED = CH3_UpdateRegisters.sub2
  1664. $4D55 = DevSound_Play.setTimer
  1665. $5E83 = DoPWM.even
  1666. $5CE0 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.noreset
  1667. $55C2 = UpdateRegisters.gotfirstfadevolume
  1668. $4DE9 = CH1_CheckByte.odd
  1669. $5411 = CH4_CheckByte.getNote
  1670. $62B7 = SongSpeedTable_End
  1671. $5665 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.donearp
  1672. $5651 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.noloop
  1673. $5B18 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.setFreq
  1674. $5741 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.pitchbenddone
  1675. $57FD = CH1_UpdateRegisters.loadlast
  1676. $5A54 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.absolute
  1677. $4C41 = DevSound_Init.initLoop
  1678. $5CE7 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.updateNote
  1679. $5CFB = CH4_UpdateRegisters.minus
  1680. $5702 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.noloop2
  1681. $5B3A =
  1682. $55F0 = UpdateRegisters.fadeout
  1683. $5B4C =
  1684. $4D5A = DevSound_Play.noupdate
  1685. $5F56 = MultiplyVolume.noswap
  1686. $5865 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.continue
  1687. $5D13 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.updateVolume
  1688. $4D75 = UpdateCH1.continue
  1689. $560C = UpdateRegisters.done
  1690. $62C9 = SongPointerTable_End
  1691. $577B =
  1692. $578D =
  1693. $4CE3 = DevSound_ExternalCommand.nocarry
  1694. $565F = CH1_UpdateRegisters.absolute
  1695. $5E15 = _RandomizeWave.nocarry
  1696. $5B59 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.tonepordone
  1697. $5433 = CH4_CheckByte.noresetvol
  1698. $5464 = CH4_CheckByte.retSection
  1699. $5E80 = DoPWM.nocarry
  1700. $5BA3 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.noreset3
  1701. $5BD8 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.noreset2
  1702. $59EB = CH2_UpdateRegisters.noreset3
  1703. $5CB0 = CH4_UpdateRegisters.norest
  1704. $4D4D = DevSound_Play.even
  1705. $5A9C = CH3_UpdateRegisters.updateVibTable
  1706. $4CD7 = DevSound_ExternalCommand
  1707. $585B = CH2_UpdateRegisters.donearp
  1708. $5B6B = CH3_UpdateRegisters.donesetFreq
  1709. $5A2D = CH3_UpdateRegisters.norest
  1710. $5EAF = DoPWM.odd2
  1711. $5ED9 = JumpTableBelow.nocarry
  1712. $5EB1 = DoPWM.done
  1713. $4D92 = CH1_CheckByte.getNote
  1714. $591A = CH2_UpdateRegisters.sub2
  1715. $572E = CH1_UpdateRegisters.sub2
  1716. $5DD7 = _CombineWaves.loop
  1717. $5A79 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.skippitchbend
  1718. $5007 = CH2_CheckByte.noInstrumentChange
  1719. $585E = CH2_UpdateRegisters.noreset
  1720. $58D5 = CH2_UpdateRegisters.doVib
  1721. $5E5D = DoPWM.decPos
  1722. $5646 = CH1_UpdateRegisters.nocarry
  1723. $5ACD = CH3_UpdateRegisters.pitchbend
  1724. $5A5A = CH3_UpdateRegisters.donearp
  1725. $5482 = CH4_CheckByte.release
  1726. $5B14 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.sub
  1727. $5C7A = CH3_UpdateRegisters.mute
  1728. $4DE6 = CH1_CheckByte.notodd
  1729. $582E = CH2_UpdateRegisters.updatearp
  1730. $5E1E = _RandomizeWave.loop
  1731. $5CDD = CH4_UpdateRegisters.donearp
  1732. $5B57 = CH3_UpdateRegisters.clamp
  1733. SLACK: $0023 bytes
  1735. ROM Bank #5:
  1736. SECTION: $4000-$41D6 ($01D7 bytes) ["Battle engine"]
  1737. $4156 = BattleTextboxBorderTiles
  1738. $4146 = StartBattle.invalidBattleTransition
  1739. $4186 = BattleTransitions
  1740. $4188 = TestBattleTransition
  1741. $414E = StartBattle.invalidEnemy
  1742. $413F = StartBattle.battleLoop
  1743. $407E = StartBattle.waitVRAM2
  1744. $40AC = StartBattle.waitVRAM3
  1745. $4066 = StartBattle.waitVRAM1
  1746. $40C7 = StartBattle.waitVRAM4
  1747. $40DB = StartBattle.waitVRAM5
  1748. $40FC = StartBattle.preserveNPC
  1749. $40F3 = StartBattle.clearNPCLoop
  1750. $4072 = StartBattle.initTextboxAttributes
  1751. $41A9 = TestBattleTransition.dontWrapHoriz
  1752. $40EC = StartBattle.clearUnwantedNPCs
  1753. $4019 = StartBattle.textboxContents
  1754. $409A = StartBattle.initMainAttr
  1755. $4000 = StartBattle
  1756. $4100 = StartBattle.doneWithNPC
  1757. $40B4 = StartBattle.initStatusBoxAttributes
  1758. $4194 = TestBattleTransition.clearTile
  1759. $4192 = TestBattleTransition.clearRow
  1760. $40BB = StartBattle.noCarry3
  1761. $40A1 = StartBattle.noCarry2
  1762. $408B = StartBattle.noCarry1
  1763. $41C0 = TestBattleTransition.noCarry
  1764. $403C = StartBattle.statusBoxContents
  1765. $41AF = TestBattleTransition.dontWait
  1766. SECTION: $78AC-$7BCB ($0320 bytes) ["Animation commands"]
  1767. $78AC = AnimationCommands
  1768. $78CC = AnimationJumpTo
  1769. $78DC = StartNewAnim
  1770. $78EA = AnimationCall
  1771. $7910 = AnimationCallSection
  1772. $795E = AnimationCopyTiles
  1773. $79A9 = AnimationCopySprites
  1774. $7A18 = AnimationMoveSprites
  1775. $7A49 = AnimationMovePlayer
  1776. $7A81 = AnimationTurnPlayer
  1777. $7A96 = AnimationMoveNPC
  1778. $7ACD = AnimationTurnNPC
  1779. $7AEC = AnimationSetSpritePos
  1780. $7B20 = AnimationSetSpriteTiles
  1781. $7B51 = AnimationSetSpriteAttribs
  1782. $7B82 = AnimationSetLoopCounter
  1783. $7B8C = AnimationDjnz
  1784. $7BBE = GetAnimSpriteInfo
  1785. $7BA2 = GetNPCPtrFromAnimID
  1786. $7B97 = GetLoopCounterPtr
  1787. $7B40 = AnimationSetSpriteTiles.loop
  1788. $795B = AnimationCallSection.debugMessage_738
  1789. $7A7B = AnimationMovePlayer.movedHoriz
  1790. $7B71 = AnimationSetSpriteAttribs.loop
  1791. $7ACA = AnimationMoveNPC.movedHoriz
  1792. $799B = AnimationCopyTiles.foundHook
  1793. $7AAF = AnimationMoveNPC.moveDown
  1794. $7A76 = AnimationMovePlayer.moveRight
  1795. $7B4B = AnimationSetSpriteTiles.preventOverflow
  1796. $7BB4 = GetNPCPtrFromAnimID.gotNPCID
  1797. $7A12 = AnimationCopySprites.preventOverflow
  1798. $78F8 = AnimationCall.lookForSlot
  1799. $7907 = ForceAnimationEnd
  1800. $7A38 = AnimationMoveSprites.loop
  1801. $7A43 = AnimationMoveSprites.preventOverflow
  1802. $792D = AnimationCallSection.noCarry
  1803. $7AC5 = AnimationMoveNPC.moveRight
  1804. $7AE2 = AnimationTurnNPC.justTurn
  1805. $79F2 = AnimationCopySprites.debugMessage_740
  1806. $7B7C = AnimationSetSpriteAttribs.preventOverflow
  1807. $7947 = AnimationCallSection.stackFull
  1808. $7AB4 = AnimationMoveNPC.movedVert
  1809. $7A65 = AnimationMovePlayer.movedVert
  1810. $7A60 = AnimationMovePlayer.moveDown
  1811. $79F3 = AnimationCopySprites.nbOfSpritesValid
  1812. $7B0B = AnimationSetSpritePos.loop
  1813. $7991 = AnimationCopyTiles.lookForHook
  1814. $7978 = AnimationCopyTiles.noCarry
  1815. $79A6 = AnimationCopyTiles.abortHookCreation
  1816. $7B1A = AnimationSetSpritePos.preventOverflow
  1817. SECTION: $59BE-$6144 ($0787 bytes) ["Home debug menu"]
  1818. $5A64 = HomeDebugMenu.strings
  1819. $5A8A = HomeDebugMenu.pointers
  1820. $59D7 = HomeDebugMenu.restart
  1821. $5A8E = SoundTestMenu
  1822. $5C0E = TilesetViewerMenu
  1823. $5BA9 = SoundTestMenu.strings
  1824. $613B = DebugMenuPrintStrings
  1825. $5ABC = SoundTestMenu.mainLoop
  1826. $602B = TilesetViewerMenu.strings
  1827. $5EAA = TilesetViewerMenu.loadTileset
  1828. $5EBE = TilesetViewerMenu.updateBlockView
  1829. $5D13 = TilesetViewerMenu.viewTiles
  1830. $5D8D = TilesetViewerMenu.viewNPCs
  1831. $5E7C = TilesetViewerMenu.writeCursor
  1832. $5EA0 = TilesetViewerMenu.mainFunctions
  1833. $5E8D = TilesetViewerMenu.loadAction
  1834. $5E6E = TilesetViewerMenu.getCursorPos
  1835. $5D5E = TilesetViewerMenu.tileViewerPrintAttribs
  1836. $5C19 = TilesetViewerMenu.restartNoReset
  1837. $60B5 = TilesetViewerMenu.NPCStrings
  1838. $5F09 = TilesetViewerMenu.loadMapNPCTiles
  1839. $6009 = TilesetViewerMenu.updateNPCPalettes
  1840. $5EE6 = TilesetViewerMenu.NPCFunctions
  1841. $5EC7 = TilesetViewerMenu.resetTileBlock
  1842. $601E = TilesetViewerMenu.updateEmote
  1843. $5DAE = TilesetViewerMenu.writeFlipBits
  1844. $5A14 = HomeDebugMenu.printStringsNoCarry
  1845. $5A4C = HomeDebugMenu.redrawCursor
  1846. $5A4A = HomeDebugMenu.ok
  1847. $5A45 = HomeDebugMenu.up
  1848. $5B3B = SoundTestMenu.printMusicName
  1849. $5ECB = TilesetViewerMenu.clearOneBank
  1850. $5C9D = TilesetViewerMenu.selectTileset
  1851. $5F9F = TilesetViewerMenu.loadGfx
  1852. $5FBC = TilesetViewerMenu.noTiles
  1853. $5C47 = TilesetViewerMenu.printStrings
  1854. $5E51 = TilesetViewerMenu.moveNPCCursor
  1855. $5ED7 = TilesetViewerMenu.clearTiles
  1856. $59BE = HomeDebugMenu
  1857. $5B1F = SoundTestMenu.left
  1858. $5FCB = TilesetViewerMenu.loadOBJPalettes
  1859. $5B63 = SoundTestMenu.gotSongName
  1860. $5E17 = TilesetViewerMenu.npcLeft
  1861. $5DF3 = TilesetViewerMenu.NPCMainLoop
  1862. $5B89 =
  1863. $6011 = TilesetViewerMenu.updatePaletteByte
  1864. $5CF5 = TilesetViewerMenu.performAction
  1865. $5F44 = TilesetViewerMenu.fixedTileset
  1866. $5A2B = HomeDebugMenu.mainLoop
  1867. $5F5A = TilesetViewerMenu.noDep
  1868. $5D74 = TilesetViewerMenu.keepPrinting
  1869. $5C70 = TilesetViewerMenu.waitVRAM
  1870. $5CEA = TilesetViewerMenu.right
  1871. $5C28 = TilesetViewerMenu.clearRow
  1872. $5AD6 = SoundTestMenu.notOnMusic
  1873. $5B2B = SoundTestMenu.decSFX
  1874. $5B31 = SoundTestMenu.right
  1875. $5CC2 = TilesetViewerMenu.up
  1876. $5D21 = TilesetViewerMenu.ok
  1877. $5FDF = TilesetViewerMenu.loadPalette
  1878. $5C35 = TilesetViewerMenu.noCarry
  1879. $5E65 = TilesetViewerMenu.restoreAndExit
  1880. $5B81 = SoundTestMenu.fadeout
  1881. $5E49 = TilesetViewerMenu.npcDown
  1882. $5D39 = TilesetViewerMenu.viewTilesLoop
  1883. $5D7F = TilesetViewerMenu.bankEnded
  1884. $5B1C = SoundTestMenu.end
  1885. $5D19 = TilesetViewerMenu.printBank
  1886. $5DE9 = TilesetViewerMenu.toggleWalk
  1887. $5D1B = TilesetViewerMenu.printTiles
  1888. $5A07 = HomeDebugMenu.printString
  1889. $5F51 = TilesetViewerMenu.skipInteractions
  1890. $5FF8 = TilesetViewerMenu.loadSiblingGfx
  1891. $5CC9 = TilesetViewerMenu.moveCursor
  1892. $5E40 = TilesetViewerMenu.npcUp
  1893. $5D69 = TilesetViewerMenu.printAttrib
  1894. $5B79 = SoundTestMenu.fadein
  1895. $5E22 = TilesetViewerMenu.performNPCAction
  1896. $5D4F = TilesetViewerMenu.tileViewerRight
  1897. $5D53 = TilesetViewerMenu.updateTileAttribs
  1898. $6026 = TilesetViewerMenu.emoteIDValid
  1899. $5A54 = HomeDebugMenu.exec
  1900. $5AA4 = SoundTestMenu.waitVRAM
  1901. $5CDD = TilesetViewerMenu.left
  1902. $5F82 = TilesetViewerMenu.loadNPCTiles
  1903. $5F61 = TilesetViewerMenu.noCarry2
  1904. $5F76 = TilesetViewerMenu.noCarry3
  1905. $5B98 = SoundTestMenu.playSFX
  1906. $5B72 = SoundTestMenu.incSFX
  1907. $5F64 = TilesetViewerMenu.skippedInteractions
  1908. $5C7B = TilesetViewerMenu.toggleGender
  1909. $5D67 = TilesetViewerMenu.printRow
  1910. SECTION: $7567-$78AB ($0345 bytes) ["Staff credits"]
  1911. $7778 = CreditsFirstStrs
  1912. $7791 = StaffCreditsStrs
  1913. $765B = StaffCredits.dontRefreshLine
  1914. $75F7 = StaffCredits.nextScreen
  1915. $7869 = CreditsThanksStrs
  1916. $789B = CreditsFinalStr
  1917. $7567 = PlayCredits
  1918. $7759 = StaffCredits.printFinalStr
  1919. $75C3 = PlayCredits.scrollDownToStaff
  1920. $75CC = PlayCredits.applyCap_ToStaff
  1921. $7660 = StaffCredits.titleInitDone
  1922. $76BB = StaffCredits.goDownOnePixel
  1923. $75DD = StaffCredits
  1924. $76CA = StaffCredits.lock
  1925. $766E = StaffCredits.topOfSprite
  1926. $763C = StaffCredits.initTiles
  1927. $76B2 = StaffCredits.delayNextPixel
  1928. $76C4 = StaffCredits.scrollSpritesRight
  1929. $7614 = StaffCredits.nextSpriteLine
  1930. $763B = StaffCredits.initNextTile
  1931. $774C = StaffCredits.finalLoop
  1932. $76A2 = StaffCredits.goDownOnce
  1933. $7616 = StaffCredits.initSpriteLine
  1934. SECTION: $502E-$59BD ($0990 bytes) ["Title screen"]
  1935. $527F = SkipIntroLogos
  1936. $584E = IntroCloudMap
  1937. $5105 = PlayIntro.lengths
  1938. $5169 = PlayIntro.oam
  1939. $58EE = DevSoftTilemap
  1940. $5575 = TitleScreen.copyToScreen
  1941. $523F = DevSoftAnimation.message
  1942. $5952 = CopyrightOAM0
  1943. $599E = CopyrightOAM1
  1944. $5976 = CopyrightTilemap
  1945. $5779 = TitleScreen.copyrightMap
  1946. $57A1 = TitleScreen.OAM
  1947. $5585 = TitleScreen.topTitleMap
  1948. $5841 = TitleScreen.pressSTARTStr
  1949. $5234 = DevSoftAnimation.printMessage
  1950. $53D5 = TitleScreen.loadBGPalettes
  1951. $524F = DevSoftAnimation.move
  1952. $54ED = TitleScreen.writeVersion
  1953. $534D = CopyrightAnimation.waitAfterAnim0
  1954. $5532 = TitleScreen.waitBelowPressSTART
  1955. $5689 = TitleScreen.topTileMap
  1956. $54A1 = TitleScreen.scrollTitleScreen
  1957. $539F = CopyrightAnimation.done
  1958. $510B = PlayIntro.donePrintingAeviDev
  1959. $502E = PlayIntro
  1960. $5159 = PlayIntro.moveSprites
  1961. $53E8 = TitleScreen.loadOBJPalettes
  1962. $53B1 = TitleScreen
  1963. $50EB = PlayIntro.printAeviDev
  1964. $5556 = TitleScreen.end
  1965. $5430 = TitleScreen.scrollClouds
  1966. $54D0 = TitleScreen.scrollLogoIn
  1967. $50F9 = PlayIntro.printAeviDevLine
  1968. $526D = DevSoftAnimation.clearRightOfLogo
  1969. $54A2 = TitleScreen.waitBelowLogo
  1970. $527A = DevSoftAnimation.noCarry
  1971. $541D = TitleScreen.moveWindowUp
  1972. $525D = DevSoftAnimation.moveLeft
  1973. $54B4 = TitleScreen.dontMoveClouds
  1974. $5207 = DevSoftAnimation.animateReloadHL
  1975. $5140 = PlayIntro.move
  1976. $520A = DevSoftAnimation.animate
  1977. $51BA = DevSoftAnimation
  1978. $5373 = CopyrightAnimation.animate1
  1979. $5322 = CopyrightAnimation.animate0
  1980. $5581 = TitleScreen.noCopyCarry
  1981. $5124 = PlayIntro.animateAeviDev
  1982. $550E = TitleScreen.waitPressSTART
  1983. $552B = TitleScreen.decrementReg
  1984. $5374 = CopyrightAnimation.wait1
  1985. $5323 = CopyrightAnimation.wait0
  1986. $54D2 = TitleScreen.waitBelowLogo2
  1987. $514E = PlayIntro.decrementSpeed
  1988. $54B9 = TitleScreen.scrollSprites
  1989. $530A = CopyrightAnimation.writeAeviDevLine1
  1990. $52F9 = CopyrightAnimation.writeAeviDevLine0
  1991. $51B1 = PlayIntro.aeviDevDone
  1992. $52B6 = DevSoftDone
  1993. $550D = TitleScreen.wait
  1994. $52C9 = CopyrightAnimation
  1995. $545B = TitleScreen.waitVRAM1
  1996. $5462 = TitleScreen.waitVRAM2
  1997. $5476 = TitleScreen.waitVRAM3
  1998. $5389 = CopyrightAnimation.scrollSprites1
  1999. $5338 = CopyrightAnimation.scrollSprites0
  2000. SECTION: $41D7-$502D ($0E57 bytes) ["Font loader"]
  2001. $41F8 = FontPointers
  2002. $47FE = BasicFontEnd
  2003. $41FE = BasicFont
  2004. $47FE = OldShadedFont
  2005. $4BBE = ShadedFont
  2006. $41E1 = LoadFont.loadToBank0
  2007. $502E = ShadedFontEnd
  2008. $4BBE = OldShadedFontEnd
  2009. $41D7 = LoadFont
  2010. SECTION: $6145-$67E0 ($069C bytes) ["Startham map"]
  2011. $6145 = StarthamMap
  2012. $6709 = StarthamUnfinishedNorthConnection
  2013. $6749 = StarthamUnfinishedSouthConnection
  2014. $654A = StarthamLockedHouseText
  2015. $6573 = StarthamSignText
  2016. $6598 = StarthamHouseForSaleSign
  2017. $65C6 = StarthamEmptySign
  2018. $6789 = StarthamDevEdTestScript
  2019. $65D9 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutscene
  2020. $64D2 = StarthamNPCScripts
  2021. $64D6 = StarthamNPC0Script
  2022. $6525 = StarthamGenericBoyAScript
  2023. $6233 = StarthamNPCs
  2024. $6277 = StarthamWarpToPoints
  2025. $62C8 = StarthamBlocks
  2026. $6269 = StarthamPalettes
  2027. $614F = StarthamInteractions
  2028. SECTION: $6CC2-$717F ($04BE bytes) ["Intro map texts"]
  2029. $6E6D = StarthamForestMap
  2030. $6CC2 = IntroBoyGirlText
  2031. $6D06 = IntroChoseGenderText
  2032. $6D2C = IntroGreetText
  2033. $6D53 = IntroPressAText
  2034. $6D6F = IntroObjectNeededText
  2035. $6E06 = IntroRemovedNPCText
  2036. $6CC2 = IntroTexts
  2037. $6E2A = IntroStartMenuText
  2038. $6DCE = IntroObjectNeededText.branch1
  2039. $6D88 = IntroObjectNeededText.source1
  2040. $6DBC = IntroObjectNeededText.branch2
  2041. $6DB5 = IntroObjectNeededText.source2
  2042. $6E57 = IntroStartMenuText.endingLines
  2043. $7109 = StarthamForestEndOfDemo
  2044. $7137 = StarthamForestEntranceSign
  2045. $714F = StarthamForestDiagonalSign
  2046. $716F = StarthamForestExitSign
  2047. $6ECD = StarthamForestNPCs
  2048. $6E77 = StarthamForestInteractions
  2049. $6ECE = StarthamForestPalettes
  2050. $6EDC = StarthamForestWarpToPoints
  2051. $6EED = StarthamForestBlocks
  2052. SECTION: $7EE5-$7FE6 ($0102 bytes) ["Startham's large house map"]
  2053. $7EE5 = StarthamLargeHouse
  2054. $7F33 = StarthamLargeHouseBlocks
  2055. $7F14 = StarthamLargeHouseHousePalettes
  2056. $7EEF = StarthamLargeHouseInteractions
  2057. $7F01 = StarthamLargeHouseNPCs
  2058. $7F22 = StarthamLargeHouseWarpToPoints
  2059. SECTION: $67E1-$6CC1 ($04E1 bytes) ["Startham text strings"]
  2060. $6C30 = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine10
  2061. $6A26 = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine4
  2062. $6A2E = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine5
  2063. $6A40 = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine6
  2064. $6A4C = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine7
  2065. $69EE = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine0
  2066. $69FB = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine1
  2067. $6A03 = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine2
  2068. $6A16 = StarthamLockedHouseTextLine3
  2069. $68E4 = StarthamGenericBoyAScriptLine4
  2070. $68ED = StarthamGenericBoyAScriptLine5
  2071. $68FC = StarthamGenericBoyAScriptLine6
  2072. $68A4 = StarthamGenericBoyAScriptLine0
  2073. $68B4 = StarthamGenericBoyAScriptLine1
  2074. $68C2 = StarthamGenericBoyAScriptLine2
  2075. $68D3 = StarthamGenericBoyAScriptLine3
  2076. $67E1 = StarthamParzivalName
  2077. $6A57 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneName
  2078. $6957 = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine0
  2079. $6969 = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine1
  2080. $6977 = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine2
  2081. $6983 = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine3
  2082. $698D = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine4
  2083. $699B = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine5
  2084. $69AC = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine6
  2085. $69BB = StarthamHouseForSaleSignLine7
  2086. $6879 = StarthamParzivalLine11
  2087. $6875 = StarthamParzivalLine10
  2088. $6899 = StarthamParzivalLine13
  2089. $6889 = StarthamParzivalLine12
  2090. $69D9 = StarthamEmptySignLine1
  2091. $69C9 = StarthamEmptySignLine0
  2092. $69E7 = StarthamEmptySignLine2
  2093. $6906 = StarthamSignName
  2094. $6AC6 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine8
  2095. $6AD3 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine9
  2096. $6AA4 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine6
  2097. $6AB6 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine7
  2098. $6A88 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine4
  2099. $6A98 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine5
  2100. $6A6E = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine2
  2101. $6A78 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine3
  2102. $6A59 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine0
  2103. $6A5F = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine1
  2104. $6C82 = DevEdTestScriptLine4
  2105. $6C8F = DevEdTestScriptLine5
  2106. $6CA0 = DevEdTestScriptLine6
  2107. $6CB2 = DevEdTestScriptLine7
  2108. $6C43 = DevEdTestScriptLine0
  2109. $6C53 = DevEdTestScriptLine1
  2110. $6C63 = DevEdTestScriptLine2
  2111. $6C70 = DevEdTestScriptLine3
  2112. $6CBA = DevEdTestScriptLine8
  2113. $6B62 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine20
  2114. $6B71 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine21
  2115. $6B83 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine22
  2116. $6B51 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine19
  2117. $6B4D = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine18
  2118. $6B49 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine17
  2119. $6B37 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine16
  2120. $6B26 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine15
  2121. $6B18 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine14
  2122. $6B08 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine13
  2123. $6B00 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine12
  2124. $6AF2 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine11
  2125. $6AE4 = StarthamMeetSiblingCutsceneLine10
  2126. $6C02 = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine7
  2127. $6BF0 = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine6
  2128. $6BDF = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine5
  2129. $6BCD = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine4
  2130. $6BBC = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine3
  2131. $6BAC = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine2
  2132. $6BA5 = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine1
  2133. $6B94 = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine0
  2134. $6C21 = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine9
  2135. $6C13 = StarthamUnfinishedMapTextLine8
  2136. $6949 = StarthamSignLine4
  2137. $6955 = StarthamSignLine5
  2138. $6910 = StarthamSignLine0
  2139. $6921 = StarthamSignLine1
  2140. $692F = StarthamSignLine2
  2141. $6942 = StarthamSignLine3
  2142. $6823 = StarthamParzivalLine4
  2143. $6831 = StarthamParzivalLine5
  2144. $6842 = StarthamParzivalLine6
  2145. $6846 = StarthamParzivalLine7
  2146. $67EA = StarthamParzivalLine0
  2147. $67F5 = StarthamParzivalLine1
  2148. $6803 = StarthamParzivalLine2
  2149. $6814 = StarthamParzivalLine3
  2150. $6858 = StarthamParzivalLine8
  2151. $6868 = StarthamParzivalLine9
  2152. SECTION: $7180-$7566 ($03E7 bytes) ["File select text strings"]
  2153. $7402 = NoDeleteChoiceText
  2154. $7180 = TechCrewName
  2155. $71FA = CompatExplanationTextLine10
  2156. $720C = CompatExplanationTextLine11
  2157. $7213 = CompatExplanationTextLine12
  2158. $721E = CompatExplanationTextLine13
  2159. $7231 = CompatExplanationTextLine14
  2160. $7244 = CompatExplanationTextLine15
  2161. $7256 = CompatExplanationTextLine16
  2162. $7265 = CompatExplanationTextLine17
  2163. $7276 = CompatExplanationTextLine18
  2164. $7288 = CompatExplanationTextLine19
  2165. $72C2 = CompatExplanationTextLine23
  2166. $72AF = CompatExplanationTextLine22
  2167. $729E = CompatExplanationTextLine21
  2168. $728D = CompatExplanationTextLine20
  2169. $7302 = CompatExplanationTextLine27
  2170. $72EF = CompatExplanationTextLine26
  2171. $72DF = CompatExplanationTextLine25
  2172. $72CE = CompatExplanationTextLine24
  2173. $731E = CompatExplanationTextLine29
  2174. $730F = CompatExplanationTextLine28
  2175. $7350 = CompatExplanationTextLine32
  2176. $7330 = CompatExplanationTextLine30
  2177. $7342 = CompatExplanationTextLine31
  2178. $748C = CorruptedFileTextLine4
  2179. $7495 = CorruptedFileTextLine5
  2180. $74A1 = CorruptedFileTextLine6
  2181. $745A = CorruptedFileTextLine0
  2182. $7467 = CorruptedFileTextLine1
  2183. $7472 = CorruptedFileTextLine2
  2184. $747D = CorruptedFileTextLine3
  2185. $7199 = CompatExplanationTextLine1
  2186. $718A = CompatExplanationTextLine0
  2187. $71B3 = CompatExplanationTextLine3
  2188. $71A8 = CompatExplanationTextLine2
  2189. $71D0 = CompatExplanationTextLine5
  2190. $71C0 = CompatExplanationTextLine4
  2191. $71E2 = CompatExplanationTextLine7
  2192. $71D5 = CompatExplanationTextLine6
  2193. $71F2 = CompatExplanationTextLine9
  2194. $71ED = CompatExplanationTextLine8
  2195. $7444 = ConfirmLoadTextLine0
  2196. $744F = ConfirmLoadTextLine1
  2197. $743C = NoCopyChoiceText
  2198. $735B = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine0
  2199. $7367 = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine1
  2200. $7372 = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine2
  2201. $7385 = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine3
  2202. $7398 = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine4
  2203. $73AB = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine5
  2204. $73BB = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine6
  2205. $73C9 = CompatFileCorruptedTextLine7
  2206. $74D2 = BackupCorruptedTextLine4
  2207. $74D9 = BackupCorruptedTextLine5
  2208. $74E7 = BackupCorruptedTextLine6
  2209. $74F1 = BackupCorruptedTextLine7
  2210. $74AB = BackupCorruptedTextLine0
  2211. $74B9 = BackupCorruptedTextLine1
  2212. $74C2 = BackupCorruptedTextLine2
  2213. $74C9 = BackupCorruptedTextLine3
  2214. $74FD = BackupCorruptedTextLine8
  2215. $7529 = EmptyFileTextLine4
  2216. $750E = EmptyFileTextLine1
  2217. $7503 = EmptyFileTextLine0
  2218. $7520 = EmptyFileTextLine3
  2219. $7516 = EmptyFileTextLine2
  2220. $73D0 = ConfirmDeletionTextLine0
  2221. $73DE = ConfirmDeletionTextLine1
  2222. $73E9 = ConfirmDeletionTextLine2
  2223. $73F7 = ConfirmDeletionTextLine3
  2224. $7418 = ConfirmCopyTextLine1
  2225. $740C = ConfirmCopyTextLine0
  2226. $7431 = ConfirmCopyTextLine3
  2227. $7423 = ConfirmCopyTextLine2
  2228. $7559 = DLCUnavailableTextLine3
  2229. $754F = DLCUnavailableTextLine2
  2230. $7541 = DLCUnavailableTextLine1
  2231. $7532 = DLCUnavailableTextLine0
  2232. SECTION: $7BCC-$7EE4 ($0319 bytes) ["Intro tileset"]
  2233. $7BCC = IntroTileset
  2234. SLACK: $0019 bytes
  2236. ROM Bank #6:
  2237. SECTION: $4000-$7FFF ($4000 bytes) ["Default save"]
  2238. $45AA = DefaultEmoteData
  2239. $6008 = DefaultSaveChecksums1
  2240. $4008 = DefaultSaveChecksums0
  2241. $462D = DefaultActiveAnimations
  2242. $4102 = DefaultPlayerData
  2243. $572A = DefaultSaveBank0End
  2244. $46EA = DefaultAnimGfxHooks
  2245. $46E9 = DefaultOAMMode
  2246. $4100 = DefaultSaveWarp
  2247. $451A = DefaultNPCArray
  2248. $4513 = DefaultInteractionCounts
  2249. $472A = DefaultFlags
  2250. $6000 = DefaultSaveBank1
  2251. $4000 = DefaultSaveBank0
  2252. $4646 = DefaultExtendedOAM
  2253. $4113 = DefaultInteractions
  2254. $4110 = DefaultButtonFilter
  2255. $45ED = DefaultAnimationStacks
  2256. $45AD = DefaultAnimationSlots
  2257. $6100 = DefaultSaveBank1End
  2258. $6000 = DefaultSaveMagicString1
  2259. $4000 = DefaultSaveMagicString0
  2260. $463E = DefaultTextAnimationSlots
  2261. $4111 = DefaultRNG
  2262. SLACK: $0000 bytes
  2264. ROM Bank #7:
  2265. SECTION: $4EC5-$5101 ($023D bytes) ["Error handler"]
  2266. $5019 = FatalErrorString
  2267. $50BE = FatalErrorScreenStrings
  2268. $4F78 = DebugFatalError.dumpStack
  2269. $4FD6 = DebugFatalError.scrollAround
  2270. $4F26 = DebugFatalError.getErrorName
  2271. $4F2D = DebugFatalError.unknownError
  2272. $4FDC = DebugFatalError.waitVBlankEnd
  2273. $5004 = DebugFatalError.notUp
  2274. $4FCC = DebugFatalError.doneDumping
  2275. $4F35 = DebugFatalError.printRegisters
  2276. $500E = DebugFatalError.notLeft
  2277. $4FCA = DebugFatalError.noCarry
  2278. $4EC5 = DebugFatalError
  2279. $4FE3 = DebugFatalError.waitForVBlank
  2280. $4FFA = DebugFatalError.notDown
  2281. SECTION: $574A-$592F ($01E6 bytes) ["File select text"]
  2282. $5832 = ConfirmDeletionText
  2283. $5852 = ConfirmCopyText
  2284. $574A = CompatExplanationText
  2285. $5914 = DLCUnavailableText
  2286. $58F0 = EmptyFileText
  2287. $588D = CorruptedFileText
  2288. $57F3 = CompatFileCorruptedText
  2289. $5877 = ConfirmLoadText
  2290. $58BD = BackupCorruptedText
  2291. SECTION: $5930-$5A8B ($015C bytes) ["Save file management"]
  2292. $5A25 = SaveBlocks
  2293. $59D0 = CalculateFileChecksums
  2294. $597C = SaveFile
  2295. $598C = SaveFile.compatMode
  2296. $59B7 = SaveFile.fromWRAM0
  2297. $5A1C = CalculateFileChecksums_Hook.compatMode
  2298. $5971 = LoadFile.toHRAM
  2299. $59C9 = SaveFile.doneCopying
  2300. $59DD = CalculateFileChecksums.checksumOneBlock
  2301. $59DA = CalculateFileChecksums.nextBlock
  2302. $59A0 = SaveFile.copyLoop
  2303. $5945 = LoadFile.copyOneBank
  2304. $5943 = LoadFile.compatMode
  2305. $59BD = SaveFile.highByteDone
  2306. $5930 = LoadFile
  2307. $5999 = SaveFile.copyOneBank
  2308. $59D0 = CalculateFileChecksums.calcOneBankSums
  2309. $594C = LoadFile.copyLoop
  2310. $5A0D = CalculateFileChecksums_Hook
  2311. $5963 = LoadFile.toWRAM0
  2312. $5975 = LoadFile.doneCopying
  2313. $59C5 = SaveFile.fromHRAM
  2314. $5969 = LoadFile.highByteDone
  2315. $5A16 = CalculateFileChecksums_Hook.notCompatMode
  2316. SECTION: $5102-$5330 ($022F bytes) ["Start menu"]
  2317. $52F4 = StartMenuStrs
  2318. $5102 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed
  2319. $5184 = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable
  2320. $525B = StartMenu.mainLoop
  2321. $51A9 = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.oneScanline
  2322. $5113 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.interleaveLoop
  2323. $5164 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.displayFullWindow
  2324. $5164 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.waitVBlank
  2325. $51AA = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.waitScanline
  2326. $52A5 = StartMenu.saveGame
  2327. $51B0 = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.waitBlank
  2328. $52C5 = StartMenu.notCompat
  2329. $528F = StartMenu.enableDebugWarping
  2330. $5292 = StartMenu.forceWarps
  2331. $52CA = StartMenu.gotAddr
  2332. $51ED = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.displayPartialWindow
  2333. $51C9 = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.dontWindow
  2334. $5205 = StartMenu
  2335. $5268 = StartMenu.exitMenu
  2336. $512E = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.waitBlank
  2337. $5127 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.oneScanline
  2338. $51E0 = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.waitVBlank
  2339. $5151 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.doneWindowing
  2340. $51D3 = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.doneWindowing
  2341. $5147 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.dontWindow
  2342. $5195 = InterleaveFromFixedToMovable.interleaveLoop
  2343. $5128 = InterleaveFromMovableToFixed.waitScanline
  2344. SECTION: $462A-$492A ($0301 bytes) ["Thread 2 pointers and functions"]
  2345. $46C3 = LoadingWalk
  2346. $46A7 = LoadingWalkUp
  2347. $46AB = LoadingWalkDown
  2348. $46AF = LoadingWalkLeft
  2349. $46B3 = LoadingWalkRight
  2350. $464E = AfterLoadingWalkUp
  2351. $4651 = AfterLoadingWalkDown
  2352. $4655 = AfterLoadingWalkLeft
  2353. $4659 = AfterLoadingWalkRight
  2354. $46EF = OpenDoorMovement
  2355. $4739 = OpenDoorAnim
  2356. $4802 = LoadingStairsUp
  2357. $477F = LoadingStairsUpLeft
  2358. $47AC = LoadingStairsUpRight
  2359. $48AC = LoadingStairsDown
  2360. $4840 = LoadingStairsDownLeft
  2361. $4854 = LoadingStairsDownRight
  2362. $4906 = ScrollClouds
  2363. $4777 = OpenDoorAnim.drawTile
  2364. $4838 = LoadingStairsUp.keepMoving
  2365. $48D2 = LoadingStairsDown.doneMoving
  2366. $4723 = OpenDoorMovement.moveRight
  2367. $4890 = AlignToStairsDown.moveUp
  2368. $46B5 = LoadingFirstWalk
  2369. $468A = AfterLoadingFirstWalk.moveVertically
  2370. $47CC = LoadingStairsUpRight.noCarry
  2371. $487D = AlignToStairsDown.alignVert
  2372. $46BC = LoadingWalks_CommonFirst
  2373. $47F4 = AlignToStairsUp.noCarry
  2374. $46D9 = LoadingWalk.moveVertically
  2375. $471A = OpenDoorMovement.move
  2376. $465B = AfterLoadingFirstWalk
  2377. $4827 = LoadingStairsUp.doneWithCarry
  2378. $4828 = LoadingStairsUp.doneMoving
  2379. $462A = Thread2Ptrs
  2380. $47A8 = LoadingStairsUpLeft.startClimbing
  2381. $4694 = AfterLoadingFirstWalk.moveNegatively
  2382. $48EB = LoadingStairsDown.dontMoveDown
  2383. $48D1 = LoadingStairsDown.doneWithCarry
  2384. $483A = LoadingStairsUp.dontMoveUp
  2385. $47FA = StartStairsUpRight
  2386. $46FB = OpenDoorMovement.noCarry
  2387. $4821 = LoadingStairsUp.moveLeft
  2388. $4873 = AlignToStairsDown.noHorizCarry
  2389. $479E = LoadingStairsUpLeft.noCarry
  2390. $491E = ScrollClouds.dontInterrupt
  2391. $47E9 = AlignToStairsUp.moveUp
  2392. $46CE = LoadingWalk.dontTerminate
  2393. $48CB = LoadingStairsDown.moveLeft
  2394. $47D6 = AlignToStairsUp
  2395. $48A3 = FirstLoadingStairsDown
  2396. $48A1 = StartStairsDownRight
  2397. $4726 = OpenDoorMovement.doneMoving
  2398. $48E9 = LoadingStairsDown.keepMoving
  2399. $46E1 = LoadingWalk.movePositively
  2400. $467C = AfterLoadingFirstWalk.noCarry
  2401. $489B = AlignToStairsDown.noCarry
  2402. $4864 = AlignToStairsDown
  2403. $4744 = OpenDoorAnim.playAnim
  2404. $47FC = FirstLoadingStairsUp
  2405. SECTION: $5DD1-$5E22 ($0052 bytes) ["Player jumping animation"]
  2406. $5DD1 = PlayerJumpingAnimation
  2407. $5DE8 = PlayerJumpingAnimation.movePlayer
  2408. SECTION: $5331-$553F ($020F bytes) ["Test house map"]
  2409. $5331 = TestHouse
  2410. $53BA = TestHouseNPCScripts
  2411. $5480 = TestHouseNPCTiles
  2412. $53BC = TestHouseTestBattleScript
  2413. $5423 = TestHouseTestBattleScript.branch1
  2414. $53C3 = TestHouseTestBattleScript.source1
  2415. $53FC = TestHouseTestBattleScript.branch2
  2416. $53DE = TestHouseTestBattleScript.source2
  2417. $5461 = TestHouseTestBattleScript.branch3
  2418. $543E = TestHouseTestBattleScript.source3
  2419. $5371 = TestHousePalettes
  2420. $533B = TestHouseInteractions
  2421. $5390 = TestHouseBlocks
  2422. $537F = TestHouseWarpToPoints
  2423. $534D = TestHouseNPCs
  2424. SECTION: $4C24-$4EC4 ($02A1 bytes) ["Player house map"]
  2425. $4C24 = PlayerHouse
  2426. $4D46 = PlayerHousePlayKnock
  2427. $4D82 = PlayerHouseTVScript
  2428. $4DF3 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScript
  2429. $4D44 = PlayerHouseNPCScripts
  2430. $4D5C = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScript
  2431. $4DBA = PlayerHouseTVScript.branch1
  2432. $4D85 = PlayerHouseTVScript.source1
  2433. $4DB4 = PlayerHouseTVScript.branch2
  2434. $4D93 = PlayerHouseTVScript.source2
  2435. $4E67 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScript.branch1
  2436. $4E44 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScript.source1
  2437. $4E9D = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScript.branch2
  2438. $4E65 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScript.source2
  2439. $4EA1 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScript.branch3
  2440. $4EA6 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScript.source3
  2441. $4C88 = PlayerHouseNPCs
  2442. $4C2E = PlayerHouseInteractions
  2443. $4CEA = PlayerHouseBlocks
  2444. $4CC9 = PlayerHouseWarpToPoints
  2445. $4CBB = PlayerHousePalettes
  2446. SECTION: $5E64-$5E95 ($0032 bytes) ["Intro awake gfx loader"]
  2447. $5E64 = IntroLoadAwakePajamas
  2448. $5E89 = IntroLoadAwakePajamas.tom
  2449. $5E70 = IntroLoadAwakePajamas.evie
  2450. SECTION: $5E23-$5E63 ($0041 bytes) ["Intro D-pad animation"]
  2451. $5E56 = IntroHideDpadAnimation
  2452. $5E23 = IntroDpadAnimation
  2453. $5E42 = IntroDpadAnimation.oam
  2454. $5E33 = IntroDpadAnimation.moveDpadUp
  2455. $5E3B = IntroDpadAnimation.source_2233
  2456. $5E3C = IntroDpadAnimation.lock
  2457. $5E41 = IntroDpadAnimation.source_2236
  2458. $5E5A = IntroHideDpadAnimation.moveDpadDown
  2459. $5E62 = IntroHideDpadAnimation.source_2246
  2460. SECTION: $5D11-$5DD0 ($00C0 bytes) ["Startham house #2 map"]
  2461. $5D11 = StarthamHouse2
  2462. $5D5C = StarthamHouse2WarpToPoints
  2463. $5D2D = StarthamHouse2NPCs
  2464. $5D4E = StarthamHouse2Palettes
  2465. $5D1B = StarthamHouse2Interactions
  2466. $5D6D = StarthamHouse2Blocks
  2467. SECTION: $5A8C-$5BE3 ($0158 bytes) ["Test house text strings"]
  2468. $5BAA = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine20
  2469. $5BB0 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine21
  2470. $5BC1 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine22
  2471. $5BCB = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine23
  2472. $5BD8 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine24
  2473. $5B9D = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine19
  2474. $5B8B = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine18
  2475. $5B44 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine13
  2476. $5B38 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine12
  2477. $5B26 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine11
  2478. $5B16 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine10
  2479. $5B7D = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine17
  2480. $5B70 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine16
  2481. $5B60 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine15
  2482. $5B53 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine14
  2483. $5B01 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine8
  2484. $5B0F = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine9
  2485. $5AA3 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine2
  2486. $5AB6 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine3
  2487. $5A99 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine0
  2488. $5A9F = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine1
  2489. $5AE7 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine6
  2490. $5AF8 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine7
  2491. $5AC5 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine4
  2492. $5AD5 = TestHouseTestBattleScriptLine5
  2493. $5A8C = TestHouseTestBattleScriptName
  2494. SECTION: $492B-$4C23 ($02F9 bytes) ["Intro map text strings"]
  2495. $4B93 = IntroRemovedNPCLine2
  2496. $4BA2 = IntroRemovedNPCLine3
  2497. $4B79 = IntroRemovedNPCLine0
  2498. $4B86 = IntroRemovedNPCLine1
  2499. $49FC = IntroChoseGenderLine0
  2500. $4A02 = IntroChoseGenderLine1
  2501. $4A11 = IntroChoseGenderLine2
  2502. $4A1A = IntroChoseGenderLine3
  2503. $4A24 = IntroChoseGenderLine4
  2504. $4A30 = IntroChoseGenderLine5
  2505. $4C08 = IntroStartMenuLine6
  2506. $4C17 = IntroStartMenuLine7
  2507. $4BEE = IntroStartMenuLine4
  2508. $4BFB = IntroStartMenuLine5
  2509. $4BD0 = IntroStartMenuLine2
  2510. $4BDB = IntroStartMenuLine3
  2511. $4BB2 = IntroStartMenuLine0
  2512. $4BC1 = IntroStartMenuLine1
  2513. $492B = IntroNPCName
  2514. $4B39 = IntroObjectNeededLine12
  2515. $4B46 = IntroObjectNeededLine13
  2516. $4B29 = IntroObjectNeededLine10
  2517. $4B2F = IntroObjectNeededLine11
  2518. $4B69 = IntroObjectNeededLine16
  2519. $4B55 = IntroObjectNeededLine14
  2520. $4B5E = IntroObjectNeededLine15
  2521. $4978 = IntroBoyGirlLine1
  2522. $4969 = IntroBoyGirlLine0
  2523. $4994 = IntroBoyGirlLine3
  2524. $4987 = IntroBoyGirlLine2
  2525. $49AB = IntroBoyGirlLine5
  2526. $499F = IntroBoyGirlLine4
  2527. $49C1 = IntroBoyGirlLine7
  2528. $49B6 = IntroBoyGirlLine6
  2529. $49D3 = IntroBoyGirlLine9
  2530. $49C6 = IntroBoyGirlLine8
  2531. $4A5F = IntroGreetLine4
  2532. $4A6D = IntroGreetLine5
  2533. $4A3A = IntroGreetLine0
  2534. $4A3E = IntroGreetLine1
  2535. $4A4A = IntroGreetLine2
  2536. $4A53 = IntroGreetLine3
  2537. $4938 = IntroNPCLine0
  2538. $4949 = IntroNPCLine1
  2539. $495B = IntroNPCLine2
  2540. $4B1B = IntroObjectNeededLine9
  2541. $4B0C = IntroObjectNeededLine8
  2542. $4AD9 = IntroObjectNeededLine3
  2543. $4ACC = IntroObjectNeededLine2
  2544. $4ABF = IntroObjectNeededLine1
  2545. $4AB0 = IntroObjectNeededLine0
  2546. $4AFF = IntroObjectNeededLine7
  2547. $4AF0 = IntroObjectNeededLine6
  2548. $4AE5 = IntroObjectNeededLine5
  2549. $4AE1 = IntroObjectNeededLine4
  2550. $49E2 = IntroBoyGirlLine10
  2551. $49EF = IntroBoyGirlLine11
  2552. $4AA2 = IntroPressALine3
  2553. $4A94 = IntroPressALine2
  2554. $4A89 = IntroPressALine1
  2555. $4A7D = IntroPressALine0
  2556. SECTION: $5BE4-$5D10 ($012D bytes) ["Startham forest text strings"]
  2557. $5C16 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine3
  2558. $5C05 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine2
  2559. $5BF2 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine1
  2560. $5BE4 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine0
  2561. $5C54 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine7
  2562. $5C41 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine6
  2563. $5C39 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine5
  2564. $5C29 = StarthamForestEndOfDemoLine4
  2565. $5CFE = StarthamForestExitSignLine1
  2566. $5CF1 = StarthamForestExitSignLine0
  2567. $5C6E = StarthamForestEntranceSignLine1
  2568. $5C5E = StarthamForestEntranceSignLine0
  2569. $5C90 = StarthamForestEntranceSignLine3
  2570. $5C80 = StarthamForestEntranceSignLine2
  2571. $5CBF = StarthamForestDiagonalSignLine2
  2572. $5CC6 = StarthamForestDiagonalSignLine3
  2573. $5C9F = StarthamForestDiagonalSignLine0
  2574. $5CAE = StarthamForestDiagonalSignLine1
  2575. $5CD2 = StarthamForestDiagonalSignLine4
  2576. $5CE2 = StarthamForestDiagonalSignLine5
  2577. SECTION: $5540-$5749 ($020A bytes) ["Player house text strings"]
  2578. $55AE = PlayerHouseTVLine8
  2579. $5592 = PlayerHouseTVLine6
  2580. $559D = PlayerHouseTVLine7
  2581. $5576 = PlayerHouseTVLine4
  2582. $5587 = PlayerHouseTVLine5
  2583. $5560 = PlayerHouseTVLine2
  2584. $5571 = PlayerHouseTVLine3
  2585. $5542 = PlayerHouseTVLine0
  2586. $5555 = PlayerHouseTVLine1
  2587. $5742 = OkayNoChoice
  2588. $5609 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptName
  2589. $55B7 = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScriptName
  2590. $5681 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine9
  2591. $5672 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine8
  2592. $5611 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine1
  2593. $560B = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine0
  2594. $5627 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine3
  2595. $561A = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine2
  2596. $564B = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine5
  2597. $5638 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine4
  2598. $5663 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine7
  2599. $5652 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine6
  2600. $5723 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine18
  2601. $5729 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine19
  2602. $56B1 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine10
  2603. $56B5 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine11
  2604. $56C5 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine12
  2605. $56D8 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine13
  2606. $56E9 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine14
  2607. $56F7 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine15
  2608. $570A = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine16
  2609. $5715 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine17
  2610. $5734 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine22
  2611. $56A2 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine21
  2612. $5692 = PlayerHouseDontLeaveScriptLine20
  2613. $5540 = PlayerHouseTVName
  2614. $55FE = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScriptLine5
  2615. $55F5 = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScriptLine4
  2616. $55C4 = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScriptLine1
  2617. $55B9 = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScriptLine0
  2618. $55E3 = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScriptLine3
  2619. $55D3 = PlayerHouseSiblingTVScriptLine2
  2620. SECTION: $4000-$4314 ($0315 bytes) ["Interior tileset"]
  2621. $4000 = InteriorTileset
  2622. SECTION: $4315-$4629 ($0315 bytes) ["Interior tileset - darkened"]
  2623. $4315 = InteriorTilesetDark
  2624. SLACK: $216A bytes
  2626. WRAM Bank #0:
  2627. SECTION: $C3C0-$C3CA ($000B bytes) ["HomeRAM"]
  2628. $C3C5 = wLoadedMapROMBank
  2629. $C3C6 = wLoadedTileset
  2630. $C3C7 = wMapScriptPtr
  2631. $C3C2 = wSaveFileID
  2632. $C3C0 = wSaveA
  2633. $C3C4 = wLoadedMap
  2634. $C3C3 = wTargetWarpID
  2635. $C3CA = wMapHeight
  2636. $C3C9 = wMapWidth
  2637. $C3C1 = wFatalErrorCode
  2638. SECTION: $C210-$C21D ($000E bytes) ["Player data"]
  2639. $C212 = wTitleScreenScrollX
  2640. $C212 = wIntroSP
  2641. $C21A = wCameraYPos
  2642. $C217 = wPlayerSpeed
  2643. $C213 = wTitleScreenScrollDelay
  2644. $C218 = wPlayerGender
  2645. $C212 = wXPos
  2646. $C215 = wIntroPauseLength
  2647. $C216 = wNoClipActive
  2648. $C211 = wIntroInterrupted
  2649. $C215 = wUnlinkJoypad
  2650. $C210 = wIntroInterruptable
  2651. $C21C = wCameraXPos
  2652. $C214 = wIntroScrollSpeed
  2653. $C210 = wYPos
  2654. $C219 = wCameramanID
  2655. $C214 = wPlayerDir
  2656. SECTION: $C000-$C201 ($0202 bytes) ["GFX and text"]
  2657. $C200 = wTextAcc
  2658. $C1F9 = wNumOfPrintedLines
  2659. $C055 = wTextboxPicRow2
  2660. $C069 = wTextboxPicRow3
  2661. $C02D = wTextboxPicRow0
  2662. $C041 = wTextboxPicRow1
  2663. $C201 = wTextFlags
  2664. $C1F8 = wTextboxStatus
  2665. $C1FB = wDigitBuffer
  2666. $C018 = wTextboxTileMap
  2667. $C01D = wTextboxName
  2668. $C1FA = wTextLoopCounter
  2669. $C000 = wTransferRows
  2670. $C045 = wTextboxLine0
  2671. $C059 = wTextboxLine1
  2672. $C06D = wTextboxLine2
  2673. $C090 = wFixedTileMap
  2674. SECTION: $C2E8-$C2F8 ($0011 bytes) ["Larger buffer"]
  2675. $C2E8 = wLargerBuf
  2676. SECTION: $C2FE-$C3BF ($00C2 bytes) ["Palettes"]
  2677. $C360 = wOBJPalettes
  2678. $C2FE = wFadeSpeed
  2679. $C35D = wBGPalette7_color3
  2680. $C35A = wBGPalette7_color2
  2681. $C357 = wBGPalette7_color1
  2682. $C354 = wBGPalette7_color0
  2683. $C33F = wBGPalette5_color1
  2684. $C33C = wBGPalette5_color0
  2685. $C345 = wBGPalette5_color3
  2686. $C342 = wBGPalette5_color2
  2687. $C2FF = wFadeCount
  2688. $C32D = wBGPalette3_color3
  2689. $C32A = wBGPalette3_color2
  2690. $C327 = wBGPalette3_color1
  2691. $C324 = wBGPalette3_color0
  2692. $C30F = wBGPalette1_color1
  2693. $C30C = wBGPalette1_color0
  2694. $C315 = wBGPalette1_color3
  2695. $C312 = wBGPalette1_color2
  2696. $C396 = wOBJPalette4_color2
  2697. $C399 = wOBJPalette4_color3
  2698. $C390 = wOBJPalette4_color0
  2699. $C393 = wOBJPalette4_color1
  2700. $C3A8 = wOBJPalette6_color0
  2701. $C3AB = wOBJPalette6_color1
  2702. $C3AE = wOBJPalette6_color2
  2703. $C3B1 = wOBJPalette6_color3
  2704. $C366 = wOBJPalette0_color2
  2705. $C369 = wOBJPalette0_color3
  2706. $C360 = wOBJPalette0_color0
  2707. $C363 = wOBJPalette0_color1
  2708. $C300 = wBGPalettes
  2709. $C378 = wOBJPalette2_color0
  2710. $C37B = wOBJPalette2_color1
  2711. $C37E = wOBJPalette2_color2
  2712. $C381 = wOBJPalette2_color3
  2713. $C3A5 = wOBJPalette5_color3
  2714. $C3A2 = wOBJPalette5_color2
  2715. $C39F = wOBJPalette5_color1
  2716. $C39C = wOBJPalette5_color0
  2717. $C3C0 = wPalettesEnd
  2718. $C3B7 = wOBJPalette7_color1
  2719. $C3B4 = wOBJPalette7_color0
  2720. $C3BD = wOBJPalette7_color3
  2721. $C3BA = wOBJPalette7_color2
  2722. $C375 = wOBJPalette1_color3
  2723. $C372 = wOBJPalette1_color2
  2724. $C36F = wOBJPalette1_color1
  2725. $C36C = wOBJPalette1_color0
  2726. $C387 = wOBJPalette3_color1
  2727. $C384 = wOBJPalette3_color0
  2728. $C38D = wOBJPalette3_color3
  2729. $C38A = wOBJPalette3_color2
  2730. $C34E = wBGPalette6_color2
  2731. $C351 = wBGPalette6_color3
  2732. $C348 = wBGPalette6_color0
  2733. $C34B = wBGPalette6_color1
  2734. $C330 = wBGPalette4_color0
  2735. $C333 = wBGPalette4_color1
  2736. $C336 = wBGPalette4_color2
  2737. $C339 = wBGPalette4_color3
  2738. $C31E = wBGPalette2_color2
  2739. $C321 = wBGPalette2_color3
  2740. $C318 = wBGPalette2_color0
  2741. $C31B = wBGPalette2_color1
  2742. $C300 = wBGPalette0_color0
  2743. $C303 = wBGPalette0_color1
  2744. $C306 = wBGPalette0_color2
  2745. $C309 = wBGPalette0_color3
  2746. SECTION: $C400-$C4A1 ($00A2 bytes) ["OAM"]
  2747. $C4A1 = wPrevNumOfSprites
  2748. $C4A0 = wNumOfSprites
  2749. $C400 = wVirtualOAM
  2750. SECTION: $C5C1-$C663 ($00A3 bytes) ["Extended OAM"]
  2751. $C661 = wNumOfExtendedSprites
  2752. $C662 = wTransferSprites
  2753. $C663 = wTotalNumOfSprites
  2754. $C5C1 = wExtendedOAM
  2755. SECTION: $C4A8-$C5C0 ($0119 bytes) ["Animation table"]
  2756. $C546 = wAnimationStack5_ptr4
  2757. $C540 = wAnimationStack5_ptr2
  2758. $C543 = wAnimationStack5_ptr3
  2759. $C53A = wAnimationStack5_ptr0
  2760. $C53D = wAnimationStack5_ptr1
  2761. $C518 = wAnimationStack3_count
  2762. $C58F = wAnimationGfxHook4_unused
  2763. $C591 = wAnimationGfxHook5_buffer
  2764. $C4AD = wAnimation0_nbOfSprites
  2765. $C528 = wAnimationStack4_count
  2766. $C4E5 = wAnimation7_nbOfSprites
  2767. $C598 = wAnimationGfxHook6_animID
  2768. $C4B8 = wAnimation2_linkID
  2769. $C4A9 = wAnimation0_delay
  2770. $C4C0 = wAnimation3_linkID
  2771. $C555 = wAnimationStack6_bank4
  2772. $C54C = wAnimationStack6_bank1
  2773. $C549 = wAnimationStack6_bank0
  2774. $C552 = wAnimationStack6_bank3
  2775. $C54F = wAnimationStack6_bank2
  2776. $C4E8 = wAnimationStack0_count
  2777. $C578 = wAnimationGfxHook2_animID
  2778. $C538 = wAnimationStack5_count
  2779. $C4CD = wAnimation4_nbOfSprites
  2780. $C577 = wAnimationGfxHook1_unused
  2781. $C4D7 = wAnimation5_loopCounter
  2782. $C4F8 = wAnimationStack1_count
  2783. $C59F = wAnimationGfxHook6_unused
  2784. $C4B6 = wAnimation1_spriteID
  2785. $C4D6 = wAnimation5_spriteID
  2786. $C4B5 = wAnimation1_nbOfSprites
  2787. $C4D9 = wAnimation6_delay
  2788. $C50C = wAnimationStack2_bank1
  2789. $C509 = wAnimationStack2_bank0
  2790. $C512 = wAnimationStack2_bank3
  2791. $C50F = wAnimationStack2_bank2
  2792. $C515 = wAnimationStack2_bank4
  2793. $C56F = wAnimationGfxHook0_unused
  2794. $C4B7 = wAnimation1_loopCounter
  2795. $C4AE = wAnimation0_spriteID
  2796. $C565 = wAnimationStack7_bank4
  2797. $C559 = wAnimationStack7_bank0
  2798. $C55C = wAnimationStack7_bank1
  2799. $C55F = wAnimationStack7_bank2
  2800. $C562 = wAnimationStack7_bank3
  2801. $C4D5 = wAnimation5_nbOfSprites
  2802. $C4CE = wAnimation4_spriteID
  2803. $C4CF = wAnimation4_loopCounter
  2804. $C4DF = wAnimation6_loopCounter
  2805. $C4C8 = wAnimation4_linkID
  2806. $C4D0 = wAnimation5_linkID
  2807. $C535 = wAnimationStack4_bank4
  2808. $C532 = wAnimationStack4_bank3
  2809. $C52F = wAnimationStack4_bank2
  2810. $C52C = wAnimationStack4_bank1
  2811. $C529 = wAnimationStack4_bank0
  2812. $C4D1 = wAnimation5_delay
  2813. $C569 = wAnimationGfxHook0_buffer
  2814. $C4B9 = wAnimation2_delay
  2815. $C581 = wAnimationGfxHook3_buffer
  2816. $C579 = wAnimationGfxHook2_buffer
  2817. $C5A8 = wActiveAnimations
  2818. $C4E3 = wAnimation7_ptr
  2819. $C4C3 = wAnimation3_ptr
  2820. $C4AF = wAnimation0_loopCounter
  2821. $C4BF = wAnimation2_loopCounter
  2822. $C589 = wAnimationGfxHook4_buffer
  2823. $C5A0 = wAnimationGfxHook7_animID
  2824. $C5A1 = wAnimationGfxHook7_buffer
  2825. $C57F = wAnimationGfxHook2_unused
  2826. $C4CB = wAnimation4_ptr
  2827. $C4AB = wAnimation0_ptr
  2828. $C519 = wAnimationStack3_bank0
  2829. $C51C = wAnimationStack3_bank1
  2830. $C51F = wAnimationStack3_bank2
  2831. $C522 = wAnimationStack3_bank3
  2832. $C525 = wAnimationStack3_bank4
  2833. $C599 = wAnimationGfxHook6_buffer
  2834. $C4AA = wAnimation0_bank
  2835. $C4E7 = wAnimation7_loopCounter
  2836. $C5A7 = wAnimationGfxHook7_unused
  2837. $C580 = wAnimationGfxHook3_animID
  2838. $C50D = wAnimationStack2_ptr1
  2839. $C50A = wAnimationStack2_ptr0
  2840. $C513 = wAnimationStack2_ptr3
  2841. $C510 = wAnimationStack2_ptr2
  2842. $C516 = wAnimationStack2_ptr4
  2843. $C556 = wAnimationStack6_ptr4
  2844. $C54D = wAnimationStack6_ptr1
  2845. $C54A = wAnimationStack6_ptr0
  2846. $C553 = wAnimationStack6_ptr3
  2847. $C550 = wAnimationStack6_ptr2
  2848. $C4F2 = wAnimationStack0_bank3
  2849. $C4EF = wAnimationStack0_bank2
  2850. $C4EC = wAnimationStack0_bank1
  2851. $C4E9 = wAnimationStack0_bank0
  2852. $C4F5 = wAnimationStack0_bank4
  2853. $C4B1 = wAnimation1_delay
  2854. $C51A = wAnimationStack3_ptr0
  2855. $C51D = wAnimationStack3_ptr1
  2856. $C520 = wAnimationStack3_ptr2
  2857. $C523 = wAnimationStack3_ptr3
  2858. $C526 = wAnimationStack3_ptr4
  2859. $C566 = wAnimationStack7_ptr4
  2860. $C55A = wAnimationStack7_ptr0
  2861. $C55D = wAnimationStack7_ptr1
  2862. $C560 = wAnimationStack7_ptr2
  2863. $C563 = wAnimationStack7_ptr3
  2864. $C568 = wAnimationGfxHooks
  2865. $C4C2 = wAnimation3_bank
  2866. $C4CA = wAnimation4_bank
  2867. $C4B2 = wAnimation1_bank
  2868. $C4C7 = wAnimation3_loopCounter
  2869. $C545 = wAnimationStack5_bank4
  2870. $C53F = wAnimationStack5_bank2
  2871. $C542 = wAnimationStack5_bank3
  2872. $C539 = wAnimationStack5_bank0
  2873. $C53C = wAnimationStack5_bank1
  2874. $C4A8 = wAnimation0_linkID
  2875. $C4A8 = wAnimationSlots
  2876. $C4E1 = wAnimation7_delay
  2877. $C4B0 = wAnimation1_linkID
  2878. $C4D8 = wAnimation6_linkID
  2879. $C4E0 = wAnimation7_linkID
  2880. $C4D3 = wAnimation5_ptr
  2881. $C4B3 = wAnimation1_ptr
  2882. $C4C6 = wAnimation3_spriteID
  2883. $C4DB = wAnimation6_ptr
  2884. $C4BB = wAnimation2_ptr
  2885. $C4E6 = wAnimation7_spriteID
  2886. $C548 = wAnimationStack6_count
  2887. $C4BA = wAnimation2_bank
  2888. $C4E2 = wAnimation7_bank
  2889. $C4D2 = wAnimation5_bank
  2890. $C4BD = wAnimation2_nbOfSprites
  2891. $C4E8 = wAnimationStacks
  2892. $C4C9 = wAnimation4_delay
  2893. $C597 = wAnimationGfxHook5_unused
  2894. $C508 = wAnimationStack2_count
  2895. $C590 = wAnimationGfxHook5_animID
  2896. $C5B1 = wAnimationTargetNPCs
  2897. $C588 = wAnimationGfxHook4_animID
  2898. $C5B9 = wTextAnimationSlots
  2899. $C4FF = wAnimationStack1_bank2
  2900. $C502 = wAnimationStack1_bank3
  2901. $C4F9 = wAnimationStack1_bank0
  2902. $C4FC = wAnimationStack1_bank1
  2903. $C505 = wAnimationStack1_bank4
  2904. $C587 = wAnimationGfxHook3_unused
  2905. $C4C1 = wAnimation3_delay
  2906. $C4BE = wAnimation2_spriteID
  2907. $C4DE = wAnimation6_spriteID
  2908. $C558 = wAnimationStack7_count
  2909. $C4F3 = wAnimationStack0_ptr3
  2910. $C4F0 = wAnimationStack0_ptr2
  2911. $C4ED = wAnimationStack0_ptr1
  2912. $C4EA = wAnimationStack0_ptr0
  2913. $C4F6 = wAnimationStack0_ptr4
  2914. $C536 = wAnimationStack4_ptr4
  2915. $C533 = wAnimationStack4_ptr3
  2916. $C530 = wAnimationStack4_ptr2
  2917. $C52D = wAnimationStack4_ptr1
  2918. $C52A = wAnimationStack4_ptr0
  2919. $C4C5 = wAnimation3_nbOfSprites
  2920. $C570 = wAnimationGfxHook1_animID
  2921. $C4DA = wAnimation6_bank
  2922. $C571 = wAnimationGfxHook1_buffer
  2923. $C568 = wAnimationGfxHook0_animID
  2924. $C4DD = wAnimation6_nbOfSprites
  2925. $C500 = wAnimationStack1_ptr2
  2926. $C503 = wAnimationStack1_ptr3
  2927. $C4FA = wAnimationStack1_ptr0
  2928. $C4FD = wAnimationStack1_ptr1
  2929. $C506 = wAnimationStack1_ptr4
  2930. SECTION: $C202-$C205 ($0004 bytes) ["Sound variables"]
  2931. $C204 = wCurrentSFXID
  2932. $C202 = wMapMusicID
  2933. $C205 = wChangeMusics
  2934. $C203 = wCurrentMusicID
  2935. SECTION: $C208-$C20D ($0006 bytes) ["FX Hammer RAM"]
  2936. $C20B = FXHammer_cnt
  2937. $C209 = FXHammer_SFXCH4
  2938. $C208 = FXHammer_SFXCH2
  2939. $C20A = FXHammer_RAM1
  2940. $C20C = FXHammer_ptr
  2941. SECTION: $CF80-$CFFF ($0080 bytes) ["Stack"]
  2942. $D000 = wStackBottom
  2943. $CF80 = wStack
  2944. SECTION: $C21E-$C2E7 ($00CA bytes) ["DevSound variables"]
  2945. $C2D8 = PWMEnabled
  2946. $C2DD = RandomizerEnabled
  2947. $C2D7 = WaveBufUpdateFlag
  2948. $C21F = InitVarsStart
  2949. $C2B6 = DSVarsEnd
  2950. $C22B = CH1Ptr
  2951. $C251 = CH2Ptr
  2952. $C276 = CH3Ptr
  2953. $C29C = CH4Ptr
  2954. $C23D = CH1RetPtr
  2955. $C263 = CH2RetPtr
  2956. $C287 = CH3RetPtr
  2957. $C2A7 = CH4RetPtr
  2958. $C24B = CH1Pan
  2959. $C271 = CH2Pan
  2960. $C297 = CH3Pan
  2961. $C2B1 = CH4Pan
  2962. $C24A = CH1ChanVol
  2963. $C270 = CH2ChanVol
  2964. $C294 = CH3ChanVol
  2965. $C2B0 = CH4ChanVol
  2966. $C221 = GlobalSpeed1
  2967. $C222 = GlobalSpeed2
  2968. $C220 = GlobalVolume
  2969. $C227 = CH1Enabled
  2970. $C228 = CH2Enabled
  2971. $C229 = CH3Enabled
  2972. $C22A = CH4Enabled
  2973. $C226 = SoundEnabled
  2974. $C21E = FadeType
  2975. $C21F = FadeTimer
  2976. $C225 = SyncTick
  2977. $C223 = GlobalTimer
  2978. $C224 = TickCount
  2979. $C23F = CH1Tick
  2980. $C242 = CH1NoteBackup
  2981. $C247 = CH1PortaType
  2982. $C238 = CH1ArpPos
  2983. $C239 = CH1VibPos
  2984. $C233 = CH1VibPtr
  2985. $C23A = CH1VibDelay
  2986. $C240 = CH1Reset
  2987. $C237 = CH1PulsePos
  2988. $C235 = CH1VolPos
  2989. $C236 = CH1VolLoop
  2990. $C24D = CH1NoteCount
  2991. $C24E = CH1InsMode
  2992. $C24F = CH1Ins1
  2993. $C250 = CH1Ins2
  2994. $C22D = CH1VolPtr
  2995. $C231 = CH1ArpPtr
  2996. $C22F = CH1PulsePtr
  2997. $C23B = CH1LoopPtr
  2998. $C248 = CH1PortaSpeed
  2999. $C24C = CH1Sweep
  3000. $C265 = CH2Tick
  3001. $C268 = CH2NoteBackup
  3002. $C26D = CH2PortaType
  3003. $C25E = CH2ArpPos
  3004. $C25F = CH2VibPos
  3005. $C259 = CH2VibPtr
  3006. $C260 = CH2VibDelay
  3007. $C266 = CH2Reset
  3008. $C25D = CH2PulsePos
  3009. $C25B = CH2VolPos
  3010. $C25C = CH2VolLoop
  3011. $C272 = CH2NoteCount
  3012. $C273 = CH2InsMode
  3013. $C274 = CH2Ins1
  3014. $C275 = CH2Ins2
  3015. $C253 = CH2VolPtr
  3016. $C257 = CH2ArpPtr
  3017. $C255 = CH2PulsePtr
  3018. $C261 = CH2LoopPtr
  3019. $C26E = CH2PortaSpeed
  3020. $C289 = CH3Tick
  3021. $C28C = CH3NoteBackup
  3022. $C291 = CH3PortaType
  3023. $C282 = CH3ArpPos
  3024. $C296 = CH3Wave
  3025. $C283 = CH3VibPos
  3026. $C27E = CH3VibPtr
  3027. $C284 = CH3VibDelay
  3028. $C28A = CH3Reset
  3029. $C281 = CH3WavePos
  3030. $C280 = CH3VolPos
  3031. $C298 = CH3NoteCount
  3032. $C295 = CH3ComputedVol
  3033. $C299 = CH3InsMode
  3034. $C29A = CH3Ins1
  3035. $C29B = CH3Ins2
  3036. $C278 = CH3VolPtr
  3037. $C27C = CH3ArpPtr
  3038. $C27A = CH3WavePtr
  3039. $C285 = CH3LoopPtr
  3040. $C292 = CH3PortaSpeed
  3041. $C2D9 = PWMVol
  3042. $C2DA = PWMSpeed
  3043. $C2D6 = WavePos
  3044. $C2DC = PWMDir
  3045. $C2DB = PWMTimer
  3046. $C2DF = RandomizerSpeed
  3047. $C2DE = RandomizerTimer
  3048. $C2AB = CH4Tick
  3049. $C2AA = CH4ModeBackup
  3050. $C2A4 = CH4NoisePos
  3051. $C2AC = CH4Reset
  3052. $C2A2 = CH4VolPos
  3053. $C2A3 = CH4VolLoop
  3054. $C2B2 = CH4NoteCount
  3055. $C2B3 = CH4InsMode
  3056. $C2B4 = CH4Ins1
  3057. $C2B5 = CH4Ins2
  3058. $C29E = CH4VolPtr
  3059. $C2A0 = CH4NoisePtr
  3060. $C2A5 = CH4LoopPtr
  3061. $C241 = CH1Note
  3062. $C243 = CH1Transpose
  3063. $C245 = CH1TempFreq
  3064. $C244 = CH1FreqOffset
  3065. $C249 = CH1Vol
  3066. $C267 = CH2Note
  3067. $C269 = CH2Transpose
  3068. $C26B = CH2TempFreq
  3069. $C26A = CH2FreqOffset
  3070. $C26F = CH2Vol
  3071. $C28B = CH3Note
  3072. $C293 = CH3Vol
  3073. $C28D = CH3Transpose
  3074. $C28F = CH3TempFreq
  3075. $C28E = CH3FreqOffset
  3076. $C2C6 = WaveBuffer
  3077. $C2B6 = ComputedWaveBuffer
  3078. $C2A9 = CH4Mode
  3079. $C2AD = CH4Transpose
  3080. $C2AE = CH4Vol
  3081. $C2E0 = arp_Buffer
  3082. $C21E = DSVarsStart
  3083. $C2AF = CH4Wave
  3084. SLACK: $0960 bytes
  3086. WRAM Bank #1:
  3087. SECTION: $D900-$D99F ($00A0 bytes) ["Staged OAM"]
  3088. $D900 = wStagedOAM
  3089. SECTION: $D707-$D70E ($0008 bytes) ["Buffer"]
  3090. $D707 = wTempBuf
  3091. SECTION: $D000-$D2FF ($0300 bytes) ["Block metadata"]
  3092. $D0DA = wBlk27_tile1
  3093. $D0D8 = wBlk27_tile0
  3094. $D0DE = wBlk27_tile3
  3095. $D0DC = wBlk27_tile2
  3096. $D14A = wBlk41_tile1
  3097. $D148 = wBlk41_tile0
  3098. $D14E = wBlk41_tile3
  3099. $D14C = wBlk41_tile2
  3100. $D086 = wBlk16_tile3
  3101. $D084 = wBlk16_tile2
  3102. $D082 = wBlk16_tile1
  3103. $D080 = wBlk16_tile0
  3104. $D03E = wBlk7_tile3
  3105. $D03C = wBlk7_tile2
  3106. $D03A = wBlk7_tile1
  3107. $D038 = wBlk7_tile0
  3108. $D0D0 = wBlk26_tile0
  3109. $D0D2 = wBlk26_tile1
  3110. $D0D4 = wBlk26_tile2
  3111. $D0D6 = wBlk26_tile3
  3112. $D034 = wBlk6_tile2
  3113. $D036 = wBlk6_tile3
  3114. $D030 = wBlk6_tile0
  3115. $D032 = wBlk6_tile1
  3116. $D192 = wBlk50_tile1
  3117. $D190 = wBlk50_tile0
  3118. $D196 = wBlk50_tile3
  3119. $D194 = wBlk50_tile2
  3120. $D055 = wBlk10_attr2
  3121. $D057 = wBlk10_attr3
  3122. $D051 = wBlk10_attr0
  3123. $D053 = wBlk10_attr1
  3124. $D0AE = wBlk21_tile3
  3125. $D0AC = wBlk21_tile2
  3126. $D0AA = wBlk21_tile1
  3127. $D0A8 = wBlk21_tile0
  3128. $D098 = wBlk19_tile0
  3129. $D09A = wBlk19_tile1
  3130. $D09C = wBlk19_tile2
  3131. $D09E = wBlk19_tile3
  3132. $D1CB = wBlk57_attr1
  3133. $D1C9 = wBlk57_attr0
  3134. $D1CF = wBlk57_attr3
  3135. $D1CD = wBlk57_attr2
  3136. $D0A4 = wBlk20_tile2
  3137. $D0A6 = wBlk20_tile3
  3138. $D0A0 = wBlk20_tile0
  3139. $D0A2 = wBlk20_tile1
  3140. $D1D5 = wBlk58_attr2
  3141. $D1D7 = wBlk58_attr3
  3142. $D1D1 = wBlk58_attr0
  3143. $D1D3 = wBlk58_attr1
  3144. $D200 = wTileAttributes
  3145. $D075 = wBlk14_attr2
  3146. $D077 = wBlk14_attr3
  3147. $D071 = wBlk14_attr0
  3148. $D073 = wBlk14_attr1
  3149. $D300 = wTileAttributesEnd
  3150. $D1AB = wBlk53_attr1
  3151. $D1A9 = wBlk53_attr0
  3152. $D1AF = wBlk53_attr3
  3153. $D1AD = wBlk53_attr2
  3154. $D180 = wBlk48_tile0
  3155. $D182 = wBlk48_tile1
  3156. $D184 = wBlk48_tile2
  3157. $D186 = wBlk48_tile3
  3158. $D061 = wBlk12_attr0
  3159. $D063 = wBlk12_attr1
  3160. $D065 = wBlk12_attr2
  3161. $D067 = wBlk12_attr3
  3162. $D13B = wBlk39_attr1
  3163. $D139 = wBlk39_attr0
  3164. $D13F = wBlk39_attr3
  3165. $D13D = wBlk39_attr2
  3166. $D007 = wBlk0_attr3
  3167. $D005 = wBlk0_attr2
  3168. $D003 = wBlk0_attr1
  3169. $D001 = wBlk0_attr0
  3170. $D058 = wBlk11_tile0
  3171. $D05A = wBlk11_tile1
  3172. $D05C = wBlk11_tile2
  3173. $D05E = wBlk11_tile3
  3174. $D174 = wBlk46_tile2
  3175. $D176 = wBlk46_tile3
  3176. $D170 = wBlk46_tile0
  3177. $D172 = wBlk46_tile1
  3178. $D108 = wBlk33_tile0
  3179. $D10A = wBlk33_tile1
  3180. $D10C = wBlk33_tile2
  3181. $D10E = wBlk33_tile3
  3182. $D00D = wBlk1_attr2
  3183. $D00F = wBlk1_attr3
  3184. $D009 = wBlk1_attr0
  3185. $D00B = wBlk1_attr1
  3186. $D081 = wBlk16_attr0
  3187. $D083 = wBlk16_attr1
  3188. $D085 = wBlk16_attr2
  3189. $D087 = wBlk16_attr3
  3190. $D1AC = wBlk53_tile2
  3191. $D1AE = wBlk53_tile3
  3192. $D1A8 = wBlk53_tile0
  3193. $D1AA = wBlk53_tile1
  3194. $D05F = wBlk11_attr3
  3195. $D05D = wBlk11_attr2
  3196. $D05B = wBlk11_attr1
  3197. $D059 = wBlk11_attr0
  3198. $D027 = wBlk4_attr3
  3199. $D025 = wBlk4_attr2
  3200. $D023 = wBlk4_attr1
  3201. $D021 = wBlk4_attr0
  3202. $D02D = wBlk5_attr2
  3203. $D02F = wBlk5_attr3
  3204. $D029 = wBlk5_attr0
  3205. $D02B = wBlk5_attr1
  3206. $D116 = wBlk34_tile3
  3207. $D114 = wBlk34_tile2
  3208. $D112 = wBlk34_tile1
  3209. $D110 = wBlk34_tile0
  3210. $D1DF = wBlk59_attr3
  3211. $D1DD = wBlk59_attr2
  3212. $D1DB = wBlk59_attr1
  3213. $D1D9 = wBlk59_attr0
  3214. $D140 = wBlk40_tile0
  3215. $D142 = wBlk40_tile1
  3216. $D144 = wBlk40_tile2
  3217. $D146 = wBlk40_tile3
  3218. $D02A = wBlk5_tile1
  3219. $D028 = wBlk5_tile0
  3220. $D02E = wBlk5_tile3
  3221. $D02C = wBlk5_tile2
  3222. $D1E3 = wBlk60_attr1
  3223. $D1E1 = wBlk60_attr0
  3224. $D1E7 = wBlk60_attr3
  3225. $D1E5 = wBlk60_attr2
  3226. $D07F = wBlk15_attr3
  3227. $D07D = wBlk15_attr2
  3228. $D07B = wBlk15_attr1
  3229. $D079 = wBlk15_attr0
  3230. $D187 = wBlk48_attr3
  3231. $D185 = wBlk48_attr2
  3232. $D183 = wBlk48_attr1
  3233. $D181 = wBlk48_attr0
  3234. $D020 = wBlk4_tile0
  3235. $D022 = wBlk4_tile1
  3236. $D024 = wBlk4_tile2
  3237. $D026 = wBlk4_tile3
  3238. $D1E9 = wBlk61_attr0
  3239. $D1EB = wBlk61_attr1
  3240. $D1ED = wBlk61_attr2
  3241. $D1EF = wBlk61_attr3
  3242. $D18D = wBlk49_attr2
  3243. $D18F = wBlk49_attr3
  3244. $D189 = wBlk49_attr0
  3245. $D18B = wBlk49_attr1
  3246. $D0BA = wBlk23_tile1
  3247. $D0B8 = wBlk23_tile0
  3248. $D0BE = wBlk23_tile3
  3249. $D0BC = wBlk23_tile2
  3250. $D16A = wBlk45_tile1
  3251. $D168 = wBlk45_tile0
  3252. $D16E = wBlk45_tile3
  3253. $D16C = wBlk45_tile2
  3254. $D066 = wBlk12_tile3
  3255. $D064 = wBlk12_tile2
  3256. $D062 = wBlk12_tile1
  3257. $D060 = wBlk12_tile0
  3258. $D01E = wBlk3_tile3
  3259. $D01C = wBlk3_tile2
  3260. $D01A = wBlk3_tile1
  3261. $D018 = wBlk3_tile0
  3262. $D0B0 = wBlk22_tile0
  3263. $D0B2 = wBlk22_tile1
  3264. $D0B4 = wBlk22_tile2
  3265. $D0B6 = wBlk22_tile3
  3266. $D014 = wBlk2_tile2
  3267. $D016 = wBlk2_tile3
  3268. $D010 = wBlk2_tile0
  3269. $D012 = wBlk2_tile1
  3270. $D1EE = wBlk61_tile3
  3271. $D1EC = wBlk61_tile2
  3272. $D1EA = wBlk61_tile1
  3273. $D1E8 = wBlk61_tile0
  3274. $D1D8 = wBlk59_tile0
  3275. $D1DA = wBlk59_tile1
  3276. $D1DC = wBlk59_tile2
  3277. $D1DE = wBlk59_tile3
  3278. $D200 = wBlockMetadataEnd
  3279. $D1B2 = wBlk54_tile1
  3280. $D1B0 = wBlk54_tile0
  3281. $D1B6 = wBlk54_tile3
  3282. $D1B4 = wBlk54_tile2
  3283. $D1E4 = wBlk60_tile2
  3284. $D1E6 = wBlk60_tile3
  3285. $D1E0 = wBlk60_tile0
  3286. $D1E2 = wBlk60_tile1
  3287. $D095 = wBlk18_attr2
  3288. $D097 = wBlk18_attr3
  3289. $D091 = wBlk18_attr0
  3290. $D093 = wBlk18_attr1
  3291. $D105 = wBlk32_attr2
  3292. $D107 = wBlk32_attr3
  3293. $D101 = wBlk32_attr0
  3294. $D103 = wBlk32_attr1
  3295. $D072 = wBlk14_tile1
  3296. $D070 = wBlk14_tile0
  3297. $D076 = wBlk14_tile3
  3298. $D074 = wBlk14_tile2
  3299. $D06B = wBlk13_attr1
  3300. $D069 = wBlk13_attr0
  3301. $D06F = wBlk13_attr3
  3302. $D06D = wBlk13_attr2
  3303. $D136 = wBlk38_tile3
  3304. $D134 = wBlk38_tile2
  3305. $D132 = wBlk38_tile1
  3306. $D130 = wBlk38_tile0
  3307. $D11C = wBlk35_tile2
  3308. $D11E = wBlk35_tile3
  3309. $D118 = wBlk35_tile0
  3310. $D11A = wBlk35_tile1
  3311. $D173 = wBlk46_attr1
  3312. $D171 = wBlk46_attr0
  3313. $D177 = wBlk46_attr3
  3314. $D175 = wBlk46_attr2
  3315. $D04A = wBlk9_tile1
  3316. $D048 = wBlk9_tile0
  3317. $D04E = wBlk9_tile3
  3318. $D04C = wBlk9_tile2
  3319. $D179 = wBlk47_attr0
  3320. $D17B = wBlk47_attr1
  3321. $D17D = wBlk47_attr2
  3322. $D17F = wBlk47_attr3
  3323. $D040 = wBlk8_tile0
  3324. $D042 = wBlk8_tile1
  3325. $D044 = wBlk8_tile2
  3326. $D046 = wBlk8_tile3
  3327. $D125 = wBlk36_attr2
  3328. $D127 = wBlk36_attr3
  3329. $D121 = wBlk36_attr0
  3330. $D123 = wBlk36_attr1
  3331. $D198 = wBlk51_tile0
  3332. $D19A = wBlk51_tile1
  3333. $D19C = wBlk51_tile2
  3334. $D19E = wBlk51_tile3
  3335. $D08B = wBlk17_attr1
  3336. $D089 = wBlk17_attr0
  3337. $D08F = wBlk17_attr3
  3338. $D08D = wBlk17_attr2
  3339. $D153 = wBlk42_attr1
  3340. $D151 = wBlk42_attr0
  3341. $D157 = wBlk42_attr3
  3342. $D155 = wBlk42_attr2
  3343. $D1CC = wBlk57_tile2
  3344. $D1CE = wBlk57_tile3
  3345. $D1C8 = wBlk57_tile0
  3346. $D1CA = wBlk57_tile1
  3347. $D122 = wBlk36_tile1
  3348. $D120 = wBlk36_tile0
  3349. $D126 = wBlk36_tile3
  3350. $D124 = wBlk36_tile2
  3351. $D047 = wBlk8_attr3
  3352. $D045 = wBlk8_attr2
  3353. $D043 = wBlk8_attr1
  3354. $D041 = wBlk8_attr0
  3355. $D159 = wBlk43_attr0
  3356. $D15B = wBlk43_attr1
  3357. $D15D = wBlk43_attr2
  3358. $D15F = wBlk43_attr3
  3359. $D04D = wBlk9_attr2
  3360. $D04F = wBlk9_attr3
  3361. $D049 = wBlk9_attr0
  3362. $D04B = wBlk9_attr1
  3363. $D1F7 = wBlk62_attr3
  3364. $D1F5 = wBlk62_attr2
  3365. $D1F3 = wBlk62_attr1
  3366. $D1F1 = wBlk62_attr0
  3367. $D1FD = wBlk63_attr2
  3368. $D1FF = wBlk63_attr3
  3369. $D1F9 = wBlk63_attr0
  3370. $D1FB = wBlk63_attr1
  3371. $D09F = wBlk19_attr3
  3372. $D09D = wBlk19_attr2
  3373. $D09B = wBlk19_attr1
  3374. $D099 = wBlk19_attr0
  3375. $D0F6 = wBlk30_tile3
  3376. $D0F4 = wBlk30_tile2
  3377. $D0F2 = wBlk30_tile1
  3378. $D0F0 = wBlk30_tile0
  3379. $D160 = wBlk44_tile0
  3380. $D162 = wBlk44_tile1
  3381. $D164 = wBlk44_tile2
  3382. $D166 = wBlk44_tile3
  3383. $D08C = wBlk17_tile2
  3384. $D08E = wBlk17_tile3
  3385. $D088 = wBlk17_tile0
  3386. $D08A = wBlk17_tile1
  3387. $D0A3 = wBlk20_attr1
  3388. $D0A1 = wBlk20_attr0
  3389. $D0A7 = wBlk20_attr3
  3390. $D0A5 = wBlk20_attr2
  3391. $D15E = wBlk43_tile3
  3392. $D15C = wBlk43_tile2
  3393. $D15A = wBlk43_tile1
  3394. $D158 = wBlk43_tile0
  3395. $D00A = wBlk1_tile1
  3396. $D008 = wBlk1_tile0
  3397. $D00E = wBlk1_tile3
  3398. $D00C = wBlk1_tile2
  3399. $D092 = wBlk18_tile1
  3400. $D090 = wBlk18_tile0
  3401. $D096 = wBlk18_tile3
  3402. $D094 = wBlk18_tile2
  3403. $D0A9 = wBlk21_attr0
  3404. $D0AB = wBlk21_attr1
  3405. $D0AD = wBlk21_attr2
  3406. $D0AF = wBlk21_attr3
  3407. $D000 = wBlk0_tile0
  3408. $D002 = wBlk0_tile1
  3409. $D004 = wBlk0_tile2
  3410. $D006 = wBlk0_tile3
  3411. $D1FA = wBlk63_tile1
  3412. $D1F8 = wBlk63_tile0
  3413. $D1FE = wBlk63_tile3
  3414. $D1FC = wBlk63_tile2
  3415. $D1A6 = wBlk52_tile3
  3416. $D1A4 = wBlk52_tile2
  3417. $D1A2 = wBlk52_tile1
  3418. $D1A0 = wBlk52_tile0
  3419. $D0F1 = wBlk30_attr0
  3420. $D0F3 = wBlk30_attr1
  3421. $D0F5 = wBlk30_attr2
  3422. $D0F7 = wBlk30_attr3
  3423. $D13C = wBlk39_tile2
  3424. $D13E = wBlk39_tile3
  3425. $D138 = wBlk39_tile0
  3426. $D13A = wBlk39_tile1
  3427. $D1F0 = wBlk62_tile0
  3428. $D1F2 = wBlk62_tile1
  3429. $D1F4 = wBlk62_tile2
  3430. $D1F6 = wBlk62_tile3
  3431. $D0C3 = wBlk24_attr1
  3432. $D0C1 = wBlk24_attr0
  3433. $D0C7 = wBlk24_attr3
  3434. $D0C5 = wBlk24_attr2
  3435. $D1B5 = wBlk54_attr2
  3436. $D1B7 = wBlk54_attr3
  3437. $D1B1 = wBlk54_attr0
  3438. $D1B3 = wBlk54_attr1
  3439. $D0C9 = wBlk25_attr0
  3440. $D0CB = wBlk25_attr1
  3441. $D0CD = wBlk25_attr2
  3442. $D0CF = wBlk25_attr3
  3443. $D111 = wBlk34_attr0
  3444. $D113 = wBlk34_attr1
  3445. $D115 = wBlk34_attr2
  3446. $D117 = wBlk34_attr3
  3447. $D10F = wBlk33_attr3
  3448. $D10D = wBlk33_attr2
  3449. $D10B = wBlk33_attr1
  3450. $D109 = wBlk33_attr0
  3451. $D0CE = wBlk25_tile3
  3452. $D0CC = wBlk25_tile2
  3453. $D0CA = wBlk25_tile1
  3454. $D0C8 = wBlk25_tile0
  3455. $D195 = wBlk50_attr2
  3456. $D197 = wBlk50_attr3
  3457. $D191 = wBlk50_attr0
  3458. $D193 = wBlk50_attr1
  3459. $D052 = wBlk10_tile1
  3460. $D050 = wBlk10_tile0
  3461. $D056 = wBlk10_tile3
  3462. $D054 = wBlk10_tile2
  3463. $D0C4 = wBlk24_tile2
  3464. $D0C6 = wBlk24_tile3
  3465. $D0C0 = wBlk24_tile0
  3466. $D0C2 = wBlk24_tile1
  3467. $D1C1 = wBlk56_attr0
  3468. $D1C3 = wBlk56_attr1
  3469. $D1C5 = wBlk56_attr2
  3470. $D1C7 = wBlk56_attr3
  3471. $D0FC = wBlk31_tile2
  3472. $D0FE = wBlk31_tile3
  3473. $D0F8 = wBlk31_tile0
  3474. $D0FA = wBlk31_tile1
  3475. $D000 = wBlockMetadata
  3476. $D12F = wBlk37_attr3
  3477. $D12D = wBlk37_attr2
  3478. $D12B = wBlk37_attr1
  3479. $D129 = wBlk37_attr0
  3480. $D1B8 = wBlk55_tile0
  3481. $D1BA = wBlk55_tile1
  3482. $D1BC = wBlk55_tile2
  3483. $D1BE = wBlk55_tile3
  3484. $D0FB = wBlk31_attr1
  3485. $D0F9 = wBlk31_attr0
  3486. $D0FF = wBlk31_attr3
  3487. $D0FD = wBlk31_attr2
  3488. $D1A1 = wBlk52_attr0
  3489. $D1A3 = wBlk52_attr1
  3490. $D1A5 = wBlk52_attr2
  3491. $D1A7 = wBlk52_attr3
  3492. $D1BF = wBlk55_attr3
  3493. $D1BD = wBlk55_attr2
  3494. $D1BB = wBlk55_attr1
  3495. $D1B9 = wBlk55_attr0
  3496. $D102 = wBlk32_tile1
  3497. $D100 = wBlk32_tile0
  3498. $D106 = wBlk32_tile3
  3499. $D104 = wBlk32_tile2
  3500. $D078 = wBlk15_tile0
  3501. $D07A = wBlk15_tile1
  3502. $D07C = wBlk15_tile2
  3503. $D07E = wBlk15_tile3
  3504. $D154 = wBlk42_tile2
  3505. $D156 = wBlk42_tile3
  3506. $D150 = wBlk42_tile0
  3507. $D152 = wBlk42_tile1
  3508. $D128 = wBlk37_tile0
  3509. $D12A = wBlk37_tile1
  3510. $D12C = wBlk37_tile2
  3511. $D12E = wBlk37_tile3
  3512. $D0B7 = wBlk22_attr3
  3513. $D0B5 = wBlk22_attr2
  3514. $D0B3 = wBlk22_attr1
  3515. $D0B1 = wBlk22_attr0
  3516. $D167 = wBlk44_attr3
  3517. $D165 = wBlk44_attr2
  3518. $D163 = wBlk44_attr1
  3519. $D161 = wBlk44_attr0
  3520. $D18A = wBlk49_tile1
  3521. $D188 = wBlk49_tile0
  3522. $D18E = wBlk49_tile3
  3523. $D18C = wBlk49_tile2
  3524. $D11B = wBlk35_attr1
  3525. $D119 = wBlk35_attr0
  3526. $D11F = wBlk35_attr3
  3527. $D11D = wBlk35_attr2
  3528. $D0BD = wBlk23_attr2
  3529. $D0BF = wBlk23_attr3
  3530. $D0B9 = wBlk23_attr0
  3531. $D0BB = wBlk23_attr1
  3532. $D16D = wBlk45_attr2
  3533. $D16F = wBlk45_attr3
  3534. $D169 = wBlk45_attr0
  3535. $D16B = wBlk45_attr1
  3536. $D013 = wBlk2_attr1
  3537. $D011 = wBlk2_attr0
  3538. $D017 = wBlk2_attr3
  3539. $D015 = wBlk2_attr2
  3540. $D1D2 = wBlk58_tile1
  3541. $D1D0 = wBlk58_tile0
  3542. $D1D6 = wBlk58_tile3
  3543. $D1D4 = wBlk58_tile2
  3544. $D06C = wBlk13_tile2
  3545. $D06E = wBlk13_tile3
  3546. $D068 = wBlk13_tile0
  3547. $D06A = wBlk13_tile1
  3548. $D19F = wBlk51_attr3
  3549. $D19D = wBlk51_attr2
  3550. $D19B = wBlk51_attr1
  3551. $D199 = wBlk51_attr0
  3552. $D17E = wBlk47_tile3
  3553. $D17C = wBlk47_tile2
  3554. $D17A = wBlk47_tile1
  3555. $D178 = wBlk47_tile0
  3556. $D0EE = wBlk29_tile3
  3557. $D0EC = wBlk29_tile2
  3558. $D0EA = wBlk29_tile1
  3559. $D0E8 = wBlk29_tile0
  3560. $D019 = wBlk3_attr0
  3561. $D01B = wBlk3_attr1
  3562. $D01D = wBlk3_attr2
  3563. $D01F = wBlk3_attr3
  3564. $D0E4 = wBlk28_tile2
  3565. $D0E6 = wBlk28_tile3
  3566. $D0E0 = wBlk28_tile0
  3567. $D0E2 = wBlk28_tile1
  3568. $D0D7 = wBlk26_attr3
  3569. $D0D5 = wBlk26_attr2
  3570. $D0D3 = wBlk26_attr1
  3571. $D0D1 = wBlk26_attr0
  3572. $D147 = wBlk40_attr3
  3573. $D145 = wBlk40_attr2
  3574. $D143 = wBlk40_attr1
  3575. $D141 = wBlk40_attr0
  3576. $D1C6 = wBlk56_tile3
  3577. $D1C4 = wBlk56_tile2
  3578. $D1C2 = wBlk56_tile1
  3579. $D1C0 = wBlk56_tile0
  3580. $D0DD = wBlk27_attr2
  3581. $D0DF = wBlk27_attr3
  3582. $D0D9 = wBlk27_attr0
  3583. $D0DB = wBlk27_attr1
  3584. $D14D = wBlk41_attr2
  3585. $D14F = wBlk41_attr3
  3586. $D149 = wBlk41_attr0
  3587. $D14B = wBlk41_attr1
  3588. $D0E3 = wBlk28_attr1
  3589. $D0E1 = wBlk28_attr0
  3590. $D0E7 = wBlk28_attr3
  3591. $D0E5 = wBlk28_attr2
  3592. $D0E9 = wBlk29_attr0
  3593. $D0EB = wBlk29_attr1
  3594. $D0ED = wBlk29_attr2
  3595. $D0EF = wBlk29_attr3
  3596. $D033 = wBlk6_attr1
  3597. $D031 = wBlk6_attr0
  3598. $D037 = wBlk6_attr3
  3599. $D035 = wBlk6_attr2
  3600. $D039 = wBlk7_attr0
  3601. $D03B = wBlk7_attr1
  3602. $D03D = wBlk7_attr2
  3603. $D03F = wBlk7_attr3
  3604. $D131 = wBlk38_attr0
  3605. $D133 = wBlk38_attr1
  3606. $D135 = wBlk38_attr2
  3607. $D137 = wBlk38_attr3
  3608. SECTION: $D7FF-$D87F ($0081 bytes) ["Tile animations"]
  3609. $D868 = wTileAnim13_frameCount
  3610. $D843 = wTileAnim8_numOfFrames
  3611. $D861 = wTileAnim12_delayLength
  3612. $D851 = wTileAnim10_delayLength
  3613. $D829 = wTileAnim5_delayLength
  3614. $D858 = wTileAnim11_frameCount
  3615. $D804 = wTileAnim0_tileID
  3616. $D85B = wTileAnim11_numOfFrames
  3617. $D87B = wTileAnim15_numOfFrames
  3618. $D834 = wTileAnim6_tileID
  3619. $D862 = wTileAnim12_currentFrame
  3620. $D850 = wTileAnim10_frameCount
  3621. $D830 = wTileAnim6_frameCount
  3622. $D807 = wTileAnim0_unused
  3623. $D84F = wTileAnim9_unused
  3624. $D853 = wTileAnim10_numOfFrames
  3625. $D873 = wTileAnim14_numOfFrames
  3626. $D86B = wTileAnim13_numOfFrames
  3627. $D822 = wTileAnim4_currentFrame
  3628. $D802 = wTileAnim0_currentFrame
  3629. $D842 = wTileAnim8_currentFrame
  3630. $D838 = wTileAnim7_frameCount
  3631. $D80C = wTileAnim1_tileID
  3632. $D809 = wTileAnim1_delayLength
  3633. $D83C = wTileAnim7_tileID
  3634. $D864 = wTileAnim12_tileID
  3635. $D82F = wTileAnim5_unused
  3636. $D879 = wTileAnim15_delayLength
  3637. $D872 = wTileAnim14_currentFrame
  3638. $D852 = wTileAnim10_currentFrame
  3639. $D83D = wTileAnim7_framesPtr
  3640. $D840 = wTileAnim8_frameCount
  3641. $D821 = wTileAnim4_delayLength
  3642. $D855 = wTileAnim10_framesPtr
  3643. $D848 = wTileAnim9_frameCount
  3644. $D867 = wTileAnim12_unused
  3645. $D874 = wTileAnim14_tileID
  3646. $D81F = wTileAnim3_unused
  3647. $D860 = wTileAnim12_frameCount
  3648. $D859 = wTileAnim11_delayLength
  3649. $D801 = wTileAnim0_delayLength
  3650. $D820 = wTileAnim4_frameCount
  3651. $D80B = wTileAnim1_numOfFrames
  3652. $D82B = wTileAnim5_numOfFrames
  3653. $D828 = wTileAnim5_frameCount
  3654. $D844 = wTileAnim8_tileID
  3655. $D835 = wTileAnim6_framesPtr
  3656. $D82D = wTileAnim5_framesPtr
  3657. $D87D = wTileAnim15_framesPtr
  3658. $D80F = wTileAnim1_unused
  3659. $D814 = wTileAnim2_tileID
  3660. $D81D = wTileAnim3_framesPtr
  3661. $D84C = wTileAnim9_tileID
  3662. $D810 = wTileAnim2_frameCount
  3663. $D839 = wTileAnim7_delayLength
  3664. $D87C = wTileAnim15_tileID
  3665. $D800 = wTileAnimations
  3666. $D837 = wTileAnim6_unused
  3667. $D865 = wTileAnim12_framesPtr
  3668. $D818 = wTileAnim3_frameCount
  3669. $D83A = wTileAnim7_currentFrame
  3670. $D81B = wTileAnim3_numOfFrames
  3671. $D81A = wTileAnim3_currentFrame
  3672. $D878 = wTileAnim15_frameCount
  3673. $D83B = wTileAnim7_numOfFrames
  3674. $D824 = wTileAnim4_tileID
  3675. $D825 = wTileAnim4_framesPtr
  3676. $D81C = wTileAnim3_tileID
  3677. $D84B = wTileAnim9_numOfFrames
  3678. $D87F = wTileAnim15_unused
  3679. $D870 = wTileAnim14_frameCount
  3680. $D877 = wTileAnim14_unused
  3681. $D819 = wTileAnim3_delayLength
  3682. $D84D = wTileAnim9_framesPtr
  3683. $D863 = wTileAnim12_numOfFrames
  3684. $D849 = wTileAnim9_delayLength
  3685. $D831 = wTileAnim6_delayLength
  3686. $D82C = wTileAnim5_tileID
  3687. $D854 = wTileAnim10_tileID
  3688. $D847 = wTileAnim8_unused
  3689. $D87A = wTileAnim15_currentFrame
  3690. $D85A = wTileAnim11_currentFrame
  3691. $D86F = wTileAnim13_unused
  3692. $D832 = wTileAnim6_currentFrame
  3693. $D812 = wTileAnim2_currentFrame
  3694. $D815 = wTileAnim2_framesPtr
  3695. $D803 = wTileAnim0_numOfFrames
  3696. $D827 = wTileAnim4_unused
  3697. $D823 = wTileAnim4_numOfFrames
  3698. $D80D = wTileAnim1_framesPtr
  3699. $D869 = wTileAnim13_delayLength
  3700. $D845 = wTileAnim8_framesPtr
  3701. $D85D = wTileAnim11_framesPtr
  3702. $D800 = wTileAnim0_frameCount
  3703. $D811 = wTileAnim2_delayLength
  3704. $D841 = wTileAnim8_delayLength
  3705. $D880 = wTileAnimationsEnd
  3706. $D86A = wTileAnim13_currentFrame
  3707. $D808 = wTileAnim1_frameCount
  3708. $D817 = wTileAnim2_unused
  3709. $D86D = wTileAnim13_framesPtr
  3710. $D871 = wTileAnim14_delayLength
  3711. $D875 = wTileAnim14_framesPtr
  3712. $D86C = wTileAnim13_tileID
  3713. $D805 = wTileAnim0_framesPtr
  3714. $D85F = wTileAnim11_unused
  3715. $D83F = wTileAnim7_unused
  3716. $D857 = wTileAnim10_unused
  3717. $D82A = wTileAnim5_currentFrame
  3718. $D80A = wTileAnim1_currentFrame
  3719. $D84A = wTileAnim9_currentFrame
  3720. $D813 = wTileAnim2_numOfFrames
  3721. $D85C = wTileAnim11_tileID
  3722. $D7FF = wNumOfTileAnims
  3723. $D833 = wTileAnim6_numOfFrames
  3724. SECTION: $D300-$D706 ($0407 bytes) ["Interaction table"]
  3725. $D4D5 = wButtonInter13_xbox
  3726. $D3B5 = wWalkingInter11_xbox
  3727. $D3E2 = wWalkingInter14_xpos
  3728. $D565 = wWalkingLoadZone6_xbox
  3729. $D60A = wButtonLoadZone0_unused
  3730. $D428 = wButtonInter2_unused
  3731. $D592 = wWalkingLoadZone9_xpos
  3732. $D4C5 = wButtonInter12_xbox
  3733. $D618 = wButtonLoadZone1_destMap
  3734. $D685 = wButtonLoadZone8_xbox
  3735. $D658 = wButtonLoadZone5_destMap
  3736. $D6F5 = wButtonLoadZone15_xbox
  3737. $D332 = wWalkingInter3_xpos
  3738. $D665 = wButtonLoadZone6_xbox
  3739. $D549 = wWalkingLoadZone4_sfxID
  3740. $D366 = wWalkingInter6_textptr
  3741. $D604 = wButtonLoadZone0_ybox
  3742. $D614 = wButtonLoadZone1_ybox
  3743. $D568 = wWalkingLoadZone6_destMap
  3744. $D502 = wWalkingLoadZone0_xpos
  3745. $D528 = wWalkingLoadZone2_destMap
  3746. $D448 = wButtonInter4_unused
  3747. $D695 = wButtonLoadZone9_xbox
  3748. $D6E5 = wButtonLoadZone14_xbox
  3749. $D5E7 = wWalkingLoadZone14_destWarp
  3750. $D636 = wButtonLoadZone3_thread2ID
  3751. $D322 = wWalkingInter2_xpos
  3752. $D675 = wButtonLoadZone7_xbox
  3753. $D547 = wWalkingLoadZone4_destWarp
  3754. $D4D8 = wButtonInter13_unused
  3755. $D3C8 = wWalkingInter12_unused
  3756. $D405 = wButtonInter0_xbox
  3757. $D622 = wButtonLoadZone2_xpos
  3758. $D308 = wWalkingInter0_unused
  3759. $D572 = wWalkingLoadZone7_xpos
  3760. $D464 = wButtonInter6_ybox
  3761. $D474 = wButtonInter7_ybox
  3762. $D616 = wButtonLoadZone1_thread2ID
  3763. $D3C5 = wWalkingInter12_xbox
  3764. $D484 = wButtonInter8_ybox
  3765. $D494 = wButtonInter9_ybox
  3766. $D5E0 = wWalkingLoadZone14_ypos
  3767. $D5F0 = wWalkingLoadZone15_ypos
  3768. $D67A = wButtonLoadZone7_unused
  3769. $D677 = wButtonLoadZone7_destWarp
  3770. $D576 = wWalkingLoadZone7_thread2ID
  3771. $D555 = wWalkingLoadZone5_xbox
  3772. $D4F8 = wButtonInter15_unused
  3773. $D415 = wButtonInter1_xbox
  3774. $D632 = wButtonLoadZone3_xpos
  3775. $D5CA = wWalkingLoadZone12_unused
  3776. $D676 = wButtonLoadZone7_thread2ID
  3777. $D6B0 = wButtonLoadZone11_ypos
  3778. $D6A0 = wButtonLoadZone10_ypos
  3779. $D4F0 = wButtonInter15_ypos
  3780. $D4E0 = wButtonInter14_ypos
  3781. $D3F5 = wWalkingInter15_xbox
  3782. $D6AA = wButtonLoadZone10_unused
  3783. $D416 = wButtonInter1_textptr
  3784. $D488 = wButtonInter8_unused
  3785. $D406 = wButtonInter0_textptr
  3786. $D525 = wWalkingLoadZone2_xbox
  3787. $D656 = wButtonLoadZone5_thread2ID
  3788. $D5C2 = wWalkingLoadZone12_xpos
  3789. $D687 = wButtonLoadZone8_destWarp
  3790. $D617 = wButtonLoadZone1_destWarp
  3791. $D598 = wWalkingLoadZone9_destMap
  3792. $D536 = wWalkingLoadZone3_thread2ID
  3793. $D358 = wWalkingInter5_unused
  3794. $D372 = wWalkingInter7_xpos
  3795. $D3B2 = wWalkingInter11_xpos
  3796. $D326 = wWalkingInter2_textptr
  3797. $D701 = wBtnInterCount
  3798. $D644 = wButtonLoadZone4_ybox
  3799. $D654 = wButtonLoadZone5_ybox
  3800. $D5D2 = wWalkingLoadZone13_xpos
  3801. $D51A = wWalkingLoadZone1_unused
  3802. $D4A6 = wButtonInter10_textptr
  3803. $D4B6 = wButtonInter11_textptr
  3804. $D362 = wWalkingInter6_xpos
  3805. $D5FA = wWalkingLoadZone15_unused
  3806. $D5A7 = wWalkingLoadZone10_destWarp
  3807. $D507 = wWalkingLoadZone0_destWarp
  3808. $D696 = wButtonLoadZone9_thread2ID
  3809. $D689 = wButtonLoadZone8_sfxID
  3810. $D578 = wWalkingLoadZone7_destMap
  3811. $D56A = wWalkingLoadZone6_unused
  3812. $D6FA = wButtonLoadZone15_unused
  3813. $D662 = wButtonLoadZone6_xpos
  3814. $D538 = wWalkingLoadZone3_destMap
  3815. $D566 = wWalkingLoadZone6_thread2ID
  3816. $D532 = wWalkingLoadZone3_xpos
  3817. $D57A = wWalkingLoadZone7_unused
  3818. $D395 = wWalkingInter9_xbox
  3819. $D424 = wButtonInter2_ybox
  3820. $D434 = wButtonInter3_ybox
  3821. $D6B7 = wButtonLoadZone11_destWarp
  3822. $D699 = wButtonLoadZone9_sfxID
  3823. $D3F6 = wWalkingInter15_textptr
  3824. $D5A0 = wWalkingLoadZone10_ypos
  3825. $D5B0 = wWalkingLoadZone11_ypos
  3826. $D314 = wWalkingInter1_ybox
  3827. $D304 = wWalkingInter0_ybox
  3828. $D418 = wButtonInter1_unused
  3829. $D703 = wBtnLoadZoneCount
  3830. $D3A4 = wWalkingInter10_ybox
  3831. $D515 = wWalkingLoadZone1_xbox
  3832. $D672 = wButtonLoadZone7_xpos
  3833. $D574 = wWalkingLoadZone7_ybox
  3834. $D385 = wWalkingInter8_xbox
  3835. $D69A = wButtonLoadZone9_unused
  3836. $D4F5 = wButtonInter15_xbox
  3837. $D6F0 = wButtonLoadZone15_ypos
  3838. $D6E0 = wButtonLoadZone14_ypos
  3839. $D4B0 = wButtonInter11_ypos
  3840. $D4A0 = wButtonInter10_ypos
  3841. $D585 = wWalkingLoadZone8_xbox
  3842. $D688 = wButtonLoadZone8_destMap
  3843. $D456 = wButtonInter5_textptr
  3844. $D446 = wButtonInter4_textptr
  3845. $D682 = wButtonLoadZone8_xpos
  3846. $D526 = wWalkingLoadZone2_thread2ID
  3847. $D4A8 = wButtonInter10_unused
  3848. $D4E5 = wButtonInter14_xbox
  3849. $D58A = wWalkingLoadZone8_unused
  3850. $D600 = wButtonLoadZone0_ypos
  3851. $D610 = wButtonLoadZone1_ypos
  3852. $D6D5 = wButtonLoadZone13_xbox
  3853. $D6D7 = wButtonLoadZone13_destWarp
  3854. $D557 = wWalkingLoadZone5_destWarp
  3855. $D376 = wWalkingInter7_textptr
  3856. $D657 = wButtonLoadZone5_destWarp
  3857. $D590 = wWalkingLoadZone9_ypos
  3858. $D580 = wWalkingLoadZone8_ypos
  3859. $D692 = wButtonLoadZone9_xpos
  3860. $D3F2 = wWalkingInter15_xpos
  3861. $D4D2 = wButtonInter13_xpos
  3862. $D440 = wButtonInter4_ypos
  3863. $D450 = wButtonInter5_ypos
  3864. $D328 = wWalkingInter2_unused
  3865. $D6DA = wButtonLoadZone13_unused
  3866. $D4E6 = wButtonInter14_textptr
  3867. $D4F6 = wButtonInter15_textptr
  3868. $D6C5 = wButtonLoadZone12_xbox
  3869. $D65A = wButtonLoadZone5_unused
  3870. $D300 = wWalkingInteractions
  3871. $D5C5 = wWalkingLoadZone12_xbox
  3872. $D4C2 = wButtonInter12_xpos
  3873. $D3C2 = wWalkingInter12_xpos
  3874. $D5C8 = wWalkingLoadZone12_destMap
  3875. $D5E4 = wWalkingLoadZone14_ybox
  3876. $D5F4 = wWalkingLoadZone15_ybox
  3877. $D335 = wWalkingInter3_xbox
  3878. $D519 = wWalkingLoadZone1_sfxID
  3879. $D468 = wButtonInter6_unused
  3880. $D462 = wButtonInter6_xpos
  3881. $D3B6 = wWalkingInter11_textptr
  3882. $D6F7 = wButtonLoadZone15_destWarp
  3883. $D312 = wWalkingInter1_xpos
  3884. $D5D5 = wWalkingLoadZone13_xbox
  3885. $D354 = wWalkingInter5_ybox
  3886. $D344 = wWalkingInter4_ybox
  3887. $D705 = wNPCScriptsPointer
  3888. $D3C4 = wWalkingInter12_ybox
  3889. $D589 = wWalkingLoadZone8_sfxID
  3890. $D3C6 = wWalkingInter12_textptr
  3891. $D3D4 = wWalkingInter13_ybox
  3892. $D3E4 = wWalkingInter14_ybox
  3893. $D548 = wWalkingLoadZone4_destMap
  3894. $D325 = wWalkingInter2_xbox
  3895. $D6D6 = wButtonLoadZone13_thread2ID
  3896. $D554 = wWalkingLoadZone5_ybox
  3897. $D508 = wWalkingLoadZone0_destMap
  3898. $D390 = wWalkingInter9_ypos
  3899. $D380 = wWalkingInter8_ypos
  3900. $D544 = wWalkingLoadZone4_ybox
  3901. $D500 = wWalkingLoadZones
  3902. $D472 = wButtonInter7_xpos
  3903. $D534 = wWalkingLoadZone3_ybox
  3904. $D562 = wWalkingLoadZone6_xpos
  3905. $D4B5 = wButtonInter11_xbox
  3906. $D378 = wWalkingInter7_unused
  3907. $D302 = wWalkingInter0_xpos
  3908. $D5E8 = wWalkingLoadZone14_destMap
  3909. $D5A8 = wWalkingLoadZone10_destMap
  3910. $D6B6 = wButtonLoadZone11_thread2ID
  3911. $D5AA = wWalkingLoadZone10_unused
  3912. $D3F8 = wWalkingInter15_unused
  3913. $D3A0 = wWalkingInter10_ypos
  3914. $D559 = wWalkingLoadZone5_sfxID
  3915. $D552 = wWalkingLoadZone5_xpos
  3916. $D4A5 = wButtonInter10_xbox
  3917. $D640 = wButtonLoadZone4_ypos
  3918. $D650 = wButtonLoadZone5_ypos
  3919. $D336 = wWalkingInter3_textptr
  3920. $D482 = wButtonInter8_xpos
  3921. $D517 = wWalkingLoadZone1_destWarp
  3922. $D63A = wButtonLoadZone3_unused
  3923. $D6B4 = wButtonLoadZone11_ybox
  3924. $D6A4 = wButtonLoadZone10_ybox
  3925. $D400 = wButtonInter0_ypos
  3926. $D410 = wButtonInter1_ypos
  3927. $D624 = wButtonLoadZone2_ybox
  3928. $D634 = wButtonLoadZone3_ybox
  3929. $D3D8 = wWalkingInter13_unused
  3930. $D6D0 = wButtonLoadZone13_ypos
  3931. $D6C0 = wButtonLoadZone12_ypos
  3932. $D492 = wButtonInter9_xpos
  3933. $D6D8 = wButtonLoadZone13_destMap
  3934. $D6F6 = wButtonLoadZone15_thread2ID
  3935. $D5A4 = wWalkingLoadZone10_ybox
  3936. $D5B4 = wWalkingLoadZone11_ybox
  3937. $D375 = wWalkingInter7_xbox
  3938. $D444 = wButtonInter4_ybox
  3939. $D454 = wButtonInter5_ybox
  3940. $D422 = wButtonInter2_xpos
  3941. $D702 = wWalkLoadZoneCount
  3942. $D388 = wWalkingInter8_unused
  3943. $D318 = wWalkingInter1_unused
  3944. $D352 = wWalkingInter5_xpos
  3945. $D3B4 = wWalkingInter11_ybox
  3946. $D66A = wButtonLoadZone6_unused
  3947. $D365 = wWalkingInter6_xbox
  3948. $D386 = wWalkingInter8_textptr
  3949. $D564 = wWalkingLoadZone6_ybox
  3950. $D514 = wWalkingLoadZone1_ybox
  3951. $D504 = wWalkingLoadZone0_ybox
  3952. $D55A = wWalkingLoadZone5_unused
  3953. $D432 = wButtonInter3_xpos
  3954. $D522 = wWalkingLoadZone2_xpos
  3955. $D438 = wButtonInter3_unused
  3956. $D5D6 = wWalkingLoadZone13_thread2ID
  3957. $D342 = wWalkingInter4_xpos
  3958. $D4D4 = wButtonInter13_ybox
  3959. $D529 = wWalkingLoadZone2_sfxID
  3960. $D4C4 = wButtonInter12_ybox
  3961. $D6BA = wButtonLoadZone11_unused
  3962. $D3E0 = wWalkingInter14_ypos
  3963. $D512 = wWalkingLoadZone1_xpos
  3964. $D605 = wButtonLoadZone0_xbox
  3965. $D698 = wButtonLoadZone9_destMap
  3966. $D3E8 = wWalkingInter14_unused
  3967. $D5F6 = wWalkingLoadZone15_thread2ID
  3968. $D6F9 = wButtonLoadZone15_sfxID
  3969. $D458 = wButtonInter5_unused
  3970. $D684 = wButtonLoadZone8_ybox
  3971. $D694 = wButtonLoadZone9_ybox
  3972. $D6F4 = wButtonLoadZone15_ybox
  3973. $D6E4 = wButtonLoadZone14_ybox
  3974. $D4C8 = wButtonInter12_unused
  3975. $D330 = wWalkingInter3_ypos
  3976. $D320 = wWalkingInter2_ypos
  3977. $D664 = wButtonLoadZone6_ybox
  3978. $D582 = wWalkingLoadZone8_xpos
  3979. $D674 = wButtonLoadZone7_ybox
  3980. $D6E9 = wButtonLoadZone14_sfxID
  3981. $D6C7 = wButtonLoadZone12_destWarp
  3982. $D615 = wButtonLoadZone1_xbox
  3983. $D628 = wButtonLoadZone2_destMap
  3984. $D668 = wButtonLoadZone6_destMap
  3985. $D5A9 = wWalkingLoadZone10_sfxID
  3986. $D556 = wWalkingLoadZone5_thread2ID
  3987. $D465 = wButtonInter6_xbox
  3988. $D569 = wWalkingLoadZone6_sfxID
  3989. $D485 = wButtonInter8_xbox
  3990. $D5E2 = wWalkingLoadZone14_xpos
  3991. $D5B9 = wWalkingLoadZone11_sfxID
  3992. $D3C0 = wWalkingInter12_ypos
  3993. $D4E8 = wButtonInter14_unused
  3994. $D5F7 = wWalkingLoadZone15_destWarp
  3995. $D3D0 = wWalkingInter13_ypos
  3996. $D404 = wButtonInter0_ybox
  3997. $D5B6 = wWalkingLoadZone11_thread2ID
  3998. $D414 = wButtonInter1_ybox
  3999. $D620 = wButtonLoadZone2_ypos
  4000. $D630 = wButtonLoadZone3_ypos
  4001. $D5C9 = wWalkingLoadZone12_sfxID
  4002. $D5DA = wWalkingLoadZone13_unused
  4003. $D475 = wButtonInter7_xbox
  4004. $D6C6 = wButtonLoadZone12_thread2ID
  4005. $D6B9 = wButtonLoadZone11_sfxID
  4006. $D570 = wWalkingLoadZone7_ypos
  4007. $D3F4 = wWalkingInter15_ybox
  4008. $D6B2 = wButtonLoadZone11_xpos
  4009. $D4F2 = wButtonInter15_xpos
  4010. $D346 = wWalkingInter4_textptr
  4011. $D495 = wButtonInter9_xbox
  4012. $D5F2 = wWalkingLoadZone15_xpos
  4013. $D498 = wButtonInter9_unused
  4014. $D5D9 = wWalkingLoadZone13_sfxID
  4015. $D3D5 = wWalkingInter13_xbox
  4016. $D524 = wWalkingLoadZone2_ybox
  4017. $D6A9 = wButtonLoadZone10_sfxID
  4018. $D607 = wButtonLoadZone0_destWarp
  4019. $D516 = wWalkingLoadZone1_thread2ID
  4020. $D6B8 = wButtonLoadZone11_destMap
  4021. $D6A6 = wButtonLoadZone10_thread2ID
  4022. $D545 = wWalkingLoadZone4_xbox
  4023. $D6F8 = wButtonLoadZone15_destMap
  4024. $D61A = wButtonLoadZone1_unused
  4025. $D68A = wButtonLoadZone8_unused
  4026. $D5E9 = wWalkingLoadZone14_sfxID
  4027. $D6A2 = wButtonLoadZone10_xpos
  4028. $D4E2 = wButtonInter14_xpos
  4029. $D5C7 = wWalkingLoadZone12_destWarp
  4030. $D558 = wWalkingLoadZone5_destMap
  4031. $D518 = wWalkingLoadZone1_destMap
  4032. $D3B0 = wWalkingInter11_ypos
  4033. $D5F9 = wWalkingLoadZone15_sfxID
  4034. $D645 = wButtonLoadZone4_xbox
  4035. $D5C0 = wWalkingLoadZone12_ypos
  4036. $D550 = wWalkingLoadZone5_ypos
  4037. $D5D0 = wWalkingLoadZone13_ypos
  4038. $D50A = wWalkingLoadZone0_unused
  4039. $D540 = wWalkingLoadZone4_ypos
  4040. $D370 = wWalkingInter7_ypos
  4041. $D360 = wWalkingInter6_ypos
  4042. $D436 = wButtonInter3_textptr
  4043. $D426 = wButtonInter2_textptr
  4044. $D697 = wButtonLoadZone9_destWarp
  4045. $D6E6 = wButtonLoadZone14_thread2ID
  4046. $D338 = wWalkingInter3_unused
  4047. $D627 = wButtonLoadZone2_destWarp
  4048. $D655 = wButtonLoadZone5_xbox
  4049. $D600 = wButtonLoadZones
  4050. $D6D9 = wButtonLoadZone13_sfxID
  4051. $D425 = wButtonInter2_xbox
  4052. $D64A = wButtonLoadZone4_unused
  4053. $D5A2 = wWalkingLoadZone10_xpos
  4054. $D315 = wWalkingInter1_xbox
  4055. $D6C9 = wButtonLoadZone12_sfxID
  4056. $D5EA = wWalkingLoadZone14_unused
  4057. $D3A5 = wWalkingInter10_xbox
  4058. $D3B8 = wWalkingInter11_unused
  4059. $D599 = wWalkingLoadZone9_sfxID
  4060. $D5B7 = wWalkingLoadZone11_destWarp
  4061. $D577 = wWalkingLoadZone7_destWarp
  4062. $D660 = wButtonLoadZone6_ypos
  4063. $D670 = wButtonLoadZone7_ypos
  4064. $D575 = wWalkingLoadZone7_xbox
  4065. $D587 = wWalkingLoadZone8_destWarp
  4066. $D595 = wWalkingLoadZone9_xbox
  4067. $D394 = wWalkingInter9_ybox
  4068. $D384 = wWalkingInter8_ybox
  4069. $D435 = wButtonInter3_xbox
  4070. $D396 = wWalkingInter9_textptr
  4071. $D530 = wWalkingLoadZone3_ypos
  4072. $D306 = wWalkingInter0_textptr
  4073. $D596 = wWalkingLoadZone9_thread2ID
  4074. $D6F2 = wButtonLoadZone15_xpos
  4075. $D4B2 = wButtonInter11_xpos
  4076. $D4C6 = wButtonInter12_textptr
  4077. $D4D6 = wButtonInter13_textptr
  4078. $D539 = wWalkingLoadZone3_sfxID
  4079. $D5B2 = wWalkingLoadZone11_xpos
  4080. $D305 = wWalkingInter0_xbox
  4081. $D408 = wButtonInter0_unused
  4082. $D608 = wButtonLoadZone0_destMap
  4083. $D6A7 = wButtonLoadZone10_destWarp
  4084. $D648 = wButtonLoadZone4_destMap
  4085. $D649 = wButtonLoadZone4_sfxID
  4086. $D647 = wButtonLoadZone4_destWarp
  4087. $D505 = wWalkingLoadZone0_xbox
  4088. $D567 = wWalkingLoadZone6_destWarp
  4089. $D4F4 = wButtonInter15_ybox
  4090. $D4E4 = wButtonInter14_ybox
  4091. $D6E2 = wButtonLoadZone14_xpos
  4092. $D602 = wButtonLoadZone0_xpos
  4093. $D4A2 = wButtonInter10_xpos
  4094. $D659 = wButtonLoadZone5_sfxID
  4095. $D348 = wWalkingInter4_unused
  4096. $D5C6 = wWalkingLoadZone12_thread2ID
  4097. $D3F0 = wWalkingInter15_ypos
  4098. $D680 = wButtonLoadZone8_ypos
  4099. $D690 = wButtonLoadZone9_ypos
  4100. $D3D6 = wWalkingInter13_textptr
  4101. $D442 = wButtonInter4_xpos
  4102. $D3E6 = wWalkingInter14_textptr
  4103. $D510 = wWalkingLoadZone1_ypos
  4104. $D4B8 = wButtonInter11_unused
  4105. $D700 = wWalkInterCount
  4106. $D500 = wWalkingLoadZone0_ypos
  4107. $D59A = wWalkingLoadZone9_unused
  4108. $D612 = wButtonLoadZone1_xpos
  4109. $D6D4 = wButtonLoadZone13_ybox
  4110. $D6C4 = wButtonLoadZone12_ybox
  4111. $D546 = wWalkingLoadZone4_thread2ID
  4112. $D579 = wWalkingLoadZone7_sfxID
  4113. $D476 = wButtonInter7_textptr
  4114. $D62A = wButtonLoadZone2_unused
  4115. $D466 = wButtonInter6_textptr
  4116. $D5E6 = wWalkingLoadZone14_thread2ID
  4117. $D4D0 = wButtonInter13_ypos
  4118. $D4C0 = wButtonInter12_ypos
  4119. $D452 = wButtonInter5_xpos
  4120. $D5E5 = wWalkingLoadZone14_xbox
  4121. $D6EA = wButtonLoadZone14_unused
  4122. $D478 = wButtonInter7_unused
  4123. $D609 = wButtonLoadZone0_sfxID
  4124. $D667 = wButtonLoadZone6_destWarp
  4125. $D626 = wButtonLoadZone2_thread2ID
  4126. $D619 = wButtonLoadZone1_sfxID
  4127. $D5C4 = wWalkingLoadZone12_ybox
  4128. $D5D4 = wWalkingLoadZone13_ybox
  4129. $D355 = wWalkingInter5_xbox
  4130. $D3E5 = wWalkingInter14_xbox
  4131. $D669 = wButtonLoadZone6_sfxID
  4132. $D5F5 = wWalkingLoadZone15_xbox
  4133. $D356 = wWalkingInter5_textptr
  4134. $D334 = wWalkingInter3_ybox
  4135. $D324 = wWalkingInter2_ybox
  4136. $D3A8 = wWalkingInter10_unused
  4137. $D3D2 = wWalkingInter13_xpos
  4138. $D537 = wWalkingLoadZone3_destWarp
  4139. $D535 = wWalkingLoadZone3_xbox
  4140. $D392 = wWalkingInter9_xpos
  4141. $D606 = wButtonLoadZone0_thread2ID
  4142. $D560 = wWalkingLoadZone6_ypos
  4143. $D460 = wButtonInter6_ypos
  4144. $D6C8 = wButtonLoadZone12_destMap
  4145. $D470 = wButtonInter7_ypos
  4146. $D679 = wButtonLoadZone7_sfxID
  4147. $D506 = wWalkingLoadZone0_thread2ID
  4148. $D398 = wWalkingInter9_unused
  4149. $D5A6 = wWalkingLoadZone10_thread2ID
  4150. $D310 = wWalkingInter1_ypos
  4151. $D300 = wWalkingInter0_ypos
  4152. $D345 = wWalkingInter4_xbox
  4153. $D588 = wWalkingLoadZone8_destMap
  4154. $D6E7 = wButtonLoadZone14_destWarp
  4155. $D5BA = wWalkingLoadZone11_unused
  4156. $D3A2 = wWalkingInter10_xpos
  4157. $D666 = wButtonLoadZone6_thread2ID
  4158. $D382 = wWalkingInter8_xpos
  4159. $D400 = wButtonInteractions
  4160. $D527 = wWalkingLoadZone2_destWarp
  4161. $D4B4 = wButtonInter11_ybox
  4162. $D496 = wButtonInter9_textptr
  4163. $D4A4 = wButtonInter10_ybox
  4164. $D52A = wWalkingLoadZone2_unused
  4165. $D486 = wButtonInter8_textptr
  4166. $D642 = wButtonLoadZone4_xpos
  4167. $D53A = wWalkingLoadZone3_unused
  4168. $D3A6 = wWalkingInter10_textptr
  4169. $D6B5 = wButtonLoadZone11_xbox
  4170. $D402 = wButtonInter0_xpos
  4171. $D629 = wButtonLoadZone2_sfxID
  4172. $D6A8 = wButtonLoadZone10_destMap
  4173. $D646 = wButtonLoadZone4_thread2ID
  4174. $D5F8 = wWalkingLoadZone15_destMap
  4175. $D625 = wButtonLoadZone2_xbox
  4176. $D6E8 = wButtonLoadZone14_destMap
  4177. $D5B8 = wWalkingLoadZone11_destMap
  4178. $D5D7 = wWalkingLoadZone13_destWarp
  4179. $D6CA = wButtonLoadZone12_unused
  4180. $D6D2 = wButtonLoadZone13_xpos
  4181. $D652 = wButtonLoadZone5_xpos
  4182. $D639 = wButtonLoadZone3_sfxID
  4183. $D480 = wButtonInter8_ypos
  4184. $D490 = wButtonInter9_ypos
  4185. $D542 = wWalkingLoadZone4_xpos
  4186. $D6A5 = wButtonLoadZone10_xbox
  4187. $D412 = wButtonInter1_xpos
  4188. $D635 = wButtonLoadZone3_xbox
  4189. $D5A5 = wWalkingLoadZone10_xbox
  4190. $D597 = wWalkingLoadZone9_destWarp
  4191. $D445 = wButtonInter4_xbox
  4192. $D6C2 = wButtonLoadZone12_xpos
  4193. $D686 = wButtonLoadZone8_thread2ID
  4194. $D704 = wNumOfNPCScripts
  4195. $D586 = wWalkingLoadZone8_thread2ID
  4196. $D637 = wButtonLoadZone3_destWarp
  4197. $D5B5 = wWalkingLoadZone11_xbox
  4198. $D509 = wWalkingLoadZone0_sfxID
  4199. $D316 = wWalkingInter1_textptr
  4200. $D638 = wButtonLoadZone3_destMap
  4201. $D374 = wWalkingInter7_ybox
  4202. $D364 = wWalkingInter6_ybox
  4203. $D678 = wButtonLoadZone7_destMap
  4204. $D520 = wWalkingLoadZone2_ypos
  4205. $D455 = wButtonInter5_xbox
  4206. $D54A = wWalkingLoadZone4_unused
  4207. $D5D8 = wWalkingLoadZone13_destMap
  4208. $D420 = wButtonInter2_ypos
  4209. $D430 = wButtonInter3_ypos
  4210. $D368 = wWalkingInter6_unused
  4211. $D594 = wWalkingLoadZone9_ybox
  4212. $D350 = wWalkingInter5_ypos
  4213. $D340 = wWalkingInter4_ypos
  4214. $D584 = wWalkingLoadZone8_ybox
  4215. SECTION: $D7A0-$D7A2 ($0003 bytes) ["NPC counter"]
  4216. $D7A0 = wEmoteGfxID
  4217. $D7A1 = wEmotePosition
  4218. $D7A2 = wNumOfNPCs
  4219. SECTION: $D710-$D79F ($0090 bytes) ["NPC array"]
  4220. $D71F = wNPC0_xdispl
  4221. $D777 = wNPC6_sprite
  4222. $D710 = wNPCArray
  4223. $D79C = wNPC8_speed
  4224. $D765 = wNPC5_xbox
  4225. $D768 = wNPC5_palettes
  4226. $D755 = wNPC4_xbox
  4227. $D77E = wNPC6_unused
  4228. $D73D = wNPC2_ydispl
  4229. $D716 = wNPC0_interactID
  4230. $D758 = wNPC4_palettes
  4231. $D71D = wNPC0_ydispl
  4232. $D79A = wNPC8_steps
  4233. $D742 = wNPC3_xpos
  4234. $D732 = wNPC2_xpos
  4235. $D75B = wNPC4_movtFlags
  4236. $D72E = wNPC1_unused
  4237. $D720 = wNPC1_ypos
  4238. $D710 = wNPC0_ypos
  4239. $D726 = wNPC1_interactID
  4240. $D78B = wNPC7_movtFlags
  4241. $D792 = wNPC8_xpos
  4242. $D77B = wNPC6_movtFlags
  4243. $D74C = wNPC3_speed
  4244. $D797 = wNPC8_sprite
  4245. $D73C = wNPC2_speed
  4246. $D79B = wNPC8_movtFlags
  4247. $D736 = wNPC2_interactID
  4248. $D782 = wNPC7_xpos
  4249. $D78D = wNPC7_ydispl
  4250. $D772 = wNPC6_xpos
  4251. $D79E = wNPC8_unused
  4252. $D74A = wNPC3_steps
  4253. $D745 = wNPC3_xbox
  4254. $D76D = wNPC5_ydispl
  4255. $D73A = wNPC2_steps
  4256. $D735 = wNPC2_xbox
  4257. $D760 = wNPC5_ypos
  4258. $D750 = wNPC4_ypos
  4259. $D75E = wNPC4_unused
  4260. $D717 = wNPC0_sprite
  4261. $D78A = wNPC7_steps
  4262. $D746 = wNPC3_interactID
  4263. $D71B = wNPC0_movtFlags
  4264. $D78F = wNPC7_xdispl
  4265. $D77A = wNPC6_steps
  4266. $D72C = wNPC1_speed
  4267. $D79F = wNPC8_xdispl
  4268. $D73E = wNPC2_unused
  4269. $D74B = wNPC3_movtFlags
  4270. $D76F = wNPC5_xdispl
  4271. $D71C = wNPC0_speed
  4272. $D73B = wNPC2_movtFlags
  4273. $D767 = wNPC5_sprite
  4274. $D78C = wNPC7_speed
  4275. $D785 = wNPC7_xbox
  4276. $D77C = wNPC6_speed
  4277. $D724 = wNPC1_ybox
  4278. $D714 = wNPC0_ybox
  4279. $D795 = wNPC8_xbox
  4280. $D775 = wNPC6_xbox
  4281. $D72A = wNPC1_steps
  4282. $D737 = wNPC2_sprite
  4283. $D748 = wNPC3_palettes
  4284. $D74D = wNPC3_ydispl
  4285. $D71A = wNPC0_steps
  4286. $D79D = wNPC8_ydispl
  4287. $D796 = wNPC8_interactID
  4288. $D738 = wNPC2_palettes
  4289. $D72D = wNPC1_ydispl
  4290. $D787 = wNPC7_sprite
  4291. $D76A = wNPC5_steps
  4292. $D75A = wNPC4_steps
  4293. $D764 = wNPC5_ybox
  4294. $D754 = wNPC4_ybox
  4295. $D728 = wNPC1_palettes
  4296. $D74F = wNPC3_xdispl
  4297. $D76C = wNPC5_speed
  4298. $D798 = wNPC8_palettes
  4299. $D72F = wNPC1_xdispl
  4300. $D75C = wNPC4_speed
  4301. $D718 = wNPC0_palettes
  4302. $D78E = wNPC7_unused
  4303. $D740 = wNPC3_ypos
  4304. $D730 = wNPC2_ypos
  4305. $D756 = wNPC4_interactID
  4306. $D71E = wNPC0_unused
  4307. $D76B = wNPC5_movtFlags
  4308. $D722 = wNPC1_xpos
  4309. $D790 = wNPC8_ypos
  4310. $D712 = wNPC0_xpos
  4311. $D766 = wNPC5_interactID
  4312. $D780 = wNPC7_ypos
  4313. $D770 = wNPC6_ypos
  4314. $D77F = wNPC6_xdispl
  4315. $D776 = wNPC6_interactID
  4316. $D744 = wNPC3_ybox
  4317. $D734 = wNPC2_ybox
  4318. $D762 = wNPC5_xpos
  4319. $D75F = wNPC4_xdispl
  4320. $D727 = wNPC1_sprite
  4321. $D752 = wNPC4_xpos
  4322. $D72B = wNPC1_movtFlags
  4323. $D76E = wNPC5_unused
  4324. $D77D = wNPC6_ydispl
  4325. $D74E = wNPC3_unused
  4326. $D75D = wNPC4_ydispl
  4327. $D725 = wNPC1_xbox
  4328. $D786 = wNPC7_interactID
  4329. $D757 = wNPC4_sprite
  4330. $D794 = wNPC8_ybox
  4331. $D784 = wNPC7_ybox
  4332. $D774 = wNPC6_ybox
  4333. $D747 = wNPC3_sprite
  4334. $D715 = wNPC0_xbox
  4335. $D788 = wNPC7_palettes
  4336. $D73F = wNPC2_xdispl
  4337. $D778 = wNPC6_palettes
  4338. SECTION: $D7A3-$D7A5 ($0003 bytes) ["Battle"]
  4339. $D7A4 = wBattleTransitionID
  4340. $D7A3 = wBattleEncounterID
  4341. $D7A5 = wBattlePreservedNPCs
  4342. SLACK: $073A bytes
  4344. WRAM Bank #2:
  4345. SECTION: $D000-$DFFF ($1000 bytes) ["Map block data"]
  4346. $D000 = wBlockData
  4347. SLACK: $0000 bytes
  4349. WRAM Bank #3:
  4350. SECTION: $D000-$DFFF ($1000 bytes) ["Animation frame storage"]
  4351. $E000 = wTileFramesEnd
  4352. $D000 = wTileFrames
  4353. SLACK: $0000 bytes
  4355. WRAM Bank #4:
  4356. SECTION: $D000-$DFFF ($1000 bytes) ["Flags"]
  4357. $D000 = wIntroMapStatus
  4358. $D001 = wIntroMapDelayStep
  4359. $D000 = wFlags
  4360. SLACK: $0000 bytes
  4362. WRAM Bank #5:
  4363. EMPTY
  4365. WRAM Bank #6:
  4366. EMPTY
  4368. WRAM Bank #7:
  4369. EMPTY
  4371. VRAM Bank #0:
  4372. SECTION: $8000-$97EF ($17F0 bytes) ["Tiles bank 0"]
  4373. $8200 = vDMGFontTiles
  4374. $9040 = vPicTilesRow0
  4375. $9070 = vPicTilesRow1
  4376. $90A0 = vPicTilesRow2
  4377. $90D0 = vPicTilesRow3
  4378. $8020 = vFileSelectConsoleTiles
  4379. $9010 = vBattleTextboxBorderTiles
  4380. $8000 = vPlayerTiles
  4381. $9200 = vFontTiles
  4382. $8000 = v0Tiles0
  4383. $8800 = v0Tiles1
  4384. $9000 = v0Tiles2
  4385. $9040 = vPicTiles
  4386. $9100 = vTextboxBorderTiles
  4387. $8010 = vFileSelectCornerTile
  4388. SECTION: $9800-$9FFF ($0800 bytes) ["Tile Maps"]
  4389. $9D05 = vTextboxName
  4390. $9DA0 = vTextboxBottomBorder
  4391. $9D00 = vTextboxTileMap
  4392. $9C00 = vTileMap1
  4393. $9800 = vTileMap0
  4394. $9D81 = vTextboxPicRow3
  4395. $9D61 = vTextboxPicRow2
  4396. $9D41 = vTextboxPicRow1
  4397. $9D21 = vTextboxPicRow0
  4398. $9D65 = vTextboxLine1
  4399. $9D45 = vTextboxLine0
  4400. $9D85 = vTextboxLine2
  4401. $9DC0 = vFixedMap
  4402. SLACK: $0010 bytes
  4404. VRAM Bank #1:
  4405. SECTION: $8000-$97FF ($1800 bytes) ["Tiles bank 1"]
  4406. $8800 = v1Tiles1
  4407. $8000 = v1Tiles0
  4408. $9000 = v1Tiles2
  4409. $8000 = vPlayerWalkingTiles
  4410. $87C0 = vEmoteTiles
  4411. $9200 = vAlternateFontTiles
  4412. SECTION: $9800-$9FFF ($0800 bytes) ["Attribute Maps"]
  4413. $9800 = vAttrMap0
  4414. $9C00 = vAttrMap1
  4415. SLACK: $0000 bytes
  4417. OAM:
  4418. EMPTY
  4420. HRAM:
  4421. SECTION: $FF80-$FFAA ($002B bytes) ["QuickRAM"]
  4422. $FFA5 = hLoadingDoorAnimCount
  4423. $FFA6 = hLoadingStepCounter
  4424. $FF9D = hRandIntLow
  4425. $FFA0 = hSpecialEffectsLY
  4426. $FF89 = hOverworldPressedButtons
  4427. $FF91 = hScreenShakeDisplacement
  4428. $FFA9 = hCurrentAnimation
  4429. $FF8B = hSCY
  4430. $FF8C = hSCX
  4431. $FFA4 = hHDMALength
  4432. $FF94 = hIgnorePlayerActions
  4433. $FF85 = hPressedButtons
  4434. $FF97 = hSRAM32kCompat
  4435. $FF8E = hWX
  4436. $FF8D = hWY
  4437. $FF9D = hRandInt
  4438. $FF82 = hCurROMBank
  4439. $FF83 = hGFXFlags
  4440. $FFA7 = hHDMAInUse
  4441. $FF9F = hTextboxLY
  4442. $FF80 = hConsoleType
  4443. $FFA3 = hThread2ID
  4444. $FF98 = hDMAScript
  4445. $FF96 = hTilemapMode
  4446. $FF95 = hAbortFrame
  4447. $FF93 = hOverworldFrameCounter
  4448. $FFA6 = hLoadingFinalCount
  4449. $FF8A = hFrameCounter
  4450. $FF86 = hPreventSoftReset
  4451. $FF90 = hScreenShakeAmplitude
  4452. $FF8F = hEnableWindow
  4453. $FF92 = hOAMMode
  4454. $FFA5 = hLoadingWalkDirection
  4455. $FFA1 = hSpecialEffectsBuf
  4456. $FF87 = hOverworldButtonFilter
  4457. $FF84 = hHeldButtons
  4458. $FFA5 = hCloudScrollCount
  4459. $FFA8 = hCurrentAnimationID
  4460. $FF81 = hCurRAMBank
  4461. $FF88 = hOverworldHeldButtons
  4462. $FF9E = hRandIntHigh
  4463. SLACK: $0054 bytes
  4465. SRAM Bank #0:
  4466. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Additional RAM"]
  4467. $A000 = sExtra2KB
  4468. EMPTY
  4470. SRAM Bank #1:
  4471. SECTION: $A000-$BFFF ($2000 bytes) ["Save common"]
  4472. $AFFC = sSRAM32kMessageDisplayed
  4473. $C000 = sFirstBootPatternEnd
  4474. $AFFC = sCommonPatternEnd
  4475. $AFFD = sNonVoidSaveFiles
  4476. $B000 = sFirstBootPattern
  4477. $A000 = sCommonPattern
  4478. SLACK: $0000 bytes
  4480. SRAM Bank #2:
  4481. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Unused bank 0"]
  4482. EMPTY
  4484. SRAM Bank #3:
  4485. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Unused bank 1"]
  4486. EMPTY
  4488. SRAM Bank #4:
  4489. SECTION: $A000-$B5A9 ($15AA bytes) ["Save file 1 bank 0"]
  4490. $A517 = sFile1NPCScripts
  4491. $A113 = sFile1Interactions
  4492. $A110 = sFile1ButtonFilter
  4493. $A111 = sFile1RNG
  4494. $A51A = sFile1NPCArray
  4495. $A100 = sFile1Data0Start
  4496. $A102 = sFile1PlayerData
  4497. $A000 = sFile1Header0
  4498. $A513 = sFile1InteractionCounts
  4499. $A008 = sFile1Checksums0
  4500. $A000 = sFile1MagicString0
  4501. $A101 = sFile1MapID
  4502. $A100 = sFile1WarpID
  4503. $A5AA = sFile1Flags
  4504. SLACK: $0A56 bytes
  4506. SRAM Bank #5:
  4507. SECTION: $A000-$A0FF ($0100 bytes) ["Save file 1 bank 1"]
  4508. $A000 = sFile1Header1
  4509. $A100 = sFile1Data1Start
  4510. $A008 = sFile1Checksums1
  4511. $A000 = sFile1MagicString1
  4512. SLACK: $1F00 bytes
  4514. SRAM Bank #6:
  4515. SECTION: $A000-$A112 ($0113 bytes) ["Save file 1 backup bank 0"]
  4516. $A100 = sBackup1WarpID
  4517. $A102 = sBackup1OverworldData
  4518. $A101 = sBackup1MapID
  4519. $A000 = sBackup1MagicString0
  4520. $A110 = sBackup1MapStatuses
  4521. $A000 = sBackup1Header0
  4522. $A10F = sBackup1ButtonFilter
  4523. $A008 = sBackup1Checksums0
  4524. $A100 = sBackup1Data0Start
  4525. SLACK: $1EED bytes
  4527. SRAM Bank #7:
  4528. SECTION: $A000-$A0FF ($0100 bytes) ["Save file 1 backup bank 1"]
  4529. $A000 = sBackup1MagicString1
  4530. $A100 = sBackup1Data1Start
  4531. $A000 = sBackup1Header1
  4532. $A008 = sBackup1Checksums1
  4533. SLACK: $1F00 bytes
  4535. SRAM Bank #8:
  4536. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 2 bank 0"]
  4537. EMPTY
  4539. SRAM Bank #9:
  4540. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 2 bank 1"]
  4541. EMPTY
  4543. SRAM Bank #10:
  4544. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 2 backup bank 0"]
  4545. EMPTY
  4547. SRAM Bank #11:
  4548. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 2 backup bank 1"]
  4549. EMPTY
  4551. SRAM Bank #12:
  4552. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 3 bank 0"]
  4553. EMPTY
  4555. SRAM Bank #13:
  4556. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 3 bank 1"]
  4557. EMPTY
  4559. SRAM Bank #14:
  4560. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 3 backup bank 0"]
  4561. EMPTY
  4563. SRAM Bank #15:
  4564. SECTION: $A000 ($0 bytes) ["Save file 3 backup bank 1"]
  4565. EMPTY
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